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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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Days has always done shit like that. I don't Julie/Doug were at Hope's first wedding to Bo. Yet I do agree the show hardly has scenes with Steve/Adr wedding or no wedding. The last time they had scenes were back in December. Crazy.

You're right, Days has always had important people absent from some weddings. I think Steve and Kayla's wedding was one of the only ones that had just about everyone, complete with a telegram from Bo and Hope.

I always enjoyed Judi Evans and Stephen Nichols together with their sibling vibe.

  • Love 4

Oh remember the great weddings of Roman/Marlena (80s), Bo/Hope, Jack/Jennifer, Shane/Kim, and Steve/Kayla. Then we have today's wedding - SHIT. And where the fuck is St Luke's Church, ugh!!!

Abifail's middle name is Johanna. It's a pretty name so I won't hate.

Suzanne Rogers looks fab.

So JJ/Chad lied to Abifail to calm her down. Yeah those things always work.

I'm not even a Thrady fan but Theresa needs to beat Summer ass.

And Abifail said she's leaving. LOLL oh please don't tease me.

This episode was boring. Not because of the wedding but it was just a boring episode in general.

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 1

So Abigail's middle name is for her Grandmother Johnson?

I thought Jo stood for Josephine, but I guess I'm wrong?


And can I say that I'm taking perverse pleasure in the fact that no one, absolutely no one--not even her mom or brother--is happy for Abby?  They are just their out of a sense of obligation and it makes me smile :)

  • Love 7

I thought Jo stood for Josephine, but I guess I'm wrong?


And can I say that I'm taking perverse pleasure in the fact that no one, absolutely no one--not even her mom or brother--is happy for Abby?  They are just their out of a sense of obligation and it makes me smile :)


I love that no one believed her about Ben being there.

  • Love 5

JJ: "I wish there was a way we could calm [Abigail] down."  How about a big dose of Xanax?


I wonder why they didn't show the officiant's face.


I thought Ciara said she didn't have time to change clothes before the wedding?


Where was Abe?  He is Chad's brother-in-law.


"I think I just ruined everything."  Well, yes...

  • Love 5

At this point I think Abigail needs horse tranquilizers.  And yes, why didn't they show the face of the priest/justice of the peace? That was odd.  Maybe it was Ben in disguise.


Summer is proving to be an amazing, dynamic addition to this show.  Not.  Good grief, get her off my screen, along with Hong Kong Phooey or whatever John's dad's name is.


I did a little research on Julie today and read in an article that she was involved in titanium deposits.  Are they referring to the plate in her head or something else?

  • Love 5


Summer is proving to be an amazing, dynamic addition to this show.  Not.  Good grief, get her off my screen, along with Hong Kong Phooey or whatever John's dad's name is.

Bahahaha, and yes I agree!


yeah, that wedding seemed pretty weak-assed, between the rushed status of it, the gloomy surroundings, and the vast amount of no-shows.  Gah, they are married.  When Abby said "I'm leaving Salem...tonight"  I was saying to myself "please do!"


Eric was annoying when he called out Jen.  She wasn't even acting odd and he came over and made a rude remark.  Then he goes for the bottle.  Maybe it's time he gets locked up.


I have a speculation on the Chase thing that may be the only way he could possibly be redeemed...and it's the oldest trick in the book when a character has gotten so bad that they seem un-fixable.  Wait for it...a brain tumor!  It seems when character are all sorts of wrong that once the "tumah" is gone, all is forgiven.  Like I said, this is my speculation and nothing else.  


Then there is Joey...dumb pretty Joey.  Thing is, nobody seems to realize what a f'd up mess he truly is.  He is more worried about his father going to jail or how Steve could be acquitted, willing to confess to spare his dad, but never focusing on one certain thing.  The thing that even his parents seem to not be focusing on.  That Joey was capable of murdering someone.  Whether or not he was drunk, the boy loss control and murdered another person.  Nobody seems to look at that and see the wrong.  Ava or not--murder is murder.  


But then again Hope killed Stefano and everyone swept in under a rug.  Hell they swept Stefano himself into a rug and tossed him out in an old building.  But as wrong and corrupt as she and the Salem PD were, i can even accept it slightly more than Joey.  Hope was tortured by Stefano for many many years, she felt he was the reason Bo died.  She has seen and done and been through much more in life than young Joey.  She would be more capable of committing this than he should at his age.  His life hasn't been put through that much of a ringer to be pushed to kill.  Joey is just creepy.

  • Love 6

I thought Jo stood for Josephine, but I guess I'm wrong?


And can I say that I'm taking perverse pleasure in the fact that no one, absolutely no one--not even her mom or brother--is happy for Abby?  They are just their out of a sense of obligation and it makes me smile :)

You are correct. Jo is short for Josephine Johnson and Adrienne's middle name is Josephine as well. Jack gave Abigail the middle name Johanna to honor his mother Josephine. Adrienne's son Joseph Kiriakis is also after her and Steve named his son Joseph as well..I remember when he was born, Kayla was concerned about him being confused with Adrienne's son...lol...I loved Jo Johnson, she was such a unique character..She should have been at that pathetic wedding as well.. Jo had a complicated relationship with her three children...

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 2

Love, look at the two of us, strangers, in many ways.....oh wait, wrong song.  Another one bites the dust by Queen makes more sense.  

Remember when she was carrying on like a fishwife who'd swallowed battery acid about how her FAMILY WANTS A BIG WEDDING, how she OWES TO ME FAMILY TO HAVE A BIG WEDDING, how she wanted to SHOW HER FAMILY HOW HAPPY I AM! - seems her family, to be kind, really couldn't give a shit.  

I mean, Doug and Julie would show up at anything that had a free buffet, and Eric at anything with an open bar, and Adrienne, well, she hardly gets out anymore, so.....yeah, magical moment.  


I was surprised, though, that Abigail didn't insist on a more traditional venue, like, say, the shower at the Athletic Club - such a nice way to remember EJ.  And do you think the ring she gave Chad was her virginity ring?  (It must have gone green by now.....)


yeah, that wedding seemed pretty weak-assed, between the rushed status of it, the gloomy surroundings, and the vast amount of no-shows.  Gah, they are married.  When Abby said "I'm leaving Salem...tonight"  I was saying to myself "please do!"


Eric was annoying when he called out Jen.  She wasn't even acting odd and he came over and made a rude remark.  Then he goes for the bottle.  Maybe it's time he gets locked up.


Eric is such an ass.  Every time Show seems to make a bit of progress to make him something other than, he backslides into a judgemental prick as fast as possible.  Greg Vaughn is pretty but as for talent.....maybe a toothpaste commercial.....  I guess Show wants us to see him exhibiting concern, but as always with him, he comes off as smirking and judgemental and better than - and just a wee bit dim.  

Sexually I expect he lasts just long enough to get through one decade of the rosary.  He couldn't even make it through an entire novena.


I'm on Jen's side anyway.  I'd be popping pills if I had to be around this group for any length of time, too.  


At this point I think Abigail needs horse tranquilizers.  


Summer is proving to be an amazing, dynamic addition to this show.  Not.  Good grief, get her off my screen, along with Hong Kong Phooey or whatever John's dad's name is.


I did a little research on Julie today and read in an article that she was involved in titanium deposits.  Are they referring to the plate in her head or something else?


At this point I think Abigail needs horse tranquilizers. - 


I consulted the Oracle of All Things, the famous Mr. Ed, to see what he had to say about her.  (I'd tried using the 8 Ball but all I got was, 'Try again').  

Even though his response isn't straightforward, it IS straight from the horse's mouth....


She neighs like a horse, of course, of course,
And snorts like a horse of course
That is, of course, unless the horse is the horrid Abby D.

Go right to the source and ask the horse
He'll tell you to lock her up fast, of course.
No meds can correct her, she's such a horse.
Make her into glue.


I'm all for Maggie having story - despite her big hair and penchant for tears, she's a good actress and embodies a lot of the best of the past.  BUT how about her Horton family for a change?  Her daughters, her grandson??  We never even hear them mentioned anymore.  Instead we're treated to miracle daughter left to her by Tan the Dan Man.  


It was fun to see JJ again, as always.  


Think maybe Abigail will steal Doug's motorized scooter and hotfoot it out of town? Hey, I know!  How about a cruise??  

Edited by boes
  • Love 12

Really wishing Theresa would have kicked Summer in the shins and shoved her out the door when she interrupted her and Brady today. Not a fan of Summer and it just continues the constant references to Daniel, I mean jeez, I don't think they even reference Alice Horton as much as him.  Not a fan of Abigail in her current form either, but come on, she's got a crazy person after her and suddenly the french doors in the DiMansion don't always latch, and her new husband sees no issue with this? Did that place start falling apart the second Stefano died because there's no way in hell he would have stood for shoddy unlatching french doors.   

  • Love 7

Jack gave Abigail the middle name Johanna to honor his mother Josephine.


That ... doesn't actually make a lot of sense. "Johanna" and "Josephine" aren't related in any way, except in having a first syllable in common. It's like naming your son John because your father's name was Joseph. But then again, in Salem, "Terror Kiriakis" is a name you could give your kid without creating an interesting file over at Child and Family Services. Maybe the writers for this show were always kind of nuts? I don't know.

 Did that place start falling apart the second Stefano died because there's no way in hell he would have stood for shoddy unlatching french doors.   


Don't the spells holding the sinister stronghold together always start to unravel once the Evil Overlord is vanquished?

  • Love 3

I thought the wedding -- lame as it was by usual soap standards -- was very sweet. But I balled my eyes out when Julie read that passage from Jack's book -- a great way to include him. JJ suddenly seems 30ish, doesn't he? Though I miss Rory, I'm glad they're treating JJ's character well. And I love him with Gabby. 


Still confused about Petrov vs. Ho Chi Min there with John. They're two different, but very similar, people, right? And when Ho Chi says he wants John's blood, does he mean ALL of it? I'm enjoying these scenes because they're different from the norm, but am finding it hard to follow. 


Theresa, stop kissing Brady for a sec and give him time to give you the ring! Oops, too late. Ugh. There is nothing likable about Summer, nothing at all. 


ETA: Did anyone notice Maggie saying to Brady in the square, "I have to go get Victor's subscriptions" -- lol. 

Edited by Lastwaltz
  • Love 7

John's whispering through most of his scenes were just taking me right out of them. 


Whenever Summer is on my eyes glaze over. She is just not working for me at all. Also having Theresa in this story makes me sad I like her and this is what she's dealing with.  And Brady just let Summer know she can come back tomorrow since you were about to propose and all. 


Abs wedding was kind of scarcely attended, eh? No Kayla, no Hope , Gabi, etc. They clearly had more pressing matters so oh well for them. I guess this is how she will be ushered off. Seeing Ben and freaking out?  I do like seeing Theo at the wedding for Chad. His and Ciara's little moments are cute to me. I hope she gets the help she needs. 


JJ you are my favorite. Hopefully because you and Gabi only get 3 minutes of screen time they will leave you all alone. 

  • Love 3

I thought Abs' makeup was a bit strong for a spring wedding. I could see the dark lip for a Christmas event. It seemed... harsh.


I enjoyed Eric pouring the wine in to the coffee cup. Him and Jennifer, pot meet kettle.


JJ rightfully escorted his sister down the "aisle". 


Chad and Abs don't have any friends? Where was the rest of the family?


Summer is not really doing it for me. Be honest with Maggie, lady. Say that Daniel found you and that he felt that you may be another long-lost unknown child of his mother's. Victor may have some serious explaining to do, if more of Maggie's eggs were used. Maybe there are *more* children out there? At this point, and probably being 40ish, do you really want to connect with a parent that didn't even know that you existed? What would you hope to gain? Money? The parent would have no obligation to you.

  • Love 2
I guess Show wants us to see him exhibiting concern, but as always with him, he comes off as smirking and judgemental and better than - and just a wee bit dim.  

Sexually I expect he lasts just long enough to get through one decade of the rosary.  He couldn't even make it through an entire novena.


I'm all for Maggie having story - despite her big hair and penchant for tears, she's a good actress and embodies a lot of the best of the past.   


Okay boes, I hit the Catholic humour and burst out in snorts all alone in my office! I never minded GV but, yes, he does have that kind stupefied gaze,


Maggie always sorta cheers me up--mind you, someone puked on her sweater yesterday. And anytime I get Maggie and Julie onscreen, I'm cheered up.


Then there was the two-day weddingus interruptus... I wasn't really up for the continuing nuptial saga after day one, There was only the slight hope that either Ben or a SWAT team might burst in and take down Abigail.


And then there was Wang Chung or R'as al Ghul, or whoever the hell, handing out every effing "mysterious East" cliche that's ever been uttered. When he got to the part about the tea, I just wanted John to fire back something like, "So, no Liptons for you, pops?"

  • Love 6

I am amazed at the casting job for Jawn's latest "father."  (Today, he actually said 'I am your fawther' tee hee)  They look and sound exactly alike - for a minute, I thought it was DH double cast.  


I guess with Stephano really dead, they are trying desperately to quickly make Victor the antihero.  I have always liked Victor - JA's delivery is so perfect, no other character can make me laugh out loud one minute, then be enraged by his bullheadedness the next!  It seems like they are just continuing on this dark path - is every new/returning character going to be dark, too?  

  • Love 4

Just a few random thoughts on today's show. I really need to keep notes as I watch. LOL.


- when Maggie picked up the picture of Daniel and sighed, so did I.  Well, maybe my sigh was a big more like a groan.

- didn't expect Dario to be a con artist. He seemed like a decent guy in LA and thought he and Nicole might be the next couple. Maybe not.

- glad they remembered Maggie has 2 other daughters. Too bad they wouldn't decide to come to Salem and send the egg-baby daughter back to LA.

- I'm actually enjoying Theresa & Brady.  And loved Brady calling the kid "Tater Tot".


And about yesterday's show, according to the recap on NBC.com - Lucas subtly proposes to Adrienne and they both decide to "think on it."  So another scene that was filmed and cut. I didn't even like Lucas and Adrienne as a couple, but would prefer to see them together than not at all.

  • Love 4

It's way too soon for Brady and Theresa to get married. Now I see why they got stuck with a baby. They have a kid together so obviously they're in love and meant to be and blah blah blah. 


The John and Jigsaw from Saw scenes didn't progress the story and were boring. 


So now they've apparently turned Dario into a con for no reason.

  • Love 6

Every time John and his father (I guess) are on I feel like I stumbled into some Kung Fu knock off. Except, you know, without David Carradine. It's weird and I don't get it. Even Wolverine would be going 'Okay, this shit is stupid. And a future version of myself from the dark future where I was mind-tricked into killing all the X-Men is now back in current time hanging out with Ororo and a Jeannie who has been brought forward from the past as a teenager. That's totally normal compared to this shit!'


Everything about Summer is awful.


Honestly, the only things I'm really following right now are the Steve/Kayla and Joey stuff and then the other teen stuff. I give a cursory glance at various other storylines to see if they grab me... they don't. So, yeah. 


I guess it's a good thing that RuPaul's Drag Race just started again and Daredevil season two is about to drop on Friday. Cause that's the real shit right there.

  • Love 3

Jen Lilley and Arriane Zucker are by far the best actors on this show.


Deimos, there are plastic surgeons.  You don't have to have that scar for the rest of your life.


Yay!  Hot British doctor!  They need to give her a name and a storyline.


"Luke, I am your father."


When did Dario become a bad guy?  Great.  I predict he will hook up with Nicole and he'll break her heart yet again.


Rory? Why you work for bad guy?


Are Steve and Kayla married, or was there a divorce somewhere down the line?  Watching Brady propose to Theresa today, the only couples I can think of who are married are John and Marlena and Victor and Maggie.  Or, are John and Marlena even married?  Have Justin and Adrienne gotten a divorce? Oh, yeah, Chad and Abigail.

  • Love 2

While I'm all for Kate having sex with anyone she wants, whenever she wants, and wherever she wants, there's no way in hell she'd consider doing it in the same apartment in which her beloved grandson was strangled to death.  Using this set without some redecoration and reorientation was so fucking lazy.  Did they at least fix the dent that poor Will's head left in the refrigerator door?


Also lazy?  Using the cries of a newborn baby for toddler Tate.


I'll be over here in a corner not minding John's story.  While I don't like the quasi-racism in the depiction of Yo Ling, I do like that there was some (albeit convoluted) thought put into this story and how it's being tied to other stories.  And I've come to like Drake Hogestyn and know that he's enjoying all this for his character.  The last set of writers did not have much use for him and I think that hurt his feelings and made him feel redundant.


I agree with others that Summer is boring.  While it's good that Dario is a gray character, I don't want to see him ruined for her. 

  • Love 5

I will be adding the phrase, "Where is Yo Ling?" to my repetoire of strange phrases to be used at inopportune times.  Quite the journey there, from John Robichaux to Yo Ling......what Margaret Cho could do with this storyline....


And now they've got Paul.   Remembering how nuts Paul's mother got at the idea of him meeting his father, I can just imagine how she'd react to him meeting dear old Grampaw.  

I'm so hoping it's going to be Marlena to the rescue. She could easily take out Yo Ling with one swing of her giant pocketbook.


While I'm not crazy about Summer, I do like Maggie having a storyline that has her - at least potentially - doing more than being motherly and supportive, although I'm sure that will be a big part of it.  With Dario being a gray/bad character, and Deimos, she's got some actual meat on her plate for a change.


And knock me over with a feather and then do it again, I loved Brady's proposal - especially loved Theresa's acceptance/reaction/knocking him to the floor.  Loved it.  I think the world of Jen Lilley's skills and we got to see them today, from her barely concealed sarcastic reaction to Summer, to her self-aware conversation with Brady, and then her head-over-heels love for that knucklehead.

Yep, I think she can do better, and sure, he's gonna mess it up, or if not him, she will, but right now, today at least, I loved it.  Loved her.

  • Love 6

Wasn't Dario supposed to be Paul's new love interest, or was that just wishful thinking?


A love interest for Paul? Yeah, right! As if that would ever happen.


Every time John and his father (I guess) are on I feel like I stumbled into some Kung Fu knock off. Except, you know, without David Carradine. It's weird and I don't get it. Even Wolverine would be going 'Okay, this shit is stupid. And a future version of myself from the dark future where I was mind-tricked into killing all the X-Men is now back in current time hanging out with Ororo and a Jeannie who has been brought forward from the past as a teenager. That's totally normal compared to this shit!'


And without even a Chris Potter for your trouble!


Full marks for incorporating Wolverine "continuity" (or whatever), by the way. Well done by you!

  • Love 1

But then again, in Salem, "Terror Kiriakis" is a name you could give your kid without creating an interesting file over at Child and Family Services.


I get what you're saying, but Deimos as a name is no different than Zeus or Ares or one of the many other Greek gods.  I'd love to know more about Deimos' mother.  She was (or is?) probably hell on wheels.

  • Love 4

Few thoughts:


-- I didn't expect the Theresa/Brady proposal scene, but I thought it was fairly well done. JL's acting throughout this episode was pretty good.


-- Was that.... the actor who played Rory?


-- If they're going to focus on the Hernandez family, which it seems they are, then I concur with earlier posters: I'd love for them to bring back Arianna (Lindsay Hartley). Loved her.


-- I actually kind of like Kate and Deimos, as I think the pairing has potential.

  • Love 6

Ah it was so nice to see Rory again although it took me a minute to realize who it was!!


I really do love Deimos & Kate (actually I just love Deimos in general) - but can we somehow fit in for Adrienne to run into Deimos & have "don't I know you from somewhere" moment??    although I won't hold my breath since we've only gotten one scene with Adrienne & Steve since he's come back.


Ah so Saw Daddy has Paul now to force John to give up his blood - I'm only watching bits & pieces of this storyline but that's what I gathered from the little bit I watched.


Okay so Dario & Summer worked together to steal money from people & now he wants her to do that to Maggie or was it Brady?   I'll admit I kind of tuned out on some of their conversation.

  • Love 5

Rory! How funny that I mentioned missing him the day before : ) But dude, get out of the business -- smoke your weed as much as you like, but that other shit is dangerous stuff. 


Boes, I also loved, loved, loved Theresa and Brady. Lilley has "it" and I love it when she glows like she did yesterday. I can believe that Brady's in love with her and their life together. I, too, was counting how many times he's been engaged -- it's like he can't just be with someone, it has to come with a diamond. Very cute response to the proposal and I also loved that she didn't give a shit about the ring - she just wants this life. 


And yes, there's no way Kate could tolerate being in the same apartment where Will was murdered. I thought they'd gloss over that but no, she even said it formerly belonged to an insane person. I wish the show would get this easy stuff right. 

  • Love 8
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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