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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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kIt was pretty strange that no one thought to have EMTs on site, with so many people drugged and physically attacked like Paul and Sonny (although he hadn't fessed up to that yet, I think).  Especially since they already know how bad Halo is.

It seems to me the most likely suspect is Deimos' henchman, as he helpfully informed him about the amulet and its value.  Deimos gets the amulet, henchman kills him and takes the amulet.  It would also need to be a man, because even a strong woman would have difficulty lifting Deimos into an upright position and hiding him behind the curtain.

The best solution would be that everyone was in on it, though, and they all worked together.

Edited by bannana
my shitty spelling
  • Love 3

I thought that Chad would ask Sonny for $20 million for the amulet - since it is his now. Or was his for a moment.

JJ having blood on his shirt was a little too obvious and too easy. The investigators would need to look at blood splatter patterns, how the body was handled. None of the women suspects would probably be physically capable of doing so, even with a dose of adrenalin.

More posturing by Raines, more Hope and Rafe being useless. Lani too busy moping over JJ and Eli - hey, put yourself first and be single for a bit. Chad/Gabi/Abs - lather, rinse, and repeat. Gabi, you are probably only in Chad's life for a season or two. Enjoy the moments and that is about it. He still has unfinished business with his ex-wife.

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How long do you think before Eli is the new commissioner? Raines is only a day player and Eli needs to put down roots if he's going to stay in town, not be answering to some boss in DC. Unless having the Police Commissioner be someone actually integrated in the community is not important. as it seems it is not

  • Love 1
6 minutes ago, annabel said:

How long do you think before Eli is the new commissioner? Raines is only a day player and Eli needs to put down roots if he's going to stay in town, not be answering to some boss in DC. Unless having the Police Commissioner be someone actually integrated in the community is not important. as it seems it is not

If Eli does become the police commissioner, will he have to wear the official commissioner coat that Abe is currently ensconced in, at all times, regardless of how hot it is?

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On 2017-06-28 at 11:55 PM, YupItsMe said:

Who wastes their time in Heaven getting a new hair do? ;)

Well, what else is Dark Roast going to do? He tried hanging out with the Saints and Apostles, but he's too perfect -- they're secretly avoiding him, because he's ... kind of a chore.

Edited to add: Just as a reference point, Paul's line in the "last call of the night" scene, where he says "I wanted to take a moment to say  [pause] ... that I love you" worked so much better. I actually believed Paul at that moment. Somebody (the writer, the actor, the director, someone) wasn't trying too hard for a change, and it felt natural.

Edited by Sandman
See, Sparkle? I don't always hate you; all you have to do is act like a person.
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19 hours ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

Wait, then I'm confused - because this is the thread to talk about "actually today's episode" and Deimos was shown murdered yesterday.  That's current events, not spoilers.  It already happened.  

I get behind all the time, sometimes by weeks, but I'm well aware that I'm going to learn what is currently happening on the show if I come to this thread. 

Not a mod, but I think that an actor or actress departing counts as a spoiler, whereas a "death" on a soap is just a daily occurrence and does not actually count as a spoiler UNLESS the person playing the deceased is no longer employed or replaced, which gives away the storyline.

 I know it's only the Salem P.D., so they cannot have real world standards, but Lani "testifying" that she saw her boyfriend who woke up covered in Gabi attacking someone while they were all drugged would not hold much weight.

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Tripp is as awful as his degenerate mother.  Wow! I want him gone. Dena created this character and she destroyed him on her way out the door.  Tripp messing with a patient's medication is beyond the pale.  Even if Kayla did kill his mother Ava, Hope did nothing to him or Ava. In fact, Hope was one Ava's many victims. Hope is collateral damage, just like everybody on that plane that Ava brought down over her obsession with Steve. Like mother, like son..

  • Love 6
1 hour ago, NorthstarATL said:

Not a mod, but I think that an actor or actress departing counts as a spoiler, whereas a "death" on a soap is just a daily occurrence and does not actually count as a spoiler UNLESS the person playing the deceased is no longer employed or replaced, which gives away the storyline.

 I know it's only the Salem P.D., so they cannot have real world standards, but Lani "testifying" that she saw her boyfriend who woke up covered in Gabi attacking someone while they were all drugged would not hold much weight.

I think I was also confused because I didn't see the post where someone said "so and so is leaving."  I thought we were just talking about the character's murder and the assumption that he's leaving.  IMO, and if I'm honest, it's a gray area.  Sometimes it's very difficult to differentiate, and most of us probably only have a minute or two to post and aren't taking the time to really think through which comments belong where.  I don't think anyone has ill intentions.

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24 minutes ago, Apprentice79 said:

Tripp is as awful as his degenerate mother.  Wow! I want him gone. Dena created this character and she destroyed him on her way out the door.  Tripp messing with a patient's medication is beyond the pale.  Even if Kayla did kill his mother Ava, Hope did nothing to him or Ava. In fact, Hope was one Ava's many victims. Hope is collateral damage, just like everybody on that plane that Ava brought down over her obsession with Steve. Like mother, like son..

It's a textbook illustration of how to ruin a character with potential.

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Even though I knew Daniel was going to show up on the 28th, somehow that was the day I decided to check on the show. And I tried to watch, but I just can't with the "greatest love story" that ever happened ... off screen. Perhaps if they had waited 6 months to kill Daniel, and actually showed him and Nicole falling in love and planning the surrogacy with Chloe, it would be more palatable. But as it is, all I ever remember is everytime Daniel slammed the door in Nicole's face.

I also caught the last 20 minutes or so today.  Dena really is ruining Tripp.  He was mature and independent when Steve and Kayla found him.  And I liked him. He had potential, and the idea of him wanting to be a doctor was great. But now he's set on revenge. And will probably get worse when he learns Joey killed Ava.

I know everyone was drugged, but why Hope the only one in the hospital?

  • Love 3
5 hours ago, Apprentice79 said:

Exactly, the actor who plays Tripp is such a find. What  a shame, but, this is typical of Dena..

This is part of the reason why I'm having such a hard time with this storyline.  Lucas Adams is a strong actor and holds his own in scenes with  MBE & SN, but oh. my. gosh. this idiotic storyline.  I worked in a hospital in the late 1990's, and even then it wouldn't have been that "easy" to change information on a patient's chart.  I'm sure now it's even harder now with HIPAA  and how much more advanced computers are in today's world.   I haven't taken DOOL off the DVR because I'm waiting for Ron, but this is getting painful. 

  • Love 4
5 hours ago, buffynut said:

Even though I knew Daniel was going to show up on the 28th, somehow that was the day I decided to check on the show. And I tried to watch, but I just can't with the "greatest love story" that ever happened ... off screen. Perhaps if they had waited 6 months to kill Daniel, and actually showed him and Nicole falling in love and planning the surrogacy with Chloe, it would be more palatable. But as it is, all I ever remember is everytime Daniel slammed the door in Nicole's face.

I also caught the last 20 minutes or so today.  Dena really is ruining Tripp.  He was mature and independent when Steve and Kayla found him.  And I liked him. He had potential, and the idea of him wanting to be a doctor was great. But now he's set on revenge. And will probably get worse when he learns Joey killed Ava.

I know everyone was drugged, but why Hope the only one in the hospital?

I, too, wondered why Hope was the only one who ended up in the hospital?  Everyone was wandering around moaning and saying they did not feel well, and acting woozy, so shouldnt everyone have been checked out by a doctor?  Did they think the Halo drug would just ooze out of their body & they would be fine?!

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I finally finished the week.  Meh.  They had potential with the party and everyone drugged, but then it just fizzled.

Count me in for the group waiting for Ron's work.  

As for the women, I want much less Gabi and Lani.  Bring back more Hope, Kayla, and Jenn if needed.  Heck, even bring back more Kate.  I just can't stand the "younger" crowd anymore.  Claire and Jade just need to go permanently.  As for the men, none of them annoy me as much as some of the women, but I think they are wasting potential in Tripp, Eli, and actually Dario too.  They are all decent actors, in my opinion, so they need much better writing.

  • Love 1
1 hour ago, FnkyChkn34 said:

As for the women, I want much less Gabi and Lani.  Bring back more Hope, Kayla, and Jenn if needed.  Heck, even bring back more Kate.  I just can't stand the "younger" crowd anymore.  Claire and Jade just need to go permanently.

You had me about giving Kayla, Jennifer, and even Kate more screen time.  You also had me about Jade needing to go.  But you lost me at everything else.  I am more than fine with Gabi and Lani's characters.  And Claire can be salvaged.  I'm just hoping Ron can fix her.

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8 minutes ago, Star Aristille said:

You had me about giving Kayla, Jennifer, and even Kate more screen time.  You also had me about Jade needing to go.  But you lost me at everything else.  I am more than fine with Gabi and Lani's characters.  And Claire can be salvaged.  I'm just hoping Ron can fix her.

I've expressed my opinion on Gabi; no need to beat a dead horse.  I can't stand her.  I agree that Lani's character isn't bad, but the actress is.  Recast and I'd probably be fine with her.  She has zero chemistry with JJ.  Claire could also be salvaged, I agree, but also with a recast and rewrite.  She's just so whiny, even when she isn't supposed to be whining...

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Came back to check on the boards to see if Days was worth checking out again, and based on what I'm reading, it remains a shit storm.  Glad to see the Higlemonster still dumping on Kayla.  Steve an Kayla remain my all time favorite couple but I can't co-sign on Kayla continuing to be the victim of pain, torment agony and misery because of her connection to Steve.  As a fan of her character, I think oth she and MBE deserve better.  Unfortunately if Kayla is not paired with Steve, the show fails to untilze MBE talents and she gets written off. So I guess the only way to keep Kayla is for her to be saddled with Steve, too bad, every other woman on the show gets to have more than one love interest, but not Kayla. Instead, she gets to be perpetually victims by the assorted skanks that Steve hooks up with, and now the progeny of said unions. 

I've been subjected to RC's work before, so believe me when I say his tenure will produce nothing but more loathsome crap.  When will showrunners stop recycling the crappy writers who have for so long played a part in the continuing demise of the soap genre?

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Jesus, I'm too over these Salemites treating Abby like some precious little flower that can't make up her own mind and decision-making.  Drives me fucking nuts!  She's not that much of a heroine with her track record under the last Abby. Now Abe is on the "Imma tell your momma on you" train.  Abby is in her mid to late 20s!  I don't cosign with her being pressured to marry Dario, but she's not that weak to not tell him no bueno.   

Edited by BlackMamba
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I always like the dresses that Gabi wears, but she always looks like she's going to a cocktail party.

Dario is such a sleaze.  WE know he's lying about the deportation stuff, so why did he feel he had to interrupt Abigail with her brother at the police station?  Speaking of which, when is she going to start doing her job? And why did they have to go all the way to the club (where they were playing that LOUD annoying jazz music) instead of just in some corner of the police station?

If this was being taped in January, they were already cognizant of the crackdown on immigration then.

Once again, Paul and Sonny hug but don't kiss.

Why does Paul have sources downtown?

I know we need to ignore the Salem PD, but is it really appropriate for Hope to be investigating JJ for murder?

I don't even know what to say about Abe's shirt.

Why did we not get to see the conversation between Abe and Jennifer?

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I was rather gratified at least that it seems like it may be more mutual than just Chad dumping Gabi given how they both seemed to be reacting to the party.... assuming that lasts when RC takes over anyway.

I guess they didn't want to pay the actor who plays that awful police chief for today? Seems like they could have at least had him handle this dumb investigation instead of someone who has motive and at least some vague opportunity to have done the crime herself. I hope RC dumps this thing fast with a blah blah Halocakes ending

I'm curious how things change with RC's writing. I think I've said before that I am not a fan of him but he does usually get a couple things right on the way to ridiculousness. We'll see if that's the case here.

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I'm thrilled with the JJ/Gabi stuff we've been getting. I admit it's kind of an abrupt departure from the Gabi regarding JJ as gum on her shoe we've been watching for months, but I'll take it, anyway. Will it last? Hope so. 

I ff Hope and Rafe, so I can't say I enjoyed all of the Halo ridiculousness, but, for the most part, it entertained me. 

Nicole and Eric give good smooch. That's a pretty important box to check when I root for a couple. Is she a complete bitch to him 99% of the time? Yes. Does he come across as a a morose doofus 51% if the time? Yes. Will I overlook that for chemistry and good, old fashioned soap smooching? You betcha. 

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Gabi, it's July and a little hot for wearing that lace dress. Granted, it had an open back, but cocktail attire during the day?

Didn't know that Rafe proposed to Hope. Hello boring.

Abigail, you are seeing Dario rushing in to a marriage with you. No red flags going off, even a little? I'd wonder why so fast. Not that I'd want a 5 year engagement but if my new fiancé is rushing me to marriage, I'd ask WHY. You also have some mental health issues.

JJ isn't guilty. Probably lots of folks had a physical altercation with Deimos.

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When Chad met Gabi at the Square and gave her a kiss hello, did anyone else notice the smirky smile on his face?  I'm thinking maybe he was supposed to just kiss her on the cheek (not the lips) the first time, and then kiss her on the mouth at the end.  Perhaps Billy realized it shortly afterwards and maybe Camilla gave him a look off camera, because he was definitely holding back a laugh.

9 hours ago, MsTree said:

When Chad met Gabi at the Square and gave her a kiss hello, did anyone else notice the smirky smile on his face?  I'm thinking maybe he was supposed to just kiss her on the cheek (not the lips) the first time, and then kiss her on the mouth at the end.  Perhaps Billy realized it shortly afterwards and maybe Camilla gave him a look off camera, because he was definitely holding back a laugh.

That happens a lot with them....you can tell he's done something and they're both trying not to laugh. Part of the chemistry they have that he just doesn't have with flat hair.

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A pet peeve of mine is when soaps do not have the characters wearing time of year/weather and occasion appropriate clothing. It is the freaking 4th of July and they are all outside and Eric is wearing black ls shirt and black pants, Brady ls button down, and Nicole has on a freaking winter print cardigan and black pants!. WTF?? And they even referenced that they were just at the parade! How many people do you all see at a July parade in those clothes?. How about some shorts and a polo?? Chad has on a suit jacket for God's sake!. Not to mention Marlena's LEATHER jacket Friday. What the hell are they doing to Gabby? Her clothes the last week have been borderline sleezy imo. The party dress was beautiful but the hooker shoes trashed up the whole look.. WTF is that blue 2 pc no back dress thingy she has on today?  Again with the long sleeves in July.  OK rant over....gotta go get my wool pants and turtleneck ready for the bbq we are off to today!. lol

I may have missed it by ff, but did they ever check the knife for fingerprints and were they JJs?  

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I shake my head daily at this horrific love square.  Chad tells Abby she's moving too fast, yet he's at her wedding with his girlfriend.  Then he goes on to tell Gabi, I guess it's over.  I mean why would Gabi sit there and listen to him tell her he wasn't sure if it was over with Abby before he started dating her??  He's said something like this two or three time lately.  Leave him and get your self respect Gabi, don't let it linger for months upon months like Abby did.  This is the exact reason Abby left him, because he couldn't get over Gabi! It's like they've reversed the entire triangle since the island.  Then Abby, why is she marrying Dario?  She had three conversations with him yet she's acting like he's been her bestie for years. Today it was like she was marrying him to spite Chad who was basically daring her to do it like a little kid, just idiotic both of them.  There aren't even words for Dario.  He's Ben-lite.  I hate Dena Higley for screwing up not only a couple I loved in Chad and Abby, but also completely ruining a character I really liked in Gabi.  I'd add Dario but I've never had use for that character.

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8 hours ago, Cupcake04 said:

A pet peeve of mine is when soaps do not have the characters wearing time of year/weather and occasion appropriate clothing. It is the freaking 4th of July and they are all outside and Eric is wearing black ls shirt and black pants, Brady ls button down, and Nicole has on a freaking winter print cardigan and black pants!. WTF?? And they even referenced that they were just at the parade! How many people do you all see at a July parade in those clothes?. How about some shorts and a polo?? Chad has on a suit jacket for God's sake!. Not to mention Marlena's LEATHER jacket Friday. What the hell are they doing to Gabby? Her clothes the last week have been borderline sleezy imo. The party dress was beautiful but the hooker shoes trashed up the whole look.. WTF is that blue 2 pc no back dress thingy she has on today?  Again with the long sleeves in July.  OK rant over....gotta go get my wool pants and turtleneck ready for the bbq we are off to today!. lol

I may have missed it by ff, but did they ever check the knife for fingerprints and were they JJs?  

THIS! Hubby was nap/watching with me and I went on a rant about Nicole wearing black, pleather pants for July 4th while Gabi had on God knows what for a casual day, out and about. ?Don't get me started on brooding Eric-his clothes are like a mood ring....

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I was happy to see a barbecue on the show! Not Caroline Brady going in to the pub's kitchen and coming out with a pot of wienies.

I had no idea that Gabi's probably itchy and hot lace dress was a crop top and skirt. The rest of the attire looked very warm for an early July day when temps are probably in the 70s or 80s in Salem. No one seemed to sweat.

Abigail, rushing in to another marriage? Dario is Ben 2.0. Realistically, with your therapist, there should be no serious relationships for at least a year for you. Not marrying a dude you know nothing about 2 seconds after your divorce is finalized. Kinda nice that you also did it in front of your ex. Find a JOPs office to do so.

Brady, not your business what happened to Nicole and Eric while they were under the influence of the Halo drug. Stop behaving like a Neanderthal.

So there will be some crap coming Kayla's way. Uh, trace it back to your former friend Jade, Kayla. Who is using your new stepson for her own agenda. Nice to see that Tripp is changing a bit.

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Seriously, Nicole?  Eric wrecked your life?  Bitch . . . what did Daniel just get through telling you?  And what did you just get through promising him?  And shame on Brady for still letting her get away with that shit.

At this point, Abigail deserves the rude awakening she's going to get regarding Dario.  Even Chad could see as clear as day that he's playing her.  I'm actually surprised that Gabi doesn't see what her brother's doing.

Edited by Star Aristille
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I seriously cannot wait until Nicole and her issues are off the air. The writing for her lately is so ridiculous.

So do you think Abigail will find out Dario has been manipulating her anytime soon? Like maybe RC's first air date? LOL ... I think I mentioned before that I find the pairing so creepy I can't even watch. 

What saddens me the most about this is that for a blip it looked like they might be writing Abigail to be a stronger person and instead she went from what she felt was one unhealthy situation and dropped herself right into an even more unhealthy situation. 

I cannot wait until that story line is over. 

I also think I mentioned I'm a newer viewer (since about April) and while I glommed on to the pretty (IMO) that was Chad/Gabi even though I knew they were doomed I'm really hoping to see Gabi dropped in JJ's orbit more. The party episode where they kissed up and made it (I chortled at that one, Freddie even sold it pretty well!) and then danced really made me more of a JJ/Gabi 'shipper. I know Gabi's not all that popular in some circles (most circles?) here but I really like her. Maybe it's the prism of not having seen who she was before.

That said how willfully blind can she be not to be taking Dario to task over Abigail? Yikes.

Edited by SanLynn
Didn't finish my thought.
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On 7/4/2017 at 8:27 AM, Sidney said:

I don't know who could notice anything about Gabi's scenes other than that ridiculous tight outfit she was wearing. We get it. She has a gorgeous body. But this is over the top. Just silly.

I don't know the dress you're talking about because I haven't seen the show this week, but amen.  I've been thinking/saying this for months.  She looks like she's about to go work the corner every day/night.

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What a bullshit show today! Rafe running around Salem with the ring asking permission to marry Hope because Julie told him to while she is stuffing her face with chocolate covered strawberries that was supposed to be a romantic treat for Hope. I know Julie has her fans but to me she is nothing but a pain in the ass.

Kayla is scolded in front of the hospital nurses station. Don't things like this usually happen in the office. Did the show dismantle Kayla's office and is too damn cheap to set it up again.

Theo and Claire are boring as hell. Rafe and Hope are boring as hell.

I just can't with this pathetic show anymore. RC had better fix this mess or my only American soap will be Y&R and Days will be history for me.

  • Love 8

How is that Days cast people who won't be on recurring or on contract better!  Nurse Shelly holds more purpose than Jade, Ava or to a lesser degree Tripp.  They should keep her but noice this show they'll ruin it so never mind.  

As for Claire and Theo.  ?Let it go, Let it go! ? He's just not into you.  Besides the bedroom that's the only thing.  But these two don't give me a warm and fuzzy feeling at all as teen couple.  Carlivati needs to find Wyatt or dust off and SORASED JT finally!   I want her thirst/obsession for Theo to come to an end.  

Ahh, not storyline related, but can someone do something Rafe/GG's clothes at DOOL!  Untucked/reserved collared shirt and tight rolled up jeans look - gross.  I think if he was smaller like BF or CM this would fly but he almost looks like Fabio without the blonde locks.  Naw just keep him black tee and jeans and he'll be good looking that way.  Giving him 3 different looks is an eye soar.   Sorry for the rant had to get it off my chest. 

Edited by BlackMamba
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Tuck in your shirt and button your shirt up, Rafe, you look sloppy.

So Kayla gets to be reamed out in public in front of all of the nurses and any passing by patient or visitor?  Good HR practice there.

Hey, Theo, Ciara treated you like a normal guy, too.

Jeez, Julie, you really don't know how to read a room, do you?

Why does Rafe need to ask Doug for permission to marry Hope? The idea that everybody in town had to give their blessing was just silly.

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Does anyone think Gabi doesn't say anything about her brother and Abby because she wants chad to herself?

i like Theo and Claire just not together.  Not sure about Theo and  Ciara.   Where is she anyway?   Took a break from the show for a bit.  Came back to both Ciara and Phillip being gone.   

Today show was very light hearted.  JMHO Roman just seems to be more relaxed and fits better running the pub then the police station.   

@rrc I am Julie fan but also think she is a pain in the butt LOL 

Edited by tribeca
  • Love 4
6 minutes ago, tribeca said:

Does anyone think Gabi doesn't say anything about her brother and Abby because she wants chad to herself?    

I definitely think that's a big part of it. Yes she loves her brother and wants to trust/believe him but you'd have to be a blind idiot (or a willfully blind idiot) not to see that this is not a love match. Gabi is going along with it because it suits her circumstances. She may not consciously believe that but it's true IMO

Edited by SanLynn
  • Love 5

Of course Gabi wants Abigail out of the way so she can move in on Chad. Surely she would know as Abs' friend that she probably isn't ready to rush in to a marriage and wonder why her brother is so desperately trying to marry her. Not like Abs is a really good catch right now.

Enough of the stupid Rafe running around town looking for permission to marry a middle-aged woman. She is not really her daddy's princess any more. Why would you ask her parent, her dead husband's parent, and brother of her dead husband to marry her? Utter nonsense and she is mature enough to make her own choices. She is an adult woman with grandchildren who doesn't need permission to marry. Hope Julie gets indigestion from those strawberries.

Theo and Claire don't have much of any sort of future. Don't see their attraction to each other, except Claire one-upping Ciara.

Shouldn't be too hard to find a suspect in the Kayla gaslighting - who was with her, who had access to her iPad. Surely if it is in a hospital it is password protected, especially in terms of medications and there would be some official paperwork, again secure, going to the pharmacy.

  • Love 5
3 hours ago, Frozendiva said:

Of course Gabi wants Abigail out of the way so she can move in on Chad. Surely she would know as Abs' friend that she probably isn't ready to rush in to a marriage and wonder why her brother is so desperately trying to marry her. Not like Abs is a really good catch right now.

Enough of the stupid Rafe running around town looking for permission to marry a middle-aged woman. She is not really her daddy's princess any more. Why would you ask her parent, her dead husband's parent, and brother of her dead husband to marry her? Utter nonsense and she is mature enough to make her own choices. She is an adult woman with grandchildren who doesn't need permission to marry. Hope Julie gets indigestion from those strawberries.

Theo and Claire don't have much of any sort of future. Don't see their attraction to each other, except Claire one-upping Ciara.

Shouldn't be too hard to find a suspect in the Kayla gaslighting - who was with her, who had access to her iPad. Surely if it is in a hospital it is password protected, especially in terms of medications and there would be some official paperwork, again secure, going to the pharmacy.

Amen.  This is why Rafe and Hope are so insufferable.  Besides the fact that she is a middle aged woman, grown children and a grown grandchild, she's also been married after Bo.  We went through this storyline of beloved Hope moving on with a man she loves after Bo.  As much as they would like us to forget Aiden this storyline has already played out. 

Bringing Roman and Caroline in it just furthers the incestuous nature of it all considering that they used to be Rafe's father and grandmother in law.  Also the fact that when he did want to move on from Sami it was with Carrie their other granddaughter/daughter respectively. 

Days, please stop trying to make this relationship come across as two crazy kids falling in love for the first time, instead of what it is.  Two middle aged adults with a lot of previous baggage finding love again. 

  • Love 9
5 hours ago, JBC344 said:

Amen.  This is why Rafe and Hope are so insufferable.  Besides the fact that she is a middle aged woman, grown children and a grown grandchild, she's also been married after Bo.  We went through this storyline of beloved Hope moving on with a man she loves after Bo.  As much as they would like us to forget Aiden this storyline has already played out. 

Bringing Roman and Caroline in it just furthers the incestuous nature of it all considering that they used to be Rafe's father and grandmother in law.  Also the fact that when he did want to move on from Sami it was with Carrie their other granddaughter/daughter respectively. 

Days, please stop trying to make this relationship come across as two crazy kids falling in love for the first time, instead of what it is.  Two middle aged adults with a lot of previous baggage finding love again. 

I like Hope and Rafe. I might be the only one who does. But I agree that they need to realize they are both mature adults with history and should act like it. (I'm also one who will try to pretend like Aiden never existed; I couldn't stand him at any time in his convoluted character arc of good, bad, or indifferent.)

  • Love 2
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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