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S05.E03: Pay Attention To Me!

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Either you watch the show for the wretched excess or the wretched excess gives you an opportunity to feel superior.

Kyle going to Target (never mind the cameras and releases) would engender its own set of snide comments.

By the way, is there a Target in BH?

I never hit my kids and was told constantly that they would be "spoiled.". I always said, "they smell okay to me."

Just in case you were in Beverly Hills looking for a Target, there is one at the Beverly Center!


I actually love the peek in to the amazing closets, trips etc...that is what I watch for, that and the petty first world bull crap these women heap on each other, lol.  Portia is adorable, much more watchable and less cringe worthy than the Real Milania of New Jersey.

  • Love 2

Kyle not taking her kids anywhere to go shopping for anything would be fine with me.  Don't care and don't want to see it.  Kids going off to college -- don't need to see that either.  Kids getting married -- also not interested.  No more bridal shops would be fine with me.  Hate to sound harsh but while I wish them all the best I don't give a hoot about any of these children.  Including the models and model wannabes.  One thing I do appreciate about hanging out at Brandi's roving camp of can't hang a picture is that we never, ever get to see the children.  For their sake and ours.  I had my own and love love love and bless all who are dealing with it but simply do not care at all.   


Kyle going to Target would actually be genius because Target is two tons more fun than any of these boutiques we get to see in fits and starts. 


Higgins --You read my mind on the Yolanda hair color front.  Her harsh and dated white blonde is washing her features out and making her look like her hair is thinning. 

  • Love 5

I find it hard to believe that Kathy doesn't have a car or a phone with GPS. 

Or a driver who knows how to use GPS/follow directions.  


One other thought.  Who else suspects the scenes between Yolanda and Bella were filmed AFTER Bella was arrested for DUI?  It seems odd to me that after all these seasons with Bella having no scenes, and no one-on-ones with Yolanda, we suddenly have a whole sub-plot of the two of them talking about how Bella is going to be left alone, WHY she is being left alone, etc.  Convenient that we have all this nice setup for what will happen when Yolanda is gone.  I call shenanigans on that one.


This...is a strong possibility, I think.  The scene ended with this weird smile with a head tilt from Yolanda that had a little extra...fakeness, I guess.  It seemed off to me, and I assumed it was because she can no longer smile naturally with cameras present.  But maybe it was a little extra smugness because she knew what they were trying to do with that conversation.  


It's hard to tell, though, because the whole thing was so strange.


Kyle strikes me as being the most authentic (or at least the least contrived) of the HW's, so I believe her when she says she wants her kid to be grounded.  If it was all for show, she could have lectured her kid outside the dressing room so we could all see it happen...unless she's just that clever to think about doing it semi-off-camera.


As for her choice of shopping location, I wouldn't be surprised if they got some kind of discount for filming it there.

Edited by phoenix780
  • Love 10
Kyle strikes me as being the most authentic (or at least the least contrived) of the HW's, so I believe her when she says she wants her kid to be grounded.  If it was all for show, she could have lectured her kid outside the dressing room so we could all see it happen...unless she's just that clever to think about doing it semi-off-camera.


I have to disagree with that.  I think Kyle and Mauricio would keep Portia off the show if they really cared about her being grounded instead of deliberately planning a shopping spree scene featuring Portia.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 12

Yes. She equates perfection with the ability to refrain from loudly and publicly humiliating her peers following a real or perceived slight to her own character. It drove me crazy even when I was a Brandi supporter. Lack of perfection means that sometimes you get irritable for no reason, or forget to pay your bills, or procrastinate. Having a temper is a flaw along the same lines; allowing it to take over and burn bridges in exactly the same way repeatedly is just being an asshole. 


With that said, Lisa is getting on my nerves as well. Her entire voice and demeanor on RHOBH is completely different than on VR, where she's more of the Lisa we know from past seasons. She comes across (to me, YMMV of course) like she's desperately pushing her tagline of being this wounded dove who collected herself and came back stronger and smarter in the face of her so very vicious, nasty detractors who really didn't do anything that bad on the spectrum of HW behavior (btw, I accidentally wrote 'sector of the time scale of HW behavior' and had to edit)Brandi's Achilles' heel of dragging out dirty laundry and/or repeating something in the hopes that it will become the truth may be worse, but Lisa could stand to give Kyle something if for no reason than to validate the feelings of a friend. "I didn't have any ill intent in front of your daughter, but I see that it hurt you and should have considered our different attitudes towards gossip as I will be sure to do in the future." Then she's established a precedent for moving forward rather than throwing back her head and wringing her hands while exclaiming how very tired she is of this nonsense, which sort of forces Kyle to concede that she was spouting nonsense to begin with.


Haaaa! Apollo strikes again!

  • Love 1


I think Lisa is worried, rightfully so IMO, that Brandi is going to try and sabotage the progress she and Kyle have made in repairing/rebuilding their friendship.


This.  Last week I was getting a little tired of Lisa's "woe is me" regarding last season, but I didn't see her playing the victim in this episode.  Brandi called her, and rather than wanting to come to a truce, she seemed to want an argument.  The only thing Lisa knew was that Kyle was with her, listening in.  So, can't blame her for being suspicious. I think her reaction was pretty understandable. I thought it was obvious that Kyle was a bit uncomfortable, but Lisa wasn't there to see her reaction.


Lisa also kept her cool pretty well on that call.  I'd have been tempted to just hang up on Brandi. "I want to work it out, but I'm not going to kiss your ass!" Fuck the hell off, Brandi. When you want to make amends, you don't start by attacking them right out of the gate. She was baiting Lisa, so I'm glad Lisa didn't bite.

Edited by CatMomma
  • Love 8

I have to disagree with that. I think Kyle and Mauricio would keep Portia off the show if they really cared about her being grounded instead of deliberately planning a shopping spree scene featuring Portia.

See, I get confused. If there is a "script" and a shooting schedule that the HWs have to agree to, how is anything they do arguably their choice/fault/evidence of bad faith, etc.? Either they have agency or they don't. In addition, much is filmed and little is shown.

So how can one reach any conclusions about their behavior?

The text is the narrative presented and I saw a mom and dad buying their kid new clothes for a trip. Not very odd; just way more money than I.

Go, folks. If I'd had it, my kids would damn sure have had the best, too.

Edited by SFoster21
  • Love 2
See, I get confused. If there is a "script" and a sootimg schedule that the HWs have to agree to, how is anything they do arguably their choice/fault/evidence of bad faith, etc.? Either they have agency or they don't. In addition, much is filmed and little is shown.


Kyle and Mauricio have every opportunity to refuse to sign the consent form for their kids to be on the show.  Brandi can't show her kids because her ex-husband refused to sign the form so they cannot be featured on the show as part of Brandi's story line.


My point is that if Kyle and Mauricio were truly concerned about raising Portia to be grounded, she would not be on the show and they would not agree to cameras filming their shopping spree.  They'd show Kyle having a shopping spree instead.

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I'm not sure that all of the money from the Portia shopping scene was spent on her. I saw Kyle's older daughter in the background, so I wouldn't be surprised if they bought things for her as well. 


I'm still convinced that this whole "Portia is a spoiled brat" thing is a Bravo invented story line based solely on something that Kyle said in her talking heads without expecting them to ever make the air. I only say that because, I suspect Kyle has been trying to peddle the whole "we live in BH but are really down to earth" since her first season. And I would be willing to bet that she says something about not raising a brat every season and it is only just now making the cut because Mauricio is doing so well.


I cannot tell you how much I am loving Lisa R. on this show. I imagine that she is someone BRAVO would have initially picked for the show. And OMG, can I just tell you how much I have loved HH since his Clash of the Titans days? I was a little kid and I believe he was my very first crush, so I love seeing him on this show and knowing just how well he's aged. 


Lisa R. may very well be putting on an act, but from what I saw of her and Harry's prior reality show and how she is in interviews, this just seems like her personality to me. 

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I didn't see one thing wrong with buying Portia vacation clothes.  Relatively speaking, I probably spend more on my kids vacation clothes than what Umanskys did.  Having said that.  I just love the RHOBH.  Even when they're fighing or showing us a filler show, at least we get to see pretty homes, cars, clothes, areas... and the beautiful weather.  If I only had the money....I'd move there in a heartbeat  <3

  • Love 3

See, I get confused. If there is a "script" and a sootimg schedule that the HWs have to agree to, how is anything they do arguably their choice/fault/evidence of bad faith, etc.? Either they have agency or they don't. In addition, much is filmed and little is shown.

So how can one reach any conclusions about their behavior?

The text is the narrative presented and I saw a mom and dad buying their kid new clothes for a trip. Not very odd; just way more money than I.

Go, folks. If I'd had it, my kids would damn sure have had the best, too.

My guess is in response to viewers request for more house porn, more shots of the lives of the rich and famous the producers are shooting scenes that might net scenes viewers have actually asked to see.  So that is why we are seeing private planes, jets and yachts this season and shopping trips with the like of a nasty Carlton..  Way too much time was spent last season just making people feel bad and the rich and not so rich bitching about accommodations on trips (Lisa V., Brandi and Yolanda).


Kyle as an owner of a boutique, it  would surprise me if she didn't shop at children's boutiques. I also think she and her girls like trendy nice stuff and can probably budget a little more because I think they wear uniforms to school.   The clothes Portia was treated to are cute and appropriate for a yacht cruise.  I know Yolanda likes to frequent the Target so anyone yearning for a RH shopping at the Target can go to her Twitter of Facebook and get your Target shopping fix.


To me when these ladies signed up most of them wanted their children on the show because they loved them-not to exploit them.  I don't think Portia is a brat but I do feel like millions of other six year olds she likes to test her parents.  There is probably a strong possibility that the "spoiled child" storyline developed after the arrest of Bella Hadid.  The prouders probably used evergreen footage to capture the Portia moments.



Right?  Or a driver.


Brandi with the kitchen timer talking to her attorney.  Ugh.  Shut up.  (Full disclosure:  I'm an attorney so...maybe a little sensitive.)  You called him to ask why you were going to be having a meeting in a few days, obviously so it could be filmed, so don't pretend like he's running up your bills.  And then when he was trying to find the right words to explain the situation to your ignorant ass, don't pretend like he was stalling to run up your bills.  That you're probably not even paying.  Again, shut up.


Wouldn't most clients simply call or e-mail their attorneys office and set an appointment?   I believe the attorney said the game plan was to "ignore" the situation.  In real life when this story came out Brandi's attorney was claiming the time had run for Eddie to file for reimbursement.  Obviously Eddie's attorneys won that round.  I don't understand how Brandi was paying $12,000.00 a month, or thousands or whatever she claimed if the great plan was to ignore. Brandi is welcome at anytime to contribute to her sons' college funds-a good start might be the $1,000.00 a month she gets from her ex.

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Kyle and Mauricio have every opportunity to refuse to sign the consent form for their kids to be on the show.  Brandi can't show her kids because her ex-husband refused to sign the form so they cannot be featured on the show as part of Brandi's story line.


My point is that if Kyle and Mauricio were truly concerned about raising Portia to be grounded, she would not be on the show and they would not agree to cameras filming their shopping spree.  They'd show Kyle having a shopping spree instead.


But whether Portia appears on camera or not doesn't change her actual reality: Her dad is a bad ass real estate guru making millions, and her mom is making some nice change doing this show (as well as selling ware at her boutique). I have confidence that they're going to raise a daughter who's pretty grounded because they have three other daughters who are. 

  • Love 8

Kyle and Mauricio have every opportunity to refuse to sign the consent form for their kids to be on the show.  Brandi can't show her kids because her ex-husband refused to sign the form so they cannot be featured on the show as part of Brandi's story line.


My point is that if Kyle and Mauricio were truly concerned about raising Portia to be grounded, she would not be on the show and they would not agree to cameras filming their shopping spree.  They'd show Kyle having a shopping spree instead.

So what you are saying is there is no hope for a child to be grounded if they appear on a reality show while shopping?  Or is it that Kyle should not speak of her children being grounded if they are filmed?  I guess I always assumed that 99% of the parents on reality shows want what is best for their children.  I may not agree with their methods, words or actions but I do believe they have their children's best interests at heart.


I think Brandi's issues have more to do about what she said about her ex-husband on camera.  Can you blame a guy for not wanting his kids on a show where your ex attacks you?  Brandi and the children's step mother include those children on social media all the time so they are in the limelight.

Edited by zoeysmom
  • Love 4

zoeysmom said:  Kyle as an owner of a boutique, it  would surprise me if she didn't shop at children's boutiques. I also think she and her girls like trendy nice stuff and can probably budget a little more because I think they wear uniforms to school.   The clothes Portia was treated to are cute and appropriate for a yacht cruise.  I know Yolanda likes to frequent the Target so anyone yearning for a RH shopping at the Target can go to her Twitter of Facebook and get your Target shopping fix.


People watching seem to notice the clothes.  "it's a fake Chanel."  "Does she only own one Birkin?"  This stuff is Greek to me; but it seems, that, if you live in BH, you have to look a certain way.  If you come by your money honestly. spend it; spread it around to local small business owners.  Good for the economy.

Edited by SFoster21
  • Love 6

Kyle’s mommy voice came out in the store when she ordered Portia to come out and pick the clothes up.  Kyle is camera savvy – she would not have done so if there was a remote possibility that Portia would refuse to do so.  You could tell she wasn’t using a tone she hasn’t used a million times before (unlike Teresa Giudice, who seems completely flummoxed every time Milania does something outrageous that needs correction).


I’m still on the fence about Lisa R.  I kind of like her, but I agree that she’s acting a lot of the time, and most of her home stuff seems completely fake.  Harry “let me sit on this random kitchen chair over by a glass doorway and strum my guitar” Hamlin seems to be struggling with the cameras.  The whole scene with the girls picking out an outfit was phony because she obviously had planned in advance to match the dinner party color scheme by showing up to match the flower colors (as did Lisa V). 


It's weird to see the Kathy and Kyle dynamic.  Similar to the Kyle and Kim dynamic in some ways.  I can only imagine what their mother was like to have produced such a clan. 



Read House of Hilton.  Written after Kim’s childhood fame was a memory and Kyle was an afterthought – lots of shocking dish.  (Not just dishy on this group, but generations of Hiltons.  A good read and you can buy it pretty cheap)  Let’s just say it’s surprising Kyle and Kim are as functional as they are – Big Kathy was Mama Joyce levels of awful.


And speaking of Kim being functional – did she say the ex was living with her?  Is that wise for a newly-recovering addict to have access to that kind of medication?  In my father’s last year he was prescribed some pretty potent stuff, and Kim seems partial to pain meds.  Note:  I do not doubt her devotion to him and as others have pointed out, she seems to retain positive relationships with a lot of people she’d understandably NOT be on good terms with  -- I just think it would be a pretty sad temptation.


I did laugh at Kathy - she showed up to show off her weight loss and condescend to comment on dress choices, and instead every shot showed that gaping blouse!  Time to get the number of Lisa V’s seamstress!

  • Love 9

Either you watch the show for the wretched excess or the wretched excess gives you an opportunity to feel superior.

Kyle going to Target (never mind the cameras and releases) would engender its own set of snide comments.

By the way, is there a Target in BH?

I never hit my kids and was told constantly that they would be "spoiled.". I always said, "they smell okay to me."


I love watching for the lifestyle I myself do not have (i.e., wealthy) but I feel like if you're going to take your daughter to a high-end boutique, don't claim that you want your child to learn the value of a dollar.  Truly if Kyle wants Portia to learn the value of a dollar, she needs to give her a few chores and a small allowance.  That's the best way to teach her.  JMO.

  • Love 3

I love watching for the lifestyle I myself do not have (i.e., wealthy) but I feel like if you're going to take your daughter to a high-end boutique, don't claim that you want your child to learn the value of a dollar.  Truly if Kyle wants Portia to learn the value of a dollar, she needs to give her a few chores and a small allowance.  That's the best way to !teach her.  JMO.

The kid is six!  And we don't know if she has chores, etc., because we see four minutes of her life out of a year!


Your point is valid, but I can't agree that there was any poor parenting going on in that scene.  As you say, JMO.

  • Love 8

The kid is six!  And we don't know if she has chores, etc., because we see four minutes of her life out of a year!


Your point is valid, but I can't agree that there was any poor parenting going on in that scene.  As you say, JMO.


I'm not saying there is any poor parenting going on.  I'm just saying it's a bit disingenuous, I guess, for Kyle to say she wants Portia to understand the value of a dollar based on what we see.

  • Love 3

I agree with your post except this part:

I think Lisa is worried, rightfully so IMO, that Brandi is going to try and sabotage the progress she and Kyle have made in repairing/rebuilding their friendship.

I don't think Lisa cares one bit about a 'real' friendship with Kyle.  I don't think she ever did.  She needs an ally for this show and a storyline.  IRL, I don't think she needs/wants Kyle at all.

  • Love 10


I don't think Lisa cares one bit about a 'real' friendship with Kyle.  I don't think she ever did.  She needs an ally for this show and a storyline.  IRL, I don't think she needs/wants Kyle at all.


I don't know if she wants to be real friends with her, but I am sure she doesn't want to be at odds with her. They don't have to even like each other to want to get along.

  • Love 4

I agree with your post except this part:

I don't think Lisa cares one bit about a 'real' friendship with Kyle.  I don't think she ever did.  She needs an ally for this show and a storyline.  IRL, I don't think she needs/wants Kyle at all.

I disagree, they were friends before the show, not great super close friends but fun snarky friends and I do think they want to get back to that, both of them. It is also good for the show, they are better as snarky friends than snipping enemies! LOL

  • Love 6

I didn't really get the feeling that Lisa wants Kyle to be a good friend, at least not right away.  They basically came to an understanding in the first ep to avoid backstabbing and just try to get along.  If that means they can eventually go back to being friends, all the better.


That's why I think Lisa was a bit upset when she found out Kyle was with Brandi. They had just agreed to move on, and there's Kyle, listening in on their phone conversation. If she feels Kyle is going back to talking about her with Brandi, then what is the point of even trying to be friends again?


I do think Lisa was hurt by Kyle after season 2.  Now, I think she's just cautious and could take her or leave her.

  • Love 7

A couple small things:

Was Brandi driving a Range Rover? If she can afford it fine, but then quit constantly whining about money.

Didn't Brandi say or suggest, just a few episodes ago, that moving every year was no big deal to her and her boys? Now she suddenly seems realize they need some stability as far as their home situation goes. Then try not to blow it for them this time Brandi.

I didn't think of it when watching the episode, but I think that whoever said up thread that Yolanda and Bella filmed their scene after the DUI arrest was really observant and totally accurate. That scene makes so much more sense that way.

Finally, I thought Kimberly looked very pretty at the bridal shop. She was mostly in the background, but to me she is more striking looking than Yolanda's girls.

  • Love 4

I didn't really get the feeling that Lisa wants Kyle to be a good friend, at least not right away. They basically came to an understanding in the first ep to avoid backstabbing and just try to get along. If that means they can eventually go back to being friends, all the better.

That's why I think Lisa was a bit upset when she found out Kyle was with Brandi. They had just agreed to move on, and there's Kyle, listening in on their phone conversation. If she feels Kyle is going back to talking about her with Brandi, then what is the point of even trying to be friends again?

I do think Lisa was hurt by Kyle after season 2. Now, I think she's just cautious and could take her or leave her.

I agree. I don't think Lisa was hurt in a "how could my friend Kyle do this to me way?" I think it was more like "annnnnnd of course Kyle isn't really moving on". I got more frustration than hurt from Lisa. I do think Kyle sort of California/therapy way of expressing her emotions that Lisa doesn't relate to or like very much which creates true misunderstandings and tension between them. To Lisa it reads dishonest to still want to talk about an incident after you've agreed to a resolution. To Kyle it reads as harsh to not be able to fully express her emotions to her own satisfaction. I have a tendency to be more like Lisa myself so it's easy for me to see her issues with Kyle and harder for me to see Kyle's issues with Lisa, but I do think it's both of them doing it.

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I love watching for the lifestyle I myself do not have (i.e., wealthy) but I feel like if you're going to take your daughter to a high-end boutique, don't claim that you want your child to learn the value of a dollar.  Truly if Kyle wants Portia to learn the value of a dollar, she needs to give her a few chores and a small allowance.  That's the best way to teach her.  JMO.

I don't really agree with that because to me it seemed like Kyle's goal was to get a few new things for the kid prior to a trip, not buy an entire new wardrobe.  I think that does teach a kid financial responsibility in that it teaches you it's OK to get a couple new things, it's even OK to get nice new things, as long as it's in limited quantities.  You don't just burn through money because you have access to it.  


Also, I think I might argue that the higher end boutique thing could be interpreted as her just supporting small businesses, as others have implied.  She's shopping local, which is more expensive in my experience anyway, but is definitely going to be fancier in her area.  Her "local" just happens to be higher end.  A bit of a stretch, admittedly, but my point is she's teaching her kid to navigate in the environment in which they live, and do so in a limited (responsible) way, imho.

Edited by phoenix780
  • Love 9

With Kyle and the shopping trip I wasn't concerned about the boutique or even the amount of money being spent. As others have mentioned these things are relative and somebody somewhere will always think you're spending too much (brand new clothes from Wallmart! You should be going to a yard sale!). I did however give Kyle a giant eyeroll over the obnoxious message clothes. I left my Louie in the plane. Ugg. And she would have gotten the same eyeroll from me if she had gone to Target and gotten Portia some bedazzled SPOILED shirt for $12. IMO that's the kind of thing that teaches kids that being bratty is cute.

  • Love 14
So what you are saying is there is no hope for a child to be grounded if they appear on a reality show while shopping?  Or is it that Kyle should not speak of her children being grounded if they are filmed?


I'm saying that I'm not buying what Kyle is selling.  I'm saying I don't believe that trotting out her young child on television year after year, and using Portia for Kyle's story line and to get more camera time, is indicative of someone whose main priority is raising a grounded kid.  It's indicative of a fame ho whose priority is fame.


You and others might disagree with me, as is your right.


I guess I always assumed that 99% of the parents on reality shows want what is best for their children.  I may not agree with their methods, words or actions but I do believe they have their children's best interests at heart.


Maybe that is at the heart of my perspective.  I don't believe that's entirely true - I believe parents' own self-interests often blind them to what is best for the children when it comes to reality tv.


That's why I think Lisa was a bit upset when she found out Kyle was with Brandi. They had just agreed to move on, and there's Kyle, listening in on their phone conversation. If she feels Kyle is going back to talking about her with Brandi, then what is the point of even trying to be friends again?


It's hard not to think someone will be gossiping behind your back when they've been silently listening in on a volatile discussion without your knowledge.  Lisa knows that, as soon as she gets off the phone, Brandi and Kyle will talk about the call and her.

Edited by izabella
  • Love 7

The person at OnDemand who decided the fast forward button should be inoperative has clearly never had to sit through Brandi's scenes. 


I never thought I'd say this about anyone on this show ever, but I kind of like Lisa Rinna.  The devil is putting on his ice skates...  I tolerate the catfights and the meltdowns, but I think this show is at its best when it's revealing the little details of their weird little Beverly Hills corner of the social landscape.  Loved the Michael Bolton story.


Don't get me wrong, I'm a huge proponent of a college education (My job is in higher ed), but I kind of got where Yolanda was coming from when she was talking about Gigi.  Unfortunately, the modeling industry worships at the altar of youth, and Gigi is obviously successful right now, so if she wants to defer for a couple of years or attend part time while working -- provided that's something she *wants* -- I can see the merit in that.  Strike while the iron is hot and all of that.

  • Love 15


I got the impression that Lisa Rinna was instructed to pay court to Eileen in their first lunch date and that ED may have requested some bowing and scraping


Granted we haven't seen much of ED yet, but she doesn't strike me as someone who needs bowing and scraping. I do enjoy LR a lot. I'm watching for LR and ED. I've never seen this Real Housewives at all before these episodes.


So far (of the other housewives) I'm interested in Lisa V and Kyle. Brandi is very whiny though I'm not entirely clear what her deal is. I'm sort of meh on the others.

  • Love 1

I don't think the choice of store would have meant anything to Portia since she's not comparing prices between the two and could probably find things she liked in both. For her in either place it would come down to two shirts vs. eight shirts. If her parents think this place has cuter clothing they might as well shop there.

I mean, in that sense it's more a question of expensive taste and "finer" clothing. All these people could get wool sweaters at Target, but they choose to wear cashmere.

I think going to Target and spending 600 would have been "worse" because instead of 2 shirts, Portia would have been swimming in a cart of clothes. However, if she just got the same number of shirts either place, I get the point. However, they didn't seem to be discussing prices with Portia, and since the parents spend hundreds to thousands on their own clothes, what's so wrong with spending 70-150 per item for their kids? Why, morally, would it be better for their kids to have 10$ shirts? Spend that money, put it back in the economy. I understand teaching your kids that not everyone is as fortunate and to be polite and thankful, but I don't think that has to be done at Target.

Plus, I think it would be more jarring for Portia to go into Target and be recognized by groups of people than a small boutique that's used to having reality stars. Not that I think they should hide her away, but I say nothing wrong with buying nice clothes for your daughter with legally gotten money that's most probably surely within your budget.

  • Love 7

I love watching for the lifestyle I myself do not have (i.e., wealthy) but I feel like if you're going to take your daughter to a high-end boutique, don't claim that you want your child to learn the value of a dollar.  Truly if Kyle wants Portia to learn the value of a dollar, she needs to give her a few chores and a small allowance.  That's the best way to teach her.  JMO.

I think what Kyle was employing was limit-you get two t-shirts as opposed to fill the cart.  In past episodes they have shown the chore chart-specifically picking up dog crap-a favorite topic of Bravo's.  I don't know if they even earn money from chores  but to me the parenting skill being displayed was the limiting.  Her frustration, although minor seemed to be with Mauricio overindulging.   


I think we are going to go back to the very basic style of editing showing the different housewives in similar situations.  So each one has a high potential for snark-be it mean Kathy Hilton at a bridal dress fitting, dressing mom for a date or taking to your supermodel daughters to lunch and encouraging career over college, even  a six year old shopping with her over indulgent father.  The ones truly left out of course are those with children who are grown (Lisa V.) and Brandi who can't get along with her ex long enough to get his consent.  I am sure the battle and dramas will begin shortly and the kids will be a thing of the past.  The interesting part as been how wealth creeps into to every corner of their lives from transportation, to shopping for kids clothes to jewelry. 

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I don't see anything wrong with buying your kid(s) new vacation clothes.  And the high prices are relative.  What bugs me is that clothes like the two shirts Kyle thought were amazing (My yacht or Yours?  I left my LOUIS in the jet), the string bikini, midriff baring tops....imo send a message to girls that it's all about the stuff.  It's about how you look and what you wear and the things you (or your wealthy parents) can buy. Personally I think it's a shit message to send to a 6 year old.  That's what the teenage years in certain circles of Beverly Hills are for. 

I don't care if they spent $150 on the 2 tiny triangles of spandex that made up that string bikini top.  If I had their kind of scratch, I'd likely increase our clothing budget, too.  My choices would just be far less obnoxious.


Moe and Kyle taking Portia vacation clothes shopping was terrific.  What a fun start to a great vacation.   Jelly.


And I agree, Scoobie.  A king size bed on a private jet is also jelly-making.

  • Love 5

Reasonable minds may differ, of course, but I can't see Portia's "shopping spree''-- which was pretty low-key as shopping sprees go---as evidence of being spoiled.  Spoiled, "non-grounded" kids are the ones whose parents spend money they DON'T have so their kids can keep up with their friends and have the latest phone or sneakers or whatever, while Mom and Dad sink into debt.  That I see all around me every day.  


Now, what I saw in the show was a little girl who was going on a family vacation to Europe.  She went into a store that had lots of stuff she wanted, but she didn't get everything she wanted-- her mother said no.   She was chastised when she misbehaved and was reminded that she should be grateful for what she got. The $570 or whatever that was spent by her parents was the equivalent of someone who earns $50,000 per year spending  $20 on clothes. Hard for me to get all judgy about that. Considering what the parents have available in terms of cash, the spending was pretty modest.


And, seriously, Lisa V. and Gramps prolly spend several multiples of the amount spent on Portia each and every every week just to keep that itchy little dog in purple velvet tuxedos, cashmere onesies and bedazzled bathrobes.

  • Love 8

Geez, why is it all 'Kyle's fault' that Portia is bought these clothes at a boutique when it was Mauricio who kept pulling out clothes for Portia?  I have no doubt that if it were up to Mauricio, Portia would have gotten every single thing she wanted.  Just like he bought his oldest girl a Mercedes when she got her driver's license.  Why does someone 'have' to shop at Target when you work as hard as Mauricio has and you enjoy buying things for your children who seem to be good kids?  I've never bought anyone in my family clothes from Target.  Does that mean I'm a bad person and my kids are spoiled?   Not. 


I don't think there was anything wrong with the clothes bought (I loved the anchor and would have bought it for my daughter at that age).  Besides Portia's birthday parties (which IIRC haven't been featured every season) how many stories have been Portia focused?  And I only remember Kyle mentioning once about her children acting and they're not interested.  Correct me if I'm wrong.


Lastly, as Zoeysmom said, we really don't know what 'chores' or allowances their children have so who are we to make assumptions.  OK.  I'll get off my soapbox now.

  • Love 6

A king size bed on a private jet is also jelly-making.

Hey, maybe I'm wrong -- cuz I know nothing bout this high-end stuff, but this seemed unusually high class to me. We've never seen Ken & Da Pump travel this way. And Mauricio & Kyle, with all their lameass bragging last week bout their private jet, which was clearly just a ho-hum time share any numbskull could take part in? Man, those 2 phony-baloneys looked like they were going by Greyhound compared to Yo sleeping soundly in her enormous comfy-looking bed on her private jet -- which could very well have been Mo's.

Reasonable minds may differ, of course, but I can't see Portia's "shopping spree''-- which was pretty low-key as shopping sprees go---as evidence of being spoiled. Spoiled, "non-grounded" kids are the ones whose parents spend money they DON'T have so their kids can keep up with their friends and have the latest phone or sneakers or whatever, while Mom and Dad sink into debt. That I see all around me every day.

I kinda think this is being discussed to death. I think most everyone has already caught on this "Portia is now an entitled brat" storyline is misleading & we're being played. By both Kyle & Satan Andy. Look, forget Mauricio. He's just along for the ride -- as far as the show goes. So he wants to blow some of his dough on his daughter. Big freakin' deal. I think Kyle is playing him too. Seems obvi to me. Kyle wants a storyline this season. And this be it. Kyle is Super-Mommy swooping to the rescue & saving poor widdle Portia from becoming a typical spoiled Beverly Hills brat.

Does Kyle care if it makes Portia look bad in the short-run & that she is now looking like a little brat? Um, no. This is Kyle we're talkin' bout. Her thirst for the limelight comes first before anything or anyone else. Does she care this storyline makes Mauricio seem sorta out-of-touch & a braggart? Um, no. Well, doesn't he always seem like a braggart now anyway? Again, this is Kyle, & her hunger for fame is never ending & can't be stopped no matter what.

Could Kyle be so devious to create this storyline? Yeah, when it comes to grabbin' camera time, she'll do anything. She & Satan Andy are cut from the same cloth. Doesn't surprise me they're so chummy. Hey, my theory after seeing her on WWHL with that fuckin' incredible hair --- I think she made a deal with devil to get that hair, dammit!

Anyhoo, let's also remember Portia is of course not in any danger of turning into Paris -- or even the not quite as snotty, but still obnoxious Nicky. These 2 are heiresses to great fortunes. Portia is not. And that does make a huge difference. And Portia has well-grounded nice sisters. OK, they are much older, but they would certainly help to keep her attitude in check. Kathy's offspring are all obnoxious assholes -- guess like huh. Kyle & Mauricio have raised nice children. There's no reason to believe Portia will be any different just cuz they have more money now. Maurico sells billionaires' homes. He's not one himself. Nor will he ever be. Ain't gonna happen.

Um.....Kathy Hilton is a bitch. I'm so glad she's not my aunt. It's one thing to try and help the bride find a dress that truly looks best on her, but her comments were just rude and uncalled for. Brooke's face (that is the daughter getting married, right?) looked absolutely dejected.

That said, Kathy Hilton is a vile sea beast. I thought Kim's daughter Brooke looked GORGEOUS in that first gown. It may not have looked like your typical wedding dress but Brooke said it was going to be a beach wedding so not all the bells and whistles. I really wish someone there had overridden Kathy and told Brooke she looked absolutely stunning and to go with whatever dress SHE wanted, not what the Boob Monster said she should choose. Sorry Kathy but if you unleash Paris Hilton on this world you have no right to judge anyone IMO.

Sheesh, I if were to vote who were the best looking gals on the show or among the kids of the Richards sisters, I'd say hands down it would be Kim's daughters. Those girls are smokin'. Yo may have the model daughters, but they mostly look so plain on camera. No comparison to Kim's girls. They are beauties, da both of 'em.

Anyhoo, man, Kathy sure knows how to bring a room down, doesn't she? Wow, poor Brooke looked like she musta felt she was some ugly duckling/homely dog. Poor thing. Wanted to give her a hug & smack nasty ole Kath right across her smug mug. What struck me in that scene was the power Kathy wields over this group. I sense fear from all of them. Well, maybe only a tiny bit of fear from Kyle. Mostly Kyle seems like she's not close to her at all -- certainly not like she is to Kim. But it is typical with siblings so far apart in age.

Still, the family dynamic there is interesting to me. Much as I thought Kathy was pretty awful in that scene, I'd like to see her back again. The sparks between those 3 -- now dat's entertainment! That would make me go get my microwave popcorn & settle in.

Edited by Lisin
  • Love 4

Read House of Hilton and you'll see why Kyle is so fame hungry.  Mommy dearest pitted those girls against each other, I'm sure there are deep seated feelings of jealousy over every accomplishment the sisters (or their children) do.  Kathy tried to have her own reality show and it failed.  She seems to need to cut down Kim's very attractive and nice daughter right off the start...  I wonder if it had been Paris who came out of the curtains in that first dress what her reaction (in front of cameras and the viewing public) would have been?  Not as harsh I'm sure. 


I think Kyle and Lisa have close to the same personality when you get rid of the acting: Domineering and sneaky about getting their way- and always looking innocent!  They were 'good friends' when this series started, but for some reason Kyle felt the need to bond with Taylor and flaunt that right in front of Lisa.  Lisa retaliated with befriending Brandi (who she knew Kyle hated).  I think Kyle will be encouraging Brandi to try to get back close to Lisa while gleefully sabotaging it in the background.  She still seems (to me) to be trying to one up Lisa.  Why would she let Brandi call Lisa using her phone unless she wanted Lisa to know she was with Brandi and listening in?  Very middle school and very Kyle.  Lisa is sweet and funny but I think she's shown she plays people,too, and loves the spotlight. 


One last thing:  I think Kyle should have bought HERSELF a blouse that said,'' I left my Louis on the plane'' and let Portia get every little 6 yr old's real choice of a Frozen Tee!  I doubt Portia was crying over or even understood that saying, but you can be sure she knows all the words to Frozen.  ;)

  • Love 5
"Something up here looks very cocktail waitress." I have no idea what that means.



It was a really vicious put down -- no doubt about that.  She managed to flippantly, casually & callously insult the designers of the dress, Brooke, and the dress itself (poor dress).  Look, I hate this word & will censor myself, but sheesh, the woman is such a nasty c*nt.


Well, it meant absolutely nothing actually, but it spoke volumes bout who Kathy is.  A horrible snob with shitty-ass taste.  Oh Kathy, just where in the fuckety fuck are there cocktail waitresses wearing stunning gowns that look similar to Oscar de la Renta creations?  I suspect cocktail waitresses everywhere would luv to wear that dress & be transformed to looking like Audrey Hepburn or Grace Kelly.  


OK, maybe I'm going a wee bit overboard.  The dress wasn't all that great & while it looked pretty on Brooke & she looked pretty in it, I agreed with Kathy that it wasn't especially right for the kind of wedding she was having.  But Kathy would make me nuts.  She just has a horribly offensive way of expressing herself.  How can any of them stand her?  I am now understanding why Paris is such a wretched person tho.

  • Love 7

I agree with your post except this part:

I don't think Lisa cares one bit about a 'real' friendship with Kyle.  I don't think she ever did.  She needs an ally for this show and a storyline.  IRL, I don't think she needs/wants Kyle at all.

After the first season none of these women can ever really be friends again and I can't say I blame them. I am a forgiving person but if my friend went on tv and talked shit about me (via a TH) that would be the end of any friendship. The entire set up of the show destroys friendships. it takes a certain type of person to hear someone shit talking about them and truly move on. So what you get is show friendships.

  • Love 6

It was a really vicious put down -- no doubt about that.  She managed to flippantly, casually & callously insult the designers of the dress, Brooke, and the dress itself (poor dress).  Look, I hate this word & will censor myself, but sheesh, the woman is such a nasty c*nt.


Well, it meant absolutely nothing actually, but it spoke volumes bout who Kathy is.  A horrible snob with shitty-ass taste.  Oh Kathy, just where in the fuckety fuck are there cocktail waitresses wearing stunning gowns that look similar to Oscar de la Renta creations?  I suspect cocktail waitresses everywhere would luv to wear that dress & be transformed to looking like Audrey Hepburn or Grace Kelly.  


OK, maybe I'm going a wee bit overboard.  The dress wasn't all that great & while it looked pretty on Brooke & she looked pretty in it, I agreed with Kathy that it wasn't especially right for the kind of wedding she was having.  But Kathy would make me nuts.  She just has a horribly offensive way of expressing herself.  How can any of them stand her?  I am now understanding why Paris is such a wretched person tho.

Here is a recap of the show-worth reading only for the Kathy Hilton commentary.  http://www.trashtalktv.com/12/02/real-housewives-of-beverly-hills-recap-thanking-michael-bolton/340774/  I don't think you are overstating Kathy's personality at all.  Remember Kathy has yet to get a kid through college (her girls never even made it through high school) or have a proper wedding.  So I can see where her seething anger comes from-kids who don't give her anything to celebrate.

  • Love 6
What struck me in that scene was the power Kathy wields over this group.  I sense fear from all of them.


I agree. It really bothered me that no on spoke up, in defense of Brooke. I love my sisters dearly, but if any of them spoke that way to my daughter while she was trying on wedding dresses, she would have been shut the hell down. Not only was she rude to the bride-to-be, but the owner of the shop as well. I guess maybe Kathy is so awful, her sisters knew that saying anything would just make it worse? 

  • Love 10

After the first season none of these women can ever really be friends again and I can't say I blame them. I am a forgiving person but if my friend went on tv and talked shit about me (via a TH) that would be the end of any friendship. The entire set up of the show destroys friendships. it takes a certain type of person to hear someone shit talking about them and truly move on. So what you get is show friendships.

ITA - they are coworkers after that.  Brandi should've told Lisa she was with Kyle and was talking about the party.  But Lisa can't be mad at Kyle for hanging with Brandi.  That's team bullshit.  Brandi knows Lisa will never forgive her - she said it in her talking head.  So why does Bravo have to shove this down our throats.  That whole scene was producer driven.  Brandi's phone "dying" and having to use Kyle's phone, Lisa all prepared with her speech.  Blech.  Boring.  Move on.  The rest of the show was much more entertaining.

  • Love 2


It's total bullshit. Remember it came out of the skank's mouth. There is no way in hell Eddie is only paying $1000 in child support. I work with a guy that makes $80,000 a year base-there are bonuses that take to about $110,000, but he pays $2000 a month for one chld.


There is no way in hell he is court ordered to that amount. Remember you can always tell if Brandi is lying. She is speaking. I know that is supposed to read "her lips are moving" but with the Skank, moving lips tend to bring other things to mind.


I'm embarrassed to say I know about this, but the overpaid money Brandi claimed was "child support" was actually spousal support- more specifically, a chunk of Eddie Cibrian's retirement fund.  The amount was determined in 2010 (prior to her Housewife salary) and should have been adjusted when she started earning HW money, so his lawyers were looking for the overpayment amount.  I believe Brandi had a new book coming out at that time, so no shock there. 


I used to watch this terrible show but now my wife legitimately hates Brandi Glanville so we're off it for good.  The comment about child molestation was the last straw. 

Man, those 2 phony-baloneys looked like they were going by Greyhound compared to Yo sleeping soundly in her enormous comfy-looking bed on her private jet -- which could very well have been Mo's.



What were they being phony about there? My impression from what they said was that they just rented (or whatever the term would be) a private plane for the trip, and that this was something that was previously out of their price range. It just seems like a fairly accurate description of where they are financially. They're still not competing with somebody like Yolanda or Camille, but they now consider things that wouldn't have been a question earlier. I didn't think it made Mauricio look particularly bad--and I suspect he's as involved in what gets done on the show as Kyle is. Isn't The Agency a Bravo thing too? Plus he appears more than any other husband besides Ken, it seems.

  • Love 7

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