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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

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Amen to this - spellcheck is "stoopid." I've seen many posts - here and elsewhere - that are almost unintelligible, and I don't think they started that way, I think sometimes it's because people don't even realize their misspelled words are being "corrected" - incorrectly. There's no such thing as a former teacher, so I'll just [lovingly] say it. People, read your posts through BEFORE hitting the Send button. Or write your comment in a Pages or Word document and copy it to the webpage. End of soapbox.

OK, just for the laughs I think we could all use about now -- here's my auto-correct story. True story.

I was chatting with an acquaintance on the phone, and we were talking about vegetarian recipes. I said my kids like Japanese food a lot, and she said, "Oh, I saw this great recipe for rice balls -- scallion balls, I think. Just google it." (How many of you have already guessed where this is going?)

So I type "scallion balls recipe" in the Google box. And then auto-correct decides to get involved. Next thing I know, I'm looking at horse testicles. For which (and I truly wish I did not know this) there are also recipes.

  • Love 17

Wellfleet - oh I love a good Monte Cristo sandwich & it's been years since I've had one.

HFC - thank God you are a meddlesome Grandma & will go to the ends of the Earth to protect your grandbabies. So many families have members that could care less about things & luckily you aren't one of those.

Hugs & prayers to all that need them.

  • Love 4

HFC, I hope that with the contacts you're in touch with will bring you a bit of hope and some peace of mind that at the very least there are agents of influence and power on the ground that are now armed with knowledge of the situation. It sounds like, with your SIL's track record, that this scheme of his will go belly up and they'll be back home in a matter of months with him moving onto the next shiny object that grabs his attention. I know that's of no comfort to you now, and I hate that your daughter and grands have to suffer the collateral damage of SIL's whims. [sigh] and ((hugs))

WW, you are a strong and fierce woman and you have my respect and belief that you are going to get through this and come out on the other side triumphantly. Scarred, yes, but not defeated, and more insightful and thoroughly aware of the most valuable things in life. Maisie is your blood and true north, and I've no doubt that she will follow in your footsteps.

  • Love 7

HFC I know this isn't going to make you worry less but here goes....it sounds as though your clan have taken care of your daughter and her children as a group effort. Your daughter could afford to follow this idiots lead because there was a safety net. Up until now she knows her children are safe and they are not going to starve. Your daughter may not have ever REALLY felt the damaging effects of her husband's behavoir ( am I correct that your in laws purchased a home for them?) because there was family to soften the blow. I trust in that mother /child bond above any other bond in the world. When your daughter really wakes up to the fact that her children are suffering she will be on her way back. As far as the dangerousness of the situation, there is no way to ensure that her envoirnment will be safe but your daughter is a nurse correct? If she can get through nursing school she has the wits to get herself and her children home. She will figure it out. I hate this for you but sometimes it takes a screw up of this magnitude to open someone's eyes. Perhaps this is the very thing that is going to get your daughter to realize she hitched her wagon to the wrong star. The fact that you are sick over this shows that the mother child bond is a force of nature and when push comes to shove a mamma bear will open a can of whoop ass. In my own life I will put up with a ton of crap but mess with my daughter and it's going down! Please keep us updated.

  • Love 13


I'm sorry, I still don't know how to post a photo on here and I sooo wanted to put the hammock pic in. Here's a link, anyway, if you want to go there.

NCSW, thank you so so much for your insights. You are exactly right. They have operated under a GIGANTIC safety net for all these years, and the best thing in the world for them will be to free fall in an ugly way. As a mother, that is the most horrific image. As a logical "thinking" adult, it's the best outcome possible. Yes, her father built the house for them, and although they pay the rent every month, HE holds the mortgage. (Because SFB would have borrowed against it 50 times by now).

At this point, it appears that all our precautions may be moot, as the money continues to dwindle with less and less coming in. With him out of the picture for a minute, we are nurturing my daughter along and enfolding in our love. Trying (unsuccessfully so far) to convince her that she needs to go back to work, save money and actually PREPARE for a mission experience later in life. It doesn't mean her dream is a bad one, or an unreachable goal, it just means she has to be practical and WAIT. She continues to be ready to leave (she said to me that she can't put any effort into a "Plan B", as she feels like that would be "cheating" on God and she can't make herself do it. She wants so badly to believe God is going to open up the heavens and rain down dollars on them at the last possible second).

As to a mother bear being protective - when they were looking for OBL for all those years, and he kept narrowly escaping from cave to cave... I said the whole time, "if they would arm 10 mothers who lost children in the World Trade Center attacks and send them over there, they'd find him before sundown and kill him dead within 24 hours". I'm trying to be level headed about them putting themselves into harms way - but he Mama Bear in me knows that I'm dead serious when I say, "DO.NOT.MESS.WITH.MY.KID."

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 12

God allfreakinmighty why do these types always have to do everything on such a GRAND scale. Can't he find some poor kids in the neighboring town to help?! I guess then he can't post on facebook and have everyone realize how "good" he is. It is as much or more about his ego then anything else. Anybody can help the poor kids in the neighboring town but it takes somebody super wonderful ( translation delusional asshole) to go to South America and help save souls. Then you put "God wants me to do it" in the equation and how can you argue with that?! Just thinking about it gives me chest pain, I can't imagine what you are going through. If she is intent on going , then short of kidnapping her (which I'm sure you've considered lol) the best thing is to make it as easy as possible for her to come back . You can't stop her from jumping off this cliff but you can be at the bottom to catch her. Hugs

ETA that line about mothers finding OBL made me laugh and cry . So very true.

Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 6

HFC  so maybe it's time to introduce a little Stranger Safety into the family curriculum. Good for al the kids, not just the potential travelers.  I have a couple recommendations. For the kids, the Kid Power books are great. (Seashell lover this might be handy for your grandsons too.)


and the Safe Side  video is very cute and corny, but really gets the message across. It's not scary and this is a scary subject.



When he was little my son had a friend who liked to hide when it was time to leave the park. Scared the crap out of me. I got this movie and made them watch it every single time that friend came over for a couple months. I loaned it out a million times too.  I have no idea where it is now.  It's goofy, but it gives you a context for talking to the kids about this issue.



Finally for you , the excellent book is Gavin De Beckers Protecting the Gift.

Excellent book about security and kids, only one scary story. HIGHLY recommended.



HFC You can get these materials - your library probably has some, and just start talking to all the grand kids and your kids about the subject. Then you aren't singling out the mission trip kids, and honestly it's probably good for all the kids.  - having outside materials  helps because if it's just you talking to them it's easy for them to dismiss it as " grandma's being paranoid" The idea that this  is  a serious subject that people make movies and write books about  helps them pay attention.


Good Luck. Hoping everyone is doing ok,

Thinking of you  Wander Woman

  • Love 7

HoneyC, I will get that video and I will read the book.  I promise.  Thanks for the recommends.


I was just thinking I'm having a kind of quiet Saturday, catching up some random work, not feeling a rush to complete anything... but then I went backwards thru my day, which made me go backwards through my week.  Even when I'm having a "lazy" day, or a no-rush day, it's fairly busy at my house.  This is a (probably incomplete) list of the people in and out of MY house this week (since I just told you I live within 3 miles of everyone in my family...):

Monday: my youngest son, my oldest grandson

Tuesday:  my sister-in-law (who works for us part time), my DIL, my oldest grandson

Wednesday: my other DIL, my DIL's mother

Thursday:  my DIL, my youngest son, 2 grands

Friday: my sister-in-law, my oldest son and a grand spent most of the day here, later his wife joined them.  They left for a bit, and my 2 cousins came to cook out, and then the son and DIL came back

Today:  (so far) my youngest son, my DIL, 3 grands (they left awhile and returned with another grand)


Yeah, it's kindof a busy place, but I love it.

  • Love 8

So I type "scallion balls recipe" in the Google box. And then auto-correct decides to get involved. Next thing I know, I'm looking at horse testicles. For which (and I truly wish I did not know this) there are also recipes.

       This absolutely. made. my. day. We who are about to pee our pants salute you.


       HFC, hang in there - your SIL truly does sound both dangerous and idiotic, but I can't think the universe will do anything other than protect your daughter and the grands.


       Suz, take a well-deserved breath. I know all your did for your aunt was beautiful and deeply appreciated.

Edited by HundFan
  • Love 5

Hey guys! I've been busy lately so I haven't posted. Figaro is doing a lot better. He's been taking his medicine like a champ, and hasn't had any vomiting or cardiac episodes. He even put some weight back on! He has this Pavlovian reaction where he comes running whenever I shake his pill bottles, so there have been no issues on that front. I broke my big toe a couple of days ago. And of course, it's on the same side where I have the ginormous blood clot. Unfortunately, there's nothing you can do for a broken toe, and I can't even tape it to the next one because my toes are webbed, so it's just ice and OTC Canadian codeine tylenol for me for now.


Happyfatchick, your family is in my thoughts. Same goes for WanderWoman.

  • Love 10

Had the stress treadmill test or as I like to call it the torture test yesterday. My heart beat was faster and it looks like I might have a heart murmur. The EKG yesterday did look better than the EKG in July. I went in yesterday afternoon for a heart ultrasound, and I hope to hear from my primary doctor or the heart specialist soon.

Oh goody! I got a bill for $405.00 for the doctor who look over my sleep study results. I did not see this doctor, but I get a bill for this much. Seriously! He is associated with the same clinic where the idiot quack I went to for two years for my thyroid condition. I am so sick of doctors. I have been sick for two and a half years, and I am still waiting for to find out why I am so sick. Maybe I need to turn to fundraising to pay medical and non medical bills.

Oh goody! I got a bill for $405.00 for the doctor who look over my sleep study results. I did not see this doctor, but I get a bill for this much. Seriously! He is associated with the same clinic where the idiot quack I went to for two years for my thyroid condition. I am so sick of doctors. I have been sick for two and a half years, and I am still waiting for to find out why I am so sick. Maybe I need to turn to fundraising to pay medical and non medical bills.

You have my whole-hearted sympathy. I've been in that place. You won't be there forever.

  • Love 3

Oh goody! I got a bill for $405.00 for the doctor who look over my sleep study results. I did not see this doctor, but I get a bill for this much. Seriously! He is associated with the same clinic where the idiot quack I went to for two years for my thyroid condition. I am so sick of doctors. I have been sick for two and a half years, and I am still waiting for to find out why I am so sick. Maybe I need to turn to fundraising to pay medical and non medical bills.

I am so sorry that you are going through this. No one who is ill should have to contend with questionable"professionals." Like JenCarroll, I have been in these circumstances, and now my daughter is having similar issues. I hope that you have someone (preferrably many someones, but let's be real--most people aren't equipped to deal with chronic illness, especially those that are idiopathic in nature) in your life who is supportive and will advocate for you when need be. At the very least, I hope it helps to be able to vent to us here. I am rooting for you. :)

  • Love 3

Two nights ago i dreamt that my teenager years crush--one of my high school English teachers--was living down the block from me, and she started mowing the front lawn while wearing a bikini, just as I discovered I could get up on my building's roof through a window...


i'm so defrauded right now

Edited by JayInChicago
  • Love 7

Two nights ago i dreamt that my teenager years crush--one of my high school English teachers--was living down the block from me, and she started mowing the front lawn while wearing a bikini, just as I discovered I could get up on my building's roof through a window...

i'm so defrauded right now

I had nightmares about being in high school and not knowing my class timetable for at least ten years after I graduated. High schools are traumatizing. Edited by Kokapetl
  • Love 8

I had nightmares about being in high school and not knowing my class timetable for at least ten years after I graduated. High schools are traumatizing.

KOKAPETI, I STILL have nightmares about finding my college class and I am MANY years away from graduation. Aaaaaaand, I have usually forgotten my underwear in these dreams. Sigh.

  • Love 5

I had nightmares about being in high school and not knowing my class timetable for at least ten years after I graduated. High schools are traumatizing.

My usual nightmare, especially during finals, was discovering that a class I thought I had dropped hadn't been dropped, and I was going to flunk.  This was made especially horrible because it is something that does really happen.


My other usual nightmare, often in tandem with the first, is that I finally get to the final only to realize that I am stark naked.  This does not help my GPA.  


I finished with finals 35 years ago.  I still get these dreams.

  • Love 9

I had nightmares about being in high school and not knowing my class timetable for at least ten years after I graduated. High schools are traumatizing.

I have recurring nightmares about going back to either high school or college determined to finish them (I actually DID finish them), getting all my books and assignments, and then not going to classes or getting very far behind in my homework.  I read someplace that this "unfinished business" type of dream is quite common (probably brought on by the stress in all our lives!).

  • Love 3

My usual nightmare, especially during finals, was discovering that a class I thought I had dropped hadn't been dropped, and I was going to flunk.  This was made especially horrible because it is something that does really happen.



Oh my gosh, me too! The only difference is that in my dreams I haven't been doing any work because I had intended to drop the course, but I've missed the deadline to drop. 


I have recurring nightmares about going back to either high school or college determined to finish them (I actually DID finish them), getting all my books and assignments, and then not going to classes or getting very far behind in my homework.  I read someplace that this "unfinished business" type of dream is quite common (probably brought on by the stress in all our lives!).


This one too. In mine I've gone back to do a different bachelor's degree for some reason. I have a huge reading list that I haven't started and have skipped all my classes. Now I'm afraid to go to class because I don't know the schedule and they might spring a quiz on me. And I can't find the classroom.


It's astounding how similar all these dreams are. It's been a good thirty years since I was in school too.

  • Love 4

Had the stress treadmill test or as I like to call it the torture test yesterday. My heart beat was faster and it looks like I might have a heart murmur. The EKG yesterday did look better than the EKG in July. I went in yesterday afternoon for a heart ultrasound, and I hope to hear from my primary doctor or the heart specialist soon.

the good news (?) is that almost everybody has a heart murmur when we get a little - you know - AGE under our belt. I that's what I've been told anyway. It is nothing to worry about unless it's something to worry about. I have one myself, and I never think about it because the doc who found it said not to...and those are instructions I can follow, unlike dieting and exercise. Hee!!!

ETA: Edited to add that I shouldn't make light of that when you don't KNOW, BigS. My Daddy died from (ultimately) cancer, but he fought the last 5 years of his life with a mitral valve that flapped like a flag in the breeze - and when he was my age, he was told he has a slight heart murmur. It can be very, very serious and I know for certain it made him feel like he'd been beat with a ball bat every single day those years.

Also, a story (story time!). We have this owl that lives in the woods behind our house. He is a BEAST, that guy! One night about 2:00am, I came out with the dog and heard that guy KILL something in our back yard. There was a startled noise, like a surprise attack, and then a bunch of cries, and I actually could HEAR (and picture) when the owl got it by the throat. It was like hearing a murder above my head!!! (And I guess it was!). Where I sit right now, it's just past dusk, nightfall is here. About 20 minutes ago, just as night was falling, the BEAST murdered a CROW!!! I heard the crow go into panic mode, and it was obviously a crow. Then it started making garbled noises, and a bunch of other crows flew out of the trees. Then he drug the crow from tree to tree, and I was getting owl murder noises (enjoyment, I took it) while the crow was making distressed calls less and less. And then the BEAST flew up and out of the tree. I couldn't see whether he had the crow with him or not. This is making my blood curdle. Ewww!!! The other time, I was hissing at the dog to "GET BACK HERE!!! He'll peck your eyeballs out!!!"

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 2
I read someplace that this "unfinished business" type of dream is quite common (probably brought on by the stress in all our lives!).


For me, it's going onstage and forgetting my lines, or being asked at the last minute to take someone else's role when I don't know the lines.  It's very stressful, and I dream it a lot.

  • Love 1

About dreams: I'm that person who NEVER can find something vital. The night before a wedding, I never could find my music. The night before a big test I couldn't find my classroom. When I get really stressed (like most of the time) I'm driving and can't find my house. Or I'm in a house with a billion doors and can't find my way out. I looked up some dream analysis because mine are so consistent. It's not good...I'm psycho.

  • Love 3

Since we're talking about dreams, does anyone else have recurring dreams where their shoes are missing? I have had these dreams for years, where I am out in public and I'm not wearing shoes, and I can't enter any buildings because of the "no shirt, no shoes, no business" rules. And mostly I'm alone in these dreams, and far from home, so I can't ask someone to just run in and buy some flip-flops for me or something.

  • Love 4

A tip from my local bagel shop:

French Toast Bagels make a great base for a Monte Cristo sandwich


Now back to the dieting and exercise discussion...


While different from a heart murmur- A reminder to perimenopausal women that hormones can make you feel like you have heart trouble (Oprah brought this info to light and it sure was helpful and reassuring to me!)



Women and men can have heart palpitations. In healthy people, they are most common in perimenopausal and menopausal women as a result of fluctuating hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. Some perimenopausal and menopausal women suggest their palpitations occur during or after a hot flash.

  • Love 2

A tip from my local bagel shop:

French Toast Bagels make a great base for a Monte Cristo sandwich


Now back to the dieting and exercise discussion...


While different from a heart murmur- A reminder to perimenopausal women that hormones can make you feel like you have heart trouble (Oprah brought this info to light and it sure was helpful and reassuring to me!)



Women and men can have heart palpitations. In healthy people, they are most common in perimenopausal and menopausal women as a result of fluctuating hormones such as estrogen and progesterone. Some perimenopausal and menopausal women suggest their palpitations occur during or after a hot flash.


  • Love 1

I have recurring nightmares about going back to either high school or college determined to finish them (I actually DID finish them), getting all my books and assignments, and then not going to classes or getting very far behind in my homework.  I read someplace that this "unfinished business" type of dream is quite common (probably brought on by the stress in all our lives!).

I have this all the time (ok, a few times a year). Weirdest ones are when I am fully an adult still and commuting to HS/college, sometimes with my kiddo in tow, to finish art or gym or whatever class I missed in my dream.

  • Love 1

HFC, those sound like owls from the wrong side of the woods!!! We have some in our backyard, too, in addition to hawks (for which our neighborhood is named). One night, right at dusk, an owl landed in one of our big ol' pin oaks, and a hawk came right after him. The hawk was squawking his head off, obviously didn't want the owl there, but the owl didn't budge. This went on for 20 minutes. We wondered if there was a nest nearby or something, or if there was an issue over hunting rights. The hawk eventually shut up. We continued to watch the owl, which had its back to us. Mr. Tudor decided to do his owl impression, after which its head turned 260 degrees, and stared levelly at us. I don't know what Mr. Tudor said in "Owl," but it stared us down to the point we got uncomfortable and went inside. When I'm inside, I love to hear the owls calling and hooting at night.

A hawk story: we have four cats, a set of sisters (age 11) and a set of brothers (age 5). The boys used to be indoor/outdoor at our other place (it was where they were born, they kind of "owned" our little block). They would go out at 7 a.m. And come & go, but everyone was in for the night by 10 p.m. When we moved here a year ago, I wasn't comfortable letting the guys out to roam in a strange neighborhood close to a busy road, and then we learned about the predatory birds. So, all the kitties get a few hours of supervised outside time in our yard every afternoon/early evening. One day, Mr. Tudor was out with them and he felt the swoop and saw the shadow of a hawk right before it slammed into our fence...it wasn't after one of our cats, but a squirrel that was on the fence. He wasn't sure if the hawk actually got the squirrel or not, he was so startled, then worried about our cats. Three of them were also startled, but one (my scrappy troublemaker) made a beeline for where the hawk had been. It was back in the air by then. We see them circling over the yard, every day.

Regarding dreams, mine are like movies every night, in living color. I'm going through a time right now where I dearly miss my former town, house, neighborhood, neighbors, job, & friends. I dream about situations with various arrangements of those things at least twice a week. My psyche is pretty much an open book. I've also had scary real dreams about relatives who have died, and the dreams are so real, that when I wake up, it takes me a while to realize my real timeline. Talk about a letdown! I usually enjoy my dreams; they are totally escapist. I have had a few recurring dreams, as well as ones that were interrupted, but continued after I went back to sleep. The subconscious is a very deep and mysterious place.

Edited because I hit the wrong #%&@! Button and thought I lost the whole post...somehow, I recovered it!

Edited by Liz Tudor
  • Love 5

I don't mind the Owls so much when they're not in MY yard. That one guy is ENORMOUS. We have Hawks (why is that capitalized?) too.

Craziest thing I ever saw - we had a red fox family at our old house. We saw them all the time, just on the other side of a chain link fence where the woods began. One morning, our cat was in the middle of the yard facing the fence with his tail switching madly. He was zeroed in on SOMETHING. I walked outside to see better, and realized he had a carcass of some kind (rabbit?) laying in front of him. On the other side of the fence staring the cat down was a red fox. I'm guessing the cat stole the rabbit (?) from the fox somehow, and the fox was NOT happy. The staring match went in for a few seconds, and then BAM, they both bolted for the fence at the same time. You cannot IMAGINE the ruckus. Total insanity. I'm not kidding, neighbors were running to our house from several doors down thinking someone was being hacked to death in our yard. It was over pretty quick, and neither were hurt (thank you, chain link fence!). They both turned around and slicked off. The cat was SO not interested in the dead animal. I picked it up with a shovel and threw it over the fence so the fox could feed his children. Yuck!!

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I have dreams that come true.  Not all dreams, just some.  I don't know how to explain when I know it's a premonitory dream other than, "I just know."  The other night I dreamed that my daughter's car overheated.  She lives away for college 5 hours away, so naturally I worry.  Of course, this dream had me even more worried, but I said nothing.  The day passed and I heard nothing about my daughter or her car, so I was relieved.   Then, the following day my husband mentioned to me that my daughter's car had a cracked radiator and that she had already taken care of it.  They just didn't tell me because they didn't want me to worry.  I've had all kinds of dreams come true.  Eerily accurate.

  • Love 8

My most Interesting dream experience happened a long time ago. I was visiting my parents with my two small kids. One morning I came down and my mother was sitting at the kitchen table with her coffee looking zoned out. I said to her "I had the most awful dream"and began to tell her and she took over and told me the rest of my dream because she had it too. It was very creepy and didn't come true. Some "expert" could have a good time with that one.

  • Love 5

Funnily enough, at uni one of my lecturers was talking about dreams coming true.  He pointed out that most people have 5 or more dreams per night which is 1800+ per year.  Statistically, it is very likely that a small snippet of a dream (car breaks down, friend calls, sports team wins, etc.) will also happen in real life.  We only remember the ones that "happen" and forget the other thousands of dreams that didn't come true.  Ditto with thinking about someone and then they text/call you, statistically it is likely to happen since we think of lots of people every day.  As humans, we look for patterns that really don't exist - clouds in the sky, etc.  One example that I find really funny is Led Zepplin Stairway to Heaven.  If you listen to it backwards by itself, it sounds like complete jibberish.  But watch this YouTube clip and see if you hear words.  

  • Love 1
I suppose I must dream, because teh experts say everyone does. But if I do? I almost never remember any of them. I've been awake right now for about 45 minutes, tops. If you asked me did I dream last night, I'd say "no." None. Nada. Zero. Zilch.

I used to rarely remember my dreams, so I started keeping a dream journal where I wrote them down when I did remember. The trick was to write in it early in the morning soon after waking up, while the dream was still fresh in my head, because I found that it often slipped away from me as the day went on. And keeping a dream journal actually helped me remember my dreams more frequently for whatever reason; for a while I was writing in it every few days. But then I stopped being so diligent about it and now I'm back to remembering my dreams once every couple of months, if that.
  • Love 1

Dream interpretation is a really interesting subject, if you dream the same "type" of dream consistently. I didn't like the interpretation I found AT ALL (I was hoping to find out I was secretly a genius - or a lost princess who's parents were still searching for her...). BUT I had to agree with the assessment. I dream a random not-related outline hodgepodge of things that EXACTLY mirror what's really going on with me. I used to have dreams that accurately predicted deaths, but never of the people I actually DREAMED about. Isn't that weird? I dreamed of a violent car accident that killed a member of my youth group. The next day, I got a call that a member of my mom's church (youth) had an accident the same description of my dream, and he died. I knew that kid, knew his family. And others not so gory, but always, someone I knew loosely died when I would dream someone closer to me died the same way. That was AWFUL. It may have been purely coincidence, I'm happy to agree with that. But it happened frequently enough to freak me out. The walking around for a week or so with a sense of dread. I don't miss those dreams! I also had the weirdest experience ever with "death bells". That's completely superstition, but I had that experience once in my life and it was horrible.

I know. I need to hook up with the Long Island Medium.

  • Love 1

See, my dreams just come across as (for the most part) very nonsensical movies. No commonly repeating patterns or the usual dream motifs (e.g. falling).


The only relevance that my dreams ever had to my waking life is that my dreamworld definitely knew I was gay long before I did. Nothing explicit (lol) but suddenly those dreams where I had an intense longing towards [insert female dream character] made so much sense. But back then I'd just wake up and be completely nonplussed, and I remember downplaying those feelings in my dream journal because it weirded me out.


Other than that, though.... yeah, completely nonsensical. I don't know. I'm sure there's symbolism to be found in riding a rollercoaster through a haunted house. The haunted house.... is my life!

  • Love 3
Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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