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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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2 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

For every man who thinks his wife is a pain in the ass, there is a woman who thinks her husband is a pain in the ass.

I typed out a long rant about my peeve of fireworks but then I deleted it. The TL;DR version is: I fucking hate fireworks and the asshats who keep shooting them off with no regard to the impact this shit has on the animals, neighbors, or the environment. 

My dog just scratched at the door, wanting to come back in, because neighbours are setting off fireworks. 

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I think it's fine to set off fireworks for a few hours (so long as not in a reckless way that risks a fire) in the evening on 4th of July and New Year's Eve.  But knowing how many people and pets are terribly affected by them, doing so for hours and especially days on end around those holidays, or for random things throughout the year like a local team winning a championship, is inexcusable.

If fireworks are kept to the extremely limited days and times they can traditionally be expected, people who/people whose pets freak out can prepare to, in their own best available ways, mask the noise and ride it out.  But if it just goes on and on for one of those nights, or occurs when one can't anticipate, so arrangements don't protect, that's a shitty thing to do to neighbors.

And this is 2021; one has to voluntarily reside under a rock not to know how frequently fireworks traumatize some people and pets.  To prioritize one's own fun over that harm is unconscionable.

Edited by Bastet
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3 hours ago, Annber03 said:

I'm hearing fireworks here on occasion, too. Luckily our cats don't seem at all fazed, but still....

My cat is currently hiding under my bed.

EDITED: He came out, ate something, went in the other room, & is currently back under the bed, It's almost midnight, he is not going to like it then.

Edited by GaT
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1 hour ago, Bastet said:


And this is 2021; one has to voluntarily reside under a rock not to know how frequently fireworks traumatize some people and pets.  To prioritize one's own fun over that harm is unconscionable.

But the pursuit of happiness is an unalienable right, doncha know, regardless of the effect your pursuit might have on anyone else.

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Fireworks started here (Montana) just after 8PM then stopped for a while.  At midnight there was a bunch set off, but it is freaking 0°F outside and by 12:30AM they were mostly done. Cold night! 

Edited by Gramto6
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Tomorrow might feel more like a new year, to me. Tonight has just felt heavy and strange. 

A few weeks ago, I had started to try to set some goals, to end the year on a good note. So much for that. My head isn't there anymore. I'm going to see if I can read a few books, at least. 

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1 hour ago, Anela said:

Tomorrow might feel more like a new year, to me. Tonight has just felt heavy and strange. 

A few weeks ago, I had started to try to set some goals, to end the year on a good note. So much for that. My head isn't there anymore. I'm going to see if I can read a few books, at least. 

It’s all just another day to me, I was asleep at midnight as usual.  I think it’s because I’m old.

Books have been my escape since childhood.  I hope they bring you some comfort too.

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15 hours ago, Jeanne222 said:

If I would have put more thought into it between Dec.  22 and 26 that might have helped too. 
I was sick and trying to get Covid Tested and could hardly get to the doctors office. 

No Covid or flu but I was dehydrated and had a bladder infection. 

Plus it was Christmas and everybody wanted to finish their business and get home!  Sigh

Woulda, Shoulda and Coulda comes to mind. 

I actually don't think it's too late.  

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24 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

My boyfriend was long asleep and snoring by midnight. I watched HBO and fed the cats. What a wild time.

Yeah...a wild time for sure. But at least we "wild things" didn't pick up covid or omicron last night. There's that 😁🌞🌻

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13 hours ago, Bastet said:

And this is 2021; one has to voluntarily reside under a rock not to know how frequently fireworks traumatize some people and pets.  To prioritize one's own fun over that harm is unconscionable.


12 hours ago, Leeds said:

But the pursuit of happiness is an unalienable right, doncha know, regardless of the effect your pursuit might have on anyone else.

This idea seems to be demonstrated more than I remember seeing ever in my long life.  I don't think human nature has changed but putting individual's desire above all else seems to be celebrated and encouraged by more people than ever.

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First peeve of the new year - family members who vaguebook on FB about another family member letting them down or being mean to them or whatever, without saying who they're talking about.  So if you're curious and you ask you end up looking nosy and is you're out looking for family dirt and drama.  But honestly why post like that if you aren't expecting people to want to know who you're talking about?

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24 minutes ago, SusannahM said:

First peeve of the new year - family members who vaguebook on FB about another family member letting them down or being mean to them or whatever, without saying who they're talking about.  So if you're curious and you ask you end up looking nosy and is you're out looking for family dirt and drama.  But honestly why post like that if you aren't expecting people to want to know who you're talking about?

I hate that.  I had an FB friend who would always post stuff like "Some people are so shady when they don't invite you to their party and lie about it."  OK, maybe not exactly that, but something.  And then she unfriended me.  I didn't even notice until another friend mentioned it (because she specifically told her that she unfriended me) and I was like, oh yeah, there's been so much less drama on my feed.  

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12 hours ago, Caoimhe said:

It’s all just another day to me, I was asleep at midnight as usual.  I think it’s because I’m old.

Books have been my escape since childhood.  I hope they bring you some comfort too.

Thank you. I've never been into partying, but I usually felt a bit of relief around the new year. Since I've stopped getting excited about Christmas, anyway. 

I have friends that I met on a goal-setting site, years, ago, and I was reminded of the Day Zero Project. I have an account on there, that I put some new life into, last Summer, but I decided to start a brand new account this morning, for my friends to follow. I ended up adding almost twenty goals. Just basic ones, nothing big. 

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37 minutes ago, SusannahM said:

First peeve of the new year - family members who vaguebook on FB about another family member letting them down or being mean to them or whatever, without saying who they're talking about.  So if you're curious and you ask you end up looking nosy and is you're out looking for family dirt and drama.  But honestly why post like that if you aren't expecting people to want to know who you're talking about?

I mostly see that with people who aren't family, but it bugs me, too. I've asked them why they don't just talk to the person directly. It's like they're looking to hurt someone, or just get a point across, and also have people backing them up, who have no idea what's actually going on, but they want to be supportive, so they chime in. I had someone do that to me once, in 2013. A few years ago, she apologized to me, for not being a good friend. 

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10 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I actually don't think it's too late.  

I filled out the paperwork the bank sent me. They asked if I had filed a police report. 

Then they asked my permission to file it with police, FBI. 

I’m thinking the process will involve police. 

Between the bank and eBay they will have names, addresses, shippers, amounts, dates. 

I’m going to sit tight until I hear. 

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Age related pet peeve - my husband and I don't go out on NYE anyway so not pandemic related but staying in would be a lot more fun if there was something decent to watch on New Year's Eve!  We are officially not part of the in crowd anymore because every single New Years countdown show on offer the other night SUCKED (in our opinion).   The powers that be clearly assume if you're over a certain age you're tucked into bed in your jammies after having had a celebratory glass of cocoa around 9.  Sigh.

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3 hours ago, SusannahM said:

Age related pet peeve - my husband and I don't go out on NYE anyway so not pandemic related but staying in would be a lot more fun if there was something decent to watch on New Year's Eve!  We are officially not part of the in crowd anymore because every single New Years countdown show on offer the other night SUCKED (in our opinion).   The powers that be clearly assume if you're over a certain age you're tucked into bed in your jammies after having had a celebratory glass of cocoa around 9.  Sigh.

Why the heck couldn't there at least be a good movie on TV for those of us who can't stomach the NYE programming? So, what are we--chopped liver? Sheesh.  

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Just now, annzeepark914 said:

Why the heck couldn't there at least be a good movie on TV for those of us who can't stomach the NYE programming? So, what are we--chopped liver? Sheesh.  

There were two Twilight Zone marathons (SyFy and Decades) and two Columbo marathons (Cozi and Sundance) we switched back and forth on those all night.

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3 hours ago, SusannahM said:

Age related pet peeve - my husband and I don't go out on NYE anyway so not pandemic related but staying in would be a lot more fun if there was something decent to watch on New Year's Eve!

TCM often does a marathon of all six The Thin Man films, and did so this year.  I have them all on DVD, but still tuned in after football was over.

The first time I didn't go out for New Year's Eve was 1999.  All the "millennium" (never mind the millennium was actually a year away) hoopla irritated me, and I wasn't interested in any of the overpriced and overhyped options friends were opting for, so I stayed home.  I made a decadent dinner, took a bubble bath, and drank more martinis while watching the Thin Man marathon.  It was so nice, it became my new tradition - no crowds, no jacked-up prices for "special" menus that aren't as good as the regular ones, no sharing the road with a bunch of amateur drunks on the way home.  Several years later, I was visiting a friend out of town and we went out, but otherwise my ass has been happily home on NYE for over 20 years.

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2 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

There were two Twilight Zone marathons (SyFy and Decades) and two Columbo marathons (Cozi and Sundance) we switched back and forth on those all night.

That night I watched a bunch of Law & Order I think it was WETV. I have no interest in the NYE specials. It would have. been nice like @annzeepark914 said if there were some good movies on to watch.

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Just now, Gramto6 said:

That night I watched a bunch of Law & Order I think it was WETV. I have no interest in the NYE specials. It would have. been nice like @annzeepark914 said if there were some good movies on to watch.

The movie channel we get had Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movies all day and night.

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1 minute ago, peacheslatour said:

The movie channel we get had Fred Astaire and Ginger Rogers movies all day and night.

I would've loved that!!!  I remember watching those old black & white movies on TV when I was a kid. They were so glamorous. And those two made it look so easy (of course, Ginger did the same steps but in high heels and dancing backwards 😁). Maybe I should order some of their movies for a special NYE nostalgiarama. 

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1 minute ago, annzeepark914 said:

I would've loved that!!!  I remember watching those old black & white movies on TV when I was a kid. They were so glamorous. And those two made it look so easy (of course, Ginger did the same steps but in high heels and dancing backwards 😁). Maybe I should order some of their movies for a special NYE nostalgiarama. 

They had Top Hat, Flying Down to Rio and The Gay Divorcee off the top of my head.

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21 minutes ago, Bastet said:

no sharing the road with a bunch of amateur drunks on the way home.  

That's the big reason my mom's not much for going out on New Year's Eve. Same with me - even in the years when I have spent New Year's Eve with friends, we just crashed at their place for the night, and stayed in watching movies and playing games and having any drinks we wanted there. 

But yeah, for the last few years, I've just stayed at home, too, and I'm fine with that. 

31 minutes ago, peacheslatour said:

There were two Twilight Zone marathons (SyFy and Decades) and two Columbo marathons (Cozi and Sundance) we switched back and forth on those all night.

Same :D. Love watching the "Twilight Zone" marathons. 

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5 minutes ago, Annber03 said:

we just crashed at their place for the night

"Crashed" may not be the best choice of words to make this particular point!  🤕

We had a family tradition when I was growing up that no matter where any of us kids were, as soon as midnight came, we'd either make or get a call from our parents to say "Happy New Year." It took a while before I realized that the main idea was so that our mother could reassure herself that we were all still in one piece. I miss that now.

Another thing I miss is going out to hear jazz on NYE. There were still a lot of great jazz clubs in NYC back in the '90s, and it felt like such a sophisticated, grown-up way to spend the night. Not to mention the amazing variety of famous (to people who love jazz) musicians and wonderful music to choose from. Sigh . . .  🎷


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5 hours ago, Bastet said:

TCM often does a marathon of all six The Thin Man films, and did so this year.  I have them all on DVD, but still tuned in after football was over.

The first time I didn't go out for New Year's Eve was 1999.  All the "millennium" (never mind the millennium was actually a year away) hoopla irritated me, and I wasn't interested in any of the overpriced and overhyped options friends were opting for, so I stayed home.  I made a decadent dinner, took a bubble bath, and drank more martinis while watching the Thin Man marathon.  It was so nice, it became my new tradition - no crowds, no jacked-up prices for "special" menus that aren't as good as the regular ones, no sharing the road with a bunch of amateur drunks on the way home.  Several years later, I was visiting a friend out of town and we went out, but otherwise my ass has been happily home on NYE for over 20 years.


5 hours ago, Annber03 said:

That's the big reason my mom's not much for going out on New Year's Eve. Same with me - even in the years when I have spent New Year's Eve with friends, we just crashed at their place for the night, and stayed in watching movies and playing games and having any drinks we wanted there. 

But yeah, for the last few years, I've just stayed at home, too, and I'm fine with that. 

Same :D. Love watching the "Twilight Zone" marathons. 

My mum never wanted to go out on new years's eve, because of potential drunk drivers. I got used to being at home. When she died, we started going to the movies, so we would be there at midnight, but that's out now, too. For now.

A family friend went to New York once, years ago, and said that it was a nightmare. She was crushed up against a fence.

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1 hour ago, Browncoat said:

70 degrees and sunny yesterday, predicted about 32 degrees and up to six inches of snow tomorrow.  

Is that weird or what? It's been in the upper 50's lower 60's and we're supposed to get 6-10" tomorrow. And then some more Friday morning. Truly odd weather.

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3 hours ago, Browncoat said:

70 degrees and sunny yesterday, predicted about 32 degrees and up to six inches of snow tomorrow.  


1 hour ago, annzeepark914 said:

Is that weird or what? It's been in the upper 50's lower 60's and we're supposed to get 6-10" tomorrow. And then some more Friday morning. Truly odd weather.

Wed - Sat it was weather has been in the 70s with lows in the 60s producing storms that are favorable for tornadoes. It may snow tonight. Climate change is escalating at an alarming rate. 

Edited by theredhead77
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5 hours ago, Browncoat said:

70 degrees and sunny yesterday, predicted about 32 degrees and up to six inches of snow tomorrow.  


3 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

Is that weird or what? It's been in the upper 50's lower 60's and we're supposed to get 6-10" tomorrow. And then some more Friday morning. Truly odd weather.

I, for one, am THRILLED we’re finally getting snow! Well I hope we are. Even though Summer is my favorite season.

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Pet peeve-I love dancing with others, but I don't love practicing. It's important to practice to get better and not forget what you've learned in class. Dancing alone just isn't fun for me. I feel like once covid is over and I can go back to dance class, I'm going to be so rusty. I envy those who just love to dance anywhere, anytime. 

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So the check engine light is on in my car!  It drives me nuts when that or the tire light comes on!

A couple of times when the check engine light came on it was a loose gas cap and one time it needed to be replaced.

This time I was overdue for an oil change.  Air filter was replaced and that antifreeze was zero so that's been filled.

With being in a pandemic going into the third year I depend on my car for long, country drives.  I also like to park by the water and read or listen to good music.  I've packed a tasty lunch and driven to the lake to enjoy lunch there.  Amazing what we can do!

I've been vaccinated three times. Two shots and one booster.  I have to get out and find things to do safely.

I'm kind of a person that thinks if your supposed to get it you'll get it.  I'm of the opinion one instance of being by an infected person and your IT!

So I try to avoid anything too crowded.  I shop at the grocery store off hours.  I exercise off hours.  I've even enjoyed a morning at the casino off hours!

So far my mental and physical health is good!  Everything in moderation until we stop this virus!


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22 hours ago, SusannahM said:

Age related pet peeve - my husband and I don't go out on NYE anyway so not pandemic related but staying in would be a lot more fun if there was something decent to watch on New Year's Eve!  We are officially not part of the in crowd anymore because every single New Years countdown show on offer the other night SUCKED (in our opinion).   The powers that be clearly assume if you're over a certain age you're tucked into bed in your jammies after having had a celebratory glass of cocoa around 9.  Sigh.

Correct.  It's a metaphor for life in general though isn't it?  A tale as old as time; youth (you know, those with the least amount of money, experience, and well, sense) rules the world.  The exception to this of course, is the advertising dollars spent between September 1st and December 15th, so that we poor, feeble seniors can watch Joe Namath and Jimmy Walker try to make us believe we can get sumpn' fer nuttin'.  

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On 1/2/2022 at 11:16 AM, SusannahM said:

Age related pet peeve - my husband and I don't go out on NYE anyway so not pandemic related but staying in would be a lot more fun if there was something decent to watch on New Year's Eve!  We are officially not part of the in crowd anymore because every single New Years countdown show on offer the other night SUCKED (in our opinion).   The powers that be clearly assume if you're over a certain age you're tucked into bed in your jammies after having had a celebratory glass of cocoa around 9.  Sigh.


20 hours ago, Bastet said:

TCM often does a marathon of all six The Thin Man films, and did so this year.  I have them all on DVD, but still tuned in after football was over.

The first time I didn't go out for New Year's Eve was 1999.  All the "millennium" (never mind the millennium was actually a year away) hoopla irritated me, and I wasn't interested in any of the overpriced and overhyped options friends were opting for, so I stayed home.  I made a decadent dinner, took a bubble bath, and drank more martinis while watching the Thin Man marathon.  It was so nice, it became my new tradition - no crowds, no jacked-up prices for "special" menus that aren't as good as the regular ones, no sharing the road with a bunch of amateur drunks on the way home.  Several years later, I was visiting a friend out of town and we went out, but otherwise my ass has been happily home on NYE for over 20 years.

Cheers to the both of you, I HATE going out for NYE. The holiday itself ranks up there with Valentine's Day, Mother's Day & Father's Day: another reason to jack up prices and make you feel like a loser if you don't do anything. I spent the day watching a Forensic Files marathon, had a couple glasses of wine in the evening and was in bed by 10:00pm. My husband stayed up to watch the ball drop and said he wished he hadn't bothered. All the 'celebrations' were geared to the younger crowd. I can wish you a Happy New Year at 8:00am the next day, it doesn't make any difference. 

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The school calendar that I use did not make it clear that today is still a vacation day for students.  So, we had a test run today for getting to school on time.  

The kids have been bouncing off the walls and I was looking forward to some peace and quiet.  Also, I have The Headache From Hell and it won’t go away.

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16 hours ago, Anela said:

A family friend went to New York once, years ago, and said that it was a nightmare. She was crushed up against a fence.

I kind of think that Times Square on NYE is like climbing up inside the Statue of Liberty--a thing NYers never do personally. You can see the statue from Lower Manhattan and you can watch the ball drop from the comfort of your couch. I never went there once.

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People who have to one-up others, especially their own family. I’ll bake something my dad loves. Instead of saying something nice, my mom will say “I used to bake all the time. So and so would come over just to have all the treats I’d make. I’d bake this, I’d bake that.” 

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2 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

People who have to one-up others, especially their own family. I’ll bake something my dad loves. Instead of saying something nice, my mom will say “I used to bake all the time. So and so would come over just to have all the treats I’d make. I’d bake this, I’d bake that.” 

Oooh, yes, the one-uppers get me every time.  I am learning how to just let them have at it and not be competitive with them.  It's hard!

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The NYE programming is definitely getting worse. I’ve never quite liked Ryan Seacrest and don’t know anything about all the influencers and nobodies who interview the audience. It’s no longer like it was when I was younger and we’d want to watch all of Dick Clark. In recent years I’ve been putting on the festivities at 11:30 and just watched the last half hour, then watched other things before that. Then usually after that I go to bed. This NYE we watched Dirty Dancing. 

I used to want to go to Times Square for NYE, and then one day I decided to Google and see what it was like since someone I knew said she was going. And…hard pass from me. 

Edited by Cloud9Shopper
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On 12/29/2021 at 10:47 PM, Bastet said:

Um, hello, boyfriend's crazy sister, people "living their lives again" because they're "over the pandemic" is why we're still in the grips of a fucking pandemic. 

I hate people.

Did you see all the College and Pro Football games this weekend?  Packed to the gills, and no masks.  How will this virus go away with people like this?  Money is the name of the game.  Not the virus.  Shameful.

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4 hours ago, Mondrianyone said:

I kind of think that Times Square on NYE is like climbing up inside the Statue of Liberty--a thing NYers never do personally. You can see the statue from Lower Manhattan and you can watch the ball drop from the comfort of your couch. I never went there once.

I remember watching NYE programs (usually Guy Lombardo & his Royal Canadians) as a little kid, barely able to keep my eyes open (but refusing to go to bed!) & then they'd switch over to Times Square. My parents would *always* say how risky it was to be there: pickpockets were the worst crowd threat for them. It never looked appealing so I've never had a desire to be in Times Square on NYE.

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3 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

People who have to one-up others, especially their own family. I’ll bake something my dad loves. Instead of saying something nice, my mom will say “I used to bake all the time. So and so would come over just to have all the treats I’d make. I’d bake this, I’d bake that.” 

My Mom was the same way.  No compliments.  I think some Mothers are envious of the life we have, and they didn’t.  My Mother was matched with my Father, so missed out on the thrill of love, independence and lots of things.  Maybe that’s it.

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I'll admit it - I've been to Times Square on NYE.  Waaaaay back in 1978 or 1979 (I don't remember which...maybe '77).  This was back before barrier and bleachers - everyone just pressed together in the street.  It was great fun, everyone chatting and in a great mood (and not even too cold). The ball dropped.  We said Happy New Year... and then it turned really scary.  Because the crowd starts moving and if you don't move with it, you will be trampled.  My friend and I were holding on to each other, and thankfully we were able to hang on as the crowd took us south.  When we got to 43rd (?) street, it started to break up and just as we got to the subway entrance, the looting started.  Oy vey... 

We ran down into the subway and went to our friend's bar in the Village and had a lovely rest of the evening.

So, I've done it once.  Never again.

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