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S02.E10: Premature Corkulation


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Anyone catch the first look? Looks like these guests are gonna drive Kate and Kat nuts with their demands. You know, cos they have them. Those two seem to detest actually serving anyone they deem unworthy....which is pretty much everyone. And Kate is totally jealous of the primary guest's 19 year old girlfriend. Muhahahha, I hope there is some rivalry and bitchyness between them.


I also did a bit of Google research and found that the primary guest is not actually a teacher, but a stock trader who hit it big with penny stocks. Maybe he runs a seminar? I dunno. But apparently dude is a millionaire, so Kate should be kissing his ass.


The Kelley angle turned out to be kind of lame. I won't spoil it, but yeah. Yawn.

Edited by fliptopbox
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Anyone catch the first look? Looks like these guests are gonna drive Kate and Kat nuts with their demands. You know, cos they have them. Those two seem to detest actually serving anyone they deem unworthy....which is pretty much everyone. And Kate is totally jealous of the primary guest's 19 year old girlfriend. Muhahahha, I hope there is some rivalry and bitchyness between them.


I also did a bit of Google research and found that the primary guest is not actually a teacher, but a stock trader who hit it big with penny stocks. Maybe he runs a seminar? I dunno. But apparently dude is a millionaire, so Kate should be kissing his ass.


The Kelley angle turned out to be kind of lame. I won't spoil it, but yeah. Yawn.


Spoil it...pm me.  I loose interest in this show quickly. :)  Spill the tea to me!

Ugh. Kate's bullshit about how she talks shit on everyone and she's a professional font while Amy is a laid back non-serious one(?!?!?) was just moronic. She doesn't belong in the service industry. At all. She and her chunky sweater can go away. Maybe she and Jax from VPR can live a happy life together with their chunky sweaters.

  • Love 7

If Kate really acts this way, no way has she lasted one tenth of the time she says she has in any sort of service industry.   Maybe, she hopped from different boss to different boss until she wore out her welcome.   


Kate then bitches because Ben chooses Amy to serve the romantic dinner to the primary and his 19 year old girlfriend.  Who are we kidding, Kate would be acting all superior to them - she sure seemed to while serving the remaining guests.  Ben then later has a hissy fit after the tip was lessened due to (partially) the girlfriend not liking the fancy food - and yeah he went along with his total meal plan, not really taking that into account.  Ben is a bit of a prima donna.  He wants to do it his way.  I was thinking why isn't he in some famous restaurant by now if he's that good - well, he wants no one to tell him what to do.


Kate, honey, no one will want to work with you once this airs.  Amy has really been nothing but pleasant.  


Why was Kelly having such a meltdown at that dinner?  He is wound really tight. 


The primary was a jerk.  Why were the others on the boat?  They did nothing but trade and complain about no internet on a boat. 


Then, in the coming next time preview, Kate is back giving her great advice.  She doesn't give a rat's ass about Jennice and Kelly.  She just can't stand the fact that maybe - just maybe - someone meets on a yacht and has a relationship (not that I think it will last long - but let them work it out - no one wants your .02). Kate - you found no one because you are a HUGE bitch.  It's not bitchy resting face - you're just a very unhappy person.

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It seems to me that with Kate it's all due to jealousy. She hates that these guests have what she wants....money, and possibly status. She hates them so she talks shit and acts superior. Then Amy gets praised for acting pleasant and doing her job professionally, and Kate shits all over it. She's just a miserable woman. No wonder she hasn't landed her rich man yet (or any man for that matter), she's insufferable to be around.

hoosier80 is right, now that this season has aired Kate can probably kiss her yachtie career goodbye. No one will want that mess on their boat.

Edited by OnceSane
inappropriate language
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Kate seems jealous of all the compliments and praise that Amy receives.  Amy is pleasant and does her job with very little complaints. I can see why people like her. I loved that Ben asked Amy to serve the primary, because it pissed Kate off so much. 


Though I did think Amy misheard Jennice. I thought Jennice said that Kelly was just going to be moving near where she lived, not that they were going to move in together. I did like that Jennice mentioned that she felt useless with Logan around. 


The primary was a douche, the whole bit with showing the tip to Captain Lee than taking some of it back was such a douche move. His complaining about the internet. I might understand doing a bit of work while on vacation or checking in, but he was so over the top with it all. Having them all wear shirts with his name on it.  Sigh. No words. Has anyone looked him up yet?

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 Has anyone looked him up yet?

I did briefly. He's a millionaire who got rich selling penny stocks....and that's pretty much where I stopped. Sounded very Wolf of Wall Street to me, which I think one of the guests even referenced on the charter. So yeah.. rich dude with a young pretty girlfriend. I think he may also run some get rich quick type seminar which kind of qualifies him as a teacher. But I dunno. I don't really care either, to be honest. My favorite part about him was how he said he wanted to treat the staff like slaves.  He probably was kidding, but Kate would have just looooooved to hear that gem. She probably would have fashioned another penis blanket, or possibly a noose.

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I liked the thing Kat said about the people on the charter looking like they were trying to pay for the trip during the trip. That penny stock bullshit is gambling. If he invests his winnings in stuff and banks, he'd be okay. Instead, he will probably lose all his money in a few years. He's totally low class. He's only about money. He has a hot young girlfriend because he has money. He holds a wad of cash in front of the captain because he uses money as a weapon. He tells the crew that they should "invest" like he does because money = smart to him. Total douche.


Jennice is now total Fatal Attraction on Kelley. I reverse my stand on him hitting it and quitting it. If they have sex, she is totally going to end up stabbing him.


I liked how Ben bypassed Kate (and his old gf Kat) by assigning the signature dinner to Amy. Kate seems to think Amy is fake because she tries to be nice. Actually, Amy knows that confronting a stone cold bitch is pointless so she's going to do her job. Kate should try it sometime. Kate's font lesson was tedious, by the way.


Ben really needs to understand his role on the boat. He's a good technical cook, but he can't take direction. You can make whatever crap you feel like at home or if you own your own restaurant, but the guests don't have much for dining choices and many people are not very adventurous about food.

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I caught a couple of scenes with Capt Lee Rosbach and I was a little taken back by his appearance. It looked like he had lost a lot of weight, and his face looked drawn and pale. Did anyone else notice this?


And Timothy Sykes is proof that new money has no class. The guy turned his $12,000 bar mitzvah money into millions of $$$'s  by trading penny stocks and hedge funds. No matter how much money the guy has made or will make, he's a jerk and will always be a classless jerk.

Edited by HumblePi
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"I, the Chief Stew, have someone on my team who works hard, is polite, and doesn't let drama affect her professional life. I would NEVER work with with her again." Kate is ridiculous. Gotta love the contrast between Amy working and Kate sulking in bed while Kat whines about the Captain liking someone else better.

That being said, this is the Primary that deserved the penis towel. What a massive tool.

Ben, all you had to do was make a quesadilla look pretty on a plate without being asked to and the girlfriend would have probably been happy.

Edited by Luciano
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The primary was a jerk.  Why were the others on the boat?  


Because they're being full-blown scammed! And they love it, right down to the t-shirt! And/or they got paid by primary to be the "students."


When Amy was like "I don't understand your style of leadership" to Kate, my only thought was "Leadership? What leadership? Scowling at people isn't leadership." 


The charter's show of the supposed "tip he would have given" was so trashy. But not even surprising from that dude, so whatever. How can Ben honestly be surprised that the girlfriend was displeased with the food though?? The primary came downstairs and said "I love all this molecular gastronomy stuff blah blah blah" (which I don't believe at all, he just thinks its *cool*), and then immediately said afterwards "but my girlfriend doesn't like it, she wants quesadillas and stuff." Then Ben tried to act shocked and offended when she wanted an actual quesadilla. Because she was just joking when she said "I love quesadillas," right...?? Stfu Ben. I understood on the last episode when he was peeved about not being informed about the primary's wife's dining choices, but he was fully informed on this one and chose to ignore it. 

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I think Ben was very mad at being somewhat (or) responsible for the $5,000 loss in the tip, not appreciated by the girlfriend, and too hardheaded about being A chef on dictating what one would like when it is a charter and the primary/ guests  that. At least a good primary would want the guests to be happy and this primary at least wanted his girlfriend accommodated. One cannot dictate one's preference in cuisine - and he kinda ruined the romantic dinner. He could have added some of the other guests dinner menu to the romantic dinner and given the girl something to eat - or something she liked. I doubt the boyfriend would have minded.


I've always wondered.....wouldn't red rose petals, when stepped on, leave stains on the carpet?

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That primary was such a condescending ass. I was annoyed with him, but his treatment of the Captain was uncalled for. The way to handle a problem is when it happens or right after, not when there is nothing that can be done about it. But beyond that, to show and remove the money is so … classless. He could have talked about the issues without the cash flash. 


Also, if he wanted a get away, and is internet dependent, why are they having their retreat on a boat? We've done a work trip before, and needed internet for part of it, so we had it (gasp) in a location with internet. Isn't this something they should have talked about before chartering? As a trader, he shouldn't be a stranger to a little research.


And I hated the way he spoke about companies. "Oh, they made some small product." Um, if they are pre-IPO, you can't penny stock trade them, and if they are post-IPO, then they they have some level of legitimacy in the industry. 


And Kate. How incredibly rude to tell someone you won't work with them in the future to their face. I mean seriously. I understand your issues, and yes, Ben should have run the plan by you, but in this case, your issue should be with him and not with Amy.


And I can't blame Ben for the charter failures. I think the guy was looking for any excuse to pretend he is giving a huge tip. Because Ben did provide the quesadillas (they could have pretended it was part of the main course) and the rest of the food looked like it had normal elements. The tip cutting, this time, I wasn't going to blame on the crew. This was all the guy who was trying too hard.

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I've always wondered.....wouldn't red rose petals, when stepped on, leave stains on the carpet?


I thought about that too. I literally cringed as the guests stepped on them but I avoided a panic attack by convincing myself they're fake petals. Kate probably keeps them in the pantry next to her stock of sombreros and eye patches.


This episode was just gross. I barely got through it. The internet storyline was nauseating, as was everything about the charter guest. I do get where Ben is coming from because he made a meal that is virtually guaranteed to be delicious because of science or whatnot and the girlfriend didn't even try it. But his problem isn't his ego, it's that he doesn't know how to communicate. Why didn't he just ask the charter guest to clarify? Do you want two separate meals or do you want to eat bland cheese and bread with the missus? I agree with whoever said Timothy was BSing and just asked for gastro molecular food because it sounded bourgie. I think he just wanted to stroke Ben's ego but had no intention of eating sea cucumber ovary foam.

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I agree with you, rho. Ben should have clarified. Either that, or they should just not ask charter guests for their meal preferences, and just say "this is the menu, and problems I must know in advance and you will have a separate meal." It makes sense, since all the boat food needs to be purchased in advance, and it will help Ben with prep and getting the food on time. Plus, these aren't normal charter guests, they are provided by the show, so I'm sure they will find drama in any situation. But this could be fun. Top Chef crossed with Below Deck!


But yes, a simple "during romantic meal, how do you want to handle your girlfriends food" would have clarified the entire issue. 


But, since he did provide the quesadillas, I think the show about the tip was more the guest just being a jerk, and less an issue about the food.

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The internet thing was ridiculous. "Are we on satellite?" No, you tremendous tool, we're trailing 1000 miles of LAN cable behind us. When a boat has "Internet" or Wi-Fi or even "high speed internet" that means you can check your e-mail and your Facebook. It does not mean real time  communication unless they provide actual specs about the bitrate and lag. It's just another example of what a moron this guy is. Besides, he got some free advertising for his Ponzi scheme with the T-shirts. I think they should have blurred them out.

  • Love 20

Can you imagine how low the tip would have been if Kate had served the primary and his girlfriend their romantic dinner?  Yikes!  They would have been lucky if they even got a tip.  I really thought the primary was going to take a chunk of the money out and tell the captain to give that to Amy over and above her cut from the rest of the tip.  And even with him removing 5k from the 22k he had for time still gave them the 2nd largest tip they got so far.  Wasn't the last charter's tip 20k?


I can understand why Kate said she would never work with Amy again.  Its because Amy totally out worked Kate and Amy held her own even though both Kate and Kat treated her like shit. HAHAHAHAHAHA suck on that Kate with your bitch face.


And as far as the food for the girlfriend goes why don't they just ask the primary do you want us to serve her something she likes since you have made it clear she doesn't go for all this fancied assed food crap?  And for the primary, dumbass once she requested it she got it so why hold back the tip?  The primary was just an ass.


And why did the dinner that Kate served to the others look like it was laid out like a potluck dinner?  When they showed the table with the food it looked like a buffet style and they had to serve themselves.  I don't think I have ever seen that done on the boat before.  And Kate just basically told them "Ok here is the grub and I am outta here.......enjoy".

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I LOVED the way Kate's bitchy resting face (C'mon people, that's a real thing) lasered in on the primary charter guest giving Amy that huge magnum of champagne!  Loved it.  Amy deserved it and it was very gracious to share her champagne with the group afterward.  And, while drinking Amy's champs, Kate had the nerve to absolutely kill the mood at dinner when she announced that she would never work with Amy again.  What a joke.  Team Amy.


Oh, and that dumb-assed Primary Guest.  WTF?  If he's so flipping smart why didn't he ask BEFORE HE GOT ON THE BOAT if there was reliable internet service?  I mean.  If you're going to hold day trading seminars on the yacht, or try to make money while sailing to pay for the week's trip wouldn't it be logical to ask if the internet hook-up was satellite based, etc. before you boarded and paid over 100K?


I mean, I'm no millionaire and I know squat about boats/sailing but if I was thinking "internet" while sailing the 1st thing that'd come to my mind would be "Hey, is there even going to be any reliable phone/internet service on the yacht since we're, I dunno, SAILING OUT IN THE MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN IN INTERNATIONAL WATERS?"   Anyone?  I am surprised that spotty internet/cell phone reception isn't mentioned, addressed, touched upon before guests sign on the dotted line.


Oh, and I now officially want to try my hand at day-trading and/or picking successful penny stocks.  It was smart (albeit smarmy) for that Primary to have those t-shirts made up and emblazoned with his full name across the front of them.  You soooo know that guy got about a billion phone calls/e-mails today from people all around the country wanting to take classes/seminars from him!

Edited by beesknees
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The primary was an idiot.  Anybody who has ever been on a boat, any type of boat knows that Internet is always unreliable.  That shows me even though the man has money, he's very ignorant.


It seems to me that with Kate it's all due to jealousy. She hates that these guests have what she wants....money, and possibly status. She hates them so she talks shit and acts superior. Then Amy gets praised for acting pleasant and doing her job professionally, and Kate shits all over it. She's just a miserable woman. No wonder she hasn't landed her rich man yet (or any man for that matter), she's insufferable to be around.



I really, really agree with this.  Kate was SO nasty to Amy.  Amy was doing HER JOB, if you're in the service industry, that's what it means, that you SERVE with a smile, not a scowl Kate.


Ben is just silly.  Some people aren't adventurous when it comes to food, it's not because they're ignorant or stupid, that's just how some people are.  Besides, girlfriend was only 19 and when I was 19, I didn't eat a lot of exotic shit either, burgers and fries were it for me back then.

  • Love 8


Ben is just silly.  Some people aren't adventurous when it comes to food, it's not because they're ignorant or stupid, that's just how some people are.  Besides, girlfriend was only 19 and when I was 19, I didn't eat a lot of exotic shit either, burgers and fries were it for me back then.

Agreed. When I was 19 to me exotic food meant California rolls from the local sushi joint, not uni and ovary foam and whatever the guy was talking about. I am not surprised that Bianca wanted no part of that molecular gastronomy meal. I don't get why Ben gets all butthurt by these guests' preferences. He is there to make what they want to eat, not what he thinks they should be eating. If I was paying that much for a vacation I would want to eat what I like. Simple as that.

  • Love 4

Wowza, Kate is awful! I liked her at the beginning of the season but as the show progressed, her true colors sure came out. I was glad Amy was recognized by both Ben and the horrible primary guest.


So Kelley was married for 3 years at a young age, did drugs, his dad did bad things and went to jail, his mom did bad things too- there is so much that's untold there. He seems really messed up. No wonder Amy feels so guilty leaving him alone, but she's going way overboard overcompensating for it now.


Did anyone catch the little snippet between commercials that they usually show with Kate revealing what font everyone else on the crew was? It was bitchy but I actually did laugh, especially with Jennice's. I forgot what the font was but Kate described her as earthy, etc. and then they showed a clip of Jennice giving Kelley a piece of her dreamcatcher and Kelley was like "um" - it was hilarious.

  • Love 5

Agreed. When I was 19 to me exotic food meant California rolls from the local sushi joint, not uni and ovary foam and whatever the guy was talking about. I am not surprised that Bianca wanted no part of that molecular gastronomy meal. I don't get why Ben gets all butthurt by these guests' preferences. He is there to make what they want to eat, not what he thinks they should be eating. If I was paying that much for a vacation I would want to eat what I like. Simple as that.

I don't think it was so much that Bianca didn't want any part of the molecular gastronomy meal that pissed Ben off, I think that is was the way she reacted that pissed him off. Gagging and making faces at the food made by a top chef is not cool at all no matter who they are. Bianca was just an accessory that happened to be riding on the nouveau riche wave with her jerky penny stock trader, or as he refers to himself as "the mini Wolf of Wall Street".  


This episode, more than any before, seemed to be too contrived and phoney for me to take seriously. From the first words out of Bianca's mouth "look at these tiny little boats, so sad" to the way she made faces and gagged at the food offerings put before her, made me think that she was acting. Any grown up, mature adult with manners would have politely declined to eat whatever they didn't want to eat and not make a dramatic big deal out of it. Timothy Sykes brought along some of his paying disciples (his subscribers pay anywhere from $497-$5,000 for his services.) to be filmed furiously trying to make penny trades on puts and calls while being frustrated for the lack of internet. Other than those few moments, we saw very little of their time on the trip.

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Jennice isn't my favorite, but in her defense, she mentioned that he might move to where she lives in Florida; Amy was the one who's like OMG SHE THINKS THEY'RE MOVING IN and then repeated it to everyone, and it's not like Kelley went to Jennice and asked for a clarification (yet). I'm not seeing other Clingon qualities, necessarily, but god forbid this not get blown up into a soap opera for the finale/to maximize reunion discomfort.

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I still think Kate is gross, but I have to admit she made me laugh with her comment about busting out her laptop to IM the guests if they'd like a mojito.

Still not understanding why Ben didn't just plate the 12 year old some meat & potatoes from the food being served to the masses. It looked about as basic as anything I've ever seen him make. I've never thought "romantic meal" = "we must eat the same thing". I mean, not like you put the same things in your mouth AFTER the meal! Bah - dum - dum (bad joke. Had to)

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Ben is such a baby. The (HUGE DOUCHE) Primary guest told him that his girlfriend would not be interested in eating sea cucumber ovary (what in the hell??) so why couldn't Ben just happily prepare quesadillas and be done with it? Side of fresh guacamole, yum! I would prefer that myself.


Bianca...as if that's her real name. You just know it's really Ashley or Sarah. How can she stomach being with that cocky POS?


I hope Amy gets to hook up with Logan. That would burn Kat and Kate, wheee! Kate is just an awful person.


Jennice and Kelley, what a mind twister. They like each other, she doesn't like him (he has "anger issues"), she likes him again, now he fears commitment.....what a trainwreck. I'm sure they broke up the second the charter was over.


Why does the last charter have to be that same guy Dean ("Penis Towel")? I had no real problem with him but it would be nice to see a new charter. Guess Bravo got desperate for takers. Maybe they heard about Adrienne's ass rubbing on the kitchen counter tops. So many skeevy people have been on board, eww.

Edited by Sage47
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I hope they thoroughly bleach and sanitize every surface of that yacht before returning it to its rightful owner. And I'd probably have a bonfire with the linens and pillows. Yecccccch!!

I was just going to post the same thing! A good old fashioned mattress burning would be needed before I would sleep in any of those beds. As nonchalantly as we have seen Kate and Kat take their jobs, I would not be 100% sure they actually change sheets and towels AND wash the used, between guests.

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I agree with the other posters. In the beginning, I liked Kate. And her font comparison was both funny and witty. Why can't we see more of that? For me, she takes away from her valid points by being so cold (which seemed to increase with each charter, she seemed friendlier and smilier with the first one). Like if Amy could snark about a guest like Kate, it would be funnier, because she deals with them so pleasantly. But with Kate, you can't tell if half the attitude of her guest is based on how they react to her, instead of their personality. Did Kate expect to meet her rich prince the first day and then not have to work the rest of the summer?

Edited by nenya
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I didn't like Kat AT ALL last season and I have seen NOTHING so far this season worth changing my mind.  Kat comes across as an over-sexualized bitch of the first order, (regarding both her sexual partners AND her workmates) and Kate comes across as a self important arrogant bitch of the first order - neither of them are worth the time it takes to complain about them  except that it is SUCH FUN to do so. I did like Ben last season, but am rapidly finding reason to change my mind on that score; Such a shame - there should be at least ONE crewmate worth my support! But so far, not so much, and (shame of shames) I'd actually like to see a bit more of Adrienne....HORRORS!!!

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The way I saw it, Kelley wanted the friendship with Jennice to go further and when it looks like it might he seemed like he maybe wanted to back off a bit.

Kelley is a piece of crap. He knew Jennice had a boyfriend and he still came on to her. No respect. Then, once he 'got' her in the sack he had enough and suddenly did a turn around and wanted no part of a relationship with her. Is he just one more guy that only wants what someone else has? Is it the chase that turns him on and not the catch?  I think he's a scumbag that's messed up in his head and only needs to be needed by someone.


Oh, and Ben? Molecular gastronomy is an obnoxious, pretentious bit of food science that nobody cares about except stuffy, self-centered, egotistical chefs like you.

Edited by HumblePi
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Is he just one more guy that only wants what someone else has? Is it the chase that turns him on and not the catch?


And she went from being so into her boyfriend, until he dumped her ass, too being way to freaking attached that I can see why Kelley would want to put the breaks on. 


If your slide takes three people an hour and half to set up, perhaps you should either get a new slide or stop offering it because that is a ridiculous amount of time and effort so I get the bitching but it's also something offered to the guests so they need to suck it up. 


I also love the service is normal so chintzy that Amy doing the bare minimum of labeling the cheese on the cheese plate is taking extra care! I mean if I have a few friends over to watch tv and have multiple cheeses I label them!


Ben is just ridiculous. Yes, it might be annoying that she has simple tastes but you could simply just make a few simple dishes as a back up if she didn't like it. Hell, if you can't make simple food taste good; your not that great of a chef. 


Gagging and making faces at the food made by a top chef is not cool at all no matter who they are.

The only gagging she did was when talking sea cucumber ovaries which Ben also said was disgusting and made a face when describing and it was the only item on the dude's list that he couldn't manage to procure which I bet was because he didn't even try. The comments she made when the dinner was served was because both of them seemed to agree that Ben was intentionally ignoring her preferences and I can understand being annoyed by that. 

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