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S04.E02: White Out

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the other characters should find it notable, because other un-cursed characters who have traveled to Storybrooke are generally pretty overwhelmed by everything.

I guess Granny is the exception to the rule then.  

By "un-cursed," I meant characters who didn't come to Storybrooke via the curse -- Hook, Elsa, Tink (at least the first time; less clear now), and Alice in OuaTiW.

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    Henry/Jared seems to get older every episode.


Oh my goodness, I know! I swear he aged 6 months from the premiere.

Edited by stealinghome, 17 minutes ago.

Well, he is 14 and that is normal.  I look at the difference all the time between 7th and 8th grade and I believe he would be a freshman, so they won't be able to keep him little for long.  Don't remember what age they have him playing Henry as...but he is normal since He's a growing up  teenager.  I've taught some 8th graders that they looked at least two years older because of their built and height, when I saw them after high school, I didn't even recognize them.


I really liked this one, except for Charming's hair...I know it is a cut for that time period, but it just didn't look good, and I'm glad it is one I won't have to see often.


I liked the entire ep, and all the pluses I agree with except for the Regina part.  I liked it and I really liked Elsa.  There were a few parts that dragged just a bit, but so many nice moments.


I just don't remember how Charming went from being a farmer to prince.  But so far I really like this season.  I'm a lot more excited to see this one than I was last season, so I'm really enjoying it.

Edited by 7kstar
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I just don't remember how Charming went from being a farmer to prince.

He replaced his twin brother, who had been given to the king in exchange for the family farm being saved. Edited by Luciano
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I think what Henry did for Regina was not only sweet but the right thing to do.  I don't see him as being her BFF, but her son knowing his mom is hurting and wanting to help her.  


I did laugh a little him ending his yelling through the door with "I miss my room".


I thought he actually slipped and let on that he knows more about Elsa and Anna than anyone noticed.  I believe it when he says he can't take down the ice without killing Emma.

I thought the reason that he didn't help was that would show that he has power, or more power, than he should.


What was with Rumple and Belle looking through the index cards of inventory just as David and Hook walked in?  Belle just happens to pull the card of the missing necklace?  Maybe I was wrong in my post earlier and the guy that walked in front of Elsa when she walked out of the store put in a call to the Rumples about it.

Edited by elle
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He replaced his twin brother, who had been given to the king in exchange for the family farm being saved.

Oh, I liked how David's father's alcoholism tied in with the regret Ruth said he felt for selling James.


I did laugh a little him ending his yelling through the door with "I miss my room".


Of course he does, he hasn't spent the night there in at least two years.

Edited by bettername2come
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I did laugh a little him ending his yelling through the door with "I miss my room".

When he yelled "This is my house too!" I actually thought "SOMEONE is getting a little big for his britches!" Like, kid, is your name on the deed to that house? Do you pay taxes on it, etc? No? Then it is most definitely not your house!

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Oh, I liked how David's father's alcoholism tied in with the regret Ruth said he felt for selling James.


Of course he does, he hasn't spent the night there in at least two years.

I guess I'll have to rewatch I just can't seem to keep it all in my head and I've forgotten which season.  But I did like the back story and how Charming keeps everyone centered when they can't seem to go on.  Of course will the threat from Bo Peep mean anything?  I doubt it.

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When he yelled "This is my house too!" I actually thought "SOMEONE is getting a little big for his britches!" Like, kid, is your name on the deed to that house? Do you pay taxes on it, etc? No? Then it is most definitely not your house!


I doono. When I was a kid, my parents house was also my house, even if I didn't pay for it. lol


And found that basket full of goodies thing creepy

I didn't find it creepy, so much as totally misguided. "I Googled how to get over a breakup..." is not a line your child should say about anyone but themselves. 


Yeah. I didn't mean creepy in a nasty way. It was still age-inappropriate. It's nice that he should support his mom, but the way they approached it seemed odd. 

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Oh, dear Lord.  Charming's flashback hair was horrible!  But awesome in a hilarious way.  I really hope we get a flashback to the day he finally decides to cut that thing off.  And, hopefully set it on fire, and bury the ashes deep in the ground.


Was cautiously optimistic, since I saw Jane Espenson was writing this episode, and I tend to find her episodes to be better then the normal (certainly more witty, I think.)  And I was right!  Much better then the premiere.  And, wouldn't you know it, it barely had any Regina (or Rumple, for that matter.)  Yeah, sorry, Lana Parilla; still love you; but I think this episode really highlights out much Regina and her whiny angst, drags this show down for me.  Not having much of that was just so refreshing.


Once again, I continue to surprisingly love the Frozen stuff and their characters.  Elsa is just getting better and better.  I liked that she ended up not being the villain, but it was her fear that kept causing all the bad stuff to happen, and she had problems controlling it, without Anna.  That makes me invested in Elsa/Anna and them reuniting.  More importantly, Elsa is actually acknowledging that her actions, even if inadvertent, are causing problems, and doesn't think she deserves to just get passes.  I wish another magical character or two, would figure that out.  As for Anna, I do think if they aren't careful, they could make her too perfect and obnoxious, but, right now, I still think she's adorable.  The actress is very winning, IMO.


So, it seems like it's Elizabeth Mitchell who is going to be the baddie.  Playing a character who also has ice powers.  The Snow Queen, perhaps?


It took me way too long to finally figure out that Robin Weigert was Bo Peep.  Crazy, awesome casting there.  Bo Peep, as a warlock, who extorts and messes up all the farmers and shepherds, like some kind of fairy tale mob boss.  This show can sure be creative, when it wants to be.


Charming and Hook were awesome; especially Charming have to deal with Hook losing his shit.


Snow's stuff was throwaway, but it was worth it, for her losing it on Grumpy, Happy, and Granny.


So, yeah, less Regina and more of the Frozen stuff, please.  Never though I would be saying that.

Edited by thuganomics85
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I thought Mitchell's intro to the show is just about the coolest (pun intended) this show's ever done for a villain. She's just so smooth and subtle minus the ice leaning thing.


Loved Elsa and her interactions with Emma and Charming but the dialogue was a bit clunky. Emma tells Elsa she has magic with no proof and Elsa believes her? I thought for a second Emma was going to pretend all the technology stuff was her magic lol. The flashbacks were funny although Anna is a bit much. I liked her in the premiere but I wanted to tell her to pipe the eff down a few times. Her and Rumple's both off the wall, hopped up on speed personalities should be a hoot to watch though.



Did Elsa really say that after endangering someone's life, they don't owe you any thanks when you change your mind and save them?

I thought that was Elsa's best line. Thank you Jane for adding that part in. The way Georgina plays Elsa is awesome. She's about the only one on the show I buy as royalty. Of course I'm not including people like Charming or Emma who weren't raised as royalty.

Edited by Jean
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Hook knows the word "Champagne"? And how electricity works? And space heaters?

Hook's been to Manhattan, he's even been to jail in Manhattan. LOL I'm sure he knows a lot already.  

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I thought Elsa had her powers pretty much under control by the end of Frozen? Now she's back to square one?


I liked David's long hair. And that Emma calls him "dad" now.


Getting tired of Captain Swan already.


Rumple's a dick. I'm surprised Belle didn't chide him for not helping.


Yay, Elizabeth Mitchell!

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When he yelled "This is my house too!" I actually thought "SOMEONE is getting a little big for his britches!" Like, kid, is your name on the deed to that house? Do you pay taxes on it, etc? No? Then it is most definitely not your house!


I'm actually hoping that the house is the Mayor's house and not Regina's house.  I'd love for Snow to waltz in and tell Regina that since she has been acting as Mayor than she and her family should also have the house.  Regina can live at Granny's or the Charmings' apartment.

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Yeah, this actually just shows how far astray they've gone with the Belle character. In seasons past, Belle would have forced Rumpel to help.


She was doing that in 3A. And it was dumb that Rumple didn't even bother taking a look at the ice wall before declaring he couldn't destroy it without hurting Emma. It came across as a dumb excuse as to why Rumple or Regina could not save the day. Come to think, Hook and Charms could have tried a blow-torch to make a hole, no?

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Love, love, loved it! Daddy Charming, Captain Swan, Emma makes a new friend! I like that Elsa isn't a villain and Elizabeth Mitchell seems interesting and (fingers crossed) more subtle than recent Once villains. Also, although it was a comic B-plot, Snow hasn't been that kick-ass in a season and a half, so her outburst made me happy. My favourite little moment, which I don't think has been written about yet, was Charming and Emma's answer to Snow's "what do babies dream about?" question. The dead pan "Bull fighting" "laser tag" answers were so well matched. Great family moment. More please Once writers!


Also props to Josh for the drunken father monologue. Nicely done.

Edited by satrunrose
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I liked David's awful long hair, and I don't know why!

Maybe because it matches Snow's fairy-back hair in its awfulness?  Heh.


It was nice to get a little more Mr. and Mrs. Charming in this episode, especially Snow chewing out the Dwarves and Granny.


I also enjoyed the makeup job on Emma as she got colder and colder in the ice cave.  As a Frozen movie fan I loved the little references, including "It never really bothered me" in regard to the cold and Elsa asking Emma about her magic:  "Were you born with it or cursed?"  Plus Joan!


Evil Bo Peep surprised me!  I was so ready for it to be Regina riding up to cause trouble like usual that it took me a few seconds of looking at the woman in the carriage to realize it wasn't her.


Did the thing about Anna teaching David to sword fight make any sense?  I thought he had been given a crash course in sword fighting in a previous fairy-back, which would have happened AFTER this fairy-back...so... I got nuthin'.


Of course Rumpel is involved in this up to his eyeballs.  Le sigh.

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What was with Rumple and Belle looking through the index cards of inventory just as David and Hook walked in?  Belle just happens to pull the card of the missing necklace? 


Wouldn't Rumple have noticed that the shop had been broken into? They were trying to figure out what all had been stolen.

I loved this episode. Bo Peep was awesome. The actress just went with the ridiculousness and nailed it. I like that Hook called David on his dad speech. I loved Snow's "You lived your whole life without light bulbs. Buy a flashlight." I may have even cheered out loud. Good to see Ruth again. 

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I'd love for Snow to waltz in and tell Regina that since she has been acting as Mayor than she and her family should also have the house.

I think that would be neat, a few episodes down the line or in 4B. Show us Snow multi-tasking with the bambino, getting things done, complaints heard and dealt with, and, in essence, getting her Bandit Snow self out of mothballs. I believe it is way past time for Snow /Mary Margaret to accept themselves and step-up to be the leader she has been.  Then announce that she's running for Mayor. 


retrograde, I understand better. It's just that any of the three that yelled at Snow could've done what she did. It's like even after however long for them that they've been "awakened" ( the curse Emma broke kissing Henry's forehead), all the townsfolk seem unable to remember how to do much of anything in Storybrook, except when the episode needs them to remember.


Maybe if Snow and the baby went to the power station due to Snow being curious about what happened, then found Grumpy and Granny trying to get things running again? I would like more. Then, in frustration, Grumpy goes off on the 'you cast the curse' rant and we still get Snow's answer. It would feel less unreasonable(?). Insisting that a woman about two weeks out from giving birth, while not an invalid in Snow's case, should be harranged into turning electricity on for the town, seems a bit much. Then saying she's de facto mayor due to the latest curse cast, as opposed to the mayor sulking in her manse?  I hope this is a thread for Snow to regain the awesome she has not reclaimed in full.

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Did the thing about Anna teaching David to sword fight make any sense? I thought he had been given a crash course in sword fighting in a previous fairy-back, which would have happened AFTER this fairy-back...so... I got nuthin'.



Recycling plots: it's not just for Regina's tears.


Maybe if Snow and the baby went to the power station due to Snow being curious about what happened, then found Grumpy and Granny trying to get things running again? I would like more. Then, in frustration, Grumpy goes off on the 'you cast the curse' rant and we still get Snow's answer. It would feel less unreasonable(?). Insisting that a woman about two weeks out from giving birth, while not an invalid in Snow's case, should be harranged into turning electricity on for the town, seems a bit much. Then saying she's de facto mayor due to the latest curse cast, as opposed to the mayor sulking in her manse? I hope this is a thread for Snow to regain the awesome she has not reclaimed in full.



Honestly, I was so happy that Snow was doing something and not acting like a complete doormat that I could overlook Leroy, Granny, and Happy being unreasonable. Now I want Snow to take over the mayor's office with that fabulous wallpaper.

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Okay, so I love Charming and all, but I thought the Fabio Shepherd/Bo Peep stuff could have been at least 5-10 minutes shorter. I didn't need to see all of the Anna sword-fighting lessons or Charming's too-long soliloquy about his drunken father or the henchmen's awful sword-fighting skills. I'm not saying cut all of those scenes, just make them a little bit shorter and include some more relevant Storybrooke scenes instead.


I think we missed a scene or a piece of dialogue where Charming tells Hook to grab the heater from the bathroom, because yeah... Hook shouldn't automatically know what that thing is or where to grab it from.


Someone mentioned it earlier, but I'm also surprised we didn't get a reaction shot from David when Hook hugged Emma. I figured after they threw in the protective father line earlier in the episode that we'd get an "Aha, I get it!" reaction shot from him - I guess the director or editor cut it out for some reason? Or are we to assume Charming immediately was like "Oh, okay. Got it." when Hook said that Emma had equal say in the relationship?


Speaking of Hook and Emma: d'awwwwww. I like how they haven't put an official label on their relationship yet, but they still act like a couple. And Emma initiated the hand intertwining at the end! I repeat: d'awwwwww. But we all know the writers are going to throw some major shit into that relationship now that they're acting cute with each other.

Edited by Curio
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I like tonight's episode more than the first one.

The charming flashback was good but  Anna. She is near the annoyance level for me and not really belivable as a teacher.

Elsa and Emma bonding was enjoyable and enough realistic seem for the romance with Emma and Hook. they show the feeling via the touching and caring so the significant conversation still have to come and the inevitable aghts after.

The problem with Regina is her so so soapy sl and I never care for soap. So for me it is a bonus it was a minimum but next episode the soap level will be back in full gear.

 Snow was funny too, maybe the solution is to focus on the Charming with a little of Rumple and Regina and not too much of the Frozen characters and I will be a happy snowman!

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Maybe 30 seconds of Regina, and no dialogue? Best! Episode! Ever!


Plus, Evil Bo Peep in the most awesome candy-colored Bo Peep Georgian-ish dress? Love it! (I'd said I'd do Evil Bo Peep for Halloween just for fun, but that costume is a wee bit more elaborate than I have time for right now, and since my friends changed the date of the annual Halloween party, I'm not even sure I'll be able to go, so I'm not going to go that crazy with a costume. Still ...)


Henry does have a point that she doesn't just have the right to cut him out like that. I thought she wanted to be his Mom. You still have to be a Mom even when your boyfriend of two days decides to go back to his wife you thought you'd murdered.

Yeah, his moping didn't bother me that much because he's only just got his memories back and has now been reunited with the mother he hadn't seen in a year, and now she's shutting him out entirely to mope over a guy she's been seeing for maybe a week, at the most. This is the woman who once tried to kill Emma so she wouldn't have to share Henry with her, and now she's pretty much dumping her kid on Emma when she doesn't want to deal with him. Yeah, parents sometimes need a break, but Regina hasn't had her kid in a year. She pretty much loses all mom points for outright telling him to go away. A kid shouldn't have to beg to have a parent acknowledge his existence, regardless of what's going on in her life. Isn't part of parenting having to suck it up and deal with your children, no matter what else you have going on? She's acting like a twelve-year-old who's been disappointed in her first crush.


I was hoping to get a shot of Charming looking at Emma and Hook together, so we would know that he now realizes that their feelings are mutual.

I thought there was a bit of a reaction from David when Emma came out of the cave and went straight into Hook's arms, pretty much burying herself against him and stroking his hair. Maybe I'm imagining it, but there was a moment when I got the sense that David was thinking, "Hey, your dad is right here, too. Um, okay, I guess you guys are good."


We do need at least some kind of hint as to how Hook knows all this modern stuff. There was Emma's remark of surprise about him suddenly being a twenty-first century guy, but I'd like a glimpse of a pile of magazines in wherever he's staying, or a stack of books, or something that shows he's been doing his homework. Or someone catching him doing research. He might have known about champagne from eavesdropping on Emma's date with Walsh. He was hanging out at a fancy, romantic New York restaurant, waiting for Walsh to leave the table, so he'd have observed a lot of dating behavior.


I thought Rumpel made it very clear he wasn't going to exert himself to help.

And his wife, who reads people's hearts and can tell whether they're good or bad, stood right there without even blinking at him gloating to Hook that Emma was going to die. I'm starting to think that Belle and Robin might actually be the most evil people on the show because they pretend to be good.

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I know I'm in the minority, but I LOVED David's long hair. The hair paired with the Shepherd outfit was really working for me;  I found him to be quite sexy this episode, and I usually find him rather meh.  I did crack up at the wig  blowing in the "wind" when he answered the door to greet Anna when she arrived though, hahaha. 


I liked this episode a lot! It was a smart choice to use both Henry and Regina very sparingly. My husband remarked that Regina was probably left out of the majority of the episode because she could have just "poofed" the ice away. There's a sign that a character is too powerful, show!


I wish Emma would lock herself in a room somewhere and spend some time practicing her powers. The show could even include one of those "novice-to-badass" montages, like in Mulan!  

Edited by Zima
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I'm really sad to say this, because I had been waiting so long for a Charming flashback and an episode with minimal Regina should be a gift, but this episode was cringe-worthy.  There were so many elements which I should have liked, but the result was horribly hokey, and the dialogue was just terribly written.  All the jokes in particular were very unnatural, right from the beginning.   From the dumb joke about what the baby was dreaming about, to that gift basket conversation.  When Emma asked who it was for, Henry said, "It's for my mom".  When Emma made a joke about how it's too late for chocolate or something, Henry went "My other mom."   Were we supposed to think Henry didn't understand Emma was making a joke?  I know it was probably to explain to the audience, but it couldn't have been clunkier.


The flashbacks were particularly bad, and I must say it again, I am just heartbroken to say it since it was a long-overdue Charming-centric.  David's hair was so distracting and unattractive, it took me out of it from the very start.  I loved Anna last week, but her scenes with Charming were stilted and I didn't buy their comraderie at all.  Their bantering was embarrassing.  I also found it vaguely insulting that Anna made Charming who he was in less than 24 hours.  Did Anna double for The Mary Sue in Fairytale Land?  They had done such a good job thus far in the series with characters who are optimistic and inspire others, but the whole David-was-a-coward-and-Anna-encouraged-him subplot, I could not buy any of it.  


That whole plot didn't even make sense.  Bo Peep had two guards?  And afterwards, David just tied her up with a ribbon and she stopped being a "warlord"?  


And the whole drunk father thing was out-of-nowhere.  I usually love character moments, but David's long-winded story about his father did not move me at all.


I think part of the problem was that their dialogue was too colloquial.  Charming telling her to just "roll with it"?  I've always loved how the Fairytale land characters spoke more formally.


On the positive side, Emma and Elsa had excellent chemistry, and I really enjoyed their scenes together.  Except for the weird lighting which made Elsa and Emma's faces look like they were brown.  


I liked the idea that Snow was the Mayor and her being pushed to rule, but it was a bad idea to have Grumpy, Happy and Granny the characters who were demanding that Snow fix the power.  I know it was supposed to be the comic relief plot, but that was not consistent with those characters, who were her closest friends and advisors.  Funny is fine but it has to fit.   And there was the totally inappropriate line they wrote for Snow about understanding why Regina actually turned evil.  Again, funny is fine but that was just another example of placing blame on the wrong people.


I am just so sad that an episode I should have loved on paper, turned into such a hokey mess.  At least the Emma/Elsa stuff was A+, and that was 1/3 of the episode.  But I just couldn't be more disappointed right now.

Edited by Camera One
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I am just so sad that an episode I should have loved on paper, turned into such a hokey mess.  At least the Emma/Elsa stuff was A+, and that was 1/3 of the episode.  But I just couldn't be more disappointed right now.


I am sorry. :-/ I agree with you about the flashback, but I still didn't mind it. Perhaps because I was expecting it to be hokey from reading the episode summary? Or because I have 80% lowered expectations from the show overall. At least I'm glad they didn't make Anna and Elsa David's long lost second-cousins twice removed! 

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I liked this episode. I really like the  Frozen characters.  I think that they  breathe new life into all the other characters.  I really liked the Charming Anna backstory.  I not entirely sure it fits previous cannon, but it was great to see David become a hero. I like that they are fleshing him out.  Josh does a great job as Charming.  His father's alcoholism might further explain why he doesn't like Hook.  [ETA:  I love the way Josh Dallas sword fights.  There is a lot of energy and beauty in his movement.]


Last week I didn't like the Captain Swan scenes.  This week I liked them.  I liked that Hook stated that what they become is up to him and Emma.  He really seemed desperate when Emma was dying.  I liked how he was trying to dig her out even thought it was impossible. To me that is  human.  Hook is not afraid of the impossible fight.  I just hope he gets to win some of those fights.  I liked how they held hands together. 


I like Grumpy in all his scenes.  I like that they went to Snow and let her know she needed to lead. It was her curse. 


I liked Bo-Peep. She had a Ma Barker vibe.  It was cool.


Everyone including from Jared to Frozen actors did a great job. 

Edited by kitticup
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From the dumb joke about what the baby was dreaming about,

See, I thought that was funny--but what was funny wasn't what David and Emma said, but the fact that it totally went over Snow's head that they were joking! The joke was really on Snow. (Plus, I always love it when the show shows how similar Charming and Emma are. On a show that tends to be VERY heavy on the tell-don't-show side, I like how they never out-and-out state that Emma's a mini-Charming--they just illustrate it in nice little moments like that. I suspect that it's way more Morrison and Dallas than the writers, but still.)


I also found it vaguely insulting that Anna made Charming who he was in less than 24 hours.... And the whole drunk father thing was out-of-nowhere.  I usually love character moments, but David's long-winded story about his father did not move me at all.

Yeah, I enjoyed the episode a lot more than you did--I think I found it just more fun than the show has been in a long time--but I just don't buy that Charming was some downtrodden, cowed shepherd back in the day. That's just...so not the Charming we know. (Which I get was the point, but the disconnect for me was too great.) I also agree on the father thing--it's not an out-and-out retcon, but I recall 1x06 suggesting that David had a pretty happy family life growing up, and they talked about his dad like he was a decent guy. It's a little late in the show to be dropping heretofore-unmentioned daddy issues on yet another character.


David seems to attract writing that tries to be emotional but is slightly off (I suppose that's no surprise on this show)--in the same way that in 3x14 the fear subplot just didn't quite work because it confused a very specific fear with a general sense of fear, the "battle he couldn't win" story in this episode doesn't really logically sync up with "stand up to a bully."

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Rumple's a dick. I'm surprised Belle didn't chide him for not helping.


It was weird how she was just standing there saying nothing.  I can't believe Gold was using his "Why should I bother to help you?" line when his dearly beloved philanthropist wife was standing right there.   Wasn't he still in the pretending-he's-a-good-guy-stage?  Didn't they just get married the day before yesterday?  Belle almost looked like she was annoyed at the interruption too.   The last time Gold used that line, Neal ripped into him (in Neverland).  But now it's A-ok since the graveside confession was yesterday?  

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Rumple's a dick. I'm surprised Belle didn't chide him for not helping.


It was weird how she was just standing there saying nothing.  I can't believe Gold was using his "Why should I bother to help you?" line when his dearly beloved philanthropist wife was standing right there.   Wasn't he still in the pretending-he's-a-good-guy-stage?  Didn't they just get married the day before yesterday?  Belle almost looked like she was annoyed at the interruption too.   

^All of this.  Esp. Rumps whole "yeah, I could help - and totes kill your girlfriend in the process.  Cool?"  And Belle doesn't even bat an eye. WTH?  Additionally, what the heck do they keep dressing Belle in?!  I almost want to gouge my eyes out every time she's on screen.  It's bad enough she's got to totter around in those crazy insane heels all the time; but this is the second episode that you can see her freaking bra (or something dang close to it) through her top.  EW!  Make it stop, I beg of you costume department.


Everything else in this ep?  Absolutely loved it.  I'm still orbiting somewhere in the outer reaches of the Earth's gravitational field over all the Captain Swan, Captain Charming, and Emma/Elsa goodness.  *happy sigh*

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I can't believe Snow went into a high voltage electrical plant and pulled levers while carrying a baby.  I guess once you've been zapped by Zelena, nothing else can harm the little one.  For a moment, I thought she was going to use the baby as an electrical source.

Edited by Camera One
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Captain Swan will never get old for me. One short hug and hand holding made me happy, as Hook's desperation to save her. Writers, please don't ruin this with uneccesary angst!

This episode flew by. Liked David's backstory, and of course Rumple is involved in Anna missing. I wish Belle said something to him about why he wasn't helping the clan.

I hope Emma and Elsa can have more bonding time- Emma needs a friend since Red is MIA.

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but I just don't buy that Charming was some downtrodden, cowed shepherd back in the day. That's just...so not the Charming we know. (Which I get was the point, but the disconnect for me was too great.)


I wouldn't have minded it if he was feeling low because his father had just recently died or something, and that caused him to lose his confidence or something.


But why did it have to be so heavy-handed... Ruth saying to Anna, "You've changed him" was just much, much too much.  


The milk/fuel thing came off as kind of clunky IMO.


I did like the idea of Snow figuring it out and having a light-bulb moment.  But all the breast-feeding jokes in the episode went overboard.  It was interesting that no one asked Snow where she went (unless I missed it?), and no one seemed to question how the electricity came back on.

Edited by Camera One
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I could have sworn that back when King Charles came and took David away to replace his dead twin brother, his father was still alive. Can anyone deny or confirm this?


As usual on this show, the timeline is confusing. Rumpelstiltskin apparently had Elsa locked up in an urn in some secret chamber for who knows how long, are they going to explain how she got there? Anna met David after leaving Arendell to look for her parents, so at what point did Elsa wind up in Rumpelstiltskin's clutches and how long did she spend in the urn?


I'm not especially looking forward to Elizabeth Mitchell being on this show, I've kind of soured on her after Revolution, and the last thing this show wants to do is remind me of Lost.

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David's father has never been seen on the show. He was stated to be dead in The Shepherd when we first learn David's backstory.


With the time travel, it's beginning to look like Elsa might not have been in the urn for very long. Snow Drifts/No Place Like Home took place very shortly after David's engagement. David became engaged shortly after leaving the farm. We don't yet know how much time passed between this episode and The Shepherd. Of course, Elsa could have been urned almost immediately after Anna left for all we know, though I think things are pointing toward someone using Anna to lure Elsa into the urn.


Not a fan of Mitchell from Revolution or V, but I did enjoy her Juliet on LOST.

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So, it's official. They have internet, dvd, vcr, and all those alphabet things.  Hook could be catching on by simply surfing the web.  However....why have we never known they had those things?  Bad retconning, esp. considering Henry was obsessed with a fairy tale book and not a video game. 


Using a crow as a pigeon was over the top hilarious, but not in a good way for Regina. Evil witch, black bird. ewwwww.


I hate Elsa, but then I watched Reckless.   I think irl Emma would have actually frozen in that amount of time, but they did do the coloring well.


The Charming backstory seems to have been really messed with, also.  He was a farm boy (with short hair) who didn't know how to fight wasn't he when the King came and got him?


I was glad Henry at least acted autonomously; for all their word gushes no one's really worried about Regina - even in a she'll curse us all,  way.  I don't empathize with her but I do sympathize with her, unfortunately.


I miss Red most of all!


But I'll take Bo Peep in a pinch. She was a hoot in her multi hued dress.


How are all these new bad guys just there, in town, and no one's noticed?  Clearly Charming knew Bo Peep was around.  It's creepy and unexplained.

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David's hair was so distracting. I couldn't take anything he said seriously with that hair.

Frozen Swan all the way. Favorite friendship for me right there.

I'm a grown woman but could not stop all the awwing over Captain Swan. Love me some hugs but I got all goofy over the hand holding.

More Bo Peep please. She was trashy good.

Hardly any Regina puts me in the best of moods.

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I really liked the main Storybrooke storyline, so yay for that. On the other hand, the fairyback was overly long and very clunky and the less said about Henry/Regina the better.


Emma/Elsa were full of win. I love, love, love their connection, loved that Elsa told David that she was owed nothing for helping save Emma since she was the one who put her in danger in the first place, loved their little coda at the end with Emma expressing how "cool" it is to be able to do what Elsa does. More Emma & Elsa!


Liked Hook pretty much telling David to mind his own business about his relationship with Emma. It's their choice as to what they do and David really doesn't have a vote. I also found Hook's disbelief amusing when David remarked that Emma is not a conquest. Men totally give up everything and risk their lives just on the off chance they might score with a woman. If anything, someone ought to be worried about Hook in that relationship. I wonder how much David knows about Emma's past history with men.


The alcoholic father story was really out of nowhere and I didn't like it. I also thought David's soliloquy about it was way too long. Clearly the "White Out" referred to in the episode title was the writers changing their past story enough to fit what they wanted to say here. Warlord Bo Peep was fun, but she was very much a Poor Man's Evil Queen. Interesting that David could work the crook. Anna needs to tone it down a bit. And I guess we're already done with Misthaven?


I know Snow had just come in, but I found it odd that she didn't take one look at Emma and express concern. It was just straight to who is this and David's "we don't give up" stuff. Her daughter nearly died and looked like death warmed over, but heaven forbid they actually have her mother seem worried about it.


Also, the generator/power subplot makes no sense. If the lines were down, there wouldn't be power to anyone on that part of the line. And did they at least cut the power to that section? Live wires on the ground will electrocute anyone walking by. I seem to remember the Evil Snowman taking out power lines right in the downtown, so who fixed that? No one should have had power in the first place.


And finally, I hate Regina/Henry. She loved him so much that she couldn't bear to live without him and now she gets him back, but cuts him out of her life because she's said about a break up? Emma should have gone over there and knocked her flat for her treatment of Henry. The wine/chocolate basket was creepy. They need Tink around to drag Regina out and get her roaring drunk because that's what girlfriends do. Her 12 year old son shouldn't be tasked with trying to get his mother to even speak to him. The hug was sweet but only because I felt for Henry. That subplot was not cool on Regina's part. As a side note, I was also very unimpressed with the comparison of Emma's (and Regina's) walls and not being particularly open or affectionate with Henry rejecting a comforting hug from Emma. They are two very, very different things. 

Edited by KAOS Agent
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It was weird how she was just standing there saying nothing.  I can't believe Gold was using his "Why should I bother to help you?

The writers have learned that no one likes to hear Belle bleating away?


Well Charming needed to save the day without magic (which I liked) so Rumple couldn't help. Maybe he would've helped if it wasn't Hook demanding he do so? I think if Charming had gone alone, Rumple would've been more receptive.


I think the episode was 100% campy but I liked it. The Drama!Angst! this show does just drags like it's a walking advertisement for Zoloft. Even the Emma freezing to death stuff was more on the fun side than omg drama.


I do get the feeling that the writers are trying too hard to force in a Frozen reference or pun in every 5 seconds. Like they seem to be writing specifically around those references. It's ok now but it's going to get old real quick.

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I really liked this episode. It was great seeing Emma and Elsa interact and talk about their similarities which are a lot. Henry and Regina's reunion touched me. Elizabeth Lail is gorgeous.


The Mama Mayor subplot for perhaps my favorite part of the episode because it was finally addressed that this is in fact Snow's curse and not Regina's. Also it's Snow's kingdom so she ought to be in charge. I'd like to see this developed in future episodes.

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Looking forward to seeing more of Elizabeth Mitchell, nice touch with the ice cream shop.


Couldn't help laughing at someone's comment on tumblr that Emma's obviously freezing to death but she doesn't zip her jacket up.


I don't know the Frozen characters at all but I found Ana more enjoyable to watch than Elsa, may be it's the actress.


Snow's meltdown was fantastic, I was getting fed up with their moaning  "get a flashlight!" yeah you tell them Snow.


Could have done with a bit more Regina and Rumple.


I loved all Charming/David's scenes, Josh is just one of those likeable actors that I find easy to watch whatever they're doing. 


Charming's father seemed like a loser so I don't know why he was that upset by it, he should have been relieved he was out of the picture. 


Emma has more chemistry with Elsa than she does with Hook, I can't get into the that pairing at all she never seems as remotely interested in him as he does in her. Hook is far better as a character for me when he's involved with other people than when he's getting all frantic over her.


Bo Peep being a warlord was definitely something I didn't see coming, that was some outfit. 


Henry wanting to do something for Regina was sweet although I didn't get why she sent a message by crow to him, that seemed weird. 

Edited by verdana
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but I found it odd that she didn't take one look at Emma and express concern. It was just straight to who is this and David's "we don't give up" stuff. Her daughter nearly died and looked like death warmed over, but heaven forbid they actually have her mother seem worried about it.


Did Snow even know about Emma almost being frozen?  She was in the power plant the entire time, and I'm pretty sure she didn't have any communication with anyone there, or else should would have been at the town line, stat.  She even asked, "Who's that?" about Elsa, so I don't think she was getting any updates.


Another weird thing I forgot to mention was that Emma was in the diner when the electricity went out, and 2 seconds later, David radios that he's getting calls from everyone about the electricity being down.  Did they forget the lag time there?  


Not a fan of Mitchell from Revolution or V, but I did enjoy her Juliet on LOST.


I liked her as Juliet on "Lost" too, but not when she was a villain.  I found her so smug and annoying in villain mode, so that's what I'm afraid of.  She was so much better in a layered well-written role as was Juliet in the later seasons.  "Revolution" was just horribly written (I hated that show so much), so she never got anything to play.  I didn't mind "V" but that wasn't very deep.

Edited by Camera One
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