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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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My brother-in-law, the kid's godfather, died today. He and my SIL were the couple we wanted to be when we (aspirational to the end) grew up. They got engaged on their second date, and he bought her flowers every month on the day of the month they got married for over fifty years of marriage. I never knew him to be unkind.


I has a sad.

  • Love 12

My brother-in-law, the kid's godfather, died today. He and my SIL were the couple we wanted to be when we (aspirational to the end) grew up. They got engaged on their second date, and he bought her flowers every month on the day of the month they got married for over fifty years of marriage. I never knew him to be unkind.


I has a sad.

Gosh I am so sorry to hear this sad news.

  • Love 4

My brother-in-law, the kid's godfather, died today. He and my SIL were the couple we wanted to be when we (aspirational to the end) grew up. They got engaged on their second date, and he bought her flowers every month on the day of the month they got married for over fifty years of marriage. I never knew him to be unkind.


I has a sad.


Talk about timing. I just found & added a quote to my journal today that I hope will be perfect for you, Julia - and believe it or not, it's from Dr Seuss:


Don't cry because it's over, 

Smile - because it happened...


Big virtual front-frontal hugs and squeezes headed your way. ❤️❤️

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 7
Also, I got a little too close to an embroidery needle with 900 lbs of pressure behind it last night. Sewed completely through my finger. And what do you SAY at such a time??? Honestly, NOTHING. You suck in air to your toes, and by the time you can speak at all, you're past swearing.


I think it was going around last night.  I was moving my computer and dropped my lap desk, which landed edge-down (like a guillotine) across my toes.  Smashed one of my toenails and broke skin.  Twenty-four hours later, my toes still hurt like crazy, but I was stunned when it happened, and that breathless moment just before the pain hits is indescribable.  So sorry for your pain.


Julia, sorry for your loss.  


Count me in with the thyroid club.  I have Hashimoto's and have taken synthroid for years.  I also have diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.  I've had pancreatitis three times and Bell's palsy three times (and being the freak that I am, have had it twice on one side of my face and once on the other, A, B, A) but have luckily gotten most of my face back every time.  That's not to mention abdominal hernia, an ovarian cyst the size of a grapefruit, two displaced vertebrae, and numerous other bizarro conditions that just seem to come and go.  My military medical records alone are two volumes that measure about 8 inches thick.


When I think of all the things I've been through in my life, I could definitely raise suspicions for being a pathological liar or a Munchausen's victim.  My life really has been a roller coaster ride, and I've had an amazing array of experiences, but sometimes even I can hardly believe everything I've done and lived through.  


I really love you guys, and while I don't comment on everything, I do send lots of prayer and positive energy when I read what you're going through.  I feel so lucky that I sought out this forum when the Duggar scandal first broke.

  • Love 12

Re thyroid issues: I'm so sorry I know they are so hard to deal with. My best friend does have hypothyroidism, and we frequently joke because I have almost every symptom of it, but I don't actually have it. Anytime a doctor tests me they ask if anyone has ever talked to me about it, and I say yes, then they usually say "we'll keep an eye on it".

Re cell phones: I will fully admit I am dependent on my iPhone, I kinda hate myself for it, but I am. Recently one of the more frustrating things I've had revolved around an iPhone. My mom (she was 60) was sick with cancer that had spread to her brain, so her cognitive abilities were quickly slipping. She was admitted to the hospital for radiation treatments, we knew the cancer was too advanced to treat but this radiation was supposed to help with symptoms... Anyway, her cell phone was one of the few ways we could keep in touch, she could text easier than talk and the nurses often left her room phone too far for her to reach. To this day I don't know why they did this, but one day when they were transporting her to the facility to do the treatments (she had to go by ambulance) they brought her phone (which was an iPhone) obviously she couldn't keep it with her while getting treated, in fact we were originally told for her not to bring anything of value, so we don't know why they brought her phone. And she didn't remember she had brought it so she didn't ask for it before being transferred back to the hospital. So the next time I was there I asked her why she wasn't answering us and she said she didn't know where her phone was, we tore the room apart, I asked all the nurses nobody had seen it, I don't remember how we figured out what happened but it took a while. I promise my story has a point... So we quickly realized that she needed something, but at the risk of sounding insensitive, we did not want to buy her a new iPhone because we knew she only had a matter of weeks/months (it turned out to be 2 weeks) so I just went and got her a track phone thinking it wouldn't be abig deal, it would be easier than the iPhone she just needed to know how to dial out and answer... So thinking I had done a good job I brought her the new phone the next day, but it turned out being one of the hardest experiences of my life because she could not cognitively grasp how to use the new phone, so we essentially lost a line of communication because she couldn't text anymore, and it was extremely hard to see her unable to understand something so seemingly simple.

Sorry I really didn't mean for that story to get so long, all of that was to say it's crazy how dependent we are to these little computers we all have with us all the time.

  • Love 6

My brother-in-law, the kid's godfather, died today. He and my SIL were the couple we wanted to be when we (aspirational to the end) grew up. They got engaged on their second date, and he bought her flowers every month on the day of the month they got married for over fifty years of marriage. I never knew him to be unkind.


I has a sad.

So sorry, JULIA. What a beautiful love story.

  • Love 4

I am so very sorry Julia, please accept my condolences.


Thank you for all of your kind thoughts about our recent furried loss.  I still look for her every morning when I get up and walk into the bathroom, since that was one of her fave places to roost the past few months.  I told the husband and daughter we ARE NOT picking up a kitten along the way.  Three is about all I can handle right now.  As much as the daughter would love a calico the chances of getting a male calico are few and far between and males are all our Charlie the Moose Cat will stand.  He doesn't like female for some alpha ass reason, who knows.  He has tolerated and now enjoys our younger Oliver Hardy orange beast from hell who just right around two now, because he's male and it was the right time for a playmate I guess.  I don't think our grandpa Ringo cat who's now twelve will enjoy nor take to any more rowdy little ones - he's the head grump now.    

  • Love 7

Talk about timing. I just found & added a quote to my journal today that I hope will be perfect for you, Julia - and believe it or not, it's from Dr Seuss:


Don't cry because it's over, 

Smile - because it happened...


Big virtual front-frontal hugs and squeezes headed your way. ❤️❤️


That's one of my favorite quotes.  

  • Love 2

Got back about half an hour ago. I had to wait over a hour to finally see the doctor. He wanted to look over the last three weeks CPAP usage after downloading the information off a  small disk in the CPAP machine. Everything looks good. My sleeping is getting better. Still get tired during the day or after taking my blood pressure med,over the counter pain or allergies med.


And yes, it looks like my blasted thyroid may have caused the sleep apnea. Boo!!! Hiss!!! He said I probably ended up with tissue or muscle damage due to being hyperthyroid and then hypothyroid. The doctor said it will get better, and I hope we finally got the right med dosage (blood test next Wednesday.)


The scary thing was the sleep test showed I stopped breathing at least 36 times in one hour, and it got worse while I was sleeping on my back. My oxygen levels were also lower than they should be. He also thinks any possible high blood pressure or heart problems can be related to the sleep apnea.


I will have a followup visit in March 2016. He is a good doctor and reminds me of a sweet grandfatherly type man. A lot better than a certain quack in the same medical building who shall remain nameless who kept telling me everything was fine. GRRR!!!


So here is a little piece of advice for my fellow thyroid patients. If you are having problems sleeping please see your doctor since thyroid problems can lead to sleep apnea.

I think you can have sleep apnea without snoring. I would snore a little, but I would be extremely tired in the morning or wake up with bad headaches. There were a few times I had a hard time staying awake while driving in the morning or afternoon. I would either have insomnia or wake up after having weird dreams and have a hard time falling  back asleep. I am a light sleeper, and a few times I would wake up trying to catch my breath, coughing and my heart was racing. I probably stopped breathing, and I was groggy in the morning with a bad sore throat and/or headache for the rest of the day.

I think you can have sleep apnea without snoring. I would snore a little, but I would be extremely tired in the morning or wake up with bad headaches. There were a few times I had a hard time staying awake while driving in the morning or afternoon. I would either have insomnia or wake up after having weird dreams and have a hard time falling  back asleep. I am a light sleeper, and a few times I would wake up trying to catch my breath, coughing and my heart was racing. I probably stopped breathing, and I was groggy in the morning with a bad sore throat and/or headache for the rest of the day.

Will be aware of those symptoms. I can always fall asleep but after about 3 hours pop awake and then have to fall back asleep. Worse since menopause.

  • Love 1

Yes, you can have sleep apnea without snoring... The snoring sound is made when air is having difficulty passing through the esophagus, which is why snoring is a common sign of sleep apnea, but sleep apnea itself is the absence of breathing while you are sleeping so it's like if you just pause and hold your breath for a second, you would not necessarily make any noise.

  • Love 2

You can have apnea when you're awake, too.  I used to do (well, sometimes still do) these heavy sighs, and my friends would jump on me about it (was I bored? unhappy? depressed?  I was bringing the group down, blah blah blah.)  Turns out I was "forgetting" to breathe.  I wasn't consciously holding my breath, but the sighing was actually me needing to breathe.  Weird.

  • Love 2

Yes you can have sleep apnoea and not snore. I have it and have scared the life out of my husband who thinks I have stopped breathing altogether. He will shake me, and I will make a small noise,a nd start breathing again, but very shallowly. I scared the living day lights out of my sister a couple of years ago on holidays when we were in the same room. She said every time she woke up, she could not hear me breathing at all. She actually got out of bed to come and sit by me to see what I was doing in my sleep. She accused me of scaring her on purpose. But the sleep study I had done showed very little of this type of sleeping pattern. Very confusing. Perhaps I need another to find out what is actually going on now.

  • Love 3

Okay, I have a weird apnea story for you guys.  I was flying home from Seattle on a small plane (regional jet).  There was a young man who had fallen asleep in the row across from me.  He had really bad apnea.  He would snore softly, then loudly, then stop breathing for long periods.  When he started breathing again, he would gasp and choke.  There was often a loud rattling sound.  So I found myself focusing on his breathing, worried it would stop for too long.  Suddenly I smelled a very foul odor coming from the middle-aged man seated next to me.  (I had nodded to him when I sat down but we never spoke.)  I tried to wake him up because I thought he had soiled himself.  I couldn’t waken him.  I checked for a pulse and for breathing.  Nope. He had died during his sleep.    I alerted the flight attendant.  Our interaction was reminiscent of the dead parrot sketch from Monty Python.  It took me too long to get her to understand we needed to try to defibrillate him.  We tried but could not bring him back.  Throughout this whole thing, the young man slept.  I wouldn’t call it soundly but he, who I had been concerned about, slept through all of the commotion.  So clearly I had been focusing on the wrong guy all along.


I ended up staying seated next to the deceased passenger for the remainder of the flight.  There were no other seats.  I stayed calm and focused until we were about to land.  The flight attendant announced that we would be allowing one passenger to keep his seat reclined for landing because he was not feeling well.  I started to giggle.  All I could think was he’s not feeling much of anything.  (I know; it seems pretty callous.  Let’s consider it nervous laughter.)


My best friend has severe apnea.  when we were kids she would hold sleep overs.  We would never get any sleep.  We would all be awake listening to her snoring and waiting for her to start breathing again during the apnea episodes.  Or as Julia said, we were all waiting to hear that next breath.  

  • Love 8

Can I have a 30 second unrelated rant, that has nothing to do with anything currently discussed?

Has anyone else had the "daughters day" posts flood your Facebook newsfeed? It's been inundating mine for 2 days now, it started yesterday and has continued well into today, people have even posted that this day was actually in August.

Can I just say it utterly pisses me off? I am the first to admit I have a bad attitude about the topic, but I'm just so over all of these national blah blah blah days. I 100% admit it's just because I'm bitter, I lost both of my parents in the span of the last year, and both were relatively quick so we were not prepared (although I don't believe you ever truly prepare). It's bad enough to face the fact that I literally have no blood family left with the exception of my 2 siblings, Mother's Day and Father's Day are already hard enough because I have nobody to celebrate (im 33, and I'm not married nor do I have kids) so day to day I get flooded with pictures of everybody else's little families and that alone is hard enough, and now there is another random made up holiday, I feel like just for the sole purpose of reminding me not only do I not have a mother or a father, but that I'm not anybody's daughter anymore either.

Thanks for letting me say that, I'm scared to say anything on Facebook, because I don't expect the world to have stopped for me and for nobody to be allowed to be happy about their families or anything, I'm not trying to rain on any parades, I'm happy they have people to celebrate, but that doesn't negate that it makes me sad at the same time.

#endrant... Carry on :)

  • Love 13

Sorry for your losses leighroda. I've lost 1 brother and my parents, and at times half kiddingly refer to myself as an orphan. I do have kids, but I too, find all these "Re-post & Celebrate if you have ..." on FB obnoxious. A short time after my father's death FB was promoting a Scrapbook thing, I log on one day and there is my Dad's picture staring me in the face, it can be tough for sure. 


Again, sorry for your losses.

  • Love 5

Agreed, leighroda. I do have kids and am lucky to have both parents, but I'm also super annoyed by those types of posts. "Repost if you have a daughter who is your whole world" blah blah...as if by NOT reposting that garbage, I'm somehow saying "yeah, you know those 2 little girls I pour my heart, soul, and energy into each day? They're not actually very important to me at all." Or like the mothers who reposted are superior because they took 2 seconds to share some scrappy internet meme.

Facebook is tough. There are so many innocent posts that end up being very hurtful to others.

Edited by Jenniferbug
  • Love 11

I'm also In the "annoyed by" boat. It's not just daughters, it's other things too. I pass them all by. No reposting and no comments.

Me too. I hate all that sappy, commercialistic crap. Mothers Day for me consists of getting my favorite takeout, me choosing the movie and not having to clean up after everyone. I don't want gifts or cards or anything. On the flip side, my husband is a mooshball and loves to get me cards and the kids love it too. Which is fine--they want to and I appreciate that. But they show that they love and appreciate me without being told by Facebook. I have to say, I'm bad about liking stuff not only on Facebook but even posts here. I like them and forget to click the little button. So, everyone, assume I like all your posts :)


In other sad news, my grandma passed away last week. She's been under hospice care (at home) since March, so it was anticipated and welcomed since it's what she wanted. But both of my maternal grandparents are gone, and they were a huge presence in my life when I was young. I try to carry that on with my kids and their grandparents. And also how they would have Saturday Suppers with family--we try to get together with friends and family on more than just holidays. Just spend fun time enjoying each other's company. 


And, my brother who has ulcerative colitis and got Lyme's disease this summer has been slowly recovering. He pushed himself too hard and passed out driving and crashed his car. Thankfully, despite the car rolling, he only sustained a sprained wrist (go Prius V!) Still, in the space of a week, it was quite a bit for the family. 


But things are good, too. We will hopefully be getting a dog soon. And my mom is moved up nearer her grandkids and is able to enjoy them more regularly. 

  • Love 9

leighroda, vent away, it's what we're here for. I felt the same way on "Grandparent's Day" (it was Sept. 13th, according to my office calendar). My last grandparent died in August 2014, so I have no grandparents left. They all had long, happy lives, but it hit me like a punch in the gut when I saw that day on the calendar. I have no grandparents anymore. 


That's the crappy thing about getting older--everyone you already thought of as old gets older, too. 

  • Love 4

Both sets of my grandparents are long gone and grandparents day never existed when they were alive.  I don't understand all these "daughter's day, granparent's day, people who have a hangnail on their third toe day", etc.  They are made up to sell greeting cards and now they have migrated to social media.  I ignore them, but can relate to those who feel a pang when they see them and realize someone they cared for is gone. 

  • Love 13

Both sets of my grandparents are long gone and grandparents day never existed when they were alive.  I don't understand all these "daughter's day, granparent's day, people who have a hangnail on their third toe day", etc.  They are made up to sell greeting cards and now they have migrated to social media.  I ignore them, but can relate to those who feel a pang when they see them and realize someone they cared for is gone. 


Agree 100%. And let's not forget more Hallmark holidays and events - Boss' Day, Administrative Professionals Day, Sweetest Day, etc etc. Soon enough there'll be for every day in the year. I can see them coming - Mail Carrier's Day, Hairdresser's Day, Teacher's Day. The only way to deal with them is to ignore them. It's hard, but it's the only way. After all, the florists and the card companies and the restaurants and the jewelry stores can't MAKE you feel guilty about not buying anything. Only we can do that to ourselves...

  • Love 4

Most of the people I know on FB have the habit of happily reposting 20 items a day, making it hard to find something from the more discriminating friend I might be interested in.  I therefore took advantage of the button that allows you to not accept their posts but to have them remain as friends.  Then I can go to my brainless but click-happy friends from time to time and post a greeting or whatever without being annoyed constantly.  

  • Love 6

Most of the people I know on FB have the habit of happily reposting 20 items a day, making it hard to find something from the more discriminating friend I might be interested in.  I therefore took advantage of the button that allows you to not accept their posts but to have them remain as friends.  Then I can go to my brainless but click-happy friends from time to time and post a greeting or whatever without being annoyed constantly.  


I love that ability and I utilize it a great deal with a quarter of my FB friends.  "No, I don't want to attend a virtual make up party, tupperware party, lingerie party and I most certainly do not want to host one!"  And, I'm sorry but if Nettie is 104 and wants 50,000 FB likes, she's not getting one from me.  Really 104 and her fondest wish is FB likes?  No wiskey or cigarettes?  How did she get to 104? 


I do "press the ignore button" all the time, but being able to not have this nonsense in my news feed makes things very peacful!

  • Love 8

I'm having to ignore a lot of my FB friends now that it's almost time for elections again. Seriously, some people will not shut up about politics and I don't want to hear it. I've got my views, you've got yours, and neither one of us is going to convince the other to change. Why argue about it incessantly?

I also had to delete a couple of friends after the Supreme Court legalized marriage equality. It's amazing how well some people can hide their racism and bigotry and then go on a FB rant. 

  • Love 18

I'm having to ignore a lot of my FB friends now that it's almost time for elections again. Seriously, some people will not shut up about politics and I don't want to hear it. I've got my views, you've got yours, and neither one of us is going to convince the other to change. Why argue about it incessantly?

I also had to delete a couple of friends after the Supreme Court legalized marriage equality. It's amazing how well some people can hide their racism and bigotry and then go on a FB rant. 

Couldn't have said it better myself!!!!!!!!

  • Love 5

{{{HUGS}}} root beer floats and chocolate for everyone


Three months from today is Christmas. I am not looking forward the commercialized buy this for me if you really love me ads I know will be starting soon. And yes, I will not have a Christmas tree. I actually had someone buy me a tree because I did not have one because she thought it was terrible I did not have one. Seriously! Not everyone needs to be in the holiday spirit starting the day after Holloween or Thanksgiving.


And now on a happier note, six weeks from today The Peanuts Movie will be coming out. You may have noticed I am a big Snoopy and Peanuts cartoon fan.

I also had to delete a couple of friends after the Supreme Court legalized marriage equality. It's amazing how well some people can hide their racism and bigotry and then go on a FB rant.

My friends usually behave themselves on facebook - the worst it ever got was this one girl liking Franklin Graham's rants - but on twitter? OMG. You have no idea how heartbreaking it was to find the twitter of this one girl I had always liked and been friends with in college only to see that she had gone full on Islamophobe. I knew her from a campus fellowship group, and if you were to ask me who I thought would end up being a diehard rightwing social conservative, she would have been far down the list.


On the plus side, I also found the twitter of another fellowship girl, whom I didn't particularly like. She always seemed to be very much in the thick of things in the group, a true blue believer in the conservative evangelical doctrine, etc. She always intimidated me. Anyway, nowadays she's retweeting women like transgender activist Janet Mock and other feminists. It's like I'm in the twilight zone.


I graduated from college in 2005. People can change a lot in 10 years, I guess. Either that, or I'm a crappy judge of character. Probably both.

  • Love 4

Lol... It's so nice to come here and not be out of the norm... Don't worry daughters day is extending to a THIRD day... Just call it what it is... you want to post a picture of your daughter, you're proud of them... That's great. It's becoming comical now that it's still going.

I have started "unfollowing" people... I had one friend who used to swear up and down she would not post daily about her pregnancy/ child birth, and I guess she did keep that because she posted multiple times daily, since the day she found out she was pregnant, no joke not a single post not mentioning pregnancy (no, I am not personally friends with Michelle Dugger) even "we went to dinner" would be "we went to dinner... Gotta eat when you're pregnant #33weeks" So I unfollowed (I came close to unfriending all together), I can check up if I just think of her but I'm not in undated with the constant pictures.

I have a love hate relationship with Facebook, I hate this sort of stupid, it makes me sad that I'm not where I would like to be in life, but I also don't live near most of my friends (I'm from Texas but moved to Florida for nursing school) so if I didn't look I feel like I would miss everything, so it keeps me connected, but maybe too connected I guess.

  • Love 4

Can I have a 30 second unrelated rant, that has nothing to do with anything currently discussed?

Has anyone else had the "daughters day" posts flood your Facebook newsfeed? It's been inundating mine for 2 days now, it started yesterday and has continued well into today, people have even posted that this day was actually in August.

Can I just say it utterly pisses me off? I am the first to admit I have a bad attitude about the topic, but I'm just so over all of these national blah blah blah days. I 100% admit it's just because I'm bitter, I lost both of my parents in the span of the last year, and both were relatively quick so we were not prepared (although I don't believe you ever truly prepare). It's bad enough to face the fact that I literally have no blood family left with the exception of my 2 siblings, Mother's Day and Father's Day are already hard enough because I have nobody to celebrate (im 33, and I'm not married nor do I have kids) so day to day I get flooded with pictures of everybody else's little families and that alone is hard enough, and now there is another random made up holiday, I feel like just for the sole purpose of reminding me not only do I not have a mother or a father, but that I'm not anybody's daughter anymore either.

Thanks for letting me say that, I'm scared to say anything on Facebook, because I don't expect the world to have stopped for me and for nobody to be allowed to be happy about their families or anything, I'm not trying to rain on any parades, I'm happy they have people to celebrate, but that doesn't negate that it makes me sad at the same time.

#endrant... Carry on :)

My daughter had a bad break up, the weekend of her thirtieth birthday. She was super sensitive to all the happy happier happiest stuff on FB, it just hurt her. 

Well, she had a year or two, and then met someone, got married, etc. But she still doesn't put much up about her happiness, she remembers how sometimes it burns. You have many more happy days ahead, I'm sure. Of course to me 33 is very young (I'm 60) but there is so much time for you to have the good things in life. I hope it for you.

Plus I really believe that the more people brag on FB about how happy they are, the closer one of them is to having an affair.  

  • Love 7
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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