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Undercover Boss - General Discussion

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I think the show is on a natural break until new eps will come online.


I noticed on the  news that a Skyzone (remember the trampoline place?) is being sued because a mom didn't like how one boy was going after her little angel.  She held him and told all the others to bomb away at his face.  They did. How great is that?  I always thought the liability insurance would be too damn prohibitive because of whack jobs like that mother.

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My DVR hopper recorded a couple reruns of this show.  If I worked for any big company, I would assume that any time someone came in wearing a bad wig, they are the CEO.

The massage company show bugged me.  The woman was CLEARLY wearing a "costume" along with weird makeup, like she was playing a character onstage.    AND -she was giving MASSAGES.  While the others there talked about going to massage therapy school, where they studied and trained for years, she can actually do the same jobe with no training?  Yeah, I wouldn't be going to that franchise for a massage.

  • Love 2

It seems Very Unnatural for these "new guys who are being filmed" start asking such personal questions of their co-workers.  This show has been on long enough that pretty much everyone should know what is going on.  I don't like the ones where the Big Shots give out $5,000 to a person's favorite charity and a hearty hand shake.  Really?  No new house?  No trip to Disney for your family reunion?  That charity donation is a tax write off for the company.  Good going there pal.

  • Love 3

So long as I understand that the show is an infomercial/marketing effort and expense for each company, I better enjoy the episodes.


Every once in a rare while, a given CEO really does take this stuff to heart.  Said CEO pays out of his own pocket and offers his own personal time.  Otherwise, it's all corporatism, all the time.


Remember Buffets, Inc (now called Ovation) from October?  Not one thing he said would be implemented systemwide, including the horrid cash registers, has happened at the unit closest to me.  Labor standards for training?  Riiiiiiight.  


What has been implemented?  Fewer meat-based proteins offered, a significant drop in the quality of the steaks, and tighter windows for the redemptions of coupons/offers.  

It seems Very Unnatural for these "new guys who are being filmed" start asking such personal questions of their co-workers.  This show has been on long enough that pretty much everyone should know what is going on.  I don't like the ones where the Big Shots give out $5,000 to a person's favorite charity and a hearty hand shake.  Really?  No new house?  No trip to Disney for your family reunion?  That charity donation is a tax write off for the company.  Good going there pal.

I don't ether, I fkg hate this show.They think they are so great because they give one or two people a pitiful 5,000. Wow.They should be ashamed of their selves that the people who work so hard for the company are in poverty.  Do something really meaningful and pay your workers a living wage.AHs


Has the soulless Papa John been on yet so he can act like a human being? He can give a very generous 5 grand to one of his drivers with no health ins. having a health crisis. 

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I love this show!   After watching umpteen episodes, all I know is that I'm going to stop eating White Castle burgers and replace them with Cinnabon Cinnamon Rolls!


What's the deal with White Castle?  I missed that show.


I watched an epi last night with the CEO of Loehmann's.  I honestly forgot that store was still around.  After watching the epi though, and how generous the CEO was (giving one woman $100,000 to help her get back on her feet), I will hit that store in the future.

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I watched an epi last night with the CEO of Loehmann's.  I honestly forgot that store was still around.  After watching the epi though, and how generous the CEO was (giving one woman $100,000 to help her get back on her feet), I will hit that store in the future.


Too late, psychoticstate. Loehmann's declared bankruptcy and liquidated all of their stores. They still operate as an online-only retailer.


Too bad, too, as it looked like the new CEO had some good ideas. The Personal Shopper service was very cool and truly a differentiator, and the personal shopper they profiled in the show looked like she was great at her job.

Other than him not firing the little blond douche, I thought this was a good episode. For once all the recipients got comparable surprises. It's always bugged me one person gets a $20,000 scholarship and then the next gets a $5000 vacation. I did bug me he looked like a homeless stoner, no store is going to let someone look that disheveled run a register. 

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How did dude go from FBI to CEO of New Zealand dry goods store?  I seriously doubt he had a CJ major and sufficient accounting/business coursework simultaneously.


I very much liked the targeted rewards this week.  School, court costs, etc.  The "fun" stuff was limited to only $5K.  


True Value has a very real problem tracking inventory amongst its clients.  So many different store sizes and not a lot of mega-franchisees.  Good luck managing with so many varied constituencies.  Most all have proprietary/unique sales systems.  To me, his assurances and promises by implication that he would make things better at the retail units were quite empty.   I fully believed he instigated a full review of the systems at his distribution center, though.  


I once worked at a company that was among the largest mail generators utilizing the USPS.  The massive amounts of stuff that came in, in all shapes and sizes, was amazing.  You better believe they constantly worked to increase accuracy and efficiency.   Millions were routinely spent in maintenance and improvements/upgrades.  I'd be very surprised if his IT peeps were not already very well aware of the issues we saw.  Nor would I be shocked if he had previously nixed funds to address these.


One thing we saw/heard very little of was CEO dude promising a career path within his business.  That was refreshing.  Instead, it was all about empowering the baby birds with clipped wings that they may fly away.  Good stuff.


It seemed to me that the wrong person was made a mentee.   Terell was a much more natural, and motivated, person for dude to foster.  I hope he is doing so and we just didn't see it on camera.

Edited by Lonesome Rhodes
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Haven't watched this show in a while, but True Value is a major client at my work so I checked it out. I see it's just as formulaic as ever. Have to agree that it was pretty good within the limits of the structure. The one thing that bugged beyond the usual problems I have with the formula (couldn't we have gotten at least a couple minutes of follow up on the business issues identified?) was that this CEO was supposed to have real undercover experience and still came off so stiff and unnatural at times, especially with douche guy.

  • Love 1

The reasons I hate (my local) True Value-

1. Always out of stock on items advertised in their flier.


2.Returns are a PITA-

They hand you your money and then give you a form to fill out-

I've been known to grab the money and run! lol


With two big box hardware stores across the street hopefully they have improved- but I haven't been back to see!

Edited by springtime
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A law degree is no longer needed for the FBI?

My Dad was an agent (before I was born) Son of a city policeman,he worked as a clerk in the local FBI office at age 16!

He then served  in World War II and obtained a law degree (on the GI bill) to become an agent.

Never heard of home recruitment- but seems a lot has changed!

Edited by springtime
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I've been to the Glenview True Value since I have family in the area. I remember seeing the cashier because she was asking how I was several times. I grew up in a town with a True Value and sadly the out of stock was just too common and I haven't been to a CARR in years. Very good episode but shocked about the several unpaid parking tickets. Where was he parking to get them all? For the first guy, yeah I was happy to read he went straight to HFH because I don't think I would want someone like that as my associate. 

  • Love 2

Jeff Platt did a good job. His parents had an outdoor Trampoline company. I remember in the late 60's early 70's a friend or my parents had an in the ground trampoline. It was fun but the springs were exposed. We were afraid to fall in.
They played dodgeball and had jumping competitions on the show. Also rent it for parties. MIles grew and recieved 5 thou. for cancer fund.5 thou. for family, and 60 thou. for francise fee. Kieth was promoted to level 2, 13 percent raise and 10 thou. for daughters college fund.13 thou. for family.Breckin, Gets a cleaning consultant to work with. 10 percent raise, and 20 thou. to help. Cain, has awsome face of the training videos. 30 thou. to pay back dad. Also pay for other stuff. Jeff treated his employees well

Edited by webruce

John Hartmann, former FBI and College graduate plays Lewis Lepressy. First guy, Brad, making many comments about the women that come in. But he does know his work. John didn't look like a good employee. Long hair. I have long hair, but he looked wrong, lol . he ends up mentoring Brad to help him and he seems to like it. Also helping on Habitat for Humanity. Atleast he didn't pay him for his flirting. Terrell did a great job. Even after loosing his father in 2008(Murdered). But he had mega tickets on speeding. 12 thou. worth to pay them off.10 thou. for College and 10 thou. for daughters college, 5 thou. for Disney trip and 20.000 for a car. Not bad, and he is a great worker. Chris also did a great job. They will try to fix the inventory so they know what is in stock. He gave 5 thou. for familymoon to Disney, 10 thou. daughers college fund, and 25 thou. against morgage. Lexi was a good teacher, and Lewis had problems on the cash register. They also went down on them at times. He was going to try and get that fixed. He gave her 5 thou. towards housing, 10 thou. for college, she wants to be a Estatician(SP?). 50 thou. in student loans. Lexi can't believe it. She thinks he is kidding her. She then says he gave her way to much. Pretty good comments. He didn't give away alot of "play" money.

1 thing was he was in Boston Mass, then the 2nd stoop was Springfield, Oregon then back to Pittsfield, Mass. Can't remember 4th stop, but then to Chicago Ill. Lots of travel. Can't bellieve he would be in Mass., go to Oregon, back to Mass. Maybe they were just showed out of order?

Edited by webruce

I'm not sure what I think about Terrell getting his 12K worth of tickets paid off. I think it's good to give someone a fresh start, but that person should have to prove responsibility in that area first. If dude gets a car and starts getting tickets again -- even just ONE ticket, hell even a parking ticket -- the car should be taken away. No questions asked.   And stoner boy needs to gets drug tested before being let around power tools at the Habitat build.

  • Love 1

Dear Lord, the mayor of Pittsburgh cut a bunch of city employee hours which put workers in a shit hole and then comes along and gives one of them some dough on national TV. In the spirit of the holidays, I'm going to log off before I start ranting about the rest of the self-righteous, self-congratulatory, dipped-in-bullshit I just witnessed. Happy for the recipients. Sad for the rest of the hurting population. (Heh, it was clear that one of the guys who got a bundle had absolutely not been a fan of the mayor. At least one of them.)


It's one thing when a company comes on in a PR effort. It's quite another when that PR bullshit is pulled by an elected official.

Edited by buttersister
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I like the UB's with mayors.  Was it Cincinatti last year?  You can bet the employees featured are vetted so as not to make the rest of the civil servants look bad.


One thing I did not understand was why the refuse dudes had to walk up the hill to get to the only two houses within their area.  They rode on the back on the way down, why not do that on the way up?  Is it a matter of driver competency?  If I were the outside guys, I would resent the heck out of a driver who would force me to walk up that hill.


I also wondered why parks worker dude didn't maneuver the truck closer to the downed tree.  There was no reason I could see why they would have had to lug the chunky and heavy tree parts as far as they did.  The truck was off the actual road and on that walking/bike path as it was.


I would bet a lot that the actual efficiencies of the new worker hours far outweigh the concerns we heard.  I can see why the workers themselves wouldn't like it, but that's because their commute is more difficult an hour later.  If there was any prep time for those who took city vehicles out to jobs, they were heavily into rush hour anyway by the time the prep ended.  

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It was interesting to me how the social worker went on visits to the individuals in the "get back on their feet" program. I've worked in the system and the clients always come to us. They are required to be on time, professionally dressed (business casual), and presentable in their attitude and demeanor. It's part of proving they are willing to do what it takes to be in the workforce.

And what kind of wages does the one person make that their private school is only $2K per kid (or "6K for 3"). That's some serious subsidy there -- or else one of those charter schools with about 25 students!

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This show thinks we're so dan stupid.

Hey, I know Dan Stupid, and he's a great guy!  Everybody's always making fun of him but ... oh, this was probably a typo.  Carry on.


But seriously, this show is so Dan Stupid.  The worst of scripted 'reality' meets the worst of charity porn - is there even the slightest chance of the 'new guy' (with a camera crew) hearing or seeing anything producers didn't create?  Kinda wonder how many of their 'local managers' have an IMDB credit or two.

  • Love 3

Bill Peduto as Ed, wasn't to convincing as a Kentucky red neck. With James the garbage man he complained about things being heavy. James told him to load that bed like he had a pair! Lol. The different trash contract thing was strange. Ed telling how it burned his calves walking up those hills. Some of the undercovers atleast exercise to get ready. He got a donation to dog charity, money for his moms needsand his home too. Not bad.

With Marty the one who figured him out. He could tell that Ed wasn't good at running a chainsaw. Why did they have to carry the blocks so far to his truck? To make Ed work,lol. They talk about his tools not being good, but why not sharpen the chains instead of buy new when they get dull? Eventually yes they will need new, but I run mine to pretty dull, and when sharpened they last through several sharpenings. He thought by the way Ed handled himself he was the Mayor. To many questions too. Marty is now running for office. Hewas given money for scholarship and catch up bills.

Lawrence the carpenter had a lot to handle, but he too knew Ed didn't handle tools very well. Amazing they have one guy handle all that work. Was surprised they didn't have an apprentice program. If Lawrence recieved the lead in a youth developement program and $20, 000 to build a church, for him to pastor when will he have time to work? I do like that Bill got other business and friends to donate money to help his workers.

Kelly did a nice job helping the less fortunate. She got promoted to supervisor. $20,000 raise, and money for her and kid to go to school.

This Bikinis CEO is a clueless tool.  There is no way I would step into one of his "breasterants" after seeing this stupid episode.  Paying for a boob job for a half-ass employee?  Yuk!  I got news for him- my bet is that at least 90% of his employees are working at Bikinis only until they find a better job!

Edited by Jewelz
  • Love 8

The Bikinis episode is the first time I've ever seen the show, but it seemed harsh to fire Jessica, the bartender, because she wasn't looking to stay at Bikinis long-term.  Very few bartenders in that type of restaurant are looking to stay long-term, and the CEO is clueless if he doesn't realize that.  And yes, she should be wearing a bikini, but why didn't her manager deal with that issue before the camera crew came?  And why did she volunteer to be on camera if she didn't want to wear a bikini?  I'm sure it's another case where a reality show doesn't have much to do with reality, but the CEO seemed to be totally overreacting in firing her.

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Oh HELLL no was my mantra with this one. I mean, seriously OH HELL NO! Every single thing was wrong with this episode. He encourages drunken douchebag attitudes and then gets pissed when one guy is over served, but the real issue is the woman you've basically turned into a walking opportunity for sexual assault isn't happy to appear on TV in a bikini and isn't planning on a long term career there. Well, how many of those bikini babes are? I doubt many. The kitchen manager guy got a whopping 30% raise. Oh boy! That was probably less than $20 a week, sure to make all his troubles disappear. At least the female manager now has health insurance, but obviously not dental. As for the girl with the "boobies", I just can't even.


Honestly, I have to question how CBS even allowed this episode to happen. 

  • Love 12

Yes, yes, a thousand times yes, Fostersmom. That was repulsive. When that disgusting CEO was so upset at the bartender who didn't plan to work there long-term it made me wonder how long he would have wanted her.  Do you suppose he wants these bikini-clad women working for him when they're in their 40's? I assume he wants their 'passion' and commitment as long as their breasts hold up. I wonder if he realizes how bad he looks.


Also, half-naked people wandering around kitchens when food is being prepared just seems so gross.

  • Love 8

The guy is not happy with an employee who is not passionate about a job which is demeaning to women. The women are hired based on how they look in a bikini, and he's surprised that they don't all LOVE prancing around half naked serving beers to guys. One of the women actually had the audacity to think about other career options for her future! I mean, she has BREASTS, she needs to be happy about flaunting them in order for the company to make money! Why can't she be happy about getting paid to show off her breasts? The other bimbo, I mean waitress, was thrilled to show hers off, he's even going to make hers bigger to make himself more money, I mean, to make her happy!

The company is despicable, and his expectations are Ridiculous.

Edited by backformore
  • Love 6

Never forget this is what CBS is all about.  


SO much of what is wrong with capitalism and the western world is encapsulated in this ep.  Just wow.  This should absolutely be part of a documentary outlining the decline of our civilization.  


Forget all the sexism.  Here again we have a concept which refuses to pay to even properly clean dirty dishes/utensils.  The kitchen manager is supposed to do that AND manage a busy kitchen?  Are you serious?!!!!  


Jessica was easily the smartest of the bunch we saw tonight.  What person in their right mind would choose a career, let alone be associated for a single minute longer than absolutely necessary, with this horrid corporation?  Didja notice not a word in the epilogue as to the absentee managers at each place?  You know why they weren't out on the floor taking care of the 5 fans they had?  With labor standards like we saw, just when would they have a realistic shot at taking care of the business end of things, like inventory?  


I loved how the lousy employee Grace, who had been righteously cashiered several times for not even showing up to work, was cited as the model employee and was given her dream prize of a boob job.  Yet another new low for UB.


Finally, it is no coinkydink these were the cheapest, and most vulgar, rewards in this series since the first season.  This guy is trash.  Pure and simple. 

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Never hoped more for a place to go under than the DB owner of "breastarant".  What a total DB owner and person.  Firing an employee who didn't want to spend their life being looked at.  I never want to see people fail but I so want him to.  How many of your bikini gals are in it for the long haul db.  Your weak comment of giving her resume to friends?  I'm glad she said no because I doubt the db has any friends worth a job.  Disusting piece of "boss".

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WTF?!!!  He actually fired Jessica because she wanted to better herself ?  And he did it on camera ?  WTF?!!


What a piece of shit he is.


I still have to wonder about all the other employees (all shows) who are not given anything. How do they feel? Are they secretly rewarded off camera?

Edited by Taylorh2
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