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S05.E04: Livin' La Vida Housewife

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And for the love of God if we have one more "I don't know how I'm going to handle my child going away to college" storylines, I'm going to seriously lose it.


Seriously.  I think I've said it before but my mother couldn't push me out of the house fast enough when I left for college.  Then again she had an actual career and wasn't in desperate need of a faux weepy storyline.

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Something I never understood with Brandi and Eddies divorce. Why didn't she get a huge settlement ? He left her for LeeAnn Rimes for god's sakes! LeeAnn is so freakin wealthy, why didn't she pay off Brandi the same way Julia Roberts did when she stole her husband from his then wife in exchange for her keeping her mouth shut about the affair? I would have hired the best lawyer I could find to make sure I would be set for life. Stupid, stupid Brandi.

Brandi has no legal claim to LeAnn's money and LeAnn didn't pay her off because she's not stupid and probably knew Brandi was going to run her mouth anyway.

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I absolutely love the feeling of this season so far. The private planes, yachts, traveling....it's great. I don't miss the inane arguing at all. And it gives me hope that this will be Brandi's last season--she sticks out like a low rent sore thumb even more now.

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I give Yolanda credit that she did not make excuses for the DUI not did she try to blame others - and put the responsibility solely where it belong - on her daughter.  As any responsible parent should. 

Agreed, and I kind of liked Yolanda last night (or at least didn't mind her as much as usual).


Anybody catch Brandi refer to Gerald Butler as "gayish" on WWHL? I wonder if that's based on her personal experience of/with him, or if she was just regurgitating past speculation/rumors.

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Sort of a snoozefest for me.  Did enjoy the whole Spain business, yacht looked fabulous!  There were more than a few things that annoyed me and  you guys upthread as well!


Brandi and the whole "6 figure car" stuff.  Seriously, what a joke.  She is a MORON.  And a boring one, at that.


Yo and that yuk platinum blonde hair.  Her hair looked so much better and more realistic when there were some yellow tints to it.  The platinum just makes her look OOOLLLDDD. And we know the King don't dig no OLD Queen.  Other thing with Yo was her poor, very ill Mother and the amount of time she actually spent with her as opposed to the whining in the talking head.  Either you ditch the King and go TAKE CARE of your Mom or you don't.  Just shut up and do it! Quit the whole whining about it. (And I know about ovarian cancer and loved ones - it AIN'T pretty!)


Lisa, Ken and Giggy shopping for doggie outfits at FIDO ON RODEO.  Name of store: priceless.  Watching them shop: B-O-R-I-N-G.


Finally, I'd start a drinking game about how SAD it is when your kid goes to college but it would put me in a coma.

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Finally, I'd start a drinking game about how SAD it is when your kid goes to college but it would put me in a coma.



1 shot for any mention of "going away to college"

2 shots for quavery voice while saying "going away to college"

3 shots for tears and quavery voice while saying "going away to college"


Extra shot for if the words "leaving me" happen during the going away to college conversation

Extra shot for mentioning how quickly he/she has grown up or lamenting at how fast the time has gone by

Extra shot for any scene involving shopping or packing for college

Edited by poeticlicensed
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Yo has money and freedom to spend as much time as she can with her very ill mother. I know I don't know the details so I shouldn't judge, but I guess I am.


 I'm there with you. After all she gave us the ammo. She told us about her poor, sick Mother and how tragic it was that she could not be with her in this difficult time of filming her reality show. And vacationing with her King. Poor Yo, if only her Mother had the good sense to get sick in between Yo filming and treating her own illness. Hard to feel sorry for her when it looks like she could very easily be with her Mother and chooses not to be.


Other than that it was enjoyable, minimal Kim and Brandi. I liked the Lisas. The yacht was great travel porn and looked so fun.  


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I was totally bored with the trip to Spain. Yolanda lacks chemistry with everyone. All her conversations seem inauthentic. Maybe it is cultural but, she is a real bore.

I agree with you Higgins. It always seems Yolanda has to lecture everybody on everything. Does she not know how to just have a casual conversation without sounding like a "know it all"?
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A couple things:


First...who complains about the money that shes getting from her ex... mentions on TV that she received a 6 figure residuals check...and then proceeds to blow it on a car?? Either purchased outright or leasing....the Accountant in me wanted to reach through the screen and slap her. If shes leasing, that payment is more than her Child Support check, Im sure....and if I were Eddie, I would take that information straight to court. If you can afford to blow that kind of money on a depreciating asset...you must not need MY money that badly!


Second...anyone catch Yolanda lamenting about King David not really spending any time with her and her mother in Holland? Like, your Mother-In-Law is on a downward spiral, your wife is having a hard time coping...and you cant be bothered to be there physically and emotionally for them? I guarantee noone is checking that hard for your hitmaking services, dude. But I guess if it doesnt stroke his ego in some way, he cant be bothered. *EYEROLL*

Edited by MichelEliz
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My FIL is like David. Very successful in his field, some would say he is a genius and is the very top of the legal field in the US, maybe even the world. He has been married more than a few times. When you marry him, you enter his world, he doesn't enter yours. He isn't necessarily mean, he just doesn't have it in to give in that way.

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Brandi's producers told her to keep her Podcast family friendly so she goes after Kyle and her relationship with her family: http://www.allabouttrh.com/brandi-glanville-bashes-kyle-richards-podcast/  Kyle seems very devoted to her husband and children, nieces and nephews and for the most part she and Kim seem to get along. 


This is what Brandi does when she is not getting enough attention in the press she goes after another cast member.  She has pretty much warn out her war with LeAnn and Eddie. She did it last year to Lisa.  I do think it is funny that Brandi accuses Kyle of being all about money and fame-did she watch last night's episode?  Seems to me Brandi spent a significant amount of time talking about her quest for wealth and fame. 


This is what Kyle had to say about Brandi prior to Brandi's blast:  http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/kyle-richards-on-castmate-brandi-glanville-i-dont-ever-see-us-being-2014312  I don't see anything terribly defamatory in Kyle's comments.


I so wish the producers would allow Brandi to move on.  Let her go on Andy's how all she wants bur keep her off RHOBH.

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There's a walk of the stars in Palm Springs? I wonder what qualifies one for a star.


A large donation?


It was interesting that Yolanda spent only to weeks with her ailing mother but agreed to do a bit of yachting with Kyle and family.  Either way it is time away from her king, how could he function with out her?


I think he was off on business somewhere. It seems like he travels a lot, and by himself. I do wonder if that's his choice, or hers, or just how it works out. Because of the show, she probably has to stay put more than she'd like, but I wonder if there was no show, would she be travelling with her King everywhere? Sometimes I get the feeling he likes being alone. 

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1 shot for any mention of "going away to college"

2 shots for quavery voice while saying "going away to college"

3 shots for tears and quavery voice while saying "going away to college"


Extra shot for if the words "leaving me" happen during the going away to college conversation

Extra shot for mentioning how quickly he/she has grown up or lamenting at how fast the time has gone by

Extra shot for any scene involving shopping or packing for college


I want to BE shot if they ever show anyone getting a bikini wax again.

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During the whole Spain sequence, my husband - who spent a summer in Spain in his youth - complained that living on a yacht in Majorca is not experiencing Spain.  I tend to agree with him on that, but I appreciated that they showed some of the historical stuff with Yolanda doing the tour guide duties.  It's a beautiful place, touristy vibe notwithstanding.  For a blip, Yolanda was shown on her own boat before she met up with the Umanskys and she was in some beautiful cove with some ruins or something - I need to watch that again, but that is where I would want to spend more time, not shopping.  But then, I am not RH material.


I liked Eileen's at home stuff - her dog is a cutie and doesn't wear clothes!  Also her kid seemed fun at the party where he faked dying from the hot dog she gave him. Bratty vs fun is a fine line, but I thought he was fun.  That Slip 'n Slide, though - it looked like one big abrasion waiting to happen; they needed more water on it or something.

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The fact that you grew up in Beverly Hills (season 1 "this is my town") negates your rags to riches attempt at a relatable storyline.


For some reason, I always got a "Slums of Beverly Hills" vibe from the Richards sisters. I could just see Big Kathy hustling them from casting call to casting call until they got roles that would bring in the money, and then Kathy using that money to finance her own lifestyle with the hope that the girls would either really hit it big or marry rich.

Kim's statement about having helped her mother stalk past boyfriends really re-enforced that vibe for me. There just seem to be layers upon layers of dysfunction happening in that family dynamic and they are only letting us see the a little bit at a time.

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I wish, for once, one of these broads would talk about how fortunate they are to be able to send their children to college. And how great it is that their children want to pursue higher education. Get a grip, ladies!


Oh, also, going back the previous episode: Yolanda has sad hair, if she has a hair stylist do it for her, and that's the best he can come up with. It's a poor little cap of fried platinum hair. Not exactly her crowning glory.

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I had to look up the dog store...apparently, the name of the place is Fifi & Romeo.


Thank you.  Thought I saw it as such.  Although Fifi on Rodeo fits better, unless it's NOT on Rodeo.


I'm a dog lover like nobody's business, but I seriously HATE the way Lisa and Ken treat Giggy.   Yeah, he has the posh life, yada yada yada.  But they never just let him BE A DOG.   I fast forwarded them putting outfits on him.   Just annoying as all hell.  I don't understand those with small dogs treating them like human children.


On the other hand I loved watching Kyle's dogs while they were packing.   Did I see the Golden Retriever take Portia's neck rest thingy and proceed to make it his/her toy rolling on the floor with it ?  LOL  That was super cute.    Guess I'm just of a large dog owner mentality.   (See avatar.)


Brandi is the dumbest woman on the planet.


PLEASE FOR THE LOVE OFGOD, no more "going away to college" sob stories.   GAH!

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Kyle made me laugh with her new sightseeing outfit. She seemed so proud of it yet also seemed so uncomfortable in it. Yolanda's outfit looked so much more comfortable and practical.

I like Kyle just a little more after seeing her dogs. I have a shepherd and a golden too!

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Yolanda is my favorite. There's something about her Capricorn brand of snobbery and condescension that makes me feel as if we're cut from the same cloth. I'm also quite good at hiding my disgust for the common people behind a polite smile.

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I don't begrudge anyone's wealth or how they spend it, even reality stars (well....), but don't complain about how your ex is screwing you financially and how it's affecting your sons, and then go out and buy a "six figure" car.


I agree with you.  Since the season started she's "complained" about not being able to be in the house she wants, or whatever. Then states in a TH, hey I got a 6 figure check for my first book, so I bought a 6 figure car, or something along those lines.  Never did she mention the car was a lease (I see she did on WWHL but I didn't watch it).  Hey Brandi, why not take that 6 figure check and put it towards a house that you want to buy, and your kids can be settled somewhere with their mom?  I just cannot even. 

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I may have missed it, but did Brandi say she got a six figure ADVANCE for her book? Because if so, that is not money she can keep unless the book sells to make up that money. It's the same with record deals, you get an advance to promote your book, etc. but if it doesn't sell, you're screwed.

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I think for the first time since she joined the cast, I actually enjoyed Yolanda. I mean, I did love her introduction with the lemons and the refrigerator, and the gorgeous house, but this is the first time I actually enjoyed her as a Housewife. 


Her getting that call felt so genuine that I truly think the only reason they are including Bella's DUI is because Yolanda was blindsided by that call. She may have been able to get them to not include it, but I am glad that she did. Not because I relish the idea of a minor's mistake being played out for an audience (I think I have been very clear about how I feel about minors on reality). But, the reason I am glad it was included is because this was all over the news. It was upstaging Bella's getting signed with a major modelling agency and actually making positive steps in her life. 


By letting us see the immediate aftermath of it, Yolanda and Bella have the opportunity to address it and show how exactly they moved forward from it. I also really like the fact that Yolanda was so open about what Bella's consequences were in her blog, not shying away from the loss of license the fact that they sold her car and made her pay her lawyer bills out of her own savings, just makes the whole thing seem much more authentic. 

I rarely get authentic from Yolanda, but both last night's episode and her blog post definitely felt authentic to me.





Then states in a TH, hey I got a 6 figure check for my first book, so I bought a 6 figure car, or something along those lines.  Never did she mention the car was a lease (I see she did on WWHL but I didn't watch it).


For me, this falls into that grey area that always happens with Reality Shows. We never really know what is leased versus bought when it comes to items like this. Sometimes it is never cleared up and other times it is cleared up in an interview or blog post. For all we know, Mauricio and Kyle may be leasing the car they bought their daughter, or they may have bought it outright or they may be making payments on it as a regular car loan. 

Those things tend to be generally left out because, I think producers don't tend to think the audience is all that interested in the details. So, who knows? Maybe Brandi did specify that it was a lease and it was left on the cutting room floor? Maybe she wanted us to think that she had actually purchased it outright and realized it would be too easy to verify so she came clean on WWHL. 


There are plenty of people who correlate leasing a car with owning a car even though they understand that the car will either be returned or not later down the road. So, this doesn't really throw up any major flags to me other than BRAVO juxtaposing Brandi's complaints about money to her sudden purchase of a luxury vehicle. Just like they positioned Yolanda's discussion about trusting in the way you raised your children to receiving the call about the DUI.

Edited by MatildaMoody
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I may have missed it, but did Brandi say she got a six figure ADVANCE for her book? Because if so, that is not money she can keep unless the book sells to make up that money. It's the same with record deals, you get an advance to promote your book, etc. but if it doesn't sell, you're screwed




I can't speak for the record business but for books you keep the advance. I've never had to give anything back. You just don't get royalties until it pays out (if it ever does). 

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I may have missed it, but did Brandi say she got a six figure ADVANCE for her book? Because if so, that is not money she can keep unless the book sells to make up that money. It's the same with record deals, you get an advance to promote your book, etc. but if it doesn't sell, you're screwed.

I believe Brandi said it was from her first book.  So I think her first book exceeding the advance and she got some extra money.  Good for her but I see she is struggling with book number three.  She is now going to do a package set of books 1&2. 

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Loved the two Lisas shopping together. Mutual respect and interesting conversation coupled with a few laughs...more of this please!

Yes to this. So far Lisa Rinna is coming across as a really nice person and someone you might actually want as a friend. I liked her, much to my surprise, when she was on Celebrity Apprentice as well, so I am optimistic. Jury still out on Eileen, but she certainly is pretty and it seems mostly natural. Which my just mean she has a really good plastic surgeon, but still..... 


As a dog lover I actually kind of enjoyed the dog shopping spree. Yes, I will admit it publicly, I buy clothes for my dogs. However, I  buy them at Target or Walmart  and, for a real splurge, Petsmart (which is actually more expensive than the others).  


Brandi really needs to go. She is adding nothing to the show. I have trouble following her lies. She just got a big "six figure" check from her book so the stupid bitch goes and rents a car? She needed a 6 figure check to put three grand down on a car? WTF? Doesn't even make sense. That is aside from the stupidity factor. Buy a decent mid priced vehicle and put some money away to  buy a freakin' house so your kids don't have to move every year.


I just find Yolanda boring this year. Last year I hated her so I guess that's an improvement. I also realized that I find Kyle really boring. The scenery was lovely, but there is just nothing interesting to me about her. I don't hate her, just meh. That's really the best I have ever been able to muster with her.  

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I like Kyle when she is with Lisa and Kim and can joke around. I think Yolanda sucks the life out of every scene she is in. I loved the scene with Kyle at Kim's house. It seemed  organic and Kim looked beautiful and clean( straight).

Edited by Higgins
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I think for the first time since she joined the cast, I actually enjoyed Yolanda. I mean, I did love her introduction with the lemons and the refrigerator, and the gorgeous house, but this is the first time I actually enjoyed her as a Housewife.

Her getting that call felt so genuine that I truly think the only reason they are including Bella's DUI is because Yolanda was blindsided by that call. She may have been able to get them to not include it, but I am glad that she did.



Sorry, but feh to all this.  None of this moved me in da least.  I thought she used her daughter's arrest as a storyline.  Yuck.  And she heartlessly left her seriously ill mother -- so she could go back to living her luxury life & coo at her king.  Sheesh, I couldn't see her more differently.


So Brandi said Gerard was "gayish" on WWHL?  I missed dat.  Apparently he made an admission years ago he was bisexual, but as is often the case with actors/actresses making that kinda admission when they're young & starting out, it gets majorly swept under the carpet when they become successful.  So Brandi is trying to out him cuz he wanted nothing to do with her after their quickie encounter?  Typical thoughtless nasty Brandi shit.  I hate outing.  And she only said it to get attention for herself.  Man, I am really hating her guts lately.


Don't whine to us bout your money troubles, Brandi & go get yourself a Rover lease.  Please, dat's expensive as fuck to lease, so I ain't listening to your shit anymore, hun.  And I don't wanna hear bout your supposed worries on saving for the kids' college.  Sucker Leann's gonna pay for it.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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Something I never understood with Brandi and Eddies divorce.  Why didn't she get a huge settlement ? He left her for LeeAnn Rimes for god's sakes! LeeAnn is so freakin wealthy, why didn't she pay off Brandi the same way Julia Roberts did when she stole her husband from his then wife in exchange for her keeping her mouth shut about the affair? I would have hired the best lawyer I could find to make sure I would be set for life. Stupid, stupid Brandi.

Well, Brandi has most certainly not kept her mouth shut has she? Besides, I am not sure how wealthy LeeAnn is. Certainly not Julia Roberts wealthy.


LeeAnn is not a songwriter, and her career has  pretty much been in the toilet for years now. She started out as Country, then tried the switch over to pop but was never really succesful at that. Then, like many others who have turned their back on Country in favor of Pop, she discovered that when you do that, you are not welcomed back. Only a few really big stars, like Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers (huge in their day) have ever pulled that off and even they suffered some in the short term.


Eddie was and is a D list actor on his own, so there was certainly no huge settlement coming there.   


Although I certainly agree with the stupid part. She has still been given opportunities far beyond what most women have, and she is too stupid to make the right financial decisions.  

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She looks especially bad in the open, with her Bride of Frankenstein pompadour and those big brown cheeks. Yikes!

What??  You don't find her attractive?  How about this pic from last night?  http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/12/10/23F1DCC100000578-2868775-What_HAS_she_done_now_Brandi_Glanville_42_who_admits_to_having_B-m-35_1418232885763.jpg


I did find it very pretentious and condescending of Yolanda, in talking about Kyle's enthusiasm of being in Mallorca, to say "it's so cute!"  as if Kyle were a 4-year-old at Disneyworld.   Not everyone gets to travel around the world on yachts and private planes!   That said, I'm totally envious of her lifestyle. 

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What??  You don't find her attractive?  How about this pic from last night?  http://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2014/12/10/23F1DCC100000578-2868775-What_HAS_she_done_now_Brandi_Glanville_42_who_admits_to_having_B-m-35_1418232885763.jpg


I did find it very pretentious and condescending of Yolanda, in talking about Kyle's enthusiasm of being in Mallorca, to say "it's so cute!"  as if Kyle were a 4-year-old at Disneyworld.   Not everyone gets to travel around the world on yachts and private planes!   That said, I'm totally envious of her lifestyle. 

Now, THAT is a wonderful picture!!

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I am going to have to ask for a little bit more detail before I open up a picture like this again. I was very unprepared and screamed a little.

This actually just makes me sad. I cannot stand her, but I thought she was lovely her first season. She is what 42? Hardly long in the tooth. Why in the world would she do that to her face? More imortantly, how can she think she looks good?

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Luved how she insisted on WWHL her cheeks were real.  Yeah, except they're so bloated & inflated with da same shit Heather Dubrow has inflated her cheeks with so she looks like Madame the puppet.  Do these women see what they've turned themselves into?  Do they have mirrors?  She looked really bizarre on WWHL.  And she still couldn't talk right.  Numbed by lasering, eh Brandi?  Brandi's mouth opening = bullshit flyin' out

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My FIL is like David. Very successful in his field, some would say he is a genius and is the very top of the legal field in the US, maybe even the world. He has been married more than a few times. When you marry him, you enter his world, he doesn't enter yours. He isn't necessarily mean, he just doesn't have it in to give in that way.

That's called 'HNS' = has no soul. I always give a look like this when Yolanda feels the need to keep professing her love for David. (cue Yo: looking straight into camera) "I LOVE HIM!" 

Is she trying to convince all of us or David? I smell trouble there.

I'm sick and tired of Brandi and her "I'm so rogue" posturing. (have you noticed Brandi's nostrils are uneven and don't match?) Yolanda's superiority attitude makes me want to slap her. Kyle just makes me want to kill myself because she can do a split and her husband is such a hot latino. Kim's pained expressions and little doggie yelps makes me want to rip out my hair. Lisa Rinna is alright if it wasn't for that bastardized upper lip. Oh and Lisa? Harry is not hot, trust me. Maybe 20 years ago he was warm, but that's over with. Lisa and Ken are just too rich to be shown in public, it gives me hives wondering where we'll get the money for our Christmas ham while they buy that pitiful mutant creature Giggy a couture doggie outfit that costs as much as that ham. Although I must confess that I did bond with Giggy just a tiny bit when I found out he can't sleep naked either.


I have to say that so far I like Eileen Davidson. She seems to be like a pretty regular person. I also like her husband Vince Van Patten. For anyone who remembers, his father is Dick Van Patten from Eight Is Enough (1977).




Edited by HumblePi
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My grandma had a couch that looked like Kim's mother-of-the-bride dress.  Granny got rid of the couch 30 years ago, but Kim's still got the dress.  Is she really gonna wear dat?  Kathy, Kathy, wear are ya, hun?  We need ya here now.  Don't worry bout Paris.  She's busy cruising Beverly Hills High for a bf & getting her next Valtrex prescrip filled.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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"I got a 6 figure check so I got a 6 figure car" Wow with financial savey like that I'm shocked, SHOCKED, that Brandi has had money problems.

As for Kyle's childhood as a poor black boy...well I kind of do and don't buy it. I think Kyle has always been comfortable in an area with fucking rich people. I have no doubt that she has had less than many people around her, but I also think she lacks the self awareness to realize she's actually pretty well off and always has been. She's just not smart or sophisticated enough to see the forrest for the trees. She reminds me of my cousin. She means well but she grew up in a really rich area and just doesn't get why her parents getting her a brand new Prius for her college graduation instead of a Mercedes is not proof that she has struggled in life.

Edited by FozzyBear
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Oh my lord, as much as I dislike Yolanda, when they scanned her body when she was walking to the yacht, I thought "DAMN! That's hot for 50!" She has amazing legs. All her cake avoidance seems to be working for her.

I know I'm in the minority, but I really like Kyle. I have an alcoholic sibling and so I identified a lot with her those first few seasons, before Kim got sober. And I actually believe that she (and Lisa) are leading the most authentic life on the show. She loves her husband; seems like a good mom; seems like she has good friends who like her; has a normal relationship with her family (in that it's large and pretty messed up...just like most large families I know). I see where you guys see her as phony, but I also think she's mega insecure and overcompensating. I excuse her for it. And I've always thought her hair would smell amazing!

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"I got a 6 figure check so I got a 6 figure car" Wow with financial savey like that I'm shocked, SHOCKED, that Brandi has had money problems.

As for Kyle's childhood as a poor black boy...well I kind of do and don't buy it. I think Kyle has always been comfortable in an area with fucking rich people. I have no doubt that she has had less than many people around her, but I also think she lacks the self awareness to realize she's actually pretty well off and always has been. She's just not smart or sophisticated enough to see the Forrest for the trees. She reminds me of my cousin. She means well but she grew up in a really rich area and just doesn't get why her parents getting her a brand new Prius for her college graduation instead of a Mercedes is not proof that she has struggled in life.

Lol! This just killed me, thank you for the laugh.
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What?  No comments about Giggy's shopping spree.  Why aren't they buying him doggy clothes at Target?  I'll leave it at that.  Ken kissing Giggy was the most nauseating moment on the show.



No, cuz it was so boring & we've seen this shit from them a zillion times.  So da most interesting thing goin' on between them is a hairless little dog?  Really?  Ok then.


Sorry but I don't see Kyle overstating 'Majorca'.



Oh my goodness, she musta mentioned it about 10 billion times.  Yeah, I'd say she overstated it.  But that's Kyle's way.  The woman is like a mack truck.  Understatement just ain't her style -- AT ALL.

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Sorry, but feh to all this.  None of this moved me in da least.  I thought she used her daughter's arrest as a storyline.  Yuck.  And she heartlessly left her seriously ill mother -- so she could go back to living her luxury life & coo at her king.  Sheesh, I couldn't see her more differently.

I don't think there was any way to avoid her daughter's arrest without getting major flack for being inauthentic. Let's face it, if there had been no mention of the DUI during the season, she would have gotten attacked for pretending it didn't happen and considering how serious drinking and driving is, the flack would have most likely been really bad. 


And, we don't know the reasons that she left her mother's side. For all we know, her mother was sick of her hovering. I'm no Yolanda fan, but since I don't know the details, I won't presume to know what was going on there. I just think that this is the most authentic version we have ever seen since Yolanda has been cast on the show. And it was definitely more enjoyable than watching her pretend a great love while wearing lingerie and eating roast chicken. 


As for the DUI arrest? I thought it was very tastefully handled. This wasn't splashed all over the episode. She closed the door for the call. She closed the door for the talk with Kyle. She only addressed it in a talking head and I thought it showed a lot of restraint on the part of BRAVO - which let's face it is extremely rare.

Edited by MatildaMoody
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Oh my lord, as much as I dislike Yolanda, when they scanned her body when she was walking to the yacht, I thought "DAMN! That's hot for 50!" She has amazing legs. All her cake avoidance seems to be working for her.

I know I'm in the minority, but I really like Kyle. I have an alcoholic sibling and so I identified a lot with her those first few seasons, before Kim got sober. And I actually believe that she (and Lisa) are leading the most authentic life on the show. She loves her husband; seems like a good mom; seems like she has good friends who like her; has a normal relationship with her family (in that it's large and pretty messed up...just like most large families I know). I see where you guys see her as phony, but I also think she's mega insecure and overcompensating. I excuse her for it. And I've always thought her hair would smell amazing!

I agree with all this which is why I have no Kyle hate. She just bores me. Do love her hair though!

Edited by chlban
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I've dipped in and out of these shows and sue me, I flee when the weaves start flying. Screeching arguments and physical altercations between grown-ass women does not equal entertainment to me. But I came back to this one when I heard about the soap actress additions to the cast, out of curiosity, and have been catching up on the boards. I'm a little nonplussed -- there's so much vitriol against Kyle, who's, like, basically just an ambitious SAHM living in a rarified atmosphere of keeping up appearances, luxury and "Beverly Hills glamour," whatever that is. She's got a really complicated, dysfunctional relationship with her sister. But apparently she's the phoniest phony who ever phonied? She's only one out of all these franchises who's bragged about her kids or or stuff or her success? Why is she such a lightning rod for all this venom? (Don't answer, I'm just venting).


Again I have not watched regularly since season 1, but this is what I remember about her:

1) Screwed up yet codependent relationship with her sister (aka, they're both at fault) (which, full disclosure, I can identify with)

2) Mauricio telling the group that the thing that attracted him particularly to her was how she was with Farrah (good mom)

3) How she was busting with pride at Farrah's graduation, and her cordial relationship with Guraish (sp)

4) Beautiful, bountiful hair, apparently all her own. And not dyed some sickly yellow.


So I guess she's not the wittiest and some feel like everything out of her mouth is a humblebrag, but...so the fuck what? She's not a felon committing mortgage fraud. She's not yanking weaves or threatening to yank weaves. She's not pretending her marriage to a fuckwad POS shit ex-athlete husband is the bestest ever, or that her obnoxious dudebro son isn't a waste of DNA. If that makes her boring, I'll take it. All those other things are far less relateable to me and they're not homes I want to spend any time in. Mileages vary, obviously.


On another note, I have always felt like if I was in an elevator with Lisa V I would asphyxiate from her perfume.

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I know I'm in the minority, but I really like Kyle. I have an alcoholic sibling and so I identified a lot with her those first few seasons, before Kim got sober. And I actually believe that she (and Lisa) are leading the most authentic life on the show. She loves her husband; seems like a good mom; seems like she has good friends who like her; has a normal relationship with her family (in that it's large and pretty messed up...just like most large families I know). I see where you guys see her as phony, but I also think she's mega insecure and overcompensating. I excuse her for it. And I've always thought her hair would smell amazing!



You've pointed out why I give her a chance every season.  I start out thinkin' maybe she's OK & then she starts in with her phony baloney crapola & I end up hating her guts all over again.  And btw, you (& the producers, with the limo clip they showed) reminded me how I've NEVER forgiven Kyle for so horribly outing Kim's alcoholism on national TV.  Now maybe they both planned it all along & Kim was OK with it, but it was still awful nevertheless.  Yes, yes, yes, she's absolutely a good mom & she has gorgeous hair, but I still loathe her.


I thought it was very tastefully handled.



I give.  It was tasteful.  Really, really tasteful.  So what?  So Yo showed us she could be tasteful & still kick her daughter in the face & shame her mercilessly on national TV.  Real nice.  She still seems self-absorbed & thoughtless as fuck to me.  As long as the king doesn't kick her to da curb, dat seems to be her greatest concern.  One daughter's showin' her butt crack everywhere & the other is getting a DUI & maybe will be showin' her butt crack too, all while her mama is dying a zillion miles away, but as long as da king is happy & she's got her lemons, Yo seems good.

Edited by ScoobieDoobs
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