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Grease Live (Fox) - General Discussion

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How is it they managed to cast a guy even older than Travolta to play Danny? And the scenery chewing is just off the hook here. KeKe Palmer, especially. 


Believe it or not, but Travolta was only 23 when he filmed Grease in the summer of 1977.


I had work so I'll have to catch up on this. Can't wait to bring the snark. (Except on Vanessa, poor thing.)

I'm not a fan of the musical "Grease" (I like some songs but can't stand the ultimate message), but I watched the Fox live version simply for the fantastic Aaron Tveit, whose Broadway work I've loved since "Next to Normal."


I love Tveit, and thought he was typically good here, but like others, I disliked his styling and think he looked too harshly made-up. I think they should have let him stay blond/ish (the black shoe-polish hair is just not a good look for him), and should have pulled back on makeup and hair shellack in general (even if the show's called "Grease," I don't want to be grossed out at the thought of the guys' hair, and I was).


I thought Hough was fine overall. I think she was beautifully cast, and generally did a nice job vocally, although I think she needs more voice lessons and to stop singing from her throat. Some of her transitions were awkwardly placed.


I thought Vanessa Hudgens did a great job as Rizzo, and honestly she probably surprised me the most. I loved her "Worse Things I could Do" number (and had no idea until I came here that her father died yesterday -- that's so tragic, and she was truly amazing to be able to go on and perform).


So, ultimately, I thought this was okay -- the production values were good and the direction was good. But the sound problems just about killed it! And they were major. I would also agree with those who felt there was a general lack of chemistry in the show -- I felt like none of the leads had real chemistry at all. Yet some of that is due to the show's own shortcomings -- for instance, the scene where Danny's trying to cop a feel is just painfully bad because it's written like comedy, but played like tragedy (the song "Sandy" made me laugh out loud at that point). 


The worst part for me was that middle section at the dance, which I felt was a visual muddle, and which brought the whole show to a standstill. I did like that Sandy is no longer physically pulled away from Danny but still -- ugh.


The only other really big critique I'd have is that everyone was WAY behind the music on "You're the One That I Want," to the extent that I wondered if Hough couldn't hear the backing music at all or something. It was kind of painful how behind the beat they were. It dragged badly.


I was glad I watched, but it definitely didn't make me change my mind about the musical as a whole.

Edited by paramitch
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Sara2009--I stand corrected. Aaron wasn't nominated for a Tony for catch me if you can, it was a critics circle award. Thank you for letting me know. As for the Luke Perry thing, since I didn't watch 90210 I didn't understand the reference. I do think this was a very ambitious production and i do wonder of the scale of the production the rain and possibly the death of Vanessa's dad could have all had an impact on energy levels. Having done musical theater myself a long time ago, I do know there are many factors that can affect a performance. Good to know that Fox is doing more musicals although I never liked Rocky Horror Picture Show.

I loved the final bows. Do they always have stageshow-style curtain calls on these live-for-TV musicals?

NBC doesn't probably because they haven't had live audiences.  I did like how they did it here. 


I loved that Didi wore her Pink Ladies jacket for the curtain call. It made my night!

Me too.  And Barry Pearl, original Doody, was next to her in the T-Birds jacket.

Edited by Irlandesa
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I really enjoyed this tonight. I'm a huge musical theater/movie musical lover, I grew up in New York and was fortune enough to have 2 aunts who didn't have kids, so I was always the plus one to any and all musicals and theater so I've seen my fair share, and I always wanted to be on Broadway (unfortunately I cannot sing if my life depended on it hahaha). It also makes me so happy that Live Musicals are on TV again! I have seen all of NBC's (I've tried to erase Peter Pan out of my memory.. haha). It's great to see such fun productions of shows. I think Hairspray has a lot to live up to come December! 


I watched and listened to the Grease soundtrack in my house on repeat over and over and over again growing up. I took this for what it was, just a fun 3 hours event of them running around and singing their hearts out. They all looked like they were having a blast. And I think they all did a fabulous job. 


Julianne Hough's utter glee right after she did her bow was adorable. 


My love for Aaron Tveit grew tonight. 


Props to Vanessa Hudgens, what a true showman, I can't even imagine pulling myself together and doing something like this not even 24 hours after the death of a parent. Amazing. 


Seeing Didi & Barry was great, and them coming out at the end in their original T-Birds & Pink Lady Jackets was amazing!


This was just overall a fun 3 hours, that I could watch again for sure. 


I can't wait to see what show Fox is going to next! I hope they announce it soon!!!

Edited by SiobhanJW
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I kept missing Didi's part - I'll have to go back to see that. I'm glad they included her, as she did a lot to add to the poignancy of the original film (and was one of the only reasons I bothered with the second), and Joan Blondell was so wonderful in the movie...it was nice to see that role live on.


Jessie J has gotten on my nerves since the year or two I watched the UK Voice, but even if she was made up like Madonna circa "Open Your Heart," I enjoyed the intro. I didn't even know whether it made sense to include that song in a "stage" production, but for me, it worked, somehow. I thought it was one of the few parts that seemed energetic. And I loved Ana Gasteyer popping in for harmony. I can see Eve Arden doing a double take...

Edited by Pete Martell

I would totally watch an hour-long "making-of", all that dashing around from set to set and costume changing. This was pretty impressive. I didn't watch The Wiz or Peter Pan, but I think The Sound of Music would have benefitted from an audience like this. I think even on PBS when they broadcast stage plays there is an audience.

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The guy playing Leo, Rizzo's date at the dance off, spins in the reverse direction from everybody else.  I looked him up, he's Australian.

This observation has made my life.


I thought it was a really ambitious production and was certainly entertaining. They should have let Julianne Hough dance more, because she was truly in her element during those numbers. I don't think the chemistry really clicked until the final two numbers, which was disappointing. Rizzo and Kenickie were the only couple with any spark.


I was convinced that Pink was singing the opening number until I saw Jessie J's name in the credits. 


Where can I start my campaign for Anna Kendrick as Stephanie Zinone in the Grease 2 production?

Edited by absnow54
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I used to love Grease, but I think I overdosed on the movie and the musical about 15 years ago and now I can't stomach it at all. I didn't watch this. I just came by here to say I'm so glad this is over, so I don't have to see the commercials for it anymore. Because of the commercials, I was sick of the show long before it aired.

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I would totally watch an hour-long "making-of", all that dashing around from set to set and costume changing.



I wish they had.  When they did those little behind-the-scenes things on the way to commercial breaks it really took me out of the experience.


I totally agree that the vocals were nearly a beat behind the music on "You're the One That I Want".


I enjoyed much of this but I really don't understand the point.  The huge sets and sound stages made it "bigger" than an on-stage production while the live aspect made it "smaller" than a movie.

Edited by Qoass
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The one thing I took away from this was that the kid playing Doody was my favorite actor in the whole thing, and he should have more roles.  No clue what he's done before this, but I thought he was really great.


And I give a whole lot of kudos to Vanessa Hudgens; I can't even imagine how difficult it must be to have to participate in a live, upbeat song and dance production when your father passed away not even 24 hours prior.  


I must admit, the change I was most befuddled with was the change of "Craterface" to "Hatchetface".  One, because they didn't explain what the hell they meant by "Hatchetface", and two, because fake acne seems pretty easy to attach to someones face, so I couldn't understand why they changed it.  Why that bothered me the most, I have no idea.

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I used to love Grease, but I think I overdosed on the movie and the musical about 15 years ago and now I can't stomach it at all. I

This is me as well. I loved Grease when I was younger, but I think I too overdosed on it during that time, so I became less enamored with it as the years went on.


I think I prefer the more onstage feel like the NBC live musicals have over this version of Grease. I cannot stress enough how much I hate the live audience. 

I just watched the performance again, and they cut away from the car for quite a long time before the changed versions are revealed. They had all of Kenickie's verse and a bum scooting dance solo to change it the first time, and then a second dance interlude to change it back. Every time there was an awkward camera angle (like when Marty was getting ready to perform Freddy My Love) you knew they were doing some sort of tight transition for the next scene.

Edited by absnow54
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Overall I liked it. Vanessa Hudgens is incredible being able to do this, but I do think she was miscast in the end. And whoever said Kiki was channeling Eartha Kitt nailed it. It was a little weird - props to having a more diverse cast though.

Everyone looked to old, but they dod in the movie to so I didn't really notice.

And why did they make this Patty so irritating, she was petty in the movie but not to the point you wanted to hit her with your car.

Edited by callie lee 29

I would totally watch an hour-long "making-of", all that dashing around from set to set and costume changing. This was pretty impressive. I didn't watch The Wiz or Peter Pan, but I think The Sound of Music would have benefitted from an audience like this. I think even on PBS when they broadcast stage plays there is an audience.

I wish they had done that. The mechanics of this show are fascinating. I'd also love it if they included rehearsal footage.

No at the end of the song it changes back the junky car instantaneously. Funny you can't tell on there but watch if you DVR'D it. There clothes and the car changes at the end without panning away.

Do you mean that the car and clothes changed while on camera? I'm pretty sure there was a dance number cutaway. I'll have to go back and rewatch. Stupid OnDemand won't let me FF, so it will be a while.


Speaking of, I'm glad they gave the second verse to Kenickie, since it was originally his song in the stage show. I just wish that this Kenickie was more memorable. Jeff Conaway in the movie was my favorite. Even though he didn't get to sing the song (because of Travolta throwing a tantrum supposedly), he still managed to make a big impression for me just with his "Keep talking" and that great shot with the flaming lighter.

Edited by cynic
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I find that I kind of loved this. I missed an hour (RuVealed on Logo, y'all!) but hey, you can't miss much of the plot here. I loved the cast, so much talent. New Doody and his number--just lovely. I loved all the transitions, the sets, the camera work, the wardrobe. Yes, it was too much like the movie but I know the producers think that is the production that stands out in everyone's mind. Didi Conn as Vi! Old Doody as the producer! Even Mario Lopez brought it! Weak link was Hough, though she dances like a dream and sings well, so I'm wondering (and thinking that it's true) if the problem is the character of Sandy. If her last name can change with each production, what does that say about her. She's no Maggie the Cat.  I also enjoyed Aaron Tveit. I could not keep my eyes off him in Les Miserables, so I was keenly interested in what he did here. It must be hard to keep Travolta-isms out of your performance when doing Grease. Oh, and how cute does he look in those gym shorts!

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I liked it all right but The Wiz is still my favorite of these live musicals that have been put on.  I think The Wiz did a better job of combining the movie and stage versions and their original song was miles better than Grease's.  Grease looked fantastic, though.  It was really beautiful production, it's just too bad about the sound.

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The sound was definitely the weak spot, but the choreography and the sets were amazing.


The unbridled joy at the end was really cool to watch. I kind of wish they had maintained that energy during the entire show (I thought Summer Nights didn't work as well), but I thought things had picked up by Grease Lighting and the show largely worked after that, except for Beauty School Dropout, which I thought was played just a little too straight. And Frenchy's song just didn't belong in a comedy musical. It sounded like it belonged in a rock musical about people dying or something.


I was really shocked at how well Vanessa pulled Rizzo off. Hat's off to her! Jordan Fisher's These Magic Changes was definitely my highlight, though.


I wonder if Fox will be happy with the ratings? 12.2 is nice, but they really did pull out all of the stops for this.



I don't know the male characters in this show very well, and I kept wondering "which one is Jeff Conaway??"   :D


The Latino kid who kept making out with Rizzo. LOL.

Edited by methodwriter85
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I don't know the male characters in this show very well, and I kept wondering "which one is Jeff Conaway??"   :D


Ha. Well, it would be none of them since Mr. Conaway died in 2011, just months before Annette Charles (ChaCha in the movie, as well) died of cancer. But Jeff Conaway was Kenickie, so whomever played him was "Jeff".


BTW, Crater Face in the movie, the one who did the drag race and took Rizzo to the Bandstand dance, Dennis C. Stewart, also died young in '94. Sad to know that so many from the movie (including the school staff, made up of a lot of classic actors) are gone now.

For someone who isn't known for her singing, I thought Juliana did a great job.  BTW, I liked her in Footloose much more that the original..Lori something?

I thought Vanessa did well too, and didn't know about her dad until here today.  I thought that Frenchie was the weakest link in the Pink Ladies ensemble.


Other that the guy who played Danny, I didn't know which T-Bird was which - even Kenickie. 


And I had to do a double-take when I saw Eve Plumb!  What, what?? She was awesome!  Also liked the principal and assistant.


I enjoyed the show.

I thought it was a lot of fun.  I smiled the entire time.  I also never realized how graphic "Grease Lightning" was until I noticed there were major phrases edited out!  Did they call it a "braggin' wagon" instead of "pussy wagon?"  I couldn't quite catch that.


I almost passed out a few times whenever Aaron Tveit thrust his pelvis into the air.  Hellloooooo, handsome.

Edited by larapu2000
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I absolutely loved this, much more than I thought I would.

I loved the opening- Danny and Sandy behind an obvious blue screen, and I am thinking, already, this is the quality of the show, whatever, then the camera pulls back and BAM, there is Jessie J strutting through the sets, then outside, complete with umbrella near misses. I admit, I have watched this opener numerous times. My favorite parts: JJ pushing Eugene’s book away, then Eugene doing a little dance move with his arms, Kether/Jan when JJ goes into the Pink Ladies room, DIDI CONN (I teared up here. I have been a Grease fan for my whole life and the movie was a big part of my childhood, so seeing her was very nostalgic for me), JJ walking through trailer and Doody walking and singing with her (also, Kenicke/Carlos was recording on his phone when she walked by, but I can’t find the video on his Twitter or IG), Joe Jonas and male DNCE members singing along when she went by, the golf carts circling her… just such a great opener IMO. I noticed Vanessa/Rizzo put her white phone back in her pocket when JJ came out of the trailer. Totally giving her a break because of her father’s death, but it is funny that she had it on her and had to hide it away when the camera came back on her.

Keke/Marty’s quick change was impressive.

Greased Lightning was great, I loved the car being all spiffy when the camera panned back to it, the lighting in the garage was really great.


Did not know anything about Aaron before this, but his arms were perfection.

I wanted to watch this with my 8 year old but I forgot about the pregnancy stare storyline, which may be hard to explain… at least there is no mention of Pussy Wagons that make girls cream, so thanks for that, censors!

Aaron Tveit with black hair. Hm.

I don't like the breaking of the fourth wall during the intro, and the actors using cell phones. Let's do this for real.

I was wondering how they were going to deal with the rain.

Hating the screaming crowd.

Poor Vanessa.

I don't know, there is so little energy in this so far ... It did pick up about a third of the way through, though.

They really did use "Did she put up a fight?" That line needs to be retired.

They left "Greased Lightnin'" for Danny even though it was a Kenickie song before the movie.

Didi Conn!

Apparently they had camera problems when Sandy and Danny made up because it looked like they were supposed to be showing Tom while the conversation went on, but we never got to see him.

Frenchy's song was pretty. I thought Carly did a good job

Oh, man, the choreo during "Beauty School Dropout"! Love it.

Joe Jonas?

I really don't like the actress playing Patty Simcox.

So that was Eve Plumb as the shop teacher, right?

The guy playing Leo, Rizzo's date at the dance off, spins in the reverse direction from everybody else. I looked him up, he's Australian.

Loved the Hand Jive.

Julianne has a nice voice. Her "Hopelessly Devoted" was really good,

Wow, Vanessa killed it.

I think Eugene was supposed to make that pie in the face.

Who played Blanche?

I got a little nervous watching those carts making curves on the wet pavement and looking like they were about to turn over.

Blanche was played by Haneefah Wood, according to the show's Wikipedia page & Twitter last night. She's in Brandy's new show on BET.

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I wonder if Fox will be happy with the ratings? 12.2 is nice, but they really did pull out all of the stops for this.


Given that it had no big names and Fox has never had one of these before, I'd think they're happy. It did a lot better than I was expecting, especially the 18-49 numbers. 


Interview with the EP:



I really enjoyed this tonight. I'm a huge musical theater/movie musical lover, I grew up in New York and was fortune enough to have 2 aunts who didn't have kids, so I was always the plus one to any and all musicals and theater so I've seen my fair share, and I always wanted to be on Broadway (unfortunately I cannot sing if my life depended on it hahaha). It also makes me so happy that Live Musicals are on TV again! I have seen all of NBC's (I've tried to erase Peter Pan out of my memory.. haha). It's great to see such fun productions of shows. I think Hairspray has a lot to live up to come December!

I watched and listened to the Grease soundtrack in my house on repeat over and over and over again growing up. I took this for what it was, just a fun 3 hours event of them running around and singing their hearts out. They all looked like they were having a blast. And I think they all did a fabulous job.

Julianne Hough's utter glee right after she did her bow was adorable.

My love for Aaron Tveit grew tonight.

Props to Vanessa Hudgens, what a true showman, I can't even imagine pulling myself together and doing something like this not even 24 hours after the death of a parent. Amazing.

Seeing Didi & Barry was great, and them coming out at the end in their original T-Birds & Pink Lady Jackets was amazing!

This was just overall a fun 3 hours, that I could watch again for sure.

I can't wait to see what show Fox is going to next! I hope they announce it soon!!!

They already have announced them. On Palm Sunday, they're doing a live musical version of The Passion (about Jesus' crucifixion), narrated &--I think--produced by Tyler Perry, with singer/celebrity cookbook author & cooking show host (& Mrs. Garth Brooks) Trisha Yearwood as Mary & American Idol S5's Chris Daughtry as Judas, among others. After that (I think someone upthread said in December), they're doing The Rocky Horror Picture Show with Orange is the New Black's Laverne Cox as Dr. Frank N. Furter, Tim Curry as the Narrator, & solo singer/new lead singer of Queen/American Idol S9 runner-up Adam Lambert as Eddie.

Ha. Well, it would be none of them since Mr. Conaway died in 2011, just months before Annette Charles (ChaCha in the movie, as well) died of cancer. But Jeff Conaway was Kenickie, so whomever played him was "Jeff".


BTW, Crater Face in the movie, the one who did the drag race and took Rizzo to the Bandstand dance, Dennis C. Stewart, also died young in '94. Sad to know that so many from the movie (including the school staff, made up of a lot of classic actors) are gone now.

LOL I know that, but I meant "who's the guy playing the Jeff Conaway part???"  

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