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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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Last year we had something totally absurd happen. The last couple years I have been making sugar and gingerbread cookies and putting out icing and sprinkles so people can decorate their own cookies.

My niece had elaborately decorated a gingerbread man and left it on the table to harden overnight. Some of us were up talking about how hilarious it would be if someone kidnapped the gingerbread man (because our niece is very serious about candy and treats).

I went to bed and in the morning the outline of the cookie was on s napkin along with a ransom note. After that it got crazy. Interrogations, handwriting analysis, reconstructing the crime scene. This went on for days. My niece even got an email sent to her from the kidnapper taunting her.

She left to go home and then some time after New Years the cookie was Priority Mailed to her along with a police report describing what happened and who did it and why.

No one had ever confessed to this but I am pretty sure her name is MOM and I want to know how she is going to top herself this year.

Love it.

  • Love 8

How are you feeling?


Well from the procedure I only have some minor leg cramping, similar to a charley horse. As far as the rest of me, all I can say is this week has been hard for me. Part of the issue that I've been having (that lead to the angiogram) is some cognitive impairment. It started out similar to brain fogs that happens with autoimmune disorders but this week it has gotten progressively worse. It has made it hard to keep up with posting. Thanks for asking. :)


I'm trying to stay positive and rest. I've been watching a lot of PBS Create, and so now I'm really in the mood to cook. lol.

  • Love 11

Last week we discussed candy and Thanksgving.  Is there a special tradition your family or you do during the holiday season.  I go to House of Holiday in Queens ny and then go see lights in  Dyker Heights in Brooklyn  and of course i stop at Spumi Gardens to get pizza.

My daughter is Brooklyn- I'll have to visit Dyker Heights.

Here in MA a nearby town does a Luminarium (this year will be their 36th year!) The whole downtown (with large beautiful homes, churches and barns) is lined with candles and lots of gorgeous decorations - It's always the Sunday before Christmas. My two friends and I have gone when it was warm enough to BBQ outside and when there has been snow falling!  

(edited to remove link as sign in may be required)

Edited by springtime
  • Love 5

I realize this is the ultimate First World Problem, but I have really had it with MLM's. Our small town has a community FB page which is regularly invaded by Jamberry/DoTerra/MaryKay/Younique consultants. I am so damn sick of the DoTerra consultants in particular. NO, your "essential oils" do not cure cancer or restart a dead thyroid. While I'm on the subject of MLM's, two of my girlfriends proudly announced to me last week that they are getting into the latest MLM --- at home wine sales.




We live in one of the biggest-producing wine regions in the country. I can drive to the local Safeway (1.5 miles from our house) and buy some pretty great wine for less than $10 per bottle, bring it home and savor it without paying for shipping or the middleman. If I don't know what to buy or have a special occasion requiring a really great bottle of wine, there's a full-time sommelier at the grocery store less than ten miles from our house, for God's sake. Of course I know they're probably both pissed at me that I did not book a party with them on the spot. I don't do MLM home parties. Period. And again, have I mentioned how sick I am of MLM's and those who participate in them?



  • Love 16

Well from the procedure I only have some minor leg cramping, similar to a charley horse. As far as the rest of me, all I can say is this week has been hard for me. Part of the issue that I've been having (that lead to the angiogram) is some cognitive impairment. It started out similar to brain fogs that happens with autoimmune disorders but this week it has gotten progressively worse. It has made it hard to keep up with posting. Thanks for asking. :)


I'm trying to stay positive and rest. I've been watching a lot of PBS Create, and so now I'm really in the mood to cook. lol.

Rest , stay postivie and join us on our thread .  We love having you around.  

Most of my family is gone, unfortunately, but those of us left have a nice way to remind ourselves of them without being maudlin or getting all sad and weepy...


We're scattered all over, but when we put up our Christmas trees we call each other to talk about the "special" ornaments that we either bought in remembrance of a loved one or was bought for us by someone special. I have an anchor for my dad, musical notes for my sister, little birds for my grandmother, and so on. All the ones bought for me are either crowns/tiaras or have to do with royalty. I am a pretty, pretty Princess  ;)


Then, and this is the best part, we talk about all of the horrifying things that happened at holiday gatherings that have now "aged" to a point where they're now funny. Like when we had the Great Turkey Fire of 1989. When Daddy caught his chair on fire while "sleep smoking" in 1992 (yeah, there's a lot of fire stories here). When my aunt ran through and then OVER a headstone on Christmas day in the cemetery and then commented "Wow, that was a big curb !". 


The weirdest story that still makes me shake my head was discovering that one of our figurines that was used in our nearly century-old manger scene was actually a WWI German soldier called a "Kapitulanten" - basically a professional solder. 


For years it had been dirty and smudged and had cotton batting and glitter on it from being packed with other ornaments and no one dared clean it lest it fall apart, but one year, as a present to my parents, I took them to an antiques dealer to have them professionally cleaned, and BINGO ! The man we thought was a random shepherd  looking down adoringly on the baby Jesus was a German military aggressor in the War to End All Wars !!! 


We immediately retired Herr Otto Sauerkraut, as we dubbed him, and wonder to this day exactly which family member was responsible for bringing Otto to Christmas.

Most of my family is gone also but the traditions my mother and father taught me live on.  

My daughter is Brooklyn- I'll have to visit Dyker Heights.

Here in MA a nearby town does a Luminarium (this year will be their 36th year!) The whole downtown (with large beautiful homes, churches and barns) is lined with candles and lots of gorgeous decorations - It's always the Sunday before Christmas. My two friends and I have gone when it was warm enough to BBQ outside and when there has been snow falling!  

(edited to remove link as sign in may be required)

Luminarium is a beautiful tradtion I must but this on my list of things to do over the holiday season.

  • Love 8

Missy Vixen, I love you.  (And our names rhyme.)  The MLM parties are crazy.  And the "Facebook parties" for these things are the latest rage, too.  Because I'm a stay-at-home mom and my circle is comprised of mostly other moms, I probably get more invites to both real and virtual parties than most, maybe 3 a month.  I think a lot of women buy into the MLM Tupperware-type model because it sounds so fantastic -- you set your own hours, get discounts on product, make extra money, etc. Of course, it rarely pans out that way, unless you can get others to sell too.


Burlsa, feel better and keep posting when you can. 

  • Love 9

What is MLM? Anyway. Market America. This is a pyramid scheme and I can't believe people are dumb enough.... I at the behest of someone who at the time I thought was a friend, but came to realize was just bat shit crazy, went to a seminar. 19 year old kid, claimed to be a millionaire due to MA, but was wearing an ill fitting suit that he most likely bought at Walmart. The "founder" had hair that was teased to rafters and was most likely colored at home with Market America hair dye. She gestured broadly to her slides with her Lee Press On nails and told all of us we too could have penthouse apartments and yachts. I was like WTF? After the presentation these two mingled with the crowd. I will admit they have talent. Talent to recognize those who see through their bullshit. They tried to engage me. I was polite, but they quickly realized I wasn't buying their boat load of crap and moved on to other marks. What this wrong with people? The person who brought me at last count had spent close to five grand and had not seen one nickel of profit. And she was planning on buying a computer and several flat screen monitors so she could train victims in her home. It baffles me........

  • Love 7

Missy Vixen, I love you. (And our names rhyme.) The MLM parties are crazy. And the "Facebook parties" for these things are the latest rage, too. Because I'm a stay-at-home mom and my circle is comprised of mostly other moms, I probably get more invites to both real and virtual parties than most, maybe 3 a month. I think a lot of women buy into the MLM Tupperware-type model because it sounds so fantastic -- you set your own hours, get discounts on product, make extra money, etc. Of course, it rarely pans out that way, unless you can get others to sell too.

Burlsa, feel better and keep posting when you can.

My favorite SAHM MLM party is for FYP. The acronym stands for For Your Pleasure, and if you haven't already guessed, they sell sex toys. :D

Wow, quadruple post. What do I win???

Edited by Sew Sumi
  • Love 5

Two Words: It Works!



I know I may be missing out on some things here or there that would make me happy, but most days I'm very confident that having a Facebook account would just drive me batshit crazy. I think I'll live a long and happy life without ever having to say "Well, hello, girl I haven't heard from since the 7th grade. Thank you for sending me a picture of your lunch. And no, I don't want to buy your vitamins." 

  • Love 10

Those are at least more fun than jewelry parties because you get to drink...  (Or in my case, since I don't drink even when I'm not pregnant- eat food)


But if it's "wine shop at home"- holy expensive wines. They aren't bad, but they aren't worth the price.

The "wine shop at home" girlfriends gave a party three months ago. They live 40 miles one way from our house. There's no way in Hell I'm drinking and getting behind the wheel of the car, so I asked if I could buy a bottle of wine remotely and have it shipped to me. No can do. Considering the fact I passed 21 in the rearview mirror a LONG time ago, I do not understand why one can't buy a bottle of wine without a high-pressure sales pitch.


I know people that do the jewelry parties, too. AARRGH.


One thing's for sure, I'm betting a "wine party" with the women on Small Talk would be all kinds of fun. ;-)

  • Love 6

What is MLM?

MLM = Multi-Level Marketing, also known as direct sales, pyramid scheme, dual marketing, home based business, etc. You cannot make money in these operations by selling their product; you must recruit, and recruit a LOT, your recruits have to recruit, and all of you have to make copious product orders (whether or not you can turn around and sell them, that's your problem).

I'm very heartened to see so many who aren't falling for the MLM BS and by not even supporting friends/family who are pushing them.

If you're interested, there's a wealth of information over at pinktruth.com. It started out revealing the truth behind Mary Kay (which I fell for, ugh!) but has expanded to include just about any other MLM you've ever heard of. The mission there is to help those who've seen the light and got out of their MLM, and to support family & friends of those who are convinced that "this time I'm going to make it work!!!!" Sadly, there IS NO MAKING IT WORK, no matter how smart you are, no matter how hard you work. The company just wants to keep you ordering (and so does your "upline."). Anyway, kudos to you all for supporting your local businesses and buying better products for much more reasonable prices.

  • Love 11

I think I'll live a long and happy life without ever having to say "Well, hello, girl I haven't heard from since the 7th grade. Thank you for sending me a picture of your lunch. And no, I don't want to buy your vitamins." 

You mean you don't want the unique experience of being bullied by a guy you haven't seen since sophomore year English, and don't care to see again in this lifetime? ;-)


There's some really great people on Facebook. I love seeing the photos of their grandchildren, hearing about how they're doing and visiting with people I don't see every day anymore. There are also people that (again) I haven't seen for 20-30 years by choice, and don't want to interact with them. I don't blame you for not getting a FB account. It's nice to know that Mark Zuckerberg is Hoovering up our personal information to add to his fortune. NOT.

  • Love 4

A former co-worker of mine got sucked into Market America. Their big scam is they get all their members to attend these ridiculous conferences and seminars, which they have to pay for. She used to post about it like crazy and try to recruit people, but nobody bit. I haven't seen anything about it in a while, so I'm assuming she saw the light.

Speaking of online bullying, my fiance received a nasty FB message from a former classmate he hadn't seen in forever. Apparently his son had an illness and he posted a GoFundMe to help with expenses. My fiance didn't donate and was told he was "heartless," "too good to remember where he came from," and "too selfish to help a sick boy." People get really crazy on social media these days.

Edited by BitterApple
  • Love 8

A former co-worker of mine got sucked into Market America. Their big scam is they get all their members to attend these ridiculous conferences and seminars, which they have to pay for. She used to post about it like crazy and try to recruit people, but nobody bit. I haven't seen anything about it in a while, so I'm assuming she saw the light.

Speaking of online bullying, my fiance received a nasty FB message from a former classmate he hadn't seen in forever. Apparently his son had an illness and he posted a GoFundMe to help with expenses. My fiance didn't donate and was told he was "heartless," "too good to remember where he came from," and "too selfish to help a sick boy." People get really crazy on social media these days.

Holy shit - JUST WRONG!

  • Love 9

My FB feed has plenty of selfies, #cleaneating and photos of clubs.  I'm not particularly interested in a photo of someone's face (especially with a stupid hashtag) nor do I care about your vegan spinach brownie or whatever.  I'm also not keen on seeing drunk people do dumb things.  So I have liked news pages and sports pages so that I actually see stuff that I am interested in. I try to be really conscious on social media - once it is out there, it doesn't come back! So I don't post about politics (although I do like political stuff in small amounts) or anything that I wouldn't want on a billboard with my name.  Besides, the people I actually care about know what is happening in my life.  

  • Love 7

Wow you all make me happy that I can't drink wine (oh for WAAAA), I exercise just fine on my own, and I can't wear jewelry those people sell due to the nickel allergy from hell.

And I so hate Facebook and will til the end of time. I hope the Zuckerberg's kid turns out to be a Luddite.


And I really hate it when I nearly report my own post, why can't they move that link!

Edited by Chicklet
  • Love 4

My cousin-in-law seems to have an exercise addiction, but I don't think she is into Beachbody. However, she has joined the cult of Arbonne. She was always a nice, innocuous person, but anymore I roll my eyes when she posts. Then again, Im sure I annoy people with my cat memes and the other assorted stuff I post.

Oh my god! Arbonne! I think it is cult!

It makes me wonder. Those that I know who latch on to Arbonne and such really don't have any friends. STAH moms with small children, retirees with either no job, or some mindless minimum wage time killer job. I think they get involved for companionship. A chance to talk to someone about something. At least it seems like that for the folks I know who do this. Maybe they fall prey for this reasons. And not to be mean, but those folks I know are not very bright. I don't think they know how to converse on a topic at hand. They need to have a topic, and have crib notes on that topic. I'm sure these MLM's have all sorts of pschyo analysis data on personalities so they know who to target. Well, it does take all kinds. That's why FB has an unfollow button and posting boards like this one have rules. Keeps the rest of us sane.

  • Love 6

Well from the procedure I only have some minor leg cramping, similar to a charley horse. As far as the rest of me, all I can say is this week has been hard for me. Part of the issue that I've been having (that lead to the angiogram) is some cognitive impairment. It started out similar to brain fogs that happens with autoimmune disorders but this week it has gotten progressively worse. It has made it hard to keep up with posting. Thanks for asking. :)


I'm trying to stay positive and rest. I've been watching a lot of PBS Create, and so now I'm really in the mood to cook. lol.

BURLSA, thinking about you and sending healing thoughts and many hugs. Hope they find the cause and solution for you.

  • Love 4

Hey, don't knock all MLMs. I was at a Drag Queen Tupperware Extravaganza over the summer and had a blast and even bought a couple of items I really like. If the MLM is hosted by a drag queen I highly recommend going other than that, hum, not so much.

Oh, I would SO go to that!

Everything's better with drag queens!  :)

Ain't it the truth?! :-)
  • Love 3

Oh my god! Arbonne! I think it is cult!

It makes me wonder. Those that I know who latch on to Arbonne and such really don't have any friends. STAH moms with small children, retirees with either no job, or some mindless minimum wage time killer job. I think they get involved for companionship. A chance to talk to someone about something. At least it seems like that for the folks I know who do this. Maybe they fall prey for this reasons. And not to be mean, but those folks I know are not very bright. I don't think they know how to converse on a topic at hand. They need to have a topic, and have crib notes on that topic. I'm sure these MLM's have all sorts of pschyo analysis data on personalities so they know who to target. Well, it does take all kinds. That's why FB has an unfollow button and posting boards like this one have rules. Keeps the rest of us sane.

I am familiar with the type of people you are talking about. This cousin isn't part of that demographic. She has a good job and lots of friends. She isn't unintelligent, but I don't think she's much of a critical thinker. For instance, she shares stories from dubious sources about certain foods being bad because of whatever junk pseudo science was cited in the article. Even though I recognize the issues with the food supply in this country, I'm not going to mindlessly believe something published by a website with a name like naturalfoodnewsandmodernhomeopath.biz. (Then again, I won't mindlessly believe scientists telling me that GMOs are totally safe because that technology is no different than hybridization)

Anyway, it's like people who don't utilize critical thinking skills seem to glom on whatever bullet points and buzzwords are popular at the moment. Which leads me to something someone just brought up--the latest buzzword: "clean eating." I fear that if I hear someone say that in real life, I may go berserk and do something foolish. ...So, this cousin is probably talking to someone right this second about eating clean...and will go on to insert some Arbonne spiel.

PS Yes, that is a made up website name. :P

  • Love 7

BURSLA I only have at most a few hours a day, not necessarily consecutive ones, that I can actually accomplish anything.  Which means stuff just keeps building up and the brain fogs just get worse.  And, with all the calls I have to make, it feels like I just had this conversation with whomever a couple of days ago.  And I hurt.  And I can't see for shit.  But I can take a walk.  And watch tv in the bedroom, in the living room I'm so uncomfortable.  And my electronics keep fouling up.  Today the printer again trying to get another FU letter out, no I don't owe you money.  Many more of those to write.  I don't know why the printer is so crappy.  I can't read the little signs it shows.  I hate it.  But I hated the last 2 I had also.  Nevertheless, when you mentioned Brain Fog, I thought immediately of Tom Hanks and his Brain Cloud in Joe Versus the Volcano.  And that makes me laugh and feel good.  So thank you.

  • Love 5

Good grief. If that is the reason why Victoria Beckham never smiles, I can only say this. Victoria, who cares? Really. Who gives a damn how well-preserved you are or how beautiful you remain as you age - if to achieve it, you have to look miserable all the time?

She's a real weirdo about photos. In addition to not smiling, she puts one leg forward and leans way back because it apparently gives the illusion of longer legs.
  • Love 2

Skittl you and your husband are in my thoughts and prayers that you have wise and compassionate people around to help you to have peace no matter what happens. 


Yes, absolutely, I'm another one who heard stories of people's terrible ultrasound prognostications, "I can see [dire prognostication] on the monitor..."  Baby came out perfect.  "What happened to, "I can see it?"" "Oh, those pictures aren't exact." ... also, in the not too distant past there was an article claiming that the majority of people who visit doctors, have been given at least one totally wrong diagnosis in their lives.

  • Love 3

Burlsa, feel better!


My mom has an angiogram scheduled for 11 today.  Long story short, she did not have pneumonia, she had a mild heart attack.  The doctors are all over the place and I am trying to have humor about it so I refer to it as a game of "Who's on first".  She's still in the ICU, they are not successfully treating her high blood pressure, she has kidney issues but at least she's back down to a cannula after B-pap and then something that looked like a cannula with a walrus mustache.


Obnoxious people on FaceBook.  Okay, this is the first time disclosing my disgust about this one out loud, ever, to anyone, lol.  Someone that I know from years ago at my daughter's original dance studio from hell (which is a whole other story of horror), finally on the second much younger daughter bought a clue and pulled the second daughter out of the studio from hell to get decent training.  Anyways, she has taken this daughter with terrible awful technique to Nationals (2-3k easily) almost every year - to compete her solos at the Novice (which is cheating because she trained far too many hours a week to compete as Novice) level, and begs every year for people to buy from all her MLM schemes to fund these trips (who goes to Nationals to compete on the Novice level?).  Now that said daughter is at a somewhat decent studio, she auditioned and was accepted to a solid regional ballet summer intensive this past year, and up went the begging for money with an actual GoFundMe page!  I was disgusted (but actually gleeful to see she only raised about $300).  If you can't afford these things, don't do them!!!!  And don't beg me, that somehow found a way for my kid to pay for your kid!  There were years where my daughter  had to do the local ballet academy's intensive because $750 instead of $2-5k for out of town intensives with boarding.  It's doable to get good summer training, dammit!  /rant


(Apologies for a bunch of jargon that some might not understand because - Dance Mom over here, PHEW that felt good!)

  • Love 13

I am really annoyed about the proliferation of "go fund me" pages. Good idea for those who have truly had a misfortune, but lately I've seen many pages to fund weddings, dance competitions and other things that prior to the Internet, were paid for privately, or guess what, not done because there was no money. I think it is just another way for scam artists to obtain funds.

  • Love 15

You are my soulmate, Lemur. I'm having a cigarette right now with my coffee and just finished reading about the World Health Organization's press conference announcing a definitive link between eating red meat and cancer, and all I can think is I can't wait until dinner because I have a big ole' steak ready for the grill...  ;)


And we shall have whiskey with our steaks!  Seriously, I got home last night (two hours late and super grumbly) and seared off a bacon-wrapped filet in my cast-iron skillet and finished it in the convection oven.  Then I sat down with my steak and my whiskey and laughed at the WHO.


Last week we discussed candy and Thanksgving.  Is there a special tradition your family or you do during the holiday season.  I go to House of Holiday in Queens ny and then go see lights in  Dyker Heights in Brooklyn  and of course i stop at Spumi Gardens to get pizza.


My platonic male lifemate, the Captain, keeps threatening to take me up to Dyker Heights for the Christmas lights.  I will insist we stop at Spumi Gardens if you say it's can't-miss.  The Captain has picked up a touring gig with one of these Trans Siberian Orchestra type things that runs from mid-November through to New Years, so I doubt we'll make it.  But he's going to have to buy me pizza if we do.

  • Love 5

So, here I am complaining again, but it's not my fault that "GoFundMe" produces a deep rage within me. The site should be renamed "Grifter Express." I know it serves a purpose for legitimate fundraising, but it also is a one-stop shop for lazy grifters.

There was a campaign that came up in my FB feed a while back. It was to raise money for a young couple who wanted to rent a house they couldn't afford. The girl had gotten pregnant her senior year, and they married shortly after graduation. The guy has a job, but she is a "stay at home mommy." So, I'm thinking if you want a nice home for your son to grow up in, you get off your lazy ass and get a job. But, NO, not her...she just wants handouts because she is obviously too special to have to work for a better future.

Oh, and this is what really drives me batty: she got knocked up again around the same time she created the GoFundMe!!!

The nice thing is that she didn't make much money. After all, this was a poor, rural area where even established adults often struggle to provide nice homes for their families. Here's a screenshot I took:


  • Love 9

And we shall have whiskey with our steaks!  Seriously, I got home last night (two hours late and super grumbly) and seared off a bacon-wrapped filet in my cast-iron skillet and finished it in the convection oven.  Then I sat down with my steak and my whiskey and laughed at the WHO.



My platonic male lifemate, the Captain, keeps threatening to take me up to Dyker Heights for the Christmas lights.  I will insist we stop at Spumi Gardens if you say it's can't-miss.  The Captain has picked up a touring gig with one of these Trans Siberian Orchestra type things that runs from mid-November through to New Years, so I doubt we'll make it.  But he's going to have to buy me pizza if we do.

You will love Spumi Gardens it has been family owned and operated since 1939. 

Edited by amitville
  • Love 3

So, here I am complaining again, but it's not my fault that "GoFundMe" produces a deep rage within me. The site should be renamed "Grifter Express." I know it serves a purpose for legitimate fundraising, but it also is a one-stop shop for lazy grifters.

There was a campaign that came up in my FB feed a while back. It was to raise money for a young couple who wanted to rent a house they couldn't afford. The girl had gotten pregnant her senior year, and they married shortly after graduation. The guy has a job, but she is a "stay at home mommy." So, I'm thinking if you want a nice home for your son to grow up in, you get off your lazy ass and get a job. But, NO, not her...she just wants handouts because she is obviously too special to have to work for a better future.

Oh, and this is what really drives me batty: she got knocked up again around the same time she created the GoFundMe!!!

The nice thing is that she didn't make much money. After all, this was a poor, rural area where even established adults often struggle to provide nice homes for their families. Here's a screenshot I took:



A former friend of mine - a FB friends I accumulated after I'd been kicked off of a cruise ship message board about two dozen times - set up one of these a couple of years back to save her house from foreclosure after she'd gotten fired from her job as a cocktail waitress at a sushi bar (in Alabama).  She reportedly got fired for refusing to give a patron CPR after a heart attack (so she says ...).  Of course, she was denied unemployment and thus couldn't make the mortgage.  Well, she decided to go back to school right about the time when the bank would have jacked the house out from under her, took out a bunch of student loans, paid up the back mortgage payments, and then used the GoFundMe money to go on a rather expensive 11-day cruise with a bunch of her other cruise friends, including stays at someone's house before and after.  There was some kind of trouble when she got pulled over for DUI in someone's car (her car conveniently died right before she left) and got nailed for having weed on her.  Chick was a total grifter, from a whole family of grifters.  Habitat for Humanity built her oldest kid a new house, and they had the gall to complain about everything being builder-grade.  She moved a gay couple in with her after her youngest kid went to college, and charged them more than enough to cover her mortgage and then had the nerve to go back to them and ask them to pay her utilities too.  When they moved out, realizing they could buy a house for what she was charging, she outed both of them at their place of business.  I feel bad for the people who created GoFundMe, it's full of the best intentions and gets abused by the batshit crazy and entitled.

  • Love 8

A former friend of mine - a FB friends I accumulated after I'd been kicked off of a cruise ship message board about two dozen times - set up one of these a couple of years back to save her house from foreclosure after she'd gotten fired from her job as a cocktail waitress at a sushi bar (in Alabama).  She reportedly got fired for refusing to give a patron CPR after a heart attack (so she says ...).  Of course, she was denied unemployment and thus couldn't make the mortgage.  Well, she decided to go back to school right about the time when the bank would have jacked the house out from under her, took out a bunch of student loans, paid up the back mortgage payments, and then used the GoFundMe money to go on a rather expensive 11-day cruise with a bunch of her other cruise friends, including stays at someone's house before and after.  There was some kind of trouble when she got pulled over for DUI in someone's car (her car conveniently died right before she left) and got nailed for having weed on her.  Chick was a total grifter, from a whole family of grifters.  Habitat for Humanity built her oldest kid a new house, and they had the gall to complain about everything being builder-grade.  She moved a gay couple in with her after her youngest kid went to college, and charged them more than enough to cover her mortgage and then had the nerve to go back to them and ask them to pay her utilities too.  When they moved out, realizing they could buy a house for what she was charging, she outed both of them at their place of business.  I feel bad for the people who created GoFundMe, it's full of the best intentions and gets abused by the batshit crazy and entitled.

My mouth is hanging open .  I am specechles.

  • Love 3

A former friend of mine - a FB friends I accumulated after I'd been kicked off of a cruise ship message board about two dozen times - set up one of these a couple of years back to save her house from foreclosure after she'd gotten fired from her job as a cocktail waitress at a sushi bar (in Alabama). She reportedly got fired for refusing to give a patron CPR after a heart attack (so she says ...). Of course, she was denied unemployment and thus couldn't make the mortgage. Well, she decided to go back to school right about the time when the bank would have jacked the house out from under her, took out a bunch of student loans, paid up the back mortgage payments, and then used the GoFundMe money to go on a rather expensive 11-day cruise with a bunch of her other cruise friends, including stays at someone's house before and after. There was some kind of trouble when she got pulled over for DUI in someone's car (her car conveniently died right before she left) and got nailed for having weed on her. Chick was a total grifter, from a whole family of grifters. Habitat for Humanity built her oldest kid a new house, and they had the gall to complain about everything being builder-grade. She moved a gay couple in with her after her youngest kid went to college, and charged them more than enough to cover her mortgage and then had the nerve to go back to them and ask them to pay her utilities too. When they moved out, realizing they could buy a house for what she was charging, she outed both of them at their place of business. I feel bad for the people who created GoFundMe, it's full of the best intentions and gets abused by the batshit crazy and entitled.

Okay, THAT lady makes my lazy SAHM story sound quaint. Wow! I think I need to start a GoFundMe campaign so I can cover the travel expenses to go kick her ass! What a horrible, horrible person.

ETA: How does one go about getting kicked off a cruise ship message board two dozen times? LOL

Edited by Wok Chop
  • Love 9

A former friend of mine - a FB friends I accumulated after I'd been kicked off of a cruise ship message board about two dozen times - set up one of these a couple of years back to save her house from foreclosure after she'd gotten fired from her job as a cocktail waitress at a sushi bar (in Alabama). She reportedly got fired for refusing to give a patron CPR after a heart attack (so she says ...). Of course, she was denied unemployment and thus couldn't make the mortgage. Well, she decided to go back to school right about the time when the bank would have jacked the house out from under her, took out a bunch of student loans, paid up the back mortgage payments, and then used the GoFundMe money to go on a rather expensive 11-day cruise with a bunch of her other cruise friends, including stays at someone's house before and after. There was some kind of trouble when she got pulled over for DUI in someone's car (her car conveniently died right before she left) and got nailed for having weed on her. Chick was a total grifter, from a whole family of grifters. Habitat for Humanity built her oldest kid a new house, and they had the gall to complain about everything being builder-grade. She moved a gay couple in with her after her youngest kid went to college, and charged them more than enough to cover her mortgage and then had the nerve to go back to them and ask them to pay her utilities too. When they moved out, realizing they could buy a house for what she was charging, she outed both of them at their place of business. I feel bad for the people who created GoFundMe, it's full of the best intentions and gets abused by the batshit crazy and entitled.

Maybe she listens to Dr Laura who, whenever anyone mentions daycare, goes off on a rant about "abandoning the child to strangers". Personally I don't know why anyone calls her and I think a lot of what she says is dangerous and impractical. Or, maybe the girl is lazy.

  • Love 4

Maybe she listens to Dr Laura who, whenever anyone mentions daycare, goes off on a rant about "abandoning the child to strangers". Personally I don't know why anyone calls her and I think a lot of what she says is dangerous and impractical. Or, maybe the girl is lazy.

I guess if you are worried about "abandoning" your children, you should probably create a situation where you can afford to stay home with your kids (without expecting others to underwrite your preferred lifestyle).

Also, based on all of her selfies, I would guess she's lazy. She's always in a supine position, wearing pajamas.

OMG, I sound so judgmental! Well, I suppose I am.

  • Love 7

Soooo, the angiogram didn't happen, creatinine levels were too high.  Aside from "who's on first" now we have Goldilocks. ;)


While at the hospital, the most competent cardiologist came calling and it was intimated that he is "the boss" so I feel a little better about the situation.  He answered all my questions way beyond my expectation and spent about a half hour with us.  Mom's issues are complex, and really everything does have to be "just right" to proceed.  They'll look at kidney function in the morning via labs and decide whether to proceed or not, and if not, same thing the next day and so on until she's in shape for the procedure.  At least she's out of the ICU later today, so it's baby steps.

  • Love 12

Don't get me started on the laziness and entitlement I've seen on GoFundMe! I want to shake all of these people until their teeth rattle--if you can't afford it on your own, don't buy it and don't ask someone else to buy it for you! Try saving up your money and then buying it at a later date. You don't get to have everything you want whenever you want it, esp. if you can't afford it.


And get off my lawn, too!

  • Love 13

Soooo, the angiogram didn't happen, creatinine levels were too high.  Aside from "who's on first" now we have Goldilocks. ;)


While at the hospital, the most competent cardiologist came calling and it was intimated that he is "the boss" so I feel a little better about the situation.  He answered all my questions way beyond my expectation and spent about a half hour with us.  Mom's issues are complex, and really everything does have to be "just right" to proceed.  They'll look at kidney function in the morning via labs and decide whether to proceed or not, and if not, same thing the next day and so on until she's in shape for the procedure.  At least she's out of the ICU later today, so it's baby steps.

Hopefully your mom is headed in the right direction now. Will this new doctor be the one overseeing your mother's care from this point forward?

  • Love 3

Hopefully your mom is headed in the right direction now. Will this new doctor be the one overseeing your mother's care from this point forward?


It seems like it, which greatly pleases me, I also looked up his webpage and his credentials are perfect for my mother's situation, he's board certified in Internal Medicine, Cardiovascular Diseases and Interventional Cardiology with a particular interest in complex angioplasty.  Impressive, indeed!

  • Love 5

{{{HUGS}}} for everyone dealing with their own illness or a family member's illness. I see the cardiologist for the first time Thursday morning. I have not been feeling well the last two weeks. I probably will do the Snoopy Happy Dance the day the doctors finally figure out what is going on. I just hope the doctor will not order more tests. The nurse took out a lot of wax out of my left ear yesterday morning after the physician assistant noticed I had some wax buildup. My ear still hurts, but at least I can hear better. I really like the nurse and physician assistant. They are both nice, professional, know what they are doing, caring, and have a good sense of humor.

Lemur, you had me at "got kicked off cruise ship message boards". I used to read them for entertainment. (I'm weird, okay?) We went on a disastrous cruise in 2001, a 10 day repositioning cruise from Vancouver, BC to Hawaii. Disclaimer: No, the boat didn't capsize, nobody died that we know of. It was just awful. I should have known how bad it was going to be (and got our asses off the bus to the cruise ship terminal) when the tour bus driver didn't know how to get to the dock and asked for volunteers to direct her. The vast majority of those who post to cruise boards (in my observation) were/are travel agents whose trip is heavily subsidized by suckers like us who paid a huge sum of money to go on a cruise that was not all that.


The tour bus to the terminal originated at Sea-Tac Airport in Seattle. We were one of the first on the bus, so we went to the back for a bigger seat. We were promptly evicted from that seat by a real asshole traveling with his wife and his less than six-month-old baby: They needed the seat more than we did. We moved to a different part of the bus, only to be entertained the entire way to Vancouver, BC by the asshole braying to anyone who would listen that cruising was a "family activity" and they deserved better accommodations than the "selfish people" who grabbed the back seat for themselves. The crossing to Hawaii was so rough that even the captain was sick. We didn't see the "family cruisers" out of their stateroom until disembarkation. I hope they enjoyed their trip. ;-)


I read the fallout from the "poop cruise" (Carnival Triumph, wasn't it?) for days. OMG. Of course the cruise line employees/travel agents/other interested parties were insisting that it wasn't a problem there were no working toilets, people couldn't stay in their rooms due to the stench of raw sewage in plastic bags, etcetera. According to them, you're AT SEA. You should have KNOWN that sometimes things go wrong! (Or, should I put in 5-10 more exclamation points? LOL) No matter how bad the conditions were per CNN and other news organizations, the true believers would not admit that cruising is not the bucolic vacation the professionals want to paint it as.


I'm not always this cranky. ;-) Just on days ending in "Y". Let's face it, I felt like we were taken advantage of. It won't happen again.

Don't get me started on the laziness and entitlement I've seen on GoFundMe! I want to shake all of these people until their teeth rattle--if you can't afford it on your own, don't buy it and don't ask someone else to buy it for you! Try saving up your money and then buying it at a later date. You don't get to have everything you want whenever you want it, esp. if you can't afford it.


And get off my lawn, too!



Medical bills or need money as the result of an accident? We'll contribute. Rank irresponsibility and want everyone else to clean up the mess for you? Uh, no.


Our small town has had two different families whose houses burned to the ground in the past six months. Both were uninsured. Both have been asking for money and household goods for months. I get that things happen and it's not always perfect, but homeowner's or renter's insurance is inexpensive compared to replacing everything one owns.


Of course, that's my opinion, and maybe I should eat some chocolate or something. Woo-hooo, cranky!

  • Love 5

I guess if you are worried about "abandoning" your children, you should probably create a situation where you can afford to stay home with your kids (without expecting others to underwrite your preferred lifestyle).

Also, based on all of her selfies, I would guess she's lazy. She's always in a supine position, wearing pajamas.

OMG, I sound so judgmental! Well, I suppose I am.

Just so y'all know I am not a fan of Dr Laura!

  • Love 4
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