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S29.E06: Make Some Magic Happen

Tara Ariano
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Dale thought Jon and his GF were voting for Missy, based on their conversation. He had no idea Jon was telling them that he'd tried to barter the idol.

I was holding my breath watching for Keith to twitch when Jeff asked if anyone wanted to play an idol. Glad he hung onto it, for whatever good it will do him later.

Did Baylor not even bother to look for an idol, based on Jon telling them that Dale had it?

And I guess Baylor kept secret her clues she got on EI for an idol.

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Well, that was a drag. I don't care about Dale, and it still felt like a slog.


Seriously, is Coyopa the worst tribe ever? They won one challenge because Drew threw it. Hunahpu lost all of their stuff, Julie almost threw in the towel . . . . and Coyopa still lost. At least Ulong won a couple of Reward Challenges in Palau.


And I know that the rice had to come at a price (oh, rhyme!), but I hate Power Trip Probst. Does he have to be so smug in taking Hunahpu's shelter? Of course he does.


I think Natalie might be MVP material. I'm biased because she was a Racer, but think about it: she sacrificed herself to Exile Island after gorging on the rice as a Hunahpu regular. She kept Julie in the game for Jeremy to use as a pawn. I know that I shouldn't give anybody too much credit, but I'm hoping Natalie did all that on purpose.


Biggest reason to feel bad for Dale? He and Kelley will be in the back row at the Reunion, the only duo not to make the merge, and no way does Probst go to them. That's sad.

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Darn, I was hoping Dale could pull off the save by waving the fake idol under Jon's nose. I would have loved to see Jon try to save himself later by playing what he thought was a legitimate idol. And seeing Probst burst out laughing at him.

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I'm still not really rooting for anyone so far in this game. Nobody is rootable still.


Jeremy is so whiny, he really needs to STHU at times. I rather have food and can tough out bad weather, I live in FL so I'm use to the rain and lightning lol. He got rice and meat and while complaining about them giving away their comfort because they won the reward challenge. That reward challenge is only for one sitting while the rice will last much longer. Not looking at the big picture.


Why oh why aren't they voting out Missy, she stinks and sucks and Jon should have been majorly pissed at her during the immunity challenge. He was the only one putting up the pieces of the puzzle while Missy was just handing him the wrong pieces and not working with him like Reed and Josh were working together putting the pieces together. Missy has proven to be useless can't portion rice and can't help during challenges.


Reed did kill that rewards challenge, he's really good at puzzles so he might be worth keeping around for a while. 


I knew Natalie went to Exile for strategic reasons, you don't volunteer unless you got something going on as she's working on getting the numbers for the merge. I like the gameplay that she's doing but don't like who she's aligning herself with Baylor and Missy, annoying women.


I'm really not sad to see anyone go, since I'm really not rooting for anyone at the moment.  If Dale had aligned himself with Baylor and Missy he would have stayed in the game and instead went to Jon, which was a mistake as he should have had an inkling that they voted out Kelley.

Edited by ShadowSixx
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I'm definitely rooting AGAINST Missy & Baylor...Can't stand either one. 


And I guarantee Jeremy ate more rice than anybody else in that camp.  But he's telling THEM to suck it up?  Disliked him from day 1, and that hasn't changed a bit.

Edited by leighdear
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Boring. And predictable. I knew Dale wouldn't make it.

I really wanted to see the blue tribe suffer without their comfort items but they really didn't. Only one night of rain and then they win more food. And next week is the big merge.

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Did Baylor not even bother to look for an idol, based on Jon telling them that Dale had it?

And I guess Baylor kept secret her clues she got on EI for an idol.


Hard to say. They never really show anyone looking for it unless they a) find it or b) they need to find it because they are in danger being voted out. Neither one applied to Baylor tonight.

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I won't lie.  I lol'ed at the big show of Jeff delivering the rice on his shoulder and then telling them how pathetic they were for needing help again.  And most of the tribe bent over saying, Thank you Jeff, may we have another one?  I'm glad Jeff acknowledged that the amount of food they ate probably contributed to their dominance in the challenges.  


Reed was impressive at the RC.  Baylor actually didn't seem to bad either, but for someone so small she took some big knocks to the head.  


Dale being voted out was expected but boring. And no, Dale, they didn't slaughter your daughter in front of you.  And if that's the hardest thing you, as a father, ever had to watch your daughter experience, you should consider yourself a very lucky man.


Seriously, is Coyopa the worst tribe ever? They won one challenge because Drew threw it. Hunahpu lost all of their stuff, Julie almost threw in the towel . . . . and Coyopa still lost.



I thought they'd benefit from the psychological boost of having won once, but no.  Even Morgan improved after Drake threw a challenge in Pearl Island.  But Coyopa just keeps struggling.

Edited by ElleryAnne
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It may be a little evil of me but damn if I didn't crack up over Jon's whole "who's Big Jon now", only to end up losing the challenge. Started that boast a little too early there friend. Puzzles will get teams in the lead every time. 


Dale thought Jon and his GF were voting for Missy, based on their conversation. He had no idea Jon was telling them that he'd tried to barter the idol.



Yeah how I understand all the shenanigans that happened before Tribal Council, is that Jon made Dale believe he was with him and that they would vote out Missy but with Missy and Baylor, he agreed to split the vote in case Dale's idol really was legit. So it went three for Dale and two for Keith. 


Reed and Josh were both pretty impressive in those challenges tonight. I think Reed could be a threat when they get to Individual Immunity, especially if it is any challenge involving balance and/or a puzzle. He looks like he's fairly limber and light on his feet. Jeremy meanwhile really bugged me tonight. I understood Jeremy's argument that they could have just waited for a reward challenge and that the merge was coming soon but it didn't seem like he even calmly tried to put that idea forward. Also, it looked like the entire tribe made the decision to ask Jeff for the extra rice so it wasn't just one person's decision. And yet he just sat around giving evil stares at Josh and Reed and whinging and pouting over the whole thing. 


Also, I love how his argument was that them whinging over a little hunger was annoying because "this is Survivor" but yet, he was pissed because they lost their comfort items and acted like it was the worse thing ever. Which is ridiculous because the other tribe was clearly surviving without any of these things. And I didn't understand his whole "Josh and Reed walk around like they own the camp". Maybe the editing wasn't showing it but I didn't see that at all. Reed seems to barely say anything and Josh has been surprisingly quiet since the tribal swap. Yes they were a little kissy and overt with the PDA but I almost wondered if that was more Jeremy's issue with them rather than their supposedly "acting like they owned the camp."


That said, I have a feeling he's going to do well with the merge coming because I think he may have the numbers on his side. It is hard to predict exactly what everyone will do with people's loved ones still there mixed with singles but if the people I suspect are aligned stay aligned, I think Josh and Reed may be in trouble and against the numbers. Because what I suspect will happen is that Jon will hook back up with Jeremy and he brings Jacqueline along with him. Missy will also hook back up with Jeremy and Natalie and she brings Baylor along with her. And then there's Julie.


So that gives them Jeremy, Natalie, Missy, Baylor, Jon, Jacqueline and Julie. That's seven versus Josh and company which will only be Josh, Reed, Keith, Wes and Alec. And I definitely see them gunning for Josh first because I suspect the clip of Baylor saying "sorry, now I have to vote you out" is likely about Josh and she probably tells them how smart Josh is and how he controlled a lot of the votes at Coyopa. And Natalie will be all for it as she'll believe Josh likely led the vote against Nadiya. 

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I won't lie.  I lol'ed at the big show of Jeff delivering the rice on his shoulder and then telling them how pathetic they were for needing help again.  And most of the tribe bent over saying, Thank you Jeff, may we have another one?  I'm glad Jeff acknowledged that the amount of food they ate probably contributed to their dominance in the challenges.  


I kind of rolled my eyes at the Rice Tribal Council. I'm like really, do we have to go through all this drama and questioning over rice? Just bring and tell them what you want to trade for it and leave.

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And yet he just sat around giving evil stares at Josh and Reed and whinging and pouting over the whole thing.

He's consistently displayed a passive/aggressive personality this entire game. He will raise hell during his THs but say nothing to people to their face. Just glower and stare. Did it with Rocker, when he told his teammates with the intent of one of them (Natalie) being the bulldog. If I didn't know otherwise, I'd think he sold used cars for a living and he is the salesman they send in to butter up the customer, while in the background he's telling the closer what to say to intimidate them into folding and buying.

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ShadowSixx. . . . yeah, but then Probst wouldn't have his show of authori-tah. He lives for stuff like that. I bet he rehearses in the mirror all the time for those situations.


And while the merge might make Jeremy look like a genius, he should shut up about the rice. And about Josh & Reed being too together.

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Jeremy just came off jealous because Reed & Josh are still there and can love on each other. Who cares if Val was there and the two of you would act polar opposites of each other. IDK why they would act opposite of each other when everyone knows right off the bat that they came together. So people would think it's all an act and vote them out faster. What an idiot.

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I am rooting for Natalie, she is smart and I like her.  


They all seemed to know the merge was coming next.  It is an odd guess since they just regrouped. 


It may become more interesting after the merge.  Well, the only way is up, so it will.  :>)

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He's consistently displayed a passive/aggressive personality this entire game. He will raise hell during his THs but say nothing to people to their face. Just glower and stare. Did it with Rocker, when he told his teammates with the intent of one of them (Natalie) being the bulldog. If I didn't know otherwise, I'd think he sold used cars for a living and he is the salesman they send in to butter up the customer, while in the background he's telling the closer what to say to intimidate them into folding and buying.


ITA.  I am already WAY over Jeremy at this point.  I can only assume his conversations with his tribe mates are WAY more toned down than his proselytizing for the camera conversations.  Also - his "I don't see why we're giving up stuff for rice because we can win more food challenges" argument was short-sighted in the extreme.  Sure, that'll cover three, maybe four meals - but it's only Day 14.  What are you going to eat the OTHER three weeks???

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Does Hunahpu mean stupid?  As soon as I lost my tarp I would have been in the jungle scrounging for palm fronds or big leaves or anything to plug up the huge gaping holes in the roof.  I know they lost their hatchet as well so that's why I said scrounge.


I don't care about anybody this season.  Well, maybe Reed and Josh, but other than that, hate them all!

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I don't mind Jeremy's whinging in his confessionals, because it's smart of him to do so instead of constantly acting unpleasant to their faces which would put a target on his back.

I mean, I don't particularly care for Jeremy one way or the other but I root for his tribe.

Jon and Jaclyn are so annoying. Acting like a power couple after the merge, which it sounded to me like Jon was intimating he was going to do, is beyond stupid. For whatever reason Reed and Josh's PDA doesn't bug me at all but I want Jon and Jaclyn to go the hell away. Their schmoopiness is cloying.

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Ew, Jon telling Jacqueline, "you're so beautiful" right after they voted off Dale was so gross to me. I don't know, they're just a bit over the top for my tastes. Get a room. 


Nice try with your fake idol, Dale, but no. 


That was very classy of Natalie to volunteer for EI. And smart. She's really thinking long term. I have to say I am actually liking her solo. 


I was glad Jeff stripped the camp of all their possessions in order to get more rice. But it really annoyed me how they all started whining about the tarp, hoping there wouldn't be rain...all while just sitting there. Here's a thought - get off your ass and reinforce your damn shelter! Damn. 

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ITA.  I am already WAY over Jeremy at this point.  I can only assume his conversations with his tribe mates are WAY more toned down than his proselytizing for the camera conversations.  Also - his "I don't see why we're giving up stuff for rice because we can win more food challenges" argument was short-sighted in the extreme.  Sure, that'll cover three, maybe four meals - but it's only Day 14.  What are you going to eat the OTHER three weeks???


Well, they are about to merge.  If Jeff's choice had been something very drastic--like picking rocks to immediately eliminate someone--I would have said no and waited it out a few days.  But the price was pretty lame in the end, just a bunch of bonus stuff the other tribe didn't have anyway.

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Jeremy just came off jealous because Reed & Josh are still there and can love on each other. Who cares if Val was there and the two of you would act polar opposites of each other. IDK why they would act opposite of each other when everyone knows right off the bat that they came together. So people would think it's all an act and vote them out faster. What an idiot.



Thing is, considering his whole "protect her" stuff early in the season, I suspect if there was going to be "let's avoid each other as much as possible" it would be more Val's idea and not Jeremy's. But yeah as someone noted above, I will give him credit for seemingly keeping all his whinging and griping to his TH's. I suspect to most tribe members, Jeremy is a pretty nice and laid back guy. But lucky us, the viewers, having to hear it. 


Does Hunahpu mean stupid?  As soon as I lost my tarp I would have been in the jungle scrounging for palm fronds or big leaves or anything to plug up the huge gaping holes in the roof.  I know they lost their hatchet as well so that's why I said scrounge.



They lost one machete but had one left. That said, I think they did try to fortify the roof but it just wasn't shown because they were clearly shown huddled under the shelter and while they were still getting slightly wet, you could tell they were still somewhat sheltered. Plus they were sheltered enough under there to have a fire going in the Bar-B-Que grill they won in the reward. 

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Hopefully all the Twinnie Haters will start giving Natalie some slack if they can see she clearly is playing a great game. She showed herself to be strategic tonight and for the entire season has put her athleticism to use in the challenges and has never been a liability.

It may turn out Nadia going home was the best thing for her game.


Meanwhile I so wanted Keith to go home just for the pleasure of seeing Dale fess up to John that he didn't really have an idol. Dale's team is some of the losingest losers ever on the show!

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Jeremy is the worst. Even with trying to save it all for the THs, eventually that hostility will come out, in one form or another. Missy is my second least-favorite. Her rice entitlement and just general smugness is awful. Baylor annoys me as an extension. I agree with a bunch of you that Josh and Reed are the two most likable people, so they'll probably be gone right after the merge.


This has all the makings of the unpleasantness that was post-merge South Pacific. Yuck. (I'm currently watching Cook Islands for the first time. This show needs more Ozzys.)

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Whoa whoa whoaaaa Dale... let's pull the hyperbole train over and grab some perspective here, you're still just playing a game. Your team did not "slaughter" your daughter right in front of you.


Yeah, that was my feeling as well.  Pull it down a notch, okay, guy?


And I hope Jeremy goes soon.  He is on my last nerve.


Hate Probst doing all that "Coyopa has been terrible all game" when half of Coyopa is new to the tribe.  And the people who ate all of Coyopa's rice are on the other team now.

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I've been pretty bored this season and there wasn't anyone to root for.  Josh was ok for a while but he just feels sort of bland for a Survivor player.  Now I'm thinking Natalie might be the one to put life in this game.  I hope the merge makes this season better.  

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I'm impressed with Natalie's play so far. She seems to be stronger as a player without her Twinnie. Don't know if it's just editing but she seems to have it together, and this comes from someone who was not a fan of them on TAR.

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I was really hoping for Coyopa to win immunity and Hunapu would vote Julie out.


I don't like the way the post-merge situation is looking at the moment.  Missy and Baylor bug the hell out of me, along with Jeremy.  I really don't mind Natalie without Twinnie, but she's aligned with people I like least.


It didn't look to me like they tried to reinforce the shelter before the rains.  The foliage all looked pretty brown.  I'll have to watch it again. They still had a machete.  The smart thing to do was freshen that thing up and also stock up on some firewood.


eta:  Dale.  Whatever.

Edited by PaperTree
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I'm definitely rooting AGAINST Missy & Baylor...Can't stand either one. 


I'm rooting against them too, but I want to watch them stab the "power couple" in the back first.  Missy bugs with her smugness, but she certainly seems to be running things.  Stupid Jon and his desire to be a "power couple" like he's competing on Bachelor Pad, and his beautiful comment after double crossing Dale, was a little irritating.  I also realized that Jon looks exactly like Chandler from Friends, when he compulsively broke out with a hideous smile in pictures.  He's not nearly as smart as he thinks he is, and I love that he believed Dale had an idol.


Whoa whoa whoaaaa Dale... let's pull the hyperbole train over and grab some perspective here, you're still just playing a game. Your team did not "slaughter" your daughter right in front of you.


The comment was over the top.  But I was more irritated by the - I just know my mom's going to cry, so even though she's not crying yet, we are so close and in complete sympatico, that I have started crying, and seeing my distress at the thought of her crying, my mom has also now begun to cry.  All this because Baylor - being protected by Natalie, and with a camera crew in tow - felt like a small child lost in the store.  Pardon me while I puke.

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I'm impressed with Natalie's play so far. She seems to be stronger as a player without her Twinnie. Don't know if it's just editing but she seems to have it together, and this comes from someone who was not a fan of them on TAR.


I'm liking her so far too, but I didn't watch them on TAR.  I also think it would be kind of cool if the person who wins the game is the loved one of the first person voted off.


But I was more irritated by the - I just know my mom's going to cry, so even though she's not crying yet, we are so close and in complete sympatico, that I have started crying, and seeing my distress at the thought of her crying, my mom has also now begun to cry.  All this because Baylor - being protected by Natalie, and with a camera crew in tow - felt like a small child lost in the store.  Pardon me while I puke.


Missy was annoying last week when she was complaining about people "coming after her daughter."  As if Baylor hadn't also been voting for other people.  I really hope that if I was ever on this show with one of my parents they wouldn't be so ridiculous about people playing the game.

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This show/concept of loved ones vs. loved ones would have been so much better if neither side knew that each person had a loved one on the other tribe. Keep it anonymous. We, the audience would know what's going on, but none of them would.

Missy and Baylor can go anytime now. Jeremy right behind them.

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It would be impossible for me to say who I want to go next since I dislike most of them.  I figured if Hunapu had to go to TC they would vote off Julie since she seems to be contributing nothing and is just another mouth to feed.


I'm kind of liking Natalie, which surprises since I didn't really care for them on TAR, although I did admire their athleticism and ability to blow through even male oriented tasks.  Maybe it's because the sister is gone so I don't have to hear them screeching "twinnie".   I'm withholding final judgement until I see more.  And Reed, so far I'm liking Reed.  I don't mind Reed and Josh kissing because they do it tastefully and affectionately unlike Jaclyn and Jon who look like they're about to go full on porn.


So far I'm pretty much disappointed in the season.  I hate tptb taking every chance to try to illicit emotions from the audience with the constant crying and snoting over their loved ones.  The emotional response they get from me is disgust and impatience, causing me to FF through the tears.

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Missy was annoying last week when she was complaining about people "coming after her daughter."  As if Baylor hadn't also been voting for other people.  I really hope that if I was ever on this show with one of my parents they wouldn't be so ridiculous about people playing the game.


It's Survivor. When people try to vote out your allies (in this case your daughter) you in turn vote them out. I am not sure what the problem is here.

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Yup, nobody really to root for, just watching for the monkeys -- of whom there was a distinct shortage this week.


Calamity Jane . . . at least they were vocal during Tribal Council. Almost like they were laughing at Coyopa's misfortunes.

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I think they decided to have a pity party and play "oh poor us we have no shelter and it's raaaaiiining instead of like suggested getting off their ass and scrambling the second Jeff was out of site to remedy their roof's status like sensible people would of. Listen, 95% of players have survived the rains in hand built shelters and no tarp. Stop feeling sorry for yourself about all you've lost and get your buts in gear. Being pissed won't make you dry!

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Honestly the only person who seemed to be bitching about what they lost was Jeremy and Julie was the only one whinging and falling apart about the weather. Everyone else seemed to just suck it up and accept it for what it was. Still, despite Julie's feeling sorry for herself, she didn't deserve Alex calling her a bitch and acting all offended by her. Seriously, absolute charmers, Drew and Alex - their parents did a bang up job there.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I was really hoping that Keith would play his idol so that when John saw it, he would know that Dale was lying about having an idol, & appropriate hijinks would ensue. 

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The fact that Dale considers people he was living with for 24 hours a day for 13 straight days "strangers" says a lot about his mentality about the game. No social game at all.

Alec shaking his head in disgust when Jeff asked if people were ok with the deal and everyone else saying yes or nodding was just like his equally assholish brother Drew shaking his head in disgust when they chose Flint over the fishing gear.

I wanted the Huge Poo tribe to have to lose a member. Pretty meaningless to lose all your "stuff" if you're just going to merge in a few days.

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Hopefully all the Twinnie Haters will start giving Natalie some slack if they can see she clearly is playing a great game. She showed herself to be strategic tonight and for the entire season has put her athleticism to use in the challenges and has never been a liability.

It may turn out Nadia going home was the best thing for her game.


Meanwhile I so wanted Keith to go home just for the pleasure of seeing Dale fess up to John that he didn't really have an idol. Dale's team is some of the losingest losers ever on the show!


Sorry that will not be happening in my case.  Nothing she can do will make me cut her some slack and I really do not think she is playing that great of a game.

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Those kebabs were huge, they could have grilled them and split them over several days, if not a week, pretty easily. Jeremy's probably thinking they could have made to merge with their leftover rice and the kebabs. Protein will fill you up a lot faster than carbs, so it might have worked. I honestly would rather be hungry than be soaked all day every day until merge. Julie keeps wearing those short shorts and I was just cringing, like put on a sarong or something, air out! She's going to get crotch rot then be really miserable. 


Probst's proselytizing was soooo over the top. No, Jeff, they were actually pretty smart because they got to smash all the challenges for 13 days only for you to come bail them out because starving people make bad television. They'll loose some toenails to the rain, make it to merge, and be fine. And have about double the amount of food. Win, win, win.


Josh and Reed are being idiots like Jon and Jaclyn. Go makeout away from camp and act at least kind of normal when you get back. No one wants to be the third wheel to a tight pair of loved ones. Dale and Kelly would probably have had the best chance to go far together, just because their personalities are disparate enough that there's a good chance that Kelly would pull the trigger and vote her dad out, if necessary. I don't think any other couple would do that.


I took inordinate pleasure in watching Baylor suck at reward, and then watch Missy tank the immunity challenge. She let Jon run back and forth like a crazy man, and her only job was to figure out which flag went up next. That's it. And she couldn't figure it out when half the pieces were already up on the board. Josh and Reed's strategy was much better as there was always a piece being put up with no lag time. Even if they messed up, they would have recovered much faster. 


I was going to rage so hard at Keith if he didn't play his idol, and then got voted out. He made it out of that by the skin of his teeth. If Dale had voted Keith and they went to the firemaking duel, I wonder who would have won? Oh well, bye Dale. Reminding your only chance at survival that you still consider them backstabbing daughter killers isn't a great idea. Wish he'd gone full J'Tia and wrecked havoc at camp before his demise. I'd like to see Missy get properly flustered instead of walking around with that smug look on her face 24/7. 

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