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  1. I think Fitz breaking down in her apartment is the private place he could do it. I hope it was because of everything- losing his son and therefore winning the election and then having no one to turn to. Let's face it, he always turns to Olivia but now she is gone too. (Sounds like Mellie would not have been any help at this point either).
  2. Come on Mellie... at least acquaint yourself with what is happening before forcing POTUS hand on policy. Why does Mellie always go off half-cocked?
  3. Is the fact he killed James known by anyone other than David though?
  4. This Delena fan is starting to ship Bamon. Seriously. They need to be paired off for a while. Also I love that the new girl is a Salvatore. The family lives on.
  5. All of this! Derek Hough's character is acting way too cool. And the writing for Will makes him seem like he has a progressive sex disorder. Did having regular sex with the hot trainer cause him to lose all impulse control, to the point that he is now cruising parks because he Must. Have. Sex! Scarlett has lost a lot of weight. Her cheekbones are super pronounced this year, and not in the cute full faced way they were before.
  6. Was she ever! As if the entire series didn't open with Rayna having been on the road for a good long while while Teddy stayed home and raised the girls. Then again, Rayna is always a hypocrite when it comes to the men in her life- and I commend the writers for the consistency of her portrayal!
  7. He did get shot in the head- something the show never mentions, not even in his passionate State of the Union address. As for Jake- he is trying to passive aggressively make Olivia say they are dating? I don't get his schtick.
  8. So the hospital releases a girl, probably with narcotics in her system, after a suicide attempt?? I think Jack should sue them all.
  9. I don't think that is what she was happening here. As Pierce herself pointed out, this diagnosis could not even have been made when Yang was here since it is a new discovery. Pierce even said Yang and Hunt did all the hard work, she just took it over the finish line by asking for a revisit. It is not Maggie's fault Yang left, but it is totally in character for Hunt and Meredith (and viewers) to be hostile to the newcomer, who may not be Yang, but does have some things of her own to offer.
  10. Like Maggie. Can't stand She-Sheppard. Meredith's response to the reveal was overly dramatic. I usually like Mere, but it was kind of paranoid/egomaniacal of her to think that an over achieving medical wunderkind like Maggie would have some ulterior motive in telling her this. What does Mere think she has that an imposter would want?
  11. Or ... lovers. Dun Dun Dunnnn.... they seemed very domestic in that scene. (This is assuming they aren't pulling a Buffy here with the whole dying and going to heaven only to be wrenched back by friends business). So much this! Would at least refresh and renew interest in love triangles on this show. And Tyler and Blonde Witch-no chemistry. Don't even go there show.
  12. Abby always came off as resentful and entitled and competitive with Olivia. I guess she parlayed her talking head persona from the campaign (which was another WTF) + her OPA credentials to slide into the spot. As someone in her new profession (not in the US), she completely messed up that press conference (not that Olivia's answer was the way to go either). Sadly no.
  13. Olivia does bug with her "woe is me" attitude about the whole thing. She was the actor, not the victim. Sad that we live in a time when one can say the President's speech sounded too much or not enough like one party or another. Pre- GWB's second term, reasonableness was the norm. Republicans abolished Slavery we must remember! Every party has been progressive.
  14. Long, longtime TWOP lurker and total forum newbie so please be kind (I already typoed my name LOL). Disappointed that Olivia is still so stunted she can't admit Jake is her boyfriend. Mellie is having a nervous breakdown, but I am also intrigued at the idea that she and Fitz grow closer this season. He did love her at some point after all, and it would provide some real and desperately needed tension to the Olitz (?) pairing. One thing that really stands out for me is the fact that Fitz was almost assassinated and no one mentions it! Ever. Not in the re-election campaign and not when his son died.... and not when he is stumping for gun control. He was shot in the head for goodness sake and I naively thought the effects were so lasting that his subsequent toxic personality change was a legitimate part of the drama. Admittedly I've been hoovering seasons all in one go, so maybe the show is best enjoyed that way? So far, so snooze...
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