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S29.E05: Blood Is Blood

Tara Ariano

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My favourite remaining player is Baylor. My least favourite is her mother (followed closely by Dale). This is some sort of Catch-22 situation where I have no way of being happy about the voting outcomes.


You can tell the challenge designers for this season grew up as some sort of cornhole state champions. They absolutely love bag/ball/ring toss games.

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 But on the Survivor FB board, all the folks over there are bitching about how they dont' want to see men kissing.

Well, that's depressing.


I'm glad Michael Vick's animal torture is still his primary legacy and, like that, I thought it was a good healthy sign that the reaction to Rocker's racism/homophobia followed him all the way to Survivor and didn't just fade away as though it were insignificant.  But. . .sigh.


Any kickback over on FB to those opinions?

Edited by candall
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I actually was a little surprised at Kelley's ouster as I had gotten the impression they were gunning for Dale.


Yeah, it was Missy's whole Mamabear shtick and how she was going to protect her baby from mean ol Dale.  Her vote made no sense after that.


I got a good laugh that it was Alec to started in on how they needed to go talk to Jeff.  He and Drew really are just alike.


Speaking of Drew, I would have loved to be a fly around him as he saw Kelly was kicked off right after him.  He probably thought it still had something to do with the residue of his kingpin ways. 


I'm pretty impressed with Wes' game.  He wins challenges and seems to have a solid social game.  He comes across as smoother and more grounded than the knuckleheads like Drew and Alec.

Edited by vb68
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Missy is out of her mind, coming so strongly out of the gate after someone just for voting her daughter. It's Survivor, lady, not dodgeball. Ridiculous she called it 'bullying,' then what has she been doing to all the other loved ones' she's voted out? Baylor is just as bad, clearly egging her mother on to cook her more and more rice when she knows perfectly well it needs to be rationed. They're both smug and annoying, I'm very disappointed J&J went after Kelly instead of them. Dale is absolutely going to raise hell in that camp without Kelly there to temper them, so Missy just bought herself at least a week of total misery. He's the type of guy I can see throwing the rice in the fire rather than let his enemies stuff their faces. 


Didn't one of the players say it's been 11 days since they've been with their loved one? The Js were acting like they'd not seen each other in years, smothering each other all over camp. It's terrible gameplay, because anytime they try to bring another person into the alliance and pretend everyone's equal no one's going to believe them. Go makeout while you get water, and then come to camp and act like adults, good grief. As I thought, Jon was just parroting back what Drew had said to him, not laying down an ultimatum for his team.


I'm not looking forward to seeing Alec's ego blow up from the surround and drown technique. Now instead of just a big ego, we'll have a big ego with little man syndrome. 

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I totally expect to see a big blowup between Dale and Missy over the rice next week.


I too hope Probst levies a serious penalty in exchange for getting more rice - eg, lose a player (permanently or for duration of the episode if it would make a difference).  There could be a serious time penalty at some point.  They could forfit their flint.  They could be made to take their shelter down and remake it with new materials.  Lots of things that could have serious consequences.

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They coddled them the first few seasons. It was only later they had to work for things, such as flint. They used to bring  a change of clothes and a luxury item, too.  


The first few seasons they were coddled?  When people were losing upwards to 40 or 50 lbs.  When there were no endless "rewards" of spas and tons of food to eat like every other day?  When people were living on rats?  And as someone else mentioned up thread, one girl had clumps of hair falling out etc.  When they had to make their own fire until they could bring back their torches from the first tribal council?   Then had to try hard to keep the fires going through rain because flint just wasn't given away to them back then.  Nay, I think old school Survivor was the tougher kind.


I liked how Kelley said in the end how her father really made the game a mess for her.  Yeah he is one really dim wit with a mouth that won't shut up.  He should maybe end up as Missy's future fourth husband; the two are made for each other.  Entirely clueless on how to play the game too.  I mean his old alliance never even told him about blindsides in advance.  Then her bad luck she got merged onto his old team.   So no way they were going to vote out someone as dumb at the game as him when Kelley was obviously the smart one who was a danger to them.


Liked the confessional where Baylor mentioned her mother already having had three husbands and will probably have a fourth sooner then later and fell over laughing at the idea.  I'm liking Baylor a lot.  Managed to skirt the "waffling" issues early on and seems to be in control of her new tribe while letting the boring Michigan couple think they are instead.


Actually liked that Team Sky Blue were eating up their food.  They kept winning almost all the challenges and immunity because of that.  That was more than worth it.  Now they will have to make a "big sacrifice" (yeah, sure, I bet ... not) to get more rice.  Win-win situation for them.   And the real merge is only a tribal council or two away so any "sacrifuce" if real will only be short lived.  So the grasshopper wins, ants lose.  Like when that happens.

Edited by green
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It's pretty rare to see pre-merge eliminatees brought back, but I'd like to see Kelley again in a future season.  She seemed to have a good head for the game and, it's true, that tribal swap and being teamed with her dad really did ruin her game.


Baylor reminds me of Eliza Orlins --- a player that just seemed to automatically get on the nerves of everyone else out there and was always seen as a 'smart threat' despite never seeming to actually make a move that lived up to that billing.


I'm not sure Jon/Jaclyn made the right choice of couple.  If they'd gone with Kelley/Dale, then boom, they have their final four alliance.  By going with Missy and Baylor, that essentially makes it a final five since Keith seemed pretty tight with them.  Actually, that makes things a final six since naturally Keith and Wes would join back up post-merge.  If anything, Jon/Jaclyn may now be on the bottom of that six-person alliance.  (Though I'm admittedly overlooking the added strategic layer of whether a loved-one pair would actually want to BOTH be in a final three, since it would be very easy to split a vote in that case.  They'd have to be in a F3 with an absolute dead-end, no chance goat who would receive no votes.  I don't think Keith or Wes fits that bill at all, so Baylor and Missy may not see him as an ideal final partner.)

Big-picture, it makes sense for Alec to join the "singles."  The problem for his tiny mind is that he'd be joining up with three members of the ex-rival tribe, while leaving behind Wes and Josh, two guys from his original guys' alliance.  I don't see Alec making the leap, so it's suddenly big trouble for Julie, Jeremy and Natalie.  That said, if I'm those three, I'm forgetting about Alec and trying to get aligned with Josh/Reed.  Natalie and Jeremy could say to them, "look, we're singles, we have no other allegiances, so we're on your side.  If you stick with Wes, he'll bring Keith in who knows who else to deal from the other tribe.  If you're with us, you're all we've got."

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I don't understand the players' concept that the people who have their loved ones are safer than the singles.  There is nothing more dangerous than a pair who have each others' backs, no matter what.  If I were Keith I'd be making nice with Dale and gunning for Jon or Baylor hard.  (That's why I understand why Kelly was voted instead of Dale, she was definitely the stronger.)  An alliance of singles (especially if it's clandestine) can easily break up couples if they understand that it's mutually beneficial.

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Tribe switch: I didn't like that there was a bag of buffs per (former) tribe. I like the randomness of having some tribes remain almost the same (gave us some good moments and weird strategies in the past). In the future, please make them all pick from ONE bag.


Baylor's mom is silly - I get wanting to feed your child, but when your child had done well enough without you, ease up on the mom thing, you know. I was previously sorry for Missy when I though Baylor played her like a fiddle, but now I don't like either of them. And I hate the overuse of the "bully" word, especially as in this case Baylor was probably more of an offender as Dale was (in the Baylor/Dale context).


Jon and Jaclyn, oh vei... For once, being a swing vote wasn't a bad position to be in, but I am still scratching my head as to why they went with the "[daughter] cannot be trusted, and [mother] is the same" instead of the more "stable" pair. And why noone thought to approach Keith [if I'm remembering correctly, HE was the one to approach Missy/Baylor] is beyond me.


i was very much hoping Jeff would have traded rice bag for immunity there and then. Alas, it's a TBC story.


So while I'm not rooting for anyone yet, I'm rooting against the mom and daughter combo and after the vote also not too crazy about Jon and Jacklyn - plus, frankly, they could have toned down the PDA, have they never watched Survivor!? I give them a half-pass for now, because they're were 3 pairs after all, but I would be very surprised if they both make it far. Next week, if orange tribe loses IC, wouldn't it be great to break them up ? Historically, swing vote never works well... 

I am guessing that Missy is more protective of Baylor because of the three divorces. I am speculating that Missy knows that she made Baylor's life more turbulent by divorcing so much and that she looks to "protect" Baylor where she can to over compensate for that turbulence. So Baylor didn't get along with Dale and Dale becomes a bully and bad person to be targeted. Dale seemed more capable of treating Kelly as a grown adult able to care for herself and probably wasn't offended that someone targeted Kelly last episode. Baylor knows how to manipulate her Mom to get what she wants, see the rice and knows that her Mom will be the one to get in other peoples face after it happens. Kelly is doing her best to calm her father down because she knows that his temper and comments won't help her. The difference in family dynamics is very interesting. I can see Baylor using her Mom to her advantage, let Mom do the things that help Baylor and take the heat, then cutting Missy loose because she has upset people and she has to go so Baylor can win.


On the Rice, Yeah they ate a lot on the other tribe, clearly they figured out that Jeff and company will make sure that they have enough to eat. Who cares if they lose their comfort items for more rice? They will be fine without the hammock and pillows. Eat the rice as you want to, stay stronger for challenges and who cares? If there was any indication that they would not get more rice, I think they would have changed their behavior ages ago. But when Jeff traded for the flint he pretty much killed the idea that they are going to be allowed to go without food or fire?

  • Love 1


In the future, please make them all pick from ONE bag.




The couples would be wise to not always sit next to each other and make an effort to connect with the others, single or coupled.   If they are seen as an individual it is more likely that they will survive longer.  A couple is NOT going to be F2..  Play for yourself.  

Edited by wings707
Dale seemed more capable of treating Kelly as a grown adult able to care for herself and probably wasn't offended that someone targeted Kelly last episode. Baylor knows how to manipulate her Mom to get what she wants, see the rice and knows that her Mom will be the one to get in other peoples face after it happen


And you summarized exactly why I prefer the Dale/Kelley dynamics, and really don't like Baylor/Mom - there's enough manipulation in this game, I don't want to see it between "loved ones", but unfortunately that's exactly what Baylor is doing, and what Missy is enabling, and what I hate about both of these contestants - the moments they are voted out cannot come soon enough for me. 


Forgot to say that some people look very good covered in mud and looking like living statues - Wes impressed, Alec maybe, and maybe more of them.

Edited by NutMeg
  • Love 6

It seems that Hunahpu traded those sweet sausages for fishing gear cuz they knew they were running out of rice.  Unfortunately, there aren't any fish swimming by their patch of beach.  I wonder how far they are permitted to wander looking for food?  It's not real  cocoanutty there either.  From the previously seen clip of Jeff saying (to noone in particular) "You're going to lose a member", it looks clear to me that Hunahpu's punishment is to send a tribe member over to Coyopa. I'd guess that Josh will volunteer.  It takes the Josh/Reed couple out of the line of fire of the singles and Josh can realign with Baylor.

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I think a brilliant aspect of Blood vs. Water is that once united, the remaining pairs seem to lose perspective of the game.  I was so over Jon and Jacqueline with their PDA in front of other survivors-yes, let's really emphasize that our primary alliance is with each other while we pretend they don't even exist.  As for Missy, there just aren't enough words to describe my dislike for her.  Yes, I understand they were all a part of a new tribe, but the way she discounted the concerns about cooking/eating too much rice was really rude.  I, too wish Jon and Jacqueline had allied with Dale and Kelly, but it will be interesting to see how those tribe dynamics turn out.  

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I'm definitely puzzled by the strategy: We can't stand Dale.  Dale is horrid to live with.  So let's vote out Kelley.


Props to everyone here for knowing the names of everyone in this cast.  I can't post until I've pulled up the show's website so I can read who's who.  This isn't a season where people are memorable enough to have learned their names by now.  Mr Washables and I assign names like Moustache Guy and Barney Rubble and John's Girlfriend until we've learned what to call them.  But I have learned Missy's name because I can't stand her.  And even the producers don't seem to have learned the name of John's Girlfriend.


Also:  I get there there's no fishing gear, but aren't there any clams, or mussels, or crabs, or other little aquatic creatures they could catch and eat?  Bananas?  I keep hearing Susan Hawke in my head saying "Tapioca."

Edited by FineWashables
  • Love 2

I am guessing that Missy is more protective of Baylor because of the three divorces. I am speculating that Missy knows that she made Baylor's life more turbulent by divorcing so much and that she looks to "protect" Baylor where she can to over compensate for that turbulence. So Baylor didn't get along with Dale and Dale becomes a bully and bad person to be targeted. Dale seemed more capable of treating Kelly as a grown adult able to care for herself and probably wasn't offended that someone targeted Kelly last episode. Baylor knows how to manipulate her Mom to get what she wants, see the rice and knows that her Mom will be the one to get in other peoples face after it happens. Kelly is doing her best to calm her father down because she knows that his temper and comments won't help her. The difference in family dynamics is very interesting. I can see Baylor using her Mom to her advantage, let Mom do the things that help Baylor and take the heat, then cutting Missy loose because she has upset people and she has to go so Baylor can win.


Is Missy more protective of Baylor because of the 3 divorces or has Missy been divorced 3 times because she is easily manipulated by those close to her and she overreacts to minor, logical things (you are a bully because you voted for my daughter in a game where people have to vote for someone and she targeted you first becomes I have to divorce you because you are an bully for telling my daughter to clean up the mess she alone made)?


I'm definitely puzzled by the strategy: We can't stand Dale.  Dale is horrid to live with.  So let's vote out Kelley.


A possible explanation - Missy wanted Dale to see how it feels when it is his daughter that is the target.  

  • Love 3
It seems that Hunahpu traded those sweet sausages for fishing gear cuz they knew they were running out of rice.



No they didn't. The Reward with the sausages was between the former and comfort items, i.e. blankets, pillows, tarp, etc. and they chose the comfort items. They never got fishing gear. They had to give it up when they had to bargain for another flint because they "lost" the first one which really ended up being right next to the fire. 


Also:  I get there there's no fishing gear, but aren't there any clams, or mussels, or crabs, or other little aquatic creatures they could catch and eat?  Bananas?  I keep hearing Susan Hawke in my head saying "Tapioca."



Yeah speaking of Sue, I remember during All-Stars in one of the extra videos, the members of Chapera tribe who were one of the stronger tribes in Survivor history, were saying that they eating the clams, snails, etc. that Sue was out catching along with rice because as I recall Mogo Mogo was the tribe who won fishing gear where Richard was catching eels and sharks, etc. But the point is if you're near a beach, there are things you can find and eat even without fishing gear. So I am curious if they even tried or if they just went by the mindset that "well they're not going to let us starve so they must give us another bag of rice."


Didn't Baylor say something last night about how her mom had been married three times, and that she herself would probably make the same mistakes? How's that for learning how NOT to live your life.



I don't think that's how she said it. She was talking about Jon and Jacqueline's PDA and lamenting only being 20 and not having a boyfriend and said how her mother too has been unlucky in love, being divorced three times. And then she ended it by saying that she knew one day she'd find love, that she'd find that and that her mom will again and as soon as she mentioned her mom, you could tell the wheels in her brain went, "for the fourth time", which is why she started laughing. Because with three divorces, maybe Missy needs to not find love again or at least not get married again.


I'm definitely puzzled by the strategy: We can't stand Dale.  Dale is horrid to live with.  So let's vote out Kelley.



Dale may be horrible to live with but they might have seen Kelley as the bigger threat. I imagine they all realize the merge should be coming soon and Kelley's young, fit and knows how to not push people's button.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I'm definitely puzzled by the strategy: We can't stand Dale.  Dale is horrid to live with.  So let's vote out Kelley.

I was thinking that Missy was viewing Dale through her own filter.  The best way to "hurt" Dale for being mean to her baby?  Be mean to his baby & vote out Kelly.   No strategy, just personal animosity.  YMMV. 


ETA: Looks like needschocolate & I had the same idea.  :)

Edited by leighdear
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"I think, no, 3 men made mistakes."


Brilliant!!  I couldn't agree more.  Missy is just obnoxious and I can't stand her little bitch daughter.


Sadly, I think the merge is too close for the rice issue to bite her.  She does have goat potential if she stays.


I remember when one tribe ran out of food and Jeff took their whole camp except the fire/flint (maybe).  Everything.  They had to start from scratch.  Can't for the life of me remember how it worked out for them.


JJ's PDA were over the top.  Go get water.  For an hour.  I think they picked the wrong couple to work with.  Would Baylor cut Missy as quickly as Kelly would cut Dale?  Hard to say.  


Josh & Reed's little kissies were fine,  A little TMI on the whole celibate thing.  I really don't care and I'm not really buying it either.  Maybe it's for the family back home.   FB can degenerate to stupid and sick very quickly.


Jeremy and Natalie could go far, dragging idiot Alec along for votes.  I can't decide if he's dumber than his brother or he's just younger and it's a tie.


eta:  "There are a lot of snails out there, which is protein even if it is gross to eat."


After eating the snails on Exile, you would think they would be gathering them around camp too.  I would miss the garlic and butter sauce.

Edited by PaperTree
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When Missy was going on and on about Baylor being bullied and "Mama bear" and shit at TC I would've just screamed, "Let's vote out Missy!" right there. Damn, she's insufferable. But then, so is Dale. And yet they voted out Kelley.


I really wish we'd have been shown some evidence of this "Kelley is a master player" stuff. Of course then we might not have been able to see so many confessionals from Josh or Jeremy, which would just be awful I'm sure.


At first I was like Keith maybe you shouldn't isolate yourself from all the couples but then Missy and Baylor had their rice thing and Dale whined and Jon/Jacklyn had their PDA sessions and I thought I get it. Poor Keith.


ETA: jumper sage, Dale doesn't have an idol. But he took a piece off the water bucket thing that he thought looked like it could be an idol so he could use it if need be to fool someone later. 


I thought it was interesting that Julie got the confessional about what they'll have to do to get rice since until that point she hadn't spoke at all in the ep.

Edited by peachmangosteen
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John Rocker had the idol for that tribe, Dale found the thing that looked like an Idol but wasn't.


Yeah speaking of Sue, I remember during All-Stars in one of the extra videos, the members of Chapera tribe who were one of the stronger tribes in Survivor history, were saying that they eating the clams, snails, etc. that Sue was out catching along with rice because as I recall Mogo Mogo was the tribe who won fishing gear where Richard was catching eels and sharks, etc. But the point is if you're near a beach, there are things you can find and eat even without fishing gear. So I am curious if they even tried or if they just went by the mindset that "well they're not going to let us starve so they must give us another bag of rice


Jeremy said that they had been eating snails, crabs and the like as well as the rice. So they were harvesting other food. It takes more energy to do that but it is available. I have a feeling that the Orange tribe had the conserve mantra beat into their head for so long that they really think it is a huge crisis to not have any rice over at the blue tribe but the Blue folks seem to be fine. Josh and Wes were the major rice kvetchers and during the bitching Jeremy said that they also got snails and the like.


I actually think it makes more sense to get up in numbers, do the harvesting that you can and eat the damn rice. There are going to be reward challenges with food that you are in a better place to win, and hence eat, if you are eating more. There are going to be food rewards after the merge and the merge feast. Holding out so that your rice lasts 39 days benefits the few people that make it that long and screws over everyone else. You are more likely to lose challenges, meaning fewer people so more rice which is great for the people who get to the merge but not those booted before the merge.


So yeah, I don't have a problem with the eating of the rice. Holding it sure didn't seem to help the Orange tribe.


I do think that there is a problem with the Orange players who stayed on Orange, Dale, Baylor, and Jaclyn. The new tribe still sucked at challenges and probably will continue to suck because of its composition. I don't think the former Orange members left are good at challenges and I don't think adding Keith to the mix is going to help. The Blue tribe might be light on rice but they have much stronger physical players.

  • Love 1
Josh & Reed's little kissies were fine,  A little TMI on the whole celibate thing.  I really don't care and I'm not really buying it either.  Maybe it's for the family back home.   FB can degenerate to stupid and sick very quickly.



I don't know, I can buy the celibate thing based on what Josh said about his past. People like Josh (some, not all of course), who were raised in a very Christian home, has a Christian background sometimes do continue to struggle for a long time about their sexuality even after they've come out. Basically there's still that internal battle with who they are versus everything they were taught and told growing up. So I can see him even while accepting himself on some level, loving Reed, still struggling with years of being taught that being gay is wrong. And that can sometimes put a damper on any action. 


At first I was like Keith maybe you shouldn't isolate yourself from all the couples but then Missy and Baylor had their rice thing and Dale whined and Jon/Jacklyn had their PDA sessions and I thought I get it. Poor Keith.



lol, yeah Keith must have relished that alone fishing time so he didn't have to be around any of these people for awhile.

Edited by truthaboutluv
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I was thinking that Missy was viewing Dale through her own filter.  The best way to "hurt" Dale for being mean to her baby?  Be mean to his baby & vote out Kelly.


and therefore showing to the whole viewing universe that she's as big or bigger of a bully as she thinks Dale is... too bad I actually liked her until this episode and I don't anymore.

  • Love 3

I actually think it makes more sense to get up in numbers, do the harvesting that you can and eat the damn rice. There are going to be reward challenges with food that you are in a better place to win, and hence eat, if you are eating more. There are going to be food rewards after the merge and the merge feast. Holding out so that your rice lasts 39 days benefits the few people that make it that long and screws over everyone else. You are more likely to lose challenges, meaning fewer people so more rice which is great for the people who get to the merge but not those booted before the merge.


So yeah, I don't have a problem with the eating of the rice. Holding it sure didn't seem to help the Orange tribe.


I agree. I think it makes a lot of sense to just go ahead and eat more rice since you know eventually there is a merge and also you can be pretty sure that Production won't actually let you starve anyway, so why not eat so you're good to go for challenges.


I didn't even consider that Missy wanted Kelley voted out to teach Dale a lesson, but based on her previous behavior it does make sense. I hope Dale and Missy are both voted out soon because I really can't stand either of them.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 3
I have a feeling that the Orange tribe had the conserve mantra beat into their head for so long that they really think it is a huge crisis to not have any rice over at the blue tribe but the Blue folks seem to be fine. Josh and Wes were the major rice kvetchers and during the bitching Jeremy said that they also got snails and the like.



Except Jeremy and company all seem willing to go along with asking for more rice so clearly they're not as fine and don't care that they are out. Because if that were the case and it was all on Wes and Josh, they would have done what they did with Drew and his idiotic plan to barter with the old flint. The rest of the tribe members said it wasn't a good idea, Jeff wouldn't go for it and just let it go. Yet it was clear that collectively as a tribe they decided to talk to Jeff about the rice situation. 


Which is exactly as I noted above, that they were eating the rice as they did because yes, the probably assumed they would get food items for reward and on some level also that the producers would not let them starve if it came down to that. And yes it allowed them to win a number of challenges and stay out of tribal council but considering their first tribal council performance, that might not have been a great thing and now who knows what they will have to lose and how any of their long term game will be affected by what Jeff takes from them for the rice. I guess it is of course possible that they decide to forego the rice depending on what Jeff tells them and decide to eat the snails and other stuff until the merge that will likely come soon. Or they win a reward item that has food.

Edited by truthaboutluv

I don't think they have any resources for protein in nature.  No one is catching fish and I am sure they have been instructed by officials not to kill any wildlife.  White rice has zero nutrition so I am not sure how they are managing.  Jeremy once mentioned beans but no one has mentioned any bean supply or lack thereof since.  


Production will make sure they have enough rice.  There have not been any food rewards yet so they are coming.  I do love to see them attack food rewards with gusto because of starvation and I have been missing that!  


I am disappointed that we did not see more at camp so we could understand why Kelly was voted off.   I like to be kept guessing but usually we, at least, know the contenders. 

There are a lot of snails out there, which is protein even if it is gross to eat.


I seem to recall that the Hunahpu are eating snails along with the rice.  Didn't someone say they were down to only a couple of handfuls of rice plus to eat plus the snails they find?

No they didn't. The Reward with the sausages was between the former and comfort items, i.e. blankets, pillows, tarp, etc. and they chose the comfort items. They never got fishing gear. They had to give it up when they had to bargain for another flint because they "lost" the first one which really ended up being right next to the fire.


Thanks, I totally forgot that.

So Missy annoyed me greatly by dismissing any rationing concerns with "It'll be fine, I promise" in her patronizing voice, when she knows damn well her old tribe will be going hungry that night.  

Maybe that's the way she goes through her entire life, and why she's had 3 failed marriages.  "It'll be fine, I promise!"

  • Love 3

Jeremy once mentioned beans but no one has mentioned any bean supply or lack thereof since.  


I believe beans were mentioned in this episode and that they are low on them as well. But maybe I'm making that up. After about a minute of rice talk, I lost interest and stopped paying attention to be honest.


Did Josh and Reed kiss? I can't even recall seeing that. Jon and Jacqueline, however, can't get the image of those two lovebirds out of my mind. 


They kissed very chastely when Josh came over to Blue at the RC arena. Meanwhile we were treated to at least 3 pretty much full-on J/J makeouts, which i'm pretty sure we all could've lived without seeing.

Edited by peachmangosteen
  • Love 1

I'm on the fence on this ricegate thing. On the one hand, I don't want contestants to starve, but on the other hand I would hate for the tribe that ate like they were sure food would fall from the sky/be handed by TPTB to have an advantage over the tribe who knew to conserve their resources. I would have been happy for a choice to trade rice for immunity on the spot, and for blue to go to TC without talking the choices out but I fear I might not like what TBTB will concoct for them next - unless it involves loss of immnunity, but still we'll miss an immunity challenge then. Let's wait and see.

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