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S07.E02: No Moore Apollogies

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I think there were a couple of things going on when Kenya called the cops. First, she was brought on to bring drama and this is drama. Second, Kenya's real life is in L.A. She's friendly with some of the Atlanta women, but she is not friends. If one of my coworkers attacked me and everyone went to console her, I'd be pissed. I think after the pillow talk fight, her tolerance for physical violence was very low in service of that paycheck. I'm no Kenya fan, but I think she looks at these women as coworkers and decided Porsha putting her hands on her was her limit.


I think this is a good point.  I have a friend who was verbally assaulted in a place that is supposed to be safe.  What was more upsetting was that the person who assaulted her was the one consoled, while she was not.  I think that's what irked Kenya, not what Porsha did, but the other women coming to Porsha's aid (including Cynthia I believe) and no one coming to Kenya, asking if she was all right.  I thought it was dramatic and silly for Kenya to call 911 (because they have better things to do than to respond to hair pulling) but I think she was trying to make a point.

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I can't stand Kenya either but if she had just walked away would the truth have ever come out?  She wanted him to admit he lied.  I would want to do that also.

If she had walked away after the reunion, yes, there would have been no need for lying as the subject would have been a moot point.  Kenya, dragged this issue over the course of the intire second season persuing Apollo to get this "Apology" when all she had to do was just leave the Nidas alone and it would have just went away. But Kenya has to have attention dead center on her so any attention be it good or bad is OK with her.

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I think Phaedra's kid is too smart for her. At the dentist he seemed to have a nervous reaction when his father walked in (not to his father, but about the situation). She needs to learn to be more actively fake, the kid knows something is up, imho.


That's obvious.  Remember last week, the season premiere, she and her mother tag teamed Apollo while Dylan was standing on the pool table.  If her mama (or Phaedra herself) had good sense, they would've removed the child from the room and allowed grown folks to talk.


As well, I see very cute kids.  I also saw Apollo's brother last week.  Those kids still have a chance of spoiling Phaedra's master plan and turn out, well, hardly ugly, but not exactly what i suspect Phaedra had in mind.  In fact I would laugh if both boys ended up the spitting image of their paternal grandmother.


I don't know if that's worse. Ayden is adorable and articulate.  That said, I don't think he looks like either Phaedra or Apollo.  Dylan, however, looks EXACTLY like Phaedra, but with less hair.  I hate to talk about children, but I don't find Dylan to be cute.  Maybe he'll grow into it.  But he looks like Phaedra, but like... Phaedra right now at age 43/44.

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The only thing that makes appearances by Brandon worse is he and Kenya's impdomptu "songs". I guess we should be greatfull she didn't twerk or twirl.

This. It just looked like Brandon was trying way too hard. I am used to seeing Kenya try too hard with their jam sessions and twerking last season, but watching her laugh her ass off with every sentence Brandon said was so over the top. Brandon just seemed so "on" from the second he walked in the door this season. Though, I did like that Brandon cut her off about the Porsha drama and basically said get over it. It is only the second episode and I am already tired of hearing about it. 


How many months after the reunion was this season filmed?

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I think this is a good point.  I have a friend who was verbally assaulted in a place that is supposed to be safe.  What was more upsetting was that the person who assaulted her was the one consoled, while she was not.  I think that's what irked Kenya, not what Porsha did, but the other women coming to Porsha's aid (including Cynthia I believe) and no one coming to Kenya, asking if she was all right.  I thought it was dramatic and silly for Kenya to call 911 (because they have better things to do than to respond to hair pulling) but I think she was trying to make a point.

And the point was now there's a chance to get Porsha fired!  After all the first thing out of Kenya's mouth when she recovered herself from the hair pulling attack was not I'm hurt just, "You're GONE!"  Like someone else pointed out, she was nasty to most of the women and that even affected friends of the women so she placed herself in a position of not having anyone come to her aid.  No one comes to the bully's aid when they go down.

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Kenya started all this text gate in the first place.


Because Apollo was going on and on about how he didn't like her, so she replied "Then stop texting me."  She showed Andy the texts and there was nothing salacious or sexual about them, but Phaedra & Apollo ran with it.


Apollo & Kenya texting WAS inappropriate, even if the texts were just "hi."  Apollo knew Phaedra didn't like Kenya, but he was texting her.  That would be like Gregg texting Cynthia, Marlo or Kenya when he knows Nene doesn't like Cynthia, Marlo or Kenya.  Nene wouldn't like that and neither did Phaedra.



but we would not be discussing anything about Kenya and him if she didn't open that door.


We actually wouldn't be discussing anything if Apollo hadn't been texting Kenya.  The DVD business was over, he knows Phaedra didn't like Kenya, that should've been the end of the communication between Kenya and Apollo.



I didn't believe she did anything in LA with Apollo


She was never in L.A. to do anything with Apollo.  That was the lie.  Apollo might've been in L.A. doing something with somebody else, but it wasn't with Kenya.



Kenya on the otherhand over-reacted as usual and made it more than it ever was.


When Apollo showed up on the scene, Kenya exited stage left.  She waited outside for her car and Apollo followed her.  I don't think that's overreaction; I think that's smart. 



The only thing Nene asked of her is to not be two-faced and Cynthia was with everyone.


Nene was cool with Cynthia UNTIL Nene called Peter a bitch.  I don't see how Cynthia was being two-faced by not liking Nene calling Peter a nasty name.  Nene certainly wouldn't be cool with Cynthia if she had called Gregg a bitch.  I understand that Nene felt that they had shut that situation down before the show aired and that should've been the end of it.  But let's be honest...if Cynthia had called Gregg a bitch, Nene would still be salty about it months later and would've said something nasty & snide about Cynthia months later.



So if Apollo was lying, Kenya knew he was lying and yet...Mexico?


Well of course Kenya knew he was lying, because she was never in L.A. to offer Apollo fellatio.  But Apollo & Phaedra ran around telling everyone she was a Moore Whore who stalked Apollo in L.A., begged to give him fellatio and harassed him so bad he had to change hotels to get away from Kenya stalking him.    This is what I think happened in L.A.:


Apollo was supposed to be at Hotel A.  Apollo checked out of Hotel A and into Hotel B where he was getting fellatio from somebody else.  Phaedra tried to call him on his cell; couldn't get him.  Phaedra called Hotel A to reach him, was told he checked out.  Phaedra finally gets hold of him on his cell & asks him WHY he's not checked in at Hotel A.  He knows he's busted so he makes up a story about Kenya begging to give him fellatio and that's why he had to check out of Hotel A and into Hotel B, because Kenya was stalking him.


Now Phaedra's attention is over here ---------> (Kenya) when it should've been over there -------->(Right Hand Bitch, Random Stripper/Groupie)



And we do not know that Phaedra knew Apollo was lying.


Phaedra knew Apollo was lying but it wasn't in her best interests to find out WHAT he was lying about.  It was easier to believe Kenya was stalking Apollo in L.A. for d*ck than to find out the real truth.  



She clearly seemed to like getting attention from him and flirt back at times, even when she knew he'd lied about her. That I really cannot understand....


It's an ego boost to have someone sweating you, especially if it gets under the skin of someone else you don't like.



Rewatch that segment of the reunion. Kenya never paid Porsha any attention until Porsha started digging in at her.


Andy was asking Kenya about a situation that had nothing to do with Porsha whatsoever and Porsha jumps in the middle of their conversation to confront Kenya (again, about something that had nothing to do with her or even what Andy was asking Kenya about).  THAT'S when things turned sideways between Kenya & Porsha at the reunion.  Porsha has a tendency to butt into conversations that have nothing to do with her & screech her opinions. She did it with Mylittlepony when they were talking about Chuck, Kandi & Phaedra at the bar they went to.

Edited by drivethroo
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Kandi continues to drive me nuts with her treatment of her mother. She just laughs all her antics off, as if they're just cute, quirky old lady traits. No, quirky old lady is running the heat at 80 degrees while your kids come over and sweat to death. Quirky old lady is always losing your glasses when they're on your head. It's not cute or quirky to call another person's mother a "prostitute" or take your shoe off and chase people around a bridal boutique. But Kandi just laughs....and buys her mom another house. I hope she really likes her mom, because that's who she's going to be left with at the end of the day.  


This is what bugs the ever-loving shit out of me with Kandi. She seems to either be laughing and smiling OR crying over mother's antics. She never takes her mother to task over the crazy and outrageous things she does, including threatening someone with violence, but let someone who has been on the receiving end of Joyce's special brand of ugliness clap back at Joyce, call her a bitch or threaten her with beat down she richly deserves and its 'how you gonna talk to my mama that way.'  What the ever-loving fuck?!?! I just can't with Kandi letting her mother run roughshod over everyone and then wanting to admonish others for defending themselves. Todd and his mother have every right to be fire licking at the sides of their faces mad at that old gargoyle. Joyce called Todd's mother a honest to goodness prostitute and said his father, who has been dead for decades, was a pimp, which implies to me that his dad had his mom out on a corner. How ugly is that?!? Yet Kandi acts like Todd and his mom have no right to be angry or have some choice words for Mama Joyce. Now Joyce gets rewarded for her behavior with a new house.


At Mama Joyce's age, she should be downsizing, not moving into a 7 bedroom home with courts, pools, etc. WTH does she need with all that?? For someone so concerned about her daughter being golddug, Joyce doesn't seem to have Kandi's financial health in mind either. Money that could have gone to Riley or been invested in other things is going to house an able-bodied woman in a ridiculously oversized home. Plus, what of the expenses? Taxes, pool and lawn maintenance, housekeeping. I am sure Joyce is not up to cleaning 5 bathrooms.  Her ass needs a townhouse, modest size ranch or to start looking at senior living communities.


I actually thought Todd and Kandi had a decent shot at a happy long marriage. Now with that gargoyle moving a few doors down, that marriage is on a countdown to destruction. T-minus 10, 9, 8 ..... Kandi is going to be left with nothing but her mother and child. AGAIN. if she doesn't take a stand with her mom.


Phaedra at the dentist office. I loved her dress. Loved it. It also looked fantastic on her. It had a retro 1960's housewife feel to it but yet still modern because of the pattern and color. Finally something that flatters her figure and didn't give her struggle titties. She should order several more in different colors and patterns. I did wonder why the hell she was so done up to take her kids to the doctor and then I saw the doctor. Now I get it!! LOL!


I want to clone Ayden because I want one of my very own. What a beautiful, articulate, fun and properly behaved child. I love that he is playful, cute and clear spoken but doesn't appear to grown and doesn't 'sass' adults. I would read a child rearing book written by Phaedra. I see him and get mad all over again at Apollo for depriving him of a father.


Last week, Nene was the source of Cynthia's marriage woes. This week Nene is now worse than Cynthia's fibroids which caused her stomach to bloat like she was 6 months pregnant,caused  considerable physical pain and required surgery and bed rest. Good to know. I have always found the 'I found my voice' housewives like Alex of NYC particularly tedious and inauthentic. Cynthia is no exception. I just don't believe this 'turnt up' Cynthia being aggressively angry and insulting towards other women. It just rings hollow and false to me. Cynthia is like tofu - she adopts the flavor of whoever she is around. She bores me. I will say that she is so fucking beautiful. Hell, she was more attractive with minimal makeup in that yellow dress with Peter than she was the night of her party. That is saying something. Her makeup is gorgeous in her TH but I hate the blond center parted stick straight hair. Hate it!!


Kenya making up songs again with Brandon? Pass. 


I don't have much of anything to add to the Kenya/Apollo clusterfuck. Good that Apollo came clean. Nice for Kenya that she was vindicated but still not a fan of either one. I will just leave it at that. 

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For someone so concerned about her daughter being golddug, Joyce doesn't seem to have Kandi's financial health in mind either.


Yea, MJ isn't worried about Kandi's financial health as to how it affects Kandi. She is only concerned about potential golddiggers, because they could prevent her from living "in the manner to which she has become accustomed". 

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With the exception of the conversations between Apollo and Phaedra at home (including his basically demanding that she take care of him with housing and autos when he gets out), I don't believe that any of these story lines are not scripted.  To include the Nene and Cynthia feud, the continuing craziness of Joyce and Kandi, the Kenya-Cynthia friendship, and, most especially, the Cynthia - Portia fighting.  It all seems super fake and contrived. After all these seasons, most of these women can pull it off but, while it's entertaining, it doesn't ring true. And now -- Claudia ... 


Also, PS, wouldn't it be great if we could actually see something of Atlanta?


Hope it's okay to mention since it happened on Watch What Happens, but I LOVED how Sherri Shepard took Kenya to task on air and I loved even more how a viewer-caller was able to get Kenya to show just how nasty and arrogant she really is.  Some great real tension right there. 


I don't believe that Phaedra owes anyone an apology and am glad she didn't accompany her despicable husband to court.  He's been disrespecting her on camera year in and year out now -- She owes him exactly nothing.  Apologies to Kenya?  No way, honey. 

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This. It just looked like Brandon was trying way too hard. I am used to seeing Kenya try too hard with their jam sessions and twerking last season, but watching her laugh her ass off with every sentence Brandon said was so over the top. Brandon just seemed so "on" from the second he walked in the door this season. Though, I did like that Brandon cut her off about the Porsha drama and basically said get over it. It is only the second episode and I am already tired of hearing about it.

How many months after the reunion was this season filmed?

The reunion was filmed in March, and filming of this season began in July.
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I'm sorry, there's just no justification for the lie, or the physical attack.



Even though I really didn't think Kenya was physically attacked; I still believe that Kenya called 911 because no one came up to her to see if she was okay.  Sure she's a bully, but making sure someone is okay after they either fell down or were knocked down is common courtesy.  "Are you okay Kenya?  Do you need anything?"  probably would have made her feel better IMO.

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Nene was cool with Cynthia UNTIL Nene called Peter a bitch.  I don't see how Cynthia was being two-faced by not liking Nene calling Peter a nasty name.  Nene certainly wouldn't be cool with Cynthia if she had called Gregg a bitch.  I understand that Nene felt that they had shut that situation down before the show aired and that should've been the end of it.  But let's be honest...if Cynthia had called Gregg a bitch, Nene would still be salty about it months later and would've said something nasty & snide about Cynthia months later.

But...how do you decide to wait 6 months to say that something your friend did is fucked up and NOW you can no longer be friends?  That's fake as fuck. How do you wait until people on Twitter tell you they would NEVER forgive Nene to decide you were wrong to forgive Nene?  If yall got over it, if Peter got over it, how are yall not over it suddenly again?

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And I'm sorry but I have to say it.


Who the hell says "fellatio" anymore?  It's not 1955 nor are any of these people teaching a sex ed class.


Blow job.  You can say it.


And after reading all of the back and forth about who started what and who did what to whom I think it can safely be said that not a single person on this show takes responsibility for their own shit.  

  • If Kenya hadn't texted Apollo first he wouldn't have lied
  • If Nene hadn't called Peter a bitch Cynthia wouldn't have turned into a two-faced shit stirrer
  • If Apollo hadn't lied then Kenya wouldn't have been treated like shit by the other cast members
  • If Porsha hadn't started with Kenya she never would've pulled out a bullhorn and turned into super-mega bitch


I think I'd die of shock if someone came out and said that they were an adult and responsible for how they acted no matter WHAT someone did to them first.  

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I don't think Phaedra was ready for a fight at that point, Kenya was because she thought they screwed her on the whole workout video deal.  Phaedra didn't go sour on Kenya until she started asking for a cut of the video backend proceeds even though they hadn't agreed to that.  When Kenya decided to make her own video, that's when things went south between Phaedra and her.  Kenya began trying to get a deal with Apollo over Phaedra's head and that is when the texting began.  Apollo told Phaedra that Kenya was trying to get with him and offered him head for his own personal ego and that's when Phaedra began the whole Kenya Moore-Whore thing.  The way Kenya was flirting with Apollo even before the video deal, to me, was more than enough reason for Phaedra to not doubt what Apollo was telling her.


There goes the saying, if it walks like a duck and quaks like a duck.


Kenya insinuated herself at any chance she got to Apollo in front of his wife. Whether you like Phaedra or not is not the issue, the issue is that Kenya is smart enough to know that nobody wouldn't  take kindly to that kind of in your face flirting. She knew what she was doing.


The funny part is I don't believe that Kenya really wanted anything with Apollo at all, of course fool Apollo probably though so, he is that conceited, Kenya just wanted a story line and she has been in the TV business long enough to know that controversy sells, she was up against the likes of Nene, Kandi and Phaedra so she needed something and something big. The hired BF kind of ruined it for her because he spilled the beans so her poor me I got dump was not going to work so she quickly set her moves on Apollo who she knew has no moral compass but IMO also to rip Phaedra's mask of Southern Belle, she played and flirted, she flutter her eyelashes at Apollo and she was probably expecting a big blow out from Phaedra, when she didn't get it she throw that line of "stop texting me" when she knew darn well there was nothing in those texts, her intention was to clearly embarrass Phaedra and secure herself a spot into the next season.


What Kenya wasn't counting on was that Apollo would play as dirty and even more than her and just made up a whole story about her offering him fellatio. Why did he did it? because he is a POS with non redeemable values, why did the rest believe him? because Kenya's over the top flirtatious behavior made it believable. Apollo is a dog who will chase anything with a skirt and probably did so Kenya definitely got more than what she bargained for.


Kenya flirted with Apollo just to get under Phaedra's skin because without Walter she really had no story line but IMO she never expected his reaction, just like she never expected Porsha to react and the way she reacted , once the opponent reaction is over the top she complains about being this poor martyr who was blindsided, never knew how it got to that point and she wants all kind of apologies. It kind of remind me of my baby brother who will drive anyone crazy, mess with our stuff, hide it, came and wave his hand in our faces and the moment we grabbed his hand he cried murder and got us in trouble. He outgrew that stage (luckily for us girls) but it seams like Kenya hasn't.


When you play with fire you get burn, that not only aplies to Phaedra but also to Kenya IMO.

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If she had walked away after the reunion, yes, there would have been no need for lying as the subject would have been a moot point.  Kenya, dragged this issue over the course of the intire second season persuing Apollo to get this "Apology" when all she had to do was just leave the Nidas alone and it would have just went away. But Kenya has to have attention dead center on her so any attention be it good or bad is OK with her.

This was a storyline for all three of them.  I don't think any of them were going to just leave it, whether or not Kenya did/said anything.


In any case, if she really did get poor dumb Porsha and Apollo all twisted because of her ability to influence those around her- I hope she's learned a lesson.  Who knows what trouble she could bring on herself next time, she needs to be more careful. 


I totally forgot about Nene.  I don't really get what about her role is supposed to be that impressive in terms of acting/theater.  It seemed like something any moderately talented drag queen could do.

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With the exception of the conversations between Apollo and Phaedra at home (including his basically demanding that she take care of him with housing and autos when he gets out), I don't believe that any of these story lines are not scripted.  To include the Nene and Cynthia feud, the continuing craziness of Joyce and Kandi, the Kenya-Cynthia friendship, and, most especially, the Cynthia - Portia fighting.  It all seems super fake and contrived. After all these seasons, most of these women can pull it off but, while it's entertaining, it doesn't ring true. And now -- Claudia ... 


Also, PS, wouldn't it be great if we could actually see something of Atlanta?


Hope it's okay to mention since it happened on Watch What Happens, but I LOVED how Sherri Shepard took Kenya to task on air and I loved even more how a viewer-caller was able to get Kenya to show just how nasty and arrogant she really is.  Some great real tension right there. 


I don't believe that Phaedra owes anyone an apology and am glad she didn't accompany her despicable husband to court.  He's been disrespecting her on camera year in and year out now -- She owes him exactly nothing.  Apologies to Kenya?  No way, honey. 


Copa you just helped me clarify what I think Kenya's problem is.  She's quick, sharp tongued and light on her feet.   A huge skill set to have as a tv personality and one that is especially appreciated in a HW setting.   The reason I think there's a Kenya and then there's an everyone else is that she has no self critical sense of humor.    Kandi getting Mynique together; Phaedra mostly talking shit in THs; Nene talking to anybody, hell even Porsha's misplaced rowdiness, they all have the ability to process, respond and/or read a bish and go right back to happily filing their cuticles.  Being that intelligent and articulate (should) means that she can fix somebody without herself becoming bothered or being able to give as good as you get without the use of a scepter.  The unfortunate part is that she's RIGHT which gets trumped by her being unlikeable.  That's what was evident with the WWHL not a fan phone call.  She could've simply answered that woman without giving her the slightest indication that she was bothered but nope, let's kill this mosquito with a machine gun.   I'm no Kenya fan and I never will be but Phaedra does owe her an apology.  Likewise she owes one to Phaedra.  Kenya to Phaedra, for her part in the inappropriate, boundary-less and disrespectful way she behaved with Apollo throughout the season and Phaedra to Kenya for maligning her name and reputation based on Phaedra's reactions to it.   Ya'll have to refresh my memory as to what/how the rest of the group responded to Kenya because I don't remember what if anything they said - THs maybe? - or how they behaved to reinforce the belief that she'd earned Phaedra's nasty nickname.


Kandi can't control Joyce anymore than a matador can control the bull.  When they were at the Kandi Factory and Kandi was talking to her mom about the almost fight at the bridal salon with Carmen, she not only lied to Kandi about who started the fight, she went on to be hurt that Kandi wasn't on *her side* and flat out said she wasn't gonna stop being who she was.   There's no management of that sort of delusion.   As ill as this sounds I suspect it's actually easier pacifying Joyce with whatever she wants than having to listen to her relentless complaints about not being supported.    I'm sure the additional bedrooms are for the old lady Coven, Joyce is the youngest of like eleventeen kids, remember?   I want to reach through the tv and ask Todd to simply stop talking when she comes into a room, as that would drive her crazy(ier) but alas, he was raised more properly than that, even if by a prostitute.


I fast forward through Nene.  The more I see/hear her the more she reminds me of Jim Carrey's Fire Marshall Bill and I hated him so...


Where have we seen Claudia before?  She looks so daggone familiar.

Even though I really didn't think Kenya was physically attacked; I still believe that Kenya called 911 because no one came up to her to see if she was okay.  Sure she's a bully, but making sure someone is okay after they either fell down or were knocked down is common courtesy.  "Are you okay Kenya?  Do you need anything?"  probably would have made her feel better IMO.


Then maybe she's upset that it didn't happen on camera?   Security did hustle her off to her dressing room right afterwards and both Kandi and Cynthia have said they went to her there to see if she was okay.  She hasn't refuted that.

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Nene in Vegas: I just realized - did the makeup artist put a wig on top of a wig? I've heard of double decker buses but I've never heard of double decker wigs before. 


I am over Nene's vestal virgin routine. I for one do not believe that being a stripper = being sexually adventurous or promiscuous so I can buy that Nene is a 1 on the freak scale or was indeed disgusted with Ridickulous. However, please miss me with the lie of not knowing what an orgy is. I could believe her not knowing where to find one, how to organize and find participants for one but not knowing what the basic definition is: come the hell on!


Is it just me or did anyone else think that Todd was trying to figure out if Kandi was going to be paying for furniture and remodeling on the new house too when Todd was asking Joyce about what her plans and furnishing ideas for the new place were? He was like "Are you going to bring stuff from your current home or leave it all behind?" LOL!


Seems we got to meet Jordan last night. Oh great, another non-resident of ATL who just moved to the city to film. Is the stock introduction for every new HW that "I've known her for 10 years"

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Porsha had no right to put her hands on anyone, but Kenya was trying to provoke something with her antics during the reunion. I don't feel all that bad that Porsha grabbed her, and Kenya's traumatized act because she got her hair pulled after being a pain in the ass is over the top ridiculous.

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But...how do you decide to wait 6 months to say that something your friend did is fucked up and NOW you can no longer be friends?  That's fake as fuck. How do you wait until people on Twitter tell you they would NEVER forgive Nene to decide you were wrong to forgive Nene?  If yall got over it, if Peter got over it, how are yall not over it suddenly again?


I may be wrong here, but I think the issue was that after they squashed it, Cynthia and Peter saw what Nene was actually saying in the talking heads about them when the episodes finally aired.  Not to mention the shit she was spewing on her one-on-one on WWHL shortly before the end of the season.  Nene truly was saying a lot of shit about people who she claimed were her friends/she was close to.  It certainly would have made me reconsider making amends if it was one of my friends.  

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I do not understand why if MJ wanted a new house...why the heck could she not sell the newly remodeled home Kandi and use the proceeds as a down payment on her new home?  Think about it, the sale would be nothing but pure profit after she took out the taxes and fees. Oh yes, why the heck would MJ work or pay anything when her beloved sucker... I mean daughter jumps to do everything for her.  Kandi is blind to her mother's manipulations.  That woman will not rest till she has totally destroyed Kandi's marriage.  Hang on tight Todd...it is going to be a very bumpy ride.


I can see adorable Ayden and Mr. President doing very well for themselves as they grow older.  I also see their no good can not keep himself out of jail father, leeching and taking advantage of them in the same way as MJ does with Kandi, in order to keep him in the manner in which he is accustomed (when he is not behind bars).


That dentist sort of reminded me of that actor who played Richie on Family Matters and is now currently on The Young and the Restless.


I wonder if the APOLLOGY to Kenya was because he is looking for another sugar mama that will also keep him on the show.   I think Phaedra is not going to financially support him beyond a certain previously agreed upon point (not that she should give him a dime) and he wants to stay relevant for the reality t.v. gravy train.  I see him more then happy to do interviews from prison with no shame (if that is allowed) if that puts money in his book. The fact that he was surprised and had no remorse that he mislead people that trusted him really showed his true nature.


Apollo was not a stay at home dad that gave up a lucrative career to take care of his kids.  Instead, the grandmother had to take the kids while he was out stealing and spending thousands in strip clubs.  If he really has anything on her... I see him blackmailing her or singing like a canary.  Sadly, I think he cares for himself more then his lovely children (sort of like MJ).


I remember people on twop commenting that when the public wedding picture came out of Cynthia and Peter's wedding (remember that wedding in the Fernbank Science Center with the "Big Dummy" shirt and how she had to borrow 5k to pay for it) many people, who did not watch the show, thought a pretty young thing was marrying an old coot for his money.   Imagine their surprise when they found out a). they were both around the same age and  b). SHE was the one with the money. 


Peter will tell you he keeps bringing up her age because he is proud of her (to clarify, Cynthia is far from old and looks beautiful for any age), but the truth is that he wants to passive aggressively bring her down to draw attention away from the fact that she married far beneath her.  I say that as not as a reference to his looks or money, but his character.


Edited to add: Remember how Peter was going to run off to Venezuela to cheat with his friends, because Cynthia had the nerve to have fibroids?  Remember how she blamed herself for that?

Edited by qtpye
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There's been lots of talk about how NeNe should be familiar with orgies and raunchy sex and whatnot because she was a stripper and I don't think one follows the other. . . . She was a stripper, not a prostitute.  As far as we know, she didn't actually perform any sex acts on anyone.

That's true, but in many strip clubs there's a fair amount of overlap--backroom sex and deals made on the premises to go out with clients after the club closes for the night.  We don't know what she personally did, but it's far from unheard of for strippers to be hookers as well.  Whatever she did or didn't do, the wide-eyed innocent act is ridiculous.

NeNe does not strike me as being a very sexual person.  I think she does only what she has to do to get by in that regard.

This I totally agree with.  I think it's hard for a narcissist to be a truly sexual person.  You have to care at least a little bit about the other person's feelings to be genuinely sexual.

Peter still skeeves me out. I feel like he's only into Cynthia when she's all dolled up and being sexy. I wonder if he would have thrown a big party for her if an article she'd written had been published, instead of a photo spread that puffs him up because he's got a hot woman?

When Cynthia was going into the restaurant, she said something about being hungry, and Peter told her, "Your ass doesn't need to be eating anything else."  For someone with nothing apparent to offer in this relationship (or nothing I can see anyway--hard to believe he's great enough in the sack to offset all his negative qualities), Peter sure seems confident enough to be a controlling, snotty little weasel.

I FF all of Nene's Zumanity stuff. Really not my cup of tea.

Me, too.  The parts we got to see were embarrassing--badly written, vulgar, and low-rent.  Nene's speed maybe, but kind of a comedown from Cirque du Soleil's much more high-class past.  And I wonder about her drawing power with half the seats empty.

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But he did text her correct?  So yeah, tell your husband to stop texting me.  The representation she seemed to make was that Apollo liked her, that was the impression I was left with from the reunion was that "hey Phaedra, your man likes me, so you better tell him to stop texting me" And I'm not entirely sure thats a misrepresentation, but thats also not her fault if those were what Apollo's text messages were getting at.  The only person saying that she misrepresented the texts seems to be Apollo, and he doesn't seem entirely trustworthy.  It sounds to me, like he was texting her, liked her, got called out and suddenly decided the best thing to do was to simply one up her with a complete lie.  The only misrepresentation Apollo seems to be talking about is how he got caught texting her.

It wasn't just that Kenya said "tell him to stop texting me", it was also how she said it. Kenya made it sound like Apollo was trying to "get/be" with her and she said it as a taunt to Phaedra. She knew what she was doing when she said it but then tried to back peddle after it was shown and viewers reacted badly toward her. Kenya also admitted that she was texting Apollo, it was not just 1 sided with only him texting her, and that the texts were business not sexual on both sides but the damage was done by then. This is the same woman that asked Phaedra about having a threesome because "Apollo is so fine", which was first looked at as a joke but then after her "texting" comment stopped looking so funny. Apollo is a POS, to put it mildly, for lying about her but Kenya is not some innocent random victim either. Kenya thought she could just lite a match and throw it where ever she want to without it burning her, she was wrong.

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Nene never said she didn't know what an orgy was though. She said that she considers anything with more than 2 people an orgy and Gregg said a threesome is not an orgy. The only knowledge I know about orgies is through the porn I sometimes watch. So, I can see her not knowing the details.

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It wasn't just that Kenya said "tell him to stop texting me", it was also how she said it. Kenya made it sound like Apollo was trying to "get/be" with her and she said it as a taunt to Phaedra. She knew what she was doing when she said it but then tried to back peddle after it was shown and viewers reacted badly toward her. Kenya also admitted that she was texting Apollo, it was not just 1 sided with only him texting her, and that the texts were business not sexual on both sides but the damage was done by then. This is the same woman that asked Phaedra about having a threesome because "Apollo is so fine", which was first looked at as a joke but then after her "texting" comment stopped looking so funny. Apollo is a POS, to put it mildly, for lying about her but Kenya is not some innocent random victim either. Kenya thought she could just lite a match and throw it where ever she want to without it burning her, she was wrong.


No, what happened was Apollo says "I don't like Kenya, and I don't care for her" and then Kenya said "well then stop texting me."


If you don't care for me, you don't need to be texting me about business or anything else.  There was no insinuation that Apollo was flirting with her, only that if he doesn't like her, if he thinks she stinks, then he doesn't need to be texting her.  


After Kenya said "well stop texting me" then Apollo says that Kenya has been trying to "get with him" so the person who took it there was Apollo, not Kenya.  It was Apollo who said the texts were about "I'll do to you what your wife won't." which was a straight up lie.  


Kenya's words didn't insinuate or say, or even suggest that Apollo was trying to get with her, only that Apollo clearly didn't think she was an awful person because he kept texting her.

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Brandon to Kenya: Kenya! You have to get back to being Kenya! You know: you model, you act, you write, you sing, you produce! You luv producing!


I would find the season much more entertaining without those two try-hards. 


And Cynthia. Well, yes, she's beautiful, but I have to say: so what? It's skin deep. And what's under that beautiful skin? Ain't interestin'!


I find it really boring to hear Cynthia talk about how hot she is, to hear Peter talk about how hot his wife is, to hear everyone talk about how hot she is. OMG. Wake me up when it's over and when someone perhaps less beautiful but more interesting has something to say.

Edited by jennylauren123
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WTF ever happened to the fancy Cirque Du Soleil acts?  I  thought they were always sold out in Vegas?  Nene's show looked like it was about 1/3 to 1/2 full.  Maybe because Nene is the headliner ?  She's completely boring and that wig is ridiculous.

Apollo apologizing to Kenya  was also just the dumbest.thing.ever.  What a doofus!

Why does Mama Joyce need a SEVEN BEDROOM HOUSE???  Are her sisters moving in with her?  Kandi is an idiot when it comes to her Mother.  That's gonna be the downfall of her $$$.  She's gonna spend it ALL ON JOYCE.  Poor Riley.

Edited by goofygirl
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I may be wrong here, but I think the issue was that after they squashed it, Cynthia and Peter saw what Nene was actually saying in the talking heads about them when the episodes finally aired.  Not to mention the shit she was spewing on her one-on-one on WWHL shortly before the end of the season.  Nene truly was saying a lot of shit about people who she claimed were her friends/she was close to.  It certainly would have made me reconsider making amends if it was one of my friends.  

If seeing it all transpire on TV brought up emotions/hurt all over again why did she not tell Nene then? Instead she said nothing and only got upset at the reunion.


Oh, and I loved it when Peter explained that you should be able to tell a friend the truth even if it goes against what that friend thinks/believes yet that is exactly what they did to Nene/Gregg! lol Nene did not call Peter a bitch but said he was trying to act like one yet they can not move beyond that even after Nene apologized! HELLO!!! Pot meet Kettle! LOL

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Nene never said she didn't know what an orgy was though. She said that she considers anything with more than 2 people an orgy and Gregg said a threesome is not an orgy. The only knowledge I know about orgies is through the porn I sometimes watch. So, I can see her not knowing the details.



You go girl !!  More power to you.


I just wonder because so much has been said about Nene and her delusions which are obviously not hurting anyone but her, but I can't help but wonder what the viewers reaction would had been if it was Nene who was so nasty to a viewer call as Kenya was last night on WWHL?


I bet a lot would have been said about how they owe themselves to the viewers, yet Kenya was right down nasty and confrontational and it is completely overlooked.

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No, what happened was Apollo says "I don't like Kenya, and I don't care for her" and then Kenya said "well then stop texting me."


If you don't care for me, you don't need to be texting me about business or anything else.  There was no insinuation that Apollo was flirting with her, only that if he doesn't like her, if he thinks she stinks, then he doesn't need to be texting her.  


After Kenya said "well stop texting me" then Apollo says that Kenya has been trying to "get with him" so the person who took it there was Apollo, not Kenya.  It was Apollo who said the texts were about "I'll do to you what your wife won't." which was a straight up lie.  


Kenya's words didn't insinuate or say, or even suggest that Apollo was trying to get with her, only that Apollo clearly didn't think she was an awful person because he kept texting her.

No, listen to how she says it, she makes it sound like he was trying to get with her! It went beyond just her words.

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Next timeI go to Vegas, I know what show I won't be seeing, Nene or no Nene. Looked like a waste of money to me.


You could probably get a good price on a ticket, that place looked like crickets.


Apollo is disgusting. But Kenya is an odd woman! She knew Apollo said things that were not true and still flirted and wanted to sit and talk with him in Mexico, after he broke her bff ribs. And we do not know that Phaedra knew Apollo was lying. Yet some how she is to blame that her husband made a up a bullshit story, huh?

Kenya was nice to Apollo in Mexico to put him off guard so she could get him to basically admit the truth on camera.  And the plan worked, she put him at ease, found him when he was drunk and away from Phaedra and got him to basically admit that he was lying about her on national TV.  I thought it was brilliant.  Phaedra was going around Atlanta talking shit about how Kenya was offering Apollo sex, and she wouldn't stop.  Kenya tried to talk to her in Savannah and she refused.  Kenya had no other options and I think its unreasonable to expect that she should allow herself to be slandered because Phaedra wants to protect her image. So, Kenya did her one better and got Apollo to basically admit to lying on national TV.  I guess Phaedra shouldn't have been talking shit when she very likely had an idea it wasn't the truth, especially since she didn't see any damn text from Kenya offering Apollo head.  Apollo isn't smart like that, his lies are all very simple and could be exposed with no, or minimal digging.

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Seems we got to meet Jordan last night. Oh great, another non-resident of ATL who just moved to the city to film. Is the stock introduction for every new HW that "I've known her for 10 years"


Claudia seems to have more "ties" to the cast than Kenya did when she first came on.  Claudia would know/know of Porsha because both Claudia & Porsha work on the Rickey Smiley show, I think Claudia & Kenya are friends/acquaintances & are on Celebrity Apprentice together (Claudia is also a former beauty queen) and it doesn't seem that Nene is too keen on Claudia, so she must be somebody Nene has heard of.


I think Claudia was on Price Is Right and Lets Make a Deal.



Kenya, dragged this issue over the course of the intire second season persuing Apollo to get this "Apology" when all she had to do was just leave the Nidas alone and it would have just went away.


Maybe Apollo is the one who should've left Kenya alone, since Apollo is the one who went on and on about how he didn't care for Kenya during the reunion, which led her to tell him to stop texting her.



That dentist sort of reminded me of that actor who played Richie on Family Matters and is now currently on The Young and the Restless.


Another light skinned specimen, hmm?



Copa you just helped me clarify what I think Kenya's problem is


Kenya's problem is she plays too much and she's too loud and too sensitive for this group of people.  I think she's generally harmless but lashes out hard when she feels hurt.



Kenya made it sound like Apollo was trying to "get/be" with her and she said it as a taunt to Phaedra. She knew what she was doing when she said it


Correct.  But Apollo had a choice...he could've confirmed he did text Kenya but only to keep the peace between her and Phaedra or he could boost it up into something more.  He chose to boost it up to be more than what it was to hurt Kenya for busting him in front of Phaedra and to hurt Phaedra/divert attention from what he was really doing.

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No, listen to how she says it, she makes it sound like he was trying to get with her! It went beyond just her words.

Nope, I rewatched that portion of the reunion.  Apollo says that he doesn't care for Kenya and doesn't like her, and she says "well stop texting me then"  and she uses the same tone and the same words I would use for any friend or even business associate who was texting me after saying that they don't like me.  


Neither her tone nor her words were inappropriate.  She doesn't even get another word in after that because immediately after she says it Apollo starts saying that she was trying to "get with him."  He is the one who took it there, not Kenya.  Not in her tone, not with her words.

Edited by RealityGal
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I imagine that Phaedra will apologize, after a fashion and in typical Phae style -- I don't think she needs to but she will because she's savvy enough to do so and the plot may require it.  Regardless of what was said and done, or not done, Kenya has been a real skunk where Phaedra is concerned and has taken obvious pleasure in torturing the woman.  


Had to giggle at the talk of "a fellatio ... "  Really? Yuck.  I get the feeling too that Kandi has been give instructions to ramp up the sex talk ... Is there any needs to ask Portia if anyone has been chomping on her new bits or get into doggone Hillary and Bill sucking on anything?  Enough!


I think we keep being told how gorgeous Cynthia was or is -- and she is -- because in fact, much as I loathe her, I think the best looking woman on the show is Kenya.


Nene keeps on bringing the entertainment even as I'm not convinced that was a legitimate Cirque du Soleil show.  Looked like a franchise, off shoot.  Super tacky and badly staged.  

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Interesting how Kenya glossed over the fact that she was the one who originally misrepresented the texts Apollo sent her. Her flirting and threesome comment plus the text misrepresentation are what made it easy for people to believe she was going after Apollo.


Kenya didn't misrepresent anything.  The texts were not sexual in nature, but the act of Apollo texting Kenya was inappropriate itself.  Due to the flirtatiousness that had happened before, he was casting his rod to see if Kenya would bite.  He was in L.A. and since Kenya lived out there, he was seeing if she was there too.  She happened to be out of town.  Kenya should not have been texting Apollo back knowing that he liked her, but it never would have come out if Apollo didn't try to front at the reunion.


Kenya started textgate by implying Apollo was texting her inappropriate things. Apollo ran with it.


I think the fact that texts existed was inappropriate.  It didn't matter what the texts were about.  There was no reason for married Apollo to be texting Kenya except to try to get with her.


Andy said she misrepresented the texts also when Kenya showed them to him at the reunion right after she brought it up.  He said they were perfectly innocent texts that were about the business deal with the exercise video they were supposed to be doing together, nothing unprofessional.  When Kenya made the statement, "Then stop texting me then", she knew damned well Phaedra and everyone else would think Apollo was coming on to her.  That's why I don't have any sympathy for her.  She needed to just stay out of that marriage...PERIOD!!!


Apollo was coming on to her.  The DVD situation was over and done with at that point.  Phaedra and Kenya already had fallen out.  The text messages didn't have anything to do with a DVD.  Apollo was trying to see if Kenya was in town at the same time he was.


So let me get this straight.  Kenya started all this text gate in the first place. 


Apollo started text gate by texting Kenya...


So if Apollo was lying, Kenya knew he was lying and yet...Mexico?  Something ain't right.  


To me, it seemed as if Kenya was playing nice to get Apollo to let his guard down and admit the truth.  If she had been combative, Apollo would not have opened up.  She was playing him like a fiddle.


I can't stand Kenya either but if she had just walked away would the truth have ever come out?  She wanted him to admit he lied.  I would want to do that also.


Also, where was she going to go?  She was waiting for valet.

Rewatch that segment of the reunion. Kenya never paid Porsha any attention until Porsha started digging in at her. THEN Kenya whipped out the props and fought back. Porsha was set up by Nene and Phaedra to do the dirty work, and it backfired.


When either Nene or Phaedra said they talked to Porsha about "this" (meaning her reunion behavior) she said she was sorry and that she knew.  If they wanted her to physically attack Kenya that exchange would have made no sense.  It seems they wanted Porsha to remain calm and collected, but she let Kenya get under her skin much to their chagrin. 


Even though I really didn't think Kenya was physically attacked; I still believe that Kenya called 911 because no one came up to her to see if she was okay.  Sure she's a bully, but making sure someone is okay after they either fell down or were knocked down is common courtesy.  "Are you okay Kenya?  Do you need anything?"  probably would have made her feel better IMO.


I'm confused.  Did you not see the reunion?  Porsha pulled Kenya's hair and took her down to the ground.  That's a physical attack.  Kenya also said she was hit in the head.


And I'm sorry but I have to say it.


  • If Kenya hadn't texted Apollo first he wouldn't have lied


Apollo sent the first text.

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This morning I caught the early rerun and I have had this question going around my mind, WTF is wrong with the women from Atlanta.


All of them at this point have chosen less than desirable partners, Phaedra and her felon, Cinthya and her leech, Kandi and her loving husband (but by no means is Todd at kandi's level, before that it was AJ who was a baby daddy of six different kids, Nene and her assistant/husband, Porsha and Kordell, and well Kenya and rent-a-BF or her imaginary BFs.


I don't mean to stereotype and only base my opinion on the women of this show but WTF, are there no decent, self made men in Atlanta? Why are we presented with all this bunch of guys who probably represent the worst of Atlanta?

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I'm confused.  Did you not see the reunion?  Porsha pulled Kenya's hair and took her down to the ground.  That's a physical attack.  Kenya also said she was hit in the head.



From what I saw, Porsha pulled Kenya's hair which caused Kenya, who was wearing heels, to fall to the ground.  She probably hit her head when she fell.  I don't think it's on the same level as being punched in the face.  It looked like the kind of fight the teacher has to break up in the cafeteria, where Porsha would have gotten a suspension.  Porsha was the aggressor, but I think Kenya was upset (and I don't blame her) that no one came to see if she was okay; I think that bothered her more than the initial fight.  


The truth is that five people can see one fight and see it different ways.  I guess I'm just not smart enough to understand the Kenya love.  I think even Kenya's friend Claudia said Kenya was provoking Porsha.

Edited by Neurochick
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Nope, I rewatched that portion of the reunion.  Apollo says that he doesn't care for Kenya and doesn't like her, and she says "well stop texting me then"  and she uses the same tone and the same words I would use for any friend or even business associate who was texting me after saying that they don't like me.  


Neither her tone nor her words were inappropriate.  She doesn't even get another word in after that because immediately after she says it Apollo starts saying that she was trying to "get with him."  He is the one who took it there, not Kenya.  Not in her tone, not with her words.

I disagree, I think she made it sound like he was trying to get with her. Her tone of voice said it all IMO. Even Andy took it that way, as did most of the viewers posting comments on her blog after the reunion. This was the same reunion where she said she wanted to slap a very pregnant Phaedra. I am not trying to change your opinion and you will not change mine, we will just have to agree to disagree, which happens with these shows! LOL

Edited by WireWrap
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Nope, I rewatched that portion of the reunion.  Apollo says that he doesn't care for Kenya and doesn't like her, and she says "well stop texting me then"  and she uses the same tone and the same words I would use for any friend or even business associate who was texting me after saying that they don't like me.  


Neither her tone nor her words were inappropriate.  She doesn't even get another word in after that because immediately after she says it Apollo starts saying that she was trying to "get with him."  He is the one who took it there, not Kenya.  Not in her tone, not with her words.


The tone of her voice during that particular segment is the least of her offenses.


After she purposedly touched him on that trip, after she asked Phaedra if there would be a treesome and after repeatedly finding any excuse to catch Apollo by himself after it was obvious it was creating discord with Phaedra, there is absolutely no way that I would even believe that Kenya spewed that "stop texting me" as some inane comment.


Kenya is way too smart to know what is the subtext of that line, she is way too savvy to not know how would it be interpreted and that is exactly what she wanted, for it to be interpreted. This all came on the heels of their video fall out which BTW reminds me of her poor business ethic, a producer who snatches the idea that she was producing for another client is unethical IMO but of course Kenya will offer all kind of very well rehearsed and elaborate excuses as to why what she did was okay.


Kenya didn't flirt with the other husbands the way she flirted with Apollo, she did it to spite Phaedra once the DVD deal went south, she did it to stick it up Phaedra's behind and that she did.

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I can see adorable Ayden and Mr. President doing very well for themselves as they grow older.  I also see their no good can not keep himself out of jail father, leeching and taking advantage of them in the same way as MJ does with Kandi, in order to keep him in the manner in which he is accustomed (when he is not behind bars).


I wonder about that.  Phaedra's got high expectations and a focus on appearances- I hope they don't struggle with that in a way that negatively impacts them.

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The tone of her voice during that particular segment is the least of her offenses.


After she purposedly touched him on that trip, after she asked Phaedra if there would be a treesome and after repeatedly finding any excuse to catch Apollo by himself after it was obvious it was creating discord with Phaedra, there is absolutely no way that I would even believe that Kenya spewed that "stop texting me" as some inane comment.


Kenya is way too smart to know what is the subtext of that line, she is way too savvy to not know how would it be interpreted and that is exactly what she wanted, for it to be interpreted. This all came on the heels of their video fall out which BTW reminds me of her poor business ethic, a producer who snatches the idea that she was producing for another client is unethical IMO but of course Kenya will offer all kind of very well rehearsed and elaborate excuses as to why what she did was okay.


Kenya didn't flirt with the other husbands the way she flirted with Apollo, she did it to spite Phaedra once the DVD deal went south, she did it to stick it up Phaedra's behind and that she did.


So her crime is touching a man with his wife sitting 10 feet away when they were playing around a pool?  Do we brand her with the scarlet A now, or later?


She asked if Phaedra would consider a threesome as a joke.  Kenya asks stir the pot questions all the time, she did not ask to have a threesome with Phaedra and Apollo, and she did it at a time when all three were friendly, as a joke.  Kenya clearly has 0 interest in Apollo, because she could have had him if she wanted him, and she has given no indication that she enjoys women.  So she had no real interest in a threesome, which points to a joke.


Kenya said the "stop texting me" comment in response to Apollo saying that he didn't like her.  If you don't like me, don't text me in any capacity.  And that was all she said, people attach more meaning to it because of what Apollo said afterwards.  There was no subtext, there was just "if you don't like me don't text me" and there was nothing stank about her tone.  The only reason any other context has been given to it was because of Apollo's lies directly after she said that.


First off Phaedra had zero business making a workout tape, she looks better now, but at the time, just no.  I get that it was a workout video aimed at people who don't want to sweat or get dirty or whatever, but still...no.  Second, the deal she was offering Kenya was almost offensive in that it assumed Kenya was an idiot.  Trying to offer someone proceeds of the net rather than the gross is pretty much a way to take advantage of them.  And third, she didn't steal Phaedra's idea since people have been making booty videos since Buns of Steel in the 90's.  So, unless Phaedra stole the idea from people before her, Kenya didn't steal the idea from her either.


Nene has openly flirted with Peter, and no one has called her out.  She has even purposefully touched Peter and no one was ready to tar and feather her the way they are with Kenya.  So, it looks as though Kenya's biggest crime was that Apollo was interested in her.


Kenya probably got to know Apollo better than the other husbands because she was supposed to do a video with him.  She wouldn't have a reason to hang out with Todd, Peter or Gregg because she wasn't in business with them.  

Edited by RealityGal
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I disagree, I think she made it sound like he was trying to get with her. Her tone of voice said it all IMO. Even Andy took it that way, as did most of the viewers posting comments on her blog after the reunion. This was the same reunion where she said she wanted to slap a very pregnant Phaedra. I am not trying to change your opinion and you will not change mine, we will just have to agree to disagree, which happens with these shows! LOL


I think the assumptions came, not from what Kenya said, but from what Apollo said afterwards.  That didn't come from the tone of her voice, IMO, that all came from what Apollo said afterwards.

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If seeing it all transpire on TV brought up emotions/hurt all over again why did she not tell Nene then? Instead she said nothing and only got upset at the reunion.


If Nene said those nasty things on camera, then why not address her on camera?  I'm not saying that how either of them handled it was best, but Nene can't expect people/friends to treat her with respect and/or respect their friendship, when she doesn't do the same for them.  She's a straight up hypocrite.

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It wasn't just that Kenya said "tell him to stop texting me", it was also how she said it. Kenya made it sound like Apollo was trying to "get/be" with her and she said it as a taunt to Phaedra. She knew what she was doing when she said it but then tried to back peddle after it was shown and viewers reacted badly toward her. Kenya also admitted that she was texting Apollo, it was not just 1 sided with only him texting her, and that the texts were business not sexual on both sides but the damage was done by then. This is the same woman that asked Phaedra about having a threesome because "Apollo is so fine", which was first looked at as a joke but then after her "texting" comment stopped looking so funny. Apollo is a POS, to put it mildly, for lying about her but Kenya is not some innocent random victim either. Kenya thought she could just lite a match and throw it where ever she want to without it burning her, she was wrong.

Yes to this.

Kenya isn't that stupid. I think she knew good and well what she was doing and I think lying ass Apollo had a broke clock situation going on when he told her they were both wrong. She tried to brush past it but I think she knows deep down that she was almost as shady and messy as he was with the way she played up the texts.

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Maybe I am juts too sensitive but if my mother or my sister jokingly put their hands on my husband I don't even think about it.


If one of my best friends does it one time in front of me I am probably okay with it, a second time I will throw a joke her way so she could realize that she is going a little bit too far. If she does it behind my back we will have words.


If a woman who is not my friend and with whom I have just had a failed business venture puts her hands on my husband more than once while openly flirting with him , there is bound to be problems, first of all with my husband who will receive the silent treatment for days and secondly with the woman who is doing this to spite me. Women like Kenya are very savvy when it comes to men, there is absolutely no way that she didn't know that flirting with Apollo so openly was all kinds of wrong, yet she did it anyway. She definitely knew what she was doing and she loved the fact that 1) she probably felt desirable by having dumb Apollo flirt back with her 2) Stick it to Phaedra for backing off tghe DVD deal.


Walter didn't react to the flirtation going on in front of him because he couldn't give two craps about Kenya, any other man in a real relationship would have had a problem with it. Kenya's level of flirtation with Apollo went beyond the pale, I remember those episodes and watching it with my husband and he was laughing and I turn around and told him "don't even try it or there would be no hair left on your scalp" and he got serious because he knew I meant it.

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