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Current Plots Discussion: Actually Today's Episode

Message added by scarynikki12

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If Tammy Sue is so terrified of her father, then it probably wasn't a good idea to steal his money and give him a reason to look for her.


It would be one thing if Jenn was upset about the veterans' missing out, but it's playing more like she just hates Eve and can't stand to be one-upped.


This is what makes me crazy about this storyline.  If we assume that Eve is not a con and lying about the deal, then Jenn should be completely blase about it as it has nothing to do with her.  It is a legal matter.  But she is determined to take it personally.  Blech.


I guess we should assume though that it will ultimately come out that Eve is lying about this.  It would be more fun if she isn't.

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Though I guess after Stefano, anything would be a step up.


I think Stefano is perfect for Kate. Sure he's old and the sex probably isn't very good, but he's powerful and is a sociopath just like her so he wouldn't try to stop her from scheming.


Dan is/was friends with Nicole so I'm not sure why he's judging Brady for hanging out with Theresa.


"I learned from the best." Clearly you didn't EJ or else you wouldn't be so incompetent.


Is tax evasion the best Sami and Kate could do?

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I think tax evasion is  usually how you get mobsters. I've always wondered why it took so long for someone to come up with the idea on this show. Tax evasion seems to be the easiest thing to prove.


Then again, since Rafe is around, he probably could have pressed charges against Stephano and EJ for kidnapping him and then hiring that imposter in his place. He's a direct witness to something that happened to him. But since he doesn't know left from right, maybe it never occurred to him that what Stephano and EJ did to him was a crime.

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Unless you're KM's size, who is so small it's impossible to make her look big,



I don't know about that, I'm sure this show could find a way.  


I'm truly enjoying watching Eve and Theresa interact--there's a realness to their arguing that feels like it's actual siblings who are going back and forth about an age old argument.  More please!


Sami's wedding dress may be strange but AS is truly delivering in all of her scenes.  I believe her when she shows her anger at EJ's betrayal juxtaposed next to her love for him. Nicely played.  And I can't help but feel that KM is out of her league during this tense scenes--she's very one note especially next to AS's multi-layered acting.

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KM's acting is confusing me. When she hears EJ's voice she acts like she heard a ghost. I don't understand why she's getting snippy with EJ for getting married to Sami. She knew this well in advanced. Did she think he was gonna call it off and pick her up and run off into the sunset? EJ treated her like a mistress should be treated, which Abby doesn't seem to process at all. Then when the wedding was about to start she looks like she's about to burst into tears. Stay with Ben since it's so "real."


Dan is so awesome he doesn't know how Brady could put him on his shit list. SMDH. I was so glad when Brady told him to get the fuck out and it's none of his business what Brady does with his life. FYI Dan, you could have texted JJ to pick up the gift at your house or something. Fucking idiot. Didn't have to go all the way over to Jenn's house to drop it off and dropping it by her door. Since it wasn't heavy you shouldn't have dropped it.


Jenn you weak, desperate ass! She didn't even attempt to lift the present. She couldn't possibly lift it my ass. Was she for real?? She can't lift a guitar, girl needs to hit the gym. I guess those toned arms are just for show.


Eve loses more points for flirting it up with Dan. Yikes!!

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The EJ and Abigail scenes might be interesting (in a suspenseful kind of way as to what might be end-game) if JS was staying around. But I don't get what the writers are trying to do with their storyline away from Sami if he's not staying. Since we know JS is actually leaving, I'm finding both EJ and Abigail to be uber-idiots. Without Sami in their storyline, both EJ and Abigail seem pointless in their conversations with each other. The stupid conversations don't seem to be leading anywhere...unless JS at the last minute goes "Psych! I'm staying! Huzzah!"


Didn't EJ once tell Chad that something always goes wrong at a Dimera wedding? Why is being so ....relaxed?


Abigail's snippiness...I get it up to a point....but when she acts like EJ is actually showing interest in her, I find her sort of odd. I feel EJ is acting like the usual kind of (toolish) guy who had an affair with someone, and wants to pretend it never happened.  But Abigail seems to think she's actually fending him off or something.

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Regarding Kassie's twang and how it isn't right for Eve - welcome to my world.  The world where Roman Brady talks like Yosemite Sam on a 3-day bender.  Whoever thought that was a good idea after WN needs to be tied to an anthill. 


I've always put Roman's mumbling down to having badly fitted dentures.  It goes with that hairpiece of his that he stole from achihuahua with a bad case of mange.

But now I'm thinking that he's suffered severe mental and emotional damage from being married to Marlena and being one of her first experiments.

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I've always put Roman's mumbling down to having badly fitted dentures.  It goes with that hairpiece of his that he stole from achihuahua with a bad case of mange.

But now I'm thinking that he's suffered severe mental and emotional damage from being married to Marlena and being one of her first experiments.

Thanks for making my day with this post!

What the HECK did they stuff poor AS into??  We thought Solid Gold Kristin looked odd....that was NOTHING compared to this bedazzled side-ponytail rhinestone disaster.  And worst of all, even after losing all that weight, AS's butt looks terribly flat in that dress.



I agree. She looked a hot mess. They need to stop putting her in those tight clothes. Not very flattering.

I like to also point out that Ciara is a big asshat. She's so annoying, I guess she gets it from her mother. "I wanna be a flower girl or bridesmaid." How about sitting your ass down and go make some kool-aid or something. Annoying little twit. Where's Miss Trunchbull when you need her? Allie even looked at her funny when Ciara asked if she could be flower girl. I wish Allie would have popped her in the mouth.

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Hilarious, maybe the writers did forget, because of the filming schedule, that we'd be aware that JS was leaving. Because the way things are right now I'm just staring at the EJ and Abigail scenes with confusion. Like, why is Abigail acting like she still has a shot with EJ? I guess agreeing with Harold on something could irritate someone, but I figured EJ was simply trying not to send up any red flags. Although I didn't even realize they were referring to Abigail, until she got ticked -- I thought they were referring to the flower arrangements. How slow am I. Who knew people referred to a woman nowadays as an "it."

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I haven't seen today's episode yet but I get the idea that she fell out of "love" with Rafe a long time ago, but still truly cares about what happens to him and I felt a little badly that he wouldn't let her be around more while hospitalized because she tried, a lot.  He dumped her, not the other way around.  She doesn't even want to sleep with him anymore after what they mutually called a mistake (please please let this break up JorRafe).  I wish she'd concentrate on the Dimeras too but I feel like it's in character for her to smell a rat in Jordan and want to get to the bottom of it.  She's tenacious if nothing else.Out of character though, for her to be so overly trusting to the father who was lying through his teeth - they probably have jobs and friends and don't tell them you talked to me I want them to be happy.  Yeah, right.  I don't know, I guess Kate hates Jordan enough to hand over the information to their abusive father?  I know she doesn't "know" he was abusive but yeah, she should know better given her past.  I have to think about this a little bit too.  Kate's fabulous, Days, please don't ruin her for me.


I think I need a few more days to absorb the names Tammy Sue and Ollie. 

Edited by QuelleC
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I only half pay attention to this story line, but I was hoping we'd see Kate show some indecision about outing where the siblings were.  I thought she'd think back to what she went through as well as Austin and Billie.

In fairness, Kate doesn't know Clyde was Jordan and Ben's abuser.  As far as she knows, he's just someone they stole from.

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I think that we are objecting to the fact that Kate has always been smart enough to maybe pick up the fact that there is more at play here.  Her two oldest children escaped from Curtis because of his abuse.  A brother and sister, who on the surface seem like nice people, change their name and are on the run from there father.  Kate should have instantly thought something was suspicious.


I think with Kate the Chloe situation was different because Kate for the most part doesn't have the "shame" attached to being a prostitute.  For her it came along at a difficult time in her life but she made a lot of money from it, put herself and Lucas through school and once she became legit she quit.  The only shame Kate ever had was about Austin, Billie, and Lucas finding out.  Which actually drew them all closer as a family.


Kate leading a possible abusive man to his runaway children is not something she would ever do.  Her experience with Curtis, and losing Austin and Billie is never something that Kate has ever traded on or used against someone else. 

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KM has been given a golden opportunity to shine in this demolition Abigail storyline, but, man, she's doing such bland work in it. The only time she sort of comes alive is when she's showing envy...or sexing it up in a Sami wedding nightmare....otherwise, blah.


When the Sami nightmare was shown, I did feel the hardcore visceral reaction I imagine a woman would have to learning her fiancé/husband cheated. It did feel like a bit of a punch in the gut, which I wasn't expecting. I've had time to get used to the storyline, and yet when the nightmare was shown,...yikes.


I think AS is doing a pretty good job. She really does turn it up a notch for explosive Sami weddings.


How stupid is EJ? My goodness....yikes, the dumb on him right now. You should be able to tell from Sami's face that she's ticked about SOMETHING. It looked like he might have suspected something when the poem was read by Abigail -- then he seemed to go back to being dumb.


Abigail has such a funny face to me. When she read that poem, I felt maybe she should have felt a bit guilty, but I guess KM doesn't know how to play that. I think the only facial expression she's good at is the witchface smirk.


I guess they had to stick Daniel in the episode to make sure we'd try and make the effort to find him interesting.

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Kate leading a possible abusive man to his runaway children is not something she would ever do.  Her experience with Curtis, and losing Austin and Billie is never something that Kate has ever traded on or used against someone else. 

While I really want to believe this (and love Kate), the way she played their scenes led me to believe that she did "get" it, and that her dislike of Jordan trumped her motherly instincts. Hope you are right, though.

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When the camera panned to EJ when Theo mentioned that Ben is Abigail's boyfriend, I couldn't tell what EJ was thinking. Everyone keeps seeing jealousy and all I saw was JS looking sort of blank  as to how to play the scene because he knew the camera was going to pan to his character. But I didn't see a great deal of jealousy -- but perhaps the fact that EJ was the one who stupidly invited Ben and already knew Ben was Abigail's boyfriend was coloring my impression of the scene. He was the one who goaded Ben into coming in the first place, so, uh, I figured he had to know who Ben was.


I didn't think EJ was getting the same look on his face at the mention of Ben's name that Abigail gets on her face every time EJ and Sami show affection for each other.  I suppose EJ was thinking something, but I didn't think JS's intent was to portray envy. The writers may have wanted that, but now I'm wondering how they keep forgetting that JS had said he was leaving.

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I didn't get a jealous look from EJ either, he was just looking down. I think JS is just not happy with this story at all and he wants it to be over. I don't blame him, why have his character be bogged down with Abby. I think JS is just phoning it in at this point because EJ isn't being a villain or doing things that EJ use to do.

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KM/Abigail seemed to come more alive in the nightmare than she did during the ceremony where she seemed kind of a blank.

I think she prefers playing Abigail as a sex kitten of some kind, but also wants us to view Abigail as a pure, innocent heart. Not that the two are necessarily incompatible, but she isn't capable of playing both simultaneously. So why she keeps describing Abigail as someone with a pure heart is beyond me. Her strength seems to be in playing a chick who likes to smirk a lot. And kissing? She seems to like doing steamy kissing scenes. In that sense, I don't get her as an actress because what she prefers playing doesn't jive with what she describes. But if she wants to continue acting she might as well audition for a heavy metal video where she's smirking on top of cars. That seems to be where her talent lies.

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Since Corday and the writers knew for over a year and a half that both AS and JS were leaving, I don't know why they gave them this exit SL, or why they continue to drag things out.  Sami scheming with Kate is the only reason I'm watching.  If JS is bored, I don't blame him.  It's a boring, repetitive, and lame SL.  All of the interviews and promos talking about shocking surprising twists are not helping either.  There is nothing new, edgy, or different about this SL.  The guy cheated on his fiancée.  It's a standard soap cliché, and Days has gone to it over and over again just like all the other soaps.  I just want Sami and Kate to destroy the Dimeras so that they go away forever.  I'm tired of Stefano, and all his idiot children.


Eve with Theresa could be fun, but they are already sunk because they will be stuck in Dannifer hell.


Lucas going to the wedding because Allie wanted him to, and Johnny walking Sami down the aisle were sweet moments.



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I don't know why Jenn cares so much about the agreement Jack signed.  She didn't give a rats ass about him when he was still alive and she promptly forgot him two seconds after he died.  


I liked the scene between Sami and Lucas.  I think they work great as friends.


WTH was up with Sami's hair?!  The dress was bad enough but that hair was truly horrific.

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I see we had the butter-wouldn't-melt-in-her-mouth Jenn on display today.  She simpered and batted those raccoon eyes at Daniel with that "Aw shucks, who could be mad at widdle ol' me" look.  And the attitude was reinforced by her deciding to wear a dress made from the upholstery you usually only see on the inside of caskets.  I guess that for occasions that don't center around her, Jenn shops strictly at the Lily Munster Second Hand Store.

Anyway, she was giving Dirty Dan the bums rush there to get back together.  I don't buy his reasoning for breaking it off with her, either.  He's been with her long enough to have heard the absolute tears she goes on about people whose morals aren't up to hers - hell, she did it to him in spades when she thought he was with Theresa.  But maybe, just maybe, buried under all that crusted dirt Dan does have a working brain and realizes that being with Jenn ultimately means learning to sing soprano.


I really cannot wait for the screeching and the gnashing of teeth once this lawsuit stuff starts.


And back at Meerkat Manor, we got to see the fruits of Abigail's labor - you know, all that WORK she had to do for the wedding?  I saw about 8 chairs, some flower displays lifted from graves, rose petals strewn on the grass and TWO bottles of champagne chilling.  Yep, she worked herself to the BONE, didn't she?  Maybe I shouldn't use that particular word when Abigail is so close to EJ.....and BTW, what the hell was she measuring when she was up on that ladder anyway? 


I loved the Lucas/Sami scene - really nice.  I call Lucas a weenie and that's not really fair - the guy is an actual ADULT and that's a rarity in Salem.  I'm not too thrilled, though, that Rafe is going to be the one to bust EJ.  That smirk, combined with his lazy eye is just too distracting.


Let the Games Begin!

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And this Jordan and Ben: Hillbillies on the Run storyline is not only ridiculous and hackneyed (at least based on what we've seen so far) but a waste of Kate's talents. She needs to use her powers for bigger and much better, more nefarious and delicious things.


I don't care about Jordan or Ben, and I certainly don't care about them more now that they're Tammy Floo and Oily, or whoever. Why are you making James Read boring, show? WHY?!


I'm not finding Eve that interesting, either, to be perfectly honest.

Edited by Sandman

I think Ben is kind of hot. Maybe Sami could sleep with him to make Abigail cry even more.


I think I'll never be able to figure out why Abigail's face is so massively annoying for me to look at (even if I didn't know she was a hypocrite, I'm pretty sure I'd still think the same), and I think this mystery will probably bug me till the end of her tenure on the show. Her face is just so...wtf to  me.


Eve was interesting the first day. Now I just don't care. I guess the same goes for Teresa. How much of this has to do with Daniel, I'm not sure however.

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I think Ben is kind of hot. Maybe Sami could sleep with him to make Abigail cry even more.


I think I'll never be able to figure out why Abigail's face is so massively annoying for me to look at (even if I didn't know she was a hypocrite


I like Ben too.  I'm eagerly awaiting the day, though, when Abigail looks into his eyes and says "Oh Ollie, Ollie, Ollie" almost as much as hearing Rafe holler across the Square for Tammy Sue to get on over to him cuz she's his wommin.


And in my humble opinion Abigail's face annoys you because you are a person of impeccable taste. 

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I thought the Vegas wear for Sonny and Will's wedding was bad enough -- but who thought dressing Sami as a hooker for her wedding to Elvis was a good idea? I like what Sweeney did with the "You are not going to cry" scene in Sami's bedroom, but that get-up was terrifying. I know the show has no budget anymore, but was making Sami look that cheap really the only option? The dress didn't even fit her properly!

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The dress does look weird, but since EJ and Sami are a weird couple I kind of thought the dress fit in that regard. Especially since I don't think this wedding is supposed to actually be romantic. Sami is having hot fantasies about the mistress and her fiance at the altar -- yeah, the weirdness of the dress kind of fits.


However, if I were Sami, I probably would have tried to find the hottest dress I could find so that EJ would know what he's missing when I exact my revenge on him.

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In spite of myself, I'm also really enjoying AS's Sami the last few days. She's shown more emotion lately than her usual 2 or 3 facial expressions, and for once I think I can feel her pain. Way to go out on a high note, AS! 


But her dress -- blech. In whose universe does a bride wear that fugly thing, even to a sham wedding? And how pitiful was that sham wedding, anyway -- they might as well have eloped. 


Jenn -- although I also don't see Dan's stony reaction to Jenn as having any basis in their history, it felt kind of good to see that door slam in her face. I actually liked her quick gasps, like getting the wind knocked out of her by the finality of Dan's parting shot. 


Eve better not mess with my teen romance. 

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I thought the wedding was supposed to look pathetic because it is a sham, and Sami doesn't care about the wedding she cares about revenge.  If Sami had wanted a beautiful wedding, she would have made it happen.  Sami is not happy about marrying EJ just like the two previous weddings (one she was blackmailed into, the other she said yes to because she felt guilty about Sydney being kidnapped and was upset about Rafe).


The fact that Sami is not upset about Roman and Eric not being there should have tipped EJ off to something being wrong, but he is to much of a spineless selfish idiot to notice.



And back at Meerkat Manor, we got to see the fruits of Abigail's labor - you know, all that WORK she had to do for the wedding?  



Oh I know--the wedding looks horrendous and Abby was actually stressing out from all of the pressure?  She really is a drama queen.  And I'm not feeling the Ben/Ollie love--I don't think he's particularly good looking and he's so/so of an actor.  I guess he's perfect for KM's Abby!


I really hope that Eve and Theresa--I loved the little aside where she called her Jeannie--join forces to make Jennifer's life a living hell because no shrew deserves it more.  And I loved Jennifer back in the day--the Cruise of Deception was one of Days' greatest story lines ever--and I was cheering for her and Jack to get together.  I can't believe this is the same character from back then.

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I still think it's stupid that an affair with Abby is Sami's tipping point in regards to EJ, but AS is actually doing a good job with this. The scene with Lucas made me sad, though. *That's* what love is, not rape and shootings and baby stealing, and I hope that Sami says as much to him before she leaves the show.

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I like Ben too.  I'm eagerly awaiting the day, though, when Abigail looks into his eyes and says "Oh Ollie, Ollie, Ollie" almost as much as hearing Rafe holler across the Square for Tammy Sue to get on over to him cuz she's his wommin.

If Ollie/Ben sticks around, I'll bet a million dollars he won't ever go by the name "Ollie".  What an awful name for a soap leading man.  Or Jordan go by "Tammy Sue".  However, it would give me great pleasure if they did because oh, the hilarity! And I hate the halting way Ben-Ollie talks.  Between that and his eyebrows, I won't cry if he leaves town. He's a Meh to me.


I thought the wedding was supposed to look pathetic because it is a sham, and Sami doesn't care about the wedding she cares about revenge. 

Yes, I agree.  Everyone should be tipped off as to how little effort Sami put into her wedding to EJ.  It's amazing how stupid they all are regarding her behavior and actions.  I'm looking forward to the Big Reveal and the realization that she got them.  I hope she tells everyone (and especially her bitch mother) to shove it up their ass before she leaves town.

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Poor George... he's just lost without Orry around, you know? This is not going to be an easy storyline for me because I don't want to see George Hazard (and his adorable lisp) to be all evil. That just ain't cool.


Not cool, Soap Gods!!


So, I think it can be stated with all assurance that the writers have absolutely no interest in maintaining anything worthwhile about Shane/Kim. There is just some flat out bizarre reasoning going on with the Donovan backstories and even I, a complete and utter newcomer, know this is flat out bullshit. And I have a significant problem with them making Mr. Sheffield a shitty father... the thing is, he seems to have some kind of relationship with Eve and Paige. She's already referred to 'Grampa Shane' to Paige and said that Shane wanted Eve to check in on Jeannie. Okay, so I can see Shane going 'Hey, check on your sister, would you?' But there's so much else wrong with this.


Am I expected to believe that Shane wouldn't want to help out with his grand-daughter's higher education? Am I expected to believe that Shane bad-mouthed Eve constantly while Theresa-Jeannie was growing up? Because, from what I understand, they had a pretty good relationship... and then to go from 'don't grow up to be like Eve! She's just the worst!' to 'Oh, no, we were wrong... you're the worst.'


Look, I'm a Todd/Blair fan from OLTL. Todd and Blair were hugely messed up, broken people. And neither one of them would have ever left their kids in the lurch. Ever. They would have fought to death and beyond to give their kids a better life, or to help their kids through whatever they were going through and, as people, they were train-wrecks. So now I'm supposed to buy that a Days super-couple that had far more on the ball than those two glorious fuck-ups couldn't do better for their daughter? Basically, I'm being required to fashion up yet another reason in my head for why Theresa is the way she is and, at this point, no one is ever going to convince me it's because Shane and Kim wrote her off and treated her like shit. As far as I'm concerned, Jeannie's story is that she was, indeed, the pampered princess who caught cut off by her parents in the hopes that it would straighten her out. They love her, they want to help her but she's, at this point, not hit rock bottom and realized how good she had it.


Eve? I will just say she spent too many years on her own to ever be comfortable with anything else but she clearly loves her daughter so that's good on her.


I will say this, though... as much as I like JJ -- when he takes on the Jen Party Line of 'It couldn't possibly be anything to do with US!! It's all Other Person's Fault!' he becomes suddenly less attractive and interesting. Paige's WTF look when she was all 'So, you're saying this is all my Mom's fault?' was rather delightful. I hope she keeps sticking up for her Mom because even though the show is really working hard to tell us that Eve is EVIL for daring to take money from veterans despite having an agreement that predates that, Jenn and JJ both going on about 'God! Jack just signed this thing years ago so it totally shouldn't count!!'


Hey, douche-nozzles... an agreement is an agreement. Not only that, but Jenn wailing about what Jack 'would have wanted' loses a lot of its punch when she's flinging herself at Dr. Dirty and then using her son as a means of cajoling him back into a relationship with her. Uh... yeah, I'm supposed to be rooting for you... WHY exactly?


In other news, I am so not looking forward to St. Daniel the Unsanitary giving his smuggy smuggerson looks of disapproval to Eve when he finds out that she's Jen's "rival" and causing all sorts of grief for his disappointing beloved. Ugh. It just figures that my favorite actress is going to be stuck in that particular hell hole of a storyline.


Oh, and Nicole? SHUT THE FUCK UP! Odin's Ravens, how awful is she? "Did I even do anything wrong or did I just get caught?" Bitch, you can't get caught if you didn't do something wrong! That's not how it works. If you were in the right, it wouldn't be called 'getting caught' -- it'd be 'getting recognized for a deed well done' or something. "Do I get to choose what you pray for?" Is this supposed to be sassy or saucy or something? I'm not even a believer in organized religion but I was hoping lightning would strike her down. At this point, I don't even care who started what or who was in the wrong first with Eric and Nicole... they just don't work. Sorry. They don't. Even if Eric were to decide that being a priest wasn't his calling, the church is still deeply important to him and Nicole could not care less about it. That's a huge problem. When you are in a relationship. you should be able to expect your partner to at least respect the things that matter the most to you. Not take a gigantic shit all over them at every opportunity.


And even though I actually liked the red lipstick because it was a dash of vibrant color amid the sea of taupe mouths that populate Salem, it could not have been any plainer that Nicole was all "I AM A SCARLET WOMAN WHO IS NOT TO BE TRUSTED!! SCREW YOU, CATHOLIC CHURCH!" just by wearing it. 




The wedding... oy, I am with everyone commenting on all of the "hard work" Abigail put in for the three people that showed up the this thing. I liked Sami's "Don't cry" pep talk to herself but I maybe could have done without her weird hallucination of Abigail and EJ making out and Abby looking all smug at Sami about it. Oh, and the poem? Um... burn? I guess? So far, the best part of the wedding was the Lucas/Sami stuff beforehand and the mysterious package of Get EJ! that was dropped off at the Salem DA. So, yeah, let's get on with this one, shall we?

Edited by Dandesun
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I forgot to add that I was disappointed with the poem that Abby had to read.With all of the buildup, I was expecting that it would provoke some kind of reaction from EJ or Abby, but there was zip.

There's a passage in the book "Linden Hills" where a gay man marries a woman in order to please his family/further his career and he asks his lover to be his best man. The best man quotes a poem during his reception toast that has a significant effect on the groom and also causes one of the story's narrators (who is familiar w/the poem and understands it to be about a gay couple)  to realize what was happening, though most of the guests (and the bride) remained clueless.


I know they were going for something similar, but the audience was the only one in on the joke. With neither Abby nor EJ registering any sort of emotion or self awareness, I got nothing from the scene. Granted,none of these writers are Gloria Naylor, but I thought it was a huge missed opportunity for drama.

Oh, and I did like Brady's quip about there needing to be an app that shut your phone off when you were drunk!

Edited by shesajar
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I didn't like the hallucinations Sami was having because even for Sami for her to just stand there and let Abby give her a smug look is just no. Even in her own hallucinations I would think Sami would still walk up to Abby and beat the fuck out of her. Even in Abby's delusional fantasy Sami beat the fuck out of her while JJ and Jenn just watched and didn't move a muscle with JJ having that priceless look on his face. So in Abby's fantasty, her family would get out the popcorn and watch her get her ass kicked.


You know how much I would love for that to happen. After Sami exposes her, she proceeds to kick her ass in Horton Square and everyone just watches with delight - Jenn, JJ, Dan, Sonny, Will, Kate, Lucas, Theresa, Ann, Paige, Hope, Rafe, Ben, & Eve and none of them move a muscle. After Chad comes and sees a beaten Abby on the ground and calls her a whore and walks off.

Edited by ShadowSixx
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