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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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Watching the Stefano scenes where he was belittling and badgering Hope, and telling her where she could find a gun to shoot him, made me think this was like a "suicide by cop" storyline.   Maybe Stefano wanted to die?  And he wanted to ruin Hope's life in the process?


If he is not dead it is still attempted murder so not sure how this will play out.

  • Love 9

Watching the Stefano scenes where he was belittling and badgering Hope, and telling her where she could find a gun to shoot him, made me think this was like a "suicide by cop" storyline.   Maybe Stefano wanted to die?  And he wanted to ruin Hope's life in the process?


If he is not dead it is still attempted murder so not sure how this will play out.

Not so far fetched.  I have heard others say that Stefano wanted out and what better way to go out than to frame Hope.  Kill two birds with one stone.

  • Love 3

Dead Of Our Lives is getting so depressing. How the heck does Hope beat this wrap? Also, neCiera is horrible. Does this actress ever smile? Does she know how to? Does not like the gap in teeth? Please recast now so we can see a new Ciera by a July timeframe. Gotta love the 6 month taping schedule. Not!!!!

  • Love 2

I finally saw the cliffhanger clip of the shooting, and while Joe was reading off a card I did find it a good performance with better editing than there was in the spring Stefano/Marlena confrontation, which didn't put Joe in the best light.

KA's scream of rage worked, but I didn't see enough of a meltdown written on her face. AS would have delivered so much more in the veins, tears and wild eyes department.

That said, while the dialogue was perfunctory, I didn't hate it. It leaves the door open for Stefano to have set it all up to skip town or something, and I'm clinging to that because I just love Joe and want a better regime to handle his final scenes.

Edited by DisneyBoy
  • Love 4

I like AZ.  But that "crying" that she's doing .....it's like  mixture of forced, contrived, and .....sorry....fake.  She sounds like a tired toddler. It's really annoying.


  And Hope...."Did I do this?"  Really? You had a momentary break with reality...long enough to pump 3-4 bullets into a person (if she did it), and then, "presto-change-o!!"  You're back to total awareness!!

  • Love 4

I think I realize what it is about Abby that bothers me--two things actually.  First, she acts completely detached from all of the people who have died that she actually knows.  She's giving JJ and Jennifer her condolences towards Daniel's death as if she didn't know him and she did the same thing regarding Paige and Will.  I don't think she should be in hysterics, but there should be more then an apathetic "How are you doing?" to her mom and brother.  


The second thing is her attitude towards Chad.  She told JJ that she didn't go to Chad to get him to take her back but to give him a chance to do the right thing.  I would rather she said that she loves Chad desperately and she wants to be a family with him and Thomas, but instead, it's as if Abs is passing judgement on Chad.  That does not bode well for the rest of their relationship.


AZ is just killing it in her grief over Daniel--that is how it's done, my friends.

Edited by kitmerlot1213
  • Love 14

I think I realize what it is about Abby that bothers me--two things actually.  First, she acts completely detached from all of the people who have died that she actually knows.  She's giving JJ and Jennifer her condolences towards Daniel's death as if she didn't know him and she did the same thing regarding Paige and Will.  I don't think she should be in hysterics, but there should be more then an apathetic "How are you doing?" to her mom and brother.  


AZ is just killing it in her grief over Daniel--that is how it's done, my friends.

1. 1,000 times yes. She's detached. That's a great description of it. She should have felt more about Paige b/c of JJ...but definitely her cousin/best friend, Will. The way she's glossing over Dan's death is just strange.


2. AZ is kicking ass.

  • Love 8

1. 1,000 times yes. She's detached. That's a great description of it. She should have felt more about Paige b/c of JJ...but definitely her cousin/best friend, Will. The way she's glossing over Dan's death is just strange.


2. AZ is kicking ass.



1. This is where an actress with talent could play levels. With KM it's all screechy desperation or ice princess. There are no layers to her acting. How could she just forget Will so easily?? Then again Abbs is all about Abbs so there's that.  (I mean really, who didn't know the paternity thing was only all about Chad. c'mon.)I can't wait for her to be gone.


2. AZ breaks my heart. I can always tell by her pink nose & red eyes that she knows how to cry & shed tears, unlike  actress mentioned in#1.



This show has been so hard to watch. I come away afterwards feeling just wrung out by all the sadness. Man, I hope they can switch it up soon but I doubt that's going to happen...not with Doomsday Higley at the helm....

  • Love 9

Crabs and they bullshit. If only I can fast forward LIVE.

Fynn already in Victor's good graces.

Nicole is still upset and wants to throw out Taniel's Thai menu.

Replay of the Stefano shooting for you new viewers out there. I can't Dimera Manor isn't tight with security.

JJ is in Chad ass. I love how Abifail is playing dumb that her mom is hurt and JJ is giving her the business before walking away.

Victor wants Daniels name to be on the new children's wing. Yall wont forget him!

  • Love 4


Really they threw the Nourison rug on top of Stefano head


I get Daniel was Kayla’s colleague but I wish she could be this emotional for her damn nephew Eric.

Uggh Crabs. Chad claims theres no privacy at Jennifer's. Umm. What there is only two people there.

Rafe is getting some edge to him. Hmm. He said "We're going to make 'that' disappear"

Edited by BlackMamba
  • Love 7

I don't like how Kayla is more emotional over Dan than she is her nephew. Just because the treatment is working doesn't mean something couldn't go wrong. 


The Crabs scenes were a waste of time, as usual. 


The Belle/Philip scenes were a waste of time, as usual. That girl gives no fucks about her impending divorce. 


In my head, Unhinged Hope pulled out her 9mm and said NO MORE!!! YOU WON"T HURT MY FAMILY AGAIN STEFANO!!! *pew* *pew* *pew* I'm sorry, but that scene was slightly funny to me. Why was he laughing while getting shot? Why does that blood look so obviously fake?

  • Love 5

I like AZ.  But that "crying" that she's doing .....it's like  mixture of forced, contrived, and .....sorry....fake.  She sounds like a tired toddler. It's really annoying.


  And Hope...."Did I do this?"  Really? You had a momentary break with reality...long enough to pump 3-4 bullets into a person (if she did it), and then, "presto-change-o!!"  You're back to total awareness!!

I know of a real life case in the city where I live.  A woman shot her estranged husband six times, and got off with the defense that she had been in a dissociative or automatistic state.  She was deemed not criminally responsible and received 5 months psychiatric treatment.  It is very similar to what they are implying with Hope, she had been pushed to the edge and did not know what she was doing.  Lots of controversy around this at time as they were wealthy and powerful people.




It might have been interesting if they had tried this in a court of law, instead of hiding the body.


Re Eric and his drunk driving.  I have no issue with Nicole going off on him and Marlena.  He is responsible and he did kill Daniel.


However, there is another problem here.  Nicole, Kate and Teresa hosted the fashion show launch/party where they served alcohol, they can also be deemed responsible.  There have been cases like this.  And in this case it is worse because Nicole herself told Eric to sober up and not to drive.  The court could say she didn't do enough (like taking his keys, or providing other transportation for him).  He drove cause he was stupid drunk and didn't want to wait for a cab.  They should have had limos booked for their guests who were all drinking.  Other people probably drove that night that shouldn't have too.


Maybe we will see Nicole eventually blame herself for not doing more to prevent Eric from driving.  Maybe Marlena, when Eric is charged and this goes to trial, will use the defense that the party hosts are also liable.


It all sucks.  My brother was killed because he was in a car with someone who was high, three people died in two cars including the high driver.  (This was decades ago.)  I never understand how celebrities or people with money get behind the wheel drunk or high, when they can call a car service or uber or whatever.  They have no excuse.  This to me is like that, Eric had many options available, but he was too drunk to reason properly and someone there should have figured that out (bartender, doorman, valet).

  • Love 10

Marlena knows Nicole is right.

Abifail is giving her victim crap to Chad. Shes basically saying everyone was being "mean" to her after what happened what she did with Sami/EJ... Is this bitch serious.

Rafe said "He can make this disappear and he has experience" Hence, when was the last crime this fool solved!

Why was he laughing while getting shot? Why does that blood look so obviously fake?

Assisted Suicide.

  • Love 4

Crabs hello kitty romance at his place.

Struggle picnic if I ever saw one. Can tell the show was embarrassed the way the props and scene flew by.

Abby's dress and hair were so ugly today. Some dank green shapeless uniform thing with dumb slits cut into it high and then the bib necklace and mosh pit boots on that prison attire?

Why is Phillip always cornering Belle? She looked really pretty today in that color and her hair was in pt. She is very birdlike.

Nothing like murder to really bond you to someone - Rafe's thinking.

  • Love 6

I don't like how Kayla is more emotional over Dan than she is her nephew. Just because the treatment is working doesn't mean something couldn't go wrong. 


The Crabs scenes were a waste of time, as usual. 


The Belle/Philip scenes were a waste of time, as usual. That girl gives no fucks about her impending divorce. 


In my head, Unhinged Hope pulled out her 9mm and said NO MORE!!! YOU WON"T HURT MY FAMILY AGAIN STEFANO!!! *pew* *pew* *pew* I'm sorry, but that scene was slightly funny to me. Why was he laughing while getting shot? Why does that blood look so obviously fake

Neither does she care that Phillip has his eye on her two hundred and fifty million dollars.

  • Love 1

I've always liked Rafe. I come from a LE family, so I guess the "Dudley Do Right" cop appeals to me.  Not this Rafe.  Ugh!  Is he so blinded by his ....whatever....for Hope that he's just going to turn into a dirty cop now?  I know...Stefano was an evil man...but that doesn't mean you obstruct justice and cover up a crime, all because you're soft on the prime suspect.  Don't like the way this is going, at all.


Then again, I"m the one who thinks that 99% of AZ's crying sounds like it's forced and contrived.  She had a few times where it sounded real, like it came from the heart. And when she laid into Marlena, she was great/ when she was ripping up the menu, it was real. But that, "ah-ah-ah-ah-ah" dry sobbing the last few days just sounds like they said, "ok, you have to cry now", and she said, "I'm tired of crying. This is the best I can do...."

I know of a real life case in the city where I live. A woman shot her estranged husband six times, and got off with the defense that she had been in a dissociative or automatistic state. She was deemed not criminally responsible and received 5 months psychiatric treatment. It is very similar to what they are implying with Hope, she had been pushed to the edge and did not know what she was doing. Lots of controversy around this at time as they were wealthy and powerful people.


It might have been interesting if they had tried this in a court of law, instead of hiding the body.

Well I just found the proof what road Hope is going under JGs pen.

He did an interview in 2012 with Michael Fairman explaining the direction he wanted to take Sharon Newman.

Feel free to replace all YR names with Days ones

Now the world's worst mother is finally concerned about her children? One thing Hope is good at is playing clueless lol.

Love how trampy Abigail could care less her mother was just in an accident and a close family friend and almost step-father dies and she's just concerned about banging her boyfriend.

Edited by blanchowens
  • Love 13

I don't like how Kayla is more emotional over Dan than she is her nephew. Just because the treatment is working doesn't mean something couldn't go wrong. 


The Crabs scenes were a waste of time, as usual. 


The Belle/Philip scenes were a waste of time, as usual. That girl gives no fucks about her impending divorce. 


In my head, Unhinged Hope pulled out her 9mm and said NO MORE!!! YOU WON"T HURT MY FAMILY AGAIN STEFANO!!! *pew* *pew* *pew* I'm sorry, but that scene was slightly funny to me. Why was he laughing while getting shot? Why does that blood look so obviously fake?

Kayla does not care Jack about Sami or Eric.  Her heart is only with abifail.

I don't like how Kayla is more emotional over Dan than she is her nephew. Just because the treatment is working doesn't mean something couldn't go wrong. 


The Crabs scenes were a waste of time, as usual. 


The Belle/Philip scenes were a waste of time, as usual. That girl gives no fucks about her impending divorce. 


In my head, Unhinged Hope pulled out her 9mm and said NO MORE!!! YOU WON"T HURT MY FAMILY AGAIN STEFANO!!! *pew* *pew* *pew* I'm sorry, but that scene was slightly funny to me. Why was he laughing while getting shot? Why does that blood look so obviously fake?

Kayla does not care Jack about Sami or Eric.  Her heart is only with abifail.

  • Love 1

Maybe she is really conflicted about Eric. She may be angry at him for being so reckless and stupid.  He's not a kid.  And he is supposedly a righteous person, so being so irresponsible is kind of disturbing.  One would have expected Brady when he was drinking to do something like this cause he was consistently out of control.


Of course they have all forgiven Theresa for almost killing John, so eventually they will do the same for Eric.  And so far we haven't seen a lot of anger directed at Eric, but that is maybe because people don't know yet.  Does Victor know?  He won't be too forgiving.


I do agree that Kayla has endless love and support for Abbifail in spite of her transgressions.  I have never understood that.

  • Love 5

i don't have much good to say about the recent episodes.  In fact, not sure how much longer I'm going to keep watching. Today I had it on in the background, while doing something else. So was mostly listening and occasionally looking at the screen.  


I really don't like this turn of events with Stefano suddenly dead and Hope being the murderer. Or Rafe being there to cover things up.


And still not liking nu-Philip.  Didn't know he and Belle had once been married though.


Still don't care about Abigail and Chad.  I miss Ben!


Seems like the show is spending a lot of time mourning a character who if a viewer had just tuned in for the 50th episodes with Bo probably wouldn't really know.  They should have let him and Nicole actually get married. And show them happy.  And then kill him off.


I did like the scenes with Maggie, Caroline and Julie last week. 


And I liked the way the camera pulled back to look down on Nicole and Chloe with Parker when they told him his Daddy was in heaven.

Edited by buffynut
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While I liked the drama in the scene of Stefano's shooting, I feel this was also a flit of a demise for such a great character.  Stefano/JM have been the Phoenix for decades it seems, he always survived rose again, did his evil deeds.  Now it looks like he is dead for good.  But we know how, by whom and it looks like they are going to dump his body somewhere.  Flit.  Gone.


I wish they had put this murder off for a while in wake of the weekly demises on this show as of late.  Daniel will be canonized into sainthood by the end of his funeral.  Stefano, who has been around forever will get nothing.  Just Hope and rafe covering it all up and hiding him.


I don't see how Hope can come back from this, how she can be cleared.  Sure she snapped, but she also shot and unarmed elderly man in cold blood.  Stefano or no, those are the facts.  And as much as I like Hope and I don't mind Rafe mostly, what they are doing is against the law.  Salem's top cops are going rogue.  I have watched them be bossy and sanctimonious to perps time and again on this show, and now they are about to become the greatest hypocrites of all.  


...Well maybe Eric has them beat.


I would have preferred to see a good, old fashioned "whodunnit" where Stefano's murder was concerned.  Lord knows plenty of people have wanted him dead for ages, so many could have played part.  Heck, they could have made Hope the shooter if they wanted.  they could have brought Sami back for it, they could have even had EJ resurrected and found to be the killer.  Maybe it would have been Andre.  Who knows.  The cops would be involved.  Andre would drama-mourn his daddy, Chad would be conflicted, etc.  It could have been great.  And it would have been a great send off for Salem's ultimate villain and JM.


I'm still not sure how this will ultimately play out, but I'm not too optimistic.


Good for Nicole for speaking her mind.  All the times Eric berated her with his sanctimony, he has truly done wrong.  She had every reason to lash out at him.  Poor Jen, she looks so rough right now, her daughter is too happy to care less, at least she has JJ.  


Ugh, Abby must be so giddy now that her life has come together so well.  Who cares that her mother is injured and in mourning.  Who cares that Daniel, who was a big part of their family for a while, is dead, who cares about the other murders and her crazy ex.  She has Chad now and they are having sex.  The baby can wait as long as she gets her sexy-time taken care of first...


Don't really care about Philip and Belle, Chloe/NB continues to be one of the most beautiful women I have seen on a soap (jealous).  I'm guessing Strawberry Shortcake will be back soon...

Edited by LadyJaney
  • Love 12

Stefano's demise should have been the only death for the 50th anniversary. Stefano has driven story for our heroes and heroines since the 80's. His death should have meaning. Stefano should have died years ago. The Dimeras are played out. Andre is too much of a cartoon to be taken seriously. Andre was more effective when he came on the show as a prolific serial killer, who was impersonating Tony and framing Roman for murder. I love Thaoo and I loved him as Tony in all of his wonderful grayness. I loved Tony and Anna. The Gemini twins, Rex and Cassie should have been theirs..

Edited by Apprentice79
  • Love 5

Kayla does not care Jack about Sami or Eric.  Her heart is only with abifail.

Kayla does not care Jack about Sami or Eric.  Her heart is only with abifail.

Why would or should Kayla care about Jack. Let's not pretend that Sami cared about family when it didn't benefit Sami, Kayla was on the receiving end of that truth. Eric is a nearly 40 year old man who killed one person and nearly killed two others, three if you include him in the count. He has destroyed lives and fractured families because he was irresponsible and didn't want to wait for a cab, not feeling him right about now either.

Unfortunately, the show has chosen to saddle her with Abby and have her succumb to the Taniel kool-aid, while barely acknowledging her actual family, which is sad because the Brady's used to be close-knit, but the fracture was put there for reasons known only to TPTB.

  • Love 2

Stefano's demise should have been the only death for the 50th anniversary. Stefano has driven story for our heroes and heroines since the 80's. His death should have meaning. Stefano should have died years ago. The Dimeras are played out. Andre is too much of a cartoon to be taken seriously. Andre was more effective when he came on the show as a prolific serial killer, who was impersonating Tony and framing Roman for murder. I love Thaoo and I loved him as Tony in all of his wonderful grayness. I loved Tony and Anna. The Gemini twins, Rex and Cassie should have been theirs..


        Oh gosh, totally agreeing about Andre. Ever since the character came back, I've been wondering what's the point. He just goes around town lurking in corners and threatening people. It's been impossible to buy him as Stefano's son. The actors are probably closer in age IRL, not an uncommon occurence in soaps, but the passage of time now has Andre looking more like Stefano's older brother than his son. And while I'm thinking about it..

        What is the point of Patch (I mean Steven) being back? And why is he still wearing the same leather jacket he was rocking 30 years ago? Why is Kayla taking him back? Because he called her Sweetness? Please. Let him hook up with Ava and leave town. And let's let Kayla get on with her life. Without guilt. Because we've seen what feeling guilty is doing to Hope. She's gone and killed somebody. But then again, it's Stefano, so who knows if he's really dead?

  • Love 1

Does Abby care at all that her mother was hurt in the accident? I mean does she really? It's Abby & Chad & her baby she sometimes cares about. I still think the whole storyline is weird that Hope doesn't even know her cousin Jenn was almost killed! That her nephew caused it! That Marlena, Roman & John are waiting bedside in the hospital! Major disconnect going on in Salem.

  • Love 10

Someone on Twitter said that song Crabs made love to was Jordan/Rafe's. Kenny didn't even bother giving "the it couple" their own song.

I just need to know where Rafe/Hope are going to ditch this body. Someone suggested a trapped door in the house but it would stink after awhile. LOL. Then again at Dimera Manor if you can't hear gunshots and people coming in/out then I'll be shocked if they smell anything.

Edited by BlackMamba
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The fact that Chad doesn't have enough self-respect to get up and walk out (and he could have taken Thomas - Abigail wouldn't have noticed he was gone) when she was talking about being "judged" because she was chasing around after his brother's penis like a cat in heat, even though she didn't actually say that part, makes me sad. 


I don't know how I feel about the Hope and Rafe hiding Stefano's dead body storyline.  I don't think I like it.


I kind of like how Chloe is always sitting around in fancy, skin-tight dresses because it's just so preposterous that anyone would always be dressed like that. 

  • Love 6

So why didn't Chad dance with Abigail to THEIR song, the one that defines them as a couple, the one that truly expresses their love, that shouts to all the world that THIS is their love???


You know, Jimmy Buffett's,  'Why Don't We Get Drunk and Screw'.


And did she throw that dress together in seconds on her Baby Singer from curtains hanging in the hallway?  She looked like a low rent version of a wannabe Scarlett on her way to Atlanta.

  • Love 10
Message added by scarynikki12

Spoilers are not allowed in this thread. Period. Any posts that include spoilers (and casting information qualifies) will be removed. There are several other threads that allow spoilers so take that discussion to one of them.

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