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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

Out of respect for your fellow posters, we kindly ask that you continue any discussion about alternatives via PM or the Technically Speaking: Bugs, Questions, & Suggestions area.

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The only must have thing my family demands for Thanksgiving (besides turkey) is our fruit salad that takes hours and hours to make.

I remember my great grandma making it (and I'm 63 years old) so that's a long family tradition.

We have to make VATS of it because everyone wants to take lots home to eat in the days afterward.

My grown kids have been known to watch with an eagle eye

while the leftovers get divided up to make sure they get a fair amount.

And every year, someone tries to lobby for more "because I have more kids than you do!"That quickly gets shot down, because they say, "you know it's for YOU and not your kids!" Heh

Out of my 3 daughters and two sons, only my youngest son has never liked it.

My other kids say, "good! more for US!"

It contains:

Red grapefruit



Crushed canned pineapple

Maraschino cherries

And LOTS of mini marshmallows (do NOT get the flavored ones..yuck! )

The labor intensive part is the grapefruit and oranges..which is why I only make it at Thanksgiving, which is probably what makes them really look forward to it.

If you make this, save an extra bag of mini marshmallows, to add new handfuls to the leftovers in the coming days, because the ones already in it get translucent, and you need the chewiness. Probably good it's only once a year because of all that sugar!

Edited for big run-on sentence.

Edited by ChiCricket
  • Love 5

Back in another life, I was an EMT, and worked very closely with a group of First Responders and the Fire Dept. Naturally, we always arrived on the scene when it was at it's ugliest. Blood, gore, hysteria - panic, anger, fear, pain .... and it was up to us to bring it to order. Sometimes the victims were people we knew. No two incidents were ever exactly the same, so as much as we tried to be prepared, we never knew exactly what were going to find. We learned to switch into "responder" role, and simply react to what we found with as little emotional response as possible. We knew our teamates, and could work side by side with little or no communication needed, because were a team! Like well-oiled machinery.

But the most important part of each call was what happened after. We called it debriefing. We sat down as a team and talked. For as long as it was needed. Sometime 20 min, sometimes 6 hours. We hashed it out, we went thru all the " if only's", the " what if's", what did we do well, what should we do differently next time. There were tears and hugs and angry outburts and talking, talking talking. Till we were all talked out and drained and able to put it to rest. Then we could leave the building, go back to our lives, without the storm of pent up emotions and questions swirling through our minds until we couldn't sleep.

THAT is what got us through- sane, intact, bonded to each other, and ready for the next call.

It would have been so much easier for our leaders to say "ok. It's over. Act like you didn't see or hear any of it, act like it didn't effect you, and whatever you do, don't talk about it. Just move on."

Easier, but not healthy.

If there are any parallels to be drawn between what I've said and what has happened the last few days here - help yourself. And you're welcome!

Mods - I submit this not to grandstand, or disrespect you in any way, but just to ask you if you'd ever considered it from this viewpoint.

  • Love 13

Lesson learned Never ever ever ever let your Guard down.

. Oh Amitville, if it were only that easy. I don't even OWN a guard. Seriously. My genetic makeup is to trust, believe and love someone until they give me a reason not to. I'd love to think I learned something from this event - but sadly, I probably didn't. (Maybe a little.). I'm sure I'll be a little more cautious in the future, but I know me. I'd make a great juror (and never have had jury duty even once!) because I always believe until it's proven otherwise. I want so BADLY to believe that people are not inherently bad, but rather intrinsically "good". Because, you know: ME. I want people to see the world like I do - like it's NOT a bad place full of villains, its a GOOD place with a few scary people.

my BFF 's nickname for me is Polyanna.

  • Love 16

Just popping in real quick to let you know my refund was processed on 10/15/15 but it didn't hit my bank until 10/18/15, which was yesterday. (I don't know deposits hit on Sundays?). Growing up a JW I didn't celebrate holidays at all so I make a big deal of them for the kids. Love hearing all your traditions. I will post mine later.

Did the boy live?

  • Love 3

. Oh Amitville, if it were only that easy. I don't even OWN a guard. Seriously. My genetic makeup is to trust, believe and love someone until they give me a reason not to. I'd love to think I learned something from this event - but sadly, I probably didn't. (Maybe a little.). I'm sure I'll be a little more cautious in the future, but I know me. I'd make a great juror (and never have had jury duty even once!) because I always believe until it's proven otherwise. I want so BADLY to believe that people are not inherently bad, but rather intrinsically "good". Because, you know: ME. I want people to see the world like I do - like it's NOT a bad place full of villains, its a GOOD place with a few scary people.

my BFF 's nickname for me is Polyanna.

Ha! Same and my college roommates nickname for me is Pollyanna too.
  • Love 1

t would have been so much easier for our leaders to say "ok. It's over. Act like you didn't see or hear any of it, act like it didn't effect you, and whatever you do, don't talk about it. Just move on."

Easier, but not healthy.

If there are any parallels to be drawn between what I've said and what has happened the last few days here - help yourself. And you're welcome!

Mods - I submit this not to grandstand, or disrespect you in any way, but just to ask you if you'd ever considered it from this viewpoint.

Given how nasty and vicious the comments have been here has only confirmed our response of not giving any announcements. We are not going to encourage pitchforks and torches. And at this point we are thisclose to locking this topic. t's done. It's over. Be the better people that we know you are. 

  • Love 6

Thanks for your story, Delft. Personally, I NEEDED to do a little processing with others who'd been through it. My sister follows this thread and so we were able to yak a little. But I was helpful to hear from others, too, about red flags noticed and not noticed.

(Weirdly, I am watching a Dateline about a young woman who vanished - and who is now being revealed to have encountered a con artist with an unbelievable sob story.)

  • Love 2

. Oh Amitville, if it were only that easy. I don't even OWN a guard. Seriously. My genetic makeup is to trust, believe and love someone until they give me a reason not to. I'd love to think I learned something from this event - but sadly, I probably didn't. (Maybe a little.). I'm sure I'll be a little more cautious in the future, but I know me. I'd make a great juror (and never have had jury duty even once!) because I always believe until it's proven otherwise. I want so BADLY to believe that people are not inherently bad, but rather intrinsically "good". Because, you know: ME. I want people to see the world like I do - like it's NOT a bad place full of villains, its a GOOD place with a few scary people.

my BFF 's nickname for me is Polyanna.

I have learned something from this event also, but like you I will see the good in people .  My family calls me Mary Poppins .  

Edited by amitville
  • Love 4

Hello all, I have nothing interesting to add except I think I'm falling down in the wife/mother department. I don't have any family recipes or food specialities that I'm known for. But it warms my heart to read about them and they only adds to my belief that women make the world go round ( sorry boys). I love all the care you give your families and all the trouble you all go through to make your families happy. I need to step it up.

ETA my husband and daughter call me socialworker of a thousand chances. I'm always willing to give another chance.

Edited by nc socialworker
  • Love 10

So. I went away for a 3-day weekend and returned to discover that I have been convicted in absentia as a Sock Puppet. For the record, I didn't set up the Gofundme for Ww. I mentioned the idea once, on forum, and that's all. She emailed the link to me. I posted it. I may have given ten minutes total attention to the thing.

I'm really disappointed because I did enjoy this board, but I can't be here anymore, especially that PM 's have begun arriving informing me what a piece of shit I am.

(I'm amazed that an absence of three days constitutes a "Mysterious disappearance" BTW. Better be very sure you never go on vacation without announcing it ahead of time, or you too may find yourself hated right off the boards.)

JenCarroll, I remember you posted the link but I did not think you CREATED the gofundme site.

Don't let the bitch WW succeed at her game and drive good members away. I wrongly accused GEML of being a sock. I have apologized, not that she is around.

  • Love 15

So for Halloween, I think I'm going as a flapper. If the dress arrives and fits. If not then I'll just wear my poodle skirt.

Every year for Halloween, we go over to my grandparents house and hand out candy. I love handing it out because I love all the cute little ones. However, the past few years, there have been fewer kids trick or treating. It makes me sad.

For thanksgiving we do all the traditional carb loaded stuff. I have a sensitivity to Turkey, so I can't eat it. But there is plenty of other stuff to fill my face with.

For Christmas, we again go to my grandparents house. We go over Christmas eve night, and pig out on the goodies we made and watch Christmas movies. I really love TCM for this time of year. Then Christmas morning we open presents and have a big breakfast. Then I make Christmas dinner. We have all enjoyed brisket the past couple years. It started as a fluke, but has continued.

  • Love 7

Hello all, I have nothing interesting to add except I think I'm falling down in the wife/mother department. I don't have any family recipes or food specialities that I'm known for. But it warms my heart to read about them and they only adds to my belief that women make the world go round ( sorry boys). I love all the care you give your families and all the trouble you all go through to make your families happy. I need to step it up.

ETA my husband and daughter call me socialworker of a thousand chances. I'm always willing to give another chance.

If you wanna impress them cook some Semi-Ho Sandra Lee recipes, and when they recoil at the taste tell them Snadra has cookbooks, a magazine and more than one cooking tv series.
  • Love 2

Hi everyone. This is a tough time. How could it not be. Hugs. everyone. All good things here....


I had a really bad morning (how is this good you ask) like unbelievable bad that wouldn,t detail here even if it wasn't for what's going on, but, texted a neighbour, she calls me, says, get over here, and tea, chat, and feel so much better. Life is life, but tea and hug and vent is essential. That isn't going to happen here for a bit. But i hope it will. In the meantime, on occasion, real life people are awesome too. ;)


Deep deep breath everyone. 


Okay. the sauerkraut tradition I love. I love traditions that are just yours and are just so ingrained it,s like JUST your family. Two traditions at play in our house at the moment. I have a thank you garland that comes out for a month around thanksgiving. It is just a string with some wooden beads my kids threaded when they were little enough that that was an accomplishment. Each year every member of our family and anyone visiting gets a little square to write\draw what they are thankful for, along with their name and the year. Started when my kids couldn't write so includes simple crayon drawings of a turkey, or a sweet little house with stick figures "i am thankful for my family" spelling mistakes and all. I love it so much. It gets more awesome every year with more squares hole punched and tied on with a bit of ribbon. 


I have another tradition but have to go :( 


Take care everyone.

Edited by Itsnotreality
  • Love 16

I really love reading about everyone's traditions and feasts! I also would recommend Ina's roasted Brussels sprouts. Roasted veggies are magical.

My mom can't (wont) cook anything from scratch. Growing up, my dinners consisted of a tough cut of meat fried beyond death in oil and then something canned or boxed to go along with it. Sadly, I was quite intimidated by cooking when I first struck out on my, but over the years, I've learned to become a pretty decent cook. My daughter is an excellent cook, so she and I do the cooking for every family gathering now...because my mom has gotten even lazier over the years. And now mom gets these leftover vegetables from someone who makes up the those veggie trays for grocery stores. Who knows how old they are by the time Mom gets them, but the taste and texture are off. Yuck! And she sneaks them into everything. I used to like her pasta salad--one of the few things shed actually make homemade, but this summer it tasted weird. I found out she used those leftover onions (that she freezes and thaws). So now I won't eat anything she makes.

I'm most sad for my kids. They don't have a grandma who makes them delicious foods and goodies. I feel they were cheated! Both of my grandmas were good ol' country cooks, and I will always cherish my childhood holidays that were filled with their delicious foods (OMG my grandma used to make these homemade noodles with some type of beef gravy over them. They were soooo good). I hope I have grandkids some day, so I can fill their childhoods with delicious food, rather than nasty goop that tastes like hatred. LOL

As for Christmas, we decorate early. In fact, our tree will be going up in a few weeks. I love the holidays. It seems like, for the holiday-haters I know, that this time of year is difficult due to family politics/drama. I think it's easy for me to love holidays as an adult because I have not had in-laws to deal with for many years. I don't have much family drama to deal with either. My mom is the only one who is difficult to be around, and I just try to ignore her little games. I am also lucky to have the most awesome sister-in-law ever.

  • Love 3

If you wanna impress them cook some Semi-Ho Sandra Lee recipes, and when they recoil at the taste tell them Snadra has cookbooks, a magazine and more than one cooking tv series.

My mom got me an Aunt Sandy cookbook for Christmas one year (as a joke) so the next year I returned the favor. My grandma got annoyed (because she still liked Sandra at that time). Later I found her looking through the book I got my mom in delight. Thankfully she doesn't do the holiday cooking.

  • Love 2

Wow! Don't go on the internet for a weekend and all bells break loose!  :)


Thanksgiving is a love/hate time for me since my birthday occasionally falls on it. Usually, I didn't have a cake because my mom was busy preparing for Thanksgiving so I usually had pumpkin pie for celebration. But on the plus side, when my birthday did fall on Thanksgiving, we did feast!  I love stuffing, and make it with bread cubes, sausage, onion, broth, apples and cranberries and seasonings. Instead of candied yams, I like to bake them and serve with melted butter and a touch of cinnamon. My sister and I usually do the cooking together. Although when my brothers and parents were alive we all helped out.


I think my parents teaching us to cook was a sneaky way for them to be able to relax in the evenings.  Occasionally, my mom or dad would cook, but we kids would take turns at different meals each trying to top the other. There was four of us. Some very unusual meals were happening then! 


Halloween has become more popular in my neighborhood, we actually ran out of candy early last year and had to go and get more.  When I was young, we had the neighborhood "mapped" as to who usually gave what. Before the 'razorblade' scare, there was always the older couple who gave out apples. We had baked goods and popcorn balls also. One house when they ran out of candy gave pennies. I don't mind if some adults are also begging with kids. If they are dressed up and in the spirit, why not. Less candy sitting at home!  We met a lot of our new neighbors last year, some are new to the traditions so it was fun watching them see all the different costumes and decorations.  :) Fun times as long as the idiots don't spoil it for everyone.


Love mashed potato pancakes. Haven't had them since my mom died, but she used to mix egg and seasonings and fry them up the next day.

  • Love 4

So many different topics going on and I feel as though I'm missing jumping in on the as my computer has been particularly ornery with this site. Just as an aside, it's a new laptop which I just got a couple of weeks ago, but my old one was doing the same thing - with this site- before it gave up the ghost, so I had anticipated that having the new one would clear things up...but it's even worse now. If I open a thread by clicking on the subject, it will go to the last post I read, but then freeze up and now let me scroll up or down. If I just go directly to the last page, I can scroll, but it also likes to skip, at random, back to the top of the page or suddenly refuse to keep loading. Sometimes trying to post something can be a nightmare as it likes to freeze up, again, once every few letters I type. It's actually cooperating right now, which is the only reason I'm getting wordy. Last time I posted anything (a few days ago), it literally took me about 20 minutes to type out about four lines.


This new computer also has a touch screen, and frequently that is the only way i can get it to scroll at all. If I try to use the touch pad or the arrow buttons or my wireless mouse, I get nothing. Maybe I'm confusing it by having so many options, but I'm a creature of habit and prefer to use my mouse if I can, followed in preference by the touch pad, which at least I am reasonably used to.


Most other sites seem to work reasonably well, though this laptop (it's a small model Toshiba) has been pretty slow in response ever since I got it...maybe it's just part and parcel of being a low-end model? But I don't really use it for anything much but facebook and a couple of forums I post on, plus storing photos and some very occasional shopping, so I don't need bells and whistles. At any rate, as I was saying, most other sites work reasonably well, but it's odd that on both this and my old laptop Previously TV was the one thing that kept giving me problems. Anybody else get this happening?


I'll write more on traditions and etc in a separate post, but this one sort of took on a life of its own so I'll let it sit as is.

  • Love 2

Halloween has become more popular in my neighborhood, we actually ran out of candy early last year and had to go and get more. When I was young, we had the neighborhood "mapped" as to who usually gave what. Before the 'razorblade' scare, there was always the older couple who gave out apples. We had baked goods and popcorn balls also. One house when they ran out of candy gave pennies. I don't mind if some adults are also begging with kids. If they are dressed up and in the spirit, why not. Less candy sitting at home! We met a lot of our new neighbors last year, some are new to the traditions so it was fun watching them see all the different costumes and decorations. :) Fun times as long as the idiots don't spoil it for everyone.

This reminds me of the best Halloween ever. I was trick or treating and got to this one guy's house. He was watching a football game. He ran out of candy so he started handing out cans of pop that he had for the game. He said "I figured the pop would be more appropriate than the beer I have." Then a father of a trick or treaters said he'd take a beer and the guy went and gave one to the dad! I will always remember that Halloween.

  • Love 9

I have a love/hate affair with FN and it's hosts. I love Ina Garten's recipes but can't stand her snooty, pretentious Hamptons friends. Ree Drummond is the biggest phony going with her ranch wife shtick, but she seems like she wouldn't spit on you if you approached her on the street. Giada used to irk the crap out of me but I'm kind of rooting for her since shady ass surfer boy Todd took her to the cleaners in the divorce. I do like the one girl who lives in the Midwest, I can't think of her name, though.

  • Love 5

So who sends out Christmas cards? We have only done it three times in sixteen years, but I want to get in the habit of doing them now that we have our daughter. People are interested in seeing what she looks like and how she is doing. We do the photo cards, but there is so much pressure trying to select the perfect picture. I would rather comb through the ones we have done throughout the year instead of posing for something special. Getting my husband to dress up on the weekend just to take pictures is like I am asking him to donate a kidney. And I have to start thinking about it now. I really want to get them out around Thanksgiving because by December 1st I want to be focused on nothing but baking and decor.

We do total yuppie Christmas cards --very Pinterest-y. Generally we do family photos in the fall, and then I use Vistaprint to create the cards. It is a lot of work, because I get coordinating outfits for everyone, but I'm a dork and I enjoy it.

There are always online coupon codes for Vistaprint, and they are very reasonable. It's the postage that hurts!) You can always choose one that has multiple picture openings, too. We did that when our first was small and used pictures from milestones like baptism, Halloween, birthday, etc.

  • Love 3

I have a love/hate affair with FN and it's hosts. I love Ina Garten's recipes but can't stand her snooty, pretentious Hamptons friends. Ree Drummond is the biggest phony going with her ranch wife shtick, but she seems like she wouldn't spit on you if you approached her on the street. Giada used to irk the crap out of me but I'm kind of rooting for her since shady ass surfer boy Todd took her to the cleaners in the divorce. I do like the one girl who lives in the Midwest, I can't think of her name, though.

A Giada Halloween


  • Love 4

When do you decorate for Christmas? I know some people put up the tree and other decorations the day after Halloween. I could put up a small decorated tree on the table, but I can hear it now. I turn off the lights and go to bed. Within a few minutes my four year old kitty fur baby Sassy will be up on the table with the sound of crash, thump, thump following.


The hubby usually drags all of the stuff out of the attic the day after Thanksgiving.  The only downside to decorating so early is that I'm ready for the stuff to be put away the day after Christmas.

Edited by Stacey1014
  • Love 2

My kids usually start asking permission to decorate for Christmas as soon as the Halloween decorations come down. We make them wait until December 1. However, now that they're getting older and busier, I'm hopeful that we can defer it until the middle of December this year. I get so sick of looking at that tree, and they would happily leave it up until summer.

  • Love 2

Now, nobody in my house will eat sauerkraut but I always have a can around to throw on brats, make reuben sandwiches or to make country style pork ribs (with caraway seeds, apples, onions and sauerkraut) for myself.

Someone who does it right! We also add beer to our sauerkraut. :)


Christmas decorations go up the day after Thanksgiving and don't come down until Jan 6.

  • Love 3

I have a love/hate affair with FN and it's hosts. I love Ina Garten's recipes but can't stand her snooty, pretentious Hamptons friends. Ree Drummond is the biggest phony going with her ranch wife shtick, but she seems like she wouldn't spit on you if you approached her on the street. Giada used to irk the crap out of me but I'm kind of rooting for her since shady ass surfer boy Todd took her to the cleaners in the divorce. I do like the one girl who lives in the Midwest, I can't think of her name, though.

I agree with you 100%. Ree's just a countrified Aunt Sandy with her nasty, gloppy recipes. I love Alton (but enough with all the competitons, I miss Good Eats!). Someone I will love forever is Robert Irvine. I got to meet him at an event this spring, and he is solid gold, I can't say enough good about him.

We pulled the cable plug over a year ago, so I haven't seen FN (or the disaster that is TLC) in a while. I don't miss it (cable in general) tons but I do check in on certain networks & shows (guilty pleasure is RHoOC, BH, NY) when I'm traveling or visiting family.

  • Love 2

I miss Semi Homemade so much. There was nothing better than watching an episode and then running to TWOP for some top notch snark. We taped her last Thanksgiving special (yes, on a vcr!) a few years back and rewatch it each year. That was the one with the rubber-skinned, polka-dotted turkey. LMAO I cant type that without laughing.

  • Love 8

FN Canada never ran Sandra Lee, so I've only caught her a few times when I've been in the US.  I am all a-squee at the prospect of watching her, because, trainwrecks.


My grandmother was the World's Worst Cook - the family joke was that when she gave a dinner party, the walkway to the house was flanked by life insurance agents.  Her specialty, if you could call it that, was a traditional Jewish dish called "p'tcheh" which was meat aspic with random things floating in it.  I was oddly resistant to its charms, so she'd make me a TV dinner.  My mother inherited the delicious-cooking gene, for which I am grateful.


ETA that brussels sprouts glazed with balsamic vinegar and maple syrup are soooo good!   And while you have the syrup out, take 1/4 cup of maple syrup, mix with 1/4 cup of soy sauce and marinate salmon fillets in the mixture.  You'll never have such tasty salmon, whether you grill it or panfry it. 


All that mention of maple syrup is probably a reaction to the fact that Canada has a federal election today, and my patriotism is showing.  Canadians aren't flag-wavers, unless there's a hockey tournament, so I'll be very very Canadian and say "Sorry"!


Edited by IOU Payne
  • Love 8

I love Aunt Sandy too, but I mostly use her recipes as ideas for what to put together.  Frosting is so easy to make that there's really no need to ever but canned, and some of her shortcuts are kind of yucky, but her books really helped me learn to cook.  I like Ray Ray, too. (Don't hate me!)


I'm not a chef by any means, but I'm a good cook.  My husband is a good baker, so between us, we cover all the bases for holidays.  I tell him what kinds of pies to bake, and he tells me what side dishes to cook.  I do bake one thing for the holidays, though, a fruitcake that my great-grandmother used to make.  It's got the texture of carrot cake.  For some reason, my mother frosts it with pink buttercream frosting (which scandalizes my aunt!), and decorates it with maraschino cherries and walnut halves.  It's delicious and moist.


I also have a pumpkin date nut bread recipe that makes two large loaves and about a dozen muffins.  I haven't made it in a while because there were so few of us for holidays in Georgia, but now that I'm home in Massachusetts, I'll probably make it again.


I'm a slow processor--I usually have to talk things through at least a dozen times when something's got me all worked up, but I'm worried that we're going to end up inadvertently hurting each other here, and I would hate that.  Maybe we just need a special post of what happened or something that people can go to if they missed the hullabaloo, so the rest of us can move forward in the lovely camaraderie that's kept us here for so long. After all, the Duggars provide enough drama for the rest of the world combined, so who needs to bat around a couple of bad apples when we can just throw them out of the barrel?


Love you guys!

  • Love 7

Nope, doesn't ring a bell. LOL. Sara Lee, yes. Sandra Dee, yes. Sandra Lee, nope.


She's the unofficial first lady of New York State, which has mostly sidelined her from TFN for the last decade or so (is the official story, although I don't think her show was doing that well before that).

Giada needs to turn in her Italian card. No Italian would invite people over only for them to go home hungry!

She's the one who's had it hard, I think. Her family situation was really messed up.

Message added by Scarlett45

This is a reminder that the Politics Policy is still in effect.

I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

Political discussion is not allowed in this forum- this includes Small Talk topics. Please stay in the spirit of the policy- I have noticed a tendency for some to follow the letter but not the spirit.


While we understand the frustration (change is never easy), please keep in mind that not everyone feels the same way and that for those members who don't, the ongoing conversation about other forums and chat options can equally be a cause of frustration.

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