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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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Pushy people on Next Door/Craigslist. I posted a compound miter for free, which was of course snapped up quickly because it was free. One guy messaged me twice within 15 minutes, and when I told him it had been claimed, he responded that he could pick it up right away. No, buddy, you aren’t getting it, no matter how quickly you could get it. I certainly don’t want you to know where I live now. 

ETA: He just sent me another message, this time apologizing for being creepy. At least he recognized it, I guess - or is pretending to not be creepy so that I change my mind.

Edited by MargeGunderson
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4 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

What drives me crazy is women who feel the need to giggle at the end of every sentence. You see it a lot in commercials. "I really like this laundry detergent tee hee." WTF?

Not in commercials, but I see that all the time - from men and women - who have to add "LOL" to the end of every comment on Facebook , Twitter, or forum posts, whether their comment was supposed to be funny or not.

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Omg. Nothing triggers me as much as people whose IG stories are all "unboxing" presents from "fans." It's become a whole ritual of the IG influencer "getting" the package, oohing and aahing over the box, unboxing, squealing at the contents, and then adding a brief "slide into my DM's if you can donate" to ask for more stuff. I really do not understand:

1. The people who send expensive presents to IG influencers they don't know

2. The IG influencers who do this and think it's endearing

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21 minutes ago, Growsonwalls said:

Omg. Nothing triggers me as much as people whose IG stories are all "unboxing" presents from "fans." It's become a whole ritual of the IG influencer "getting" the package, oohing and aahing over the box, unboxing, squealing at the contents, and then adding a brief "slide into my DM's if you can donate" to ask for more stuff. I really do not understand:

1. The people who send expensive presents to IG influencers they don't know

2. The IG influencers who do this and think it's endearing

Probably a dumb question from an IG-illiterate, but how are you seeing all this? Don’t you have to follow or subscribe or something? Does IG just push random stuff out to people?

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I’m probably guilty of too much lol! Sometimes I add them so I don’t come across as cold. Some people expect lots of enthusiasm and smilies. That’s been my experience texting with family and friends anyway. 

Fake voices are definitely a pet peeve of mine too. It’s usually women who do it. There’s a YouTuber I’m a big fan of, but she has this super phony voice. When her natural voice comes through, it’s so much more attractive. Ladies, most of us do not sound like Disney princesses, and it’s fine! Your real voice is probably pretty.  I get wanting to sound nice, but that super high-pitched cutesy voice isn’t fooling anyone. 

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4 minutes ago, SoMuchTV said:

Probably a dumb question from an IG-illiterate, but how are you seeing all this? Don’t you have to follow or subscribe or something? Does IG just push random stuff out to people?

Ok I used to follow this dog channel on IG. Then I noticed that in the stories were constant "unboxing" of presents people had sent "to the dog" -- but it was actually expensive presents for the human. I follow some dancers who do the same thing. I've unfollowed them but yeah, definitely, it's a thing.

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Consignment and vintage shops have better selection than places like Goodwill and Salvation Army. I also love that they have stuff separated by size. Have you tried shopping those kinds of stores? I still don't have the luck other women do shopping secondhand stores, but I see way more things I like. A lot of the time they just don't flatter me. 

I think I am one of the "lucky" ones (even at Goodwill & Salvation Army), but I'm guessing we probably shop for different stuff--and where I am, the Goodwills are surprisingly well organized; the first time I went into the one near where I live, I almost fell over in shock! We also have the best big crazy warehouse of vintage not too far away and it's super-cheap (I scored 4 vintage '70s maxi dresses for $32 once)! But that's because the majority of it is organized in boxes labeled with Sharpies, haha! It's worth it, IMO (but not the easiest place to shop in very hot or very cold weather). 

Edited by TattleTeeny
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When I was in college, a good friend of mine was a theatre arts major and worked on wardrobe for a lot of university productions.  She and I would go to the local Goodwill store and a church-run thrift shop, I would find nothing, and she would pull out a wool suit that looked like vintage Chanel and was perfect for an upcoming play set in the 1930s.  This type of thing happened more than once.


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One of my most favorite pairs of Levi's came from the costume shop of the theater department in college! (I wasn't in that curriculum, but I did costume work for vis-art credits--it was less "glamorous" than it sounds). But, as for peeves, the costume-shop lady, who was like a sitcom gruff-but-lovable crazy neighbor, said the best thing regarding sewing errors: "So what? No one's gonna die from it!" Sometimes I still think of that when I am feelin' peevish!

Edited by TattleTeeny
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15 hours ago, MargeGunderson said:

Pushy people on Next Door/Craigslist. I posted a compound miter for free, which was of course snapped up quickly because it was free. One guy messaged me twice within 15 minutes, and when I told him it had been claimed, he responded that he could pick it up right away. No, buddy, you aren’t getting it, no matter how quickly you could get it. I certainly don’t want you to know where I live now. 

@MargeGunderson I have been selling some things on FB Marketplace for the last several months and have had similar experiences. I recently sold a vintage-looking daybed with an ornate metal design. I put a detailed description that noted that the metal was a cream color. I had one woman who messaged me asking if I was sure it was cream, not white. I responded that I was 100% positive it was cream. She messaged again, asking for a better picture so she could see for herself.  All of the pics were in bright light at different angles, close up and full screen. In between her annoying demands I had received 7 offers with no questions or concerns so I responded that I already had a solid offer. 


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12 hours ago, Calvada said:

When I was in college, a good friend of mine was a theatre arts major and worked on wardrobe for a lot of university productions.  She and I would go to the local Goodwill store and a church-run thrift shop, I would find nothing, and she would pull out a wool suit that looked like vintage Chanel and was perfect for an upcoming play set in the 1930s.  This type of thing happened more than once.


The Goodwill in Seattle used to sell these bags pf costume jewelry. My friends and I went through a phase in the late seventies where we were really into rhinestone jewelry (Marilyn Monroe type stuff) and you could get a whole bag of necklaces, earrings and bracelets for a dollar.

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On 10/15/2020 at 7:21 PM, SoMuchTV said:

Sir or madam! I beg to differ!  Whoppers are indeed yummy.  

Sorry, that’s all I got. 

I remember when whoppers came in little milk carton packages. I don't know if they still do?

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On 10/15/2020 at 8:24 PM, BooksRule said:

The stuff in the orange and black wrappers is a peanut butter candy.  Very chewy.  They're okay if you are craving sweets and that's all there is, but I don't buy them on purpose.  Candy corn is okay, but I like the candy pumpkins better (they have a little more flavor).  Circus peanuts have an odd texture to me, so I don't like them.  I don't like anything licorice, so I guess that's my icky choice.  

Peeve:  It's the middle of October, and it has still been in the upper 80s around here.  I hate that my A/C is still coming on way too much (even when I have it turned up to 78).  But, cooler weather is on the way and it's been cooler at night, so the days of running the A/C constantly are coming to a close (unless we have one of those ridiculous 'heat waves' near Christmas!).



You don't live in Texas by any chance? lol

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12 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

On Friday nights back in the 70s I went with a friend and his dad to Kmart just about every week.   His dad always bought Whoppers (in the milk carton) and Circus Peanuts.   I know it is a huge no no to feed pets chocolate, but way back then he would toss his dog a few Whoppers.

I can't be the only one that remembers the Blue Light Specials at Kmart.

I remember in KMart the actual blue light was flashing on the special in the  section the store

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A woman just posted on one of our local Facebook pages which pertains to shady online sales.  She needed a dresser to put her TV on and she knew exactly how long it had to be.  She sees one online but it's the other side of the county.  She and the owner pleasantly bantered back and forth about condition, etc., so she could make sure it fit her qualifications before driving all the way over.  She asks owner how long the dresser is and owner says she has no idea and no tape measure.   Owner's neighbor comes over and measures it and it's four inches too short.  Potential buyer politely says no go but thanks the owner for her trouble.  Owner responds,"LMAO, don't waste people's time.  F**** skank!" and proceeded to block the woman.  Well, that escalated quickly!

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On 10/15/2020 at 8:27 PM, theredhead77 said:

Harvest Mix season is my favorite season! But only Brach's. The rest can die a waxy faux candy corn impersonation death.

Circus peanuts taste like packing foam looks and black licorice is the worst.



My dad used to buy the black and orange wrapper candy to give out, Yes my dad is cheap

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2 hours ago, TattleTeeny said:

I hate when Ebay/Poshmark/Etsy sellers don't put measurements on their vintage clothing. How lazy. And do they WANT to have to answer 650 questions?

I'm amazed at how many professional retail websites are guilty of this, for any clothing.  

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At least a lot of the retail sites have reviews (some with photos) that are helpful if the person includes her dimensions. But come one, secondhand sellers--you can even just take photos with a tape measure in them if you don't want to type it all out!

Edited by TattleTeeny
I mean measurements, not dimensions! Haha, what's the matter with me?
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On 10/16/2020 at 2:36 PM, TattleTeeny said:

Ugh, ordinary Hershey bars. That chocolate tastes like the smell of baby vomit.

I know of 2 people in my life and one is my  SIL. I cannot get close to them because their breath smells like roach spray  with the kind that they put perfume so it doesn't smell chemically. Its weird...

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3 hours ago, Nicmar said:

My dad used to buy the black and orange wrapper candy to give out, Yes my dad is cheap

An elderly next door neighbor of ours growing up, gave these out one year. I went to her house with my sister. We had on costumes with plastic masks (1968ish). We said trick or treat, she gave us the candy. We said thank you, and that’s when she realized it was us. She had us come inside and gave us what she called, “the good stuff”. Loved her. I can’t remember what she gave us, but I can remember the rest as if it was yesterday!

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I've lived in MT 16 years on a little dirt road with 4 homes...no trick or treaters here. Before that I lived in the high Sierras in CA no trick or treaters there either. I buy the Reeses Snack Size bars and eat them all myself over time...sorry, not sorry! 😁

Edited by Gramto6
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We don't get trick or treaters where I live, either-we're in a top floor apartment and kids just don't really come out this way. We haven't had trick or treaters for years.

3 minutes ago, Gramto6 said:

I buy the Reeses Snack Size bars and eat them all myself over time...sorry, not sorry! 😁

LOL, my family likes to do the same thing with candy for Halloween. If you can't treat other people, might as well treat yourself, right :D? 

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24 minutes ago, icemiser69 said:

Really?  So a mouse is going to find its way back if it is just a mile away?

Actually, yes.  I read a pretty interesting article about that a while ago.  This woman had mice and she was trapping and releasing.  She would mark them in various different ways so that she would know how many times she had caught a particular varmint, and she had quite a few satisfied repeat customers.  i can't remember the distances, but she would take them further away each time.

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2 hours ago, icemiser69 said:


Mice that want to move in without paying rent.

So, I went to the hardware store looking at options for dealing with the critter, and I stumbled upon a humane trap that looked like it was something Wile E. Coyote would buy from ACME.  Granted, the item I was looking at is the non-violent type of thing, something Wile probably wouldn't ever consider using on the Road Runner.  In any case, you capture the little sucker and then you're suppose to relocate the varmint six miles away.

Really?  So a mouse is going to find its way back if it is just a mile away?

I don't want to kill them I just want to evict them.

Keep in mind re capturing ONE mouse: mice are by no means solitary creatures but travel in large family clans. Thus, the mouse you may have released a mile away likely  has X number of sibs, cousins, mates , offspring,etc. who will make food runs  in the exiled mouse's place! Oh, and the exiled mouse will do its derndest to reunite with the rest of them. 

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Re: humane mouse traps. When we still lived in the mountains, one fall my big tom cat caught a mouse and managed to get it inside (we had various ways to prevent this but failed in this instance) and let it go to play with it as was his wont....well the mouse fled under the refrigerator in the kitchen and we could not get it out no matter what we did. So the mouse lived under the refrig through the winter and waited each day until the cat was outside (catching more critters) to make its way stealthily to our garbage can and chow down. We finally bought one of those humane traps that you put peanut butter in - the mouse goes in, the back springs shut and then you can release the mouse wherever....well it all worked just like it was supposed to, except this mouse had got so fat that when it went inside the front part for the peanut butter and the back sprang shut, the poor thing asphyxiated as there was not enough room for the mouse and any air.

The moral of this story? Just get a cat or two but don't let them bring their "toys" inside.

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7 hours ago, icemiser69 said:


Mice that want to move in without paying rent.

So, I went to the hardware store looking at options for dealing with the critter, and I stumbled upon a humane trap that looked like it was something Wile E. Coyote would buy from ACME.  Granted, the item I was looking at is the non-violent type of thing, something Wile probably wouldn't ever consider using on the Road Runner.  In any case, you capture the little sucker and then you're suppose to relocate the varmint six miles away.

Really?  So a mouse is going to find its way back if it is just a mile away?

I don't want to kill them I just want to evict them.

At just one mile away, it will get back to your house before you do! 🐭

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16 hours ago, Gramto6 said:

I buy the Reeses Snack Size bars and eat them all myself over time...sorry, not sorry! 😁

I admire your restraint, for me "over time" would be by Nov 1st. 

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10 hours ago, icemiser69 said:

So a mouse is going to find its way back if it is just a mile away?

I don't want to kill them I just want to evict them.

You're better off killing them!  Call in an exterminator and he can set the rat traps for you and make sure all of his friends and family are gone too.

I know I sound like a grade A meanie, but rodents bring fleas and disease on top of the damage they do when they take up residence in your walls.  The sooner you get rid of them permanently the better.

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Whether you relocate or exterminate* them, the important thing to do is identify their entry point(s) and seal it/them up.  Otherwise, you're going to be battling the invaders in perpetuity, and they can do a good bit of damage in short bit of time.

*They make traps that electrocute them; it seems the most humane of the death options.  Whatever you do, no poison or those awful glue traps.

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20 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Whether you relocate or exterminate* them, the important thing to do is identify their entry point(s) and seal it/them up.  Otherwise, you're going to be battling the invaders in perpetuity, and they can do a good bit of damage in short bit of time.

*They make traps that electrocute them; it seems the most humane of the death options.  Whatever you do, no poison or those awful glue traps.

Those glue traps are the absolute worst. We had an office in an old house and we would occasionally get rats. The office manager before me called an exterminator and he brought glue traps. She told him to fuck right off with that. What were we supposed to do with some shrieking, writhing disease beast?

Edited by peacheslatour
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17 hours ago, peacheslatour said:

Those glue traps are the absolute worst. We had an office in an old house and we would occasionally get rats. The office manager before me called an exterminator and he brought glue traps. She told him to fuck right off with that. What were we supposed to do with some shrieking, writhing disease beast?

Just happened across this.  I guess there are some really great humans out there, despite all evidence to the contrary.


PTV is wonky lately, so post isn't embedding correctly.)


Edited by SuprSuprElevated
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2 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Was told by a colleague who had a raccoon get into the attic of his home, that he had to relocate it at least five miles away to ensure that it wouldn't return.  I was gobsmacked.

We had a raccoon walk into our house, waddle over to the cat food, & eat it all while staring us down. Then he drank some water & left.

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12 hours ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

Just happened across this.  I guess there are some really great humans out there, despite all evidence to the contrary.


(PTV is wonky lately, so post isn't embedding correctly.)


The issue is the tail of the link. If you get rid of the the part I bolded it would embed. As someone who hates lizards, reptiles (and The Dodo) I'm glad it didn't embed.


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21 minutes ago, theredhead77 said:

The issue is the tail of the link. If you get rid of the the part I bolded it would embed. As someone who hates lizards, reptiles (and The Dodo) I'm glad it didn't embed.


I guess I'm unclear how to facilitate that.  I merely posted the "copy link" option from the drop down menu on the IG post, something I do with regularity, successfully.  Sorry about your aversion to all things about that post, lol.

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8 minutes ago, SuprSuprElevated said:

I guess I'm unclear how to facilitate that.  I merely posted the "copy link" option from the drop down menu on the IG post, something I do with regularity, successfully. 

When you copy a link from Instagram, Twitter, etc... it usually includes a referral tag in the URL. In this case it was the /?utm_source=copyweblink part. That tag probably caused the embedding to not work correctly. It looks like you edited your first post. I'm not familiar with this board so I'm not sure why the modification didn't work when you edited it but I bet if you pasted it again in a new post it would work.




Sorry about your aversion to all things about that post, lol.

No worries. I'm on a public board and I know I'm a bit overly sensitive to sad animal things. I hate The Dodo because it's so focused on sad animal stories disguised as feel-good animal stories which is like my 7th circle of hell.

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15 hours ago, GaT said:

We had a raccoon walk into our house, waddle over to the cat food, & eat it all while staring us down. Then he drank some water & left.

Another living in the mountains story: So we had our cat door in the outer door of the laundry room which had another door (without a cat door) so that our cats could go in and out but not bring their recently caught prey into the house. We kept a bowl of dry cat food and a fresh bowl of water in there as well and each spring our local mama raccoon would teach her most recent litter to enter via cat door at night and chow down! They were super unafraid of the grown cats (if any of my cats were in there at the same time they maintained their catty feigned boredom with the whole scene) and unfortunately liked to wash their paws in the water bowl, making a wet mess of the floor. But *so cute*! I would go in and clear them out from time to time and would look out to see mama waiting for her brood (she could not fit through the cat door) and then leading them off, probably to the next place with a cat door 🙂

The coons left (went uphill) each summer as it got hot and dispersed so we never had more than one or two living on or near our property in the fall. Then once it started snowing they would go downhill for the winter (they don't like deep snow unlike the foxes). And in the spring back came mama with a new set of young uns. I guess my peeve here is that raccoons are super messy and they don't catch mice or rats, which would have been useful!

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On 10/21/2020 at 4:55 PM, magicdog said:

You're better off killing them!  Call in an exterminator and he can set the rat traps for you and make sure all of his friends and family are gone too.

I know I sound like a grade A meanie, but rodents bring fleas and disease on top of the damage they do when they take up residence in your walls.  The sooner you get rid of them permanently the better.

@magicdog is right! I used to think mice, squirrels and chipmunks were so cute until I saw the destruction they caused when they get into your home. Trust me, they're not so cute when you have to replace wiring, furniture and flooring. I relieve some of my guilt by reminding myself they are not on the verge of extinction and for every one that I kill there is probably 10 more out there. 

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31 minutes ago, TattleTeeny said:

I get very, very peevy when people call other people "sheep" for...not thinking like they do. Oh, the irony.

And ignorant.  Nope.  I have the same facts you do and I came to a different conclusion. And that's OK.

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Just now, peacheslatour said:

Same with "snowflake".

The world would be a much better place if people could express their opinions without name calling.  That almost seemed too obvious to bother typing, but then I though, well, maybe it's not.

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It's funny--most of the people I know who refer to other people as snowflakes are also the people who scream "unfair" at just about everything (well, not everything, exactly...), are afraid of a whole lot of hypothetical scenarios, and/or subscribe to outlandish conspiracy theories.

Edited by TattleTeeny
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