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Erin and Chad: Fifty Shades of Pink

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Chad needs to take on some jobs for people that aren't relatives. Looks like he's super involved in Z&W's new home - he was in the videos this weekend walking around doing stuff and Warden was as well; looks like they've "hired" Chad's company. I'm not suggesting Chad does these jobs for free, but reality is on a family job you are NOT charging the same amount you'd charge a stranger. I'm guessing it's closer to at cost + a modest profit bc if he quotes a price for too much more than that, he'll get Z being like oh I'm going to be here doing 1/2 the work myself + if we need more guys sure bring in Law/Nathan/Evan/anyone else not on Chad's payroll, aren't you going to give me a discount for that!?

The contractor market has been on fire for the last year and yet we see Chad wasting hours upon hours doing jobs for Z&W, Josie & Kelton, probably something for Bobby & Tori since they just bought etc.

I mean at some point he needs to get out of that house . . . 7 people in a 2 bed, 1 bath "cottage" and oh yeah they homeschool too so everyone is home ALL.THE.TIME. Last Friday Erin posted a video of Carson doing "school" while she ran the laundry - the laundry machine being 3 ft away from the kitchen table where he worked. Add to that a screaming baby and yep super conducive to learning . . . . No wonder the kids just run around barefoot outside all the time, at least it gives them some space.

How old is Carson - 5-6? From that video - he doesn't speak super clearly and sounds more baby-ish than I'd expect in 1st grade. Though IDK I haven't been around 1st graders lately but he sounds younger than that . . . .

Also interesting how weak the Bates genes are - 3/4 of those kids look just like Chad - and Kelton's kids look just like him, Evan's looks just like him etc. The Bates features don't come thru huh?

Edited by cereality
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52 minutes ago, cereality said:

Also interesting how weak the Bates genes are - 3/4 of those kids look just like Chad - and Kelton's kids look just like him, Evan's looks just like him etc. The Bates features don't come thru huh?

I bet any kid Nathan has will look like him. 😜

Seriously, this is nuts.  And it explains the Scripture card business- God has answered their prayers, so I guess they have to prove they are worthy.

What are the odds? Is it a one in a million fluke or will she keep popping them out?  I guess time will tell. 

Now they are asking people to follow along on their Instagram stories.  It smells like a grift opportunity to me.


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  I call BS on the whole story. Erin said that after her three surgeries she was starting to go into menopause so she went to a fertility specialist. Not for fertility treatments mind you but to get her hormones in check. BS she went to get pregnant again.  And Carson coming to her begging for a brother and praying for her to get pregnant. And an angel came to him and told him that his mother was pregnant. This kid is 6 years old. Someone is filling his head with pregnancy talk?? All of this is in their instagram link.  This child needs speech therapy. If he were in first grade in a public school he would most likely be getting speech therapy. The whole time Erin is talking Chad is shaking his head and acting like someone without a lick of  sense. 

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7 minutes ago, 3 is enough said:

I bet any kid Nathan has will look like him. 😜

Seriously, this is nuts.  And it explains the Scripture card business- God has answered their prayers, so I guess they have to prove they are worthy.

What are the odds? Is it a one in a million fluke or will she keep popping them out?  I guess time will tell. 

Now they are asking people to follow along on their Instagram stories.  It smells like a grift opportunity to me.


She spoke in the video as if this one will be the last.

And yes, Carson speaks like a 4 year old.

Edited by emmawoodhouse
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16 minutes ago, 65mickey said:

  I call BS on the whole story. Erin said that after her three surgeries she was starting to go into menopause so she went to a fertility specialist. Not for fertility treatments mind you but to get her hormones in check. BS she went to get pregnant again.  And Carson coming to her begging for a brother and praying for her to get pregnant. And an angel came to him and told him that his mother was pregnant. This kid is 6 years old. Someone is filling his head with pregnancy talk?? All of this is in their instagram link.  This child needs speech therapy. If he were in first grade in a public school he would most likely be getting speech therapy. The whole time Erin is talking Chad is shaking his head and acting like someone without a lick of  sense. 

Yeah I did a double take on that too. You went to a fertility dr bc you were starting menopause?! Uh most fertility specialists would say sorry I don’t deal w menopause, let me give you the name of another practice.

BS she went to do what she could to get pregnant ASAP with whatever eggs remain. Not that they would tell, but I also wouldn’t be surprised if during those surgeries she went thru some egg retrieval and freezing for the future so they can keep having miracle babies. I know they’re soooo Godly that they only believe in conception in the bedroom but reality it’s no more kids vs Chad jerking off in a cup and having drs implant an embryo, they would do it ASAP. Only thing is that’s pricey so IDK how they’d swing it financially but it may explain their living situation if this is how they’re spending what they save/are on payment plans for baby making.

Reality is Erin has always been all about aggressively doing what she can do have babies and she leads Chad around by his dick on this issue. When she was miscarrying before Carson she was aggressively looking to figure it out and if Chad ever said - maybe it’s God’s will - he was likely told to STFU; I’m sure the same is true here. I don’t think it’s like Michael and Brandon where I have a feeling M would be open to trying some interventions that aren’t biblical and B likely says no this is God’s plan and she defers. 

And yeah stop filling your SIX year old’s head with mommy and daddy’s bedroom plans to where he’s praying about them and maybe enroll him in a school and/or speech therapy so he doesn’t talk like a toddler?!

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Michelle Duggar and Kelly Jo Bates both talked about seeing a doctor in their 40's to inquire about their chances of getting pregnant with #20. So it is not out of the realm of possibilities that Erin would do everthing that she could to continue to conceive. 

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On Reddit someone suggested she may have taken Clomid to stimulate egg production in the remaining portion of her ovary.  If she was seeing a fertility specialist that isn't out of the realm of possibility.

ETA: I just watched the video.  She "randomly" took a pregnancy test? Yeah, right.

Edited by 3 is enough
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2 hours ago, lookeyloo said:

I wonder if they will switch rooms to the smaller one, give the kids the bigger one and set up a divider of sorts.

I had a co-worker who did just that in her coop apartment and she had only two kids. She said the rest of the place was her and her husbands so the girls needed a bit of space for themselves,

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3 hours ago, 65mickey said:

  I call BS on the whole story. Erin said that after her three surgeries she was starting to go into menopause so she went to a fertility specialist. Not for fertility treatments mind you but to get her hormones in check. BS she went to get pregnant again.  And Carson coming to her begging for a brother and praying for her to get pregnant. And an angel came to him and told him that his mother was pregnant. This kid is 6 years old. Someone is filling his head with pregnancy talk?? All of this is in their instagram link.  This child needs speech therapy. If he were in first grade in a public school he would most likely be getting speech therapy. The whole time Erin is talking Chad is shaking his head and acting like someone without a lick of  sense. 

What? That's insane!

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3 hours ago, cereality said:

When she was miscarrying before Carson she was aggressively looking to figure it out

Not really.  They went the standard three miscarriages before testing and it's a simple blood test to diagnose her condition.  It was standard medical practice.  Aggressive would have been blood testing after one miscarriage which my daughter had because I have a clotting disorder.  

I don't buy seeing a fertility specialist about her hormones for a second though.  She went to conceive this pregnancy.

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11 minutes ago, Absolom said:

Not really.  They went the standard three miscarriages before testing and it's a simple blood test to diagnose her condition.  It was standard medical practice.  Aggressive would have been blood testing after one miscarriage which my daughter had because I have a clotting disorder.  

I don't buy seeing a fertility specialist about her hormones for a second though.  She went to conceive this pregnancy.

Yes, she did. Anyone else would think the loss of a tube after four kids was a sign from God to stop. Not these people. I hope the pregnancy goes well but I have a bad feeling. 

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Usually just a lurker, but had to chime in and agree that something is fishy.  A fraction of an ovary coupled with the onset of menopausal symptoms, which would suggest that partial ovary was shutting down, and she gets pregnant only a few months later??? Definitely sounds like fertility treatments were used to stimulate ovulation, not simply to regulate her hormones.  And if that's the case, then she better be thanking the advances of medical science instead of spouting off about her divine "miracle."

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They’ll never thank science or drs if that’s what helped them conceive - after all God first and plus then they’d have to admit it wasn’t all natural. I mean aren’t these the people who were in the NICU raving about God, barely acknowledging the highly trained drs and nurses? Not E&C specifically but Z&W and J&K - all cut from the same cloth. When you lie you gotta stay consistent. Why is everyone saying they have a bad feeling? Curious having never been pregnant. Like I thought if you need help to conceive the riskiest parts are having/stimulating eggs + the pregnancy implanting. Once that’s done is there any greater risk than a regular pregnancy at age 30?

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Erin has put her body through a lot. Three miscarriages, four pregnancies requiring daily injections, covid, lingering side effects of covid, three gynecological surgeries, internal bleeding and whatever procedures/treatments she did to obtain this pregnancy. And this is all within the space of what, seven years?

I'm guessing the people who have bad feelings are going with the logic that your systems can only endure so much before something gives out. She might power through now because she's young, but who knows how all this will effect her ten, twenty years down the road.

Edited by BitterApple
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Sorry, but these two are idiots. They have 4 children and don't seem grateful for that IMO. Erin just want more and more.

I could hardly understand Carson...that boy speaks like a 2 year old. My son did better at 2 years old that this poor kid. Why don't these families get their children to real speech therapy? Many of them seem to speak 'strangely' or delayed. I think it's due to isolation to some degree. Carson is waaaayyyy too involved in babies. He is a small child and should not be a focus of his. These people are weird. No child should be focused on their mother's reproductive life. Isn't anything private for the Paines? They really need to move into a proper home that can accommodate 5 children...they also need to GO TO school.

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Perhaps Princess Erin is positioning herself and famiy to move in with G&K at some point and, by extension, inherit the house. She could be the caregiver to her aging parents and Chad could do maintenance.  Not tomorrow, but as the Paine children grow and they no longer can fit in their little cottage.

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1 hour ago, Me from ME said:

Perhaps Princess Erin is positioning herself and famiy to move in with G&K at some point and, by extension, inherit the house. She could be the caregiver to her aging parents and Chad could do maintenance.  Not tomorrow, but as the Paine children grow and they no longer can fit in their little cottage.

Bingo! I had the same thought. MAybe they will even do a switch with G & K taking over the cottage and Erin and Chad and the Paine kids moving into the big house along with any minor Bates kids. 

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I just watched the video, and wow, the comments about Carson are spot-on. If I closed my eyes and listened, I'd swear he was a two year-old. It isn't even just the speech, his overall affect is so babyish and stunted. The poor kid is so brainwashed my heart breaks. What does Erin do? Drill it into his head to pray for babies? I've never seen a kid that age so obsessed. 


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I don't think that Carson's speech is just baby talk. At age 6 he sounds like he has a  speech disorder. And if this is just baby talk, Erin and Chad need to cut this out and start speaking like an adult to him. 

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1 hour ago, Dehumidifier said:

I think it's pretty common for kids that age to ask for a sibling if they don't have one. Seems like it would be less likely when they already have a bunch.

Gotta wonder how many times he has heard his parents say "Carson needs a brother".  Poor kid should not be obsessing about it.

I have 4 brothers and my parents never said that I needed a sister.  I also wonder if the girls are hearing that over and over and will start to think that they would have been valued more if they had been boys.

And honestly, a six year old with 3 sisters probably would not wish for another sibling. At six, kids are aware enough to realize that another baby means less attention for them. 

My older granddaughter is 8 years older than her little sister.  She did want a sibling, and she is an amazing big sister.  That said, she does get annoyed with her sometimes, and she is not lobbying for another sibling.

Edited by 3 is enough
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19 hours ago, 3 is enough said:

On Reddit someone suggested she may have taken Clomid to stimulate egg production in the remaining portion of her ovary.  If she was seeing a fertility specialist that isn't out of the realm of possibility.

ETA: I just watched the video.  She "randomly" took a pregnancy test? Yeah, right.

As far as I understand science, Clomid doesn't cause egg production; it causes the ovary/ies to ovulate (i.e. release eggs). Also the ovaries don't really produce; they store eggs. The ovaries do prepare eggs to be used, but they don't create eggs.

@doodlebug would be much more knowledgable than I am.


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53 minutes ago, Dehumidifier said:

I think it's pretty common for kids that age to ask for a sibling if they don't have one. Seems like it would be less likely when they already have a bunch.

True my brother asked for a brother and I asked for a sister. My parents had had one miscarriage and two births that went bad. My brother was in the NICU for months and almost died and I had neck problems. While my parents did want at least one more child they realized they got lucky with my brother and me but worried their luck would run out if they tried for a third. Unlike Chad and Erin, my parents took the problems as sign from God to stop at two.  

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You KNOW they're all over Carson to pray for a brother and the 1st girl to pray for mommy to be able to have more babies. I mean they're 5 and 6, C&E are likely constantly lecturing them about God and prayer. What should I pray for - well a baby brother - of course, what else could you possibly want on this earth?? You know that's what Z&W did as well - totally making their 5-6 yr old feel that it was HIS responsibility to pray hard enough to get a brother. These people have taken - God answers kids' prayers - to a new extreme of putting that burden on the kids for what THEY want. 

I mean Carson is SIX, he should not even know that mommy and daddy are trying to make a baby or what drs. are telling mommy about her prospects of another pregnancy!? Let him be a child and you know interact with other children who aren't cousins, go to school, etc. not worry about mommy and daddy's bedroom activities!?

As for the girls feeling less valued bc of the constant "need a brother for Carson" talk, I don't think they care; nor do I think Z&W cared when they spoke the same way. The only fundie I've seen having some semblance of care on this issue is John who has said -- how do you think our girls would feel if we went around saying we need to have more babies to have boys, as if they don't matter?! But reality is that's bc J doesn't want anymore kids period, even if they are boys. Alyssa nodded along but reality is we HAVE seen Alyssa prompting the girls on - don't you want a brother etc.

As for the speech impediment - this is what happens when you isolate your kids + keep them away from actual professionals. If it's just a matter of he baby talks bc Erin baby talks to him, it would have been sorted out ASAP in preschool at age 3-4 as teachers would have told him to ask for things like a big boy. Or he'd be running with a pack of boys, see they didn't sound like babies, and he'd speak like them. If it is an actual issue, a preschool teacher would have said - hey your kid needs to be evaluated, he would have gotten a few months/yr of speech therapy plus practice at home and been good to go!?

But what adults does he see most? Kelly who like Erin wants to have babies perpetually so it's sooooo cute that the SIX yr old is still a baby, she prob sees no problem at all. And Whit bc I think he plays with Z&W's son. As much as these sisters/sisters in law act like besties, no way could Whit comment on Carson's development without it being a huge issue resulting in IG videos about how Erin is closest to sisters A, B, C, leaving out Whit . . . . Even in the real world, it IS hard to comment on someone else's kid without their mom taking offense, but in the real world kids also see all kinds of teachers, administrators etc. who can comment in a more objective way and say look I've taught 3000 6 yr olds in my career, about 15 have sounded like yours and they needed speech therapy.

And yeah no way would Carson be begging for another sibling if they weren't putting the idea of "you need a brother" in his mind constantly. He's 6 with siblings that are 5, 3, and 1.5. Any 6 yr old can tell you that they hate it when they rush home to tell mom something that happened and then it's - wait the baby is fussy; wait the 3 yr old needs to go potty, I have to help her; ok go ahead; oh wait the baby is crying; ok now go . . . . Sure lots of kids want a sibling when they are only and maybe some want a same sex sibling, but MOST oldest kids will tell you it's annoying to share the attention with needier younger kids - which is what a baby is.

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After watching the video, these are my takeaways:

1. It sounds like the doctors who dealt with her surgeries did prepare them for the reality that future conception was slim to none.  When Chad chimes in that "it was a very small chance," I believe that is what the doctors stressed and they understood. It's one of the few times Chad makes eye contact with the camera.  But knowing their obsession with pregnancy and birth, I suspect they jumped on what was a last ditch effort, probably pitched by one of the doctors who had to listen to Erin moan about being barren at 30, before her remaining 1/3 of an ovary completely failed.

2.  I think Erin's lying through her teeth when she says they didn't go to the fertility specialist for help with conceiving. Even if her ob/gyn referred her to a hormone specialist simply to manage her menopausal symptoms that arose post-surgeries, any doctor that meets with them would certainly deduce that the loss of future pregnancies devastates Erin more than hot flashes, night sweats, and mood swings. 

3. They way they keep talking about this being her last baby and final pregnancy would also point to this being a being a fertility specialist assisted pregnancy, not a naturally conceived one. After all, if it was truly a miracle blessing granted so soon after they prayed about it, why not pray for 5 more miracles like they always wanted?  No, instead I think it sounds like the fertility specialist possibly said they had a small window of opportunity to try this either before that piece of an ovary shut down for good or it would have to be removed entirely. 

4. Carson's speech struck me as exactly that--a rehearsed speech, monolog, testimony. He seemed like he was trying to remember what he was supposed to say, and he fidgets like a nervous child who knows they've been put on the spot.  I wasn't so convinced that his pauses signaled a need for a speech therapist as much as a need for his parents to stop filming him for You Tube after indoctrinating him on how wonderful liters of siblings are.  I suspect after the camera stopped rolling he probably looked at Erin and Chad and said, "Was that okay?"  Whether he knows that his parents are grooming him for a future in reality TV, I'm not sure. And maybe he does have speech issues, but I think I'd have to see impromptu videos where he didn't know he was being filmed first. 

Edited by Peanut6711
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For me it was not being able to correctly pronounce all the words he was using that bothered me.  Most six year olds can correctly pronounce the word pregnant.  He was saying pwegnant.  That was the most obvious one to me.  

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It's sad to say, but it feels like this whole pregnancy was conceived for no other reason than Chad and Erin wanting another boy. Girls are clearly not enough in their world. Alyssa has talked non-stop about having a son, Kelton claims to be happy with two daughters, but then references future pregnancies (despite the last one being laden with complications) and we all know Chad's infamous "Carson needs a brother" comment.

Otherwise, why the mad rush? It's either because Erin is all about the numbers or she isn't happy with the lot that she has. And unless they did IVF with gender selection, there's no guarantees. If this one's a girl, where does it end? Another "surprise miracle" in eighteen months?


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How in the world are they affording fertility treatment, let alone gender selection? Maybe spend money on extra room before adding another child into already cramped quarters. If the number of children you have is God’s will, how does circumventing that with man made technology fit into Gothardism? 

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We don't know that they did fertility treatments much less gender selection although it seem likely they did "something."  We're just speculating based on what they've said and some are speculating more widely than others.  

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IDK if they went all the way to IVF. Might just be that they used the various drugs which stimulate the body to release the egg and then had sex hourly during that process to make a baby and that was enough. In that case no guarantees of a boy of course. Though I imagine they're going with the law of large numbers - you have enough babies, one will be a boy though not necessarily, look at John.

IDK if it's accurate but google says IVF nationwide costs about ~25k on average and there are clinics in Tenn. saying it costs 10k-12k per cycle. I could see them doing a cycle of that just to see if they could make a boy. Sure they aren't loaded but they've been married for ~7 years and Chad seems like a saver, so chances are he has saved 2-3k per YEAR in all their married years. Now of course that was for a house, but Princess Erin gets what she wants so if she'd rather spend that money on baby making rather than a house, that's likely what they did; and frankly in this instance I think Chad would rather spending on baby making too to get another boy. Once the kids are all here we'll figure out some kind of book shelf arrangement to house them all. Plus I feel like lots of medical places that don't take insurance are big on payment plans. They won't take out a loan on a house but for this, yeah they'd get on a payment plan and keep it on the DL. Though if they DID pay ~15k for IVF, I hope they gender selected too bc IDK if they can come up with that much money again next year to try for another boy should this one turn out to be a girl.

As for Carson, I don't think he has a speech issue bc he sounds coached and speaks slow. I think he has a speech issue bc you can hardly understand him - the way you can't understand 2-3 year olds sometimes. I mean of course he was coached for the video and generally of course C&E have been putting it in his head that he NEEDS a brother and NEEDS to pray for one. No normal person puts it in their kids' heads that the NEED a brother or sister bc they know they aren't having an infinite # of kids so their kid may never get a same sex sibling. Normal people go with - you get what you get, you'll love your sister just the same. Normal religious people go with - God wanted us to have a daughter/sister. But that has nothing to do with "bwother" "pwegnant" "angwel" etc. I mean I've heard 2 yr olds proudly announce that they are a "big bwother" not 6 yr olds.

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It was his pronunciation of the words pregnant and brother that made me think of a speech disorder. He doesn't seem to be able to pronounce the R sound. And if Erin and Chad do not want people speculating about his speech then don't film your child and put it on Instagram. The responsible thing to do is to have him evaluated by a speech  therapist.

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I don't think it mattered that Carson was given a speech to recite. Most 6 year olds are pretty clear to understand. This boy's speech is a few years behind in general. He needs one on one speech therapy. Better to to it when they are young as I did with my son. His speech today, as a 30 year old man, is great. I thank our local public school system and early intervention at age 3.

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There are other reasons besides wanting a boy to keep having children. 

Chad is one of 10 kids and Erin is one of 19 kids. To them, four kids is tiny, but that's not true in the real world.

The other reason is that even though Erin is somewhat of a princess and Chad is the first born son, they still have to compete with their siblings. In families like these, the parents favorite are the most successful and the most fertile. If Erin couldn't have more kids, and Michael started having them, Kelly would have a new favorite immediately. 

Erin may have one or two more babies past this baby. She probably won't hit 10 kids, because eventually losing most of her eggs and menopause will catch up with her. 

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5 hours ago, Temperance said:

There are other reasons besides wanting a boy to keep having children. 

Chad is one of 10 kids and Erin is one of 19 kids. To them, four kids is tiny, but that's not true in the real world.

The other reason is that even though Erin is somewhat of a princess and Chad is the first born son, they still have to compete with their siblings. In families like these, the parents favorite are the most successful and the most fertile. If Erin couldn't have more kids, and Michael started having them, Kelly would have a new favorite immediately. 

Erin may have one or two more babies past this baby. She probably won't hit 10 kids, because eventually losing most of her eggs and menopause will catch up with her. 

Oh, I agree. She's competitive with her siblings and sister-in-law. But as we saw what happened when they found out the cause of the miscarriages they had four back to back pregnancies. Taking a break, or time for her body to heal from that and the shots she had to have every day of her pregnancy? Nope, Erin didn't do any of that. She found a way to have back to back babies and that's exactly what they did. I have no doubt Erin sees this as the same thing. The problem is "fixed" so back to back babies. Erin will definitely keep having kids until she can't. 

Edited by andromeda331
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I'm late to the party and the IG video isn't showing up as an option to view, but with regard to Carson's speech issues:

Per a federal mandate, ALL kiddos who are at least three years of age are eligible for educational services via their local school district, even if they're home schooled or attend a private school. Going to school isn't even a pre-requisite as support services are also available for three year olds who don't go to preschool.

Private schools don't have to acknowledge or honor IEPs or 504s, but if a student needs speech therapy or additional support, it's up to the parent to get their kid to the appropriate location for the needed service(s). It's the same thing for home schooled students in that they're still eligible for support services, even if they don't attend public school. 

For example, if your child needs speech therapy and the local elementary school has a speech language pathologist (SLP) on site, you take your kid to the local elementary school for speech therapy once a week or as often as the SLP suggests.

That's what pisses me off about these morons - there are FREE options available for their children to work through any struggles with educated professionals, but they'd rather avoid speech therapy because Jesus.

Also, kiddos who struggle with the letter "R" is more common than not and in most cases, for lack of a better description, the kiddo "grows out of it" by the end of grade two. I can't remember the exact science behind the "magical age of 7", but I promise it was in my required reading when I was earning my teaching credential.


Source: am a teacher.

Edited by Bridget
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19 hours ago, Bridget said:


Also, kiddos who struggle with the letter "R" is more common than not and in most cases, for lack of a better description, the kiddo "grows out of it" by the end of grade two. I can't remember the exact science behind the "magical age of 7", but I promise it was in my required reading when I was earning my teaching credential.

This is exactly what happened with my now-18 yr old. He still didn’t say his Rs at age 5 but I want to say by six or seven years old (maybe a little older? Don’t remember) it all worked itself out without speech therapy.

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That may happen with Carson but he may not "grow out of it". If he were my child I would have him evaluated by a speech therapist to be on the safe side especially since he is homeschooled and not around professionals who would pick up on a problem. If he had a problem with his eyes would they ignore it and hope that he would out grow it?

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1 hour ago, 65mickey said:

That may happen with Carson but he may not "grow out of it". If he were my child I would have him evaluated by a speech therapist to be on the safe side especially since he is homeschooled and not around professionals who would pick up on a problem. If he had a problem with his eyes would they ignore it and hope that he would out grow it?

If medical examinations & vaccinations are a requirement for homeschooling in their state, then he would presumably be evaluated by a pediatrician or family doctor (either of which should qualify as a professional in terms of child growth, health, and development) each year.  Speech, vision, and hearing checks would be part of those exams.  In some states (my own for example), the homeschoolers have basically the same requirements in terms of medical and dental evaluations as well as required school days as any public school student.  Of course, like the public school kids, they probably also have a religious exemption option too, which it wouldn't be too surprising if they invoked. 


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Hi there. I recognize some of your names from the Duggar forum.

I popped over here to see if there were any thoughts of Erin being semi-estranged from her family. She seems to be MIA at any events posted on SM. Like a recent FL vacation, the sisters' boutique and all of Katie's wedding prep. I also noticed a big dig from Alyssa to Erin. And now Zach's family has bought a huge farm while Erin's turned their little bungalow into a semi-farm.

Any thoughts on this?

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Erin's out of town with Chad this weekend, meaning she missed Katie's wedding shower. On its' own, that's not a huge deal, especially considering Katie's wedding prep has been a clusterfuck, but as part of the whole, it's...interesting.

Large families have a bazillion events and it's impossible to be at everything, but Erin's been noticeably absent for months. She didn't go to Whitney's birthday, Esther's shower or the dinner for Tiffany's parents, and she was always big on that sort of stuff. I don't think it has to do with pregnancy or covid, because she's traveled out of state twice in one month. I tend to think Erin's tenure at the boutique ended badly and there's some lingering awkwardness between her, Whitney and Carlin. 

With regards to a home purchase, Zach and Whit have enough sense to take out a mortgage, which is why they've been able to upgrade themselves nicely. I think Chad is anti-debt, which is why they're still in a tiny rental with kids stacked up to the ceiling.


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