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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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I'm surprised there isn't a sign posted saying the lot is for customers only (and, no, counting yourself as a customer for purposes of parking there all day long five days a week because sometimes you pick up some groceries on the way in/out wouldn't fly). 

My reaction is in line with Moose's -- sure, for your particular circumstances (of which they have no reason to be aware), I'm sympathetic to you wanting to park there, and I get that it's a big lot, but what if everyone who catches the bus at that stop wanted to park there all day every weekday?  They can't pick and choose who can and who can't, so once they become aware anyone is doing it, they have to put the kibosh on it.  Why it took so long, I don't know - someone new working somewhere bringing it to management's attention, probably - but that's the action to take. 

They should also put up signs, though.

  • Love 4

Conversely, @Hanahope, the ownership could possibly be convinced to designate the lot as a park-and-ride for the bus line. There are several privately owned shopping center lots here that work that way. Maybe you call them and tell them your story, and see what feedback you get. The leasing agency should have a sign onsite somewhere (they may or may not pass your comments on to ownership), but you can get the ownership from online tax records.

  • Love 3

I swear the next time someone beeps their horn at me because I don't gun the accelerator the nanosecond the light turns from red to green, I'm going to get out of my car and have words with the beeper.

I'm reminded of a story my dad told me about some vintage road rage from several decades ago:  While on the road during rush hour (which never lasts just an hour)  on the way into Manhattan, traffic is at a standstill.  Bumper to bumper.  He noticed in another lane one guy honking at the car ahead of him.  Pointless, since no one was moving and honking at them to move wouldn't have changed anything.  He saw the man being honked at get out of his car, go into his trunk and pull out an ax.  He turned to the car honking at him and began pounding on the hood with the ax.  He did this several times before putting it back into the trunk and going back to sit in the car.  The other driver stopped honking and probably never honked his horn again!

  • Love 8
11 hours ago, Hanahope said:

So I'm probably in the wrong , but this is still annoying.

i take a bus to work, but the bus stop is several blocks from my house, too far for me to walk comfortably, especially in inclement weather.  The bus stop I've used for 3 years is right in front of a big shopping center, including a grocery store, with boatloads of parking. It's a big rectangle with a grocery store at one end, a chain restaurant at the other, small stores along one long side, the street on the other long side.  There are small entrances on the sides and a big entrance, via a street T intersection in the middle.

 For 3 years I've parked there without problem.  Right in front of the bus stop near the big drive way entrance in the part of the lot near the restaurant (but furthest from the restaurant), I cross the street at that intersection to take the bus to the city.  Sometimes I buy stuff at the grocery store on the far side of the shopping center before or after work (there's another bus stop near the grocery store). 

so a few weeks ago, I get to my car after work and there's a note in my windshield saying I can't park here for the bus. It's not signed, just handwritten.  There are no signs in the parking lot.  I figured someone from the bagel store wrote the note since it was the only place open in the morning near the part of the lot where I was parking.  I will say that in the 10 years I've lived near this shopping center, I've seen that part of the parking lot filled up maybe 2-3 times, and only in the evening (probably for the restaurant).  It's never been full when I get back from work.

For a couple weeks I park elsewhere (parking lot near my daughter's karate dojo, the owner gave me permission), but it was a further walk to the bus stop near there.  It wouldn't be bad a couple years ago, but arthritis in my hip now makes a lot of walking painful. 

so I started parking back in the first lot, but in a different part, closer to the grocery store, away from the bagel shop, and in a part of the lot that is the furthest from the  grocery store, where hardly anyone parks. Today I get to my car after work and someone in a security uniform comes up and says I can't park here for the bus. This was in a part of the lot I've never seen full.

its just really annoying how difficult it is to take public transportation when one has some mobility problems and how pissy people are about parking for the bus.  There is plenty of space in the shopping center parking lot and I would go the the grocery store at least twice a week, so it's not like I was taking a spot from a customer. 

So I guess I'll park back in the karate lot and deal with the pain when it flares up.

i'd drive to work but there's no parking lot near my office that doesn't cost a huge amount, the cheaper lots are many blocks away, so id have to walk even further.

oh so I'm not going to patronize that grocery store any more, I'll go to another one that's only a few more blocks away.  Customer lost.

Maybe if you go in and explain you're situation they may make an exception for you.  That's pretty standard practice, though, and you're kind of lucky they didn't tow you.  Especially after the first warning.

  • Love 3

About honking--back when people first started having cell phones, I noticed a correlation between drivers with phones to their ears at red lights and delays in getting going once the light turned green.  So if I was second in line at a red light and there I could see that the driver in front of me was on the phone, I'd honk as soon as the light turned green.  I didn't feel guilty because I knew the driver wouldn't be paying attention and wouldn't realize that the light hadn't been green for some time, and might think, "I didn't notice the light had changed.  Maybe I shouldn't talk on the phone when I'm driving."  And we can see how successful my campaign was.

But I wish people would honk more often.  I never use the phone while driving, but I've occasionally been daydreaming or looking around while sitting at a light and failed to notice it turned green, and once I grokked by seeing traffic moving around me, I was disappointed that nobody behind me had honked to tell me to get going.  Or when I'm fourth or fifth in line and the person on the pole doesn't get going, and the second and third cars don't honk.  From back in the line I'm like honk!  Pass it on.  Honking would be helpful.

That said, I'm 100% against punitive honking, where somebody pulls in front of someone, for example, and the aggrieved party lays on the horn while following the perpetrator.  That's just a dick move. 

  • Love 2
5 hours ago, magicdog said:

 He saw the man being honked at get out of his car, go into his trunk and pull out an ax.  He turned to the car honking at him and began pounding on the hood with the ax.  He did this several times before putting it back into the trunk and going back to sit in the car.

These days, that's as likely as not to get you shot.

  • Love 2

If there's not a lot of other cars doing the same thing, I would probably try to get an ok from the management company to park there with their permission.  If you also shop in that retail center on a regular basis, explain your reasons for using a spot and mention that on average you spend $X/month at that location.  It doesn't hurt to ask.

  • Love 2
1 hour ago, Hanahope said:

Not a bad idea trying to learn the identity of the owner or management agency.  Something may be new since I've never seen a security guard there in over 10 years.  

I have seen signs in other places, but not at this shopping center.  

Speaking from the POV as one in commercial real estate, no leasing sign may mean no vacancies in the center. New security could mean a/several break-ins or  possible new ownership being proactive.

Nevertheless, it's in the ownership's best interest to have more people at the center, whether parking-and-riding or otherwise. Those people are likely to stop in to the stores after work for a few quick things. That's a positive to point out to ownership. Frankly, most ownership is short sighted, though. 

And yes, the karate dojo lessee is perfectly w/in his rights to allow you to park in "his" lot. Most tenants have it built w/in their leases that they are designated x amount of spaces.

  • Love 2
23 hours ago, PradaKitty said:

Is it just me, or do people seem meaner when it's windy?

I wonder if we live in the same area, because it's been windy here the past few days. It does make me cranky -- last night, after work, I was definitely "okay, enough with the f'king wind already." 

My employer does not provide adequate parking for employees, and the businesses next door have politely requested that we not use their lots.  I still do, but I park in the least favorable spot so that I am not hindering their customers, and so far they haven't said anything. I can see my car from work, so if a tow truck showed up, I could intervene. 

I realize this isn't a big deal but I really wish friends would stop trying to sell me stuff on Facebook. I love my friends but I don't want nail wraps or leggings or pillows or bags, and that's all I seem to see in my news feed. I used to enjoy seeing their posts and now when I see the "join my online party" posts 10 times a day, my eyes roll as I think about using the "unfollow" feature or leaving FB altogether (again).  For now just scrolling past and rolling my eyes..........

  • Love 10
1 hour ago, bilgistic said:

Does my desperate need to get groceries outweigh my utter disdain for un-pajama-ing and showering today?

Grocery stores in my area just started offering online ordering.  You drive to go pick it up, park in the specially designated spots and someone brings it out and loads it into your car.  Several of the stores are giving intro offers of $10 off your first order (although beer/wine and tobacco are probably excluded).

  • Love 4
1 hour ago, bilgistic said:

Does my desperate need to get groceries outweigh my utter disdain for un-pajama-ing and showering today?

Fuck it.  Baby-wipe whore's bath, sweats, a hat, and sunglasses (it's Walmart catfood or Grocery Outlet cheap wine, and nobody but you really cares!).  I've learned to lower my standards over the years, and am much more relaxed for it.   But then, I'll forage freezer rejects to avoid shopping for myself - but cat food, coffee and cigs will get me out of the house any hour of the day or night!!!  :-D

  • Love 7

OMG I’m so excited that I found this Off Topic Forum. Waving hello!

Apologizing in advance if this has already been mentioned.  I have to read 182 pages to catch up.

Pet Peeves:

Ordering any kind of egg sandwich  - biting into it and there’s a little piece of eggshell. Can’t eat the rest of it. This happens sometimes too with a piece of cake. Gah!!!!

Going over to friend’s house and they take the milk/half and half out of the fridge, then say does this smell bad? Then they try to stick it under your nose….Um…..NO!!!! I do not want to smell it, if you are questioning whether or not it’s bad, it’s bad.

Pouring half and half into your waiting hot cup of coffee and little white floating curdles come up to the surface. Gah!!

Standing at the supermarket check out with a clerk that is too lazy or hates her job. One of my items was a loaf of bread, it wouldn’t scan. Instead of typing the sku, she kept moving my loaf of bread back and forth over the glass scanner. She was squeezing the loaf, I swear her fingerprints were on the bread part. I refused to purchase that item, it looked like a towel that was just wrung of water.

  • Love 5

Unfortunately, I've whore's-bathed two days already. I'm disgusting. (Ask me if I care. I do not. I always make sure I don't smell, and I wear clean clothes. I just don't know why I don't have a man. Ha ha!) I went ahead and showered, washed the hair, the whole dealio. That means I don't have to do it tonight, which is a win.

  • Love 4
24 minutes ago, bilgistic said:

Unfortunately, I've whore's-bathed two days already. I'm disgusting. (Ask me if I care. I do not. I always make sure I don't smell, and I wear clean clothes. I just don't know why I don't have a man. Ha ha!) I went ahead and showered, washed the hair, the whole dealio. That means I don't have to do it tonight, which is a win.

Well, you just go on with your clean-smelling self, then!  Who needs a man when you have all of US?!  :-)

I'm wallowing in my own filth & depression this morning - it's my first Mothers' Day without a Mum on this earthly plane, and I am OWNING it.  I already excoriated a telemarketer this morning who kept insisting I'd requested a call back for home improvement services (I had NOT).  When he argued against my polite attempts at a rebuff, and basically called me a liar, I let loose with some Deadwood-worthy cussing.  He said "Really, on Mothers' Day you're using that language?".  I said "Fuckin' A, I am, on someone who disturbs my Mothers' Day morning.  My Mum's dead, and you are dead to me, too".  Sometimes, you just have to take it out on the telemarketers who persist in bringing rudeness into your life.  (And I'm usually SUCH a polite Canadian, eh!).

  • Love 13

This has been mentioned previously by others. Today it's my pet peeve. I'm tried of people adding others they barely know to FB groups to sell their MLM stuff or to give updates about their pregnancy. Today some lady who lives in a fancy pants neighborhood near mine posted on the local Nextdoor forum selling some skectchy sounding weight loss place that's in a shopping center. She mentioned in one of her two posts that "Private appointments available after 5pm" and linked to what turned out to be her personalized MLM site for some stuff called Omnitrition.

  • Love 2

@Jaded, that use of social media to combine personal info with MLM sales pitches has resulted in me unfriending a few people. I do have one friend who handled it in a way that I thought was okay. She posted that she was going to be selling product X, and had created a private group for any of her friends who would be interested in buying/learning more about product X. So instead of getting a gazillion posts from her about which particular item she was pushing that week, you would have to go join her private group if you wanted the sales pitch, which I assuredly did not. I was fine with that. I don't use FB for much other than keeping up with a few family members and friends who have scattered, and have zero interest in getting so-called updates that consist of nothing more than ads. I know the people pushing the MLM products are being told by the next person up the ladder in whatever MLM organization to use all their social media to sell stuff, but those people have not apparently realized that many people have boundaries. I don't go to Amazon to catch up on news from family and friends, and I don't go to FB to be treated like a potential customer 24/7.

ETA: And at least on Amazon, their sales pitches/recommended products generally target something that I might like, based on my browsing history, unlike the FB posts that are trying to convince me to buy some mascara on steroids or jewelry. I wear no makeup at all except for a few days a year when I have to attend some event; I don't wear jewelry at all because I am allergic to virtually every metal used in jewelry. How likely do you think it is I'm going to buy your insanely overpriced cosmetics and jewelry?

Edited by BookWoman56
  • Love 1
2 hours ago, Jaded said:

Today some lady who lives in a fancy pants neighborhood near mine posted on the local Nextdoor forum selling some skectchy sounding weight loss place that's in a shopping center. She mentioned in one of her two posts that "Private appointments available after 5pm" and linked to what turned out to be her personalized MLM site for some stuff called Omnitrition.

Nextdoor prohibits that shit (legit or not; the Nextdoor newsfeed is not for unsolicited advertisement of your own business/services), so if the Lead didn't already remove it, use the Report Post function.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Standing at the supermarket check out with a clerk that is too lazy or hates her job.

I don't usually go to WAl-Mart, because I feel like every time I go a little piece of my soul dies.  But, for whatever reason I went a few weeks ago.  They've switched at least halfe their registers out for self-serves, but I went through a "manned" one because I like to do what I can to keep people employed.  So, anyone, there are 2 people in front of me.  She's just finishing up with the first one.  The guy in front of me had about 5 items. I think I had two. She starts complaining about the fact that people keep getting in her line and she needs to leave for break in 15 mintues  OK, she's taking money.  She has 7 items to scan and 2 more payments to take. That's only going to take 5 mintues.  A person with a cart gets in line behind me, so of course, you can imagine the freak out about that.  Anyway, 2 minutes (or however long) later, she's checking me out and glances into the cart behind me and says something like "Oh good, you only have a few items.  I really need to go on breaks by 8:00 or whatever time which was then 10 mintues in the future, and she finally turned off her light, which you would have thought she would have done the second she started fretting.  I wanted to say something to her like "Do you see all the self-serve scans?  Maybe you shoudln't complain about the fact that you have some work to do."

  • Love 7
43 minutes ago, KungFuBunny said:

Odering an item on line (just as an example Swiffer duster refills)

The packaging container is the size of a moving box.

I order cat litter on Amazon. They used to slap a label on the box and call it a day. Now the put the cat litter box in a box. It's seriously annoying and it makes it more awkward for the person delivering it since there is no handle.

  • Love 5
5 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

I order cat litter on Amazon. They used to slap a label on the box and call it a day. Now the put the cat litter box in a box. It's seriously annoying and it makes it more awkward for the person delivering it since there is no handle.

Do you notice how sometimes there isn't even any bubble wrap or dunnage paper to keep the things you ordered from shifting back and forth? So it also makes it more awkward for the recipient to lug a box up a flight of stairs while everything in the shipping box is rolling from one end to the other.

  • Love 3
4 minutes ago, spiderpig said:

@Jaded - I wonder if the blatant flogging of .freaky come-ons led to IMdB dropping their message boards.

Used to be I'd drop by to find out if anyone else noticed when Star A said something in Movie B, but the thread was hijacked by offers to make $10,000 a week in my own home.

That could very well be why they shut those boards down.  If those posts I mentioned aren't taken down by the local leaders/mods before tomorrow hopefully the main Nextdoor support team will do it since I went ahead and reported them that way earlier too.


I realize this isn't a big deal but I really wish friends would stop trying to sell me stuff on Facebook. I love my friends but I don't want nail wraps or leggings or pillows or bags, and that's all I seem to see in my news feed. I used to enjoy seeing their posts and now when I see the "join my online party" posts 10 times a day, my eyes roll as I think about using the "unfollow" feature or leaving FB altogether (again).  For now just scrolling past and rolling my eyes..........

OMG, I am so sick of this in my FB feed. The latest is some kind of amazing tooth whitening toothpaste that will change your life. Between that, Rodan and Fields, Beauty Counter and Plexus, I feel like FB has become a giant online marketplace. When did MLMs become so prominent?

  • Love 2

I order cat litter on Amazon. They used to slap a label on the box and call it a day. Now the put the cat litter box in a box. It's seriously annoying and it makes it more awkward for the person delivering it since there is no handle.

Omg this seriously bugs me too. Its uncomfortable to carry in (if it arrives when I'm not home) and there it silly for me to unpack a box to retrieve another box.

  • Love 2
4 hours ago, KungFuBunny said:

Do you notice how sometimes there isn't even any bubble wrap or dunnage paper to keep the things you ordered from shifting back and forth? So it also makes it more awkward for the recipient to lug a box up a flight of stairs while everything in the shipping box is rolling from one end to the other.

Cool, I learned a new word.

  • Love 6
On 3/12/2015 at 2:39 PM, annzeepark914 said:

If their recording won't allow you to hit "0" and insists that you tell them something?  That's when I mumble something unintelligable.  They ask me to repeat what I just said and so I mumble again. That's when they transfer me to a customer service rep :>)  

I am going to try this tactic, the next time I have to make a customer service call.

5 months ago, I switched services and one of the things I was offered was a contract buyout. I had to pay the buyout fee upfront and the new company would send me a check in that amount. 3 ½ months later, I realized I did not receive my check from the new company. I called and spoke to customer service. They tapped in all the notes. I wanted to know the status, did they receive my paperwork, was the check in the mail, was it still being processed? I was told that’s another department, an email was sent through and I would hear from someone within 3 business days and I was given a reference #. On day 5, I called back because I never got a call. Gave them the reference # and went through the whole spiel, was told they just sent another email and that I would be called within 3 business days. I made a total of 8 calls every 3 to 5 business days and had to go through everything the same way getting the same response. I never received the call back but did finally receive an email.

My pet peeve: Immediately after every one of those calls,  I would receive a “Customer Service Survey” automated call, where I was to rate the customer service rep I spoke to. The 5 questions were posed like this….Were you happy with the timely fashion in which your customer service representative RESOLVED your issue? Did your customer service representative seem knowledgeable while helping you RESOLVE your issue.

These were automated calls, I am sure there is a way to prompt these calls to only go out when an issue is resolved so that a pissed off customer whose issue has not been resolved won’t give them low ratings.

  • Love 2

Speaking of grocery stores, I hate when people with more than say 10 items go into the self-scan line, especially people with nearly full carts.  If they are using the mobile scanner (the little scanner you carry around the store to scan and bag your own groceries), that's ok because all they have to do at the scanner is wave it under the receptical and the machine uploads their purchases, and they pay - they're in and out very quickly.  Otherwise, if you have more than few items, get in the cashier line.  Inevitably with people that have more than a few items, they have problems with the machine, or their ton of coupons, and it takes foreve for those of us with just 2-3 items to get to a register/scanner.  I fail to see how it saves them time when they have a full cart.

  • Love 4
On 5/14/2017 at 8:38 AM, TurtlePower said:

I realize this isn't a big deal but I really wish friends would stop trying to sell me stuff on Facebook. I love my friends but I don't want nail wraps or leggings or pillows or bags, and that's all I seem to see in my news feed. I used to enjoy seeing their posts and now when I see the "join my online party" posts 10 times a day, my eyes roll as I think about using the "unfollow" feature or leaving FB altogether (again).  For now just scrolling past and rolling my eyes..........

You can click in the upper right corner of the post and click 'Hide Post'. If they're sharing something like a meme or sharing the party invite from another page, you can choose "Hide all from ...." and banish anything from that page from your feed forever. I had to do this because I have one friend that posts memes almost constantly, as well as several other friends who like to post shit about drinking wine, and all that crap was destroying the signal:noise ratio in my news feed; I use Facebook to keep up with distant friends' goings-on, after all, and so I didn't want to unfollow them. Using the "Hide all from ...." option has really improved the signal:noise ratio. It's been a life-saver!

  • Love 3
11 hours ago, emma675 said:

OMG, I am so sick of this in my FB feed. The latest is some kind of amazing tooth whitening toothpaste that will change your life. Between that, Rodan and Fields, Beauty Counter and Plexus, I feel like FB has become a giant online marketplace. When did MLMs become so prominent?

MLMs tend to cycle up when the economy is cycling down, which is to say they do better when people feel they either are getting or have gotten poorer. And that's pretty much where the US is right now. Unemployment may be down, but so are real wages.

  • Love 2
25 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

You can click in the upper right corner of the post and click 'Hide Post'. If they're sharing something like a meme or sharing the party invite from another page, you can choose "Hide all from ...." and banish anything from that page from your feed forever. 

This is the technique I use on friends who post stuff I really am not interested in (religious stuff, their child's big never-ending important projects, things that are posted over and over ad nauseum).  Of course I have to remember to visit their page once a week to make sure I can "like" their good/interesting posts but it's worth it to miss that other irritating stuff.

  • Love 1
40 minutes ago, Hanahope said:

Speaking of grocery stores, I hate when people with more than say 10 items go into the self-scan line, especially people with nearly full carts.  If they are using the mobile scanner (the little scanner you carry around the store to scan and bag your own groceries), that's ok because all they have to do at the scanner is wave it under the receptical and the machine uploads their purchases, and they pay - they're in and out very quickly.  Otherwise, if you have more than few items, get in the cashier line.  Inevitably with people that have more than a few items, they have problems with the machine, or their ton of coupons, and it takes foreve for those of us with just 2-3 items to get to a register/scanner.  I fail to see how it saves them time when they have a full cart.

Well, then you'd hate me. I prefer to use the self-scan lanes because then I can bag my own shit. The cashiers or baggers (whoever is doing it; varies by store) never bag my stuff the right way. I put all the cold/frozen stuff together so it can all get bagged together. I put all non-food items together because I don't want them bagged with food items, particularly if they are cleaning supplies. I put things like eggs and bread together for obvious reasons. Invariably, the fuckwit behind the register or standing at the end of the lane waiting to bag my stuff screws it up and spreads all the frozen stuff out over several bags, and then puts other not frozen/non-cold stuff in on top. What makes it worse is that when there's a bagger (other than the cashier), they don't want to leave when I tell them I'll bag my own stuff. Instead, they stand there with a dopey, confused look and force me to get rude about it by telling them the reason I'm bagging my own stuff is because they never do it right. The only exception to this is if the bagger is a retired person because they grew up learning to group things like this when bagging groceries.

So, yeah, if there's a self-serve lane, then I'm using it. That's its purpose, and using it saves me from being in a situation where the only way to get what I want is to be rude to someone. Using those self-serve lanes never saves me any time, anyway, even when I've got just one thing. The only other thing I'll say is that I never have coupons because I live in an area where coupons seem to be verboten. I don't understand it, but there are no grocery coupons here, which is kind of disappointing because my wife had gotten into the "extreme couponing" thing and managed to reduce our grocery bills for a while. (Though, not as much as some other people did because we don't buy frozen dinners/appetizers/etc.) When we did use coupons in volume like that, we didn't use self-serve lanes; but if we had a "normal" number of coupons, I'd still use the self-scan lanes.

  • Love 2
On 5/14/2017 at 8:38 AM, TurtlePower said:

I realize this isn't a big deal but I really wish friends would stop trying to sell me stuff on Facebook. I love my friends but I don't want nail wraps or leggings or pillows or bags, and that's all I seem to see in my news feed. I used to enjoy seeing their posts and now when I see the "join my online party" posts 10 times a day, my eyes roll as I think about using the "unfollow" feature or leaving FB altogether (again).  For now just scrolling past and rolling my eyes..........

Amen to the online sales issue---this is especially problematic if you're a female, because women tend to buy into that party hostessing/makeup sales BS. Never mind that ALL that party hosting/sales BS is just a Pyramid Scheme/MLM quietly masquerading as a "business opportunity" for so many of these dumb housewives.

One month I got 8 different FB invites for these parties and realized I'd had enough and felt vaguely offended---did anyone actually want to hang out with me for *me* or because I'm gullible enough to buy their shit at their stupid parties?! I finally had to post and repost a message on my profile saying in a nice way, "If you're inviting me to a gathering just for the pleasure of my company, then I'll be there, but if you're inviting me out just to sell me your shit, sorry but I'M NOT INTERESTED!!!" 

The "ignore" feature on FB notifications has been a godsend, btw---I quit getting those annoying invites immediately thanks to that feature. And I quit seeing endless baby/children pics. And the endless humblebragging---I have a sorta friend who loves to share posts mentioning her Mercedes, shares endless selfies and reapearedly discusses how random students mention how "pretty" she is and shares pics of her McMansion, etc...she's about as annoying as the mommy friends who have nothing to discuss but their kids. I worry that these types will be the types to completely go nuts as soon as their kids move out because they obviously have nothing else going on in their own lives.

  • Love 3
6 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

I put all the cold/frozen stuff together so it can all get bagged together. I put all non-food items together because I don't want them bagged with food items, particularly if they are cleaning supplies. I put things like eggs and bread together for obvious reasons

This is how every grocery store I've ever been to that bags groceries for you does it.  They also try to balance it so each bag is about the same weight and not "too" heavy.  The only time it's not like this is if there just one thing of a category (i.e. the only crush-able thing is a loaf of bread) then that might end up on top of something else (e.g. refrigerated, or paper products).  Now, with the weight balance concern, I will often end up with more bags than I like.  I understand they shouldn't be so heavy as to break the bag, but sometimes things can be combined.

As for where this happens, I grew up in the Detroit suburbs of MI, lived in Philly for 3 years and have lived in Minneapolis for the past 16 years.

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Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

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Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

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