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S05.E07: Crossed

Tara Ariano

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I agree, but I can see why they would trust him enough to where they were being civil to him or might be able to see him as having no choice in the matter at the hospital. It's Sasha letting him wander around that is, to me, awful writing.

I didn't understand why they had him sitting next to that post but didn't have his arms cuffed behind him around it.

  • Love 4

Does anyone still think we believe that Father PeePants' congregration carved those words into the church? Would someone being attacked by a herd of zombies really take the time to add the apostrophe to "you'll"?



But not Ty - he lied about it.  So he is a punk AND a liar.  I have no love for this character at all.  He is selfish and self centered and not much more than dead weight.  So what he carried the baby through the wood for an afternoon.  Once Carol showed up, she did the heavy lifting.  So what he killed a bunch of walkers who were threatening HIM.


I've always thought he was dead weight and yes, the only time he moves his ass is if HIS life is in danger.  I can't believe Rick thought it was a good idea to take him to the hospital where he might be called upon to kill humans when he's usually too tender hearted to stab zombies. He's lucky PeePants is there so he can point out that someone is even more useless and sulky than he.


Nice way to make Sasha look like an idiot to turn her back on a prisoner, just because his name is B-O-B?


Tara and the yoyo and trying to make us think she found something useful? Annoying.


When Dawn was telling Beth to get the meds to Carol, I was tensed up, waiting for her to belt Beth in the face again.


Wanted to add that if Abraham can get up after kneeling on pavement for hours and hours, he now has my total admiration.

Edited by AngelaHunter
  • Love 6

I think the last time he got sort of cleaned up was when he burned his dirty shirt in the fire pit outside the prison.


I mentioned it last season and many didn't believe me, but we could see it in one of the "remember when" commercial clips of past season scenes.  The scene was of Morgan pointing a gun over newly awoken Rick, who was lying on the ground with his hospital gown open.  Somewhere in between Season 1 and that shirt burning scene, Rick found a razor to shave his chest.  If it was so important to him to shave his chest hair, why can't he do anything about his head hair and the unkempt beard?  He looks like he stumbled off the set of "Hatfields and McCoys".


Neck and above - he's a bear.  Below the neck, he's dolphin smooth.  It's the Rick Grimes special ZA grooming plan.  


Tara, Rosita, and Glenn were the only characters I enjoyed in this ep.  They were actually smart, by filtering water (thanks, Eugene), and figuring out how to fish.  Maybe they should just keep walking with their yo-yo, fish, and filtered water.

This reminded me of the end of the jerk.  Instead of "I have the paddle game, the ash tray, a lamp . . . that's all I need" they have a yo-yo, some fish, filtered water, an old shirt . . . . 


Does anyone still think we believe that Father PeePants' congregation carved those words into the church? Would someone being attacked by a herd of zombies really take the time to add the apostrophe to "you'll"?

. . . 

Tara and the yoyo and trying to make us think she found something useful? Annoying.

I assume one of them survived the initial attack, came back and carved this into the church.  Then of course another person came by and corrected the grammar.  Just because the world is going to hell and the internet is no more, it doesn't mean the protectors of the apostrophes will let their guard down.  Priorities!


I hope the yo-yo becomes Tara's new weapon of choice.  If Daryl can take someone down with a rotting walker head, Tara can at least knock them out with a well slung yo-yo.  

Edited by Muffyn
  • Love 8

Having thought about it overnight, I absolutely hate Tyreese's plan.  Hostages are always problematic, a drain on manpower and resources and generally prone to unhelpfulness.  Mostly though I hate his plan because Noah must have told them something about the hospital.  When doing a head count of potential allies, Noah specifically said "the wards would help."  The wards, Tyreese.  Where women are held to be raped by the officers willing to tolerate Dawn's rules.  Tyreese wants to go to the hospital, trade for the two females in their group and then leave the rest to their ugly fates?  I'm with Rick: kill them and then kill them some more.  That poor woman in Slabtown committed suicide rather than take another day in that hellhole.  I'm kind of horrified that Daryl would agree to that plan when two of the women in the hospital were taken while in his company.  For all he knows, Beth was put in a ward for her escape attempt.  Would he really walk her out of that place and leave other women behind?

  • Love 16

Does anyone still think we believe that Father PeePants' congregration carved those words into the church? Would someone being attacked by a herd of zombies really take the time to add the apostrophe to "you'll"?


I've always thought he was dead weight and yes, the only time he moves his ass is if HIS life is in danger.  I can't believe Rick thought it was a good idea to take him to the hospital where he might be called upon to kill humans when he's usually too tender hearted to stab zombies. He's lucky PeePants is there so he can point out that someone is even more useless and sulky than he.


Nice way to make Sasha look like an idiot to turn her back on a prisoner, just because his name is B-O-B?


Tara and the yoyo and trying to make us think she found something useful? Annoying.


When Dawn was telling Beth to get the meds to Carol, I was tensed up, waiting for her to belt Beth in the face again.


Wanted to add that if Abraham can get up after kneeling on pavement for hours and hours, he now has my total admiration.

Tara annoys me.  The yo-yo thing was useless nonsense. 


No way would Sasha, who just went through a series of traumatic events including her new and adorable boyfriend being partially eaten,  not be vigilant.   There's also the matter of her brother going off on a dangerous mission, and she would have been on high alert and in protective mode.    Sasha has been sold as the skeptic, IMO.   She would have not let her guard down because some guy was named Bob.    Bad, bad writing.


Maybe Abraham is Catholic? 

  • Love 6

I hope the yo-yo becomes Tara's new weapon of choice.


THAT would make it all worthwhile! We can only hope.


Having thought about it overnight, I absolutely hate Tyreese's plan.  Hostages are always problematic, a drain on manpower and resources and generally prone to unhelpfulness.


Yes, and look what happens when you leave Sasha to guard one of them. Never mind that Dawn and her posse don't seem the type to be touched by the plight of hostages. This is the second time people have pooh-poohed Rick's Governor-like, and sensible, "Kill 'em all."  Those bleeding-heart, lazy bitches just never learn. Time to bring back the Ricktatorship.

  • Love 10

What happened to that enormous herd that was just ahead of Abraham and Company last week? Team GREATM didn't seem in any hurry to budge from that spot on the road.


I should probably accept by now that this sow doesn't pay attention to details, but it bothered me nonetheless that Rosita and Abraham get into a shouting match with this enormous herd hovering less than a mile away.  They've consistently used the "sound draws walkers" rule only when it serves the plot and ignored it completely whenever a walker attack isn't on the script's forthcoming menu.  I think the writer's would argue for "dramatic license" when using a gun or having people scream at each other out in the open has more impact than a bunch of people being quiet in hushed tones because they are being cautious, but I think there are ways to give scenes an emotional punch while still having the characters pay attention to the universe they are in.  For example if Rosita started yelling for a brief moment and Maggie or somebody quickly hushed her, and Glenn ran off to see if the herd had heard it (no pun intended, really).  Rosita yelling might have MORE emotional punch if it was something she was not supposed to be doing, which it wasn't... but the script didn't recognize it.

  • Love 5

A minor nitpick: New-Bob sees Rick for about 90 seconds and immediately recognizes by the way he walks that Rick must be a cop? New-Bob should really have been the department's top detective.


And I have to quote CletusMusashi's entire post, because I love and agree with every single stinkin' word of it.

FPP can die immediately. if we never see him again and just assume he got himself eaten, that'll be fine. But of course, if he gets eaten, they'll have to stretch it out into a big stupid holy communion metaphor, because the show seems to be written by some kind of weird space aliens who have never actually seen a real religious person. I've been an atheist for over thirty years, but I still live on the same planet as everybody else. And I know bad writing when I see it.


MIchonne continues to get screwed out of screentime. Everybody else got to do something. Couldn't we have maybe seen her and Carl performing a sock puppet show for Judith? And maybe the puppets would be a little too scary for FPP, so that could be why he ran away?


Carl as a man of few words actually gives off a quiet dignity and sense of competence that I would never have expected. I may someday forgive him for the hat.


The only reason I can think of to bring Tyreese is that he's good for heavy lifting. If Beth or Carol have to be carried, Tyreese can move them faster than Michonne.


One thing I'll say for Rick: right or wrong, smart or stupid, sane or crazy.... the man looks absolutely terrifying these days. Believe me, I'm not on the side of the lollicops, but when they were surrounded and outgunned by a group of people led by somebody who looked like Rick, I felt for them. I'd surrender pretty quick, too. Rick Grimes is one scary-looking motherfucker.


Daryl was lucky to be able to grab onto the one skull in ten thousand that hasn't turned into quiche. Although even if it had, I think exploding a rotting corpse had all over your attacker's face would still be a pretty good distraction. With all that very specific talk recently about Samson killing Phillistines with the jawbone of an ass, I wonder if the zombie head was meant to be a parallel. Daryl's strength isn't his hair, though. It's his lack of squeamishness.

  • Love 3

I should probably accept by now that this sow doesn't pay attention to details, but it bothered me nonetheless that Rosita and Abraham get into a shouting match with this enormous herd hovering less than a mile away.  They've consistently used the "sound draws walkers" rule only when it serves the plot and ignored it completely whenever a walker attack isn't on the script's forthcoming menu.  I think the writer's would argue for "dramatic license" when using a gun or having people scream at each other out in the open has more impact than a bunch of people being quiet in hushed tones because they are being cautious, but I think there are ways to give scenes an emotional punch while still having the characters pay attention to the universe they are in.  For example if Rosita started yelling for a brief moment and Maggie or somebody quickly hushed her, and Glenn ran off to see if the herd had heard it (no pun intended, really).  Rosita yelling might have MORE emotional punch if it was something she was not supposed to be doing, which it wasn't... but the script didn't recognize it.

The herd apparently never heard our gang screaming at each other or Abraham beating the crap out of Eugene last time we saw them either.  So I think we're supposed to believe Maggie could have followed through on her threat to shoot Abraham or just randomly fire rounds into the air and it would have been fine.  Or maybe it won't be again next week if the plot dictates that they need to run from the herd.


But this was the same episode where Rick and Co.'s master plan involved firing a shot in downtown Atlanta to draw the wannabe mall cops with no concern whatsoever that it might bring down a metro area's worth of walkers on them. 

  • Love 7

No idea why he would flee safety like that.  Michonne and Carl weren't bothering him.

Maybe it was Carl's Hat.  The others may have become desensitized to it over time, but the poor Father was driven away by the Hat.  The Termites were attracted to it, a man of faith (albeit cowardly) may be terrified of it -- make of that what you will, but it confirms my fears about the Hat.

  • Love 7

That thing has got to reek. You could probably stick an egg under there and poach it.


Ha! But I bet it still doesn't compare to Tyreese' wool cap that as far as we've seen, has never left his head.


Another annoyance on this episode below: (I mean, did everyone use up their energy making those fabulous, disgusting cooked zombies and when it came to this, say "Oh fuck it. Good enough and no one will notice."?)





  • Love 7

Oh the zip tie around the biggest part of her clasped hands where she could literally just straighten them and it would have fallen to the floor?  That made me NUTS watching it.  If you're not zip tying at the wrist where it's impossible to get them past the meaty part of your hand without dislocating your thumb, you're not doing it right. That took me completely out of the episode.

  • Love 4

I agree with someone upthread who said that there is a reason Michonne was left at the church allowing Sasha and Tyrese to go into Atlanta together.  I'm guessing one or both will get killed.


The inconsistencies in this episode were glaring and many.  I hate when the writers dumb down the characters to move the plot in the desired direction.  I wish they gave the plot as much attention as they do the FX.


I enjoyed seeing them fish, as I said upthread.  I would think there would be an abundance of fish since there aren't nearly as many people depleting the supply.  Who cares if there's a few zombie cooties in the water since they're all infected anyway and they'll be cooking them.


I really don't want them woobieizing Daryl and hope like hell they don't introduce a romance.  Nothing kills characters faster than having them become a couple. Besides, I don't really watch TWD to see a soap opera romance.  I had enough of that in seasons 1 and 2.


I've had my moments with this show and came close to not watching this season.  The writing is so inconsistent that it has really gotten worrisome for me and instead of paying attention to "my show" I find myself watching for the next big "stupid".  I enjoy the character studies but why even bother to develop them if tptb are just going to have them do something so completely uncharacteristic?


FPP needs to die in a fire.

Ha! But I bet it still doesn't compare to Tyreese' wool cap that as far as we've seen, has never left his head.


Another annoyance on this episode below: (I mean, did everyone use up their energy making those fabulous, disgusting cooked zombies and when it came to this, say "Oh fuck it. Good enough and no one will notice."?)



This makes me think of the gags that were used when they were lined up at the trough.  Some were so loose you could actually see the cloth drooping and could tell they were clenching their teeth to keep them in their mouth.  Besides, even if they were tight enough you would still be able to yell or talk.

  • Love 2
Father Pee-Pants amuses me; he's weak but he's squirrelly in entertaining ways.  I hope he sticks around for a while but that puncture wound in his foot is going to come back to haunt him somehow.


Maybe it might slow him down the next time he goes to climb on top of a rock.

Sorry... did I say "maybe"?  I meant "hopefully".  My apologies.


Watching Father Gabriel fast limp/walk through the woods, all I could think of, was:  "Run Forest, run".


Insert ROFL here.


We have heard, over and over, that the hospital only tries to save salveable people. So, if Carol was half dead upon arrival, with internal injuries, why the fuck didn't they just stab her in the head and toss her down the elevator shaft. It makes no sense that they would have even started such intensive care on her.


In addition to Beth's boiling of Carol's circulatory system with a hot shot, this was the heart of my discontent with my episode.  Let me count the ways:

  1. Ok, Carol's brought in with - according to Dr. Kevorkian - internal bleeding from the trauma sustained by the car hit.
  2. Either they Grady Bunch performed surgery to address the internal bleeding, or they didn't.
  3. If they did perform surgery, then the real "waste of resources" would be to go through a lengthy surgical procedure - and THEN pull the plug after one day's recovery,
  4. if they didn't perform surgery and instead just stuck Carol in a ward bed with a fluid drip, then Carol is still bleeding internally, or in the very earliest stages of healing the bleeds  - in which case a shot of epinephrine (which raises blood pressure) would restart or accelerate the internal bleeding.


Which also leads to one of my biggest pet peeves in the current story arc - the fiction that Dawn is the "leader" of the Grady operation.  Puh-leez.  She's no more the leader of the pack than a madam is the boss of a whorehouse.  The pimps (in this case, the lollicops) are the ones who own the house; the madam (Dawn) is simply middle management - keeping the girls  under control and ensuring day-to-day operations run smoothly.


Better anagram for the road crew?


Rag Met

Gar Met

Tag Rem

Ram Get

Arm Get

Mar Get

Mat Erg

Tam Erg

Tar Gem

Rat Gem

Art Gem

At Germ


I'd go with ARM GET (or GET ARM), this being the ZA with rotting bodies. Tara had better keep Abraham and Eugene alive or making an anagram without their vowels is going to be tough.



It's a sign that Glen and Rosita are going to die. There's no GR in TEAM! Or maybe it means they'll be the only ones to escape alive since there's no GR in MEAT.


Anything would be better than the current acronym.  You do realize, don't you, what it becomes if they lose (temporarily or permanently) Glenn and Rosita?

That's right - Team EAT'M.

Hardly a good omen, methinks.

  • Love 12

A minor nitpick: New-Bob sees Rick for about 90 seconds and immediately recognizes by the way he walks that Rick must be a cop? New-Bob should really have been the department's top detective.


In those 90 seconds, Rick was giving out orders, calm and in control, but also more than a little dangerous. I can see where someone who knows cops would pin that label on Rick.

  • Love 4

I have mixed feelings about Bad Bob. I can see why Noah trusted him - he was trying to be gentle with Noah when they were taking him back, he knocked Sasha out but didn't take the time to kill her - although that might have just been him wanting to get the hell out of there, his face during that whole scene did make me think he had some sorrow over what he was doing. Yet we saw moments where he was more of a jerk, like his attempts to kill Daryl and his obvious displeasure when he didn't get the job done.

Maybe somebody already addressed this and I missed it, but - it wasn't Bad Bob who tried to kill Daryl. Daryl's set-to was with Machine Gun Kelly, the cop who tried to rescue Bad Bob and Sheila the Wonder Horse. Bob and Sheila were seen doing their ziptie Roadrunner impersonations away from the stalled Crossmobile, so Rick&Co. gave chase - sans Daryl, who was set upon by Kelly (the only lollicop NOT ziptied).

ETA: both male lollicops were bald, which may have contributed to the confusion.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 7

I don't feel bad at all. I was happy that he left. Hopefully he will get eaten now. He is acting so whiny and high and mighty now because while people like Rick and his crew were surviving and getting tougher, he was hiding and letting people die outside of his church. That is fucked. So, no sympathy from me. The annoying thing is that I get the feeling that they're setting up a long arc with him, and I am not interested.


Agree, agree.  If this reverend had at least tried to save some of his congregation and failed, I'd have more sympathy for his distress.  Now I just want him to be eaten quickly and efficiently, before he causes more people to be killed.


Plus for me I like seeing that they know how to do things, even a little thing like being creative about the fishing.  It is so good to be out of the single set (the farm,the prison, etc) - I'm a sucker for wide-open, uninhabited scenes, the shots of Atlanta, etc.

Yes!  This is the kind of thing the show should have been doing instead of spending eons down on the farm or devoting hours of airtime to the Rick-Lori-Shane love triangle or treating us to all the sweaty male confabs about being a man (I'm looking at you, Season One).


I'm liking the teenage Carl a lot, but can't he lose the hat already?  Is there some magic symbolism to it in the comics?  


I think I actually get Dawn.  She's trying to hold a semblance of order together through a combination of toughness, playing factions off against each other, looking the other way on the bad acts her cops commit, and rewards for loyalty.  It's an interesting portrait of one form of "leadership" in the ZA.  My speculation is that she's able to maintain her position because the cops have factions and wouldn't be able to agree on who should be in charge if they deposed Dawn.


To make the hospital story work in my own mind, I'm going to assume that maintaining the hospital, growing and finding food, and security all take a lot of work and people-hours, so that's why Dawn is determined to recover Beth and then Noah and to save salvageable people, because they're good slave labor.  Those floors ain't gonna mop themselves.

  • Love 1

My theory with the "you'll burn for this" is the priest himself scratched it into the church when he was burying any bodies outside. That's the only thing that makes sense, and with him scratching at the blood on the floor I'm even more convinced of it.


Cop guy recognizing Rick as a cop? Pretty dumb. Maybe if he asked Rick if he had been cop or military I could have bought into it with sufficient eye rolling. Nothing about Rick screams that he was a cop before the outbreak. And that was a deliberate character building decision by the writers.


Lots of inconsistent and convenient writing here. But at least the plot is finally moving forward, and we were able to weave a story about all of our characters... in ONE episode! 


After this hospital plan inevitably goes awry, Rick needs to sit everyone down and say to them, "arright, guys. We tried it your way. When I wanted to kill every stinkin' cannibal in that place, you guys said no and I listened to you. Sure enough they came after us. When I wanted to sneak our way into that hospital and have no mercy on those kidnapping sum'guns, I listened to you and look what happened? Democracy died with the old world. I'm in charge now. Darryl - bring me a beer!"

  • Love 10

Yeah that's what bugs about the pacing at times. It seems like forever since the Governor ( a whole year! ) and yet it's been a couple weeks for them.

And in the (short) meantime there's been Bob and the Twiddly-Winks and Gareth and the Pass-The-Sauce-Crew.  And NOW there's the hospital (which, like many people, I really don't get) and Father PP (which, like many people, I really don't get.)

And, meanwhile, Abe and them are off staring into space, which space seems to be filled with little tiny things inching across the T V screen.

I don't get it.

  • Love 2

Tyrese is a nice chocolate bear but at this point, either kill him off or let him man up already. I'm not saying he needs to go all Carol and freak out if somebody sneezes, but still. Toughen up, dude. It's like you're in a competition with Eugene and Gabriel to see who is the most useless character on the show. I mean, when Beth is starting to lap you, things need to change. Killing him off though now might be a bit too much for poor Sasha, though.

And Sasha. I'm chalking up that last minute of the episode to a brain fart over still not processing Bob 1.0's death.

I'm actually liking Rosita more and more. I hope she stays around, and that her getting a likeable personality isn't the writers pulling a Whedon and have her die next episode. Out of all the recent additions to the show, I'm liking her and Tara the most. Gabriel is useless and pointless, and I'm meh on Eugene and Abraham.

  • Love 3
Somebody way upthread asked why the group put the organ pipes out in front of the church. It was to impale any random walkers who might try to get into the church.


But the tops with the (barely) pointy ends were seven feet in the air- fine for giant 10 foot zombies but regular people sized walkers not so much.

Plus it's not as if they were buried and stable- Daryl just jammed them into the ground and knowing fence posts I can assure you that a small child could knock that over easily. The writers just wanted to illustrate the destruction of the church and didn't think it through.



Is it wise to eat something living in non-potable water?

Long as you cook it through, it's fine.



I think that during the cleaning of the fishes Rosita should have found at least one completely mutated fish with three heads and six eyes. Or one that wouldn't die and just kept flopping even after it was cleaned.

There just have to be apocalyptic repercussions in the animal world, too!


I completely understand Rick choosing Michonne to leave behind- chances were high that he wasn't coming back.

Michonne is heads and shoulders a better choice as a long term custodian- Tyrese is just... a liability to me.

Sure, you need heavy lifting he's your man but otherwise his actual contributions are very few.

And his lying about killing his walker was an egregious error IMO.

You simply can't 100% count on him.

I would not be hanging with (or entrusting the care of my children to) anyone I cannot 100% count on unless there is absolutely no other choice, and there were other choices here.

Plus keeping he and Sasha together and having him available to carry Carol  :)

  • Love 3

But the tops with the (barely) pointy ends were seven feet in the air- fine for giant 10 foot zombies but regular people sized walkers not so much.

Plus it's not as if they were buried and stable- Daryl just jammed them into the ground and knowing fence posts I can assure you that a small child could knock that over easily. The writers just wanted to illustrate the destruction of the church and didn't think it through.

Maybe they were hoping Keith Emerson would come by and would serenade any walkers with Karn Evil 9.

The acting and writing are so godawful I can barely watch. These extended prison/GovernorTown/hospital scenes come off like Acting and Screenwriting 101.


Long ago there was a movie called "Who'll Stop the Rain" and at the end Nick Nolte's character (a fatigues-wearing Vietnam vet) dramatically drops to his knees, back to camera, and then dies, still kneeling. I'm thinking someone at WD remembered it and had Abraham copy the look. Anyway, Abraham and his self-indulgent, crybaby posturing infuriates me.


Are we certain that Father Pee Pee is a real priest? I guess we saw photos of him as a priest? It just feels like he's mascarading as a priest, and that he's hiding some kind of dastardly behavior.

Edited by pasdetrois
  • Love 2

The acting and writing are so godawful I can barely watch. These extended prison/GovernorTown/hospital scenes come off like Acting and Screenwriting 101.


Long ago there was a movie called "Who'll Stop the Rain" and at the end Nick Nolte's character (a fatigues-wearing Vietnam vet) dramatically drops to his knees, back to camera, and then dies, still kneeling. I'm thinking someone at WD remembered it and had Abraham copy the look. Anyway, Abraham and his self-indulgent, crybaby posturing infuriates me.


Are we certain that Father Pee Pee is a real priest? I guess we saw photos of him as a priest? It just feels like he's mascarading as a priest, and that he's hiding some kind of dastardly behavior.

First thing: "Who'll Stop the Rain" = great movie.


Second thing: your comment about Abraham.  You know everybody's seen bad times.  Look at what Tara (of all people) went through.  And she's managed to hold her shit together.  Yet, hulking, bruising, yell-at-everybody Abraham collapses like a pair of cheap socks.


I realize everyone processes grief and loss differently, and we've certainly seen different ways from our characters.  (Rick making telephone calls, for one.)  But with Abraham it just seemed . . . I don't know, odd.

  • Love 2
To make the hospital story work in my own mind, I'm going to assume that maintaining the hospital, growing and finding food, and security all take a lot of work and people-hours, so that's why Dawn is determined to recover Beth and then Noah and to save salvageable people, because they're good slave labor.  Those floors ain't gonna mop themselves.

The hospital story makes less and less sense the more they show us.  Or maybe I just don't care, I don't know.  But they're apparently driving around using manpower and gas to run over and kidnap people only to chuck them less than a day later if they're not magically healed enough by then to do the mopping or dishes?  And this episode they're wasting more resources to recapture the one orderly who got away?  Are his laundry skills really that spectacular?


After this hospital plan inevitably goes awry, Rick needs to sit everyone down and say to them, "arright, guys. We tried it your way. When I wanted to kill every stinkin' cannibal in that place, you guys said no and I listened to you. Sure enough they came after us. When I wanted to sneak our way into that hospital and have no mercy on those kidnapping sum'guns, I listened to you and look what happened? Democracy died with the old world. I'm in charge now. Darryl - bring me a beer!"

  I said the same thing after they waffled on wanting to finish off Terminus and Bob got eaten as a result.   After this mess of a hospital storyline goes horribly wrong (and it seems pretty obvious that it will), I want Rick to tell them "I told you so.  Every time you all get touchy feely about strangers who have taken one of ours, one of our people die.  How many times are we going to have to do this before it sinks in?"


Because unless Noah told them absolutely nothing about the hospital crew and led them to assume that everybody's there of their own free will for good times of raping and smacking around like it's the heyday of Dynasty, none of this makes any sense.


In other news, I still don't care about Abraham.  I feel like they're going through all the motions of following a playbook to make him a sympathetic character, and on paper it really does look compelling, for some reason it's all falling flat.  I know he's a well-known actor playing a well-known character from the comics, but it's just not working for me.

Edited by nodorothyparker
  • Love 6

I think part of the recent problem is that we don't know exactly what info Noah gave Rick et al.  How many guards/cops? How many guns?  Who's actually in charge and why?  What their deal is?  I'm sorry, if I were Rick I'd want to know that.  maybe for someone like Daryl, who operates more on "gut", it's okay to want to get "his women" out, no matter what (although it's odd, Daryl -- of all people -- showed restraint with Bob2).  But Rick is trained.  He should be asking these questions.  But, and more importantly, it'd help the audience.  I think most of us are in the dark as to what the hospital is all about.

  • Love 1

I think Noah did tell Rick everything he knew, we just weren't in on that conversation. Rick's plan seemed detailed enough, but it depended too much on everything going off without a hitch.

I really don't care about Abraham or Eugene. Father Gabriel needs to come up with different ways to get his despair across; I know he's going through a lot, but he's just wearing the same expression for how many episodes now? Rosita the last few episodes has finally become an actual character; I like her. But out of the Comic Book 3, I get the impression she's the most expendable, which is a shame because, again, couldn't care less about Abraham and pretty close to the same about Eugene. I was pulling for the gurgling noises to be walker related, but since Maggie doesn't feel the same way about Eugene that I do, her happiness/relief told me otherwise. Oh well. Maybe they'll at least cut his mullet as payback for lying to them. (I know there is about as much chance of that as Carl taking that damn hat off.)

  • Love 1

I think part of the recent problem is that we don't know exactly what info Noah gave Rick et al.  How many guards/cops? How many guns?  Who's actually in charge and why?  What their deal is?  I'm sorry, if I were Rick I'd want to know that.  maybe for someone like Daryl, who operates more on "gut", it's okay to want to get "his women" out, no matter what (although it's odd, Daryl -- of all people -- showed restraint with Bob2).  But Rick is trained.  He should be asking these questions.  But, and more importantly, it'd help the audience.  I think most of us are in the dark as to what the hospital is all about.

Re the number of cops: someone with a better memory than me or a DVR, weren't there a couple of lines about the numbers? One of our gang said 6 versus 3, I think, but then someone - Noah maybe - said 12 versus 3. Can you verify or correct?

I'm liking the teenage Carl a lot, but can't he lose the hat already?  Is there some magic symbolism to it in the comics?


I never read the comics, but it's symbolic on the show. Rick gave him his hat after Carl had been shot, just as Rick was shot right before the fall. They were both "in the club", so to speak. I know I'm in the minority, but because of that moment I've always loved Carl's hat. To me, it's symbolic of the bond between father and son. 


After this hospital plan inevitably goes awry, Rick needs to sit everyone down and say to them, "arright, guys. We tried it your way. When I wanted to kill every stinkin' cannibal in that place, you guys said no and I listened to you. Sure enough they came after us. When I wanted to sneak our way into that hospital and have no mercy on those kidnapping sum'guns, I listened to you and look what happened? Democracy died with the old world. I'm in charge now. Darryl - bring me a beer!"


Damn straight! I don't mind Rick getting the group's consensus when they're firmly set up in a home base, and he asks their opinion....say...on what veggies to plant. But when it comes to dealing with cannibals and rapists, just follow Rick's lead and shut the fuck up. 

  • Love 6

Damn straight! I don't mind Rick getting the group's consensus when they're firmly set up in a home base, and he asks their opinion....say...on what veggies to plant. But when it comes to dealing with cannibals and rapists, just follow Rick's lead and shut the fuck up. 


Totally agree.  I mean, the man's a cop for Chrissakes!  Follow his lead.  If I were in that group, I'd be following every word Rick said because he's the most experienced.  That, and he's meaner than a snake . . . when he needs to be.

  • Love 4

Re the number of cops: someone with a better memory than me or a DVR, weren't there a couple of lines about the numbers? One of our gang said 6 versus 3, I think, but then someone - Noah maybe - said 12 versus 3. Can you verify or correct?

Yes, that was in there.  With Noah adding in something about the "wards" bringing their numbers up to 12.  But we don't know exactly what Noah told Rick and Co. about who these people are and what they've been up to.  Rick's plan seemed to be more built on the idea that these were bad guys they were taking on and don't deserve quarter while Tyreese's plan seems more geared to "yeah, they're kidnapping people but they wear nice uniforms and they're mostly really nice people who serve a really tasty guinea pig." 

Edited by nodorothyparker
  • Love 3

Better anagram for the road crew?


Rag Met

Gar Met

Tag Rem

Ram Get

Arm Get

Mar Get

Mat Erg

Tam Erg

Tar Gem

Rat Gem

Art Gem

At Germ


I'd go with ARM GET (or GET ARM), this being the ZA with rotting bodies. Tara had better keep Abraham and Eugene alive or making an anagram without their vowels is going to be tough.

But the anagram is GREATM.

As in, without Maggie, they'd be GREAT.


(Note: That's not who I would slough off of the group if I were shaving characters, personally)



If Maggie dies then they'd be GREAT.

Either that, or they'd GRATE.


This is why you check to see if there was a hidden page of gems before you hit post after walking away from your computer for a bit. D'oh. 

Edited by KarateKate
  • Love 3

I knew there was some mention of some things that Noah told Rick, but the audience still doesn't know what the full deal is.  To me, that's infuriating.  I mean, they have someone who was on the inside.  But they chose not to tell us.  So, when it comes down to making a decision to negotiate or to sneak in (a la Rick), we - the audience - don't have the necessary info (or, as Abraham would say, "intel").  Look, it's minor point, but either the writers are sloppy in not having Noah spill all the beans OR it's just not important to know.  And I believe that's the case.  Which leads me back: What the hell is the big deal with the hospital?  And if we lose someone there (likely) for something that makes no sense, well, that'll piss me off.

  • Love 2

If Abraham doesn't have a major sunburn after sitting in the middle of the road all day, I'll call foul. I mean, they should all have sunburns to some degree, but Abe should be like a state fair deep-fried pickle.

Yeah, he has the same coloring as that skeevy guy on Naked and Afraid who spent the whole show delirious from sun poisoning while Alison Teal wove protective clothing and shelters out of palm fronds and generally managed life on a remote island as if she were a native. Next episode his skin should be as day-glo as his hair.

You simply can't 100% count on (Tyreese)


That's the thing.  I was going to say he IS a dependable babysitter and then I remembered he let the guy who was going to break the baby's neck live, that is after he allowed said baby neck-breaker to get loose on his watch, and then lied about the whole thing,  so no. Don't count on him for anything, other than standing around, eyes swimming in tears, that is.


I feel like an idiot (but I'm going to say it was the stomach bug I had, rendering me out of it), but I had thought the strawberries were to mimic blood


Then I'm an idiot too, because I half thought the same thing. Because of all the other WhatTheFuck-ery going on, it's sad that I thought that could be a possibility.


I'm starting to like Rosita - a hell of a lot more than I like Maggie at this point.

if they didn't perform surgery and instead just stuck Carol in a ward bed with a fluid drip, then Carol is still bleeding internally, or in the very earliest stages of healing the bleeds  - in which case a shot of epinephrine (which raises blood pressure) would restart or accelerate the internal bleeding.


That occurred to me too, but I let it pass because the doc had said it was all a crapshoot, so this was more of a hail Mary.  But...I agree.

About the strawberries, ok then I'm really really really out there because the fast glimpse they showed of them in Beth's hands I thought they were testicles. BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHahahaha. I did a double take and thought "Beth ripped off Doctor Man's nards, then I saw they were strawberries and yes weak bribe.


I need to quit blinking during this show because I missed it entirely!!!

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