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S11.E02: Puzzle With A Piece Missing

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During the cafeteria scene, I swear the actress(es) who plays Zola was about to blurt out her real name(s?) - they are really beautiful girls, and I enjoyed the parts of the scene were she was paying attention to Dr. Fake Grey.


Something that surprised me (even though this episode was "blah" to me) is that at least last week, the loss of Yang/Oh wasn't nearly as detrimental as I thought it might be.

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Well I thought it was awful, just as awful as when they introduced all those new interns and then made the show All. About. Them. They're doing it again with Maggie - introducing a new character and making the show all about her. When has that ever worked, in the history of television? People don't watch this show because they want to watch episodes with new characters they've never seen before. They watch because of the characters they've been watching for years. The whole thing seems counter-intuitive to me. And idiotic. 


And no, I don't buy Maggie as some brilliant cardiologist capable of running an entire department either. She seems far too young - I know this is a fantasy, but if someone that age is that much of a prodigy they wouldn't be running a cardiology department at a hospital. They'd be too busy doing research with all their grants and stuff. 


Terrible episode. Really awful.

  • Love 9

Maggie is horrible.  Her teeth bug me.  Of course, all her cases ended well (RME).  I don't care about her.  Way too much airtime.


Really do not want to see this Meredith has a sister redo (and what is with how they make so many siblings/parents/etc. all surgeons?).  Much would have rather seen Maggie running a scam or something.

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ut as for Maggie: to paraphrase Al Swearingen on Deadwood, "Welcome to Seattle Mercy Death. It can be combative."

Actually, Pallas, it's "Welcome to f--king Seattle Mercy Death." It's one of my favorite lines from Deadwood, may the show rest in peace.

I guess I'm in the out group, because I really like Maggie, and particularly her hair. I don't find her rude, just assertive. She knows she's way down in the pecking order, so I'm giving her some room to become more friendly.

I also still mourn Lexie and Mark, all the time. And so far don't miss Christina, but I'm sure I will eventually.

Wildly curious as to the biological history of Maggie. Why doesn't she just do a DNA test?

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I missed the season premiere last week (thought it was on at 9 p.m., tuned in, didn't see it on, thought it hadn't yet aired), so this was my first exposure to Maggie. And it was WAY too much! I really resented that she was the entire episode and seemed to be handling every patient in the hospital single-handedly. I also completely forgot that she is taking over Dr. Yang's position - and that does not work at all for me. She looks way too young and childish to be in that role. Not that Sandra Oh looked "old" by any stretch of the imagination, but she carried herself and spoke in such a way that I believed in her character's brilliance and superiority without begrudging it. There was simply no denying it. 


She actually took over Dr Russell's position not Cristina's... Russell quit as head of cardio due to no-one from GSMH being able to win a Harper Avery, Cristina did the interviews to appoint his replacement, she had already accepted the offer from Burke by then but Owen considered offering her the head of cardio job to try and make her stay. Cristina was never head of cardio though.

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I'm sorry, but are we watching the same show? Early in the episode Callie pretty much told Arizona that between a new baby and HER OWN work, there wouldn't be any time left for what Arizona wanted. Which is ludicrous. And then having Arizona saying she'd give it up only to get Callie's "permission" to do it was ridiculous. The last 3 seasons of Callie and Arizona has been what Callie wanted when she wanted it, and if anything put a kink in that plan, it was negative. This was an Africa do over on a smaller scale, and it's bothersome to me that Callie's first reaction, on a smaller scale was to treat Arizona's professional aspirations as a nuisance.


I totally agree here.  I don't have a stake in the Callie/AZ relationship, but as far as the individual characters go, I am SO glad that Arizona will finally be getting something outside of Callie and I really hope it sticks.  It seems to me that everything, EV-RY-THING, in their relationship and is always about Callie.  I don't hate Callie as a character, but I have really soured on her in the last few seasons.  Even the cheating, which could have finally been a glimpse into what AZ has been feeling for the last 2 seasons at least, became all about Callie and How She Would Overcome Yet Another Wrong Done to Her.   I hope that AZ gets something that is hers and hers alone without Callie whining or bullying her and everyone else in her path about it.   But, I'm sure that Callie will get her requisite annual episode in which she is either in every scene speechifying or singing about how SHE feels about Arizona's new fellowship and how it affects her.  Then, everyone will rally around and Arizona will fade into the woodwork per usual.  God, Callie may have become the new Izzie!


As for this episode, eh.  Every newly introduced character has been hated until they were liked and Maggie will probably be no different.  I am interested in the Richard aspect of the storyline but that's it.  Then she can just go.  Surprisingly, I did enjoy the little bits of Amelia. 


The promo (and sneak peek) for next week's episode was the best thing about Grey's last night and I hope they deliver!  If not, well...Alex is taking a shower, so there's that.

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"You did what Dr. Yang couldn't."


Dear Shondaland,

Do not, I repeat, DO NOT insult us viewers with even remotely comparing the talents of Mary-Sue Maggie to Cristina Yang. Just don't. If you think any real fan would applaud or even agree with that sentiment, you're off your damn rocker.


Seriously, it's like the show wants me to dislike Maggie. The more they push her "look how great I am and opposite of Meredith" agenda, the more turned off I get. The only reason I can think of as to why they thought it'd be a good idea to give us her character-centered episode the 2nd episode of the season is because they wanted to give the core cast a little extra time off (they did shoot 11.02 before 11.01). I still find the whole thin unnecessary, though.

  • Love 7

When Mag-Pie was being such a witch to Mer, did she not realize that she was addressing a board member and partial owner of the hospital who could eat her job for lunch and spit it back in her face for dinner?  Or did she just not care?



I don't either, because this hospital does not seem to have any other cardiologists.  It is a department of 1.


Typical of this show...  Neuro:  Just Derek, other than the occasional mentions, Mini-Me, and now the addition of Amelia.  Ortho:  Callie.  Plastics:  Mark, now Jackson.  Pedes:  Basically nonexistent until AZ, now Alex added.  Whatever Addison was:  Basically nonexistent before and after Addison.  Trauma:  Basically nonexistent before Owen, now April added.  General is the biggest department, with a whopping total of 3 attendings in Richard, Bailey, and Mer.  I know there have been occasional appearances and mentions, but I don't even think there were enough of those to constitute full or even adequate staffs.

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I like Maggie's hair but that was not enough to get me to enjoy an entire episode about her.

Lmao. Nicely done. I think the actress, and her hair, are absolutely beautiful. She glows on-screen. But she can glow and levitate, and like you, it didn't get me through that horrible hour of tv.



For me, I see GA is now getting the Private Practice treatment.  PP was good to me until Scandal came along.  Shonda had a bright, new shiny toy in Scandal and GA started to slide but PP was forgotten.  Now that her other new show - Murder something - is new and shiny, Scandal has started to slide and GA is being tossed into the land of misfit stories.


I'll stick to the re-runs in the afternoon when Grey's was good. 


Applause, applause. They are getting the Disney step-child treatment huh? That never even occurred to me. But Grey's and Scandal were really disappointing last night. You expect a few throwaway ep's over the course of a season, but not this early in.


Thank goodness for Lifetime re-runs. They remind me why I have hung in so long, when this has been a hit or miss show for awhile.

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Why is Mer being portrayed as the wicked witch?

What was with Jo's ridiculous, professionally fluffed side ponytail? She's a surgeon, not a Wakefield twin.

How did Maggie's parents not think the singing telegram would be undermining and embarrassing?

Why are surgeons doing genetic tests? I don't get that -- isn't that what, you know, geneticists do?

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I kinda liked Maggie because this show needed some fresh blood. She is competent and seems good with her patients.  Let Arizona go for that fellowship. I have a feeling that she and Callie are not long for coupledom.


I must hold a deep grudge because I still haven't forgiven her for not setting Alex with any decent interviews when he was finishing his residency. He got the John Hopkins job all on his own. She wanted to keep him on as her attending for selfish reasons. But then I think that Arizona is pretty selfish.

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Curious why everyone seems to hate Maggie? What's so bad about her? She's a great surgeon & she's no pushover. As far as Meredith's "real" sister? She and Meredith have the same mother .. that, in my opinion, makes them full sisters .. no half. 

I like Maggie.

They are half-sisters because they only share the same mother and not father. That would constitute half. 

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Shonda is not the showrunner of How To Get Away With Murder. Pete Nowak is. She's not even a writer. Just an EP, along w. her producing partner, Betsy Beers. She's not in the day to day operations. I don't see either of the other 2 shows 'slipping' but that's just my opinion. 


I would be very, very surprised to find out that Shonda is not involved in day to day operations.  I also suspect that the writers seeing and hearing her a lot.


I've never watched PP, Scandal, or HTGAWM, and don't intend to, so I don't have a personal opinion on whether PP or Scandal slipped when new shows came along, but I've watched Grey's since day one, and I do feel that the more pies Shonda has her fingers in, the worse Grey's has been, especially when she has a brand new show.


I wonder if Shonda is hoping for a black female to star in each show on the Thursday night line-up. Will this be the Maggie Pierce show from now on?????


Oh, I hope not!!!!!  I told myself that I would stick with the show at least until Patrick leaves, but "Pierce's Anatomy" could be a deal breaker.  I barely made it through "Izzie's Anatomy," and was quite relieved when Heigl left.  Shonda's history of "3 episode arc" characters becoming series regulars makes me very nervous about Mag-Pie.

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I am glad I am not alone in feeling this Ep was boring and frankly really bad. It is way too soon for a Maggie centric ep. I don't believe the character, too contrived, too bad the actress is fine, the material and situation she is given is so tedious. Maybe it will get better. As long as Meredith is there I will watch, should she go and Maggie be the new Grey I doubt I could hang in. The writing of the show is so out there, the actors sell it. For me that is Mere/Der, was Christina, still is Alex and ex Chief Richard.

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I've never watched PP, Scandal, or HTGAWM, and don't intend to, so I don't have a personal opinion on whether PP or Scandal slipped when new shows came along, but I've watched Grey's since day one, and I do feel that the more pies Shonda has her fingers in, the worse Grey's has been, especially when she has a brand new show.



Oh, I hope not!!!!!  I told myself that I would stick with the show at least until Patrick leaves, but "Pierce's Anatomy" could be a deal breaker.  I barely made it through "Izzie's Anatomy," and was quite relieved when Heigl left.  Shonda's history of "3 episode arc" characters becoming series regulars makes me very nervous about Mag-Pie.




Preach it, sister. I have such a grudge against Shonda that I will never watch one of her shows, unless Patrick Dempsey is in it. I, too, am watching until Patrick is gone. I am not a fan of this new sister, and still wish she was a psycho liar and not Ellis' daughter.

Edited by LakeLover
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I wonder if Shonda is hoping for a black female to star in each show on the Thursday night line-up. Will this be the Maggie Pierce show from now on?


Pure speculation - perhaps this episode was done this way to give Ellen a lighter episode when her baby was about to be born? They filmed episode 2 before episode 1 and her baby is about 2 months old so it could have been around the due date. Its a big story for the season so maybe they did the big Maggie episode early for that reason. Hate her or not, the actors have always said in interviews that Shonda is great about families and working mothers. 

Edited by windsprints
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Arizona didn't come from some ratchet program, she went to Johns Hopkins and she's a good doctor who, without explanation, has been dumbed down to make another doctor look good. What happened to pediatric surgery being the "brass ring" and the most competitive field? Now it is dull and she's totally uninterested? I can buy her being uninterested in Callie and Sofia, but I cannot buy this professional degradation. I notice this only happens to the women doctors, by the way. As much as it pains me to say this…Arizona deserves better. Let us hope she doesn't find a new jump off in her new fellowship. 



I like Arizona's new storyline -- I sort of look at it as her "mid-career crisis." How many shows have I seen where a man is threatened by the new guy and has to either learn to adapt and change or realizes he's darn good at what he does. I like that the women on this show are ambitious: transferring departments, starting new specialties, evolving as professionals. I think it's the sign they are more developed characters than most of the men -- who've basically picked a specialty and stuck to it (with the possible exception of Alex, way back when).


I find Maggie to be a dull character, but I'm willing to be convinced otherwise. This episode didn't convince me yet, however.

Once Meredith accepts that Maggie really is her sister, I expect she'd figure out that Richard is Maggie's father very quickly after that.  Whether Meredith tells her or goes to Richard first is a toss-up, but Meredith might be the one to point it out to Maggie.

That is exactly what I was thinking!


Meredith knows when Richard ended the relationship with Ellis and the (after Derek) he's probably the first person she's going to go to verify Maggie's story. Not to mention that Maggie of African American descent. Meredith may have her dumb moments but figuring out that Maggie is Richard's daughter won't be one of them.

Ellis regretted having Meredith, saying something, "I should never have had a child!" So, I'm not so sure she regretted giving up Maggie.


I would really love it if she weren't Ellis' daughter. THAT would be a plot twist I could get behind.


I would love if that happened! Maybe it was wishful thinking, and when she saw an opportunity to try and make the fantasy real, she took it. As wacky of a twist that would be, I'd still like it better than another half-sister.


I also agree with everyone who disliked Yang being sold out in order to prop up Pierce. The way to get me to like a new character is not to ruin a beloved one.

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I like Maggie and I'm looking forward to the story that follows once they get past Meredith's discovery that Maggie really is her sister.  I think there is going to be an interesting dynamic, much different than the dynamic that she had with Lexie.  I could see Ellis being sad that she gave up Maggie, especially since Richard is most likely her father.  I don't know much about the background of Ellis's relationship with Meredith's father (my guess is that she didn't care that much for him), but I could see her feeling differently about Maggie because of her relationship with Richard.  A lot of Meredith's identity is that she is Ellis Grey's daughter.  Lexie wasn't her mother's daughter, so the dynamic professionally will be a different because Meredith is no longer the only one who is Ellis Grey's daughter, and Maggie's father is most likely Richard, who, despite his personal flaws, is also considered to be a good surgeon.  I didn't see the comments of her doing something that Christina couldn't do as an insult against Christina, I saw it more as them saying that Maggie is just as much Ellis's daughter as Meredith is.

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Maggie constantly flubbing Jo's name was pretty stupid and used for cheap/non-existent laughs. She's supposed to be this super-genius that skipped all these grades to become a 31 year old Department Head, and she can't remember her resident's name? Dumb.


The show seems to be integrating Amelia just fine. Now granted, she's an established character in the universe as Derek's sister and was on Private Practice, but as someone who didn't watch PP, she's newer to me. What I know of her is what I've seen from the few times she's crossed over, and at least they aren't forcing her down our throats or making Meredith look especially bitchy for the sake of pumping up the character. 

Edited by funnygirl
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Aw I liked this episode.  It felt like the new kid's first day.  She did some cool stuff, she made some gaffes, she overheard stuff, she got the lay of the land in small ways, she got embarrassed, we got a glimpse of her awkwardnessa and feeling of out of place.  It was a concept episode.  Maybe it was a little early in the season to have such a Maggie-centric episode, but frankly at this point we know everyone else so well it was kinda nice getting to hang out with someone new.  I also think she and Amelia had great chemistry.


And yeah, I love her hair.  Always a pleasure to see a WOC rocking a natural.

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I don't either, because this hospital does not seem to have any other cardiologists.  It is a department of 1.


Right? In what world does the Head of Cardiothoracic Surgery get called to treat a kidney stone patient who has an high heart rate? And, Bailey nailed it with her comment that it is preferable to give birth 4 more times than pass a kidney stone!

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Yeah, I am officially over Maggie for the moment. Is she just picking fights with Meredith at this point? I didn't even mind her Mary Sue-ness too much until all that BS scene with Owen and Meredith. Undermining her, doubting her authority, blah blah blah. Didn't she have an unprofessional outburst in the ER last week that basically caused this rift with Meredith? No. Not working for me.


Also, I can't help but feel for the daughter of the woman she let die. The daughter left her mother and came back to find she had passed while she was away. What kind of closure does that give the daughter? I'd feel like shit in that situation. I understand the seemingly selfish refusal of a DNR, but it just doesn't sit well with me. Also, wouldn't the nurse(s) notice the lack of effort with the resuscitation effort? Is that not something they would find odd?


What's most annoying to me is that her scenes with Amelia were actually fun. If she were kept in only those scenes, and perhaps some angsty ones with Richard while staying on the periphery of the Meredith storyline, her integration could have been more natural and not as annoying. And, as has been mentioned, forcing situations to make a character seem better, smarter, etc. than a beloved former character is a surefire way to make me feel annoyed.


Anyway, I really enjoyed the three seconds of Kepner (I actually like the character, which is apparently unusual!).

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Aw I liked this episode.  It felt like the new kid's first day.  She did some cool stuff, she made some gaffes, she overheard stuff, she got the lay of the land in small ways, she got embarrassed, we got a glimpse of her awkwardnessa and feeling of out of place.  It was a concept episode.  Maybe it was a little early in the season to have such a Maggie-centric episode, but frankly at this point we know everyone else so well it was kinda nice getting to hang out with someone new.  I also think she and Amelia had great chemistry.


And yeah, I love her hair.  Always a pleasure to see a WOC rocking a natural.


 Yeah, I liked it, too. I feel like I know her a little better now although I felt like I had to duck all the anvils of She. Is. Just. Like. Meredith! and I haven't seen that mentioned so maybe it was just me.  I liked seeing the outsider's POV and I like that she wasn't impressed with Princess Jo. lol. I also loved her hair, she's cute.

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Like Maggie.  Can't stand She-Sheppard.  


Meredith's response to the reveal was overly dramatic.  I usually like Mere, but it was kind of paranoid/egomaniacal of her to think that an over achieving medical wunderkind like Maggie would have some ulterior motive in telling her this.  What does Mere think she has that an imposter would want?

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"You did what Dr. Yang couldn't."


Dear Shondaland,

Do not, I repeat, DO NOT insult us viewers with even remotely comparing the talents of Mary-Sue Maggie to Cristina Yang. Just don't. If you think any real fan would applaud or even agree with that sentiment, you're off your damn rocker.

I don't think that is what she was happening here.  As Pierce herself pointed out, this diagnosis could not even have been made when Yang was here since it is a new discovery.  Pierce even said Yang and Hunt did all the hard work, she just took it over the finish line by asking for a revisit.  


It is not Maggie's fault Yang left, but it is totally in character for Hunt and Meredith (and viewers) to be hostile to the newcomer, who may not be Yang, but does have some things of her own to offer.

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Undermining her, doubting her authority, blah blah blah.


That's another facet of what I said about the way Mag-Pie was talking to and about Mer.  What authority does she have over someone who is above her in the hierarchy of the hospital?  Being the head of her department doesn't make her rank higher than an owner/board member, even though the owner/board member is "only" (I use "only" very loosely and for lack of a better term) an attending.  Even Owen, as the Chief of Surgery, doesn't outrank the attendings who are owners/board members.

That's another facet of what I said about the way Mag-Pie was talking to and about Mer.  What authority does she have over someone who is above her in the hierarchy of the hospital?  Being the head of her department doesn't make her rank higher than an owner/board member, even though the owner/board member is "only" (I use "only" very loosely and for lack of a better term) an attending.  Even Owen, as the Chief of Surgery, doesn't outrank the attendings who are owners/board members.


And that right there is one of the problems with having surgeons as hospital owners / board members... When it comes to patient care and surgical issues Maggie (and every other surgeon who is not one of the owners) should be able to hold authority based on their position as a surgeon, they should be able to argue their case and fight for what's they believe is best for the patient. 


It's a ridiculous system whereby a fellow can outrank an attending, an attending can outrank a department head and fellows & attendings can both outrank the chief. When it comes to day-to-day work the levels of authority and ranking should be solely on their positions as surgeons not as board members.

  • Love 2

And that right there is one of the problems with having surgeons as hospital owners / board members... When it comes to patient care and surgical issues Maggie (and every other surgeon who is not one of the owners) should be able to hold authority based on their position as a surgeon, they should be able to argue their case and fight for what's they believe is best for the patient. 


It's a ridiculous system whereby a fellow can outrank an attending, an attending can outrank a department head and fellows & attendings can both outrank the chief. When it comes to day-to-day work the levels of authority and ranking should be solely on their positions as surgeons not as board members.


I agree that it's a faulty system, but it's the reality of the situation at GSM.  It's just like middle management who can't complain to or about the slacker entry-level employee because the slacker is the daughter or son of the owner of the business.  It happens in reality, not just on TV. 


It's extremely difficult for me to do this, but I'm going to cut Mag-Pie a tiny bit of slack...  There's a good possibility that she always worked at hospitals where rank WAS determined by the position within the specialty and the board was a separate entity, so she was trained to follow that.  So working at GSM requires her to adjust to being outranked by some of the attendings.  I'm not condoning the way she's acting.  I'm simply saying that I recognize what her mindset might be.

I dislike Ameila so much (is that She-Shepard's name?).  I dislike the character and the actress.  I gave up on PP well before she joined so I don't have any carry over of good or bad will from there.  Just really wish she was gone.


As for Maggie, I don't hate her, I don't love her, I would just prefer they let her character develop rather than trying to fully create one in one episode.  As a way too young for her position doctor, her parents sending her a singing telegram made no sense.  Whether they understand her or not, they should comprehend that she is a professional working in a hospital and, as such, she need to garner some respect from her colleagues, not be subject to ridicule from the get go.  The thought of taking a job at her sister's hospital is creepy.  There are so many more sane ways to meet a relative you've never met or who doesn't know about you.  Maybe we can add to the ways that she's just like Meredith that she thinks about herself first and foremost without stopping to consider the effects of her actions.  As always, it's a hospital full of toddlers.  

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As Pierce herself pointed out, this diagnosis could not even have been made when Yang was here since it is a new discovery.  Pierce even said Yang and Hunt did all the hard work, she just took it over the finish line by asking for a revisit. 


It is not Maggie's fault Yang left, but it is totally in character for Hunt and Meredith (and viewers) to be hostile to the newcomer, who may not be Yang, but does have some things of her own to offer.

That's how I see it as well. I don't think that they were trying to make Maggie out to be better then Yang. She just brought closure to a case that had new information. I also see Meredith and Owen's hostility toward her to be more about her not being Yang then it is about Maggie as a person.


I didn't mind the episode (though I want more Kepner before Sarah Drew has to go on maternity). I don't think Maggie is being portrayed as Mary Sue. The focus was heavy handed but if anything what we learned about her made it easier for me to understand why she's progressed in her career at such a young age. I can see why she works in medicine and what it is about her that makes her good at it. Jo (who I actually do like mostly) on the other hand, I have no idea why she went into medicine sometimes.


Also, I took a few years out of Grey's around the time of Lexi's arrival so maybe that's why I don't hate the storyline as much as some. It's not rehash to me as I didn't see it the first time.


Does Zola have spina bifida? I was on my break when they adopted her..

  • Love 1

Kind of.  She was diagnosed with spina bifida when she came over from Africa.  She had surgery at GSM.  According to the spina bifida website, the condition is permanent and the surgery is simply to close the spine to prevent infection.  The child will need a wheelchair, crutches, etc for life.  Zola is just fine, thanks to the miracle surgery she got at GSM.

  • Love 1

Kind of.  She was diagnosed with spina bifida when she came over from Africa.  She had surgery at GSM.  According to the spina bifida website, the condition is permanent and the surgery is simply to close the spine to prevent infection.  The child will need a wheelchair, crutches, etc for life.  Zola is just fine, thanks to the miracle surgery she got at GSM.


There are a few different types of Spina Bifida and it doesn't always have any symptoms. 




I have a friend who has Spina Bifida Occulta and she doesn't need a wheelchair or crutches, she has no problem with walking her only issues resulting from it are to do with her bowels. 

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