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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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Nah.  I want costs because he's wasting my time.  We were once in court over a procedural matter.  I was right, he was wrong, and the judge ruled in my favor.  She then asked how much I felt I was entitled to in costs.  I told her that getting to court that day - just confirming the date and time that everyone was available, not anything about the substance of the matter we were disputing - involved a total of 42 communications from this lawyer. 42 times I had to turn my attention to this matter instead doing anything productive with my time.  "I think I can do Monday. Can everyone else do Monday?" "Oh, wait, I can't do Monday." "Maybe I can do Monday, let me check again."  And on and on.  All by email, all with an emoji.    She raised an eyebrow in disbelief, and I was hoping she would ask to see them, but she didn't.  She just gave me the maximum amount of costs allowed. 

  • Love 6

Ok. I stand corrected and can admit when I'm wrong.  The concerts I've been to people only hold up their phones during the encore or a ballad. I've only been to a few concerts since my accident since they're a bitch in a wheelchair. The shows I've seen I never saw people with their phones up during the entire show. 

Thanks for educating me on the subject. 

  • Love 4

I now have the opposite of a pet peeve: competition between two similar businesses can sometimes yield very pleasant results. Where I live, in an area outside the city limits of a very large city, the two nearest grocery stores are both about 5 miles away, one on the east side of the highway and one on the west side. One is a Walmart and one is part of a regional chain. I normally shop at the regional chain store. However, within the past year, the local Walmart instituted their curbside service, where you can order groceries online for pickup at a designated time (usually the next day), an employee takes your list and assembles the items, you drive to the Walmart to the designated pickup spot, and an employee hands you your groceries. The regional chain then implemented the same service, but I'd never gotten around to using it. However, in the last few months, the regional chain has decided to be even more competitive, and they are now offering delivery for groceries.  A few weekends ago, I was going to be without a car for most of Friday and all day Saturday, but needed a few things, and decided to try out the delivery service. And, I love it. I don't have to deal with people who stop in the middle of the aisle, blocking traffic, because they are on their cell phones, or overtired children who are crying or whining, etc. It does cost a bit more; the prices are 3% higher for delivery than they are if you go to the store yourself, and there's a delivery charge (under $10). But for me, the price difference is worth it. I don't have to spend the time driving to the store, shopping, and then driving back home. I'm not using gas or adding wear and tear to my car. I've used the service a few times now, and had zero problems.  Obviously, there may still be the occasional quick trip to pick up a couple of items, but from now on, I will be doing the bulk of my grocery shopping this way. It amuses me in some ways, because back when I was growing up, before there were many large chain grocery stores, my family went to a mom-and-pop grocery store. That store offered delivery service, which was pretty standard at the time. You simply called them and told them what you wanted, and then they delivered it to you, with payment either by cash/check or having it put onto your charge account. Grocery delivery was something I missed intensely as an adult, because I hate shopping. Now that I have that option again, I'm very happy to let the store assemble and deliver my order.

  • Love 8
On 3/2/2018 at 10:45 AM, Quof said:

I have a colleague who includes emojis in his professional emails.  I'm just waiting for the day I have to put one of them in evidence for a judge to see.   

^^^ For some reason, I'm unable to write below the quote.  I was going to ask if said colleague is relatively young (and doesn't care about proper email etiquette).

Edited by PRgal
  • Love 1
On 2/28/2018 at 8:12 AM, Petunia13 said:

You know she said something yesterday in earshot (of course, she's loud af) to her buddy that I'm standoffish and sour and unfriendly. That she's not gonna try to like me. Then then did the verbal version of subtweeting by talking about negative or cold people and shit next to me. I finally said I heard them. I prefer to keep to myself and  work. Then she said by not being social and asking her about her life and chatting I'm an oddball. I mentioned she's said I'm not likable and that she'll exclude me. So I'll left her be. Also, I said well to be honest it's hard enough for me to keep my focus and get things done sometimes because of the distractions, I have dyslexia so have to pay extra attention and it's hard. She said that's why I don't understand her comments because I'm special. 

She and the other girl keep talking about how they paid their dues and are tight like sooo? They have worked here a whole 2 months longer than me. And neither of them have had a sale. too much drama and bullshit for me. 

You know, that whole conversation could be reported to HR as discrimination. Just thought I'd point that out. The comment about you being "special" helps to drive that point home.

On 2/28/2018 at 8:46 AM, GHScorpiosRule said:

Add me to this. And I will also add the word "legit" when I know the person or persons mean legitimately. Or "abt" instead of "about." Basically, a laziness/refusal to spell OUT WORDS.

There are a laundry list of things like this that drive me absolutely guano loco. However, the one I really want to add right now is "My bad". Why in the actual fuck can't people just say "My fault"? Sometimes, when I'm in the mood and some idiot says "my bad", I'll finish it off with "at English?"

On 2/28/2018 at 9:12 AM, TattleTeeny said:

I don't mind "legit"--I am an offender; I'm sorry! (But I am too legit to quit! And I guess I should apologize for that too, haha!) But, oooh, do I hate "ppl"! And I've said this one here before, "cause" for "because" makes me want to punch things.

Want to get mad too? "Nucular" is acknowledged in Webster's as a nonstandard pronunciation of "nuclear."


This makes me sad. It also makes me wish someone had cloned George W Bush, taught his clone to speak English well, and locked his original self away in an active missile silo just before someone pressed the "launch" button.

Edited by MrSmith
  • Love 4

I blame athleisure for the proliferation of yoga pants as professional dress.

I considered buying yoga pants once to wear to running club at my son's school. It meets one day a week after school for an hour, and the kids who join run (or walk or skip or whatever) on a path around the playground for an hour. Younger kids have to have a parent/guardian present. I thought yoga pants might be more comfortable than jeans or work pants and wouldn't make me look as old and frumpy as sweats. (I am 10-15 years older than all the other mothers.)

So I went to the store and tried some on. To start with, the fabric was considerably thinner than I thought it would be. It did nothing for support the way I hoped something with lycra would. Then I looked at my butt in the mirror and thought, Nope. Not buying these. It looked awful.

Please excuse the lack of quote marks. The tablet will not let me get them.

  • Love 6
On 3/1/2018 at 8:38 AM, Mindthinkr said:

Table for one here. I’ll write lol, but it’s to let you know that your comment had me laughing. Didn’t realize that it’s a language faux pas. 

It's only a language faux pas if you're saying it out loud. If you're using it in informal written communication, like a forum, you're perfectly fine. For the record, I have heard people say "L O L", "O M G", "W T F", "I K R", and several other "text-speak" acronyms. I work at a university. Sadly, there are laws against killing the children, even when they abuse spoken language in these ways. :D

  • Love 3
2 hours ago, auntlada said:

So I went to the store and tried some on. To start with, the fabric was considerably thinner than I thought it would be. It did nothing for support the way I hoped something with lycra would. Then I looked at my butt in the mirror and thought, Nope. Not buying these. It looked awful.

@auntlada, if you're looking for running gear with support, I strongly suggest looking into compression pants, they may be slightly pricier but they are worth it. Whatever you do, wear what is comfortable to you and don't worry about what anyone else thinks. 

  • Love 2

I've got TWO major pet peeves right now.  Number one is people on planes and airport waiting areas who cough w/o coughing into their elbow.  I flew up to MI on Thursday and flew back yesterday and woke up during the night w/ a very sore scratchy throat. Thanks a million, coughers.

Second pet peeve:  The 20-something jerk sitting in the center seat on the Chicago-Dulles leg (packed flight) of the trip yesterday who started his smartphone before we took off and I could hear the squeaks, squawks, screetches, percussion, etc from some show he was watching.  After we took off I figured the plane would be too noisy for me to hear, but nope.  So I suddenly got brave and asked him politely if he would turn down the volume as I could hear it. He looked at me in shock and said he didn't think he could.  I was already beginning to feel worn out, was afraid the situation could possibly escalate (by him!) into me seeing my face on some viral video, and so I backed off.  I'm calling United tomorrow to ask what I should do if this happens again.  I bet if I were a man he would have turned it down.  

  • Love 6
17 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

I've got TWO major pet peeves right now.  Number one is people on planes and airport waiting areas who cough w/o coughing into their elbow.  I flew up to MI on Thursday and flew back yesterday and woke up during the night w/ a very sore scratchy throat. Thanks a million, coughers.

Second pet peeve:  The 20-something jerk sitting in the center seat on the Chicago-Dulles leg (packed flight) of the trip yesterday who started his smartphone before we took off and I could hear the squeaks, squawks, screetches, percussion, etc from some show he was watching.  After we took off I figured the plane would be too noisy for me to hear, but nope.  So I suddenly got brave and asked him politely if he would turn down the volume as I could hear it. He looked at me in shock and said he didn't think he could.  I was already beginning to feel worn out, was afraid the situation could possibly escalate (by him!) into me seeing my face on some viral video, and so I backed off.  I'm calling United tomorrow to ask what I should do if this happens again.  I bet if I were a man he would have turned it down.  

I just returned home from two flights away. I think that I’m getting a slight cold. Why? Same reason as you. I wash my hands a lot but when coughers and sneezers are near I actually try to hold my breathe lest I get wind of their air. I was stuck in a middle seat both legs but was lucky that one side of me was a family member. He didn’t know better but I didn’t get the use of any armrest (all four flights) and the person behind me kept kicking (?) my seat. I remember the glory days of flying. We got dressed up and had champagne even in coach (yes, as a small child I was allowed to have half a glass). Now it’s cattle herding and no manners. 

I hope you don’t get full on sick @annzeepark914 I would have slipped back and discussed the noise from the seat next to me with the flight attendant. They could have broached Mr Loud.  As far as I’m concerned you can watch or listen to what you choose. Just use headphones or earbuds. No one should have to listen to more din than the plane makes. 

  • Love 5
3 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

As far as I’m concerned you can watch or listen to what you choose. Just use headphones or earbuds. No one should have to listen to more din than the plane makes. 

He did have an earbud in but I could still hear it (not to the point that I heard what the people were saying but I could hear loud voices, the percussion only from the music, squeaks, static like noises etc.  I guess one can hear around those earbuds that people wear. Maybe if he'd had a headset on I wouldn't have heard.  Gosh - take care and I hope you don't get sick either.  Oh God...kicking one's seat?  I told my husband no more plane trips to MI - only those 12 hour car trips from now on (at least I won't get sick--physically and mentally!!!)

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, annzeepark914 said:

I told my husband no more plane trips to MI - only those 12 hour car trips from now on (at least I won't get sick--physically and mentally!!!)

Which is why we drove the 18 hours to Key West Florida. 1) We’d have a car 2) No airport or delays 3) We were in control of where we stopped and when. I won’t lie. It was brutal on my back and think I need to make the trip in 3 days instead of 2 next year. Flying to Charlotte to Miami to Marathon just seems like more of a hassle than doing the drive. Too many variables. 

  • Love 3

Here’s one. We get a like icon on our posts. Why don’t we get one for our PM’s?  I just got a reply that I liked and didn’t think I needed to spell it out in words but didn’t have the option of just letting this person know by giving them a like. I have also read that some of you would like a dislike or garbage button. I’d be scared to get a lot of them but prefer to know why they disagree when they do so nix on that. YMMV 

  • Love 2

People who take advantage of seniors. 

Stores that have dilapidated shopping carts, but, do nothing about it. Just keep letting people have to try and discard multiple carts, before they find one that isn't broken, noisy, wobbly, etc.  Yes, Walmart, I'm talking about you!  

Driving around your county and every section of it is under road construction. (Roads closed, half lanes, backed up traffic from everywhere!)  Aren't they supposed to plan these things out, so the entire county isn't clogged up? lol 

(I think I need to run for county/city counsel or Chamber of Commerce. Someone needs to get their act together.)

Edited by SunnyBeBe
  • Love 5
23 hours ago, PRgal said:

Pet peeve:  People who block entryways at stores and then give you a dirty look when you have to walk around them (after apologizing/saying "excuse me".  What's the deal?  You're forcing me to be rude because you're too busy chatting (either with real people or on your phone).

This happens in my office! Sometimes 3 or 4 people standing in an average width hallway having a full-on meeting/deep conversation and have the nerve to give me the angry side eye when I excuse myself and proceed through, I want to scream "This isn't a conference room!"

My pet peeve, kind of related: My fellow coworkers who have private conversations on their cell phones near my desk where I can hear every word, but I have to pretend I didn't so they're not embarrassed. What the heck people? Argue with your teenager about smoking pot/bad grades/cleaning their rooms somewhere else!

  • Love 6

Had to stop by Walmart for something today.  They have a gazillion check out lanes, but only two with cashiers opened plus the dozen self check outs.  The two open cashier lanes all have short conveyor belts so the shoppers have about 1 1/2 feet to load up their purchases.  None of the lanes with the longer belts are open.  Grrrr....

  • Love 4

Has anyone had experience with Error EXO? It keeps me from seeing anything when it hits and then it’s a crapshoot to find a way to get PTV back up. I did send a question to the mods but no response as of yet. It is annoying me. 

Dang @DeLurker I went to the grocery store today and encountered the same thing. Full store and only two check out lines. They also usually have someone available to help you empty the cart into your car. Of course I bought multiple gallon bottles of water (we have Gen-X in our water causing cancer) and now have a slight backache from all the lifting. (Yes, I used body mechanics and bent my knees and tried to get the weigh in my legs but I’m so small it’s a real long reach to get things out of my cart). Grrr

35 minutes ago, DeLurker said:

Had to stop by Walmart for something today.  They have a gazillion check out lanes, but only two with cashiers opened plus the dozen self check outs.  The two open cashier lanes all have short conveyor belts so the shoppers have about 1 1/2 feet to load up their purchases.  None of the lanes with the longer belts are open.  Grrrr....

The Walmart Neighborhood Market near where I live is down to 3 checkouts. They have self checkouts and recently started the thing where shoppers take the scanners around the store and scan items themselves. 

  • Love 1
1 minute ago, Jaded said:

The Walmart Neighborhood Market near where I live is down to 3 checkouts. They have self checkouts and recently started the thing where shoppers take the scanners around the store and scan items themselves. 

This is another reason why I really loathe driving out to supermarkets these days.  I don't think there's ever been a time when I haven't had some kind of hassle, either with parking, trolleys, queues, check-outs, defective bar codes, "customer" services, etc. And on top of all that I always end up buying far than originally intended!

So am thank for online delivery shopping - far less hassle, and rarely do I buy additional items. The only real downside is substitutions - some of which bare little or no relationship to the original product. But apart from that I love online shopping

  • Love 1

The only grocery pickup available here is from Walmart where they bring it out to your car. It's only offered at the Neighborhood Markets where there's less selection and not the Supercenters. Things I end up liking often don't get restocked there but will still be available at the bigger stores. There's stuff like the rotisserie chickens which are not available to order online and have to be purchased inside. It's better then not having any kind of grocery pickup at all though. I couldn't imagine having grocery delivery available. Winn Dixie and Walmart are the main grocery stores here with a regional chain named Rouses having a couple locations in the general area. Neither are near enough to shop at regularly. I've seen stories online that Winn Dixie will be closing a big chunk of stores soon and they already closed one location here last year. 

I get peeved at people who act like they are too good to shop at Walmart. Especially the ones who don't or refuse to understand that not everyone has a wide variety of alternative places to shop at that still have affordable prices. 

  • Love 5

So am thank for online delivery shopping - far less hassle, and rarely do I buy additional items. The only real downside is substitutions - some of which bare little or no relationship to the original product. But apart from that I love online shopping

Oh my goodness, the substitutions! I don't expect the employees of Peapod (it's Stop & Shop's delivery service) to go completely out of their way for me or anything, but a little common sense would be cool. Example: they were out of whatever brand of paper towels I ordered, so they brought me none at all. But when they were out of vegan burgers, they brought me actual meat! 

Edited by TattleTeeny
  • Love 3
17 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

Oh my goodness, the substitutions! I don't expect the employees of Peapod (it's Stop & Shop's delivery service) to go completely out of their way for me or anything, but a little common sense would be cool. Example: they were out of whatever brand of paper towels I ordered, so they brought me none at all. But when they were out of vegan burgers, they brought me actual meat! 

I’m really glad I don’t do online shopping if substitution is a thing.  If I ordered one brand of paper towel and they sent me another I’d be pissed.

  • Love 6
2 hours ago, GoodieGirl said:

My pet peeve, kind of related: My fellow coworkers who have private conversations on their cell phones near my desk where I can hear every word, but I have to pretend I didn't so they're not embarrassed. What the heck people? Argue with your teenager about smoking pot/bad grades/cleaning their rooms somewhere else!

If you didn't pretend you didn't hear, maybe they'd be embarrassed enough not to do it again.  Everybody wins.


1 hour ago, Jaded said:

The Walmart Neighborhood Market near where I live is down to 3 checkouts. They have self checkouts and recently started the thing where shoppers take the scanners around the store and scan items themselves. 

I was in a Target the other day that had no checkouts.  There were a bunch of self-checkouts, and one desk with a person, which had a "Pick up" sign or something like that over it--maybe you can check out there.  But there was no conveyor belt at it, and it wasn't clear it was a checkout stand.

It was in Cupertino, very close to Apple's headquarters where the employees keep running into the glass walls, and it was smaller than a typical Target, so maybe it's "the future." 

And I hope it's just a Silicon Valley thing, where 100% of everything is done with a phone app, but I'm getting tired of online orders delaying my in-person order.  You can no longer tell if a place is "crowded" because the crowd is invisible--just orders placed on the app.  What I don't know is if it's like this everywhere, like it reached a tipping point, or if it's a SV thing where they're just ahead of the curve.  Whatever--I don't like it.


2 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

While people can generally use any old kind of paper towels for their intended purpose, the same can't be said for the non-vegan burgers.  

I understand your point, but I would have as much use for "any old kind of paper towels" as you would have for a non-vegan burger, with probably the same result:  give it away or throw it away.

I finally found paper towels I like--size, price, thickness, not knowingly lining the pockets of people I don't like--and I will accept no substitutes.  Some things matter.

  • Love 4
8 hours ago, GoodieGirl said:


My pet peeve, kind of related: My fellow coworkers who have private conversations on their cell phones near my desk where I can hear every word, but I have to pretend I didn't so they're not embarrassed. What the heck people? Argue with your teenager about smoking pot/bad grades/cleaning their rooms somewhere else!

I just emailed my co-workers when that happened.  Something like "best keep it a bit quieter.  Boss ( or office gossip) is on the prowl."

  • Love 7
6 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

And I hope it's just a Silicon Valley thing, where 100% of everything is done with a phone app, but I'm getting tired of online orders delaying my in-person order.  You can no longer tell if a place is "crowded" because the crowd is invisible--just orders placed on the app.  What I don't know is if it's like this everywhere, like it reached a tipping point, or if it's a SV thing where they're just ahead of the curve.  Whatever--I don't like it.

Not just a SV thing, sadly. It peeves me when I walk into an empty Starbucks or Chipotle  and the workers don't even acknowledge me (sometimes for over 5 minutes or longer) because they are working on online/mobile orders. Some that have even come in AFTER I'd been standing there, waiting to be helped. Why rush to service a customer who isn't even in the building yet vs getting the single in-person customer out of the way?

I especially do not see the point of the Starbucks mobile app--won't the hot drink be lukewarm or the cold drink diluted/melty by the time you arrive? Plus, I like watching the barista make my drink to ensure its made to my liking. YMMV, of course.

  • Love 4

The grocery delivery that I just started using a few weeks ago has the option for you to indicate for each individual item whether you will accept a substitution, and also a place for each item where you can put notes. So I have used that a couple of times to indicate that I will accept a substitute for Brand A item, but only if it is Brand B.  And I am increasingly thankful for the delivery service because I ended up having to go to the store in person because I needed a few items right then, and despite the fact that it was around 9pm, there were multiple families there with tired and cranky very young kids in tow, various people who decided it was perfectly okay to park their cart in the damn middle of the aisle while talking on their cell phones and/or gazing absentmindedly at the items in front of them, and a few groups of older kids/young adults who somehow thought it was necessary for all 4, 5 or 6 of them to go shopping and stand in a group in front of items figuring out what they wanted, again blocking the aisle.  WTF is wrong with these people? It's not rocket science to figure out that if you need to stop and choose which item you are going to take from the shelf, then place yourself and your cart so that other people can get past you. 

  • Love 9
9 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I suppose you could adjust it but I think it's an all-or-nothing thing. And it's only supposed to be a comparable product to something that's out of stock. While people can generally use any old kind of paper towels for their intended purpose, the same can't be said for the non-vegan burgers.  

On one occasion, I ordered toilet rolls but they sent me kitchen rolls. On another occasion I wanted some Tampax pads but they sent me Brillo pads. I mean FFS, who are they kidding!!


2 hours ago, BookWoman56 said:

The grocery delivery that I just started using a few weeks ago has the option for you to indicate for each individual item whether you will accept a substitution, and also a place for each item where you can put notes. So I have used that a couple of times to indicate that I will accept a substitute for Brand A item, but only if it is Brand B.  And I am increasingly thankful for the delivery service because I ended up having to go to the store in person because I needed a few items right then, and despite the fact that it was around 9pm, there were multiple families there with tired and cranky very young kids in tow, various people who decided it was perfectly okay to park their cart in the damn middle of the aisle while talking on their cell phones and/or gazing absentmindedly at the items in front of them, and a few groups of older kids/young adults who somehow thought it was necessary for all 4, 5 or 6 of them to go shopping and stand in a group in front of items figuring out what they wanted, again blocking the aisle.  WTF is wrong with these people? It's not rocket science to figure out that if you need to stop and choose which item you are going to take from the shelf, then place yourself and your cart so that other people can get past you. 

Some stores here in the UK give the option of no subs or "best alternative" subs like you. But even that isn't perfect. That said, I still prefer home delivery compared to collect. The example you highlighted about people stopping in the middle of aisles for a chat on their phones and blocking other people from shopping, is just another I don't bother unless I really have to (usually due to bad weather and deliveries are delayed or cancelled)

If I had a swear box with me every time I went to a supermarket I would probably end up with £20 ($25) in it by the time I finish.

Edited by Zola
  • Love 2
9 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

And I hope it's just a Silicon Valley thing, where 100% of everything is done with a phone app, but I'm getting tired of online orders delaying my in-person order.  You can no longer tell if a place is "crowded" because the crowd is invisible--just orders placed on the app.  What I don't know is if it's like this everywhere, like it reached a tipping point, or if it's a SV thing where they're just ahead of the curve.  Whatever--I don't like it.

The McDonalds around here - I guess everywhere - have started an online order system, you place your order via their app, then go pick it up.  They have a few numbered parking spots near the building for online orders, you let them know via the app that you are there and which spot you are in.  The girlfriend and I ran in to grab a bite before our camera club meeting the other night, and I pulled in to one of those spots - it was raining, it was close to the door, and it was empty.  She jokingly asked if I had ordered ahead, and why I was parking there if I hadn't.  I gave her my standard answer:  I'm from New York, I'll park wherever I damn well please!

  • Love 5
15 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

I was in a Target the other day that had no checkouts.  There were a bunch of self-checkouts, and one desk with a person, which had a "Pick up" sign or something like that over it--maybe you can check out there.  But there was no conveyor belt at it, and it wasn't clear it was a checkout stand.

IMO, what you're seeing is the result of the push for $15/hr.+  No matter what side you fall on the debate, the reality is that businesses that were paying $8 or $9 aren't going to nearly double their direct labor costs without fallout to the consumer.  Everybody pays, one way or another.

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
  • Love 7

My pet peeve, I know I posted about in the past, is the three times daily calls from a company telling me my car warranty has expired.  Three times a day!  I block the number, which results in the phone ringing once, then disconnecting.   but two days later they call from a different number.  Sometimes it's a robocall, sometimes it's a person.  

A caller identifying herself as "Lisa" called me every day this week.  I tell her I sold my car, I told her she's breaking the law since I'm on the do not call list, she just keeps calling.  I hang up on her, she calls back.  EVERY FREAKIN' DAY - Lisa or someone else.  

  So, today when "Lisa"  called, I went into hyper-drive, and said "LISA!!!  I'm so glad you called!  I look forward to your calls every day, thanks so much for checking in on me!  yes, I know, you're calling about the car warranty, but, as I told you yesterday I still don't have a car, no intention of buying one. Maybe we can talk about something else?  Did you watch the Bachelor this week? OMG! what do you think?  I'm so over that show - I mean, how do you propose, then take it back and propose to someone else?  Am I right? And another thing........"   

She hung up on me. 

I pray that they indicate on their list  that my phone number is "crazy lady - don't call"

Edited by backformore
  • Love 24
3 minutes ago, backformore said:

My pet peeve, I know I posted about in the past, is the three times daily calls from a company telling me my car warranty has expired.  Three times a day!  I block the number, which results in the phone ringing once, then disconnecting.   but two days later they call from a different number.  Sometimes it's a robocall, sometimes it's a person.  

A caller identifying herself as "Lisa" called me every day this week.  I tell her I sold my car, I told her she's breaking the law since I'm on the do not call list, she just keeps calling.  I hang up on her, she calls back.  EVERY FREAKIN' DAY - Lisa or someone else.  

  So, today when "Lisa"  called, I went into hyper-drive, and said "LISA!!!  I'm so glad you called!  I look forward to your calls every day, thanks so much for checking in on me!  yes, I know, you're calling about the car warranty, but, as I told you yesterday I still don't have a car, no intention of buying one. Maybe we can talk about something else?  Did you watch the Bachelor this week? OMG! what do you think?  I'm so over that show - I mean, how do you propose, then take it back and propose to someone else?  Am I right? And another thing........"   

She hung up on me. 

I pray that they indicate on their list  that my phone number is "crazy lady - don't call"


I'm envisioning an air horn. (Have earplugs at the ready).

I answer zero calls from numbers that do not appear on my contact list.  If it is an important call, they will leave a message.  

Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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14 minutes ago, backformore said:

My pet peeve, I know I posted about in the past, is the three times daily calls from a company telling me my car warranty has expired.  Three times a day!  I block the number, which results in the phone ringing once, then disconnecting.   but two days later they call from a different number.  Sometimes it's a robocall, sometimes it's a person.  

A caller identifying herself as "Lisa" called me every day this week.  I tell her I sold my car, I told her she's breaking the law since I'm on the do not call list, she just keeps calling.  I hang up on her, she calls back.  EVERY FREAKIN' DAY - Lisa or someone else.  

  So, today when "Lisa"  called, I went into hyper-drive, and said "LISA!!!  I'm so glad you called!  I look forward to your calls every day, thanks so much for checking in on me!  yes, I know, you're calling about the car warranty, but, as I told you yesterday I still don't have a car, no intention of buying one. Maybe we can talk about something else?  Did you watch the Bachelor this week? OMG! what do you think?  I'm so over that show - I mean, how do you propose, then take it back and propose to someone else?  Am I right? And another thing........"   

She hung up on me. 

I pray that they indicate on their list  that my phone number is "crazy lady - don't call"

I love it.  One time I was reading and the phone rang and I could see from the caller ID it was probably a telemarketer and charity thing (I give to charity, but I don't like being pressured in a phone call).  So, I answered while reading aloud from the book.  They hung up. 

  • Love 6
Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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