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S01.E01: Pilot

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TPH/Cookie is the QUEEN! She shined from the beginning to end. Her eyes and face portrayed so many emotions.

Oh, man the quips, beating baby boy with the broom and the clothes.

I can't believe Lucious threw that baby in the garbage.

TPH and TH have excellent chemistry which allows the soft moments to ring true after they go for the throat.

My guess is Jamal is on Psych or seizure meds. Those are two types of meds that need to be calibrated.

This show is a glorious hot mess and I'm down for the ride with TPH.

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This is the very definition of a guilty pleasure soap and I'm allll in.


Apparently the incident of young Mal dressing in heels and a scarf and being thrown in the garbage can is taken directly from Lee Daniels' childhood. I don't think he was trying to say that little boys who dress in heels = gay but just dropped his experience in as part of Mal's backstory.


I LOVE that both Luscious and Cookie have the good and the bad in them and are given stripes of humanity and shading for *some* sympathy. Although even with ALS Luscious is just such an ass you want Cookie to take him down and take him down hard.


I normally can't stand TH either but his soft voiced, ruthless eyes, smarminess is perfect for this role.


Nice touch of having a high 'throne' that Luscious sits in with chairs for his right and left hands to each side of him in the recording studio while disdainfully listening to middle son's hungover rap. The image said all it needed to. I also can't wait until Cookie is sitting in that seat as the Queen.

Edited by TobinAlbers
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Well I wasn't expecting much and I hate to admit it but I really liked it. i'm intrigued to see where this go, I'm also intrigued to see where Cookie's relationship with her three sons go.


I also hate to admit it but I liked the music.

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I liked it a lot. Cookie stayed boss straight through she's awesome!!

I loved her beating Hakeem with a broom and Lucious and Jamal laughing and not giving two fecks. Jamal is the most interesting one, Hakeem is a little entitled punk and Andre seems ok so far.

The music was fine I think all the relationships were intriguing.

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Apparently the incident of young Mal dressing in heels and a scarf and being thrown in the garbage can is taken directly from Lee Daniels' childhood. I don't think he was trying to say that little boys who dress in heels = gay but just dropped his experience in as part of Mal's backstory.

I think the scene was less about Jamal being gay and more about Lucious being a homophobic asshole.

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That was the most fun I've had since watching Dynasty or Knots Landing back in the day! I loved Taraji in POI, and actually quit watching when they removed her character, as I thought Carter was a an integral part of what made that show work. Here, she's playing as over the top a character as one could imagine, and nailing it! I hope it lasts!

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I just hope there are less faggots and sissies in the coming episodes. There were two too many in this one. They can get across Cookie's not liking her son's sexuality other ways.

I didn't get the impression she disliked his sexuality. The scene of him visiting her in jail made it look like she knew that he was gay and was just worried about what it would mean for him as a member of society. When she goes to his apartment after getting out of jail, she (playfully, I thought) calls him a queen and seems happy to meet the boyfriend. I thought her calling him a "sissy" was her being frustrated that he didn't want to pursue a big music career and using a "relevant" derogatory term about him to express it.

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I only checked this out because I stumbled on Fox's preview for this over the weekend and realized that Jonathan from Buffy was one of the writer/creators.  JONATHAN!


I saw Danny Strong's name in the credits and wondered if it was Jonathan!! Thanks for the confirmation. After reading your post I looked up Danny Strong on IMDB. Interestingly enough it looks like he also worked with Lee Daniels on the Forrest Whitaker film "The Butler"! Looks like he's having a nice career. Good for him!


I like the show so far... but, I'll pretty much as Taraji in anything. I loved her and TH in Hustle n' Flow. They have great chemistry. The over-the-top soapiness is fun!

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I didn't get the impression she disliked his sexuality.

Neither did I, although "like" and "dislike" may be the wrong terms. Like it or not, she clearly accepts his sexuality and supports his difference, as demonstrated in the numerous scenes of her fighting for and defending him.  I just think Cookie doesn't give a shiz about being PC.

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I was pretty sure I was going to love this based on the promos alone and my soap-loving heart wasn't disappointed. All the characters were so well-drawn that I have some sympathy for pretty much all of them. I'm curious to see if "Halle Berry" (I think Lucius said her actual name once, but I didn't catch it) will be a worthy Krystle to Cookie's Alexis.  I'm already inclined to give points based solely on her precision-cut pixie- yes, I make character judgments based on hair:)


Also, it seems like there was an earlier stepmother/stepmotherly figure named Dottie, who got shot?  I wonder if that was a one-off or if it will come up later.

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Taraji P. Henson rules!  POI loss is Empire's gain.


I do see Cookie as the modern day Alexis Carrington with Luscious as a more ruthless Blake Carrington with Anika being the modern day Krystal Carrington.  So far, I'm intrigued and relieved that we finally have a modern day primetime soap that might go the distance :)

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Neither did I, although "like" and "dislike" may be the wrong terms. Like it or not, she clearly accepts his sexuality and supports his difference, as demonstrated in the numerous scenes of her fighting for and defending him. I just think Cookie doesn't give a shiz about being PC.

Judging by how she labeled her son's boyfriend a Mexican just by looking at him, and asked why "La Cucaracha" wasn't keeping the apartment clean, I would say that's a good assessment.
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I don't have much new to add to what has already been written, but I wanted to chime in and say that there were glimmers in this show that make me want to stick around to see what happens.  Specifically, I'd like to see how Jamal's story line progresses, what the older son's medical issue is, and how long Cookie will go without cutting "Halle Berry"!  This episode contained a lot of cliches and stereotyping that I hope are toned down over the course of the show's arc.  Given that this was the pilot, I am going to also hope that things start to gel over time.  I don't think it was the worst thing I've seen, but I can see this ending up too soapy to continue if the writing doesn't take a different tone.


Lucious really doesn't have much to pick from in terms of a successor within the family: the older son has possible mental health issues; Jamal doesn't seem business minded and is more "artist" in nature; and Hakeem is just not mature enough.  It'll be interesting to see who emerges once they are all pitted against each other.

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I tuned in because of Taraji P. Henson and I'm so glad I did!  What an entertaining hour that was!  I was surprised at how handsome Terrence Howard looked because to me he usually looks so thuggy and evil.  I thought the acting was really good and I enjoyed how Cookie interacted with everyone.  She definitely shook up everybody's world when she came on the scene.  There's alot of elements of this show that I've already seen in alot of soap operas and telenovelas, especially the struggles for power and the rivalry for who will run the company.  It's very Dynasty to me.  This show was just so much fun to watch.  Well, I guess I've found my new Guilty Pleasure of 2015!

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Taraji was giving me life last night. I'd love to see the Cookie character mentor a female rapper but I digress. 


Cookie's interactions with Jamal were wonderful . I loved that she made sure he knew she'd always be there for him when in jail and kept her promise getting out. 




Older son:  'Why don't you like her?  She's brilliant"
Cookie: "Pretty white girls always are....even when they aren't."

For some reason, from a dialogue standpoint, this line really stood out.  Like really.  It was not just the line itself but the delivery as well.  It was very... I want to call it... 'black woman cynical'.  Cookie infused so much weary truth behind it.  Loved it.

This reminded me or the way Scandal touches on black issues/culture in such a subtle way only *we* get it.


Terence Howard's speech about the industry and the struggles of new artists was interesting and I hope we get more of that.


Malik Yoba is so ashy it's distracting..I'm glad he's getting work but dude needs some Vaseline and the gym stat!





Edited by ThomasAAnderson
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Older son:  'Why don't you like her?  She's brilliant"

Cookie: "Pretty white girls always are....even when they aren't."


For some reason, from a dialogue standpoint, this line really stood out.  Like really.  It was not just the line itself but the delivery as well.  It was very... I want to call it... 'black woman cynical'.  Cookie infused so much weary truth behind it.  Loved it.

That was the line of the night for me, in an episode that had a lot of lines I liked. It hit me deep, in a way that made me say "damn"

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For whomever asked about ratings, from The Boom Box:


It’s official. ‘Empire’ is a No. 1 hit. The music industry-driven drama earned Fox its biggest ratings ever on Wednesday night (Jan. 7).

Buoyed by the ‘American Idol’ lead-in, the series, which stars Terrence Howard as a street thug-turned-record label executive, grabbed 9.8 million viewers and a 3.7 rating among adults 18-49, reports Entertainment Weekly. Taraji P. Henson stars as Cookie, the ex-wife of as Lucious Lyons, Howard’s character.


‘Empire’ even beat out ABC’s perennial Wednesday hit ‘Modern Family’ and maintained its audience lead from 9-10PM with no drop off. The show even outperformed Fox’s heavily publicized drama ‘Gotham,’ which premiered last September.

This is exceptionally good news considering there aren’t many shows with an all-black cast on network television. Hopefully, the series can hold the audiences’ attention throughout the season.


Read More: Fox's 'Empire' Earns Highest Ratings in Network History | http://theboombox.com/foxs-empire-highest-ratings-in-network-history/?trackback=tsmclip

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I've been waiting for this show for months, and it did not disappoint. It was really strong for a pilot, I'm interested in all of the characters. I might not remember the oldest son's name, or Lucius' gf's name, but that I want to know more in spite of that makes me hope that they have a good grasp of all the characters.


Cookie is amazing, that is all.


Jamal, I really hope there's going to be a point where Lucius comes to accept him. Not because I want Lucius to change, but because I can only imagine how hard it is to want his father's love even though he hates Jamal on top of Cookie being in jail.


Hakeem is spoilt as all hell. I kinda cringed when Cookie went after him, but he didn't show her any respect. He may want to be a rapper, but I thought his spontaneous rap with Jamal was lame. Jamal is the talent. I wonder who is going to make him a puppet before he finally grows up. I think it might be "Halle Berry" since she would know who Lucius wants to take over. I can really see her digging her claws into him if Lucius breaks up with her.


Oldest brother... I wish I had caught his name. He got the worst parts of Lucius. I think there's only two reasons he married his wife. One, is that she's white, and two, I betting she was his gf when he was diagnosed as bipolar or schizophrenic. The onset is usually around college age, so I could see him marrying her just to keep his secret. He still thought the company was going to be his at that point if he had the education. I completely see him as looking down on all of his family, even Lucius. Cookie wasn't the only dope dealer, so I see oldest son pushing Lucius out/trying to steal the company if he finds out the Lucius is sick.

I'm not sure what to make of the uncle, other than oldest son has his pegged. But I'm sure the same is true of the uncle. He's going to make things interesting when it all comes to a head.


Lucius... I want to know more about him. Why was he 9 and on the streets? I don't know if he can love anyone, but I really enjoyed watching him interact with everyone- watching him turn on the charm, then turn hard. I don't want the show to try to redeem him. I like him as a bad guy. Besides, I'm not sure you can redeem a character that shoots his best friend, throws his son in the trash, and lets his woman take the fall for him. I wonder what his plan is for when his ALS kicks in? There is no one around him that he can trust to take care of him until he dies, no one to help him cover it up now. I could see him committing suicide and framing someone for it- whoever pissed him off that day.

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Lucious honestly scared me with the way he grabbed young Jamal, I cant stand kids being manhandled and than he put him in a trash can and little Jamal was so scared, I was glad Cookie went to bat for him cause Lucious was out of his mind.

Again I was actually glad Cookie took a broom to Hakeem he had no reason to call her a "bitch" or disrespect her, the little punk deserved to get his spoiled ass kicked.

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I am thinking that Andre may have been ashamed of her, and that's why he didn't visit her. I also think that she felt ashamed that she was in prison, while Andre was becoming successful. I thought their scenes together yesterday were kind of telling. I thought that Cookie seemed happy, but surprised to see Andre, when he showed up at her home. And she didn't seek him out to visit with him like she did with Jamal and even Hakeem after she was released.


I liked seeing the warmth in their scenes from her, as a mother who was proud to see her successful oldest son. I also wish we would have seen less of a villainous look from him and more of a man being happy to see his mother. I think that how he feels toward his mother and ends up treating her could definitely affect what type of layers he has as a character. Schemer or not I want to see a man that ultimately loves his mother.


Another scene where Taraji rocked it.  She conveyed so much in that scene without saying a word.  Pride, shame, nervousness, love... she got all that across. 

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I said I wouldn't watch this, but decided to give it a shot for Taraji.  I was afraid that her character would be written as the villain of the show, and I wasn't interested.  She is a foil to Lucious, but oh my, she strolled right in and stole the show.  Cookie is the only reason I shall continue to watch.  And I hope the characterization of Cookie being whip smart continues.  Yes, I wish Cookie wasn't a former drug dealer, but shrewd, blatantly self-interested black women in TV fiction are rare jewels.  No moralizing or mammification in this joint! *Please, show, do not mess this up.*


Right now, I don't believe Cookie is a bad person, but I think that looking out for your interests, especially after what she went through, means you can't play nice.  Girl, get your life!  I would not be at all surprised to discover that Lucious sold her out, and is the reason she went to prison. 


I think Cookie knows exactly what Andre plans to do - she peeped it immediately when they talked about it.  It seemed apparent to me that she wants Andre to run Empire, and they're colluding to make it happen.  She wants Jamal to get his shine as well, but he's clearly not interested in running a company.  Cookie may have been more conflicted if the baby boy wasn't such a disrespectful ass, but I'm pretty sure calling her a bitch killed any ambivalence.


And maybe it's because I can't stand Terrance Howard, but I wasn't getting any "I have residual feelings" from Cookie towards Lucious.  She may cut to the quick, but she's also playing him to get what she wants.  Unless I misunderstood the scene between Cookie and Andre, Jamal is pure misdirection to get Andre the top spot.  We'll see.  It could be interesting if Jamal flips the script again and decides he wants to head up the company.


This reminded me or the way Scandal touches on black issues/culture in such a subtle way only *we* get it.


Yep, that line was brief, but said EVERYTHING.   


The gay son...um, Show? Just because a boy is gay doesn't make him a cross-dresser.


This was the biggest WTF of the episode for me.  I have no issues with exploring gender non-conforming identity, but it didn't even match up to who Jamal is in the present.  He's not a queen, he's gay.  That was lazy.  Show, do better.


Side note: the younger versions of the sons were cutie-patooties! 

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I didn't get the impression she disliked his sexuality. The scene of him visiting her in jail made it look like she knew that he was gay and was just worried about what it would mean for him as a member of society. When she goes to his apartment after getting out of jail, she (playfully, I thought) calls him a queen and seems happy to meet the boyfriend. I thought her calling him a "sissy" was her being frustrated that he didn't want to pursue a big music career and using a "relevant" derogatory term about him to express it.


That's how I interpreted Cookie's "sissy' comment as well.    I think she has mad love for Jamal.   That was displayed during the infamous Lucious throwing little Jamal in the trash scene.

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That HAIR. It was different every time the camera was on him.


I'm going to need the exec in charge of aesthetics to get it all the way together here.  Conk, curl, wave, cold rod perm, pick one, it was distracting. I mean for as often as we saw that flashback doorag, that oughta have meant something.   I thought it was gonna get addressed after he lightweight read her about weave.



That childhood friend was just stupid.  If you are going to bribe a guy like that, don't meet him in an isolated area, without any kind of protection.  Especially when it's Lucious.


Girl.  After pulling a gun on the man.  In his house.  You came to a meeting that he suggested ya'll have....down by the docks.....at midnight....standing literally on the edge of the river.   I got up to make popcorn during that scene and giggled my ass off when I heard (but didn't see) the splash.   LMAO!!


I like the show so far... but, I'll pretty much as Taraji in anything. I loved her and TH in Hustle n' Flow. They have great chemistry. The over-the-top soapiness is fun!


Lee must've loved this movie too because he had them use a line Terrence said to Taraji in it:  Sing like you're gonna die tomorrow.    Hated the line the first time I heard it.


Ya'll can call CPS on me if you want to but when they get here I will admit to having hollared, cheered and cackled when Taraji beat that child with a broom handle.  There are absolutely cultural phenomena that I couldn't translate if I tried.  One of them is how ready, willing and able your black mama is to wax that ass, regardless of location and or circumstance, using the maximum benefit of the tools she didn't even realize were at her disposal until the very opportunity presented itself, upon real or perceived disrespect.   Culturally universal stuff makes me inexplicably happy. 


What did she call Halle the first time they saw each other?  Ooh, here's boo boo kitty?  lol.  I will be here next week because I canNOT quit the two of them.


What the hell happened to Malik?  This used to be fine man looked fat, bloated, ashy and cratered up.   Um, like he don't know he's not supposed to be eating the prop almonds for real.


Really my favorite part of this is gonna be sitting around keekeeing with ya'll afterwards lol!

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Malik Yoba's been ashy since New York Undercover, if not Cool Runnings.  He's always been on the husky side, too, so not surprised to see him a bit puffy.  I think he's Lucious' financial advisor? Living well will have you chunky.


I was surprised to see Tasha Smith without a speaking part. But given all of her personal baggage at the moment, perhaps that's for the best.

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As has been stated repeatedly, Cookie rules. This show isn't high art, but I'm all in. I'm waiting breathlessly for Courtney Love. I hope she's playing a worthy adversary to Cookie, even though the part may be small.

She was on a few episodes of Sons of Anarchy, but was pretty boring. She didn't bring anything special to the role.
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Why did Cookie have that gun in her apartment?

Who would she be afraid of? Lucious? We did see them along together a few times granted it was in the company building but is she really that afraid of him?

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ITA that Taraji stole every scene she was in. So did Gabourey Sidibe. I'm definitely going to keep watching.


One comment: the editing in this first episode seemed off to me. Jumpy cuts, and at least one scene seemed almost out of continuity. I watched on Hulu, though, so maybe the differing placement of breaks vs. broadcast TV was to blame?

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The gay son...um, Show? Just because a boy is gay doesn't make him a cross-dresser.

But it's something that is fairly common for boys of that age (some of them straight) to experiment with and is just a way of exploring or just because they think the women in their lives are pretty and often doesn't have anything to do with what gender they will grow up attracted to. I know tons of guys who did similar things as boys some are straight, some gay (some flamboyant but many not),and the one I know who is crossdresser in his adult life identifies as straight.

It's clearly not something he brought into his adult style.

I thought it was enjoyable trashy goodness and Courtney hasn't even shown up, so I am in for a few weeks.

Edited by biakbiak
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Yeah a kid playing around with his Mom's clothes certainly doesn't mean he is a cross dresser or going to grow up to become one.  Personally as a gay man that scene didn't give me any pause, even though I personally never did that.


Though now that I know that was lifted from Lee Daniel's own life makes it more heartbreaking, but as they say, write what you know.

Edited by Atony
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Ya'll can call CPS on me if you want to but when they get here I will admit to having hollared, cheered and cackled when Taraji beat that child with a broom handle.  There are absolutely cultural phenomena that I couldn't translate if I tried.  One of them is how ready, willing and able your black mama is to wax that ass, regardless of location and or circumstance, using the maximum benefit of the tools she didn't even realize were at her disposal until the very opportunity presented itself, upon real or perceived disrespect.   Culturally universal stuff makes me inexplicably happy. 



Oh, I think that transcends. My Irish mum would have beat my lily-white ass with whatever was at hand if she saw my face forming the intention to have my mouth call her a bitch.

Edited by Greta
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Like others, I feel POI went down the crapper once Taraji left and I stopped watching.

She was on the Wendy Williams show today and Wendy asked her about her wardrobe on the show. Taraji said that Cookie was still living in the 1980's, but that will soon change because she's going hard after Lucious's new woman, who Taraji described as educated, beautiful and wearing nothing but high end clothes. I think we'll see Cookie really turning up the volume on dressing well.

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But it's something that is fairly common for boys of that age (some of them straight) to experiment with and is just a way of exploring or just because they think the women in their lives are pretty and often doesn't have anything to do with what gender they will grow up attracted to. I know tons of guys who did similar things as boys some are straight, some gay (some flamboyant but many not),and the one I know who is crossdresser in his adult life identifies as straight.


I can't speak to how common it is.  But as edited, it telegraphed that Jamal playing dress up was an early indication of being gay, not just a kid being experimental. For my part, I thought it would have been much more subtle to have the scene between young Jamal and Cookie during the prison visit stand on its own.  But this show clearly doesn't do subtle!


I'm confused how Cookie and Lucious dressed more "period" appropriate in their flashback scenes compared to now.  Cookie was giving me Foxy Brown (or maybe Diana Sands in Georgia, Georgia) as much as Lucious was channeling Billy Dee.  But it was only the two of them dressing that way, which was hilarious.  Everyone else seemed to realize it was the 21st century.  Seventeen, or even twenty, years ago was still the 90s.  Still, I have to give Taraji props - she was working it, runway style.

Edited by ribboninthesky1
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I can't speak to how common it is.  But as edited, it telegraphed that Jamal playing dress up was an early indication of being gay, not just a kid being experimental. For my part, I thought it would have been much more subtle to have the scene between young Jamal and Cookie during the prison visit stand on its own.  But this show clearly doesn't do subtle!



As well as representing a real life event, it was a way for the show to non-subtly (as you point out) address Luscious' realization about his middle son and his OTT reaction. Whether it was indicative of being gay or not, it certainly was something Luscious saw as "other" and did not welcome, either because it deviated from his own experiences or fed into them. I recall my father's reactions to anything I did that was not overtly "masculine" as being along the same lines. He didn't mean any harm, but that was just how he had been raised, and he thought he was protecting me. So I get the scene.

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But it's something that is fairly common for boys of that age (some of them straight) to experiment with and is just a way of exploring or just because they think the women in their lives are pretty and often doesn't have anything to do with what gender they will grow up attracted to. I know tons of guys who did similar things as boys some are straight, some gay (some flamboyant but many not),and the one I know who is crossdresser in his adult life identifies as straight.

It's clearly not something he brought into his adult style.

I thought it was enjoyable trashy goodness and Courtney hasn't even shown up, so I am in for a few weeks.

I wouldn't say fairly common and growing in a black family the one time my female family members dressed me up as a joke my dad flipped his shit and told me straight up his son is not going to be a "faggot"


mind you this was me getting dressed up by female family members as  a freaking joke nad that was his reaction. Then a couple years a go a boy in a little leotard was dancing to rihanna music and guess what on alot of the black sites they called him all types of sissies , punks and rants on on single mother hood emasculating young black boys


i just think in an african american household even if the situation is not as over the top as my dad most people will think a boy dressing up in women clothing is gay. In rela life  majority of black men i know who did it as children all turned out to be gay and not jsut gay but gay and faboulous lol.

Oh, I think that transcends. My Irish mum would have beat my lily-white ass with whatever was at hand if she saw my face forming the intention to have my mouth call her a bitch.

I think that interesting there is a stereotype white people don't beat their children and let their children get away with everything short of murder. i see white kids cussing out their parents all the time.


My mom was sort of like cookieand she did not tolerate disrespect from her children at all  , that whooping scene brought back so many memories.

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As well as representing a real life event, it was a way for the show to non-subtly (as you point out) address Luscious' realization about his middle son and his OTT reaction.

It also illustrates why he was the most welcoming of her in a way that his other brothers weren't in a way the prison scene wouldn't have, she was his protector and he remembers that not some passing line about being different. Also, given that it's based on real life events it illustrates that more often than not people's reaction to differences in real life aren't subtle.

i just think in an african american household even if the situation is not as over the top as my dad most people will think a boy dressing up in women clothing is gay. In rela life majority of black men i know who did it as children all turned out to be gay and not jsut gay but gay and faboulous lol.

Wasn't suggesting that it isn't something that adults would read as gay and that also transcends race. I know several white parents who freaked out. My point was it wasn't that unusual and even if it was in indication that he was actual gay, doesn't make him a crossdresser or grow up to be different than the dude we were shown. Particularly since his one protector was in jail so he clearly spent seventeen years not trying to piss his dad off too much. Edited by biakbiak
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cookie is my favorite character jsut rewatching the show and the scene where she beats him with the broom has me me in tears laughing lol


Also anybody notice Gabby's sidbe glow in the dark wig  im not trying to be mean but i don't understand how this girl keeps getting roles. She is a terrible actress

Edited by teezy
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Neither did I, although "like" and "dislike" may be the wrong terms. Like it or not, she clearly accepts his sexuality and supports his difference, as demonstrated in the numerous scenes of her fighting for and defending him.  I just think Cookie doesn't give a shiz about being PC.

do  most black people lol in real life i never hear people apologizing for the things these actors get in the media and apologize for lol  .One thing i love about black people and being black is that we are straight majority of african americans i know say whats on they mind no matter if you offended or not.  This is not always a good thing and sometimes leads to foights and confrontations but at the same time i rather know what someone thinks of me instead of being fake , phoney and two faced smiling like everything is cool  but then dog me behind my back.


living in a major city like Atlanta everyday i here stuff that would make the average gay rights activist , feminist , disability rights activist etc probably have a heart attack.  real people don't police their language to makes other comfortable. So i kind like Taraji for the fact to lol  she reminds me of alot of sistas I know in real life

Edited by teezy
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The beating was also something my white mom would have done if I dared call her a bitch!  I think it's more of a badass bitch thing than a race thing.  Cookie fucking rules.  As far as the little boy in women's clothes thing, as a gay man, I think this is something most of my friends did at one point or another as a child.  It didn't continue into adulthood.  So that scene was effective for me.


Really, if you're easily offended, I would think that Empire is not going to be the show for you.  I hope it continues to be completely over the top, politically incorrect and campy all the way to the top of the ratings heap!  The only thing I want is more badass female energy... hopefully Cookie's sister has a bigger role in the future.


She was on a few episodes of Sons of Anarchy, but was pretty boring. She didn't bring anything special to the role.

Bilgistic, I don't watch SOA but my parents do and I was disappointed to hear that Courtney was boring.  Since her scene on Empire appears to involve her losing her shit in a recording studio, I hope her role here is a little more fiery.

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Sigh. Where do I begin? The names? Cookie and Luscious? Am I the only one who kept thinking about Pimp Luscious from R. Kelly's latter installments of "Trapped in the Closet?" Yes? Ok, then. LOL.


As someone else said, I asked my husband two times if this show was supposed to take place in present day. WTH were Cookie and Luscious wearing? My husband reminded me that yes, it is indeed 2015, and Jamal's boyfriend told us so.


Hated the youngest son, but loved his bond with Jamal. Hated the oldest son and hope he gets whatever is coming to him.  I knew Bunky (?) was a goner when he pulled a gun on Luscious in his house. How dumb was he to meet him under a viaduct, back to the water, apparently unstrapped, and still talking shit?   Overall, I didn't love it and I'll hang in there for a couple more episodes to see if it holds my interest. I did like the song Jamal sang in the nightclub.


ETA: That line from "Halle Berry" about her being a hoe who could slit Cookie's throat and not disturb her pearls GAVE ME LIFE! YES, BISH! I'm here at least until the episode that she says that.

Edited by Dani331
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Hated the youngest son, but loved his bond with Jamal. Hated the oldest son and hope he gets whatever is coming to him.



Yeah I'm hoping the oldest son gets his comeuppance. Don't like him or his clear disdain for his parents and brothers. He thinks he's better than everyone. He's had the opportunity to live a very privileged life. He's old enough to remember what it was like before his dad hit it big. I think he was probably the little boy in the backseat of the car when Cookie was talking about getting caught and going to jail. I get being ashamed of his parents' past. But, really dude get over yourself. Be a little bit more humble and nice. 


I did like the song Jamal sang in the nightclub.


As an earlier poster said it had a little bit of Justin Timberlake sound to it. It's the kind of song that would crossover well.


ETA: That line from "Halle Berry" about her being a hoe who could slit Cookie's throat and not disturb her pearls GAVE ME LIFE! YES, BISH! I'm here at least until the episode that she says that.


I'm waiting for that too... as well as Cookie wiping the floor with "Halle's" face... cause you know it's coming. Hope there are no broomsticks around! :-) 

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I'm going to need the exec in charge of aesthetics to get it all the way together here.  Conk, curl, wave, cold rod perm, pick one, it was distracting. I mean for as often as we saw that flashback doorag, that oughta have meant something.   I thought it was gonna get addressed after he lightweight read her about weave.

Ha ha ha, this, and when Cookie made that crack about weaves smelling like old goats, I about died.


And below, right on, Taraji killed it.


Ya'll can call CPS on me if you want to but when they get here I will admit to having hollared, cheered and cackled when Taraji beat that child with a broom handle.  There are absolutely cultural phenomena that I couldn't translate if I tried.  One of them is how ready, willing and able your black mama is to wax that ass, regardless of location and or circumstance, using the maximum benefit of the tools she didn't even realize were at her disposal until the very opportunity presented itself, upon real or perceived disrespect.   Culturally universal stuff makes me inexplicably happy.


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As someone else said, I asked my husband two times if this show was supposed to take place in present day. WTH were Cookie and Luscious wearing? My husband reminded me that yes, it is indeed 2015, and Jamal's boyfriend told us so.


Cookie was wearing the clothes she wore to jail 17 years ago when she first got out, and she probably hasn't expanded her fashion esthetic yet.

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Didn't buy it for a minute. 2 out of 5 stars. Wanted to love it, love Terrence, Taraji, etc.


But the unimaginative Hollywood writers passed on real-life & rawness and instead piled on every soapy cliche & rich-hip-hop-family stereotype in the book. The dying mogul who pits his 3 sons against each other, King Lear-style; the combative ex-wife who storms back and demands her piece of the pie; the hard-working well-dressed eldest son, the lazy hedonistic youngest son, and the sensitive middle son who must be gay; the father who embraces his sons when they man-up and business-up, but seems incapable of caring for them just as human beings. Oh, come on!


Rap-rich empire or not, this is not a family anybody could actually believe in. Writers, watch a few episodes of The Wire or similar authentic-life dramas, then come back to the drawing board. If Episode 1 is any indication, even Nashville is less ludicrous, looshuss!

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Cookie was wearing the clothes she wore to jail 17 years ago when she first got out, and she probably hasn't expanded her fashion esthetic yet.


I'll  accept that, but there's no excuse for Luscious. Even the club he was at with the youngest son looked like a disco.

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I'm basically lumping this with Nashville.  Oh, yeah, it's set in the music industry, but it's really about the soap and drama.  I doubt we're going to touch on things like that line about how the internet is hurting the music industry or what it takes to really record music.  Nope, it's all going to be about things like being gay in this industry, power struggles, and scenery chewing.  And, I don't mind.  It was entertaining.

Worst scene of hte night:

Lucious' gradiose speech about how he was going to help the disenfranchised and starving artists by...wait for it ....announcing his company's IPO.  Yeah, like poor people can just rush out and buy his company's overpriced/overhyped stock.  That made NO sense at all.

Yeah, the "Internet is killing the industry and the artists, so my solution is.. go public!" Like, WHAT????

The Internet is killing the studios (and the RIAA -- good riddence) but artists are moving to other business models, like YouTube and iTunes and personalized websites.



The gay son...um, Show? Just because a boy is gay doesn't make him a cross-dresser.


It wasn't just the childhood scene -- there were other references. lik a previous boyfriend who wore a dress.


 I think it takes a lot of courage for a show about the rap industry to have the most sympathetic character (so far) be gay. Because Cookie is right: there is little to no support for gay rappers, and a LOT of animosity towards them.

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