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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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I am not sure what disagreement you are referring to. My post was in response to amitville saying she does not post much anymore because of the two specific posters she named in her post.

I was responding to the post-wanderwoman dust-up concerning some posters' concerns over this thread becoming medical problems-centric. Some, imho, rather harsh views were expressed and I have not seen a few posters here since.

I have not seen you post here since then either and your mention of "popping out" of your "den of iniquity" left me thinking of the above mentioned dust-up.

  • Love 1

I use my laptop for this site (and everything computer-related, really...I don't have a smart phone), and, as I've mentioned before, I keep having various, sometimes intermittent problems with this site specifically. Sometimes it's not being able to type without it seizing up after every few letters (making it a 15 minute evolution in some cases to write a three-lie post). Thankfully that one seemed to resolve itself a while ago and has been fine since. Another thing it likes to do is not respond to either a mouse or a scroll key, only to the touch screen, but only if I click on the topic (so that it starts on the last-read post, which is a convenient feature, by the way), so if I want to be able to scroll, I have to click on a specific page, then try to find the last-read post. This seems to happen for a few weeks at a clip, then suddenly clear up, only to return a couple of weeks later. At least my current laptop has a touch screen...my previous one didn't which made it really frustrating with new topics, as I'd have to wait until there were at least two pages of comments before I could scroll through anything.


Oh, and it also doesn't let me copy and paste anything, nor does it let me use any of the tools (such as italics, bold, etc) above the answer box.


Plus it has not been allowing me to "like" any posts over the past few days. I hope this one clears up soon as it's particularly frustrating!

Edited by Jynnan tonnix
  • Love 6

I use my laptop for this site (and everything computer-related, really...I don't have a smart phone), and, as I've mentioned before, I keep having various, sometimes intermittent problems with this site specifically. Sometimes it's not being able to type without it seizing up after every few letters (making it a 15 minute evolution in some cases to write a three-lie post).

Oh, and it also doesn't let me copy and paste anything, nor does it let me use any of the tools (such as italics, bold, etc) above the answer box.


Plus it has not been allowing me to "like" any posts over the past few days. I hope this one clears up soon as it's particularly frustrating!

Hmmmmm. Sounds like Santa should have brought you a new lap top! So frustrating when just trying to read and post becomes a major chore!

  • Love 1

Hmmmmm. Sounds like Santa should have brought you a new lap top! So frustrating when just trying to read and post becomes a major chore!

This laptop is almost new...I got it three or four months ago. It works fine except for this site, which actually used to cause the same problems on my old laptop before it gave up the ghost.

  • Love 1

(making it a 15 minute evolution in some cases to write a three-lie post).


I'm not sure that we should be rooting for fixes for those that want to write "three-lie posts"::)!  Perhaps your computer has a morals code that slows things down after two lies?!:)  Forgive me, this just made me laugh.....a lot!!:)  I sincerely hope you can fix your computer problems.  

Edited by pennben
  • Love 12

I'm not sure that we should be rooting for fixes for those that want to write "three-lie posts"::)!  Perhaps your computer has a morals code that slows things down after two lies?!:)  Forgive me, this just made me laugh.....a lot!!:)  I sincerely hope you can fix your computer problems.  

LOL...didn't notice that one! Yes, one of the actual glitches this laptop DOES have is dropping letters, especially n's. But other than that it seems to do fine in general on any number of other sites. I just don't get why it is that it's allergic to this one specifically..

  • Love 3

This laptop is almost new...I got it three or four months ago. It works fine except for this site, which actually used to cause the same problems on my old laptop before it gave up the ghost.


I've had issues with this site as well. Funny, quirky things that don't occur on other websites. Re-booting never seems to help either, but the problems are just too odd and quirky to report. It would take 10-15 min to type them up and even then I'm not sure they'd come across clearly, since they're so weird. So I don't bother. A few days or weeks later those issues are gone - but replaced by something else that's odd. Goofy!!

  • Love 3

I miss the topics we used to hit in the course of a week here on this thread. It even makes me a little verklempt. So, OK then. I'll take a page from the book of my hero, SNL's Linda Richman - aka Mike Meyers - and suggest a topic. Ghost stories... discuss. We had a few good ones going there for a while. And have a great week everyone!



  • Love 4

Ghost story. I have a cat ghost. Not my cat, some cat that must have lived in the house before I did. I'll sometimes be in bed, and I'll feel the covers pull a bit, like they do when a cat is jumping up, and then I'll feel more movement just like when a cat is doing that kneading thing they do when they're getting comfortable, and eventually, I'll feel a little bundle of warmth against my lower back. The first few times it happened, I thought my cat had come into my room (she likes to sleep on the couch in lounge room), but when I looked around there was nothing there. It still happens, and I just accept that I have a ghost cat.


And many years ago, when I was a kid, we moved into a brand new house, built in a newly created suburb. My younger brother and I used to think we heard horses walking around, especially in one particular part of the house. After we started school that year, my brother brought a friend home who said there used to be stables where we were, and he missed coming out there for riding lessons.

  • Love 8

Ghost story. I have a cat ghost. Not my cat, some cat that must have lived in the house before I did. I'll sometimes be in bed, and I'll feel the covers pull a bit, like they do when a cat is jumping up, and then I'll feel more movement just like when a cat is doing that kneading thing they do when they're getting comfortable, and eventually, I'll feel a little bundle of warmth against my lower back. The first few times it happened, I thought my cat had come into my room (she likes to sleep on the couch in lounge room), but when I looked around there was nothing there. It still happens, and I just accept that I have a ghost cat.


And many years ago, when I was a kid, we moved into a brand new house, built in a newly created suburb. My younger brother and I used to think we heard horses walking around, especially in one particular part of the house. After we started school that year, my brother brought a friend home who said there used to be stables where we were, and he missed coming out there for riding lessons.


We have a cat ghost too. Two actually. One's more kitten like and the other is an adult. I'll see them walking or playing and think it's my kitty, but then she'll be somewhere else. One time I was cooking and the older spirit was in the kitchen with me, and I thought it was my kitty so I was talking to it and went to offer it some food. Suddenly it was gone, and I found my kitty nestled under a blanket on my bed where she had been all day. It's nice have animal ghosts. 

  • Love 10

Ghost story. I have a cat ghost. Not my cat, some cat that must have lived in the house before I did. I'll sometimes be in bed, and I'll feel the covers pull a bit, like they do when a cat is jumping up, and then I'll feel more movement just like when a cat is doing that kneading thing they do when they're getting comfortable, and eventually, I'll feel a little bundle of warmth against my lower back. The first few times it happened, I thought my cat had come into my room (she likes to sleep on the couch in lounge room), but when I looked around there was nothing there. It still happens, and I just accept that I have a ghost cat.


And many years ago, when I was a kid, we moved into a brand new house, built in a newly created suburb. My younger brother and I used to think we heard horses walking around, especially in one particular part of the house. After we started school that year, my brother brought a friend home who said there used to be stables where we were, and he missed coming out there for riding lessons.


Sounds like you have some prime fodder for the Real Ghost Stories Online Podcast.  I also have a ghost cat, except she's one of ours, or rather my sister's who passed away about 7 years ago.  She'd had her for 17 years, but since she was a stray, the vet thinks she was about 5 when we found her, so that made her positively ancient.  She loved my sister and hated everyone else.  To this day, she's always hanging around my sister's room and stealing my mother's jewelry (she used to pick on my mother particularly, and steal any jewelry she'd leave out.  She also used to stick cat toys in her underwear if she wore a nightgown to bed).  Luckily, the ghost cat and my sister's current cat are great friends and like to spend nights tearing through the house. 


SOMEPITY, so sorry you are going through this and feel like a prisoner in your own home. I think you should report it to property management, if nothing else to have it on record that this is an ongoing problem in case something else happens. I think you should also keep a record of what has happened. Not a lawyer, or anything, but it seems this may help you, if needed. It is really a scary situation. Ugh and hugs.


I would totally complain to property management.  This animal sounds like a threat to the community at large.  I would engage my usual rant about dog owners who know fuck-all about dogs and can't control their animals but I think it's pretty well covered.  Brother's pug was mauled to death by a pitbull that jumped a fence into his dogsitter's yard.  The dog was poorly trained and handled and it was the third strike against it with the police, and the county magistrate ruled it a vicious dog and had it put down by court order.  I DO NOT want to see any of you going through that if the situation is avoidable.  It'd be nice if some of these numbskull owners recognized that they are out of their league, especially some of these people with big, powerful breeds, and contacted a rescue.  Yes, you love your dog, but you do not control your dog.  Your dog controls you.  That's not how this works, that's not how any of this works. 

Ohh I want a ghost cat, I feel so deprived. Imaging the fun of a pet without cleaning out the cat box.


I'm giving you +10 internets for this, as I started my Christmas and New Year's Day mornings by changing the box.  

Edited by Lemur
  • Love 5

Not exactly a ghost story, but a story nevertheless:

Mama is now in end stages of Alzheimer's and had a health issue late last week that (prior to hospice) would have sent her to hospital and required an overnight (or 2). This made us have some flashbacks of the times I've spent with her overnight in hospital. Something about the hosp makes this woman's cray cray kick up to high gear. And from the get-go, it was always ME staying with her overnight. Everybody else bails because I'm the only one willing to fight my way through the night with her - she pulls out iv's, she tries to pull out caths, she fights with the drip regulator, she fights with her covers. She believes the building is on fire and she's been left in it. If I didn't stay, they would restrain her and I don't want that. So Iput on my field dress combat gear and off we go.

One night, soon after my Daddy passed, she had to be hospitalized. She was just FULLLLLLL of unproductive energy and I fought with her all night. Finally I climbed in bed and spooned against her, thinking she was missing daddy's warmth. She calmed for about 3.5 seconds, but then started whispering to someone. Carrying on a convo, with pauses for the other person to "answer". I was very quiet, trying to determine who was "with" us. (NO ONE!!!). I thought maybe she was talking to Daddy. No. Eventually, I was able to ferret out that she was talking to a CHILD. And she was serious as a court hearing. Asking him if he's warm, where are the other little boys, etc.

[background: when my parents were between 45-80, they volunteered with mission groups part of the SBC. The SBC would send this whole pack of retired but active people to an area where there'd been a disaster. They helped physically rebuild homes, churches, provided first aid (they were all Red Cross Certified), meals and whatever assistance they could. They were very, very satisfied and fulfilled while they did this work. My mom was certified to help with triage in medical situations as well. And she believed she was more productive and useful than any other time of life. In between disaster missions, they would travel here in Georgia to a "displaced" children's home - where children "too old" or too disabled or too ornery or too abused for placement are sent. This children's home has a thrift store run by volunteers, and ALL MANNER of household goods are regularly dropped there. New things mostly, donated by local stores. My mom and the other volunteers would sort through the goods, log them and price them, keep the store organized, etc. She loved that as well. THIS IS WHERE my moms brain is stationed. Probably because of the feeling of fulfillment and productivity, the CHILDREN'S Home is where her brain lives.]

Back to the hospital. After awhile of her convo with the invisible little boy, I realized where she was. So I whispered, "Mama, he can't stay in here. You have to send him back to the boys cabin." She explains all this to Invisiboy, and takes TEN minutes to tell him that "see, the little girls are all asleep. You can't stay in here, I'm sorry..." She gets up on one elbow and points him out our "dorm" door. "See that path over there? Leads to the hill? Go up to the top of that hill and you'll see the boys cabin". While she's explaining all this, she's making a movement I can't quite cypher. I get up on my elbow and watch for awhile - and broke out with the heebie jeebies when I realized she's STROKING HIS HEAD!!!!!!! I'm not kidding, that kid was so real to her, she was leaning out over the rail, and in a little melon-sized arc, was stroking the head of invisiboy. Creeeeeepy!!!!!

Same night, she fell into a doze - certainly not restful, peaceful sleep. I got up and wandered down the hall to a waiting room to read in the light and catch the 3:00 rerun of the Late Show. Gone 15 minutes. When I came back, she's sitting in the nurses station with all the staff gathered around her, going on and on about knitting and crocheting, and making baby blankets. Oh, Mama. (She didn't knit or crochet, but knew how. But could slap a baby quilt together in a couple hours. Quite handy, Mi madre. (I got those genes, yay!!). Nobody was upset about the wandering (except me). But that's my ghost story. I always kinda had a feeling there WAS a child in that room. Not from the children's home, but still..

Edited to ask: SomeP, what happened with the house? Are you moving?

Edited by Happyfatchick
  • Love 8

Can't remember if I posted this before, so sorry if it is a "rerun".  Not exactly a ghost story but when my Grandma was dying and in the hospital my cousin sat with her.  (My cousin was the one who sat with all the dying family members).  Anyway, Grandma was really towards the end and non communicative.  It was just a matter of time.  It was the middle of the night.  Grandma sat straight up (she was in her 90s and didn't sit up by herself anymore) and opened her eyes and said clear as anything "Grandpa's name!!" and closed her eyes and laid back down and then shortly after she passed peacefully.  My cousin is clear headed and not into drama.  I trust this is what happened.  We think Grandpa came to get her.  At least that is comforting to us.

Edited by lookeyloo
  • Love 11

I'm still here. I've always been more of a lurker. I hope you will soon feel comfortable posting again. Besides the inevitable bad apples, this is a great group of people.

And since I have popped out of my den (of iniquity!!!!!!!!), I wish everyone here a happy and healthy new year!

So glad you are still around.  Makes me smile

We have a cat ghost too. Two actually. One's more kitten like and the other is an adult. I'll see them walking or playing and think it's my kitty, but then she'll be somewhere else. One time I was cooking and the older spirit was in the kitchen with me, and I thought it was my kitty so I was talking to it and went to offer it some food. Suddenly it was gone, and I found my kitty nestled under a blanket on my bed where she had been all day. It's nice have animal ghosts. 

Glad you are still around.  

  • Love 8

Can't remember if I posted this before, so sorry if it is a "rerun". Not exactly a ghost story but when my Grandma was dying and in the hospital my cousin sat with her. (My cousin was the one who sat with all the dying family members). Anyway, Grandma was really towards the end and non communicative. It was just a matter of time. It was the middle of the night. Grandma sat straight up (she was in her 90s and didn't sit up by herself anymore) and opened her eyes and said clear as anything "Grandpa's name!!" and closed her eyes and laid back down and then shortly after she passed peacefully. My cousin is clear headed and not into drama. I trust this is what happened. We think Grandpa came to get her. At least that is comforting to us.

Many, many hospice workers tell similar stories. my mom had hospice care and we were told we might witness something similar. I also find it very comforting and I love that your grandma passed so peacefully after this happened.

  • Love 8

So glad you are still around. Makes me smile

Glad you are still around.

I have always been around, I amjust very sensitive and worry about making waves. :) Your post about you not posting much anymore made me sad. After a lot of thought I decided to stop letting my anxiety and fear control me. I can't let a poster or two who don't like me keep me from posting.

  • Love 20

I have one other ghost story besides the one from the house in Hawai'i...Don't think I ever posted this one.


The house had prior to that one was in CT...though it was only about 15 years old, it was a real fixer-upper. I guess the couple who owned it were going through a nasty divorce. Their teenage kids had some real anger (drug?)  issues as well, with some resulting holes punched in walls and such. Plus they had a big dog which they had apparently never gotten housebroken; the living room carpet was ripped up and the subflooring urine-soaked...lots of other issues. It took a while to get it habitable, but we were, at that time, still anticipating that this was the house we were going to retire in, and since all the problems were really cosmetic, we DIY'd the bejeezus out of it (only to find out 2 years later that my husband had gotten an unexpected promotion which would probably mean at least 5 or 6 more years in the Navy - turned out to be 8 - so we decided to sell, having had a really bad experience with renters in the past... but I digress.)


Back to the matter at hand; this was only one instance, but not something I have ever been able to explain.


One day I was upstairs, don't remember what I was doing specifically, but the phone rang. The phone in the master bedroom was on the far side of the bed, so it took me a couple of rings to get into the room and around the bed. And as I was reaching to answer it, but still a couple of feet away, suddenly the receiver lifted slightly and jiggled, cutting off the call.

A couple of seconds later it rang again and I answered it. It was just my husband's habitual mid-day call. He asked what cut it off the first time, and will not believe me to this day that I wasn't actually much closer to the phone and had bumped or nudged it in some way.


Which all is a most anti-climactic ghost story and barely worth mentioning if it wasn't for the fact that one of the other bedrooms definitely seemed to have some sort of "resident".


It was nominally my daughter's room, but since she was in college she was rarely there to use it. She wasn't particularly comfortable there, and mentioned a couple of times that she would get the feeling of someone being in the room with her and even sitting or lying on the bed next to her. I didn't think too much about it and just figured she was imagining things. Until a cousin of mine came to visit and was accommodated in that room. It had never even occurred to me to mention my daughter's experiences until my cousin told me the next morning about being scared to death when she felt something lie down in the bed next to her and said she could even feel its breath on her neck. She wouldn't sleep there alone again and insisted on the dog (which habitually slept in the mud-room and really never came upstairs at all) being up there with her. So at least the dog made out on that deal.


I don't know whether that and the phone thing have any connection or even whether there is anything otherworldly involved to start with; I'm more or less a skeptic when it comes to those things. But it's fun to think about.

  • Love 7

I have always been around, I amjust very sensitive and worry about making waves. :) Your post about you not posting much anymore made me sad. After a lot of thought I decided to stop letting my anxiety and fear control me. I can't let a poster or two who don't like me keep me from posting.

Yippie this is a red letter day

Edited by amitville
  • Love 6

I missed everything. If anyone wants to enlighten me (and don't feel like you have to) I'm reading the posts from the last few days now...


The hellbeast: Please call Animal Control in your community. Any dog that is too large to control and has shown aggressive tendencies to other dogs and humans is dangerous and the authorities should be dealing with the problem. I'm so sorry this is happening.


We had a super-quiet NYE (except for my howling with laughter over Kathy Griffin's antics) and I'm working as usual. Happy New Year, everyone!

  • Love 4

We have a cat ghost too. Two actually. One's more kitten like and the other is an adult. I'll see them walking or playing and think it's my kitty, but then she'll be somewhere else. One time I was cooking and the older spirit was in the kitchen with me, and I thought it was my kitty so I was talking to it and went to offer it some food. Suddenly it was gone, and I found my kitty nestled under a blanket on my bed where she had been all day. It's nice have animal ghosts. 


Yes, I think it says a lot about the humans in question, when animal ghosts want to hang around.

  • Love 6

I have always been around, I amjust very sensitive and worry about making waves. :) Your post about you not posting much anymore made me sad. After a lot of thought I decided to stop letting my anxiety and fear control me. I can't let a poster or two who don't like me keep me from posting.

How can anyone not like you? You have been amazing for this thread. So happy you are "back."

  • Love 13

I have always been around, I amjust very sensitive and worry about making waves. :) Your post about you not posting much anymore made me sad. After a lot of thought I decided to stop letting my anxiety and fear control me. I can't let a poster or two who don't like me keep me from posting.


You go, Burlsa. We all see lots of posts here - from many different posters. Many we like, some we don't. That's how the Deal works. Not that you needed me to tell you, but there are no guarantees that we'll always experience total and utter joy every single day throughout our lives. That we'll always see or hear things we want to see and hear. That people will always do just what we want them to in order to make us happy. To begin with, just how mind-numbingly boring would THAT be, anyway? One of the few good things about getting older is realizing that what others think of us doesn't really matter. Not one bit. What we would have been mortified by at 20 doesn't even raise an eyebrow at 50. So you are well on your way. You should post whatever you like, knowing that some will be happy and some may not. And whatever their reaction is, is THEIR problem. Think of it as striking a blow for some poor fundie girl, who's been trained to stifle her own true feelings about practically everything. We who CAN speak up must do so for all those who cannot - and may the Force be with us!

  • Love 17

How can anyone not like you? You have been amazing for this thread. So happy you are "back."


Well thank you. I care about everyone here, and I've been lurking in the shadows keeping up with everyone. But I saw Amitville's post yesterday and it made me so sad that she hasn't been posting. And I didn't want her to think I went away. I guess I needed my time to decompress and deal with life. 


I get your feelings of caution Burlsa. No one likes to be attacked. We've all got your back here! (not that you need us with the awesome and fierce mom you have!)


Hope you health has or is improving!


You go, Burlsa. We all see lots of posts here - from many different posters. Many we like, some we don't. That's how the Deal works. Not that you needed me to tell you, but there are no guarantees that we'll always experience total and utter joy every single day throughout our lives. That we'll always see or hear things we want to see and hear. That people will always do just what we want them to in order to make us happy. To begin with, just how mind-numbingly boring would THAT be, anyway? One of the few good things about getting older is realizing that what others think of us doesn't really matter. Not one bit. What we would have been mortified by at 20 doesn't even raise an eyebrow at 50. So you are well on your way. You should post whatever you like, knowing that some will be happy and some may not. And whatever their reaction is, is THEIR problem. Think of it as striking a blow for some poor fundie girl, who's been trained to stifle her own true feelings about practically everything. We who CAN speak up must do so for all those who cannot - and may the Force be with us!


That night I posted was the lowest I've ever felt. I felt worthless in life. I felt like a burden to my family. I felt like a burden to myself. I had posted a whole long spiel, and it made me anxious. On top of everything else, I struggle with crippling anxiety. Against my better judgement, I spilled my heart out to a group of wonderful people. And I sat worrying about it. I worried that it was too long or that I divulged too much. I had a knot in my stomach. So when I got on and saw that I had upset someone by my post, it just confirmed my fear. I was already feeling so broken and beaten down, that it hurt. Normally, I can roll with the punches and can just ignore people. But that night was just too much and so it hurt. When my mom realized that what the tipping point was that caused me to hide in my room sobbing, she came to bat for me because I was not well enough to do so. I saw everyone's outpouring of kind thoughts and I really appreciate it. This group is so wonderful. I hate to be a debbie downer but that night I was just so lost. 


Since then, I got to spend the holidays with family which was very pleasant. It was a nice reprieve from worrying about the real world struggles. My health continues to remain the same, but things are looking optimistic. I had saw my neurologist, and he advised that my lumbar puncture is normal. He decided that I need to see a rheumatologist, he thinks it's silly that my doctor waited so long and so he referred me to one. I will be seeing the rheumatologist on the 21st of this month. I'm really excited because this doctor has excellent reviews and I've waited four years to see someone. I see an opthamologist tomorrow. Fingers are crossed for good news. My neurologist looked in my eyes and didn't see anything that stuck out to him. But he wanted an actual ophthalmologist to look. 


So thank you everyone for your support. It means a lot to me. 

  • Love 21

Burlsa I know how you feel. I used to worry incessantly about what people thought of me, and thought they didn't like me for various reasons and then one day it ocurred to me that screw that, it didn't matter what anyone thought. It's rather freeing to be myself and not worry about other people's thoughts. Yea it took me a few years to get there but people don't really think past their last snarky post, trust me. Unless they have issues already and then you still don't need to worry about it.

I still want a ghost kitty.

  • Love 9

BURLSA, I am so sorry you went through such a low point, but so glad you are doing better. (I have a daughter and granddaughter going through a lot right now, and I wish I knew what to say or do to help them.) Wishing you really good news from the specialists.

And please stay around and post to your heart's content. This should be a safe place and we will watch out for you and protect you. Hugs.

  • Love 7

Well thank you. I care about everyone here, and I've been lurking in the shadows keeping up with everyone. But I saw Amitville's post yesterday and it made me so sad that she hasn't been posting. And I didn't want her to think I went away. I guess I needed my time to decompress and deal with life. 




That night I posted was the lowest I've ever felt. I felt worthless in life. I felt like a burden to my family. I felt like a burden to myself. I had posted a whole long spiel, and it made me anxious. On top of everything else, I struggle with crippling anxiety. Against my better judgement, I spilled my heart out to a group of wonderful people. And I sat worrying about it. I worried that it was too long or that I divulged too much. I had a knot in my stomach. So when I got on and saw that I had upset someone by my post, it just confirmed my fear. I was already feeling so broken and beaten down, that it hurt. Normally, I can roll with the punches and can just ignore people. But that night was just too much and so it hurt. When my mom realized that what the tipping point was that caused me to hide in my room sobbing, she came to bat for me because I was not well enough to do so. I saw everyone's outpouring of kind thoughts and I really appreciate it. This group is so wonderful. I hate to be a debbie downer but that night I was just so lost. 


Since then, I got to spend the holidays with family which was very pleasant. It was a nice reprieve from worrying about the real world struggles. My health continues to remain the same, but things are looking optimistic. I had saw my neurologist, and he advised that my lumbar puncture is normal. He decided that I need to see a rheumatologist, he thinks it's silly that my doctor waited so long and so he referred me to one. I will be seeing the rheumatologist on the 21st of this month. I'm really excited because this doctor has excellent reviews and I've waited four years to see someone. I see an opthamologist tomorrow. Fingers are crossed for good news. My neurologist looked in my eyes and didn't see anything that stuck out to him. But he wanted an actual ophthalmologist to look. 


So thank you everyone for your support. It means a lot to me. 


PS - you're entitled to have crappy days now and then too, honey. And to moan about them if that helps - and it often does. Realizing that there are others who share your feelings or have been there before in a given situation is sometimes all it takes to change the weather from downpour to drizzle. And not for nothing, but those female biochemicals of ours don't exactly work in our favor either. So there's that.


Tonight I hope you are bundled up warm and cozy with some nice hot tea, and a nice warm kitty and the last of the Christmas cookies. Which, regardless of age or variety, are widely-known to be delicious when dunked in hot tea. And something good on the idiot box -  my Mom's word for TV.  I found Eat, Pray, Love on Lifetime if that helps. Started at 8 pm, EST.

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 6

I have one other ghost story besides the one from the house in Hawai'i...Don't think I ever posted this one.


The house had prior to that one was in CT...though it was only about 15 years old, it was a real fixer-upper. I guess the couple who owned it were going through a nasty divorce. Their teenage kids had some real anger (drug?)  issues as well, with some resulting holes punched in walls and such. Plus they had a big dog which they had apparently never gotten housebroken; the living room carpet was ripped up and the subflooring urine-soaked...lots of other issues. It took a while to get it habitable, but we were, at that time, still anticipating that this was the house we were going to retire in, and since all the problems were really cosmetic, we DIY'd the bejeezus out of it (only to find out 2 years later that my husband had gotten an unexpected promotion which would probably mean at least 5 or 6 more years in the Navy - turned out to be 8 - so we decided to sell, having had a really bad experience with renters in the past... but I digress.)


Back to the matter at hand; this was only one instance, but not something I have ever been able to explain.


One day I was upstairs, don't remember what I was doing specifically, but the phone rang. The phone in the master bedroom was on the far side of the bed, so it took me a couple of rings to get into the room and around the bed. And as I was reaching to answer it, but still a couple of feet away, suddenly the receiver lifted slightly and jiggled, cutting off the call.

A couple of seconds later it rang again and I answered it. It was just my husband's habitual mid-day call. He asked what cut it off the first time, and will not believe me to this day that I wasn't actually much closer to the phone and had bumped or nudged it in some way.


Which all is a most anti-climactic ghost story and barely worth mentioning if it wasn't for the fact that one of the other bedrooms definitely seemed to have some sort of "resident".


It was nominally my daughter's room, but since she was in college she was rarely there to use it. She wasn't particularly comfortable there, and mentioned a couple of times that she would get the feeling of someone being in the room with her and even sitting or lying on the bed next to her. I didn't think too much about it and just figured she was imagining things. Until a cousin of mine came to visit and was accommodated in that room. It had never even occurred to me to mention my daughter's experiences until my cousin told me the next morning about being scared to death when she felt something lie down in the bed next to her and said she could even feel its breath on her neck. She wouldn't sleep there alone again and insisted on the dog (which habitually slept in the mud-room and really never came upstairs at all) being up there with her. So at least the dog made out on that deal.


I don't know whether that and the phone thing have any connection or even whether there is anything otherworldly involved to start with; I'm more or less a skeptic when it comes to those things. But it's fun to think about.


Well-told stories, jynnan. I loved your Hawaiian story. And you've had "experiences" coast to coast too! Have you ever considered yourself a possible ghost magnet? One of the theories I've heard is that there are spirits around most everywhere, but they're only "noticed" by animals, little kids and the "pure of heart." Or those with a heightened sensitivity, so to speak. Something to think about, anyway.

  • Love 3

I can't write a book. Who said that? (Barb, I think?). I sooooo appreciate the encouragement, and the kind words when someone mentions they like my stories. I love a good story. I love to TELL a good story. But that's all I have: stories. I can't write fiction for love nor money - I only can make stories out of real life. You give me a boring, mundane trip to the corner store, and I can find a real-life human story in it. I (myself) don't care for those books that aren't a novel-type of story, just snippets of stories. Back in the day, I could have been an Erma Bombeck type writer, but there's no real outlet for those stories any more. Lewis Grizzard. I could have made a living like that once upon a time, but media like that is now blog based and I have no idea how to go about getting readership on a blog. I actually have an address for a blog, and have piddled at starting one many times, but it's all over my head now.

You know what is very surprising to me? My GRANDS love my stories. You know those movies where the kids say "grandpa, tell me a story!"? I never had THAT grandparent. I was too distant (physically AND emotionally) from my Amish grandparents to want to hear them tell stories, and the grandmother who lived with us had dementia during my childhood. So when I see that on movies or commercials, my brain always says "pshht, kids don't want to hear grandparents talk!" Turns out, they DO!!! My grands will nudge me all the time for stories about their parents growing up, or things my hilarious mom did when I was growing up. I find this enormously flattering for some reason! They actually LIKE to hear me talk! How amazing!!! Sometimes, we'll be crafting together, or in the car for a road trip, and I feel I've been talking for HOURS - and it dumbfounds me when I realize the kids are interested and prodding me to go on. It is seriously amazing to me!

About 3 years ago, my daughter really was pushing me to blog about caring for my mom wig Alzheimer's, because it's devastating but I can always find something funny. She totally believed people would follow a blog. But there are about a zillion blogs about living with an Alzheimer's patient, and I could never figure out what angle I had to make it stand out. And I procrastinated (or was busy with caring for her and juggling all the other balls). i also couldn't figure out how to transition from caring for her to losing her to finding something to talk about after she's gone. I mean, there's always a story, but how to transition from a blog based on THIS to a blog based on THIS.

AS if you couldn't tell, I'm wandering around looking for someone to virtually take my hand and pm me to say, "ok, dummy, do a), b) and c)". You can virtually roll your eyes and virtually cluck your tongue later, but if you have ideas, please share. I love you guys.

  • Love 3

I also think you need to be getting those stories written down HFC. 

I started blogging a few months back after it was suggested as great therapy.

Get it ALL out!

I have found a few wonderful people in that community who encourage each other, much like this place, in fact!

My primary reason was I needed to get stuff out of me.

The secondary reason was that I am fearful I may forget things moving forward, as I have PTSD, which wreaks havoc with the memory at times.

As MEchelle would say " Mary'sWetBar has an ENCOURAGING HEART for HFC's stories!"

Do it!

  • Love 6

Ghost storys, I have one. Many years ago I had a dog, dear God how I loved her. She was my comfort when I was sad. I have cats now and they are great, but dogs just snuggle better. Anyway, she lived for years but I finally had to have her put to sleep. When I went to bed that night I felt the bed jiggle a little and felt a small weight against the back of my knees where she used to sleep.This happened for two or three nights. I think she came back to comfort me.Shoot, this was years ago and I am sitting here crying like a baby. Anyway , that is my ghost story and it was comforting.

  • Love 15

Ghost storys, I have one. Many years ago I had a dog, dear God how I loved her. She was my comfort when I was sad. I have cats now and they are great, but dogs just snuggle better. Anyway, she lived for years but I finally had to have her put to sleep. When I went to bed that night I felt the bed jiggle a little and felt a small weight against the back of my knees where she used to sleep.This happened for two or three nights. I think she came back to comfort me.Shoot, this was years ago and I am sitting here crying like a baby. Anyway , that is my ghost story and it was comforting.


My parents got their first dog as a puppy five months before I, their first human kid, was born. She was the same kind of dog yours was - a real lovey and so pretty - everyone commented on beautiful Duchess was.  We were together almost 17 years and it just tore me up when we finally had to have her put to sleep. I sobbed for days, no kidding. It was 43 years ago - !!! - and like you I'm sitting here now typing through a blur. Members of the family, regardless of species, are always members of the family - no matter how much time goes by...

Edited by Wellfleet
  • Love 9

Well-told stories, jynnan. I loved your Hawaiian story. And you've had "experiences" coast to coast too! Have you ever considered yourself a possible ghost magnet? One of the theories I've heard is that there are spirits around most everywhere, but they're only "noticed" by animals, little kids and the "pure of heart." Or those with a heightened sensitivity, so to speak. Something to think about, anyway.


Uh oh. I've never had a ghost experience (unless you count the Haunted House at Disneyworld). Good thing I'm here in the Prayer Closet! :)


I do know several people who have seen recently-departed loved ones in the hours or days following the deaths. I know someone who is certain he saw his father standing at the door, as if to say goodbye, just after he (the father) died. Nothing like that has ever happened to me, in spite of having lost several family members and friends.


What does happen to me is that I dream about my departed family and friends. They show up quite often in my dreams, in fact.


Other than that, though, my dreams tend to be very reality-based. I retired a few years ago, but I still dream about work. It's always such a relief to wake up! But I don't have vivid nightmares or fantasy-dreams. I don't think I've ever slayed a dragon or saved the world or anything like that. I wonder if there's a correlation between no ghost sightings and mundane dreams?


I am a Virgo, after all! :)

  • Love 4

I can't write a book. Who said that? (Barb, I think?). I sooooo appreciate the encouragement, and the kind words when someone mentions they like my stories. I love a good story. I love to TELL a good story. But that's all I have: stories. I can't write fiction for love nor money - I only can make stories out of real life. You give me a boring, mundane trip to the corner store, and I can find a real-life human story in it.


Who said anything about writing it?  Get yourself some of that speech-recognition software and just tell your stories to it.  Then, send it off to some publishers.  Hell, if you need a proofreader or someone to clean up your prose, I'm sure any number of us here would love to help you.  Let their editors do their magic.  We're losing the Jean Shepherd and Garrison Keillor type storytellers.    

  • Love 4

I can't write a book. Who said that? (Barb, I think?). I sooooo appreciate the encouragement, and the kind words when someone mentions they like my stories. I love a good story. I love to TELL a good story. But that's all I have: stories. I can't write fiction for love nor money - I only can make stories out of real life. You give me a boring, mundane trip to the corner store, and I can find a real-life human story in it. I (myself) don't care for those books that aren't a novel-type of story, just snippets of stories. Back in the day, I could have been an Erma Bombeck type writer, but there's no real outlet for those stories any more. Lewis Grizzard. I could have made a living like that once upon a time, but media like that is now blog based and I have no idea how to go about getting readership on a blog. I actually have an address for a blog, and have piddled at starting one many times, but it's all over my head now.


If it makes any difference, I personally will always choose a well-written memoir over a novel. Often, if I am reading a work of fiction, I will come away feeling almost cheated over knowing that the characters are just a product of someone's imagination. Not that I am knocking those with vision enough to produce a well-rounded character and compelling story out of thin air - it's not something I could do in a million years and I have nothing but respect for those who can - but there's something so satisfying, to me, about reading a true story written in a voice that makes you feel a connection with the author. The feeling of sharing in an actual person's thoughts, feelings, mishaps and adventures somehow leaves me feeling far more satisfied. I think there would definitely be a market for your stories!

  • Love 4

I'm also putting my two cents and saying HFC you should be writing these stories! I loved Jean Kerr (Don't Eat the Daisies) and Erma Bombeck as a kid. I love anecdotal writing. I just reread "Mama Makes up Her Mind" it's one of my and my sister's favorite books. We need more humourous writers who are truly funny and not crudely funny. Humourous enough to remind us we are humans. Go on, you may surprise yourself!

  • Love 5
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