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Small Talk: The Prayer Closet

Message added by Scarlett45

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I understand with recent current events there may be a desire to discuss political social media posts of those in the Duggar realm- this is not the place for those discussions. If you believe someone has violated forum rules, report them, do not respond or engage.

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6 hours ago, DragonFaerie said:

I hope everyone is doing better and is on their way to wellness.  That being said, the past 2 weeks have been rough here.  OK to be totally honest the past 2 years have been rough.  I have realized that something or rather a lot of things for me need to change.   My health, my fitness, my diet, my dreams, everything is hitting rock bottom.  I have cried so much in the past week it's not funny. In the past week/10 days I've had at least 4 friends need me to drop everything and help take care of their issues.  At least 3 of their issues are from their own making/not taking care of things, etc.  I have cried a river of tears over at least one of my pet sitting clients.  My house needs major work.  My homestead needs a hoard of shoemaker elves for like 2 weeks to even begin to be caught up.  I haven't worked on my health/fitness/ or my dream job in almost 2 months.  I'm finally starting to recover from family coming out to visit and the teenagers were totally useless and checked out.  I'm exhausted.  I'm in pain from my fibryo, and my injured shoulder, my gardens, my work, my crafts are all in dire need and I don't even know where to start.

Big soft cyber hugs to you.

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My aunt's pet peeve is the commercial where the guy says he LETS his daughter play sheriff so he can launder her princess (or whatever it is) outfit.  Is he implying she's not otherwise allowed to wear it?  It just sounds so weird that he says he lets her do it.  They should have said something like "when she takes a break to play sheriff" or something else.  Otherwise, it's very Duggar-ish, isn't it?

@DragonFaerie, I'm sending special hugs to you.  I know how it feels to be so out of whack that nothing seems to help.  I've been eating myself ill during these really hot days--even with my a/c on, my apartment doesn't get especially cool, and I have a tendency to "Lay like broccoli (Quoting Pretty Woman)" when the weather is too hot.  I've gained 7 pounds since my daughter's wedding 2-1/2 weeks ago.  Yikes!

So after being dumped by my husband nearly three years ago, I've found out that he has a girlfriend--at the exact time my mother-in-law has begun referring to me as her daughter-in-law again.  So weird.  

Edited by magpye29
forgot something
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12 hours ago, wilsie said:

@bythelake  http://www.latimes.com/business/lazarus/la-fi-lazarus-drugs-country-of-origin-20180515-story.html  This article shows how frustrating trying to find the source of a medication can be.  It's intentionally obscured.  This is from the article:  "The drug industry has spent nearly $4 billion on lobbying over the last 20 years, according to the Center for Responsive Politics. No other U.S. industry comes close."  It's also frustrating when you have a prescription that works well and your prescription plan changes the tier that med is so it costs triple or more for a smaller amount.  I'm grateful to have medical insurance and a prescription plan but it gets tricky trying to work through who and what's available.  I hope your prescriptions from wherever you get them are safe and priced so they are affordable.  I wish that for all of you struggling with meds, prices and side-effects.

Thanks,@Wilsie. All my meds are generics. My Rx plan will not cover brands if there is a comparable generic.

Another problem with the Rx plans is that they change their formulary yearly. So something that is covered now, may not be next year. This happened when I was on Benicar for my BP. I felt well,  then they stopped covering it. Copay would have been  96/mo. Then we played the game of trying different ones to see if I could tolerate them. Now, if the Valsartan from a safe lab(?) that I’m using could be recalled next month, I’m back to square one.

This is very troubling for the older generation, who maybe, don’t see a notice in the paper or a blurb on tv regarding the recalls.As I said, my friend’s husband never got a letter from Walgreens or a call from their physician re the Valsartan.

. It’s always struck me as odd  that the FDA which has such strict controls over releasing new drugs, has so little control over the generics. 

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hello friends, your cheery Nurse Noni here to say that wyatt is on week 3, still wet coughing up a storm, especially on exertion.  his doctor is consulting with 'infectious disease' doctor this a.m. and i await that phone call. in the meantime.............i currently have pneumonia myself and feel awful. breathing with this on top of double lung disease is a challenge, but i got in to my doctor immediately as soon as i realized it was more than my usual struggle to breath. he started meds right then and there (read that as 'a shot in the bootee'). hoping in a few days i will feel energy again , at least enough to clean up around the house. 

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19 minutes ago, zoomama said:

hello friends, your cheery Nurse Noni here to say that wyatt is on week 3, still wet coughing up a storm, especially on exertion.  his doctor is consulting with 'infectious disease' doctor this a.m. and i await that phone call. in the meantime.............i currently have pneumonia myself and feel awful. breathing with this on top of double lung disease is a challenge, but i got in to my doctor immediately as soon as i realized it was more than my usual struggle to breath. he started meds right then and there (read that as 'a shot in the bootee'). hoping in a few days i will feel energy again , at least enough to clean up around the house. 

Hoping Wyatt and you feel better soon. {{{HUGS}}}

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Oh my goodness, @zoomama, you have to be pushing your “DO NOT FILL PAST THIS LINE” level.  I’m sorry.  Did Wyatt return to school or is he still home?

(Left turn):  every time I am on the main page of this forum, Derrick and Jill are near the top.  And every time I see it, I wonder why.  What are they doing that makes them bounce to near the top.  But every time I click it, it spins in never ending circles and eventually stops.  I forget every time and try it again.  I haven’t been able to open their section in a couple weeks (or maybe a couple months or many months, not sure).  Anyone else having that issue?  Everything else opens just fine.

@DragonFaerie, your post reeks of dispair and breaks my heart.  I hope when the sun came up this morning, things were somewhat better.  I’m virtually hugging you. I’d virtually bring you dinner too, but most southerners aren’t famous for our healthy eating choices,.. your taste buds will die happy!

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3 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

Oh my goodness, @zoomama, you have to be pushing your “DO NOT FILL PAST THIS LINE” level.  I’m sorry.  Did Wyatt return to school or is he still home?


@DragonFaerie, your post reeks of dispair and breaks my heart.  I hope when the sun came up this morning, things were somewhat better.  I’m virtually hugging you. I’d virtually bring you dinner too, but most southerners aren’t famous for our healthy eating choices,.. your taste buds will die happy!

nope, he is going to school next week hopefully.

ya know, i read some of the posts here and feel guilty for whining about some of the stuff i do share. i have to remind myself that i have it better than many; therefore no place for complaining.  you all are so sweet to listen and love on me anyways!

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3 hours ago, zoomama said:

ya know, i read some of the posts here and feel guilty for whining about some of the stuff i do share. i have to remind myself that i have it better than many; therefore no place for complaining.  you all are so sweet to listen and love on me anyways!

Actually, @zoomama, this is the perfect place to complain. Even tho others may have it worse, it doesn’t mean your struggles aren’t real. And we all get overwhelmed sometimes. We are here to give support and virtual hugs.

Which is exactly what I am sending to both you and @DragonFaerie.

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4 hours ago, Happyfatchick said:

(Left turn):  every time I am on the main page of this forum, Derrick and Jill are near the top.  And every time I see it, I wonder why.  What are they doing that makes them bounce to near the top.  But every time I click it, it spins in never ending circles and eventually stops.  I forget every time and try it again.  I haven’t been able to open their section in a couple weeks (or maybe a couple months or many months, not sure).  Anyone else having that issue?  

I am on an iPad and haven’t had any problems reading the Jill and Derrick posts. Not sure that’s a good thing. :(

To catch you up: 

Jill is posting totally unneeded recipes for food that anybody can make without a recipe. All of them are loaded with every kind of “cream of” soup, butter, and sour cream ever invented.

Derrick “graduated” from his ministry school.

Derrick actually has started law school at UoA. Some posters are wondering if Jill will survive the separation while he attends classes, study groups, and studies.

Izzy and Sam are still adorable.

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4 hours ago, Happyfatchick said:

Oh my goodness, @zoomama, you have to be pushing your “DO NOT FILL PAST THIS LINE” level.  I’m sorry.  Did Wyatt return to school or is he still home?

(Left turn):  every time I am on the main page of this forum, Derrick and Jill are near the top.  And every time I see it, I wonder why.  What are they doing that makes them bounce to near the top.  But every time I click it, it spins in never ending circles and eventually stops.  I forget every time and try it again.  I haven’t been able to open their section in a couple weeks (or maybe a couple months or many months, not sure).  Anyone else having that issue?  Everything else opens just fine.

@DragonFaerie, your post reeks of dispair and breaks my heart.  I hope when the sun came up this morning, things were somewhat better.  I’m virtually hugging you. I’d virtually bring you dinner too, but most southerners aren’t famous for our healthy eating choices,.. your taste buds will die happy!

I’ve had the same problem for close to a year with Jill and Derrick’s page and thought about reporting it as a bug but then I realized it’s probably a blessing in disguise :)

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18 hours ago, DragonFaerie said:

I hope everyone is doing better and is on their way to wellness.  That being said, the past 2 weeks have been rough here.  OK to be totally honest the past 2 years have been rough.  I have realized that something or rather a lot of things for me need to change.   My health, my fitness, my diet, my dreams, everything is hitting rock bottom.  I have cried so much in the past week it's not funny. In the past week/10 days I've had at least 4 friends need me to drop everything and help take care of their issues.  At least 3 of their issues are from their own making/not taking care of things, etc.  I have cried a river of tears over at least one of my pet sitting clients.  My house needs major work.  My homestead needs a hoard of shoemaker elves for like 2 weeks to even begin to be caught up.  I haven't worked on my health/fitness/ or my dream job in almost 2 months.  I'm finally starting to recover from family coming out to visit and the teenagers were totally useless and checked out.  I'm exhausted.  I'm in pain from my fibryo, and my injured shoulder, my gardens, my work, my crafts are all in dire need and I don't even know where to start.

I’m on vacation. I found out that the people whom were supposed to be feeding my kitties haven’t shown up. I am sorry that you have been distressed over your clients but at least you have heart and care. Thank goodness for my neighbor [who after two days noticed that nobody (finally a nose neighbor who was worth it!)] came by got in touch with me and told me that he thought that my kitties were hungry. I paid this service over $120....for NOTHING. After my chat with them they are not charging me but next time I’m leaving my cats at my daughters house. I’m so upset and out of the country so there’s not much that I can do. 

Remember that you can come first. I’m so sorry that you have taken this all to heart and been getting sick over it. Teenagers these days seem so ...entitled. If there is anything that I can do for you please PM me. I care. 

On another note. I was in a restaurant watching a wedding rehearsal. The owner of the place (upon my request) gave me a pen, paper and an envelope and I anonymously gave them a $$ gift. They kept asking him who...lol. I shall be un-named! Shh...don’t tell anyone. 

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1 hour ago, Mindthinkr said:

I’m on vacation. I found out that the people whom were supposed to be feeding my kitties haven’t shown up. I am sorry that you have been distressed over your clients but at least you have heart and care. Thank goodness for my neighbor [who after two days noticed that nobody (finally a nose neighbor who was worth it!)] came by got in touch with me and told me that he thought that my kitties were hungry. I paid this service over $120....for NOTHING. After my chat with them they are not charging me but next time I’m leaving my cats at my daughters house. I’m so upset and out of the country so there’s not much that I can do. 

Remember that you can come first. I’m so sorry that you have taken this all to heart and been getting sick over it. Teenagers these days seem so ...entitled. If there is anything that I can do for you please PM me. I care. 

On another note. I was in a restaurant watching a wedding rehearsal. The owner of the place (upon my request) gave me a pen, paper and an envelope and I anonymously gave them a $$ gift. They kept asking him who...lol. I shall be un-named! Shh...don’t tell anyone. 

So they did  come in to feed your  cats after  you called  and fussed? I had to come back and check, I was worried  about  the poor babies.

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8 hours ago, crazycatlady58 said:

So they did  come in to feed your  cats after  you called  and fussed? I had to come back and check, I was worried  about  the poor babies.

My neighbor went back over there last night to give them their dinner. He said that they (the pet feeders) put my check on the fridge and left me an apology. They said that they won’t charge me because of the oversight.  He will continue to check in every day. I’ve used this service for many years and am sure that it was a honest mistake and they will begin a schedule today. It just really scared me. 

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16 hours ago, Mindthinkr said:

I’m on vacation. I found out that the people whom were supposed to be feeding my kitties haven’t shown up. I am sorry that you have been distressed over your clients but at least you have heart and care. Thank goodness for my neighbor [who after two days noticed that nobody (finally a nose neighbor who was worth it!)] came by got in touch with me and told me that he thought that my kitties were hungry. I paid this service over $120....for NOTHING. After my chat with them they are not charging me but next time I’m leaving my cats at my daughters house. I’m so upset and out of the country so there’s not much that I can do. 

Remember that you can come first. I’m so sorry that you have taken this all to heart and been getting sick over it. Teenagers these days seem so ...entitled. If there is anything that I can do for you please PM me. I care. 

On another note. I was in a restaurant watching a wedding rehearsal. The owner of the place (upon my request) gave me a pen, paper and an envelope and I anonymously gave them a $$ gift. They kept asking him who...lol. I shall be un-named! Shh...don’t tell anyone. 

I am so happy your neighbor was nosy!  I am so sorry your kitties were ignored.  Honestly that is one of the reasons that Mr. Natalie and I don't leave town often.  Our cats are our family and there is really only 2 people I trust to take care of them the way I would.  We had a friend of my husband do it when we went on our honeymoon and this asshole let one of my cats outside and she was strictly indoor.  We lived in a really busy area and it could have turned out badly.  He did know all of this ahead of time.  And that one set of wedding china we were given that I noted in another thread?  He chipped the dishes that we had not had a chance to use yet.  I didn't like that dude then and he is still an asshole.

@DragonFaerie I am also very sorry you are having a hard time.  VENT!

That was really nice of you re the soon-to-be marrieds :).

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I am very picky who I would want to come to my house to take care of Sassy. She can be shy and nervous around other people. The only time my husband goes out of town is to visit his youngest sister and two nephews, and believe me, I do not consider visiting them a vacation at all. *lol* I would rather stay home and take care of things and Sassy.

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After speaking to my daughter (re: the kitty issue) the next time that I plan to travel I’m taking them to her house. They have 3 dogs but when I lived with them (her, her husband and 3 kids) for 6 weeks while waiting to move into my house, the cats did fine living in my granddaughters room. It’s big enough (it’s a FROG 14 X 18) and they can sleep with her if they are lonely. My BF is going to my house today to live in it for the duration of my travels so they will be spoiled (as they are used to). 

Thank y'all for your caring. 

I may be away but you are all in my heart and prayers. 

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We asked our vet for pet sitter recommendations. They suggested a former vet tech who opened a pet sitting business who is wonderful. Before we go on vacation she comes over to see the cats and double check everything on her list (pet meds, location of cleaning supplies, etc.). She also sends daily pics and emails. We previously had a couple of bad experiences so finding her was such a relief. Unfortunately Kitty Gunderson the Elder is so old (22 next Saturday!) and takes medicine multiple times a day, so we no longer go on vacations. (Mr Gunderson and I travel separately as needed, like to visit parents or for work. Fortunately all parents are pet fans so understand).

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11 minutes ago, Mindthinkr said:

@MargeGunderson Happy Early Birthday to Kitty Gunderson the Elder. Wishing her health and a happy day full of petting and her favorite foods from Kitties Thinkr. 

(I totally understand your hesitation to travel. If not for my daughter, this might have been my last trip.) 

I second the early Happy Birthday wishes to Kitty Gunderson the Elder.

@MargeGunderson  I am glad your parents are pet fans and understand why you and Mr. Gunderson travel alone to visit them. I worry about leaving Sassy alone when I head out the door to run errands and for medical appointments. There have been a few times I cannot find her outside before I leave, and she is usually sitting in the yard looking like I forgot all about her when I come home. Silly kitty. I told her I cannot be running around the neighborhood looking for her because I need to get going because I do not want to be late for my appointments.

Edited by bigskygirl
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What happened to Churchoney?  I saw on another thread she is on hiatus.  Is she ok? 

I'm OK over here.  Now we are moving rooms around with the kids.  The arguing is getting to me and I'm hiding out, reading the forums. 

I'm very disorganized with a big family, I work and homeschool.  I'm at my breaking point.  We are doing a reorganization, clean up, throw out, donate, move furniture and paint extravaganza!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (I'm going to loose my mind)  I'm between these forums and pinterest....trying to dissociate from the chaos. 

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3 hours ago, Marigold said:

What happened to Churchoney?  I saw on another thread she is on hiatus.  Is she ok? 

I'm OK over here.  Now we are moving rooms around with the kids.  The arguing is getting to me and I'm hiding out, reading the forums. 

I'm very disorganized with a big family, I work and homeschool.  I'm at my breaking point.  We are doing a reorganization, clean up, throw out, donate, move furniture and paint extravaganza!!!!!!!!!!!!!  (I'm going to loose my mind)  I'm between these forums and pinterest....trying to dissociate from the chaos. 

I think I said it seems like she is on hiatus since we haven't heard from her in a while.  I hope she is ok!!

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I started back to work last week after being laid off for 6 weeks. Dinner turned out to be cold cereal, popcorn, or peanut butter sandwiches because I was just too tired to care by the time I got home. This weekend I started planning dinners for next week and wrote out some recipes from my Pinterest board taking care not to write "dump" even though I normally would since I already have most of the meat cooked & frozen. Not a cream of slop soup in the bunch, although we are having Kraft Mac & Cheese one night b/c it was on sale and it's my guilty pleasure comfort food.

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Things going on in this neck of the woods as well...it's been a rough few months, and especially last few weeks.

I'm going to copy and paste some of this from posts to other places and people as it's been a really long day and I don't have the ambition to re-word everything, so there might be a couple of slightly random sentences. 

Mom has been having an increasingly difficult time with a lot of pain in her legs and difficulty walking in recent months. A couple of other issues as well, but this has been the worst, as anyone who knows her will understand. She has been unable to get out and do things in her garden for most of the summer, and finally ended up in hospital last week where they have been trying to get to the bottom of it. Finally, today, after an MRI, they determined that she had masses of benign growths throughout her spine which, frankly, should have left her completely bedridden by now, and which would leave her paralyzed from the waist down without more or less immediate surgery to remove them. As much as she had been adamant against resorting to surgery to "fix" things at this point in her life, this is, obviously, something which there is no real choice in - without it, she'd have no quality of life - so she will be having spinal surgery probably Monday, maybe Tuesday at the latest. 

Still waiting for word from her primary doctor on whether the cat scan she had last week (a bit more than that, really) showed up anything which looks immediately threatening. All she has learned thus far is that there was a potentially  worrisome spot, but it still had to go to the oncologist, and with the level of non-communication between various medical groups, getting answers is worse than pulling teeth. Still, the spinal surgery has to take precedence, as, even if there is something else brewing, her mobility would suffer way earlier than anything else, and we can worry about that later if we have to.

Anyway, it's really not all dismal news... We are hoping that this gives her back some of the mobility and sense of accomplishment she was able to find in continuing to putter around the garden until this past year or so. She had devoted herself so much to Dad during the past few years of his illness that this surgery might actually enable her to enjoy some things more than she has in years. Keep all good thoughts flying!

Aside from this, I have been suffering, for the past couple of months, with a severe pinched nerve in my neck which made anything involving bending down and doing anything with my hands agonizing. Anything involving holding or leaning my left arm up (like driving, even, or draping my arm over the arm of the couch left me with a searing pain and tingling all the way down to my fingers. Babysitting my granddaughter was all pretty much done one-armed, but still left my left arm burning by the end of every day and half the night.

I finally dragged my butt to a chiropractor, and after two weeks of three-times-weekly adjustments and massage with marginal improvement, they tried a slightly different approach on Friday which has left me with only a fraction of the pain. I can't even describe what a relief it feels like!

In the meantime, Mr. Jyn has been working out of state for the past two years, so we we see each other rarely. but he's finally working on coming home! Hopefully by the end f October but with an outside possibiity of the whole process lasting into April...I feel as though I've been so useless over the past few weeks with my pinched nerve being unable to do ANY gardening...the weeds are waist-deep and even though I'm finally feeling better, I still feel that tingle shoot down my arm even when I try to pick some beans or zucchini warning me not to push it...not quite yet...

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@Nysha, Guh, I wish I had that going on!!!  Erma Bombeck once said “I do not have the ability to stand in front of my freezer at 6:00 in the morning and know what I’m going to be hungry for at 6:00 that night”.  I absolutely understood that.

i don’t even have the ability to make out a grocery list based on what we’ll be eating within a week.  Almost all of my cooking is based on “what can I make with what I have?”

Fortunately, I have a large freezer and will freeze... pretty much anything.  Plus, I only know how to cook for a family.  With only the 2 of us here most nights, I’m never sure how far leftovers are going to stretch.  (I looooove me some leftovers - my husband HATES them.  He will eat them the following day but holds to a deeply engrained notion that anything in the fridge gets cooties following the one day rule).  Sad.  I’ll eat spaghetti or lasagna for an solid week and consider I myself to have met my cooking obligation.  Mean old lady.

re the cat situation @Mindthinkr:  thank God the neighbor was nosy enough to pay attention this time!  That could have been disastrous!  The last time we went out of town, I had arranged for a friend to come stay in our house with our boxer, who has anxiety issues that prevent her from traveling with us.  The other two are quite travel-savvy and a joy to take camping.  Late the day before we were to leave, my friend texted she’d gotten a call to “sit” with a cancer patient and did I think I could find someone else for the dog?  Ok, this will sound mean, I just don’t know how to soften it up.  I do understand a patient situation v/s a dog one, truly I do.  But she’d already agreed (and for $, not for free).  The dog knows her and is comfortable with her, and I’m loading the camper thinking I’m all set... I just felt like she should have stuck with her first obligation.  It’s made for some weirdness between us since then and I’m not sure it’s going to rest until we address it.  She actually is a “pet sitter”.  Seriously, that’s what she DOES.  OK, I tried to justify my hurt feelings, but it still sounds mean.  Probably if I had the CA patient instead of the neurotic dog, I’d be more understanding.  Again:  mean old lady.

@Jynnan tonnix, how old is your mom?  That’s scary stuff, spinal surgery.  You must be a wreck.  I’m so SORRY about your pinched nerve - you and I share gardening as a passion.  It’s driven me out of my MIND not to be gardening like normal.  I mean, I’ve gardened (I’m still breathing), but I haven’t spent the hours and hours out there like normal.  My husband gives me HELL about it because of my hurt foot/leg so I have to kind of get in and out before I get caught!   Pretty much “regular” stuff is over for me now, okra is done, the first plant of zipper peas, tomatoes (although if I left the vines, we’d have strays till October).  I still have green peppers on.   I only have 2 rows of lady peas (the tiny little white acre peas) and a big fat beautiful row of zipper peas to go.  The first set of lady peas are ready to pick tomorrow, and the zippers are about 2 weeks behind.  My husband was reading me the riot act for pulling weeds this morning.  I had an ace bandage AND an ankle brace on.  Like gardening in a cast.  I’m not happy couching it like he is and he can’t understand WHY I have to get out there.  Because... it just IS.  it is what it is.  Gardening IS my crack.  It’s my lottery and my gambling addiction.  It’s my secret little switch deep in my brain that says every spring “can you grow me?”  Why yes.  I believe I can!  I planted a hosta garden this year, as well as a rose garden and both are doing great.  (I’m not as good with ornamental as edible, so I’m pretty proud of that!)

my kids took me to lunch on my bday and guess what we saw?  A red hat society meeting!  I was so excited I took their pic and asked to join their group.  They looked at me like I was an invader from Alabama.  ?  They never said NO, but they certainly didn’t scoot over to make room for me!   I tried to attach their pic, but the file is too big.  

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2 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

@Nysha, Guh, I wish I had that going on!!!  Erma Bombeck once said “I do not have the ability to stand in front of my freezer at 6:00 in the morning and know what I’m going to be hungry for at 6:00 that night”.  I absolutely understood that.

i don’t even have the ability to make out a grocery list based on what we’ll be eating within a week.  Almost all of my cooking is based on “what can I make with what I have?”

Fortunately, I have a large freezer and will freeze... pretty much anything.  Plus, I only know how to cook for a family.  With only the 2 of us here most nights, I’m never sure how far leftovers are going to stretch.  (I looooove me some leftovers - my husband HATES them.  He will eat them the following day but holds to a deeply engrained notion that anything in the fridge gets cooties following the one day rule).  Sad.  I’ll eat spaghetti or lasagna for an solid week and consider I myself to have met my cooking obligation.  Mean old lady.

re the cat situation @Mindthinkr:  thank God the neighbor was nosy enough to pay attention this time!  That could have been disastrous!  The last time we went out of town, I had arranged for a friend to come stay in our house with our boxer, who has anxiety issues that prevent her from traveling with us.  The other two are quite travel-savvy and a joy to take camping.  Late the day before we were to leave, my friend texted she’d gotten a call to “sit” with a cancer patient and did I think I could find someone else for the dog?  Ok, this will sound mean, I just don’t know how to soften it up.  I do understand a patient situation v/s a dog one, truly I do.  But she’d already agreed (and for $, not for free).  The dog knows her and is comfortable with her, and I’m loading the camper thinking I’m all set... I just felt like she should have stuck with her first obligation.  It’s made for some weirdness between us since then and I’m not sure it’s going to rest until we address it.  She actually is a “pet sitter”.  Seriously, that’s what she DOES.  OK, I tried to justify my hurt feelings, but it still sounds mean.  Probably if I had the CA patient instead of the neurotic dog, I’d be more understanding.  Again:  mean old lady.

@Jynnan tonnix, how old is your mom?  That’s scary stuff, spinal surgery.  You must be a wreck.  I’m so SORRY about your pinched nerve - you and I share gardening as a passion.  It’s driven me out of my MIND not to be gardening like normal.  I mean, I’ve gardened (I’m still breathing), but I haven’t spent the hours and hours out there like normal.  My husband gives me HELL about it because of my hurt foot/leg so I have to kind of get in and out before I get caught!   Pretty much “regular” stuff is over for me now, okra is done, the first plant of zipper peas, tomatoes (although if I left the vines, we’d have strays till October).  I still have green peppers on.   I only have 2 rows of lady peas (the tiny little white acre peas) and a big fat beautiful row of zipper peas to go.  The first set of lady peas are ready to pick tomorrow, and the zippers are about 2 weeks behind.  My husband was reading me the riot act for pulling weeds this morning.  I had an ace bandage AND an ankle brace on.  Like gardening in a cast.  I’m not happy couching it like he is and he can’t understand WHY I have to get out there.  Because... it just IS.  it is what it is.  Gardening IS my crack.  It’s my lottery and my gambling addiction.  It’s my secret little switch deep in my brain that says every spring “can you grow me?”  Why yes.  I believe I can!  I planted a hosta garden this year, as well as a rose garden and both are doing great.  (I’m not as good with ornamental as edible, so I’m pretty proud of that!)

my kids took me to lunch on my bday and guess what we saw?  A red hat society meeting!  I was so excited I took their pic and asked to join their group.  They looked at me like I was an invader from Alabama.  ?  They never said NO, but they certainly didn’t scoot over to make room for me!   I tried to attach their pic, but the file is too big.  

Mom is 84. She was really, to be honest, hoping for a diagnosis where she could opt out of surgery with the anticipation of having an end to everything soon thereafter, but since they don't seem to be able to find a whole lot wrong with her other than the spinal thing, she really has no choice but to accept the surgery. She worries because after Dad was convinced to submit to a quintuple bypass a couple of years ago at the same age, he never really regained much quality of life, and his last 6 months were more or less miserable, just waiting for release.

As for me, I don't really love gardening - though I could probably enjoy it to a point if it didn't come with the heat & humidity which are part of Summer...and part of me rather likes having a legitimate excuse to get out of it, but at the same time, I do hate going outside and seeing the weeds choking out everything. My gardens are never what one might call immaculate, but I try to stay on top of them, generally, to at least be presentable. Some parts or others always manage to get a bit overgrown in between the occasional bits of weather where it's cool enough to breathe outside (which, my my definition, is below 70 if it's sunny, and below 78 if it's cloudy - as long as it's not too humid - so, yeah, maybe an hour or so early morning, if I get up in time, and possibly an hour or so before sunset). Last summer was on the cool side and I did mostly manage 2-3 hours a day out there. This summer I'm not sure I could have racked up more than 45 minutes on any give day even without the pinched nerve...it's been miserable!

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7 hours ago, Happyfatchick said:

They never said NO, but they certainly didn’t scoot over to make room for me!   I tried to attach their pic, but the file is too big.  

That was terrible that at the last minute your dog sitter bailed out on you. Not that it helps but at least you had some warning. I hope that you were able to salvage your vacation. Did you end up taking your Boxer? 

I’m a guppy when it comes to technology. There’s a website (easily found on google) named “Resize My Picture”. It takes three clicks and I have one that is postable size. They’ll give you three options of what size that you might choose from. I always choose the 400 (the middle option) and then it has always fit. It’s really easy...take it from me that you can do it. 

I hope that you had a good vacation despite the dog issues. Try asking your vet for pet sitter options next time. I truly understand how upsetting this must have been for you. I’m going home today and can’t wait to see my fur babies. 

@Jynnan tonnix I hope that your Mom has a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. 

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Happyfatchick--so sorry that the 'red hat' ladies were not more welcoming.  

I belong to an 'unofficial' red hat group.  There are 7 of us, all about the same age.  We gather from time to time (usually 2-3 times a month) for tea, ice cream,cookies and conversation.  We have been meeting at one friend's house, but will have to find a new meeting place soon, as M is moving to NC in a few weeks.

At one time, we did belong to the official Red Hat Society, but no more.  We just call ourselves by our group nickname.  We enjoy each others friendship and cameraderie.  Sometimes we will do a craft project, and sometimes not.  

Maybe you could gather a few friends of your own and form a similar group.  We actually decorated red baseball caps and visors from the craft store and wear them sometimes.  We will sometimes have an evening out, too.

Here's hoping you can enjoy your own group of red hat friends!

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Thanks @bigskygirl.  I FINALLY found a foot/ankle doc who takes my insurance and have an appointment tomorrow. ???  this leg has been messed up in some fashion since Mother’s Day.  I know many of you have serious regular ongoing issues every single day and I’m sorry for whining - which (oh boy!) segues right into a story!  My husband has a laundry list of medical issues but doesn’t trust doctors and thinks they’re all in some sort of mafia group out to get him (he’s never done a house-toss for arsenic... silly man.  JK!!).  He’s happy being sedentary and just cannot fathom why it makes me insane.  Why would I cry about being confined to the couch with remote in hand!?!?!  Yesterday I was saying how excited I am to be going to a specialist (let’s get this party started already!!!).  And he said (I quote):

yeah, I think you should go.  I mean, there might be something wrong...

Funeral services are this Thursday at 10


thank you @Mindthinkr!  Look what I did!!!  I’m pretty excited about that little tidbit - and probably a month from now I’ll be asking “what was that again?”  The red hat society!  Also: no, the boxer stayed home.  My whole family lives on this same road except for my youngest son and oldest bro, so they all pitched in.  We could do that every time, but it’s easier to have a sitter who just take care of it and gets paid for it.  The last time we took her, we were invited to leave.  My husband drove all the way home with her and all the way back to vacation.  I hate going without her; she’s a wonderful  sweet girl and loves camping.  But if she goes, we’re confined to the camper the whole time as she goes a little sideways (or a lot sideways, judging by complaints) if we leave.  I am going to speak to the vet about anxiety meds when we go next time.  Last summer, we stayed in one spot for the month of July and were able to make friends who would take her to their spot when we left.  THAT was sweet, but if you’re only there a week or less, you don’t make those kinds of connections.



Edited by Happyfatchick
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@Happyfatchick Your husband sounds like my husband at times except he tells me to get off the computer and go out and do something. I am like excuse me Mr. I am constantly on my I-Pad most of the day. I had to drag him almost kicking and screaming to see someone when he was so sick and close to dying. He takes the credit when someone ask him why he finally went to the doctor. I spoke up and said I made you make an appointment and made sure you went. The doctors and nurses laugh and write something in his medical file. I think they know what really happened. Ha!

Right now I feel like crap since the wildfire smoke is bad where I live. Add  in the blasted Acid Reflux Disease, and I am not a happy camper. I feel like dead weight is sitting on my chest, and I am coughing and sneezing. My physician assistant put me on another med. The asthma type symptoms are not fun either. I do not know how people with lung and heart problems are surviving the heat and smoke. The only one in the house who does not seem to be bothered by the smoke and heat is Sassy. She loves running around outside in it. Silly cat!

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I hope everyone feels better soon - I've had a couple of "meh" days.  I don't even tell Mr. lookeyloo anymore because no matter what I say he says either "I've had that before" or "oh yeah, I have that too".  He is a good man but that is one of his most annoying habits.  Sometimes just for fun I say "what is bothering your today?  Anything?  Any aches, pains, stomach issues, etc?"  when he says no I tell him my issue and he feels duped!  

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So my daughter and her husband and his brother are coming over for dinner tonight--their school starts classes tomorrow, and it will be my daughter's first day as a first grade teacher.  On the menu tonight:  goat-cheese stuffed dates wrapped in bacon, beef stroganoff with zucchini "noodles," salad, and a dessert that Jill could make:  caramel apple dump cake.  My friend taught me the basic dump cake recipe a hundred years ago, and I've spent the last years making up different combinations of stuff.  This one is a new variation, but I think it's going to be delicious.



In a 9X13 glass baking dish, empty a 15-oz. can of crushed pineapple, including the juice.  Over the top of the pineapple, spread a 15-oz. can of apple pie filling.  Dump the powder from a 15-oz. yellow cake mix over the fruit and spread it evenly with a  spatula.  Cut a full stick of butter into thin pats and spread them over the dry cake mix.  Bake for one hour in a 350-degree oven.


I like to mess around with flavors, so sometimes I'll use chocolate cake mix and cherry pie filling and cover it with chopped walnuts, then serve it with whipped cream and a cherry on top.  Sometimes I use a spice cake mix and pumpkin pie filling and pecans.  It's a very forgiving recipe and a quick throw-together when you have to bring a dessert and don't feel like working it out too hard.  I'm inspired to try a new variation--I'm going to do key lime and coconut next time I make one.

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@magpye29, I use that too!  It is really easy and always delish!  My fave is the blueberry one with pineapple and nuts on top.  So for your caramel apple, you’re using fresh apples in place of pineapple (I assume).  Is that right?  And are you doing caramel sauce or how are you adding caramel?  I haven’t even done this one ever, but I think it would be tasty to use canned peaches for the fruit.  Seems like it would be a peach cobbler of sorts.  Mmmmm.  I’m hungry!

good luck to your daughter!!!

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@Happyfatchick, those snobby red hat ladies have no idea what they are missing. Oh the fabulous stories they could have heard. Fools!

Sending condolences for your hubby. LOL.

@Jynnan tonnix, sending healing thoughts and hugs for you and your mom. I sure hope the surgery goes well, and she will be happily surprised at how much quality of life she will be given back. And I hope your neck pain continues to improve!

@magpye29, good luck to your daughter. First grade is my second favorite to teach (after Kindergarten), but I guarantee she will come home tomorrow exhausted. Hope she has a great year!

@bigskygirl, you don’t seem to get a break. Hang in there. Hopefully fall weather and clear skies will arrive soon.

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@Happyfatchick, I just used the apple pie filling with the pineapple.  I sprinkled walnuts over the top, and just before it was done cooking, I drizzled caramel sundae sauce over it.  


I meant to tap those dry cake mix spots with a spoon, but I got side-tracked.  How very Jill of me!

Edited by magpye29
trying to add photo
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@Jynnan tonnix

I'm sorry about your mom.  The spine is so rough. 

My mom had ovarian cancer and it metastasized to the spine  She lost mobility...it was not a good scenario at all.  She passed away shortly after that. (this is why I worry about Arwen). 

@Happyfatchick   love the pictures!


My home reno/paint/reorganization continues.  I've been to Home Depot 4xs this weekend. 


I read each post and am praying for you guys.  

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4 hours ago, Marigold said:

@Jynnan tonnix

I'm sorry about your mom.  The spine is so rough. 

My mom had ovarian cancer and it metastasized to the spine  She lost mobility...it was not a good scenario at all.  She passed away shortly after that. (this is why I worry about Arwen). 

@Happyfatchick   love the pictures!


My home reno/paint/reorganization continues.  I've been to Home Depot 4xs this weekend. 


I read each post and am praying for you guys.  

I’m so sorry your mom passed away.  Doesn’t get easier at all...

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Crossing fingers, but it looks like I found a good insurance plan. I checked with my local hospital and hospital medical groups, and they say they would take the insurance. The premiums will be $15,14 a month with a decent deductible and co-pay plan. The only problem is my Medicaid will be cut off September 1st, so it means I will go without any insurance for September. I guess I could ask if they could put the date on August 31st instead which means I could start having insurance in September instead of October. I was surprised I would have found a decent plan with decent monthly premiums. For my husband to put me on his employer health care plan would cost over $900.00 a month, and we would need to pay $560.00 a month after his employer pays a part of the premium. We definitely cannot afford that. I also will start looking for a decent dental and vision plan also since I have dental and vision issues.

Edited by bigskygirl
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It’s broken.  I have 2 broken bones in my fibula (the skinnier bone in lower leg).  How on earth someone walks around for a month with broken bones is a mystery.  My daughter says I was able to because the other (thicker) bone was bearing the weight.  Good bone structure I guess!   Got a prescription for a knee scooter and  17 lectures about NO WEIGHT ON THAT LEG.  Do you understand me? (Yes)  NO WEIGHT ON THAT LEG.   Ok? You understand?  (Got it).   I’m in a cast until after the wedding.  Surgery after that.

I’m all about taking whatever comes with age.  You know, you get what you get and all that.  I’m willing to grow old, but I’m not sure I meant TODAY!

story for the day:  I’ve been working at putting my vegetable garden down for winter.  I need to add some supplements and enhance the soil, as it’s been in the same spot for a long time.  I was actually sitting there reading up on that while waiting my turn.  The doctor is very soft spoken, very pleasant and Asian.  Seems like such a nice man.  So when he’s lecturing me about NO WEIGHT ON THAT LEG (and in what,  for him was a stern voice), I told him about how I’ve been weeding lately.  Using old rugs and crawling down the rows.  You know... on your hands and knees on rug #1 clear as far as you can and throw rug #2 ahead so you can crawl onto it.  It’s a process and I’m sure I look a little like the famous Wyatt print... Anyway.  Turns out nice Asian doc does not appreciate the humor in that story.  Completely deadpan.  Did not crack a smile.  Followed by:  NO WEIGHT ON THAT LEG.  You understand?

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30 minutes ago, Happyfatchick said:

It’s broken.  I have 2 broken bones in my fibula (the skinnier bone in lower leg).  How on earth someone walks around for a month with broken bones is a mystery.  My daughter says I was able to because the other (thicker) bone was bearing the weight.  Good bone structure I guess!   Got a prescription for a knee scooter and  17 lectures about NO WEIGHT ON THAT LEG.  Do you understand me? (Yes)  NO WEIGHT ON THAT LEG.   Ok? You understand?  (Got it).   I’m in a cast until after the wedding.  Surgery after that.

I’m all about taking whatever comes with age.  You know, you get what you get and all that.  I’m willing to grow old, but I’m not sure I meant TODAY!

story for the day:  I’ve been working at putting my vegetable garden down for winter.  I need to add some supplements and enhance the soil, as it’s been in the same spot for a long time.  I was actually sitting there reading up on that while waiting my turn.  The doctor is very soft spoken, very pleasant and Asian.  Seems like such a nice man.  So when he’s lecturing me about NO WEIGHT ON THAT LEG (and in what,  for him was a stern voice), I told him about how I’ve been weeding lately.  Using old rugs and crawling down the rows.  You know... on your hands and knees on rug #1 clear as far as you can and throw rug #2 ahead so you can crawl onto it.  It’s a process and I’m sure I look a little like the famous Wyatt print... Anyway.  Turns out nice Asian doc does not appreciate the humor in that story.  Completely deadpan.  Did not crack a smile.  Followed by:  NO WEIGHT ON THAT LEG.  You understand?

Just an FYI in case the doctor didn’t say it; Non weight bearing includes not having your foot on the floor when you are sitting. Hope your healing goes well!

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Sorry to hear about your leg, Happy.

The thick bone is the tibia which does all the weight bearing and it sounds like you fractured your fibula, the thin bone.

I just came off 12 weeks non weight bearing after toe fusion surgery. I was able to still do lots of non weight bearing excersises with hand weights and certain calisthenics so I could try to maintain some muscle mass while healing.


Retired x-ray tech!

Edited by louannems
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25 minutes ago, louannems said:

Sorry to hear about your leg, Happy.

The thick bone is the tibia which does all the weight bearing and it sounds like you fractured your fibila, the thin bone.

I just came off 12 weeks non weight bearing after toe fusion surgery. I was able to still do lots of non weight bearing excersises with hand weights and certain calisthenics so I could try to maintain some muscle mass while healing.


Retired x-ray tech!

Mr. Jyn broke his ankle about 3-4 years ago, on a Friday night, and finally caved and had it checked out the following Monday morning. Had to have surgery. Was told no weight-bearing for two weeks (or something, I don't quite remember), but of course, was trying to hobble around without crutches after four or five days. Yes, I yelled at him. No, it didn't do any good. Turns out the doctor was amazed at how fast it was healing when he went in for a checkup, so that didn't do much toward convincing him to listen to me. But all's well that ends well, and I do think he has a point in making sure the limb involved doesn't begin losing strength and muscle.

Edited by Jynnan tonnix
because, no, it didn't take him years to get it checked
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15 hours ago, Happyfatchick said:

It’s broken.  I have 2 broken bones in my fibula (the skinnier bone in lower leg).  How on earth someone walks around for a month with broken bones is a mystery.  My daughter says I was able to because the other (thicker) bone was bearing the weight.  Good bone structure I guess!   Got a prescription for a knee scooter and  17 lectures about NO WEIGHT ON THAT LEG.  Do you understand me? (Yes)  NO WEIGHT ON THAT LEG.   Ok? You understand?  (Got it).   I’m in a cast until after the wedding.  Surgery after that.

I’m all about taking whatever comes with age.  You know, you get what you get and all that.  I’m willing to grow old, but I’m not sure I meant TODAY!

story for the day:  I’ve been working at putting my vegetable garden down for winter.  I need to add some supplements and enhance the soil, as it’s been in the same spot for a long time.  I was actually sitting there reading up on that while waiting my turn.  The doctor is very soft spoken, very pleasant and Asian.  Seems like such a nice man.  So when he’s lecturing me about NO WEIGHT ON THAT LEG (and in what,  for him was a stern voice), I told him about how I’ve been weeding lately.  Using old rugs and crawling down the rows.  You know... on your hands and knees on rug #1 clear as far as you can and throw rug #2 ahead so you can crawl onto it.  It’s a process and I’m sure I look a little like the famous Wyatt print... Anyway.  Turns out nice Asian doc does not appreciate the humor in that story.  Completely deadpan.  Did not crack a smile.  Followed by:  NO WEIGHT ON THAT LEG.  You understand?

Ouch, I hope you heal quickly! It's actually not that uncommon to break a leg and not realize it right away. My father broke his leg when I was a kid-he slipped on the grass walking to the car and thought he'd just sprained his ankle badly. After it stayed swollen for a few days my mom took him to urgent care and that's how they found the break. Apparently if it's the one of those two lower leg bones you can unconsciously compensate for a time. 

In any case, I hope you have a smooth recovery, and push for physical therapy after, that will help!

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Thanks for all the encouragement!

i have a new plan!  I have this big fat cast, see, to keep that ankle immobilized until after the wedding, right?  This is what’s going to happen (in my own personal rosy world with rose petals, unicorns and delicious ice cream!):  when they remove the cast and do new X-rays.... PRESTO!!!!!  Those ones have knitted themselves back together PERFECTLY and the doc says (with rose petal confetti falling all around) “ITS A MEEEEEEEEERACLE!!!  You don’t NEEEEEEED surgery!!”  

I like it.  That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

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