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S06.E09: Sticky Content

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Wow, so did Cary sell Lana out for the leaked wire tap?  If so then that's a ballsy move on his part to strike back at both Lana and Kalinda.


So why was Peter's shirt off in the photos?  I kept waiting for her to bring that up and him to say he spilt wine or something.  I really wanted to hate Alicia when she laid into Peter for the photos and possibly abiding by the rules she set for the current status of their marriage, but then it came out that he was sleeping w/Ramona when she was pregnant w/Grace and I felt bad for her.  I thought she was as hurt as she could get for her husbands previous indiscretions, but I guess not.  I really thought Peter started sleeping around just a few years before the start of the series, but this now shows he was philandering all the time.


I really thought after Cary confronted Bishop and got into the car w/the bodyguard that the bodyguard was going to turn and shoot Cary.  I thought they were going to go w/the bodyguard was part of Bishops crew.  It faked me out, so I don't know if I was the only one.


I'm sorry, but where did the Alicia and Finn romance come from?   I've never picked up on any sexual chemistry, or chemistry in general, b/t the two of them at all.  I was hoping that when she was in Finn's office and was going to make a move that Finn would shoot her down and say he doesn't think of her like that.  


I kept thinking when they were trying to have Alicia re-create her interview in the new dress and she was struggling, "why don't you have the first tape play a few times and she can memorize then lip sync and act out what she did in the first interview while watching and listening to it."


This episode really needed Eli and he was sorely missed.  Can you imagine Eli going off on Peter about the photos w/Ramona.


Once again we bring up Alicia's PAC but not who is the main contributor.  I guess it was just mentioned in off-screensville that it was Bishop who set up the PAC and that everyone has already reacted to it and is considerably okay w/it.  Okay show...



The mother did not look good in the maroon dress.


Yeah, I was expecting Alicia to be more pissed that she was wearing a dress that an 80 year old woman thought was acceptable.

Edited by CMH1981
  • Love 4

Why was Ramona even around? She's his private lawyer, what could the business reason for her being at the interview of the firefighter event even be? Like Eli would allow that. I missed him in this episode. I can't wait for this stuff to blow up in Peter's face. He's such an idiot. 


I'm glad Cary isn't dead. I've spent the whole season stressed for his life. I was very concerned for him a few times and I'm still worried about him, but at least while he was at Bishop's house I was pretty sure he was safe. Bishop is super scary but I don't think he'd murder someone with his son in the house.


I haven't hated Alicia too much this season, but her willingness to exploit Will's death for her political advancement was pretty disgusting. The dinosaur ad was pretty awful. I guess people would watch that on the internet but I don't see how that would help.


Alicia and Finn are whatever to me. Let it happen, I guess, just to get it over with.

  • Love 1

I haven't hated Alicia too much this season, but her willingness to exploit Will's death for her political advancement was pretty disgusting.

I always figured her using Will's death would be the cornerstone of her campaign, well at least while Castro was running. Since Castro is out her campaign is a major cluster-fock and it will go down in flames

Edited by CMH1981
  • Love 2


I really thought after Cary confronted Bishop and got into the car w/the bodyguard that the bodyguard was going to turn and shoot Cary.  I thought they were going to go w/the bodyguard was part of Bishops crew.  It faked me out, so I don't know if I was the only one.

Yes! That's what I thought too!


I'm not sure what i'm supposed to make of what happened tonight.


On the one hand I wanted to be annoyed when Alicia was getting all upset at Peter about possibly sleeping with Ramona, because she is the one that said they could do whatever they wanted. She has basically put an end to any sort of physical relationship with him. On the other hand, Peter annoyed me by lying to her about it. That was what we were supposed to assume correct? That he was lying about not sleeping with Ramona now? So does Peter just lie for habit? Because Alicia basically gave him a get out of jail free card, yet he still lied to her face. My own theory is that he still does have feelings for Alicia. I think if she told him tomorrow she wanted to go back to being married, for real, he'd do it. So he thinks he's protecting her? I don't know. And now I dislike Ramona, because really, chick? You are all up in Alicia's face like long lost friends and you know you slept with her husband, back when she was pregnant with one of her children? That takes some big ones. So basically I think all three of them are awful now.


Cary/Kalinda/Lana/Bishop-I don't know. I'm actually ready for Kalinda to leave now. I'm still not sure what we are supposed to think about the Bishop thing. He was just kidding? Bishop is a lot of things, but he doesn't strike me as a kidder. Especially not when it comes to business. The one thing that distinguishes him (other than his ability to wear the heck out of a suit) , is that unlike a lot of criminals he is not a hothead. He does not talk big and say things he doesn't mean. So that explanation of his rang hollow. That being said, Bishop never gets his hands dirty so I knew Cary wasn't getting killed while he was there. 


I just want Cary to be safe and happy and find a nice girl and settle down. (I sound like his mother! LOL!)

  • Love 6

I loved every minute of that episode. Haven't been a fan of the season so far and I'm still not sold on Alicia running for State's Attorney but other than that I found this gripping.


I've personally seen a connection between Alicia and Finn since the character was introduced and I'm happy for them to go there. Apart from his weird personality transplant at the beginning of this season I like him.

  • Love 4


Took me until almost the end of the first scene before I recognized Krumholtz,

Same here. I think he may have put one weight since the last time I've seen him in anything. 


I've seen the chemistry with Finn and Alicia as well. The only reason I'm not that excited for them to explore it, is because we've seen the "Alicia sneaks around" thing already. Would Finn be ok with that? Just being some secret love? Now if they want to use this as the thing that gets Peter and Alicia to make a final decision on their marriage once and for all, then I might be more excited about it. But if we just have a lot more sneaking around, I can do without that.

  • Love 1

Wow, so did Cary sell Lana out for the leaked wire tap?  If so then that's a ballsy move on his part to strike back at both Lana and Kalinda.


...but then it came out that he was sleeping w/Ramona when she was pregnant w/Grace and I felt bad for her.  I thought she was as hurt as she could get for her husbands previous indiscretions, but I guess not.  I really thought Peter started sleeping around just a few years before the start of the series, but this now shows he was philandering all the time.


I'm sorry, but where did the Alicia and Finn romance come from?   I've never picked up on any sexual chemistry, or chemistry in general, b/t the two of them at all.  I was hoping that when she was in Finn's office and was going to make a move that Finn would shoot her down and say he doesn't think of her like that.  


Was it ever confirmed that he was sleeping with Ramona all those years ago?  I know Alicia accused him of it but he was so focused on lying about the present day that he never addressed the past.  The last time we were to presume something about his sexual story, it was in regards to the intern who, it turns out, he wasn't sleeping with. 


As for Finn/Alicia, I agree that I never really saw the chemistry but I do think the intent was always for there to be an undercurrent.  The timing of his hiring was just too coincidental.  That said, I don't think it was about Finn for Alicia.  She can say all she wants about how she wasn't jealous when she saw those pictures but we saw her reaction and I think she looked upset and a little bit lost. I don't think it's necessarily that she wants to go back to her marriage but rather that it's not fair that he's moving on and she hasn't.  She wanted to be wanted and Finn seemed like a safe, logical choice.


  • Love 1

Was it ever confirmed that he was sleeping with Ramona all those years ago? I know Alicia accused him of it but he was so focused on lying about the present day that he never addressed the past.

I think his silence spoke volumes. The fact that she asked if he was having sex w/Ramona while she was at home, pregnant with their youngest child, he said nothing; that to me was an admission w/out actually admitting it out loud.

In regards to their marriage, Alicia seems to want Peter to play by the rules she set up, but not actually play around. It was something she said in the heat of the moment after Will's death. It also goes against Peter saying from the very first episode that he would never cheat on Alicia ever again, she was all he needed from here on out. Yes, she kept stringing Peter along by giving him sex and satisfying her urges when she couldn't pre and post Will, promising to renew their vows, etc. They both deserve each other imo. I already see this story playing out that Alicia loses the election for States Attorney and decides now to file for divorce which leads the way for Alica and Finn to proceed.

Edited by CMH1981
  • Love 2

I, too, am skeptical that it's been firmly established that Ramona actually slept with Peter sixteen plus years ago. From my point of view, Alicia is not a reliable conduit for insight into Peter's behavior at this point. Peter himself obviously is an old hand at lying by omission (the Kalinda one-night stand), but Alicia has demonstrated she's an avid fan of the retcon. Her revisionism vis-à-vis her relationship with Will is what precipitated her moral high-handedness and her abrupt, out-of-nowhere decision to make a definitive break with Peter in the first place. I don't interpret Peter's silence as admission because I think the understandable reaction to Alicia's tantrum in the car would be stunned incredulity. There were so many hypocrisies in her fit that it would be difficult to know which to address first.


Also: has it been specified that Ramona is a personal attorney for Peter? She appears to represent him in an official capacity, it seems implied she has an office in Springfield at the governor's mansion, etc.


I guess I'm supposed to sympathize with Cary's death-wish deduction that confronting Bishop sans bodyguard was the only path available to him, but I definitely don't. Between the hissy fits during testimony prep and this week, he deserves whatever's coming to him.


Prady and Alicia trying to outdo each other with respect to the magnanimity quotient was just so offensive. Coaching your kid to parrot fabrications about your mom-of-the-year pearl-clutching over abortion is okay, but running a below-the-belt attack ad isn't.


That being said, I am kind of interested to see the two of them bury each other in mud because a) it would be realistic and b) the question of whether homophobia or misogyny would trump the other is an interesting one. I can't see Alicia not getting slut shamed in real life since her persona is predicated on the whole beatific mother fiction.

Edited by lunastartron
  • Love 3

Oh, I think Peter totally admitted he had been sleeping with Ramona 16 years earlier.  When Alicia asked him, he looked away and said, "I'm not sleeping with her NOW."  And the scene later in the car with Ramona was meant to confirm that he was totally sleeping with her now, correct?  When she said, "We're terrible people." 


If not for the formulas of network television, I would have been completely sure Cary was going to be gone sometime between Bishop's child leaving the room and Cary leaving in the car.  I did not think Bishop would kill him, but his henchmen are never far away.  I did not expect the bodyguard to shoot Cary as a poster upthread suggested, but I did expect the bodyguard to suddenly be shot as they sat in the car.  A message to Cary.  I found that whole scene quite tense. 

  • Love 6

I guess I think the Ramona/Peter set-up is just weird.  Peter's silence could have said volumes but there have been other times that it has said very little.  I also don't see what he'd gain by denying his current affair while supposedly acknowleding an affair almost twenty years ago when they didn't have an 'agreement.' 


Admittedly, part of my problem is that there's no need for it story-wise.  I liked the idea of exploring Peter dating per their agreement without it being bogged down in the past.  It also changes the M.O. of what we've been presented of his affairs which have been of the no-strings-attached nature.  That wouldn't be Ramona if their affair was such that fifteen years later they start up again to the point where she's weepy at the thought of it endings.  BTW, that was a very weird scene.


But I don't understand why Alicia is running.  Castro is out and he's the only reason she got in the race.  Now everything she hates about politics is coming true and she could just let Prady have it. 

  • Love 4
I found that whole scene quite tense.



I agree, jjj.  It was the best scene in a long time...for me anyway.  Good writing, acting, and directing.  We need MORE of that.   I haven't bought the chemistry between Finn and Alicia...but I can see the writers' trying to manipulate me into seeing at least something.  It's just too awkward.

  • Love 4

Uh oh, I'm tired of Cary, his bad decision-making and his squinty pained expression.


It started when he left the state and went to a meeting in Indiana.  Attorneys live or die on the details and Cary complaining "What?!  But it was ONLY a few miles over the border!" was ridiculous.


Now he's on tape making unprofessional hardy-har jokes with the Bishop crew, he's meeting with Kalinda every five minutes, he's all huffy about Kalinda's thing with Jill Flint and he dashes off to ask if someone wants to kill him, while leaving his bodyguard in the car as a sign of good faith. 


Lock him up or let him go already.



  • Love 4

I think Peter is in love with Ramona. The way he caressed her face said a lot to me. We never saw that with any hookers.  In this day and age, WHY stay together? To keep the lie? That's is very truthful of you Alicia. So very honorable. It is her way of punishing him.  You have totally sold out to the political machine, no real honesty there.   No one would begrudge Alicia for dumping him. Obviously Peter doesn't care anymore either. He has moved on. He KNOWS about Will. Does Alicia think that didn't hurt him in some way too?  Peter as much as said that Will was in-between them their whole marriage. As much as I dislike the cheating, it goes both ways and Alicia cannot look herself in the mirror and act like the hurt victim anymore, because she has also broken her vows. And just because she was in love with Will, does not change anything. What if Peter says that he is in love with Ramona all those years ago and he STAYED out of the commitment to the marriage and to her? Would she view it the same way as she views her relationship with Will? Probably not, but it is practically the same.  

  • Love 7

Was the story Peter told about how he and Alicia met supposed to imply they were both students at Georgetown Law at the time?  No way Peter graduated in the same class as (or even just two years ahead of) Alicia.  Chris Noth is 60, Julianna is 48, and the age gap between their characters looks every one of those 12 real-life years, in my opinion. ;-)  Plus, he wouldn't have had enough time to gain the experience necessary to become States Attorney at the time the show started.  Lastly, wasn't it implied earlier that she was already involved with Peter when she met Will during some student orientation function during the first week of law school?  Peter's story doesn't jibe with that timeline either.


My jetlag caused me to doze off and have to rewind several times last night, but I'm still confused about Peter and Ramona.  (What a character name choice -- Ramona will always be Beezus' little sister in the Henry Huggins books for me!)

Edited by Inquisitionist
  • Love 5


My own theory is that he still does have feelings for Alicia. I think if she told him tomorrow she wanted to go back to being married, for real, he'd do it.


I tend to agree with this. He'd have her back in a second. He's never stopped loving her (in his fashion...sleeping around until he was caught). And she was ready to go back to him before Will was killed...presumably it was the way that Peter & Eli were relieved that Will was killed that started that self-examination/grief spiral that led her to issue the "sham marriage" declaration. And yes, I think she's jealous of Ramona. One of the hallmarks of Alicia's character is how much she can lie to herself about what she feels and what she wants. This is showing outwardly now with her incremental steps towards being a consummate politician.


I also think she will end up going negative with Prady, which is a shame, since his scenes with her were a delight to watch. DHP is a really good actor, and Margulies seems to enjoy them. Frankly, she has more connection with him than she does with Finn.


And I no longer really care about Cary...as pointed out above, he's been doing stupid things from the get-go, and going to see Bishop (and leaving his bodyguard in the car) was idiotic, and his telling Lana's boss she's sleeping with his "girlfriend" led to that final scene, which seems to indicate Lana is getting fired or worse (though, Lana...giving the recording to Kalinda?)


So he goes to Bishop and says: the FBI says you're talking about killing me. And Bishop says, yes I was, but I didn't MEAN it. And Cary's like "OK." (And has the FBI STOPPED recording Bishop? Has Cary just guaranteed himself a prison term because he said he won't flip on Bishop? And that's where the "I don't care" comes in.)

  • Love 4

Any other former TWOP'ers here that remember the discussion held on the board a few seasons ago about using the word "phone" vs "call" when describing contacting someone on the phone? As a Canadian who uses both terms interchangeably, that discussion stuck with me, and I couldn't believe it when Cary had that same discussion with his bodyguard !

  • Love 12

I am so tired of the Lemond Bishop show. He was always fine in small doses, as one of the scary clients ( along with Sweeney) that had to be dealt with every once in a while. But I don't like my Cary in mortal peril every week and I don't want to see Alicia as State's Attorney under Bishop's thumb. He now controls too much and it is not enjoyable as a viewer or what I started watching for. I like legal tension, COTW tension, and romantic tension from this show, but not this.

Speaking of romantic tension, I am enjoying Peter/Ramona and Alicia/Finn as stories. Agreed with poster above that there was no need to add more backstory cheating with Ramona, but it does position her as a real romantic rival to Alicia for peter's affection, unlike previous affairs.

I don't think Cary sold agent sexy out on the tape leak. I assumed the FBI found out from the sound guy.

  • Love 3


(And has the FBI STOPPED recording Bishop? Has Cary just guaranteed himself a prison term because he said he won't flip on Bishop?

Good point! If they were just recording Bishop last week, why would they not still be recording him? Especially if they know he has threatened to kill a potential witness. Of course they would still be monitoring him. So, uh yeah, not smart Cary.(But I still have a soft spot for him).


I'm still not sure what to make of the whole Ramona/Peter thing. I really felt like the way he said, "I'm not sleeping with her now", was supposed to give the impression that yes, he did have an affair with Ramona back when they lived in Highland Park. Or maybe it was supposed to be ambiguous.


I feel like whatever they are doing with Ramona and Peter it is so they can justify either having Alicia start up with Finn or just leave Peter out right. Because up until now, they have kind of portrayed him as a guy that messed up pretty bad in his marriage, but was trying to make things right with his wife and kids. Not perfect by any means, but the other times we were supposed to think that Peter was cheating (The ethics lady who ended up pregnant and then the intern) it was revealed that, nothing could be further from the truth. Other than that they have been portraying Peter as a pretty good boy fidelity wise. He's been pretty supportive of everything she has wanted to do career wise.So, I think maybe they feel like they have to shake up the statuesque. Mae Alicia more sympathetic again, so they can clear the way for she and Finn. It just seems like they want to put a final nail in the Peter Alicia coffin. Because why have Peter lie about Ramona, if not to make him look bad? (Because he was lying when he said he wasn't sleeping with her now, correct?)

  • Love 1


But I don't like my Cary in mortal peril every week and I don't want to see Alicia as State's Attorney under Bishop's thumb. He now controls too much and it is not enjoyable as a viewer or what I started watching for. I like legal tension, COTW tension, and romantic tension from this show, but not this.


 The problem is, Bishop has become the one-note villain. I will admit the scene in his house was well acted and tense but the storyline has now fallen into bad comic book villain story. Bishop is pretty much admitting he will kill someone who turns on him in a second. The FBI know it, the firm knows it, the SA knows it. Let me is just riding along in his limo dropping his son off at school like he is just a rich guy and has to worry more about the IRS than the feds. Its getting up there and it really is painting Cary, Diane and even Will's former dealing with Bishop along the lines of: "You wanted this guy as a client?" "Really?" There is protecting the rights of someone and bringing in the money and then there is this. If Bishop goes down, do you think Cary and the rest of the firm are going to just ride into the sunset. His men could find everything to crush who took Bishop down. Car accidents, people falling off bridges, you name it. These goons are so loyal to him that they would shoot a pigeon trying to eat a bread crumb in front of him when he is trying to walk on the sidewalk. 

  Flint has officially gotten on my last nerve with her: "I want this to be serious" with Kalinda. Really, seems all you two do is have sex and sip wine. When do you go shopping, have lunch together or hang out at functions? I hate when they do this with same sex couples on any show. Its always: have sex, make out, sip wine and then all of a sudden: "You don't want to commit to me." Does any TV writer straight or gay understand how to write couples? But of course they then say: "Its boring" I want to have endless sex and wine drinking in my life, so I'll write them that way." Well guess what, no one cares.

  • Love 5
I think Peter is in love with Ramona. The way he caressed her face said a lot to me. We never saw that with any hookers.  In this day and age, WHY stay together? To keep the lie? That's is very truthful of you Alicia. So very honorable. It is her way of punishing him.  You have totally sold out to the political machine, no real honesty there.   No one would begrudge Alicia for dumping him. Obviously Peter doesn't care anymore either. He has moved on. He KNOWS about Will. Does Alicia think that didn't hurt him in some way too?  Peter as much as said that Will was in-between them their whole marriage. As much as I dislike the cheating, it goes both ways and Alicia cannot look herself in the mirror and act like the hurt victim anymore, because she has also broken her vows. And just because she was in love with Will, does not change anything. What if Peter says that he is in love with Ramona all those years ago and he STAYED out of the commitment to the marriage and to her? Would she view it the same way as she views her relationship with Will? Probably not, but it is practically the same.


This thought occurred to me this morning. Maybe Peter and Ramona are Will and Alicia. Maybe he was always in love with her. The parallel was drawn: Will was an "old friend" who hired Alicia when her personal life was in shambles and she needed a job. Ramona is going through (or just went through) a divorce, and Peter hired her when she'd been out of the work force for years.


At first, the Peter-Ramona kissing scene cemented for me what a d-bag Peter is. And then I realized that there was more than one way to look at it. (Yes, for me he is still a d-bag, because it would seem he's the one who brought infidelity into the marriage, but it's not necessarily about him just being undisciplined. And there are strong parallels between the two relationships.)


I think Finn is adorable and hot, and I do see chemistry there. So I'm behind that relationship.


I think the outtakes of Alicia screwing up her second taping are going to bring her down, or at least, they are going to hurt her. I think that slice-and-dice commercial guy is going to turn on them, and shots of Alicia seeming insincere and uncaring about her kids are going to go viral.

  • Love 10

I think the outtakes of Alicia screwing up her second taping are going to bring her down, or at least, they are going to hurt her. I think that slice-and-dice commercial guy is going to turn on them, and shots of Alicia seeming insincere and uncaring about her kids are going to go viral.

I'd be okay with that.  Heh.



Good call on the parallels.  Plus, now, Peter/CN at the restaurant =  Alicia/Finn at their bar.  The only reason Alicia's stammering around and surreptitiously twining pinkie fingers with Finn is because she got stuck with glass office walls instead of a dark limo.  


Besides, Alicia's plan was ludicrous from the beginning.  "We'll stay married for the cameras, and you can do what you want, oh, but wait, not with her.  Zippers up!"   Connie Neilsen is seriously talented and sexy so if she's there to provide a love interest for Peter, fine.


P.S.  With all this canoodling, is there some reason we can't have a few moments with Diane in bed in her slinky pajamas and giant eyeglasses, giving Gary Cole some sass?



  • Love 9

Last night's episode was a rerun.  I saw it 34 years ago when it was called "General Hospital".


Luke (Cary) confronts local drug kingpin Frank Smith (Lemond Bishop) about Smith's (Bishop's) plans to kill him and his girlfriend, Laura (Kalinda) because he's afraid they'll rat him out to the FBI..  Smith (Bishop) denies everything, says they're cool, and compliments Luke (Cary) on his professionalism.  Luke (Cary) is not convinced.  Later, Luke (Cary) and Scotty (FBI Agent Jill) get into an argument over their love of Laura (Kalinda).  


Meanwhile, long-suffering Dr. Leslie Webber (Alicia) finds out that her philandering husband, Rick (Peter) is having an affair with longtime collegue Monica Quartermaine (Ramona).  Rick (Peter) denies everything, despite all the evidence Leslie (Alicia) has.  The 3 of them later have a scene together, but Leslie (Alicia) stays quiet--for now.


I can't wait for next season, when Luke (Cary) and Laura (Kalinda) save the entire world from turning into an ice cube by mad scientist Mikos Cassadine (Louis Canning).


I remember when TGW was an actual legal show with interesting , fresh characters. :(

Edited by Gregg247
  • Love 22

I was wondering what Deacon (Vicor WIlliams) has been up to since "King of Queens" went off the air. I know Bishop was looking at him because he was curious as to who he was with Cary and if Cary had flipped but I like to think bodyguard did that death stare so good Bishop was a little rattled by him. "No the tape was him he just didn't mean it". Yes Cary...of course he didn't, because you are special.


THe Finn thing is just a reaction to Peter and Will being gone in my thinking. We will see if there is anything lasting there.


Can I just say how I hate how people on tv shows never say "bye" before they end a call? It drives me nuts for some reason.

  • Love 1

Gregg247, you are so right !!

Very disappointed in the Alicia running for states attorney story line. There is nothing redeemable about this campaign. I cannot imagine the Alicia of the past season being remotely interested in politics. Especially in Illinois. Someone as fiercely protective of her privacy, as she has been, would run from this. Eli and his machinations should disgust her. She has enough of it as an defense attorney. I am just not getting this story line or why we should buy Alicia going in this direction .


I believe Peter had an affair with Ramona , was not currently, and when he told her they had to disengage, they fell back into it ( but not before).


Cary and Bishop. Why isn't Bishop trying to assassinate Kalinda too??

Edited by missyb
  • Love 2

 I already see this story playing out that Alicia loses the election for States Attorney and decides now to file for divorce which leads the way for Alica and Finn to proceed.


Yes, this is what I am thinking too - it is almost like this should be the last season. Alicia loses, divorces Peter, gets with Finn, kicks ass as a lawyer. I was actually happy that there was no more Will because I found the triangle tedious, but I feel like they are thissssss close to making Alicia completely unlikeable - as it is, we only get glimpses here and there of her likeability. I have loved her flaws in the past, but I feel like I am not rooting for her like I have previous TV assholes like Don Draper or Tony Soprano. I feel like one of her flaws that is so real is that she is drawn to good looking assholes. Peter is a grade A asshole, and honestly, Will wasn't that nice either. Finn doesn't fit her asshole pattern. Good looking, yeah. But Alicia likes that ruthlessness that Peter and Will both have/had. I think it's attractive to her. Peter is never so attractive to Alicia as when he is fucking someone over for her benefit. 


Oh, I think Peter totally admitted he had been sleeping with Ramona 16 years earlier.  When Alicia asked him, he looked away and said, "I'm not sleeping with her NOW."  And the scene later in the car with Ramona was meant to confirm that he was totally sleeping with her now, correct?  When she said, "We're terrible people." 


Yes, I think we definitely are supposed to know that they were having an affair, and Peter was just lying to Alicia because that is how he rolls. I am not surprised that she was a former as well as current affair - when it was revealed that she was a former friend of Alicia's from the old place, I thought Peter must have at minimum been attracted to her back in the day. 

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I believe Peter had an affair with Ramona , was not currently, and when he told her they had to disengage, they fell back into it ( but not before).


That is how I read it too, he was being truthful and a BITCHASS to Alicia (and I ENJOYED that go Peter) by confirming yeah I did cheat on you then, sweets, but I'm actually not now. He then showed Ramona the photo's to explain why they couldn't have such interactions anymore and instead found themselves fully going for it. I also think Alicia was jealous as fuck when she saw those pictures, not because she suspected past indiscretions, but because she hated that he took her to heart and hooked up with someone.


I find myself not really giving a shit about Kalinda and whether she is serious about Lana. Lana is my favorite of her female hook ups, but sorry show, I'm not getting the "depth" and the "seriousness". Like someone said they fuck and they drink wine, otherwise, eh. I'm still confused about the white card last week, and how the FBI found out about the leak? I mean if anyone blew Lana out it seems like it was Kalinda herself, maybe because she's figured out Lana is working for Bishop? But again I find I don't actually care ,except in how it falls out for Cary staying alive and not going to jail.

Oh, I think Peter totally admitted he had been sleeping with Ramona 16 years earlier.  When Alicia asked him, he looked away and said, "I'm not sleeping with her NOW." 


It's a perfect politician's answer, since it's the absolute truth, with the stipulation that "NOW" referred to that very instant in the conversation with Alicia. Alicia may be compromised, but Peter never shows even the least amount of internal conflict. His utter vileness makes her sense of entitlement look like child's play.

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Hello! I am new to the Forum so apologies if this has been discussed before. Does anybody else suspect that Lana is a corrupted FBI officer and is somehow connected to Bishop? I thought that the white card that Kalinda was supposed to slip into her wallet in one of the previous episodes could have been a message. Maybe that is too much conspiracy for this kind of show but I have the feeling that there's something more behind the Cary-Bishop storyline. We know Kalinda will leave the show at the end of season 6 so a big twist like Lena being the one who somehow forces her out could be interesting.

I also think I am the only one who thinks that Kalinda does have strong feelings for Cary and is just using Lana to help him.

Like someone said

I mean if anyone blew Lana out it seems like it was Kalinda herself, maybe because she's figured out Lana is working for Bishop?

Have just read this...so yes someone else had the same impression!

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Do you think?  I would've guessed the characters and actors were around the same age, just based on looks.  I can't believe I'm older than Margulies.  


Seeing as how I wrote it, yes, I do think it!  The show set up Alicia to be in her early 40s in the pilot:  graduated law school at 25 and had her first kid within a couple of years, and Zach was 13 or 14 at the start.  Peter always read as considerably older than that, in part because I knew Chris Noth was older (and thought he looked it), but also because early 40s seemed too young to be a seasoned SA for Cook County.

Edited by Inquisitionist
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I could buy that Peter and Alica are closer in age and his job and time in prison has aged him considerable, just like 4 years of being PotUS can age a person and make them look more harried w/gray hair and the tired look.


I took Kalinda saying "What the hell Cary" over the phone was her basically saying that his confronting Bishop about the information from an informant or a wire tap was basically selling Lana down the river.  Bishop would now talk to all of his guys about the leaked hit that the FBI picked up on due to an informant/wire tap, which would then get picked up from the FBI again.  Cary outed Lana as sleeping w/Kalinda in front of her boss so it would be a no duh moment that her boss would automatically think Lana gave Kalinda the wire tap recording.  Now if this was all some plan that Kalinda and Cary hatched in b/t episodes to take down Lana i'm going to be pissed.

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I took Kalinda saying "What the hell Cary" over the phone was her basically saying that his confronting Bishop about the information from an informant or a wire tap was basically selling Lana down the river.


Except, she didn't say that in response to his revelation that the FBI is wiretapping Bishop, she said it when he claimed Bishop DID threaten him, but didn't mean it, and Cary said the FBI played a tape, not that he *analzyzed* the tape that Lana "leaked". Cary did point out to the FBI Lana is schtupping Kalinda, but that's it.


Bishop knows he's being tapped it's the whole reason Cary is in the shit.

Edited by blixie
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Oh, I think Peter totally admitted he had been sleeping with Ramona 16 years earlier.  When Alicia asked him, he looked away and said, "I'm not sleeping with her NOW."


I gasped aloud at that (a flat-out admission that he'd slept with her earlier, presumably much earlier). It's stupid of him to fool around now, but given the marital estrangement, it shocks me less than a nonprostitute, friend-of-family revelation from their presumably happy days.


I've been eye-rolling the "Fillicia" setup since it first reared its head, especially since their implausible (to me, at least) 5-minute drinking sessions and all the strained shenanigans to get them into the same office building. MG is 12 years younger than JM (not that she can't be a cougar, but it seems like that should be acknowledged somehow), and can't she go one half-season out of six without an extramarital love interest? That extremely well-acted and -directed scene in his office, though -- uh, yeah, I'm getting on board, at least with MG/Finn. The chemistry and awkward warmth and advance/retreat from both of them felt very real, and so did her Peter-related motivation for going in there in the first place. I could've done without the jarringly quick follow-up scene in Alicia's (WILL'S! c'mon, too soon!) office, though. Finn works better for me as a source of ambiguous random could-be-romantic sparks and not as Official Mandatory Love Interest Guy.

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When Archie leaves the show can she please take the actress who plays Lana with her, can't stand her. I too am ready Cary's is he or isn't he going to jail storyline to be done already!

Just wondering how Peter has time to be a politician when he always has his pants down around his ankles?

And as much as I love Lemond (Lemon) Bishop if he hurts Cary he will have to go!

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