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Pet Peeves: Aka Things That Make You Go "Gah!"

Message added by Mod-Tigerkatze,

Your Pet Peeves are your Pet Peeves and you're welcome to express them here. However, that does not mean that you can use this topic to go after your fellow posters; being annoyed by something they say or do is not a Pet Peeve.

If there's something you need clarification on, please remember: it's always best to address a fellow poster directly; don't talk about what they said, talk to them. Politely, of course! Everyone is entitled to their opinion and should be treated with respect. (If need be, check out the how to have healthy debates guidelines for more).

While we're happy to grant the leniency that was requested about allowing discussions to go beyond Pet Peeves, please keep in mind that this is still the Pet Peeves topic. Non-pet peeves discussions should be kept brief, be related to a pet peeve and if a fellow poster suggests the discussion may be taken to Chit Chat or otherwise tries to course-correct the topic, we ask that you don't dismiss them. They may have a point.

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2 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

There might be a reason I'm going under the speed limit, including simply not having the confidence required to go faster.

I think if someone is disrupting the flow of traffic because they lack the confidence to keep up with it, they should stay off the road until they've improved their driving skills.

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4 minutes ago, Bastet said:

I think if someone is disrupting the flow of traffic because they lack the confidence to keep up with it, they should stay off the road until they've improved their driving skills.

And how do you propose they improve their skills, if not by driving? My youngest sister-in-law doesn't have much practice on Interstate highways and they terrify her - largely because assholes are inconsiderate and make merging difficult. What would you propose someone like her do to improve their confidence in driving in such a situation? Let me also remind you that none of us had confidence in our driving skills when we were first learning to drive. We developed our skills and the corresponding confidence by actually going out and driving.

Edited by MrSmith
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Sometimes I am going the posted speed limit or two or three mph over it , and I still get the bird and people laying on the horn. So pass me....

Try to merge around here. It seems people make an effort to lock me out. All I want to do is get where I'm going safely, not cause a problem,  and be courteous .  I'm going the damn speed limit or slightly over by 2 or 3 MPH sheesh

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My driving pet peeve is people who are so concerned they're being tailgated that they think people are tailgating them when they are not. I had this happen twice last summer. The first time was with a woman on a motorcycle in stop-and-go traffic who would turn around and glare at me every time we stopped. Yet, I could see the entirety of her rear wheel the entire time and, in most cases, the pavement on which her rear wheel rested. I wasn't punching the gas when we started going again, either. So, it's not like my front end was jumping up as if to say "Finally! Now, hurry up and go!" I recognized it was stop-and-go traffic and just maintained my distance, patiently going when we could and stopping when we had to.

The other time was when I was a car length and a half behind a woman in another car, and we're both doing 60 mph in a 55 mph zone. She started brake-checking me out of the blue and for no reason. In spite of all her brake-checking, I was far enough behind her that I never had to even tap the brakes. Through it all, I ended up closing to within a car length of her vehicle and she eventually gave up and decided to pull over onto the shoulder and have me pass her. (It was otherwise a no-passing zone.)

And I have the dash cam footage to back these stories up. In the end, I would say don't worry about people tailgating you. If they are, you can't force them to drive the way you want them to drive. You don't actually have a problem until they collide with you, and brake-checking them is just going to create a problem ( https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=brake-check+crash ). So, why stress out over how someone else is driving? There's nothing you can do about it, anyway.

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8 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

And I've seen it waaay too many times where people tailgate and will never pass, but they're happy to keep up with (and keep tailgating) you no matter how fast you go.

Indeed. I pretty much lump that guy in with the one doing 35-43 in a 55 zone. They're both outside of normal, and therefore disrupting the normal flow of what you would expect.

And it's funny, I actually thought about further explaining my comment, but just went with it. When I said nobody in front and at least a half dozen cars stacked up behind, I was implying that it's unlikely that you would have 6+ tailgaters all stacked up behind you, all six wanting to go faster than the speed limit.  

Maybe one of them in the line wants to be going faster than the speed limit, but if you are collecting cars behind you like Ash collects Pokemon, it's probably because you are traveling at a rate that is distinctly outside the range of average. And anybody who is traveling distinctly outside the range of normal could certainly create safety issues. Too fast being worse than too slow, obviously.

I'm also not a fan of the "only knows one speed" guy either. We've got roads that go from 55 to 40 to 30 to 55 as they go through residential areas. The ones who just seem to pull out of their driveway doing 43 mph and never vary make me a little nuts. It's not safe to drive 43 in a 30, that's why it's marked as 30, yet you can't find the gas pedal to move it along a little where it is perfectly safe to drive 55? Sigh. It's just me. I'll deal with it.

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19 minutes ago, MrSmith said:

What would you propose someone like her do to improve their confidence in driving in such a situation?

Take some lessons, so she gets road time with someone who can instruct her how not to hold up traffic.  It's just plain rude to toddle down the road with a bunch of people bottled up behind you because you're driving too slow for road/traffic conditions, as the peeve described; speed up or move over, and if it's caused not by being inconsiderate, but by lack of skills, get some help.

Edited by Bastet
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4 minutes ago, Bastet said:

Take some lessons, so she gets road time with someone who can instruct her how not to hold up traffic.  It's just plain rude to toddle down the road with a bunch of people bottled up behind you because you're driving too slow for road/traffic conditions; speed up or move over, and if it's caused not by being inconsiderate, but by lack of skills, get some help.

So, in other words, you suggest she drive in order to improve her driving skills and her confidence. What a surprise.

Edited to add: Once again, on the Interstate, you have a whole other lane you can use to pass someone going slower than you want to go. That happens to be the case on most roads, just that sometimes the other lane is primarily used by on-coming traffic and so some care in passing is required.

Edited by MrSmith
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There are some folks here who pull out backwards without even looking, regardless of who has the right of way etc. It comes across like "Just.. welp.. I'm pulling out so everybody get ready. Suck it."

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3 minutes ago, JTMacc99 said:

I was implying that it's unlikely that you would have 6+ tailgaters all stacked up behind you, all six wanting to go faster than the speed limit.

Come to Minnesota. This is not a rare occurrence. Most Minnesota drivers put the "ass" in passive-aggressive. I'm not from Minnesota; I only live here for now. I learned to drive elsewhere, where people recognize that driving is a social, cooperative activity and show some respect and consideration for other drivers.

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So, in other words, you suggest she drive in order to improve her driving skills and her confidence. What a surprise.

With an instructor, yes, because if she's on the road with an instructor, she or he is going to make her speed up or move over, so she'll no longer be impeding the flow of traffic.  And, by learning, she'll no longer be doing that on her own in the future, and won't lack confidence in her skills.  So, win-win.

This morning's driving peeve:  There's a big rig parked at a corner, so when you're trying to pull out from that side street onto the main road (on which the truck is parked), it is impossible to see what's coming until you inch your car out so far you're asking to have it clipped.  The truck was there last night, and I figured it was just unloading, but, nope, still there.  So I have to hang way back and check traffic from behind the truck. 

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1 minute ago, Bastet said:

This morning's driving peeve:  There's a big rig parked at a corner, so when you're trying to pull out from that side street onto the main road (on which the truck is parked), it is impossible to see what's coming until you inch your car out so far you're asking to have it clipped.  The truck was there last night, and I figured it was just unloading, but, nope, still there.  So I have to hang way back and check traffic from behind the truck. 

Completely agree with this. I've seen this too many times to count and it always makes me marvel at the lack of fucks given by the person who parked like that.

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20 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

I wish I had that luxury, but I don't so I'll hedge my bets doing everything I can for a job I really want, any day.

I didn't have the luxury either. I've sent up to 10 thank you emails for a single campus interview tailored to what we talked about. They are generally 10+ hour interviews, including breakfast to dinner, so you meet a slew of people. It is remarkable the small things that make or break your hire. Even for the positions I *didn't* get, they still remember me and are more willing to collaborate because of this. 

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1 hour ago, MrSmith said:

Come to Minnesota. This is not a rare occurrence. Most Minnesota drivers put the "ass" in passive-aggressive. I'm not from Minnesota; I only live here for now. I learned to drive elsewhere, where people recognize that driving is a social, cooperative activity and show some respect and consideration for other drivers.

This amuses me. I grew up (and learned to drive) in Minnesota.  Then spent some time in the DC area (very aggressive drivers) and now live in Massachusetts where drivers are called Massholes.  I was glad to learn to be an aggressive driver from the jump. 

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2 hours ago, MrSmith said:

And how do you propose they improve their skills, if not by driving? My youngest sister-in-law doesn't have much practice on Interstate highways and they terrify her - largely because assholes are inconsiderate and make merging difficult. What would you propose someone like her do to improve their confidence in driving in such a situation? Let me also remind you that none of us had confidence in our driving skills when we were first learning to drive. We developed our skills and the corresponding confidence by actually going out and driving.

Driving 40 miles an hour on the interstate during rush hour with people trying to merge and get off is a hazard to others. Practice driving at a different time of day when the traffic is lighter. 

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2 hours ago, GenL said:

This amuses me. I grew up (and learned to drive) in Minnesota.  Then spent some time in the DC area (very aggressive drivers) and now live in Massachusetts where drivers are called Massholes.  I was glad to learn to be an aggressive driver from the jump. 

There's a difference between aggressive and being an asshole. On the way home today, I'm behind a Jeep doing 55 (in a 55). I pass him in a passing zone - and he starts speeding up to pace me! I had to get to 75 to finish passing him. WTF? This is not being an aggressive driver. That's just being a fucking asshole. And what happened after I got in front of him? As expected, he went back to doing 55. So, he didn't want to 60 (like I did). He just wanted to be a dick. That was on MN 316 just south of Hastings.

I get on US 61 and merge into the non-existent traffic behind me. While I was getting up to 70, I got passed by someone already on 61 coming from Miesville. No big deal, right? I'm doing 70 in the left lane. They're doing 70 in the right lane. They come up on someone in the right lane going slower than they are and move to the left. Again, No. Big. Deal. They didn't cut me off or anything and I wasn't tailgating them. Everybody's comfortable. Then, they draw just ahead of the person in the right lane and slow down to 65 - for no reason. I had enough room to go around them on the right and so I did. We get a mile down the road and they were still cruising along at or below 65 that entire time, while I'm doing 70. All of the sudden, they come speeding along behind me. Since I'd already learned how they drive, I certainly wasn't letting them in front of me. So, I picked it up to 74 and they matched pace (they're still behind me and in the left lane, while I'm in the right). The truck that's ahead of us both in the left lane decides out of the blue to move to the right lane. No big deal. He's probably 8 car lengths ahead of me, but I'm gaining on him at this point. So, I immediately move to the left lane. The idiot from earlier is at that point about 3 car lengths behind me. As soon as I move to the left lane, they dropped their speed back to 65 and sat in the left lane. Why change speeds? They weren't suddenly about to crash into anyone. This is not an example of aggressive driving. That's just shitty driving and being a dick (probably unintentionally being a dick).

So, why the hell can't these fuckers use their cruise control? If they went car shopping and looked at a car that didn't have cruise, they'd be like "WTF? I'm out of here". And yet they seem pathologically averse to using their cruise control. Me? I get to the speed I want to go and set cruise. Then I settle into the lane that most closely matches my speed and let the world do its thing.

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10 hours ago, MrSmith said:

OK. Here's something that's been bugging me for a few days every time I see it. CNN is running an article on their website about a woman in the process of gender transition. The headline reads "He's straight, but women won't date him". Uhh, no, CNN. He's not straight. He's transgender and hasn't had reassignment surgery (yes, the headline worked on me and I don't know why). Headlines like that, in general, are a huge pet peeve of mine. Thanks for letting me get that off my chest!

Dumb headline, yes. but... Gender and sexuality have nothing to do with one's physical body. If he's transitioning to male, being interested in women IS straight. So yes, he is straight, but women aren't interested because his body doesn't currently correspond to his gender. That will change with time and is no doubt something he already knows.

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4 hours ago, GenL said:

This amuses me. I grew up (and learned to drive) in Minnesota.  Then spent some time in the DC area (very aggressive drivers) and now live in Massachusetts where drivers are called Massholes.  I was glad to learn to be an aggressive driver from the jump. 

I work with a lot of people from Mass.  Its funny when they come down here the first couple times.  Inevitably they say something like this "they let me merge into traffic"  with a WTF look or "everyone is waving at me in gratitude when the merge into traffic."

So a peeve.  My keys hid themselves from me all day long....in the freezer.  I don't know why these inanimate objects are out to get me :P

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I would have let the Camaro go, @theredhead77. The driver might have a gun. (Probably not, but my mind always goes to the worst case scenario.) I've been a passenger in a car with an angry driver who got into a cutting off war with another car, thankfully on a city street, not a highway because we did have a wreck. I screamed and cried a lot. I was very angry that my driver did not just let the other driver go ahead. Some things just aren't worth it.

Are you in California? I've heard of people there getting tickets for impeding traffic by driving too slow when the flow ofmtraffic is over the speed limit. Does that happen?

Edited by auntlada
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Another driving peeve is people who get in a minor accident and leave their cars in a freeway lane rather than pulling off to the side, so I was very pleased this evening to tune in to the traffic report in order to learn why I was sitting in stop and go traffic and hear "The [freeway] is jammed up at [location] because three cars collided in the far-left lane and the drivers are standing around taking pictures and exchanging information.  Move your cars off to the shoulder, idiots."  Ha!  I've heard traffic reporters make general admonitions when reporting on similar situations in the past, but never quite so snippy.  I loved it.

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I drive by those accidents that make me 20 minutes late to work because there's usually a cop standing by, not moving the fender-bendered cars off the main road. I yell inside my car, "Get it out of the fucking road!"

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In my county, in the past 2 years, the land has been overdeveloped at the same time huge traffic construction projects are going on. Add to the fact that its snowbird/spring break  season and its pretty much wall-to-wall traffic all day until around 10pm.  I drive a county vehicle full-time (sometimes filled with animals! :).

No one lets me merge in.When I put on my turn signal to switch lanes, the person going 3-4 car lengths behind me in the lane I am trying to enter suddenly speeds up to not let me in. People turn on red when I'm in the right lane and passing through an intersection that has the green light. People cut me off and slam on their brakes, trying to cause an accident. People on their phones/not paying attention swerve into my lane, I honk to let them know "Hey, you're about to hit me" and they flip me off. When at a 4 way stop sign, no one follows the rules and everyone starts driving at once. People don't pay attention to what exit of the interstate they need to get off on, and they fly over 3 lanes of traffic and cut in front of someone who is already half way on the exit ramp. I've had taxi cabs right in front of me  come to a full-stop on a highway exit, pull over to the shoulder, and reverse back onto the highway because they realized they off on the wrong exit.

When there is an accident, and its been moved off to the shoulder, traffic is still delayed because people down here are distracted by the shiny lights. It could be just one disabled car with a Road Ranger and everyone's got to peep. Its infuriating.

Edited by AgentRXS
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5 hours ago, theredhead77 said:


While the Camaro was wrong, don't be the guy in the pick-up. It's not your place to be the traffic control.

Wow, what an awful wreck!! And yet even though I know the Camero driver was the one who caused that pointless accident, I still think the pickup driver was being even more of an asshole and directly provoked that Camero driver to go apeshit. I have huge issues with slow left lane drivers who block traffic, especially when a semi truck is blocking the other lane so no one else can even pass. In fact, I've often heard that the biggest cause of car wrecks is people who block the natural flow of traffic.

Talk about directly inviting road rage too...road ragers are quite a frightening breed. I've had several incidents in the past with angry white men((and I say this as a white woman---it just always seems like half the white guys on the road are about two seconds away from going all Michael Douglas in "Falling Down" on the world)) who have literally chased, stalked and threatened me after I passed them or wasn't going fast enough for them. This was pre-cellphone era---one of these psychos actually followed me into a store parking lot, trapped me against my car as I shook in fear and literally shouted in my face for five minutes about what a stupid bitch who couldn't drive I was. Another one decided to chase my car around a movie theater parking garage, repeatedly parking beside me and screaming obscenities. Mind you, I was barely out of my teens at this time; really manly men there scaring a frightened young woman, lemme tell ya. Probably went home and beat their wives after scaring the shit out of some random chick in a sedan who was just innocently going about her own business.

Most of these road ragers carry guns now, so I've learned to just stay out of any seemingly aggressive drivers' way and let shit go---it just ain't worth wrecking or getting shot simply because you wanted to teach another driver a lesson.

Edited by Sun-Bun
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3 hours ago, auntlada said:

Are you in California? I've heard of people there getting tickets for impeding traffic by driving too slow when the flow ofmtraffic is over the speed limit. Does that happen?

Yep, I'm in SoCal and it does happen. If the flow of traffic is going 70 (speed limit 65) the person getting the ticket is the one who insists on going 65 without moving over. That person is being a traffic hazard. Though if you're one of a few cars and you're going 80 while everyone else is going 67 you're getting the ticket.

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Driving- all aspects of it- obviously get under people's skin.  I feel like we've discussed this particular pet peeve enough.  People are getting argumentative.  Time to move on to your next Peeve.

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11 hours ago, AgentRXS said:

No one lets me merge in.When I put on my turn signal to switch lanes, the person going 3-4 car lengths behind me in the lane I am trying to enter suddenly speeds up to not let me in.

This is a tip about tactics, not driving situations, so I hope it's okay to post.

The secret is to sneak up on people.  Putting your blinker on before you start changing lanes is just an invitation for someone to speed up (as you have found out).  You shouldn't be changing lanes unless you have room to change lanes, and if you have room to change lanes, then do it as you simultaneously put your blinker on.  You've complied with the blinker law and you've changed lanes in a way that nobody has had to modify their behavior for you to do it, and you haven't tipped your hand.

It's the same with passing people.  As they say at Nike, just do it.  Do it before they realize that's what you're going to do. 

I developed these tactics when driving my Subaru station wagon, which has no pep.  I had no choice but to invoke the element of surprise because in a race, I was gonna lose.

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23 hours ago, forumfish said:

Peeved at myself -- I was having an argument with my dad at the same time I was fixing coffee for my sister and myself, so I wasn't paying attention and poured her artificially-sweetened hazelnut syrup in my coffee. Ewwwwwwwwww! That was the last of the coffee and I couldn't start over, so I added a bunch of cinnamon to my cup, trying to mask the aftertaste.

(Peeved at my dad, too, for not ever learning how to use e-mail but not trusting me to handle his account.)

Yes, that artificially sweetened stuff is nasty.  I've accidentally had fruit cups, yogurt, coffee creamer, with it, and I can't stand the taste. I check ingredients carefully any time it says "no sugar added".

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9 minutes ago, backformore said:

Yes, that artificially sweetened stuff is nasty.  I've accidentally had fruit cups, yogurt, coffee creamer, with it, and I can't stand the taste. I check ingredients carefully any time it says "no sugar added".

Years ago (probably a decade) I cut out all diet drinks. I lost 10lbs in a month (that was literally the only change I made). Ever since I did that, artificial sweetener gives me an insta-headache. It doesn't matter what type it is, boom, insta-headache. No diet drinks, no "no sugar added", no "lite" drinks. I have to read the labels on anything claiming to be sugar free. I wish food manufacturers were required to label with what fake sugar they use. "Contains aspartame" or "contains sucralose" would be so very helpful.

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4 hours ago, Qoass said:

I hate that I finally got around to buying something I needed to finish a project and tomorrow it goes on sale at a different store.

I know some stores will match the verified price if it happens within a certain time frame.   Best Buy will match local retail stores and major online retailers like Amazon.  Check the store's policy and even if it is not stated, ask if they will price match.

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1 hour ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

Putting your blinker on before you start changing lanes is just an invitation for someone to speed up (as you have found out). 

That was a line on Major Crimes several years ago; Sharon was teaching Rusty how to drive, admonished him for not signaling his intention to change lanes, and he said exactly that -- in L.A., that's just asking people to speed up.

This morning's peeve is with myself; I had a headache (regular, not migraine, thankfully) overnight, and what works best on my headaches is Excedrin due to the caffeine, but caffeine irritates my heart condition, so I lay there dithering about whether to take one for so long that I finally just fell back asleep, but it was a crappy sleep, and I woke up tired. 

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2 hours ago, theredhead77 said:

Years ago (probably a decade) I cut out all diet drinks. I lost 10lbs in a month (that was literally the only change I made). Ever since I did that, artificial sweetener gives me an insta-headache. It doesn't matter what type it is, boom, insta-headache. No diet drinks, no "no sugar added", no "lite" drinks. I have to read the labels on anything claiming to be sugar free. I wish food manufacturers were required to label with what fake sugar they use. "Contains aspartame" or "contains sucralose" would be so very helpful.

Anyone who wants to avoid sugar but still needs sweetness in their coffee or whatever, I would recommend Truvia (made from the stevia plant). It's supposed to be natural, doesn't have the warnings associated with artificial sweeteners, no after taste, and it doesn't increase insulin production--which artificial sweeteners do. 


Today's pet peeve--there is no such thing as 'giving it 110%' or 'I'm 1000% sure.' Or are these acceptable now, and I've just missed the colloquial boat? Or unless you're talking about yourself in math terms. 'I've always given maximum effort (or is it maximal?), but now that I'm hitting the gym, my maximum is 110% of what it was before.'

Yeah. Get off my lawn. 

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2 hours ago, Bastet said:

This morning's peeve is with myself; I had a headache (regular, not migraine, thankfully) overnight, and what works best on my headaches is Excedrin due to the caffeine, but caffeine irritates my heart condition, so I lay there dithering about whether to take one for so long that I finally just fell back asleep, but it was a crappy sleep, and I woke up tired. 

Doesn't that drive you crazy?   Ibuprofen or naproxen are the only things that help my back/neck pain, yet they cause my capillaries to break, leaving purple dots on my skin.  Antibiotics come in two types - the ones I'm allergic to , and the ones that give me diarrhea.  Estrogen helped with some symptoms, then caused others.  Vicodin after a surgery helped with pain, but caused dizziness and visual distortions which I couldn't tolerate.  Codeine?  don't even want to talk about how that messes with my digestion.

 a family member had blood clots that caused mini-strokes, but the blood thinners she took to avoid clots ended up causing a bump on the head to progress to a massive brain bleed which killed her.

Right now I take nothing but a one-a-day vitamin, a calcium pill, and some glucosamine for joints.  No meds.   

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Bated breath = not baited
Free rein = not reign
Vocal cords = not chords
Toe the line = not tow


Also, people online need to stop asking for an explanation about something that can be looked up in 10 seconds. Know what? It will take far less time for you to google than it will to wait for an answer from strangers on message boards/comment sections.

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My grammar peeve (today) is with myself. Listening to a song, the lyric is "sometimes I wish she was you", and my brain says "sometimes I wish she were you."  Just shut up brain and listen to the song. 

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5 hours ago, Lord Donia said:

Bated breath = not baited
Free rein = not reign
Vocal cords = not chords
Toe the line = not tow


Also, people online need to stop asking for an explanation about something that can be looked up in 10 seconds. Know what? It will take far less time for you to google than it will to wait for an answer from strangers on message boards/comment sections.

And the funny thing is they know how to search it. They are on a webpage or forum so are somewhat internet savvy! I think it's a bit passive aggressive. 

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5 hours ago, Lord Donia said:

Bated breath = not baited
Free rein = not reign
Vocal cords = not chords
Toe the line = not tow

I blame auto-correct.

"A man received the following text from his neighbor:

“I am so sorry Charlie. I've been riddled with guilt and I have to confess. I have been tapping your wife, day and night when you're not around. In fact, more than you. I'm not getting any at home, but that's no excuse. I can no longer live with the guilt and I hope you will accept my sincerest apology with my promise that it won't happen again.”

The man, anguished and betrayed, immediately went into his bedroom, grabbed his gun, and without a word, shot his wife and killed her.

A few moments later, a second text came in: “Damn autocorrect! I meant ‘WiFi’ not ‘wife’.”

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  Antibiotics come in two types - the ones I'm allergic to , and the ones that give me diarrhea.  Estrogen helped with some symptoms, then caused others.  Vicodin after a surgery helped with pain, but caused dizziness and visual distortions which I couldn't tolerate. 

Same here. I already have stomach issues, so when I am prescribed to antibiotics,  those 10 days are extra fun for me. Estrogen regulated my time of the month but pushed me to the emotional brink, so I had to stop taking it. And the one time I was prescribed Percocet, the sensation felt as if someone was flushing me down a drain/the toilet. Half the reason I hate going to the doctor is because I'm terrified of what kind of fresh hell medication I will be prescribed to take.

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57 minutes ago, Petunia13 said:

And the funny thing is they know how to search it. They are on a webpage or forum so are somewhat internet savvy! I think it's a bit passive aggressive. 

Meet my favorite answer provider for unnecessary questions: https://lmgtfy.com/

I post on a Disney message board. My favorite posts are "I'm at Disneyland RIGHT NOW and I need help doing [something they could totally ask a Cast Member about].

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There's a few places I go to that are major chains and their chip reader for credit/debit doesn't work well. I think these chip cards are more trouble than they're worth sometimes.

I work in a huge supermarket and the wifi and data signal is spotty. Especially bad or non-existent in areas behind the storage and cutting freezers, where my cubby is. I checked my Facebook at the end of work nothing. Took a loooong nap after. Tonight at home opened it and saw a friend sent a 'good news' pm mid day. 

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6 hours ago, Lord Donia said:

Bated breath = not baited
Free rein = not reign
Vocal cords = not chords
Toe the line = not tow


Also, people online need to stop asking for an explanation about something that can be looked up in 10 seconds. Know what? It will take far less time for you to google than it will to wait for an answer from strangers on message boards/comment sections.

Thank you.  I see far too many of these every damned day on these forums, and every damned day judge myself for being so damned judgmental.


5 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

This is where I make you crazy.  I know that you are correct but tow the line make more sense.

No, it doesn't. 

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5 hours ago, ParadoxLost said:

This is where I make you crazy.  I know that you are correct but tow the line make more sense.

But toe the line means to line up straight, all in a row, like soldiers.  Or racers, with toes on the starting line.

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6 hours ago, backformore said:

But toe the line means to line up straight, all in a row, like soldiers.  Or racers, with toes on the starting line.

Toe the line means to accept the authority, principles, or policies of a particular group,

The use of the word toe (to me) means that they are pushing the line and flirting with the idea of obeying the edict.

I know I'm wrong.  I just understand where the mistake comes from.

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Just shut up brain and listen to the song. 

Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol makes my grey matter tune in:  "If I just lay here, would you lie with me".  A lovely way to learn that it's lie today, lay yesterday.

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19 hours ago, Lord Donia said:

Also, people online need to stop asking for an explanation about something that can be looked up in 10 seconds. Know what? It will take far less time for you to google than it will to wait for an answer from strangers on message boards/comment sections. 

This used to enrage me on the now defunct IMDb boards. I kind of let it slide if they asked about someone who was in an episode of a TV show, because there can be loads of episodes and not everyone memorizes the episode names of shows. But, when people would go to the board of a film and say "who played so-and-so?" I would just sit stunned. Unless it was a tiny, un-credited role, it would be so much faster to just click on the "Full Cast" link and scroll until you see the character's name than it takes to type the question.

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