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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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10 hours ago, Phebemarie said:

Are episodes showing on the East coast each day? Here on the West coast, they're only available via On Demand. 

They air it at like 2 am in my area so maybe try recording the channel you get it on around that time and see if they're reairing it. I record it from like 2-5 am just in case. 

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Anyone wonder if having Ciara hot on getting people exonerated will lead to her pursuing a career in law? We only have Justin rn. 

I still think Ben’s gonna be a cop. 

I don’t like Evan and don’t see what Sonny sees in him. 

Nicole and Eric has zero chemistry at this point. He’s a good looking dude and that’s it. He’s not even that nice to Sarah, he’s pretty curt with everyone. Even Lucas, who was sometimes an asshole in general, was kinder to the mother of his children or exes or had some warmth or humor. 

So Brady Pub makes Cuban sandwiches? Or has a panini press? I’ll allow it. 

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I liked the scenes where Ciara broke the good news to Will. It's the most convincing I've found Konefal in a while. Plus I like Ciara better when she's not focused completely on her own woes -- who knew?! I did know Massey could knock Will's mixture of relief, joy, disbelief and lingering apprehension out of the park. But I figure (pure speculation) Will is going to "sleep on it" and decide (has already decided, really) to remain imprisoned for Maggie's sake. Because that'll make everything better. (Ow! Stop making me roll my eyes like this, show! Dammit.)

I can't decide if Pretty Gay So Far Evan and Sonny have no chemistry or if Brock Kelly just isn't very good.

I skipped pretty much everything else.

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17 hours ago, DaphneCat said:

So WHAT are the writers trying to do with Kristen?  The last few days they've been writing her sympathetically.  If we're supposed to feel for her (or believe she's changed) then what was the point of her being such a bitch at the convent AND when she first came back to Salem?  If they ARE trying to redeem her (I honestly don't know if they are or not) then why didn't they write it that the incident with JJ made her realize she was hiding from her life and had to come back to face Brady and anyone else?  If the AREN'T trying to redeem her, why the sympathetic scenes?  It just seems like they had two different writers who have never met (or discussed the character) write different scenes.  And purposely trying to cause trouble for Nicole - HUH???  Shouldn't she WANT her to become friendly with Eric again?

I think they are conducting  secret experiment on us as the audience - they're trying to make us all psychotic.  Seriously, no clue. Kristen really does appear to be in need of some Thorazine.

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1 hour ago, SueB said:

ETA: I watch DOOL on the NBC website when it's pre-empted.  Comes up at 8pm Eastern.  Pretty straightforward.

Me too, but I watched most of last week in a binge last night. After all these years one thing I can say about DOOL is that overall it is far more watchable than GH and has always been so. GH has better acting, but there have always been and will always be huge chunks of the show I am FFwdng through.


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6 hours ago, IWantCandy71 said:

Adrienne and I are soul sisters. I'm not a hothouse flower, either, and have had to change a tire on the side of the road all by myself several times. She was one of the main reasons I started watching this show years ago and I hate to see her go. I hated the line in the show about how Adrienne loves being a mom, in light of JE's RL tragedy. That hit me harder than I expected. 

I have always loved Adrienne and her desire to be a mom was never obnoxious and over the top.  She wanted to have a family and the irony is that Adrienne unlike her brothers got to raise her 4 sons.  She got the family that they were denied. 

  I have hope that when Ron gets fired it will be revealed that Bonnie died in that accident and not Adrienne.  We all know that when Steve is back to normal, Kayla will drop Justin like a hot potato.

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Go Shawn!  We now know he took the Salem brain to Hong Kong!

Actually Rafe gets credit for checking up on his ex -- there would be a LOT of pressure to not. Ciara get -1000 points for being self-absorbed.  Shawn spots it in 3 min.  Ciara has been with her a year.

Kate, Kate, Kate.  You gonna have some 'splaining to do.  You've bet on the wrong team.  AGAIN.

Stevan-O.  Let' get that chip out of Steve's body stats.  I'm ready for the plot to be over.

Lani - the man brings you a chocolate donut with SPRINKLES and you got angry at him?  Nope.  

JJ, punkin.  I like when you smile.  Can you do it more often? For real?

Gabi, Gabi, Gabi - this app thing.  You are going to be the new wicked witch of the west when this news breaks.  I hope you like black dresses and maybe some longer nails.  I think  you need to dress the part if you are going full villain.

Gina. Please fall in a hole.  KThxBye. 

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4 hours ago, Pearson80 said:


I have always loved Adrienne and her desire to be a mom was never obnoxious and over the top.  She wanted to have a family and the irony is that Adrienne unlike her brothers got to raise her 4 sons.  She got the family that they were denied. 

  I have hope that when Ron gets fired it will be revealed that Bonnie died in that accident and not Adrienne.  We all know that when Steve is back to normal, Kayla will drop Justin like a hot potato.

I really kind of hate back from the dead stories, but if it's Adrienne, I'll make an exception.

Perhaps an UO here, and I have not watched every day as many of you have. I just don't hate Ron's writing right now, overall. I do think he, as already said, tends to ignore histories in order to make his characters fit the plot. I think he also can start a story without being sure of where it is going. Still, the last few days...very few writers could pull off what he has done. Now, I know there are a staff of writers, so he isn't doing it alone by any means. But still, the past few episodes of DAYS have been some of the best soap I've seen in years. Every single scene has something happening, or hinting at what is to come.  More importantly-he took ONE character (a minor character at that-Summer) returning for five minutes, and made the entire town blow up because of it. Everything that happened was connected in some way to her showing up. Maggie staying home instead of taking Sarah to the hospital changed many people's lives forever. And it was all connected, like a domino effect. I loved it. Not only did it end/change lives, there are fallouts still waiting to happen in what, in their time, is a whole year later. And when those things come out, more relationships will be forever altered. That is good storytelling. NOT perfect storytelling, by any means. But in this day and age of wash, rinse, repeat, that's an accomplishment. It actually reminds me of truly old school DOOL when the true paternity of Michael Horton was kept secret for over seven REAL years. 

I miss that kind of stuff. The creative writer in me was kind of fangirling, if I'm being honest. What  he pulled off, is very hard to do. An entire town upended, all because one lonely, lost woman knocked on her mother's door. Wow.


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4 hours ago, JBC344 said:

Not that this solves anything but Sarah made the comment to Xander that she and Adrian got turned around somehow, missed an exit etc. That explains why the cars were going in the opposite direction. 

That solves that I guess. But there's still the matter how Will saw Adrienne's car go off the road, ,but not Maggie's. I just don't think it's that plausible that would happen, considering she would have gone off the road at about the same spot.(even if she were on the other side).

I also think having two innocent men in jail at one time is too much. Not that Ron won't do it, but one of them needs to be guilty of what they are charged with. I'm fine with it being Ben, speaking of characters who have passed their shelf life. 

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On 1/27/2020 at 7:28 PM, enchantingmonkey said:

Why can't she be both despicable and sympathetic?  

Because being despicable should disqualify her from being sympathetic? Seriously, in real life how often have you thought “oh this person is terrible, I really feel for them”?! How is this not an obvious oxymoron? 

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I don't know what is worse for Eli - marrying the 'evil' Gabi, or marrying judgemental, holier than thou, entitled to him, not getting her way Lani. Lani ranting about Gabi to JJ was off-putting. No one belongs to anyone and I really don't see what she has to offer to Eli. He is better off being single for a bit.

JJ, you bought Lani a nice donut for breakfast and you still have to put up with her crap. I don't know why she can't stay with her dad.

Hi Shawn Douglas! I guess the Salem Brain did travel to Hong Kong for the holidays. He seems to have caught on to mom not being herself rather quickly. Ciara doesn't see her mom every day, she was not living with Roman and Marlena too, and Hope could have been a bit 'off' with her but nothing that Ciara would notice unless she spent a lot of time with her mom. She also probably would not remember her mom as Princess Gina back in the past. Yes, her mom hates Ben, so that is one reason and Ciara would overlook her mom's moodiness and seemingly odd behavior. Rafe works at the police station and he would see Hope several hours a day.

I would not mind taking a strudel and schnitzel course. Yum. Tony and Anna have the best life. Everyone at the table should be very much on guard at 'Steve's' outburst toward Anna's not so flattering comments about Stefano.

I did think Steveno was hoping to slit John's throat with the broken glass. I hope they are not sharing a hotel room. Both are older men who need their space. The hotel also kinda reminded me a bit of the Salem Inn.

Edited by Frozendiva
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1 hour ago, CompltelySweet said:

Because being despicable should disqualify her from being sympathetic? Seriously, in real life how often have you thought “oh this person is terrible, I really feel for them”?! How is this not an obvious oxymoron? 


No, it isn't, because on one hand, you're talking about the acts a person might do, and on the other, you're talking about your feelings about the situation.

One is facts (this person has done horrible things) the other is emotions (that's my husband/child/mother and I still love them in spite of what they've done). It's not only okay to sometimes feel sorry for someone who has done something bad, it's a natural feeling, if you knew the person they were before they committed the act, and the person they may still be in spite of it.

But then, I'm of the school that anyone is capable of anything, given the right motivation and circumstances. There are obvious exceptions and boundaries, of course. I don't feel sorry for women or men who kill their spouses for money, or people who abuse children or the elderly or disabled (even if they were abused themselves).  

I think soaps and their characters are tricky, because we've watched them over a number of years, and we do almost feel like we know them as family in a way. We can probably recite more things about this show and the characters in it, than we can about some of our immediate own family members. Sad I guess, but probably true. And because of that, because we've seen them at their best and their worst, and if we're lucky, played by a good actor, they do tug at our heartstrings.

Feeling sorry for Kristen is okay, because even though she's a crazy nut, as she said herself, she wasn't always bad. And I think, speaking for myself only, (as I always do), that it's pretty hard not to feel sympathy for someone who suffers the loss of a child.  Saying she *deserves* sympathy, now. That's another issue altogether. 

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1 hour ago, CompltelySweet said:

Because being despicable should disqualify her from being sympathetic? Seriously, in real life how often have you thought “oh this person is terrible, I really feel for them”?!

Quite a few times, when I know the person on an ongoing basis. The only times I've never felt even a shred of anything other than total loathing is for assholes I encountered once and never again, because then I've only seen a snippet of them and know pretty much nothing about their lives.

I don't have to like someone or find them admirable to be capable of sympathy for them at times.

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15 hours ago, CompltelySweet said:

Because being despicable should disqualify her from being sympathetic? Seriously, in real life how often have you thought “oh this person is terrible, I really feel for them”?! How is this not an obvious oxymoron? 

I think this discussion is really interesting.  I can feel sympathy for those flawed people we all have in our lives, even the ones who weave a path of emotional turmoil in their wake.

Who I can't feel sympathy for are those people, and I've known a few, who have treated people terribly and only discover empathy and sympathy when they themselves are in dire need of it, people who never had a square to spare until life kicked them in the gut.  Too self-serving IMO, and not emotionally trustworthy.

Kristen fits that bill for me.  Her baby is dead and she's gutted, yet she stole Theresa's embryo without a second thought, not an iota of regret, even.

So, for me, get outta here with her pain.


Edited by boes
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I felt ZERO sympathy for Kristen. She's a psycho, a killer [or, at least, attempted killer], and a baby snatcher. So if her 50+-year-old ass (and yeah, in reality, far too old for this shit!) lost a spawn, I call it karma.

And, again, I find the fact that she and Brady spawned when she was once engaged to - and knocked up 20+ years ago - by his FATHER is just all sorts of nasty, be it soapy behavior or not.

This chick should be pushing up daisies. I'm talking Isabella dead, not Jack dead.

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6 hours ago, boes said:

I think this discussion is really interesting.  I can feel sympathy for those flawed people we all have in our lives, even the ones who weave a path of emotional turmoil in their wake.

Who I can't feel sympathy for are those people, and I've known a few who have treated people terribly and only discover empathy and sympathy when they themselves are in dire need of it, people who never had a square to spare until life kicked them in the gut.  Too self-serving IMO, and not emotionally trustworthy.

Kristen fits that bill for me.  Her baby is dead and she's gutted, yet she stole Theresa's embryo without a second thought, not an iota of regret, even.

So, for me, get outta here with her pain.


I think that's why I'm in the camp of  her "deserving" sympathy is a whole other matter. Does she deserve it ? Nah.  But I don't think you have to deserve it to get it. If you do, no one in that town should get it.

She still needs to go, not because she's "awful". I mean, Ciara's awful and she's still breathing. Most of the people in Salem are awful and have done awful things. Kristen needs to go because her sole purpose is to wreck havoc. She is not a viable character that can be rooted for, unless you just really hate someone she's up against, and even then......

It's one thing to be a bad girl like Sami Brady used to be. It's another to be a psycho who would slit your throat if you cooked her eggs wrong. She's SCARY and it makes me uncomfortable that they have her around. Ditto with Ben, who I will never believe is not still a murderer at heart. 

Fine if they are short term catalysts. No to them being main characters with romantic interests.

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17 hours ago, IWantCandy71 said:

More importantly-he took ONE character (a minor character at that-Summer) returning for five minutes, and made the entire town blow up because of it. Everything that happened was connected in some way to her showing up. Maggie staying home instead of taking Sarah to the hospital changed many people's lives forever. And it was all connected, like a domino effect. I loved it. Not only did it end/change lives, there are fallouts still waiting to happen in what, in their time, is a whole year later. And when those things come out, more relationships will be forever altered. That is good storytelling. NOT perfect storytelling, by any means.

I see what you're getting at, but I don't entirely agree. If the connections across the canvas depend more on coincidence than on people behaving at least somewhat normally, sending in a minor character to upend an entire town is not good writing -- not at all. If Ron is altering characters to fit the plot (and I think he does that a lot), then Summer is just a device; everything can (and should) be connected, but if it doesn't happen in a way that's organic, it's not something I can admire. (This is essentially the difference between drama and melodrama, and looking for anything other than melodrama in a soap is fool's errand, I know; but even so, I think the plots are cheaper right now than they could be.) 

Edited by Sandman
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7 hours ago, boes said:


Kristen fits that bill for me.  Her baby is dead and she's gutted, yet she stole Theresa's embryo without a second thought, not an iota of regret, even.

So, for me, get outta here with her pain.


I feel dirty just defending her BUT Kristen DID say, during labor, that she apologized for taking the birth moment away from Theresa and Brady.  It was, at least, an iota of regret IMO..


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Thinking about it a little more, another thing that bothers me about the way Adrienne's death was engineered is that it's not only Summer's reappearance that's the catalyst for so much upheaval and change, it's also Victor's response to Maggie's part in it. Victor decides that Maggie can't possibly know that she caused the accident.

Um, okaaay: why is that, exactly? I commented before that this indicates Victor's true opinion of his wife. It implies that she's weak, that recognizing her own responsibility might tip her over into some spasm of self-recrimination or self-destruction, that she doesn't deserve agency or decision-making power in her own life. But why are so many other people else going along with Victor's assessment? Why is Maggie's alcoholism being treated as a literal get-out-of-jail free card? 

Maggie's had a life. She's buried beloved husband(s). She's had children excoriate, disown and forgive her, more than once. She's an AA sponsor to Bonehead Black (which in itself deserves some kind of award). Hell, she married a soulless mob boss and turned him into a tea-guzzling, muffin-scarfing pussycat! Er, mostly! You can't tell me she doesn't have the spine for this. 

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9 minutes ago, Sandman said:

You can't tell me she doesn't have the spine for this.

Maggie is in her late 70s (Suzanne Rogers is 77). Killing someone while driving drunk is vehicular homicide, which carries a sentence of 3-15 years (more if it's not the first DUI). Regardless of spine, she'd likely die in prison. From that POV, I understand Victor. He's gotten away with so many crimes of his own, so he certainly has no qualms about his wife getting away with one.

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As a person who smokes, and went over 15 years without smoking as well, the smell a smoker has on their hair, clothes, nails, aura is very noticeable. Everyone would have been clocking that on “Hope”. 

I don’t particularly care for how strident Lani is with JJ and her “tone”. I get he wants to help her and save Julie (justifiably) but she’s acting like he should have the same level of hatred or priority to Gabi she does and be in his feelings towards Eli, who is related to. JJ just barely admitted his addiction and suicidal tendencies, perhaps cut him some slack or understand why he’s not as motivated or on fire as she is. He’s not a toy or her butler. Spending a year BFF and snuggle buddies with Kristen has really rubbed off on her. Meanwhile, Kristen has the requisite level of hate on for Gabi that Lani requires but is all like “whatever, Brady penis (shrug)” it was nice of JJ to bring Lani her favorite 🍩 donut. He’s kinda like his dad... Jack has been shown this past year(s) to always bring coffee and pastries to Eve and Jen each morning. 

So I think today established that Shawn is actually more intelligent and more perception than Ciara. He doesn’t wear Ben goggles tunnel vision so maybe that helps? 

I’ve been clamoring since November for them to show they actual deaths of Adrienne and Haley and when they did it was anticlimactic.

Spec if Summer as I pondered a week a go is an unknown 4th driver who caused the crash I’m going to take it one step further and wonder if she, besides driving drunk, intentionally hit the car Sarah (in her mind the favored child who she resented) was in. Would be fcked up if that’s the case and I’m sure all the accidents made the papers or news so if she had an inkling she had a hand in any of this suffering she’s evil. 

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2 hours ago, Sandman said:

:: full-body shudder::

Has Lani not said or did things a bit Kristen-esque? And miss me w the making things right, neither of them learned a damn thing from isolation or the year in the convent. The fact there was scenes of Lani slapping Kristen high fives and them hugging and pecking kissing each other on the lips. You were a cop once Ma’am you know exactly what all is wrong w her and what she did but desperation and singleminded hate makes strange bedfellows. Of course her BFF is totally thrown the revenge along the wayside for Brady penis chasing and she’s not mad or blowing her shit, but up in arms JJ isn’t making his every thought about ruining Gabi. Whatever. 

Stefano has no self control. He and Gina are the worst liars ever. It’s starting to bore me. If show needs an evil genius or big bad just bring back Claire. She was entertaining and at least tried. 

You know the writings bad when two air heads like Rafe and Anna are voices of reason. 

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13 hours ago, Sandman said:

I see what you're getting at, but I don't entirely agree. If the connections across the canvas depend more on coincidence than on people behaving at least somewhat normally, sending in a minor character to upend an entire town is not good writing -- not at all. If Ron is altering characters to fit the plot (and I think he does that a lot), then Summer is just a device; everything can (and should) be connected, but if it doesn't happen in a way that's organic, it's not something I can admire. (This is essentially the difference between drama and melodrama, and looking for anything other than melodrama in a soap is fool's errand, I know; but even so, I think the plots are cheaper right now than they could be.) 

Oh, I agree the plots are cheaper now than they could be. In fact, I might almost be tempted to say, what plots ? Hina and Stevano do nothing but lurk, Kristen and Nicole snark,Ciara and Abby point their fingers at people,  Will cries, Victor plots, Xander remains his whipping boy and refuses to get a backbone and self respect, etc. I might go back to being annoyed with Ron after the true baby mama/daddy and Who Really Killed Adrienne reveal, but for now, I'm enjoying it. It IS melodramatic and almost camp, ,but it's entertaining, fun camp. And if I have to go to camp, ,that's the camp I wanna be in. Camp OhNoTheyDidn't is far better than Camp NothingEverHappens, by far.

Edited by IWantCandy71
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26 minutes ago, tribeca said:

Sean’s clue that Hope wasn’t Hope was that she didn’t ask about Claire.  If Hope did ask about Claire it would be more shocking and out of character. 

No one cared or noticed including Hope or Marlena. A psychiatrist and her grandma. Pretty offensive to me as a Shelle fan from day one and she was not only homicidal she was contemplating suicide at the end. Of course JJs homicidal and suicidal tendencies are being brushed past as well. 😭 Mental illness only matters on this show if you have nice abs or it’s gonna be handwaved to be propped as the town sweetheart cutie. That’s why Ben and Abby are the bees knees and everyone else is shit. 

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Hope probably hasn't had much interaction with Ciara over the past  year - maybe a bit here and there, dinner once in a while. She hates Ben, so Ciara would be biased in her behavior and be on the defensive. Hope also would have been on her own best behavior to not tip anyone off. She also hasn't mentioned Claire in a bit. No one has cared much about Claire the past several months. Out of sight, out of mind. Don't think Shawn D is more clever - he has been out of Salem's daily life and can be a bit more objective. Surely someone would remember Princess Gina - like John?

Stevano really blew at Anna's less than stellar views of Stefano. Surprised she was still alive. Of course, no one really suspects that he showed up out of nowhere, he showed up with Hope of all people, he is allegedly tracking Stefano, Stefano is back in town allegedly when he is. The Salem Brain is sunning itself on a beach somewhere. At least John now has a clue with the ring.

Have no idea how Gina and Stefano will get their imagined beloveds - do they think that they will just fall in love with them in an instant?

Chad, you will be very surprised to meet your 'father'.

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The Gina and Stevano crap is sooooooooooooo deadly dull.  I'm happy to see Brandon Beemer back, his acting has improved so much from his early days.  It's nice that he saw through the b.s. as fast as he did.

Good Lord, Gina, will you just SMOKE the damn thing and quit fiddling with it?  She should be careful threatening Kate - Kate knows where the bodies are buried because she's the one who buried half of them.

I wish Anna had tossed her drink in Steveno's face.  I know it's the whole storyline, and him having to pretend to be Steve, but Stephen Nicols acting is just dreadful in this role.  Give him and us, a break and END this storyline already.

I don't know what's up with Billy Flynn but he seems half asleep in his scenes these days.  Maybe he's as bored as we are?

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23 minutes ago, boes said:

The Gina and Stevano crap is sooooooooooooo deadly dull.  I'm happy to see Brandon Beemer back, his acting has improved so much from his early days.  It's nice that he saw through the b.s. as fast as he did.

THIS!!! I KNOW we have to go through a bunch of crap yet - surely John or Marlena have to almost die - AGAIN but this plot line can't end fast enough for me.  At this point watching Rafe and David in a rousing game of Got Your Nose would be more entertaining.

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Oh, here's an idea for Chad and Abigail and Kristen - why don't you all go and get a real job instead of pretending that gaining control of DiMera is some noble quest.  It's not.  Gabi may be amoral, with a side of psychopathy, but doesn't that mean she's the perfect fit for a company like DiMera?  

Chad, in particular, acts like regaining DiMera is the equivalent of finding the Holy Grail.

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8 hours ago, boes said:

I don't know what's up with Billy Flynn but he seems half asleep in his scenes these days.  Maybe he's as bored as we are?

A professional actor would suck it up, though. That's their job. If they think they are too good to play bad material, they probably should find a new profession.  I don't see him as acting bored, though, I think that's his way of showing Chad's superior, above it all attitude. He's a rich snob. It's how most of them act. I guess I've always thought he acted that way ? 


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8 hours ago, boes said:


I don't know what's up with Billy Flynn but he seems half asleep in his scenes these days.  Maybe he's as bored as we are?

I'm telling you the only time he becomes animated is when he's with Abby. And that's because he's always horny.lol

But yeah, I think he's over the boring texting, and stupid shares.

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11 hours ago, Petunia13 said:

You know the writings bad when two air heads like Rafe and Anna are voices of reason. 

Actually, I'm kind of enjoying this version of Anna, with her truth-telling, "Oh, I ran out of f***s to give a long time ago" attitude. Of course, she might make SoftwarePatch blow a gasket and strangle her in public, but what are you gonna do? 

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On 1/28/2020 at 7:16 PM, Silver Raven said:

Why are John and "Steve" sharing a hotel room?

That looks suspiciously like the rooms above the Brady Pub 😂

I haven't watched Wednesday's episode yet; got caught up in the impeachment trial when I got home from a long day at work. But I'm feeling less like I NEED to see each day, too, now that we're in a new week and back with Stevano/Gina and the rest of the current day ridiculousness. 

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