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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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21 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

I never care what time it is, and only change the clocks on my 2 household appliances (range & microwave) when there's a power interruption and they force me to set the clock before I can use them again.  My TV, Phone & Chromebook always know the correct time.

Appliances really need to be wifi'd...then you won't have to reset ANYTHING!!

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37 minutes ago, PRgal said:

Appliances really need to be wifi'd...then you won't have to reset ANYTHING!!

No, no, and hell to the no.  I do not want or need "smart" appliances (or anything else, for that matter).  The few times I've had an appointment (vet or doctor), I have wound up my trusty old Westclox and set the ringer.

I am also not too lazy to add laundry detergent to my washing machine every time I do a load, instead of once every 40 loads.  Not that I even do laundry anymore (I handwash my tees in the sink), but that particular selling point makes me see black spots!

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The oddest thing about my cats and breakfast was when I had my hysterectomy and was cut basically hip-bone to hip-bone they never once woke me up for breakfast, even after my friend who stayed the first few days I was home to help me out had gone back to Tenn.  They let me sleep until I woke up.

But, I swear to you, I am not making this up, the morning after the Dr. released me Shana was sitting on my chest tapping my face at the regular time.

Now, I know they know their schedules, our schedules, what doors we come in etc, but how the heck did she know that???

And I do have to say while I was recovering she would lay beside me and pet me like she was trying to make me feel better.  Shmuel would bring me his pet mice.  😸😸 

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On 10/23/2019 at 7:10 PM, JTMacc99 said:

I love going through whatever clocks and watches still need to be set when the time shifts, getting them all synced up to the exact time again. 

I know: Nerd!

Nah...not a nerd.  You just missed your calling by a century.  You could've been the servant at Downton Abbey who reset the clocks throughout that enormous mansion.

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14 hours ago, walnutqueen said:

  Not that I even do laundry anymore (I handwash my tees in the sink), but that particular selling point makes me see black spots!

You've made me a little bit curious (while trying not to visualize anything) - do you only wear t-shirts?  No trousers, underwear, etc?  Or is everything else you wear disposable?  Or really smelly?  Or?

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I fully realize my complaint is ridiculous and selfish, but it's still annoying that so many sites these days force users to disable ad blocking before pages will load. 

I've been in computer hell the last couple of days because of a virus. I'm going to watch a show that makes me cry so I can blame it on that instead of falling apart over electronics.

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27 minutes ago, 2727 said:

I fully realize my complaint is ridiculous and selfish, but it's still annoying that so many sites these days force users to disable ad blocking before pages will load. 

If the only place I can read about something is a page that wants me to disable my ad blocker, I figure whatever it is isn't that important anyway & I just move on.

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Those moments when you spend an evening in a pub and have a pressing desire to pee!

However, when you go to the ladies loo there is only 2 cubicles, both of which are occupied, and there's a queue of other women standing around with their legs crossed trying to not think about what they desperately need to do!

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13 hours ago, Brookside said:

You've made me a little bit curious (while trying not to visualize anything) - do you only wear t-shirts?  No trousers, underwear, etc?  Or is everything else you wear disposable?  Or really smelly?  Or?

I should've mentioned washing other stuff once in a blue moon.  That is all I care to share for now.

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3 hours ago, Zola said:

Those moments when you spend an evening in a pub and have a pressing desire to pee!

However, when you go to the ladies loo there is only 2 cubicles, both of which are occupied, and there's a queue of other women standing around with their legs crossed trying to not think about what they desperately need to do!

One of my favorite drinking establishments is a dive bar with 3 stalls, unfortunately one has been broken for 2 years so I know your struggle. I've always said if I ever owned a bar I would have a ladies room with 5 stalls and a long vanity with a huge mirror and good lighting. 

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I have a tweed jacket with a zippered front and a stand up collar. Yesterday, when I put the jacket on, my hairdresser flattened the collar and said, "There!"  I would never touch someone else's clothes to rearrange them (except for a small child). And it was a cold, windy day so that collar would've felt warm. Phooey! After I left, I zipped up the jacket and the collar automatically flipped up. Snug & warm 😸

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I have occasionally straightened other people's clothes (besides my husband's and child's), but only after asking if I can. Otherwise, it often comes off as creepy because it involves touching them in ways they may not be comfortable with. I mean, I wouldn't be comfortable with it if someone did it without asking, even if it was just picking a stray thread off my back.

Now, if there's a kick-me sign on my back, everyone has permission to just pull that right off.

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So the UK put the clocks back an hour Sunday morning, and I was hoping for a really nice extra hour in bed. Instead, my stupid mind/brain decided that I should wake up at my usual time. And it didn't matter how hard I tried to convince my 4 brain cells, it still wouldn't let me enjoy that extra hour!

This is an ongoing problem I have with all or part of my brain in that I can never overrule it. Instead it does its own thing and forces me to eat chocolate/cakes/junk food/wake up early etc, rather than doing the exact opposite.

Perhaps the left side of my brain is saying one thing (eat cake!); while the right side is saying another (don't eat cake!). I just wish both sides would work together as a team and let me do what I want!

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Before I forget (which I've done with this pet peeve): the awful music playing when you call a medical practice and are put on hold.  And it seems the worse your misery, the worse the music.  Why don't they have soothing new age music playing? or easy going rhythm & blues, or soft classical?

Edited by annzeepark914
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5 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

Before I forget (which I've done with this pet peeve): the awful music playing when you call a medical practice and are put on hold.  And it seems the worse your misery, the worse the music.  Why don't they have soothing new age music playing? or easy going rhythm & blues, or soft classical?

Hell I'd even prefer heavy metal. At least it's not depressing.

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8 hours ago, annzeepark914 said:

Before I forget (which I've done with this pet peeve): the awful music playing when you call a medical practice and are put on hold.  And it seems the worse your misery, the worse the music.  Why don't they have soothing new age music playing? or easy going rhythm & blues, or soft classical?

Well listening to relaxing music might just help you feel better and hang up.  No money in healthy people.  Their job is to make and keep people sick.  Right down to the nerve jangling music on the phone. 

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2 hours ago, AnnaCody said:

No money in healthy people.

A lot of primary care doctors have that covered now, too! Mandatory six-month checkup visits with labs, plus preventive health best practices and follow-up.

Have you had your flu shot, mammogram, bone scan, colonoscopy, fecal stool test, pneumonia and shingles vaccine, abdominal aortic aneurysm screening, etc. Many tests and shots are available right here in our office lab! Some of us even have our own in-house pharmacy!

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I'm feel like everyone but me has processed this, but if you add a bit of older milk to a new jug* the older stuff will continue to spoil on schedule and ruin the entire new gallon.

* Because it's recycle day and you want to toss the old jug.

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9 hours ago, Isle Of Why said:

I'm feel like everyone but me has processed this, but if you add a bit of older milk to a new jug* the older stuff will continue to spoil on schedule and ruin the entire new gallon.

* Because it's recycle day and you want to toss the old jug.

I just pour the older milk down the drain, rinse well, and toss the container into the recycle bin. Many years ago, as a child, I drank a mouthful of soured milk. Blech!!!  That horrid experience made me leery of milk to this day. 

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15 hours ago, 2727 said:

A lot of primary care doctors have that covered now, too! Mandatory six-month checkup visits with labs, plus preventive health best practices and follow-up.

Have you had your flu shot, mammogram, bone scan, colonoscopy, fecal stool test, pneumonia and shingles vaccine, abdominal aortic aneurysm screening, etc. Many tests and shots are available right here in our office lab! Some of us even have our own in-house pharmacy!

Your "Mandatory six-month checkup..." caught my eye.  Who is making all that crap mandatory?

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HMOs. My employer-supplied health insurance requires an annual "preventive" check-up, at least one dental cleaning per year, cervical exams and mammograms every couple of years, colonoscopy at 50, etc. It's not that bad, really, just annoying. And considering there's no co-pay on mandatory exams and the prescription plan is pretty good, I can deal.

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26 minutes ago, AnnaCody said:

Your "Mandatory six-month checkup..." caught my eye.  Who is making all that crap mandatory?

Apparently my PCP.  Despite the fact that I had multiple visits in the second half of last year, this year when several months had lapsed, they suddenly stopped refilling my prescriptions.  They didn't even have the courtesy to notify me that they were doing this, so I kept requesting refills from the pharmacy.  When they didn't get filled, I finally asked the office to refill my meds, and they said they wouldn't because I hadn't been there in six months.  I was so pissed that they would just let me run out of meds that I went back to the OTC meds I had been using, and have not made an appointment. 

They're the same office that keeps sending me letters to come in for a colon screening, when I had a colonoscopy last November and gave them the results. 

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Yes, it's the insurance companies/HMOs that require best practices for preventive care. They can penalize doctors who don't get in line by reducing their insurance reimbursement percentage or even dropping them entirely. 

I'm sure a lot of doctors fully agree with the recommendations and are happy with more screening and preventive tests, but it does means there's less room for individualized patient care.

I left my PCP eight months ago and my insurance company has nagged her so much in the interim that her office manager called last week to beg that I please remove her from my insurance forms. (I would have done so but it's not possible online and I avoid calling them if at all possible.)

Edited by 2727
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2 hours ago, meowmommy said:

this year when several months had lapsed, they suddenly stopped refilling my prescriptions.  They didn't even have the courtesy to notify me

I swear. Doctors/clinics set up online patient portals and then don't even use them. In addition to letting us know when prescription refills have been denied, I'm positive the technology exists to send auto reminders for wellness checks. It's also mad how many doctors still make their front office staff call and remind every single patient about tomorrow's upcoming appointment.

I've never worked in a doctor's office so if anyone has, I'm willing to be educated about how I'm mistaken.  😊

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My pet peeve of the week is people saying, "I will try and fix it" rather than "I will try *to* fix it". Bugs me so much. And, I know it should also be "I shall" but hardly anyone uses *shall* today. Pete Seeger said he had to insist on using that word in We Shall Overcome. 

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4 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

My pet peeve of the week is people saying, "I will try and fix it" rather than "I will try *to* fix it". Bugs me so much. And, I know it should also be "I shall" but hardly anyone uses *shall* today. Pete Seeger said he had to insist on using that word in We Shall Overcome. 

It's only I will try *to* fix it, if you're willing to concede the possibility of failure. Otherwise you will try and fix it.

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Cheap earrings are my peeve today. Most of the time I can wear whatever pierced earrings I want, but every once in a while a cheap pair will cause my piercings to revolt. 

I recently got my ears pierced again and stupidly thought I could start wearing whatever earrings I wanted to in my new piercings now that it's been about two months. The nasty infection in one of my new piercings says otherwise. I'm hoping the saline solution and Polysporin knocks it out quick so I don't have to go get an antibiotic. I'm too old for this shit, lol.

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54 minutes ago, emma675 said:

Cheap earrings are my peeve today. Most of the time I can wear whatever pierced earrings I want, but every once in a while a cheap pair will cause my piercings to revolt. 

I recently got my ears pierced again and stupidly thought I could start wearing whatever earrings I wanted to in my new piercings now that it's been about two months. The nasty infection in one of my new piercings says otherwise. I'm hoping the saline solution and Polysporin knocks it out quick so I don't have to go get an antibiotic. I'm too old for this shit, lol.

I had to stop wearing pierced earrings many years ago because my ear lobe holes started "burning". And to this day, every attractive earring I'm drawn to is for pierced ears. But I do have quite a few clip-ons that I really like. They're small and look like they could be the pierced style. It kind-a makes up for not being able to wear pierced earrings. Well, sort-a  ;>(

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In perusing just one day's worth of posts on a pet discussion forum, I have seen the owner of a German Shepherd write it as "Shepard" and the owner of a chihuahua write it as "chiwawa".  How do you not know how to spell the breed of your own dog? 

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2 hours ago, Bastet said:

a chihuahua write it as "chiwawa

As an animal control officer, you have no idea how bad this drives me crazy when I come across this in bite report testimonies. I grit my teeth every time I see it.

I don't want to get into how many times I've seen Rockwilder for Rottweiler, or pitt bull (that extra "t" drives me nuts). And absolutely nobody (not even some of my seasoned co-workers) can get  Dachshund correct. I've seen doxin, doxon, doxen,  dashshund, and dashound.

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Is there a bah hum bug for Halloween?

There should be a rule that Halloween has to move to the nearest Friday or Saturday night.

I've had a crap week at work.  I'm tired.  The last thing I want to do on a Thursday night is answer the door every three minutes when I have to go back to work again the next day.

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9 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

I don't want to get into how many times I've seen Rockwilder for Rottweiler, or pitt bull (that extra "t" drives me nuts). 

And on a separate tangent, it freaks me out whenever I watch that one episode of Season 11's Law & Order: "Who Let the Dogs Out" that was a ripped from the headlines of the pit bull (I think it was) that mauled and killed that woman in 2001, I think it was. Context: the two married assholes bought the dog from their client who raised the dog and others, to fight and kill each other. RATBASTARD.

Just watching how aggressive the dog was, and how he had to be captured, and then brought into the court with a muzzle, while it was growling and snarling...just made my insides curdle. Because I know, KNOW it's how a dog is raised/treated that makes the dog. When I went to the shelter last summer, a LOT of the puppies and doggies were pit bulls and mixes that had some pit in them, and they were all sweet and loving. A few broke my heart because they looked so sad. And I wanted to adopt ALL of them.

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10 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

As an animal control officer, you have no idea how bad this drives me crazy when I come across this in bite report testimonies. I grit my teeth every time I see it.

I don't want to get into how many times I've seen Rockwilder for Rottweiler, or pitt bull (that extra "t" drives me nuts). And absolutely nobody (not even some of my seasoned co-workers) can get  Dachshund correct. I've seen doxin, doxon, doxen,  dashshund, and dashound.

I have to write animal bite reports on occasion, and I always google the spelling of dog breeds for this very reason. I don't want an animal control person such as yourself laughing at me--or worse, getting pissed off. LOL. 

BTW, my Louisiana Creole grandmother used to call Dachshunds "Dash-hounds." My mother would occasionally try to correct her, but the rest of the family just let it go. That old lady wasn't going to change her pronunciation for us. 

I have a couple of pet peeves that are two sides of the same coin: my phone anxiety and the rudeness of people who answer the phone.   If I'm calling a business and need help with something, I start by clearly, yet simply, explaining what I need. Inevitably, however, I piss off the Customer Service person on the other end of the phone, who goes, 

CS: *Sigh*  What is your name?  

ME: (nervously) Start with my last name or my first name? 

CS: Last name! (or FIRST name, depending on the company.)

But that's why I asked in the first place. I didn't want to give you the information in the wrong order and mess you up. 


CS: *Sigh* Account number?

ME: (nervously) Do you need the letters in front of the numbers?

CS: Yes!! (Or "No!! Just the numbers after the zero!")

--And Then, 

CS: Now what did you need again? 

And of course I'll probably have to go through all of it again when I get transferred to another department. 

I try to be a good customer, I really do. And know the customer service reps have to do their spiel hundreds of times a day. But the first time I call, I don't know your company's protocol. Sorry!

Edited by topanga
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6 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

I've had a crap week at work.  I'm tired.  The last thing I want to do on a Thursday night is answer the door every three minutes when I have to go back to work again the next day.

I never participate in Halloween.  I just turn the porch light off, and no one bothers me.  I only went trick-or-treating once as a child (and stopped after a few houses) because I thought it was dumb, and then once as a young teenager (so tacky, but we were young teenagers and got this notion in our head it would be fun), so I don't feel any sense that it's now my turn to give back.

3 hours ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

And on a separate tangent, it freaks me out whenever I watch that one episode of Season 11's Law & Order: "Who Let the Dogs Out" that was a ripped from the headlines of the pit bull (I think it was) that mauled and killed that woman in 2001, I think it was. Context: the two married assholes bought the dog from their client who raised the dog and others, to fight and kill each other. RATBASTARD.

The Diane Whipple case involved two Presa Canarios, not a pit bull.

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8 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

Rockwilder is a pretty cool name, though.

Ha! When I was in elementary school, a girl on my bus liked to tell me stories about her pet bull. She meant 'pit bull," but at the time, I thought she had a real bull in her Portland backyard. 

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23 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

Rock Wilder, K9 Cop has a nice ring to it.

I would watch a show with that title.  I find myself torn about breed nicknames.  Sometimes I'm amused when people say 'doxie', 'pittie', etc. and even use them myself ('weenie dog'!) but other times I find it irritating to hear. And to this day when I see a Pug I think to myself 'oh, that's an Otis dog (like the dog from 'The Adventures of Milo and Otis'), Cocker Spaniels are Lady dogs, and Collies are all Lassie dogs. 

Peeve:  People who call and start talking to you in the middle of the conversation.  I work with a woman who does this a lot.  She will call and when I pick up and say 'hello?', she'll say something like '...what should we do if we don't have the serial number for the item? Do you think they'll accept the order without it?'  And, I'll say 'what are you talking about?'  It will turn out that she is talking about something we discussed earlier in the day or even another day. It's like she's thinking of what she wants to say and when I answer the phone she just starts talking wherever her silent mental conversation was at the time. She doesn't give the context of what she wants me to discuss with her. She will also keep talking when you are trying to answer a question that she asked.  I've had to actually say (politely) 'wait a minute, wait a minute' and then say what I need to say.  She is very sweet, but it's exhausting to talk to her. 

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I've never really understood how cities (or whoever) can decide to postpone trick or treating or hold it on a certain day. It's not really an organized, sponsored event. It's kids getting dressed up in costume and going door to door. If kids decide to go and people answer their doors and give out candy on a particular night, that's when trick or treating is, regardless of what people who may or may not be in charge of other things decide.

I also don't understand parents being upset about it being on a school night. If you don't want your kids to stay out late trick or treating, don't let them. Give them a time they have to be home. (Or take them and bring them home at what you consider a reasonable hour.) It's called being a parent. It's your job to set the limits you deem reasonable.

I guess that's my peeve for today: parents who want others to make rules for everyone's kids so they don't have to make the rules they want for their own kids. When their kids say, "But so-and-so gets to do it," do they not know how to say, "Well, so-and-so isn't my child. You are, and I say you're not doing it."

Edited by auntlada
I thought of more stuff.
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8 minutes ago, auntlada said:

I've never really understood how cities (or whoever) can decide to postpone trick or treating or hold it on a certain day. It's not really an organized, sponsored event. It's kids getting dressed up in costume and going door to door. If kids decide to go and people answer their doors and give out candy on a particular night, that's when trick or treating is, regardless of what people who may or may not be in charge of other things decide.

While that's true, it makes it easier on everybody when everybody is on the same page.  You don't want people knocking on your door 3 nights in a row for candy.

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1 minute ago, Katy M said:

While that's true, it makes it easier on everybody when everybody is on the same page.  You don't want people knocking on your door 3 nights in a row for candy.

It would keep me from eating the leftovers.

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I love Halloween. I'll give candy to anyone who comes to the door. Baby with parents, teens barely dressed up, I don't care. In California I had a ton of kids since I lived on a main street behind another main street that is also a shopping area. I hated hearing how people would hassle teens for trick-or-treating. Be happy they're asking for candy and not out pranking. I'm not talking about the teens who come out after the lights are off and are there to be jerks, I'm talking about the ones who are out during "big kid" hours and are having fun. We don't know what their home life is, or why they aren't all decked out but is the angst over a fun size candy bar really worth it?

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48 minutes ago, auntlada said:

I've never really understood how cities (or whoever) can decide to postpone trick or treating or hold it on a certain day.

I've never heard of such a thing until the recent post, and I've been sitting here trying to figure out how the hell that even works. 

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Growing up, trick or treat was an all day thing.

Where I live now, it’s from 6p-8p at houses with their porch lights on. Most towns around here do it the same night. This year it was supposed to be the 31st but got changed to the 30th, due to a forecast that left us with a tornado watch.

Local police, and firefighters participate for safety. Businesses participate. It’s actually a nice night out around here.

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