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Small Talk: The Cabana

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Happy Easter I am not going to church today, I am working in my yard to celebrate. And watching the cows and donkeys in the field next to my porch. 


OHHHHHHHHHH, I would love to have donkey's and cows next to me.  You are a lucky duck!  Donkey's are one of the most precious animals.  I have 2 pieces of cow art on my wall because I love them too.  

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Happy Easter Everyone!  I hope everyone's having a great holiday, I had a good beginning of the week, but the last few days were rough, hopefully you guys are having a blast with loved ones and the like!

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Happy Easter Everyone!  I hope everyone's having a great holiday, I had a good beginning of the week, but the last few days were rough, hopefully you guys are having a blast with loved ones and the like!

I hope your this week is better for you.  Thank you for checking in. 

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How does this work that it is next week? I am a Christian, but I found that I felt far away from God when I was going to church so now I try to just do God and not religion. I am interested in different religions and reading about them. But mostly I just try to feel closer to God in my daily life and profess my faith to others so they can find God if they are searching. I go to church things; an Easter Egg Hunt was the highlight of my morning yesterday when I watched my hubby help my 17 month old grand daughter find eggs. But anyway, how does the Greek Orthodox thing work?

My understanding is that we just use a different calendar to determine the date. For us, Easter has to follow Passover. I remember learning that Easter or Palm Sunday (the week before ) is the first Sunday that follows the first full moon that follows Passover. I'm not sure why it has to follow a full moon. Some years our Easter is the same as everyone else's, a lot of times it is a week later. Some years it can be 4-6 weeks later! That doesn't happen very often though.

Eta: I hope you feel better soon, cyberjawa

Edited by EVS
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Happy Easter Everyone!  I hope everyone's having a great holiday, I had a good beginning of the week, but the last few days were rough, hopefully you guys are having a blast with loved ones and the like!

Keeping a good thought for you especially today. xoxo

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I'm glad to read that so many here had an enjoyable Easter. I had to work but thankfully I got off a little early and got to do the family thing and had some fantastic prime rib. Also got to try this amazing apricot creme brulee. (My mom is retired and went to culinary school for fun a few years ago--needless to say she and my stepdad have a full house for every holiday. ;-) )

Two Easter related stories I thought I'd share.

A week ago I was in Michael's in Santa Monica. (Michael's is a kind of art supply store for those who don't know.) Anyway, people are there getting Easter decorations and the like. So I'm standing in line when I notice this rather overwhelmed looking man who has four kids with him under the age of ten or so. One of the kids starts to whine and asks why they're there. The dad's response? " We're here because we want to make Easter fun that's why. Now goddamn it, get moving, we still have to go to the store!"

Second story

Similar situation. This time I'm in the parking lot of the grocery store. This woman is with her son who couldn't have been more than six. She too is looking pretty frazzled. Not sure what her kid said or did to set her off all I hear is "The Easter Bunny isn't going to come unless you move your ass!" I'm so imagining this kid in therapy years later talking about how stressful he finds stuff like holidays to be.

As horrified as I was by both incidents I'd be lying if I didn't admit to LOL both times especially that second one. Talk about playing hardball with your kid. I am also inclined to appreciate a well placed "goddamn it" when the subject matter is a religious holiday.

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The worse thing I've ever seen shopping was in a Marshals store when a mother was yelling at her young son, 6 or 7 years old.  He had selected a bright colored plaid backpack for school. As she grabbed it out of his hands she was yelling, "What are you a stupid weak girl?  Only girls wear those colors, not boys!"  I was shocked to hear a mother talking to her son like that. So there she was shaming her crying son by belittling females.  What the heck kind of a harmful message was that? I was in a hurry so I don't know what the outcome was...guessing a navy, black or brown backpack with a mixed message.



Edited by talula
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I saw a commercial the other night on E! Channel for a show called "Botched" about plastic surgery.  Guess who was on the previews?  None other than Adrienne's ex, Dr. Paul Nassif.

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The worse thing I've ever seen shopping was in a Marshals store when a mother was yelling at her young son, 6 or 7 years old. He had selected a bright colored plaid backpack for school. As she grabbed it out of his hands she was yelling, "What are you a stupid weak girl? Only girls wear those colors, not boys!" I was shocked to hear a mother talking to her son like that. So there she was shaming her crying son by belittling females. What the heck kind of a harmful message was that? I was in a hurry so I don't know what the outcome was...guessing a navy, black or brown backpack with a mixed message.


That is just horrible! So sad on many levels.

I shared in another thread, that my son picked up a bright pink hello kitty ball at the store and just loved it. We bought it for him. The cashier asked if he was buying his sister a ball? my son is verbally delayed so didn't answer her, but I quickly said "nope, it's for him". She, I'm sure she saw my irritation with her question and just smiled.

Since it was Easter I left it at that. I'm sure the cashier meant no harm, but still. Boys and girls should not be ashamed of what they like.

Edited by imjagain
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It chaps my ass whenever something like that happens.  I speak up when the words "female", "girl" or "woman" are used as a way to say something is inferior.  I'm so tired of that shit.


It's also why I get pissed off when folks say "Miss" or "Ms." in front of a man's name to indicate something bad or nasty about the man, as if being a woman is an awful thing to be or that women are the only ones who have such traits.  Being an instigating gossip, for example, isn't a womanly trait - it's a human trait, albeit a nasty one.

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Talula, ugh, that story just breaks my heart.  What an abusive snatch of a parent!  Poor kid.  I really hope that he has someone or more than one other person in his life who will teach him that it is OK to be who you are and to like what you like, and that colors and genitals don't equal gender.  



Boys and girls should not be ashamed of what they like.


Right on!

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It chaps my ass whenever something like that happens.  I speak up when the words "female", "girl" or "woman" are used as a way to say something is inferior.  I'm so tired of that shit.


It's also why I get pissed off when folks say "Miss" or "Ms." in front of a man's name to indicate something bad or nasty about the man, as if being a woman is an awful thing to be or that women are the only ones who have such traits.  Being an instigating gossip, for example, isn't a womanly trait - it's a human trait, albeit a nasty one.



Talula, ugh, that story just breaks my heart.  What an abusive snatch of a parent!  Poor kid.  I really hope that he has someone or more than one other person in his life who will teach him that it is OK to be who you are and to like what you like, and that colors and genitals don't equal gender.  




Right on!

It was years ago but a vivid memory especially because I have two sons. I was shocked to hear a female talking like that and what was she teaching her son about the opposite sex. That they are of less value than a male, after that he probably had negative feelings about females?

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I saw a commercial the other night on E! Channel for a show called "Botched" about plastic surgery.  Guess who was on the previews?  None other than Adrienne's ex, Dr. Paul Nassif.

...Terry Dubrow's actually likable on the show as well.  He can ditch the OC and stay with Botched as far as I'm concerned.    


My opinion of course, and is the show getting a second season?  Or what season are we on by now?

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I'd like to know, exactly, why girls are both stupid and weak for liking certain colors.  Or is it more that girls are stupid and weak, thus they like certain colors?  


So which is it, you stupid and weak parent?!  Inquisitorial and judgmental minds want to know!  lol 

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Patriarchy hurts all of us.  Women have been raised in the same society with the same messaging.  We've been taught not to like ourselves and to believe that being womanly is an inferior and shameful thing.

ITA sometimes I feel like HW Reality TV reinforces negative stereotypes for women.  

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I'd like to know, exactly, why girls are both stupid and weak for liking certain colors.  Or is it more that girls are stupid and weak, thus they like certain colors?  


So which is it, you stupid and weak parent?!  Inquisitorial and judgmental minds want to know!  lol 

Your funny, of course girls/woman are the same as men/boys.  That mother yelling at her son was in need of help, lol. Personally I think she was gender screwed up.

Edited by talula
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You just know that mother didn't care at all about what the boy felt.  If I was a betting man, I'd wager on she was thinking of what she thought others would perceive her for letting her little boy carry around a pink backpack.


It's unfortunate, and based on my previous work, it's just a shame that parents let their perceptions take over instead of letting their children develop or discover themselves on their own.

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...Terry Dubrow's actually likable on the show as well.  He can ditch the OC and stay with Botched as far as I'm concerned.    


My opinion of course, and is the show getting a second season?  Or what season are we on by now?

Second season starts next Tuesday, I believe.

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On to the Harry Hamlin secret (not) this is the price LisaR pays, intentional or not for over reacting.  Let's face it Kim has been given permission to spill and she won't because she said it in anger and got the desired response.  I figure by now if there had been something about HH, or if Kim had revealed it and it been shut down by production the rumor would be out there.  Just like the Maloof's surrogacy.  There are just too many mouths on the set.  I also think perhaps Lisar was fairly secure in her absolute defense of HH.


The way rumors get started and this is an excellent example is someone writes in a comments section of a blog or message board-"there have been rumors for years so and so is a closeted gay, or so and so is unfaithful."  So the unfounded hypotheticals become the seed of a rumor.  There are no reliable witnesses who claim to have been intimate-just a foundation based on speculation and jealousy.


I guarantee you there will be someone somewhere now claiming that Kyle did the unforgivable at her niece's wedding by doing the splits because if one Googles it a little later-it will be  there even though the poster who posted it said it in jest.

 Yes this happens, On the Young and the Restless an actor Michael Muhney was unexpectedly fired, at least unexpected to most and a rumour surfaced on a MB that he had grabbed a co-workers breasts. TMZ got from the MB saying that they got there and it was unconfirmed by anything except the firing. It has tainted the actors career and is still brought up as fact although it's never been confirmed by anyone, including the gal he allegedly grabbed. He was quite the outspoken Divo and had caused a lot of confirmed BS drama so there were other reasons to fire him but this kind of thing does take on a life of it's own and I would really like to see this guy get a decent acting gig to prove he still has a career in spite of it.  

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This happened yesterday and I don't know anybody who would "get it" besides the wonderful people here.  I'm still laughing. 


In the 70's my husband took an old dining table and chairs out of his parents backyard shed.  It had belonged to his grandfather - purchased in 1906.  Nothing fancy, but a nice table.  (God, they paid $39 for a table that seats 10, and 8 chairs).  Mother-in-law was glad to get it out of there.   He's had it in every apt he ever lived.  When we married, 40 years ago, it came into our home.  We had it refinished, and it's been here ever since.  Seen tons of family dinners, Xmas, Easter, Mother's Day's . . . it's the table my kids have grown up with.  


So, we remodeled and went in a whole new direction.   I got a new, more contemporary table last week.   The old one went in to our basement for safe keeping.  Neither of my kids are in a position to take it, but both want it.  It really means alot to them.  And of course we'd never consider selling it.  


Yesterday I get a call from my sister-in-law.  She wants the table!!!   Now, she's NEVER shown an interest in it at all.  I told her that one of my kids already "dibbed" it.  She flew off the handle.  She said " I should have it and my son wants it now." (her son already has his grandmother's table & hutch)  Uh, so why does your son get it and not my daughter???  Anyway, nicely, I tried to tell her we have had it all these years, it was given to my husband by her mother, and now we want to pass it down yet another generation to our daughter.   She continued to rant, (I was pretty much ignoring her at this point), but, just before she hung up she screamed into the phone  "YOU STOLE MY GODDAMN TABLE"!!!!!!!   

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This happened yesterday and I don't know anybody who would "get it" besides the wonderful people here. I'm still laughing.

In the 70's my husband took an old dining table and chairs out of his parents backyard shed. It had belonged to his grandfather - purchased in 1906. Nothing fancy, but a nice table. (God, they paid $39 for a table that seats 10, and 8 chairs). Mother-in-law was glad to get it out of there. He's had it in every apt he ever lived. When we married, 40 years ago, it came into our home. We had it refinished, and it's been here ever since. Seen tons of family dinners, Xmas, Easter, Mother's Day's . . . it's the table my kids have grown up with.

So, we remodeled and went in a whole new direction. I got a new, more contemporary table last week. The old one went in to our basement for safe keeping. Neither of my kids are in a position to take it, but both want it. It really means alot to them. And of course we'd never consider selling it.

Yesterday I get a call from my sister-in-law. She wants the table!!! Now, she's NEVER shown an interest in it at all. I told her that one of my kids already "dibbed" it. She flew off the handle. She said " I should have it and my son wants it now." (her son already has his grandmother's table & hutch) Uh, so why does your son get it and not my daughter??? Anyway, nicely, I tried to tell her we have had it all these years, it was given to my husband by her mother, and now we want to pass it down yet another generation to our daughter. She continued to rant, (I was pretty much ignoring her at this point), but, just before she hung up she screamed into the phone "YOU STOLE MY GODDAMN TABLE"!!!!!!!

lol,That is too funny!
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 Yes this happens, On the Young and the Restless an actor Michael Muhney was unexpectedly fired, at least unexpected to most and a rumour surfaced on a MB that he had grabbed a co-workers breasts. TMZ got from the MB saying that they got there and it was unconfirmed by anything except the firing. It has tainted the actors career and is still brought up as fact although it's never been confirmed by anyone, including the gal he allegedly grabbed. He was quite the outspoken Divo and had caused a lot of confirmed BS drama so there were other reasons to fire him but this kind of thing does take on a life of it's own and I would really like to see this guy get a decent acting gig to prove he still has a career in spite of it.  

Thanks for the cautionary tale.  I too hope for a bright future for the wrongfully accused. 

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This happened yesterday and I don't know anybody who would "get it" besides the wonderful people here.  I'm still laughing. 


In the 70's my husband took an old dining table and chairs out of his parents backyard shed.  It had belonged to his grandfather - purchased in 1906.  Nothing fancy, but a nice table.  (God, they paid $39 for a table that seats 10, and 8 chairs).  Mother-in-law was glad to get it out of there.   He's had it in every apt he ever lived.  When we married, 40 years ago, it came into our home.  We had it refinished, and it's been here ever since.  Seen tons of family dinners, Xmas, Easter, Mother's Day's . . . it's the table my kids have grown up with.  


So, we remodeled and went in a whole new direction.   I got a new, more contemporary table last week.   The old one went in to our basement for safe keeping.  Neither of my kids are in a position to take it, but both want it.  It really means alot to them.  And of course we'd never consider selling it.  


Yesterday I get a call from my sister-in-law.  She wants the table!!!   Now, she's NEVER shown an interest in it at all.  I told her that one of my kids already "dibbed" it.  She flew off the handle.  She said " I should have it and my son wants it now." (her son already has his grandmother's table & hutch)  Uh, so why does your son get it and not my daughter???  Anyway, nicely, I tried to tell her we have had it all these years, it was given to my husband by her mother, and now we want to pass it down yet another generation to our daughter.   She continued to rant, (I was pretty much ignoring her at this point), but, just before she hung up she screamed into the phone  "YOU STOLE MY GODDAMN TABLE"!!!!!!!   


KEEP THE GODDANM TABLE! Good for you! Sheesh, it's been your husbands for over 30 years.


 I hate it when family members think they should have every single solitary thing. I was given just one of my baby pictures out of the many that my grandmother took, she had the only prints, and the rest my aunt has kept. She won't send them and all her grand kids are going to do years from now is say "Who was this?" and toss them in the trash.

Edited by Giselle
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Notnowimbusy, yikes it sounds as though your sister-in-law lost a bit of dignity in that conversation LOL. 


I definitely think you should keep the table for you and yours. :-)

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Thanks!!!   This is nothing new with this group of family - just another in a string that would even shock Kim ;-)    I will not even entertain the notion of giving her, or her son, the beloved table.    I told my husband, this morning, "shut it down- NOW" or I will".    Unlike Kyle, I'm very comfortable walking away from madness.   But, I do have so say, it will be hard not to call her Kim.  In fact, I just might!

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Can I just bitch for a minute about the fact that my DVR recorded all of the reunions but for some reason the reunion of season 1 cut off after only fifteen minutes or so. Arrrgh, annoying. 


I'll never understand my DVR. It has a mind of its own.

Edited by Avaleigh
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I want to thank someone. nc socialworker Talked about her mammogram last week and I pm'd her and she inspired me to make my appt. She was so sweet and I want to thank her again and let you all know how great she is.


Went today and everything is fine.


I thought she could use standing ovation ..... ((((yay!!! nc socialworker ))))

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I want to thank someone. nc socialworker Talked about her mammogram last week and I pm'd her and she inspired me to make my appt. She was so sweet and I want to thank her again and let you all know how great she is.


Went today and everything is fine.


I thought she could use standing ovation ..... ((((yay!!! nc socialworker ))))

Yay nc and you too!! Baby, (and boobie) take a bow!!!!

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I want to thank someone. nc socialworker Talked about her mammogram last week and I pm'd her and she inspired me to make my appt. She was so sweet and I want to thank her again and let you all know how great she is.


Went today and everything is fine.


I thought she could use standing ovation ..... ((((yay!!! nc socialworker ))))

Great for you!!! Please, always make sure to keep your yearly appointments.


nc socialworker - you are one helluva a fighter. I applaud her for the information she has shared with me, personally and the reminder of how important it is to be aware of our boobies.


She is aware of my issue and the little scare I am facing. I call it little because I am not sure yet what I am dealing with and I choose not to worry about something until I have facts. I get yearly mammograms, but this week I am having to have another just six months after my last one because of something that was found. Please ladies, always get your mammograms. Even if you have no history in your family, do it. Yes, the boobs get squashed and it can hurt, but I'd rather endure that pain for ten minutes than to find out I could have prevented breast cancer.


Thank you again nc socialworker. Not only for your medical advice, but being a great friend here on the board and making me laugh.

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Hello folks, just introducing myself.

I used to post on Bravo boards then came across this site and lurked a bit .

So interesting to read the differing points of view and checking out new info.

I listen while I work so I don't see much but I look like a  prairie dog popping up when house porn is being shown.

With all the Botox, most of the ladies reactions are verbal so I figure I am not missing much.   Their faces

are made for radio.  ;)

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Great for you!!! Please, always make sure to keep your yearly appointments.

nc socialworker - you are one helluva a fighter. I applaud her for the information she has shared with me, personally and the reminder of how important it is to be aware of our boobies.

She is aware of my issue and the little scare I am facing. I call it little because I am not sure yet what I am dealing with and I choose not to worry about something until I have facts. I get yearly mammograms, but this week I am having to have another just six months after my last one because of something that was found. Please ladies, always get your mammograms. Even if you have no history in your family, do it. Yes, the boobs get squashed and it can hurt, but I'd rather endure that pain for ten minutes than to find out I could have prevented breast cancer.

Thank you again nc socialworker. Not only for your medical advice, but being a great friend here on the board and making me laugh.

Positive vibes going your way GreatKazu.

NC was a real help to me even pm'd me yesterday with a reminder that she had not forgotten, I really appreciated it.

I just wanted to share what a nice person she was.

I'm so glad we have the ability to talk about other things than the show. On the other forum it was hard to say anything to personal. This thread is a good thing.

This group of posters are wonderful.

Welcome crikey! Hope you have fun posting. We all don't agree on everything but we have fun on these boards.

Edited by imjagain
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Thank you very much imjagain. :-) Yes, nc socialworker also PMd me to send her positive vibes on my mammogram this week. Such a sweetheart.


It is nice to have this thread for us to chit chat with each other about other things other than the show. It is such a breath of fresh air.

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Thanks guys! Now everyone go get your boobies smooshed! :)

Get smooshed and then go home and get smashed (or at least toast yourself) with anything other than a Skinny Girl margarita!

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One of my not proud parent moments but not terribly bad-


My oldest son was about 7 and youngest 5.  The oldest had to bring a can to school for a can drive to feed people less fortunate.  I was frazzled and in line at the register when he reminded me.  I was right in front of an end cap sale for pineapple.  I grabbed 4 cans and tossed them into my  cart.  He said, no, we were told they really need protein.  I snapped and said poor people LOVE pineapple.  This brought a laugh from 2 people in line which softened my ridiculous comment.  

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I am more irritated with the boundaries of giving than your comment! I hope they didn't call him out for not bringing a protein.


You are irritated with me, stewedsquash?   They didn't HAVE to give protein.  Many gave soup, beans and all kinds of stuff.  The teacher (close friend of mine) said that protein would be good since it is not often thought of when canned goods are mentioned.  


Every Thanksgiving I would donate 2 turkeys to an organization that made sure everyone's holiday was plentiful.  I volunteer at a dog rescue extensively and have for the past 20 years.   There are many more things I do and have done as well.   And you are irritated that, when exhausted at the end of a work day with 2 kids in tow, I chose not to get out of line to find peanut butter?  Really?  

Edited by wings707
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You misread my comment.  I was irritated with the people putting boundaries on YOU! I agree with your thought, poor people like pineapple! I was on your side. 



I thought my comment (quoted above) was clear that the irritation was towards the teacher for saying bring a protein instead of bring whatever you can give. Your first post indicated to me that your son was distressed because of the teachers request. 


eta Just for the hell of it I liked your post. I like a confused post first thing in the morning. Haha.



Ahhhh ha!  I clearly misread that!  My apology.  LOL!  They always try to get people to donate canned hams and peanut butter on those damned things.  pffffft  I think I have now made a vow to always give them pineapple!  

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stewedsquash is a bad bad person, not because of the pineapple but because she didn't suggest donating this:


Therefore, squashie, you are mandated to plan a fine dinner party for your PT peeps featuring Kyle's splits as the pre-meal entertainment (I suggest you don't use a caustic floor cleaner), Brandi's Unfiltered Blonde for your beverage, and chicken salad, prepared jointly by Adrienne and Kim (fingernails added for crunch). LVP will provide the locale and staff; kindly ensure the servers are all recently bathed and inoculated before the festivities commence.

Eta long after the original post cuz I really should proof better!

Edited by steelcitysister
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stewedsquash is a bad bad person, not because of the pineapple but because she didn't donate this:


Therefore, squashie, you are mandated to plan a fine dinner party for your PT peeps featuring Kyle's splits as the pre-meal entertainment (I suggest you don't use a caustic floor cleaner), Brandi's Unfiltered Blonde for your beverage, and chicken salad, prepared jointly by Adrienne and Kim (fingernails added for crunch). LVP will provide the locale and staff; kindly ensure the servers are all recently bathed and inoculated before the festivities commence.

Will we be required to take our shoes off at the door?



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