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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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Oh Skittl I'm so sorry for your loss. Thinking of you.  I agree with everyone who said you can say pretty much what you said here to let friends know.  Maybe you can also delegate the post or at least any follow up to a close friend or family member who wants to help you. This could be something perfect for the person you trust who wants to help but has no idea how. He or she can also help communicate what you're ready for and when.

  • Love 2

Skittl, how are you physically doing? I hope you are able to take some time to rest and physically recover. I know in a relaxed state emotions can run higher but please don't let that stop you from giving your body time to heal. I don't remember if you have other children to take care of but if you are able, a small getaway with your husband might help. I miscarried twins in early 2nd trimester and a few days after the D&C It was my first pregnancy. I had to get out of our home. So we packed up and went to Las Vegas of all places. That was our first trip there together so it was a welcome distraction. People watching, shows, etc gave us a chance to be together but not having to talk all the time helped, if that makes sense? I can't even say we enjoyed the trip but again, it gave us a small respite from the hurt and shock so that was helpful. - this was 20 years ago so there was no social media then. My husband called my sister and my BFF and our closest military friend and let them disperse the news. I agree what you wrote here is a beautiful tribute to the love of your son and would be appropriate for a post. I'm sending you gentle hugs and prayers for strength.

  • Love 6

Skittl, i reached out via PM but wanted to reaffirm that I'm here if you need to vent or just yammer away to someone. Im part of that club we never asked to join, compadre.

Wok the best thing i ever participated in years ago was being filmed during an interview practice session. I was so unaware that i played with my earrings and rings when nervous. Also twiddled with my hair. Try and have a couple props handy, like your resume, a pen, bottle of water. Tell yourself you don't care if you get the job. .you don't have one now ,so no biggie.

Every interview is practice so try to get out there lots. You will become more at ease.

I never looked at nervous people i was interviewing in a negative way. I saw it as showing how much the position meant to them.

Jelly you are truly the kindest soul and i also will try to be kinder about that godawful moniker they have bestowed. I promise.

Confession: I have two middle names as I was named after both my grandmothers. Maternal grandma was Elizabeth. Paternal grandma was Augustina. Thankfully,my mother was not Benessa, and told my Pops that Tina was doable but Augustina was cruel, so there you have it!

I have skeletons too..LOL

Edited by MarysWetBar
  • Love 4

Skittl, i reached out via PM but wanted to reaffirm that I'm here if you need to vent or just yammer away to someone. Im part of that club we never asked to join, compadre.

Wok the best thing i ever participated in years ago was being filmed during an interview practice session. I was so unaware that i played with my earrings and rings when nervous. Also twiddled with my hair. Try and have a couple props handy, like your resume, a pen, bottle of water. Tell yourself you don't care if you get the job. .you don't have one now ,so no biggie.

Every interview is practice so try to get out there lots. You will become more at ease.

I never looked at nervous people i was interviewing in a negative way. I saw it as showing how much the position meant to them.

Jelly you are truly the kindest soul and i also will try to be kinder about that godawful moniker they have bestowed. I promise.

Confession: I have two middle names as I was named after both my grandmothers. Maternal grandma was Elizabeth. Paternal grandma was Augustina. Thankfully,my mother was not Benessa, and told my Pops that Tina was doable but Augustina was cruel, so there you have it!

I have skeletons too..LOL

Wok, I agree with all this good advice. I too never took it as a negative if people I was interviewing appeared nervous, assume your interviewers are like us :-) Someone mentioned this earlier but verbalizing that you are nervous shows self awareness and I appreciated it when my interviewees opened up like this. When I get excited about something I talkveryveryfast so when I was interviewed and I could feel this coming on I would tell the interview panel. And tell them to please feel free to tell me to slow down if they don't understand me! I wish you all the best on your interviews!
  • Love 3

Wok the best thing i ever participated in years ago was being filmed during an interview practice session. I was so unaware that i played with my earrings and rings when nervous. Also twiddled with my hair. Try and have a couple props handy, like your resume, a pen, bottle of water. Tell yourself you don't care if you get the job. .you don't have one now ,so no biggie.

Every interview is practice so try to get out there lots. You will become more at ease.

I never looked at nervous people i was interviewing in a negative way. I saw it as showing how much the position meant to them.

I would not be able to watch a video of myself! EEK! That would lead to a type of anxiety from which there would be no return! But I understand what you are saying.

Oh, and if I get a job offer, I'm going to expect a large celebratory gathering at your home, where there will be a nice spread laid out upon that wet bar you just HAAAAAD to have. We can all celebrate and spend 11 months writing a mission statement for the PTV Duggar forum family. No bare arms please. And no Kodi.

  • Love 11

Geez, I don't know because I suck at interviews! Lol

I understand less stress versus the need to be out there contributing. My kids are grown, so my stress is all mental. My personality type makes it very difficult to talk about myself or open up to others beyond social niceties. I am always left feeling so vulnerable after an interview. I feel embarrassed long after the fact and wish I had never put myself out there in the first place. But then when I'm sitting around at home, I feel so empty, and I know that I am wasting my potential. I hate being this way.

Here's the thing Wok, EVERYBODY knows that everybody sucks at interviews. The person conducting the interview knows you are uncomfortable. I'm saying: it's acceptable to squirm. Everybody does. And you NEED to find some way during an interview to say exactly what you said to us in the prayer closet: that when you aren't working you feel empty and like you are wasting your potential. It doesn't sound pretentious or superfluous, it sounds like you know exactly who you are and what you have to offer. My public working career was HR, and I would certainly consider a candidate who was aware of their own potential. Good luck!
  • Love 6

For all the "likes" on my previous post, thanks! I'm back after a few more glasses of liquid courage LOL...Karaoke is harder tha it looks, and I have to give props to even those people who go up there and produce a totally crigeworthy version of whatever. I feel as though there is a real learning curve there as far as things like knowing how to hold the mike and just how it will pick things up. Plus, every little bit you stray off-key seems to get magnified, which makes me feel as though maybe some of those people you hear completely slaughtering a song might not actually be that bad in real life. At the very least it gives you a god idea of how you might sound yourself to an unbiased ear!

  • Love 13

When Dr. Muffyn and I were first dating, we went to a karaoke bar with some of his friends.  It was a 90s music theme night.  When you got there, you were handed a list of all of the songs that could be performed that night and you were supposed to note if you could sing them.  I didn’t know the crowd could then vote for who they wanted to have perform the songs.  So, since I had listed a female name next to a lot of songs done by men with deep voices and that tended toward sexual or violent themes, I became very popular (I think the crowd expected it to be really funny watching a woman try to sing these kinds of songs, expecting I would have too high of a voice or be uncomfortable with the themes or language – little did they know!  I used to be a professional singer.  These songs are right in my comfort zone). 


Near the end of the night, Dr. Muffyn asked me if I knew any songs that didn’t include fuck.  Right then I got called up to sing the Violent Femmes “Blister in the Sun.”  I told him it didn’t include fuck.  However, it is a song about masturbation.   I did try to salvage his impression by asking if as a last song I could perform “Baby I love Your Way” by Peter Frampton.  I did it with a simple piano accompaniment, very sweet.  However, after that night, we decided that our song is another Violent Femmes number, “Add It Up.”   I drew him into my irreverence.

  • Love 7

Oh! I forgot to pay attention. Someone said they were doing their floors in bamboo. We're thinking of that exact same option because bamboo supposedly holds up better under dog scratches than other options. Please tell us how you like it and post pics if possible. My carpets are all disgusting.

Confession: I have just about completely abandoned my FB feed since becoming far more involved with the lives of my virtual beasties on this thread than my "real life" friends on FB.

I bought a pair of super soft jeans at WM (capris on clearance for $3) and cut them all to shreds making a blue jean jacket for my newest grand arriving soon. Cut the pattern down to NB, lined it with pink fleece. It is absolutely ADORABLE. Inspired, I then took a baby blanket and cut unit up for a hooded vest with a zipper up the front. Got my sites on baby leggings and 1st Christmas shirts. Wish I knew how to post pics in the thread. Boo!!!

  • Love 12

Go to imgur.com, in upper left corner click on blue button that says Upload Images. If it's a file on your computer, you can choose browse. Or you can copy and choose the paste. I've never tried the drag and drop. Then click on start upload (bottom right of the box). It will allow you to edit a little and on the right hand side there will be a list of ways to "share" the image. Choose the BBCode (forums)--click on what looks like two pieces of paper to copy the link. Then just paste (no need for code or buttons) in PTV reply box.


I hope that helps!

I was quite the karaoke diva in my day. There was a karaoke bar I spent a lot of time in when I graduated from college and before marrying my DH. I had two songs I sang so many times I called them my "signature songs." Roam by the B-52s and Like a Prayer by Madonna. I am kind of a belter and not a ballad girl.


My husband got me a karaoke machine about three or four years ago and we have amassed quite a collection of karaoke CDs. Party Tyme puts out a pop superhits album twice a year and I pre-order them on Amazon. It is all the current pop hits on the radio right now. I like to perform the Taylor Swift songs for my daughter to encourage her to interact with us and dance (she is autistic and nearly non-verbal, but she gets the hugest smile when a T-Swift song comes on). I also like to sing men's songs more than women's songs because I am a low alto and it is a better match for me. I am trying to perfect my Melissa Etheridge growl. 


Every Christmas I have all mys siblings, their husbands, and children stay with me (various permutations and combinations of people come and go maxing out at 25 people in the house) and we set aside one karaoke night. There is copious booze and we sing until the wee hours of the morning. We now also lug the equipment and music up to my in-laws' house and set up the barn to be a karaoke lounge. That's for New Year's Eve. Now we are being requested to bring it up to the country next week for Thanksgiving and we are going to set it up again. 


I am a total microphone hog. I admit it. People ask me to "help" them on a song and then I take over. But I think they know that and that is why they ask me to help them. I used to be fearful to take a karaoke stage, but I am not any more. Practice makes perfect. 


Oh and you can get so much fabric from things on the discount rack at Wal-Mart. Cheaper than buying fabric at Joann's. I do not sew, but my sister and another savvy friend raid the racks for XXXL skirts and tops that they can re-purpose. Smart strategy!.

Edited by XinaMarie
  • Love 9

Skittl, how are you physically doing? I hope you are able to take some time to rest and physically recover.


I am actually doing really well physically. My milk is coming in, so my breasts are rock hard and HURT... but I'm handling that okay.  I delivered on Thursday, and Friday and Saturday I felt like I had been run over by a truck, oddly the most pain was in my hamstrings, and then in my back, but Sunday felt a little better, and yesterday felt mostly normal.  I went back to work yesterday, and having something to do really does seem to help.


I think I got off easy on the delivery side- the baby was 1 pound 10 ounces, so very small to deliver, the doctor did the work and didn't let me push; and the placenta delivered whole, so no need to scrape the uterus or anything like that. They used some sort of suction to clean the uterus, and then were adamant about uterine massage the first 24 hours, so I haven't been passing clots, just what seems like medium level period bleeding (though it doesn't look like a period, sorry TMI).

Edited by Skittl1321
  • Love 9

Oh! I forgot to pay attention. Someone said they were doing their floors in bamboo. We're thinking of that exact same option because bamboo supposedly holds up better under dog scratches than other options. Please tell us how you like it and post pics if possible. My carpets are all disgusting.


That was me! We already have bamboo in part of the house and are going to extend it through the ground floor. I LOVE it. We have cats and not dogs, so I can't swear it would hold up to dogs, but it very durable - stronger than oak. Ours is seven years old and looks new. To clean it, we just Swiffer, then use Bio-Kleen floor cleaner and it looks lovely.

  • Love 4

Oh, my, Vaysh, I know !!! I made my bed with the treats and now I have to lie in it ! 


I'm lucky that my sweet doggie, as big as he is, is compliant enough to roll with the punches when Mama forgets a treat, but that doesn't happen very often, as I have kibble in the pocket of every coat, jacket, and hoodie that I own, and Ziplock baggies in every purse. Crazy dog lady, I know... ;)

Don't tell anybody this but I share my food with my dog and he now prefers people food over dog food to the point where he will walk past the dog food in his dish and bark at the refrigerator for me to make him something to eat - and then hand feed it to him.  Since it doesn't work when my husband is home, because I pretend I have no idea what he's doing, he only does it when my husband isn't home.  He also lays on our bed with me during the day, which my husband doesn't know about, and he's on the bed before my husband closes the front door.  When he hears the car in the driveway coming home he just jumps back in his own bed like he's been there the whole time.  He's got me wrapped around his little paw.

  • Love 18

So my mom and I are going to make baked goods for a local humane society's bake sale. We can't decide what to make though. My mom thought gingerbread dogs would be cute. And I totally agree with her. But I want to pick out something to make too.

Ideally, it would be something that can be made a few days before and will keep. Any suggestions?

  • Love 2

So my mom and I are going to make baked goods for a local humane society's bake sale. We can't decide what to make though. My mom thought gingerbread dogs would be cute. And I totally agree with her. But I want to pick out something to make too.

Ideally, it would be something that can be made a few days before and will keep. Any suggestions?

Dog eatable cookies would keep if they are flexible about human and dog cookies. It might be fun to find a recipe that dogs and humans could eat so that the people that are there can share with their puppies. A fun conversation thing and probably would sell well too. Just a thought.
  • Love 5



I understand less stress versus the need to be out there contributing. My kids are grown, so my stress is all mental. My personality type makes it very difficult to talk about myself or open up to others beyond social niceties. I am always left feeling so vulnerable after an interview. I feel embarrassed long after the fact and wish I had never put myself out there in the first place. But then when I'm sitting around at home, I feel so empty, and I know that I am wasting my potential. I hate being this way.


Hope the interview(s) went well.  Maybe you will motivate me to get back in the job market.  I would have to dust off my law license, but I guess maybe I could do paralegal type work for a few months to get the feel of it. And I have the advantage of being a member of the bar, but it has been nearly 30 years since I last had a full time job, and there isn't much part time in the middle.  I justified staying home until the last went away to college, but within weeks of her leaving my mom got really sick so I didn't have time then, And then I had to settle her estate and that took time.  In the meantime DH retired, but went back to work at a local branch of a state university, but then his department was axed last summer, and he has been home ever since as he didn't want to drive 50 miles to the main campus.  And now I am in the middle of helping my daughter with her wedding this summer so I guess I have another excuse to stay home.  Actually, I do help with a children's theatre program one day a week as a volunteer. 

  • Love 6

Volunteering is such a great way to you use your talents and do something productive. You make a difference to people and they never forget. I never forgot all those old ladies the quilted and crocheted blankets and hats for my daughter. Never forgot the meals donated by people so we could have a break and eat dinner up at the Ronald McDonald House. Never forget the cards and letters sent giving me a little bit of a lift to make it through the day.

My husband and I have paid it forward and donate time and money to the Child Life program at the Children's Hospital where our daughter was born. We want to buoy others while they are floundering.

I was so immersed in grief that I could not remember to brush my teeth or eat or take a shower. All my normal activities like surfing the Internet and grocery shopping were taken over by the need to just roll up in a ball and pray that when I woke up it is all a bad dream.


Sorry, I made that all about myself. Twopper with your talents, you should be able to volunteer with a legal aid clinic. That would be very satisfying, I would imagine, to help people who cannot afford a lawyer.

Edited by XinaMarie
  • Love 9


I have just about completely abandoned my FB feed since becoming far more involved with the lives of my virtual beasties on this thread than my "real life" friends on FB.

Happyfatchick, I don't know if this is a typo or not, but it cracked me up!


Does anyone know of a good site that teaches you (or shows you) how to create a great resume? I have randomly been applying for jobs over the last few months (I have a job, but it started sucking after a re-org a few months ago) but I've only gotten two phone interviews (one that went nowhere and one that I didn't pursue). I've sent out probably two dozen applications over the last 4-5 months, so I think I need to look at redoing my resume to get a better response.

  • Love 3

A lot of resumes are not read by people. They are weeded out by a computer scanning for search words before they get to HR. I tailor every resume for the job I am applying to. I make sure to use the words in the ad in the resume itself so the computer flags it. I highlight experiences that are applicable to that job and minimize job that do not have as much to do with the one I am applying for. I write a cover letter that is very confidently worded about why I am the applicant they need to choose for the job. The cover letter lets them know you know something about their company and what you can do for them. Lastly, I always follow up any interview with a thank you note. You may be doing all these things already.

  • Love 10

So my mom and I are going to make baked goods for a local humane society's bake sale. We can't decide what to make though. My mom thought gingerbread dogs would be cute. And I totally agree with her. But I want to pick out something to make too.

Ideally, it would be something that can be made a few days before and will keep. Any suggestions?

Banana bread. Can make ahead of time, easier than cookies, and almost everyone loves it.

  • Love 4

So my mom and I are going to make baked goods for a local humane society's bake sale. We can't decide what to make though. My mom thought gingerbread dogs would be cute. And I totally agree with her. But I want to pick out something to make too.

Ideally, it would be something that can be made a few days before and will keep. Any suggestions?

You and your mom sound awesome. Crime fighting and dog treats. What's not to love?

  • Love 9

Hello, my virtual beasties (best typo ever)!

Today's interview went really well, at least *I* thought so. I think it helped that I wasn't being grilled by a prosecutor and assistant prosecutor! I was also much more confident because the job basically consists of researching vital records which, as an amateur genealogist, is right up my alley.

I also realized that I tend to over-explain things, which I think is common. When you're nervous and there is silence, you tend to keep talking. So, today, I made sure to give a suitable answer to a question and then shut up.

Twopper, do you want to go back to work, or do you feel like you *should* be working? If you don't want/need the money, and you are just looking for something meaningful to do, I agree that volunteer work is invaluable all around. Or if you are wanting to work specifically in the legal field, I think some part time paralegal work would be great. One attorney I knew had a paralegal who only came in to help when he had a big trial coming up. I, personally, would love working as a litigation paralegal. Unfortunately, there are two law schools where I live, as well as two different schools that have paralegal programs, so there is a lot of competition when it comes to jobs in the legal field.

  • Love 21



So my mom and I are going to make baked goods for a local humane society's bake sale. We can't decide what to make though. My mom thought gingerbread dogs would be cute. And I totally agree with her. But I want to pick out something to make too.

Ideally, it would be something that can be made a few days before and will keep. Any suggestions?

is the bake sale only people food?   Several of my younger friends who are really into the health thing have been making homemade doggie treats.  I don't have a recipe as I no longer have a dog. We are down to one cat, who only eats Purina Indoor Cat food. If they ever take that off the market, the cat will starve. 

  • Love 4

Hello, my virtual beasties (best typo ever)!

Today's interview went really well, at least *I* thought so. I think it helped that I wasn't being grilled by a prosecutor and assistant prosecutor! I was also much more confident because the job basically consists of researching vital records which, as an amateur genealogist, is right up my alley.

I also realized that I tend to over-explain things, which I think is common. When you're nervous and there is silence, you tend to keep talking. So, today, I made sure to give a suitable answer to a question and then shut up.

Twopper, do you want to go back to work, or do you feel like you *should* be working? If you don't want/need the money, and you are just looking for something meaningful to do, I agree that volunteer work is invaluable all around. Or if you are wanting to work specifically in the legal field, I think some part time paralegal work would be great. One attorney I knew had a paralegal who only came in to help when he had a big trial coming up. I, personally, would love working as a litigation paralegal. Unfortunately, there are two law schools where I live, as well as two different schools that have paralegal programs, so there is a lot of competition when it comes to jobs in the legal field.

I am very very proud of you ! I've been thinking about you all day wondering how it went. Yea you!

  • Love 6

Hello, my virtual beasties (best typo ever)!

Today's interview went really well, at least *I* thought so. I think it helped that I wasn't being grilled by a prosecutor and assistant prosecutor! I was also much more confident because the job basically consists of researching vital records which, as an amateur genealogist, is right up my alley. .

Good for you, WOK CHOP. Feeling confident about the interview is a victory in itself! Thanks for letting us know how it went and best of luck!

  • Love 3

For those who love to dabble in karaoke, a really easy way to do it without a karaoke machine is YouTube, even if you have a karaoke machine you can plug your phone or iPod into most models and get the music that way. Sometimes driving is the time I most feel like I missed my calling as a rock star, so I put it on YouTube (disclaimer* I'm actually pretty good at knowing song lyrics so I don't usually have to look at the screen I do not suggest this if you are dependent on lyrics)

  • Love 2

Hello, my virtual beasties (best typo ever)!

Today's interview went really well, at least *I* thought so. I think it helped that I wasn't being grilled by a prosecutor and assistant prosecutor! I was also much more confident because the job basically consists of researching vital records which, as an amateur genealogist, is right up my alley.

I also realized that I tend to over-explain things, which I think is common. When you're nervous and there is silence, you tend to keep talking. So, today, I made sure to give a suitable answer to a question and then shut up.

Twopper, do you want to go back to work, or do you feel like you *should* be working? If you don't want/need the money, and you are just looking for something meaningful to do, I agree that volunteer work is invaluable all around. Or if you are wanting to work specifically in the legal field, I think some part time paralegal work would be great. One attorney I knew had a paralegal who only came in to help when he had a big trial coming up. I, personally, would love working as a litigation paralegal. Unfortunately, there are two law schools where I live, as well as two different schools that have paralegal programs, so there is a lot of competition when it comes to jobs in the legal field.

that is great news!!!!! Glad to hear!!!

  • Love 4

Bolding mine

Hope the interview(s) went well.  Maybe you will motivate me to get back in the job market.  I would have to dust off my law license, but I guess maybe I could do paralegal type work for a few months to get the feel of it. And I have the advantage of being a member of the bar, but it has been nearly 30 years since I last had a full time job, and there isn't much part time in the middle.  I justified staying home until the last went away to college, but within weeks of her leaving my mom got really sick so I didn't have time then, And then I had to settle her estate and that took time.  In the meantime DH retired, but went back to work at a local branch of a state university, but then his department was axed last summer, and he has been home ever since as he didn't want to drive 50 miles to the main campus.  And now I am in the middle of helping my daughter with her wedding this summer so I guess I have another excuse to stay home.  Actually, I do help with a children's theatre program one day a week as a volunteer.

And there's nothing like a partner retiring to send one screaming from the house. Lol

I'm looking down the sights of that myself and though I stay busy with a small business that I love it's getting to be a bit more work than I want so have been measuring options. The one that involves 24/7 with this new intrusion into my rather sublime peace and quiet needs adjustments. So volunteerism (is that a word?) here I come. I'm thinking something like Friends of the Library and a local land conservation groups that needs exotics and invasives cleared from their properties. Thanks all for the suggestions.

So happy for your interview, Wok Chop! Good move stating your point and closing your mouth. I also have a tendency to fill the silence and it usually ends with me babbling on about something that really did not need sharing. I think interviewers use that as a tactic. All best!!!

Glad you are feeling some small sense of healing Skittl. So very difficult. And I think you are right about staying busy. Every little bit helps. Peace.

  • Love 4

Happyfatchick, I don't know if this is a typo or not, but it cracked me up!


Does anyone know of a good site that teaches you (or shows you) how to create a great resume? I have randomly been applying for jobs over the last few months (I have a job, but it started sucking after a re-org a few months ago) but I've only gotten two phone interviews (one that went nowhere and one that I didn't pursue). I've sent out probably two dozen applications over the last 4-5 months, so I think I need to look at redoing my resume to get a better response.

Maybe one of the Duggars (Ben?) could give you resume & interview advice. (Sorry, I couldn't resist.) Do you think they even know what a resume is? Besides having a Servant's Heart, what else could they list?

  • Love 3

So my mom and I are going to make baked goods for a local humane society's bake sale. We can't decide what to make though. My mom thought gingerbread dogs would be cute. And I totally agree with her. But I want to pick out something to make too.

Ideally, it would be something that can be made a few days before and will keep. Any suggestions?

Hi, Burlsa! Are you making people cookies or doggy cookies? I don't know why I ask because I am skittish when it comes to anything more than Pillsbury slice and bake.

  • Love 3

Well, I think the treats are mostly for people, however I like the edible for dogs angle as well.

Banana bread would be great if I had some of those mini bread tins. Maybe I'll try to find some.

My cat likes Cheez-its. And we have a homemade Cheez-it recipe. I could try those. Cats, dogs, and humans alike like them. But that could get pricey.

I also am famous for these bacon and cheese scones that I make. But they're not as good after a day.

GeeGolly, I love cooking and sometimes baking. I hate measuring, so I don't bake too often. But everyone loves it when my mom and I are in the kitchen. My grandma is not a cook, so my mom and I learned how to cook together.

  • Love 6

Well, I think the treats are mostly for people, however I like the edible for dogs angle as well.

Banana bread would be great if I had some of those mini bread tins. Maybe I'll try to find some.

My cat likes Cheez-its. And we have a homemade Cheez-it recipe. I could try those. Cats, dogs, and humans alike like them. But that could get pricey.

I also am famous for these bacon and cheese scones that I make. But they're not as good after a day.

GeeGolly, I love cooking and sometimes baking. I hate measuring, so I don't bake too often. But everyone loves it when my mom and I are in the kitchen. My grandma is not a cook, so my mom and I learned how to cook together.

My favorite food is anything I didn't prepare! But I love watching people, who are creative and passionate about cooking and baking, preparing food. It's like watching art in motion.

  • Love 9

Well, I think the treats are mostly for people, however I like the edible for dogs angle as well.

Banana bread would be great if I had some of those mini bread tins. Maybe I'll try to find some.

My cat likes Cheez-its. And we have a homemade Cheez-it recipe. I could try those. Cats, dogs, and humans alike like them. But that could get pricey.

I also am famous for these bacon and cheese scones that I make. But they're not as good after a day.

GeeGolly, I love cooking and sometimes baking. I hate measuring, so I don't bake too often. But everyone loves it when my mom and I are in the kitchen. My grandma is not a cook, so my mom and I learned how to cook together.

Is there anything to stop you from providing slices of banana bread? I'm pretty sure I've seen that done at fairly casual events. Or there are mini-muffins.

I like the idea of sharing cheez-its with the cat but then again I usually deflect his begging by putting something down he doesn't like. He doesn't beg like he used to and no it's not cruel!

  • Love 3

Is there anything to stop you from providing slices of banana bread? I'm pretty sure I've seen that done at fairly casual events. Or there are mini-muffins.

I like the idea of sharing cheez-its with the cat but then again I usually deflect his begging by putting something down he doesn't like. He doesn't beg like he used to and no it's not cruel!

I've never thought of doing only slices of bread! I could totally try that!

My kitty only comes close if food is involved, so I always try to give her something. I also like to see her reaction to different foods. She's gotten less polite with begging and has taken to taking food off of our plates. She tried to carry away a slice of my sister's pizza the other day!

  • Love 7

Is this the kinda' wild kitty you took in? I might be confused.

But, Kudos. Patience and more patience. Our half-wild is 12! He's still a little wild, in a good way.

We got her from the humane society. She had been a barn cat, but snuck in the house to give birth to her kittens. The house actually ended up catching on fire and she was burned very badly. It was a blessing in disguise though. The kitten she was trying to give birth to was way too big and would have killed her. Instead she got an emergency c-section while also being treated for the burns. Her name is Phoenix since she rose from ashes. She's a sweetheart, but still timid at times. I think someone must have beaten her, because anytime she sees us with a broom or similar object she runs and hides. It makes me so sad.

  • Love 6

My cat will try and take the door off my fork as I put it to my mouth. If it's food on my plate she feels entitled. She's like a gnat circling when I order shrimp lo mein. Her previous owner liked fat cats and deliberately cultivated her taste in people food. She's lost weight since I've had her but is still too heavy. To keep her off my plate I put hot sauce in the plate. The smell puts her off, and that is a good thing. She tries to guilt me into giving her some. She gets all loving and acts as if death from malnutrition is minutes away. It's comical to watch a cat with 17 chins and a belly that looks like she's about ready about ready to birth a full grown Rottweiler act as if she's starving. She gets a couple of shrimps from my lo mein before I break out the hot mustard, but that's all.

  • Love 6

ETA quote

We got her from the humane society. She had been a barn cat, but snuck in the house to give birth to her kittens. The house actually ended up catching on fire and she was burned very badly. It was a blessing in disguise though. The kitten she was trying to give birth to was way too big and would have killed her. Instead she got an emergency c-section while also being treated for the burns. Her name is Phoenix since she rose from ashes. She's a sweetheart, but still timid at times. I think someone must have beaten her, because anytime she sees us with a broom or similar object she runs and hides. It makes me so sad.

Ohhhh. Rescue animals know. Cats might pretend otherwise but...

And it sounds like a happy attachment. For all.

We think ours might have been in a plastic grocery bag at some point. 12 years and he still shrinks at the crackle. But he'll stick his head in a not yet emptied (stationary) Pet Supermarket bag!

I usually see slices and homemade cookies etc. on a paper plate with Saran. Have fun!

Edited by NewDigs
  • Love 4

There are still questions being raised about possible WanderWoman aliases posting here; we have had multiple recent communications on this issue. Please rest assured that the mods are watching this. Any soliciting for money will be immediately nixed, and if you receive anything behind the scenes seeking financial or material support, please contact the mods immediately.

However, we've seen how big-hearted, kind, and caring everyone is here. We don't want that to change because of a couple of attention-seekers. Bad things do happen to good people, and a supportive post costs nothing. It's only giving good back to the universe, which is sorely needed.


If you are suspicious of someone or find a poster's situation to be implausible, you don't need to respond to them. In that situation, we recommend that you use the ignore feature. The mods do not put posters on ignore, so we know what's going on here. Trust us, Big Sister is watching!

  • Love 18

Happyfatchick, I don't know if this is a typo or not, but it cracked me up!


Does anyone know of a good site that teaches you (or shows you) how to create a great resume? I have randomly been applying for jobs over the last few months (I have a job, but it started sucking after a re-org a few months ago) but I've only gotten two phone interviews (one that went nowhere and one that I didn't pursue). I've sent out probably two dozen applications over the last 4-5 months, so I think I need to look at redoing my resume to get a better response.

I second Honeycocoa's recommendation for Ask A Manager, it's great. I've also gotten good ideas from reading the LinkedIn profiles of people who have jobs similar to what I'm looking for. It has helped me to think differently about how I present my job responsibilities and skills.

  • Love 5

There are still questions being raised about possible WanderWoman aliases posting here; we have had multiple recent communications on this issue. Please rest assured that the mods are watching this. Any soliciting for money will be immediately nixed, and if you receive anything behind the scenes seeking financial or material support, please contact the mods immediately.

However, we've seen how big-hearted, kind, and caring everyone is here. We don't want that to change because of a couple of attention-seekers. Bad things do happen to good people, and a supportive post costs nothing. It's only giving good back to the universe, which is sorely needed.

If you are suspicious of someone or find a poster's situation to be implausible, you don't need to respond to them. In that situation, we recommend that you use the ignore feature. The mods do not put posters on ignore, so we know what's going on here. Trust us, Big Sister is watching!

Do you mind us asking why an alias/aliases would be allowed to continue posting here?

As far as i understand it, the only thing they are looking for besides other people's hard earned cash, is the enjoyment and attention they get out of fooling good honest people.

So what's the plus side in letting them remain? If this is not something a mod wants to explain on the public board, feel free to PM me. I'm just curious.

Edited by MarysWetBar
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Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

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