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Talking Dead: Where Chris Hardwick Got His Groove Back

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Whatever age she was when she started she's 29 now.  That's an age where people have advanced degrees, are already working professionally, and are starting families.  Plus, she's an actress, or claims to be.  She should be able to suck it up and handle a departure better than she did.

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Seems like AMC wants to take advantage of a captive audience:

"Fans of The Talking Dead (the after-show talk show for The Walking Dead) may have heard that the show will not be playing right after The Walking Dead with the mid-season premiere. Instead, it will be showing an hour later. Relax, the change isn't permanent.

The hour delay is due to the premiere of the new AMC show, Better Call Saul, which will be showing directly after The Walking Dead ends for the night."

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I am the only person in America who did not like Breaking Bad and didn't last more than the first couple episodes, so that's probably when I'll take my shower.  Or I'll DVR Talking Dead and watch it the next day.  I hope that they do a little tweaking to Talking Dead for this second half of the season--I've felt like (Yvette Nicole Brown aside) the guests haven't been as interesting so far this season.

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I didn't like Breaking Bad either and I tried really hard.  I have a poor record with AMC.  I really respect that they support original programming but, aside from Hell on Wheels and The Walking Dead, most of it didn't work for me.  I found Mad Men tedious and Low Winter Sun unwatchable.  And I carry a slight grudge about the cancellation of Rubicon, which I loved.


As to Talking Dead, I wish there was a way to chem-test the couch people with Chris Hardwick because I find the show most enjoyable when he's having fun with the night's guests.  I'd hate to see it get all 'circle of friends' too though so maybe I'm just hard to please.

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I am so impressed with how professional Chad is presenting himself on Talking Dead. One of the best post death interviews I've seen. This was the one time we needed TD to immediately follow so we could decompress.

Edited by Milaxx
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People talk about Emily crying, but the guy who played T Dog, Lori Holden, and Scott Wilson were not obviously not thrilled about their firings when they appeared on Talking Dead.


Have to disagree about Scott - he was totally professional, if I recall correctly.

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I'm still traumatized by poor Laurie Holden's last appearance on Talking Dead. I remember how many people were sure Carol would be killed at the end of season 4 because Melissa was emotional like that after The Grove. 


Anyway, I understood Emily's reaction, and I understood Chad's too. Chad always seemed more comfortable on the show to begin with (Talking Dead, I mean).


I'm really glad he's such a cool guy, and that they just had Greg there instead of a hideous standup comedian or failed sitcom actor, because that meant the whole thing was a tribute to Chad and to Tyreese, as it should have been. 


Loved that Chad plugged all his various projects while he had the chance.


Classy, understated goodbye from Sonequa Martin-Green, as always.


I was very touched when Chad said that Andrew Lincoln told him he came to America to work with actors like Chad. 


I was also very touched by Rick's pecs in the sneak preview, but for different reasons...

Edited by Pete Martell
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I was told by someone I know that I was stupid for getting annoyed that I had to wait an hour for Talking Dead, so I'm just glad I wasn't alone...


Yes, it's a silly, slight, frustrating talk show sometimes, but it's much more a part of my TWD viewing experience than I'd realized until I sat around for an hour and 15 minutes toodling around online.


The best part is that I turned the TV on at 11 and they were on there saying, "See you in 15 minutes." I guess that means I wasn't the only one dumb/lazy enough to not realize that prequel thing was an hour and 15 minutes long.

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People talk about Emily crying, but the guy who played T Dog, Lori Holden, and Scott Wilson were not obviously not thrilled about their firings when they appeared on Talking Dead.

Yes the others were emotional but EK was darn  near inconsolable. I honestly didn't mind a little emotion. I think it just goes to show they have a nice working environment, However everyone else was able to get through the interview. EK wasn't. It was awkward how upset she was.

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I remember how many people were sure Carol would be killed at the end of season 4 because Melissa was emotional like that after The Grove. 


I'm really glad he's such a cool guy, and that they just had Greg there instead of a hideous standup comedian or failed sitcom actor, because that meant the whole thing was a tribute to Chad and to Tyreese, as it should have been. 


Yeah, I was sure MMB was so teary after "The Grove" because she either had just filmed Carol's death or had just found out she was going to be killed off. I guess like EK, she's a very emotional person.


Ditto, on being glad CC got to be on TTD without the distraction of annoying "comedians" to take away from his final time to say goodbye to Tyreese and the show. He was funny and insightful; just what I needed to help me get over Tyreese's death. And GN was also really good and he and CC worked really well together. This was one of the best TTD episodes in a long time.

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Have to disagree about Scott - he was totally professional, if I recall correctly.

Scott was indeed professional, but there was an icy vibe between him and Kirkman.

Plus the body language spoke volumes, how him and Lauren sat on the opposite end

of the death couch.

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Scott was indeed professional, but there was an icy vibe between him and Kirkman.

Plus the body language spoke volumes, how him and Lauren sat on the opposite end

of the death couch.

I don't remember specifics, but I thought there was more than an icy vibe. I thought Scott made one or two passive-aggressive sounding comments about getting killed off. Don't get me wrong - I think Scott is great and was fine.

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Scott was indeed professional, but there was an icy vibe between him and Kirkman.

Plus the body language spoke volumes, how him and Lauren sat on the opposite end

of the death couch.



I don't remember specifics, but I thought there was more than an icy vibe. I thought Scott made one or two passive-aggressive sounding comments about getting killed off. Don't get me wrong - I think Scott is great and was fine.



You both nailed it. Scott's unhappiness and anger at being fired was palatable. He made a couple passive aggressive comments that added to the awkwardness. I don't hold it against the actors for showing this emotion though. TWD is the most high profile acting gig that I think most of them have ever had. It cannot be easy to leave that and their co-workers who they seem to get along with.


I actually thought Emily's crying was sweet albeit awkward because she welled up when she talked about leaving her co-workers. Unlike that the other three actors that I mentioned above, Emily was sad about leaving that working environment rather than angry at being fired. If she was angry, she had gotten over it or at least she did not show it when she was on TD.

Edited by SimoneS
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I'm not really one that has to see TTD right after to "decompress" or whatever, but I get tired of Hardwick saying, "oh, people need to see that you're ok and that you're here." A bit self-important. Do people really think the actor has died or something? I used to love this hour, but the polls, the quizzes, the "you NEED us!" attitude is offputting.

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I'm not really one that has to see TTD right after to "decompress" or whatever, but I get tired of Hardwick saying, "oh, people need to see that you're ok and that you're here." A bit self-important. Do people really think the actor has died or something? I used to love this hour, but the polls, the quizzes, the "you NEED us!" attitude is offputting.


I do think a lot of people need to see it. No one believes the actor is dead, but they want the chance to say goodbye and know how the actor is doing. Many fans are emotionally invested in the characters to a point where they need that closure. 

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Scott was indeed professional, but there was an icy vibe between him and Kirkman.

Plus the body language spoke volumes, how him and Lauren sat on the opposite end

of the death couch.

I just put that down to Kirkman being one of the larger assholes of the western world.

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One the audio commentary for thr S4 episode Interment, I believe Scott admitted it to Gimple.


Also it was mentioned that SG was the one who made the phone call to the actor about Herschel's demise.   With that said, I'd say he simply doesn't like Kirkman.


Who probably was his usual Douchy self about it behind the scenes.


Like he was on the death couch that night.

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One the audio commentary for thr S4 episode Interment, I believe Scott admitted it to Gimple.


Also it was mentioned that SG was the one who made the phone call to the actor about Herschel's demise.   With that said, I'd say he simply doesn't like Kirkman.


Who probably was his usual Douchy self about it behind the scenes.


Like he was on the death couch that night.

Truthfully, I've always suspected one of the reasons Kirkland was so successful with his creation of a post-ZA universe was that he relates to such a place better than he does the real world. In real life, his people skills suck.

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Yeah, the more time goes on the more I get the feeling that Kirkman doesn't do well with any of the actors and that Gimple probably does most of the interacting with the talent. Kirkman comes off as kind of an overgrown kid who sees the comics as super cool but doesn't relate to people well. Maybe he's somewhere on the autism spectrum, which would explain things a little, but then again sometimes people just aren't good at relating to other people.  He's obviously not stupid, because, no matter how much of the story we may see as trite or silly, he has come up with compelling stuff with the comics and with the show.

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I do think a lot of people need to see it. No one believes the actor is dead, but they want the chance to say goodbye and know how the actor is doing. Many fans are emotionally invested in the characters to a point where they need that closure. 

For me an intense episode of TWD does need to be processed. It's part of why I  post here I have some quibbles with the artsy way this ep was filmed but I liked Chaf Coleman. I also think it's become my habit to flow into TD after watching the show and having Better Call Saul in the middle sort of interrupted that flow. It's not the end of the world, but I didn't like it.


Yeah, the more time goes on the more I get the feeling that Kirkman doesn't do well with any of the actors and that Gimple probably does most of the interacting with the talent. Kirkman comes off as kind of an overgrown kid who sees the comics as super cool but doesn't relate to people well. Maybe he's somewhere on the autism spectrum, which would explain things a little, but then again sometimes people just aren't good at relating to other people.  He's obviously not stupid, because, no matter how much of the story we may see as trite or silly, he has come up with compelling stuff with the comics and with the show.

I doubt he is on the spectrum. Sometimes a douche is just a douche.

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I do think a lot of people need to see it. No one believes the actor is dead, but they want the chance to say goodbye and know how the actor is doing. Many fans are emotionally invested in the characters to a point where they need that closure. 

Oh, I get it. I am invested in a number of the characters as well and do enjoy Talking Dead for the most part, especially when my favorites are on. I guess maybe Chris has started to get on my nerves (I would expect an actor to be sad but not to the point of "we need to see that he's okay" - well, maybe I should rewatch when EK was on for that type of drama) and quite often seems to take himself and his show a bit too seriously (and I realize that's my opinion and everyone will feel differently). And I'm rambling. :P

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I'm not really one that has to see TTD right after to "decompress" or whatever, but I get tired of Hardwick saying, "oh, people need to see that you're ok and that you're here." A bit self-important. Do people really think the actor has died or something? I used to love this hour, but the polls, the quizzes, the "you NEED us!" attitude is offputting.


I, too, rolled my eyes when Chris Hardwick said that. But then I realized that hey, I had needed to come here to talk about both The Walking Dead & Talking Dead. So I cut him some slack.

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I agree that was annoying, like we all think the actor died, and Chris has seemef a little annoying of late. I'm sure some of my irritation with him has carried over from his ego-plays on @Midnight, where he's insisted the name of the show be renamed @Midnight with Chris Hardwick, ensured that he is now given four full minutes at the start of the show to talk non-stop, and then gone on a (IMO) tone-deaf rant on reddit when some people there gave negative feedback on the changes.

He came off as rather condescending and pompous, equating his show with all the late night talk shows, talking on and I'm about himself and generally (again, IMO) insulting the fans who felt four minutes out of 22 of just Chris talking kind of dragged on and unbalanced the show. (That was my take on it anyway. I am not a frequent visitor to reddit, but followed links from previouslytv's forum for @Midnight).

That all sort of made sense of the feeling I'd already been having of late that he was getting a bit of a swelled head and came off to me as kind of annoying on Talking Dead and @Midnight both lately. And I've always been a fan.

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And don't forget hitting the audience member with a hammer (ensuring others also get the swelled head).

I was distracted with the 'work' done on Nicotero's face and missed half the conversation.

Did they mention who would be on next week?

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I always liked seeing Chad Coleman on The Talking Dead. I get the sense that he really thinks a lot about the characters he plays and he has interesting insights into the character's emotional and psychological states. One minor thing that struck me, at the very end of the show, Nicotero said that he was bummed that no one gets to see the show projected. Many people (myself included) have a projector that just hooks up to a laptop. It's a lot cheaper than buying a TV, takes up no room and provides a panoramic view. Goes to show you how out of touch TV people are with how TV gets viewed.

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Something is really off with their promos because yes, I remember them saying that on the show last week (just like how during TWD episode they promoted Ron Pearlman being on Talking Dead), but Hardwick commented on his twitter--


Oops, my bad, he was talking about @Midnight. I retract my previous comment. 

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Ah, so I wasn't hallucinating! I called out to Hubby that Ron Perlman was going to be on TD...then he wasn't. Hubby thought I was losing my mind. He said, "I know you just read his memoir, and he was on the Blacklist, but he really isn't everywhere you know..."


Colour me relieved! 

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Could've sworn Hardwicke announced Lauren, Seth Gilliam and Gotham's Robin Lord Taylor.

As the guests for February 15th.


I saw that too. I'd be surprised if they had Kirkman again this soon. I'm afraid someone in the audience might go all Gomer Pyle and perform a citizen's arrest.

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Anyone who's Kirkman's comic manifesto can attribute the man is pretty assholish


Lauren Cohan McDermit and Kirkman were on @midnight.


Speaking of I know it;s slightly off topic but mentioning it here.  Trying to decide if this was brilliant or a total dick move. Given it's Kirkman it's probably both.  They did a bit called Walking dead spoilers where they give fake Walking Dead Spoilers.


Kirkman gave away a comic storyline 

Basically spoiled Glenn's death right down to Lucille

McDermitt who read the comics laughed his ass off.  Lauren had no idea and was a little disturbed by the comment.


I don't know if it means they aren't doing that in the show and Kirkman was trolling the comic readers or they are going there in the show and Kirkman did one of the biggest Fuck you's I've ever seen from someone producing a TV show to his fans.  In any case if they are going there it's not this season judging from Lauren's reaction

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Lauren's eyes watered up when talking about Beth at the end.


Why does Hardwick keep putting his hands on the food that other people are eating? I would have told him that I don't eat food from people's bare hands.

Edited by SimoneS
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