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Season 5 Discussion


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I forgot to chime in.  It was a decent episode but I was blown away by the irony of Erin convincing bad wolf lawyer (Zelina from Once Upon a Time, last seen with green skin I think...) to do something she, Erin,  would never ever in a million years do - break her oath. 



I too was really puzzled by this.  I think revealing the client's secret is pretty much something that would get you disbarred, and Erin's asking her to do it is also improper.   Do they not have any lawyers consulting on this?  Unless they are trying to construct it as one of the exceptions.  They should have explained better.  Weak and disturbing. 

Edited by GussieK
  • Love 1

Add me to the list of those that can't believe that big shot ex husband didn't have a plan to pay for college. And who cares if he just bought a house. Presumably he knows how old his daughter is and that it's time for college. Maybe he should have held off that purchase. That's just a really did plot line. Also, please send Nicki to California. Or Siberia. Grandpa can go live with her.

  • Love 1

I'm with you backformore. For some reason, though I can't remember having seen her in much, when I spotted her in Fried Green Tomatoes, I thought, "Hey, that's Latanya!" She had a bigger part in Lone Star, a personal fave. She and her husband have been together since college in the early (and I mean early) 70s. You better believe they've had their trials (husband was a handful).


I've wondered about this show and black characters. When the show started, Danny had a black partner and then, I believe, another one, and both disappeared. A guy whom I thought was Frank's second in command (IIRC, he was in uniform) disappeared, too, after the first or second episodes.


I'm not feeling the Nicki hate. I'm tired of Danny chasing perps and always being so ignorant, however. But I'm okay with all the characters. Even chicklet-tooth Pop, who's even more ignorant than Danny.... Man, does that family drink!


Just once, I'd like a cop on these shows chase a perp, fall, and actually have a tear in his pants....Danny's suits should be full of iron-on patches.

  • Love 1

I liked that infamous Reagan's family stubbornness was a bad thing for once. Nice parallels between Danny and Frank here. Also enjoyed Erin and Frank's interactions, delightful, as usual. I liked the fishing at the pierce scene the best.


Speaking of Delightful. Lt. Carver continues to be badass, now with the heart of gold.


The Jamie/Janko plot was kinda just there, I guess. The story itself was very sad but we never got to see the asshole who raped and killed that girl. The detective on the "suicide" case was off-putting with his macabre remarks, but weirdly hilarious. Other than that, IDK. I don't like Eddie and I'm not looking forward to her and Jamie inevitable hook up.

  • Love 2

Yes, there were parallels between Frank and Danny in their stubbornness, but at least Frank was forced to realize the Reagan bull in a china shop way is not always the right way to handle situations.

Danny, on the other hand, talked back to his boss, told her he wasn't going to obey her order to shave and that was that. End of conversation. Like his stubbornness is a positive quality trait, not a sign of obstinance and disobedience to authority. He may have disagreed with the old boss, but did he ever talk back to him the way he did to her? So what is the result? So does she discipline him for disobeying her order? Sign his transfer request? Nope, unlike Lou Grant, she LIKES spunk.

  • Love 3

That detective that just dismissed the death as a suicide should be reprimanded. He didn't even attempy to figure out what had happened - although part of that shoud be blamed on the ME that ruled it a suicide. Are police officers allowed to accept gifts from the public? Couldn't that be misconstrued as a bribe?

Is Erin actually dating her boss, or did she only go out on one date with him? I always enjoy the scenes between Frank and Erin. I'm amazed that Erin keeps going to the family dinners though. To me, it always feels like she's being attacked by her family. It seems like most episodes Danny and her grandfather are completely disagreeing with her, and Jamie and Frank remain neutral on the subject (or also completely disagree with her).

If not for my love for Tom Selleck, I'd have given up watching this show ages ago. If TPTB insist on it being The Danny Show, fine, but at least let the guy show a little growth over the years. He's still the same pigheaded, disrespectful jerk he was in S1. I had high hopes that the new boss would knock him down a few pegs for his smart mouth and blatant disregard for following orders, but nope. One ridealong and an abandoned baby and all is smooches between them. Ick.


I think there was more than one date and at least one sleepover, before he became her boss. Since then, I don't know that we've seen any evidence that they are still at it. I think Erin has a little more integrity than many of the males in her family. And certainly more than her daughter -- the way Nikki hemmed and hawed when asked if she smokes pot? Then she "protested too much" and finally said she doesn't because it's illegal, all with that smart-aleck smirk. Yeah, I don't buy for one second that she hasn't at least tried it.


Agreed. Jamie deserves better.

I agree about Danny - the way he treats the suspects is ridiculous (I believe in the first season he drove around with one of them in the trunk. And he was completely rude to his new boss.

And Nikki really did hesitate about the pot smoking question - it was such a simple question but it took her a long time to answer it.

  • Love 1

The Jamie/Janko plot was kinda just there, I guess. The story itself was very sad but we never got to see the asshole who raped and killed that girl. The detective on the "suicide" case was off-putting with his macabre remarks, but weirdly hilarious. Other than that, IDK. I don't like Eddie and I'm not looking forward to her and Jamie inevitable hook up.


Yeah the writers don't seem to be able to come up with a plot for Jamie. Season wise it's back burner stuff that never seems to pay off (Blue Templar, romantic tension, etc.) and for the episodes it's usually like somebody realizes that they still have Will Estes under contract and stick him into Erin or Danny or Frank's story. And when they don't we end up with plots that are kinda just there. He probably would be written out if the show wasn't supposed to be about the family and show all of the facets of law enforcement. At least they're not wasting his talents as much as poor Len Cariou...

Edited by wknt3
  • Love 1


As far as I know, possession of less than an ounce of pot is still a misdemeanor in New York, so I wish they had used a better example of crimes the DA won't prosecute.



In a strange twist of fate, this tweet came from the anchor of the CBS evening news in New York



Today.. @deBlasioNYC will announce citations, NOT arrests for low level marijuana busts in #NYC. #loweringexpectations


I liked this better than some episodes but someone needs to yell at Danny "Respect my authority!" at least once.


Nicki's "Huh, what? I never...smoked it."  means she totally did. 

Why Erin still speaks to any of them is a mystery to me!

Gotta love Danny joining in the broken window story lecture when he demands a transfer after his new boss says she expects him to follow the rules. Let's see how to explain it, Danny. If you don't follow the little rules, you might be more apt to break the big ones that get civil rights lawyers involved. Apparently it's scientifically proven.

Garrett should quit and get a good private security job. He doesn't have to put up with Frank's nonsense. And please for the love of God someone force him to apologize when he is wrong. Good grief.

  • Love 2


If not for my love for Tom Selleck, I'd have given up watching this show ages ago. If TPTB insist on it being The Danny Show, fine, but at least let the guy show a little growth over the years. He's still the same pigheaded, disrespectful jerk he was in S1. I had high hopes that the new boss would knock him down a few pegs for his smart mouth and blatant disregard for following orders, but nope. One ridealong and an abandoned baby and all is smooches between them. Ick.

My feelings about Danny exactly. He shows no signs of evolving. Boss lady, make the guy shave. Is he ever clean shaven? Call his daddy and tell him that Danny won't mind.


I'm growing a little weary of the three older Reagan men on this show. Everyone else I'm fine with. But I'm beginning to view these guys as assholes.


Once again, we were treated to another Danny chase scene. How stupid must you be to call out a suspect from 10 yards away? Over and over and over again.


I like Jamie and Eddie as we saw them in this episode. Keep it that way. I didn't sense any tension between them.


I still like how the kids are treated as young adults and how the older boy now answers the younger boy's questions (broken window theory). They've always shown the kids a lot of respect. Swap out Danny chases with more dinnertime conversation and give Danny's wife and Erin more air time, please!

  • Love 2

I have a different take on the conversations with the kids.   In what world is it appropriate for the police/ADA to be discussing active investigations in front of anyone, let alone children?   You know that brat Nikki is going to school and yapping about what she has heard. I expect the boys show more discretion than she does.


I do think Shawn and Jack are adorable.  Has it ever been explained how Jack came to be named? Erin would have been married to Jack Boyle at the time little Jack was born.  Giving him the same name is a little odd. 


Frank faces public backlash after an officer's body camera malfunctions during an altercation with a civilian. Meanwhile, Danny and Baez struggle to protect an informant after the U.S. Marshall's Service decides not to put him in Witness Protection, and Erin investigates an old friend's daughter's claim of rape at a prestigious university.


I guess the open discussion about confidential matters over dinner is done for the sake of the tv audience, but it really annoys me.  I'm an attorney and most of us don't do that around teens.  You would not want to read what you said on social media and then it comes back to you.  Not good.  


And I agree with the poster upthread about Danny and the way he calls out guys he's trying to arrest before he can get to them, evoking the flee response so that he has to pursue them on foot.  Wouldn't a seasoned officer know this?  Wouldn't a competent writer know this?  I guess it's for the tv viewer's enjoyment. lol  Not so much for me, IMO.


I did agree with Frank on the tv interview ambush though.  That new D.A. must be really dense.  Who does that?  There are ways you do things and that was probably the worst way to do it.  If he is that ignorant on that matter, then that tells me a lot about him.  That was not a learning curve kind of thing, IMO.  It's good he apologized, but the toothpaste is already out of the tube.  

And I agree with the poster upthread about Danny and the way he calls out guys he's trying to arrest before he can get to them, evoking the flee response so that he has to pursue them on foot.  Wouldn't a seasoned officer know this?  Wouldn't a competent writer know this?  I guess it's for the tv viewer's enjoyment. lol  Not so much for me, IMO.


They do that on almost every TV cop show I've ever watched. I don't know why.

Huh, BB's handled the campus rape thing way better than Good Wife did.  Nicely done, show. 


I hope the new captain goes away because we all KNOW Danny WILL, indeed disobey a direct order again.  Those two are heading into a huge pissing contest unless the writers write a way out.


Love the Brooklyn voiced cop advising Frank; glad he's there.  Frank always gets his way, I don't think real life is much like that for police commissioners.

  • Love 4

 Loved how the campus rape storyline was handled. I agree, which the Good Wife would have done it that way. I find it funny that a staff sergeant who couldn't be promoted in his own precinct couldn't get promoted to lieutenant and now works for Frank but is replaced by an actually lieutenant who had the same experience as him. Yet, Frank can't promote him still. I will never to this day understand how police rant works on both TV and the real world. Because we have a police captain who made that rank before 40 in my home town and had a sergeant still in that rank since he was in his early 40s who did all the responsibilities as a captain. Go figure.  

  • Love 2

Again, the cop is just a love bunny.  It was interesting: right after the show ended, the news started off here (NYC) with the story about the unarmed young man who was shot and killed on Thursday by a rookie cop.  I guess in Blue Blood's world, it just doesn't ever really happen.  


Yes, the young man was African American - or, should I say a "homie" - good grief, this show is obnoxious.  They would do well to address the very real situation in a more balanced manner.  

  • Love 1

Great episode. Everyone (except poor Jamie, I guess) had their little moments. Danny and Baez were badass cops, determined to do the right thing no matter what, but looked like naughty children when Lt. reprimanded them (yay for Lt. not letting this go!). Interplay between Gormley and Garreth was hilarious, Frank was rolling his eyes at them both. The finale shot of Gormley was comedy gold.


That's great the show is choosing to tackle different real life police issues through Frank and his family's POV. Frank was very reasonable indeed in this situation.


The Erin plot was the most affecting one, with great resolution.

  • Love 3

 Loved how the campus rape storyline was handled. I agree, which the Good Wife would have done it that way. I find it funny that a staff sergeant who couldn't be promoted in his own precinct couldn't get promoted to lieutenant and now works for Frank but is replaced by an actually lieutenant who had the same experience as him. Yet, Frank can't promote him still. I will never to this day understand how police rant works on both TV and the real world. Because we have a police captain who made that rank before 40 in my home town and had a sergeant still in that rank since he was in his early 40s who did all the responsibilities as a captain. Go figure.  

In the NYPD promotions up to Captain involve civil service examinations and some positions can be filled by different ranks (ie a Sgt or a Lt, a Lt or Cpt) depending on various considerations. It's not implausible for someone to be good at their job, but either unable to get a high enough the exam to be promoted over other candidates or uninterested in going through the process and possibly being reassigned elsewhere. The Commissioner does have discretionary authority in job assignments, but not promotion except for higher ranks (Inspector and above IIRC). What is entirely unrealistic is the idea that the Chief of Department is primarily the representative of the rank and file and the position can be left vacant while it's duties are largely shifted to a "special assistant". Of course most of the rank structure on Blue Bloods is a matter of hand waving and the needs of the story. (IE the Commissioner is actually a 5 star position, not 4 as shown, the DCPI is not the only Deputy Commissioner ...)

As far as other departments are concerned it depends on a lot of factors - there are individuals who are considered "command material" and fast tracked as well as others who have pissed off politicians or are simply not interested in higher rank. Or they can't pass the exam. And there are also other issues - there might not be an open position even though there's a need or a Sgt might be a good investigative commander and leader and given lots of visible responsibilities while other parts of the Captains' job aren't visible or interesting.

TV world and Real World will never be totally real.  Some cops never draw a weapon and that includes FBI.  But in TV land that would be boring, so now we see them pulling their weapon.


I thought the show dealt with the issues in a positive way, because there are those that are guilty of doing wrong and then there are those that are accused of doing wrong.  I really liked how Frank got the witness to give up the video. 


Not sure how I feel about Danny's new chief.  On hand I liked how she takes Danny to task and the other I know that Danny is going to do it again, so it will be interesting to see how it goes.


I'm starting to like Danny's new partner, but I still miss Jackie.  But she is growing on me, I just wish I didn't have the knowledge of how the actress was fired. 


Is this show perfect, of course not...but I think it is trying to show two sides and create discussion.  I really liked this one and hope that others can deliver. 

  • Love 3

She's carrying an un-holstered gun around in her purse like it's a pack of gum? When she's got 2 kids in the house. Seemed really stupid of her and irresponsible. Did she also think flashing the "I'm a Reagan" courtesy card (what is that supposed to be, get out of jail/ticket free?) wasn't going to raise flags and have the office alerted? 

  • Love 1

What the hell was the point of Erin's story line? Not only was it ridiculous, it was completely forgotten about in the end. 

Yeah between that and the boring, predictable gun storyline this has to be the fist time ever with this show that I was wishing for MORE time being spent on Frank and Danny. Quite an achievement. It would have been better if they had just gone with their usual idea that Erin is one of like 3 lawyers in NYC had her do the research or come up with the idea and spent the time wasted on whatever was supposed to be going on with her showing us the rest of the investigation and a real conclusion. Or they could have come up with a decent plot for Will Estes or Len Cariou. I know - crazy talk, but I thought I'd throw it out there.

So the point of the story seemed to be that women, especially nurses who work with the scum who come into ERs, need to carry guns for protection.


Way to go, show! 


But fortunately, Danny Regan's around when the nurse with her legal gun misses the guy who wants to kill her. 


And also, minority groups should be able to hire private armies.


This show is getting weirder.

  • Love 1

I'm loyal to this show for many reasons, but last night was a real WTF.  The "Linda bought a gun only to call 911" part was lame (though to her credit I liked that she yelled "NO!" in order to spook him off the first time and it was interesting that she pulled the "commissioner is my in law" when his own kids are resistant to use it.)


Frank's problem didn't have much weight.


Erin's...ugh.  It just ended midway.  "I'll testify!" And that's it?  What happened to her brother?  Did he die?  Was he set free?  Did she get a chance to return to work?  It didn't have a conclusion it just stopped.  

  • Love 2

Right? It was like they forgot they had even started Erin's storyline. No resolution at all. Not to mention the fact that Erin made it seem like the evidence thief would actually have a chance at practicing law after the trial. Uh, what? She hasn't even passed the bar exam for sure yet, she waiting on her scores at the beginning, I can't see any prospective employer not hearing about what she did and giving her a chance. 


I didn't mind Linda pulling out the courtesy card. She got mugged the night before and want to speed her license up. In her mind, she didn't have 2 months to wait for paperwork when she pulled that shift weekly or monthly. It didn't give her any sort of advantage over her coworkers like it would if one of the Regan kids used it. 

  • Love 2

When Linda was being mugged, it was good that she yelled and the kid took off. Later when she saw him and a buddy laughing and joking on the bench, did she think of her own kids? Maybe why she just called 911 instead of confront him? I figured Danny would compare the other nurse and using it to Linda's experiences. I was surprised how Danny talked to Linda after he found out she had been mugged. Linda was worried when Jamie came into gun store. Linda used the Reagan family card to get her license quick. I did like at the house where Frank told both Erin and Jamie not to tell Danny, and Jamie replying that Frank will have to face Danny if he found out Jamie knew. Unlike the other Nurse, Leslie Caitlyn O'Rourke, that wounded the perp,(Winslow Martin), Linda didn't want to carry a gun.

Must be Eddie Jenko(the actress) was off today, that is why Jamie was on a day off. If she was not on set then have the actress that played Officer Cara Walsh(the one he paired with before afer she had ratted on a fellow officer), and have her on patrol with Jamie. I know it didn't fit the story line.

I didn't think that the 3 killed community leaders was a Anti-Semitic killing. This show uses headline news but puts a different twist on them. It was a nice change that Frank was not in the majority when he didn't think that the community leaders, headed by Donald Stein(Alias, Flashpoint, Charlies Angels(He did Charlies voice on the last rendition), and Naomi, who wanted to hire Private Security to watch the Synagogues. But Frank thought it looked bad for his force. He did finally apologies. Garrett and most of the Reagan family were against Frank's thinking. It was nice that Danny, Baez and Leon Bendix worked together to solve who the killer was by having the 3 dead(,Judge,Lawyer, Doctor), on same case. Good that Calvin Benton of "People's Front" didn't do it. They went form white supremacy to guarding our borders.

Erins court case about Arthur Kent, and his men holding Jason Gordon, Olivia's brother could have been better to me if they had others in her dept. that we saw and would make it harder to figure out who swapped the gun. I at first thought it had to be Detective Lewis Harding that did it, because Olivia was the only other suspect that we saw and she acted to nice. I like Investigator Alex McBride. He should be Erin's bf, not the invisible DA. it was nice that Olivia Gordon stood up to the kidnappers and I hope they find her brother. See Jamie could have been in on that bust.


Way back in one of the early seasons, wasn't Linda shown to be concerned about Danny's gun being in the house when he was home?


He had shown one of his sons his guns after they were accidentally shot at while driving home (during season 2 ) Linda flipped out about it.  But they also made it a point that he keeps his guns under lock and key when he gets home another episode.  



I wonder if TPTB will address the Eric Gardner case in Staten Island.


I think this show is clairvoyant.  A few days after the episode about decriminalization of pot, the mayor of NYC said they would give out citations.  After the previous episode about body cameras on cops, the NYPD ramped up the pilot program because of the Gardner case.  

  • Love 3

I finally got to see the ep for myself and it's definitely one of the weaker ones for several reasons.


The producers' legal consultant obviously wasn't scrutinizing the script since, as previously mentioned, some legal jargon was misused (the civil trial, etc.).  Someone should have caught that.


As for Erin's case, I hope the writers plan to revisit it because it ended too abruptly.  We needed to know what became of the brother.  However I loved it when Erin let the girl have it about the jailbird lawyer myth.  If she ends up in prison, the best she'll be able to do is clog the legal system with paperwork about how there's a lack of crunchy peanut butter in the commissary.  Someone needed to yell at that girl, especially since she could have gone to her boss about the problem way before this.  It also shows how slack Erin is about office security;  her access card should NEVER have been accessible to anyone.  It should have been on her person or locked in a drawer.


Frank's problem I understood - It's a matter of pride.  When bad things happen under his watch, it ultimately reflects on him as well of the department.  The Commish is the top man in the NYPD.  He has quite a burden since it's very easy for some group to get angry over an issue and accuse him of purposely ignoring them.  Frank's been at the job long enough to still be in this way of thinking.


It's also not unusual for similar situations for private citizens to hire private [armed] security.   It shouldn't really have been an issue.  Even the NYPD can't be there 24/7 and have plenty of other crimes to deal with.   As the old saying goes, when seconds count, the police are minutes away.


Good that Calvin Benton of "People's Front" didn't do it.



Ditto.  I also loved how he wasn't intimidated by Baez's threats! 


Later when she saw him and a buddy laughing and joking on the bench, did she think of her own kids? Maybe why she just called 911 instead of confront him?Later when she saw him and a buddy laughing and joking on the bench, did she think of her own kids? Maybe why she just called 911 instead of confront him?



Linda did the right thing.  She may be married to a cop, but she's not one herself and confronting the guy directly would have only lead to trouble.   Just because you have a gun [as a civilian] doesn't mean you should automatically draw it.  Speaking of which - this storyline could have been dealt with better.  A first time concealed gun owner would have been advised about holstering it.  After buying the gun, the salesperson would have discussed with her some concealed holsters.  A woman carrying a gun in her purse is never advised (and the image of such in this day and age is an insult) as she wouldn't have quick access to it.  If anything, she'd have had a bra holster or a similar concealed holster.


So the point of the story seemed to be that women, especially nurses who work with the scum who come into ERs, need to carry guns for protection.


That was also weak.  While it's true gun ownership isn't for everyone, they shouldn't have had Linda chicken out.  If anything she could have asked her husband to help teach her how to use it or at least get lessons at an area shooting range.   It's not uncommon for crazy things to go down in an ER, especially in NYC.  Some patients are gangbangers and may still be armed with something that wasn't found on them when they were brought in.  Other times someone just plain nuts could wander in and threaten the staff.  Of course, it also depends on if the hospital considers itself a gun free zone or not - in which case the staffers are out of luck (short of armed security guards).


I was also annoyed that Linda claimed Danny was "disrespecting" her.  IMO, he wasn't. 

  • Love 2

Damn, the whole family was pretty insufferable in this one, especially great grandpa. I was really hoping the murderer would deck him at the end. Of course Jamie's partner was right and are we really supposed to believe the wife/mom really hauled her son and husband down to confess, let alone without a lawyer? Cuz, you know, two wrongs don't make a right and all. Loved the college recruiters are evil side tangent. Poor Jamie's never making detective, is he? At this rate, Nikki will be detective before he will. 

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