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S19.E05: Week 3: Movie Night

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That Erol Flynn style Robin Hood hat with that dance was the opposite of romantic.  It seemed like a clunker idea to me.

It looked terrible! I thought it looked like a dunce cap most of the time, and it seemed to get in the way. While watching the dance, I was distracted by the fact that it had slipped down a little over his forehead and it looked like he had to tip his head back to see. It was a ridiculous piece of costume.

Tony has always been one of my favorites of the pros, and it's sweet to see Betsey blossoming under his care.  He's encouraged a more refined, feminine side in her, and you can tell she's loving it.


What I've always loved, and really respected, about Tony is that he never, ever tries to dance to outshine his partner.  He's had some real klunkers for partners, and he always dances down to their level and tries to make sure that they shine.  He's a real class act.


I thought Sadie looked like her legs were weirdly bowed when she was dancing - almost like she was compensating for being taller than Mark.  Is she?


I don't know for sure, but it sure looks like it to me.  When I just googled Mark's height, it came up as 5'6 (which seems about right to me), and I bet she's at least that tall.  I bet in the coming weeks he tells her not to worry about it and just stand up straight, since I bet she's leaning over or bending her legs because she thinks she's not supposed to be taller than he is.


For what it's worth, I do think Mark has grown up a lot over the past couple of seasons.  He was a very good and patient partner with Candice, and he seems to be the same way with Sadie.  

  • Love 3

My wife spotted George Chakiris in the audience. He was Bernardo in the 1961 WSS movie. Dude is 80, hard to believe. Picture here: http://www2.pictures.zimbio.com/gi/George Chakiris Academy Television Arts Sciences dVEB6_aUcfGl.jpg

The music for the tango was not German-sounding (as Kim put it in her recap) to my ear. It's a cover of "Back to Black", originally by the late great Amy Winehouse. Allison takes a lot of shit here but I love her and I liked that tango. She can't help what the producers highlight - she's stuck with the most vanilla of partners and she herself is new so the producers will go with whatever drama they can dredge up. I note that Carrie-Ann could not have sounded more like a condescending bitch in her remarks to Allison if she tried.

  • Love 1

I hope Alphonso is pulling a lot of votes otherwise the show is doing him no favors.  If Bethany and Janel deserved 10s, he and Sadie did as well.  In fact, Sadie and Alphonso had more dance content than Janel or Bethany.


I thought all the celebs did well.  Maybe not Michael but he did his best. I think this is an entertaining group.  And I really enjoyed Kevin Hart.  Sure he gave some questionable scores but so did the others.  He just didn't pretend that his was based on technique or the lack thereof.  The others have a strict script to go by and they tailor their comments and scores to go with that.


Someone said Allison better watch out because she may not be invited back next season.  I would be surprised if she is.  They didn't give Tyne another chance.  I don't think Witney would have been asked back if they hadn't gotten Alphonso.  Is there a female pro shorter than Witney?  If Cheryl is leaving, I wonder who they will move up or is Anna coming back?

  • Love 1

I would love for Anna to come back and replace Cheryl but I don't see that happening. Personally, I am going to miss Cheryl. I loved her style of teaching, her way of dancing and the way she was with her partners. She is unique in her look as well. I'm over the young, blonde Julianne Hough 2.0 dancers. It would be nice if they took a dancer from the world of ballroom and not the SYTYCD world.

Edited by Dancingjaneway
  • Love 4

I may be the only one,but every time Julianne started to speak she was just so over the top and dramatic that I just changed channels.  Even when I wanted to hear the other judges I still changed channels (to The Voice and The Middle reruns on Hallmark).  I just couldn't...  She just bothers me as a judge-and I will admit that I really liked her when she used to be a pro on the show.  I think that hiring her as a judge really was jumping the shark.  Too self-important and being Derek's sister just ruins any semblance of neutrality in judging.  There are so many former pros who don't have family members still dancing that they could have chosen as a fourth judge.  This may actually be the issue that drives me away from the show.

  • Love 4

Morgan of Hed - don't be teasing me with links to pictures of George Chakiris that don't work.  Man, that guy was one of the dreamiest movie stars I've ever seen.


Derek's dancing also leaves me cold because he never has much tingle with his stars.  I guess I kinda liked him with Kellie Pickler - they had a little something.


I'm still preferring Erin to any of her predecessors.  It's not her fault that the show is a hot mess.


People keep talking about the switch-up but I can't find info on it.  Is the voting happening now or is it in the future?


Velvet suit?  

  • Love 2
I'm afraid to ask, but do you think Derek drove Mrs. Kelly home? Ugh. His tribute had the Kelly moves, but not Gene's magic (if you haven't watched the full routine in the film, get busy). Mr. Hough, I was a fan of Gene Kelly. I know Gene Kelly's work. And you are no Gene Kelly. He got a 10 for dancing with two props (umbrella and Bethany).



While I would not rush to declare Derek the second coming of Gene Kelly by any means, to be fair about the dance last night, he was clearly dancing below his level as most of the Pros do and he had to make the choreography something Bethany could handle. And he addressed that very thing in his blog this week where he stated that he always imagined and hoped to do a big Gene Kelly number on the show but as like a MSOD or Pro number. However, that was not the reality and he had to take into account with the dance that Bethany is not a dancer and two, she has a bum ankle. I seriously doubt if Derek had put together a Gene Kelly tribute for the MSOD that's all we would have gotten. 


I found it interesting that last week, Derek told Sadie not to be upset about being in danger, because "that's what they want".   Since I personally believe Sadie was falsely in the bottom three, "they" is the show.  It made me wonder if Derek was criticizing the show, and the show was too dumb to notice.



I don't know if I would say he was criticizing the show per se but more of a "this is what they do, you're not really in the B3 but it makes for a good shock factor moment". And let's face it, most of us on these boards have figured this out by now so they're not very stealth about it.


I don't know how the show justifies the preferential treatment that Derek receives.   They actually arranged Gene Kelly's widow to show up.   I couldn't believe it.



I don't know if that was preferential treatment so much as highlighting how big a deal it was they got the rights and honestly, it is a known fact that it is almost impossible at times to get the rights to use Gene's work from the estate.


There are moments when it is undeniable that TPTB have it in for a contestant.  This year it is Jonathon.  My goodness, the jidges all decided to get hyper technical on him and him alone.  That atrocious music for Tango?  All-time toilet material.  Who did he piss off?  Seriously?  Was his agent a dick to BBC Worldwide?



I didn't think the judges were that tough on Jonathan. They all acknowledged how difficult a song that was to choreograph and dance a Tango to and praised Allison for what she came up with and praised Jonathan. The only critique I remember was about his shoulders and honestly, I did notice that and thought the same thing. It was true that as the performance went on he kept losing the frame which is not that shocking being that that is one of the hardest parts of the Standard dances. Keeping that very awkward and uncomfortable frame throughout.


Alfonso was underscored.



I think Alfonso's scores were fair...only if they hadn't overscored Janel and Bethany so wildly. But before that happened, I wasn't that bothered by  Alfonso's scores because honestly, I did think he lost the frame at points in the dance and honestly, I found his footwork a little sloppy.

  • Love 2
I thought Sadie looked like her legs were weirdly bowed when she was dancing - almost like she was compensating for being taller than Mark.  Is she?



That's how I felt watching her tonight too. It was a sweet dance and had some terrific parts, but at times it seemed like she was all gangly limbs and a bit like she was bowed or squatting a bit. It threw me off, watching them.


She's always like that. She can't seem to bend her knees without going either bowlegged if her legs are far apart or knock-kneed if her legs are close together. I think that's why her jazz dance last week looked so vulgar; it wasn't only the grinding, it was the grinding combined with her legs splayed open. It's probably something she can be trained not to do, but Mark is so loathe to criticize her or even acknowledge that the judges' criticisms might be valid, that I doubt he will. Honestly, if anyone is being propped this season, I'd say it's Sadie, not Janel or Bethany. I get that she's only 17, but even the mildest critique leaves her in tears and then the pros rush to placate her by telling her that the judges don't know anything and are intentionally being mean to her.


I'm guessing that Michael's votes are coming specifically from his fans or social media friends of his fans who are voting but not necessarily watching the show. I doubt he's getting many votes from regular viewers of the show because the audience was so quiet after he was declared safe last night. Usually, no matter who the couple is, the audience starts whooping as soon as they hear "safe," but with Michael and Emma, it was just polite golf clapping. Tavis and Randy were better than him (maybe Lolo was too but there were other good reasons for her to leave), but neither one had a serious shot at winning, so it's not a complete travesty that Michael outlasted them. However, I could see him getting past genuine contenders like Leah or Jonathan based on fan base alone, and that would be annoying.

  • Love 3


If they want to ever do a true homage to GK?   They'll decide Xanadu was the essence of his art.  Do NOT take that as a shot at the marvelous GK - he was remarkably good in the signature Whenever I'm Away From You with Olivia Newton John (who was ridiculously good considering her background).  You Tube it and smile.  Guaranteed.


I love that song. Love, love, love it. I don't care how cheesy that movie is; that song is so beautiful and fun.



However, I could see him getting past genuine contenders like Leah or Jonathan based on fan base alone, and that would be annoying.


If that happens, I'm going to be very mad. There's no way he should stick around while Lea or Jonathan or any of the others get kicked out. I know sometimes it's a popularity contest over who actually has the better dance skills, but when it's so obvious that someone has no rhythm or grace whatsoever, they should not stay above those who can dance. My votes for the next to leave are Michael, Michael, Michael, and then Antonio. 

Edited by sinkwriter
  • Love 1
I liked the concept of his dance more than the execution - love Singing in the Rain - and thought that it was kind of cold. There wasn't anything there - no charm, charisma, or fun. It might be because Bethany's not a performer, but it was missing something.



Here's my feeling so far on Bethany and Derek. I think there are two issues - one, she's not a performer and so far she's not really delivering on personality. And it's a bit odd considering how she made her success because clearly she had to have connected with the people who watch her videos for her to get as many followers and fans as she has. So there must be an interesting personality there. But so far, and maybe it's the being in front of a live audience, etc., it's not really coming through. And that adds to criticisms about her "bitch face" when really she seems to have that look the majority of the time. Look at her reaction to getting a perfect score. Janel was all in tears and Bethany did a little "omg..." but like two seconds later her face went right back to just nothing. It's a little weird.


Second issue, I think Derek's tired. I will not say he's phoning it in because I don't think he would do that to Bethany but I don't feel like he's as engaged as he has been in other seasons. And it's not surprising. Derek said he was taking a break after All-Stars and came back and won back to back seasons meaning he lasted the full 11 weeks both times. And he lasted the full 11 weeks last season too because he and Amy came in second. And with all those seasons he always has a bunch of other things going on - I mean Bethany is the celebrity and she's had to accommodate his schedule with them rehearsing in Nashville while he's filming for the show. Despite all that I think he could still deliver something good but I don't think he's particularly inspired by Bethany.


And I feel bad to say that because it feels like a criticism against her and it's not but I just think again, maybe because she's just not a performer and so there just isn't this spark, that there's nothing to excite him as a choreographer. Like I disagree with the comments that Derek's stuff is always cold and no emotion because I think he and Amy had an amazing connection last season and I thought there was a lot of emotion and joy in many of their dances. Which is why I believe him when he said he wanted to work with her because the challenge excited him as a choreographer. And it made sense. It was something he'd never done, wasn't sure how it was going to work and presented an exciting challenge. There's none of that with Bethany. I guess his challenge could be finding a way to tap into the performer in her but some people really are just who they are and no amount of practice or pep talks can change that. It's like people say, somethings you can't teach. It just comes naturally.


Has the show ever been about the best dancer winning, because it seems like it's more about the one TPTB want to win.



No, it hasn't and I don't think it even is about TPTB and who they want to win. Because we have seen many favorite pairings, people with very high scores go home earlier than expected. So if the theory is that the TPTB encourage overscoring of some people and low balling others to ensure the outcome they want, doesn't really work when we've seen many people leave with high praise and high scores and others stick around. The show is not about the best and never has been and never will be because as you said, "it's a popularity contest". Any show where to win means getting the most people voting for you, is not about the best because people's tastes are subjective and different couples appeal to different people for different reasons. 


The music for the tango was not German-sounding (as Kim put it in her recap) to my ear.



Definitely not German as that was Andre 3000 from Outkast and Beyonce doing that cover.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 3

Since I have no hope that really good dancing will get the recognition it deserves, I'm rooting for Betsy and Tommy to go the distance.  They are enjoyable to watch, they actually can do some dancing, and they are the focus of their partnership, instead of their pros being pimped.  I am enjoying them the most this season. 


My next favorite is Sadie. I loved everything about the waltz that she and Mark did.  The choreography and the costuming suited the music.  I disagree with Julianne's comment about Sadie's arms.  I felt her arms were perfect for this dance.  Kudos to Mark for doing something understated and for letting his partner shine. 

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I really think Val's dancing and choreography is on par with Derek's but Val totally outshines Derek in bringing the sexy ( Derek has never been sexy to me unlike Gene Kelly wow!). And Val always is connecting with his partner thru out the dance whereas no matter who Derek's partner is, I always just see 2 people who happen to be dancing at the same time. I totally agree with everyone who finds Derek's dances cold, Val's are on fire! Cheryl does this well also IMO .

  • Love 8

I may be the only one,but every time Julianne started to speak she was just so over the top and dramatic that I just changed channels.  Even when I wanted to hear the other judges I still changed channels (to The Voice and The Middle reruns on Hallmark).  I just couldn't...  She just bothers me as a judge-and I will admit that I really liked her when she used to be a pro on the show.  I think that hiring her as a judge really was jumping the shark.  Too self-important and being Derek's sister just ruins any semblance of neutrality in judging.  There are so many former pros who don't have family members still dancing that they could have chosen as a fourth judge.  This may actually be the issue that drives me away from the show.


 Which is why I record and start watching about an hour in ...... I can see some of the pre-dance packages, the pro numbers, and then the couples dance.  And while I to miss Tom's witticisms, I don't miss the judges prattle and Erin's inane interviewing.

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While I thought the 40s were out of line I did think Janel and Bethany had the two best dances of the night.  While I thought Janel's dance was light on actual dance steps it looked like a Broadway number and she performed the heck out of it.  Bethany's dance had more dance content (and I do include the umbrella and bench work as dance content as it is incredibly difficult to (1) manage a prop and (2) perform any movement perfectly in sync with a partner) but fell a little flat in the performance department.  Both dances were charming, fun, and made me smile.


Sadie was (for me) a close third.


And I always enjoy Betsy and Tommy because the appear to really enjoy the experience and are having fun with it.  Also having fun, Lea .... and that goes a long way in my book.


Alfonso is a delight and I find him incredibly endearing.


I wish Jonathan had a different partner as I feel Allison is too "green" in the ballroom department to take advantage of his natural ability and charisma.


The sooner Michael leaves my screen the better and I am still not a fan of Antonio. 

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When they first showed Julianne on this episode, all I could think of was Gladys Ormphby, Ruth Buzzi's character from Laugh-In.


I thought the four 10s for Janel and Bethany were outrageous.  I have to wonder if they are being set up to peak too early and, therefore, fall short of the finals.



The scores have been getting more and more out of whack as the seasons go on  ...... part of me wishes they would just do away with the scoring altogether. 

At this point I wouldn't mind seeing both Betsey and Tommy in the finals along with Alfonso and Sadie.


I'll buy what you're selling.  Based on what we've seen so far, if I had to pick three of those four for the Top 3, I'd go with Alfonso, Sadie and Tommy.  Tommy Chong has been a breath of fresh air on a show that's gone way stale.  Peta smells like Maks?  OMG, I love you Tommy Chong.

As for Singing in the Rain, I couldn't believe Mrs. Kelly said something to the effect of "Derek is a young Gene Kelly." Dancing with the Houghs indeed.

That was ridiculous.  I'm a huge fan of both Gene Kelly and Fred Astaire.  Derek's dancing style is much closer to that of Fred, with both being slight of build, extremely light on their feet, and kind of airy/breezy.   I've always thought Mark B was closer in style to Gene Kelly - more of a mesomorph, with a more athletic, down into the floor style.  Derek's idol may be Gene Kelly, I don't know, but Derek is nothing like Mr. Kelly.

I thought I was going to hate Kevin Hart as a judge but he was a breath of fresh air.

I want to see Michael Waltrip dance with Derek. Tweeps make this happen please.

I really enjoyed Kevin Hart as a judge.  The jidges' scoring has become so meaningless, that I'd rather just see someone like Kevin get all excited and yell, "TEN!"  He was cute.  also Derek with Michael Waltrip - yes!  Make that happen, puhleeze.  (Addendum:  if Waltripping doesn't go home next week, Ima start getting pizzed about it.) 

I thought Val's choreography was great, especially given the time and legal limitations.

Agree with this!  Unlike Derek, whose Gene Kelly gushing came across as a bit inauthentic to me, I had the impression that Val genuinely loves WSS and was thrilled to get to choreograph a routine for it.  I, too, thought his choreo was the best of the night, and I truly enjoyed seeing him dance on this one.  Oh, was Janel there too?  :-)

  • Love 3

The difference between Val and Derek is that Derek choosing to do Singin' in the Rain was all about Derek.  It wasn't something he particularly chose because he thought it would be a particularly good fit for Bethany.   Though in Derek's defense he is also working around Bethany's ankle injury and I don't particularly know what would be a good fit for Bethany.  With Val, I don't know that he was excited to choreograph WSS because he truly loves it so much as he was excited to choreograph WSS because Janel loves it and it was the perfect vehicle for Janel.  Janel is musical theatre.  That's what she does for a living and what she thrives on so Val was able to take the opportunity of movie week to allow her to shine by creating a production number around her.   Also based on the judges shock and awe comments I'm going to assume that they don't know anything of Janel past PLL.


Would I have liked more actual dancing in Janel's number?  Yes.  I think now that the Janel is on the judges radar Val is going to have to kick it up a notch with her in the difficulty department because I don't think the judges are going to accept cutesy routines with questionable technique from her anymore.  Do I think it deserved a perfect score? No, not at all.  But I thought it was a very clever routine by Val designed specifically around his partner's strengths.


My other issue which isn't a Val thing is I'm really over the troupe and extra dancers being in everything.  I see lots of complaints about the dances feeling short, and they are shorter earlier in the season.  But I also think dances feel short because the troupe winds up being on stage for half the dance so by the time they leave and it's just the couple remaining, it's practically over.  I also think the troupe and extra dancers are becoming far too big of a prop for some of the pros as well.  It's just yet another thing that distracts from the celebs actual dancing.  It's really only become an issue since about S17, the point where we went down to one show a night. Prior to that the couples actually had to, you know, dance.

  • Love 2
But I also think dances feel short because the troupe winds up being on stage for half the dance so by the time they leave and it's just the couple remaining, it's practically over.  I also think the troupe and extra dancers are becoming far too big of a prop for some of the pros as well.  It's just yet another thing that distracts from the celebs actual dancing.


Somebody got called on having too much vampy stuff at the beginning and end of their dance last night...now I can't remember who it was.

  • Love 1

Well, here goes...

First, I hate this business of telling a couple they're in jeopardy right before they dance. That's just unnecessary and cruel.


Randy: I thought it unfair that he had to go first again this week, but since TPTB already knew he was being eliminated, might as well let him fill that dreaded 1st spot in the dance order. Essentially, last week was a double elimination, they just waited a week to tell Randy. Unfortunately there was no sharpness or snap to his moves and I thought he'd tear Karina's arm off at the end. He seems like such a nice guy + was really trying. Sorry to see him go so soon.


Alfonso: what a ridiculous song for a quickstep. It seemed like a long time out of hold at the end. At times his shoulders were up to his ears. Score was fair.


Betsey: Very passable. Awkward beginning to the lying on the floor lift. Feet were distracting for some reason. Very light on content. But she just impresses the heck out of me.  Loved how Jonathan put his hands together in eager anticipation for Betsey's scores. Clearly Julianne's 6 was to counterbalance Kevin's ridiculous 9. But the total of 28 was fair.


Lea: I don't like other couples dancing on the floor during the competition dance. I don't know what it is about her posture-it started out fine but as she ramps up the energy, the shoulders cave in giving her a hunched look and gets frantic-looking.  Her legs are gorgeous though. Score maybe a point or two too high.


Michael: Glad to see him put aside the clownish act and actually take the training seriously. He clearly was trying.  He's just an awkward mover. But this was his best so far. It did seem Emma was nearing her wits end with him in rehearsals. He'll get a bump in the votes for this. I don't think he's done yet. For him and his ability, the scores were fair.


Antonio: He's moving strictly to the count. I wonder if he's even hearing the beat in the music.  He seemed smoother in rehearsal, so maybe it is live show performance anxiety? Score was a point too high.


Sadie: Super cute choreography and I thought Sadie's arms and legs were beautiful though I would have liked her a little more up on her toes. Having never seen "UP" I didn't "get" the short dress or goober glasses until Sadie tweeted a frame from the film. I love how Mark really tailors his choreo to his star (take a lesson Derek!) The only thing I'd caution is with Sadie at 5'6 and Mark at 5'8+ (or as Mark puts it "pushin' 5'9"), she shouldn't wear her hair in an updo when she's in heels. Her shoulders are still below his but the hair makes her look taller. Or maybe Mark shouldn't have cut his and kept the Elvis bouffant. Underscored.  I thought Alfonso's 32 was fair + Sadie's was far better choreographed and performed. She should have gotten some 9s.


Jonathan: Objected to the whole package being about Allison and then Erin directs her questions to Allison and cuts off Jonathan. I love the tango but I did not love this choreography. It just seemed very down, heavy and lacking fire. At least I could see Jonathan this time, a few mistakes and a little heavy-footed but he did a good job. His butt tends to stick out as he bends to accommodate Allison's height. This is wrong. Allison should be stretching up to meet Jonathan's height.  Sorry to say I think Jonathan's biggest challenge is Allison. She's a magnificent dancer but I wish Jonathan had gotten a different partner. My understanding is the couples picked not only the movie but also the song from the chosen movie. Bad choice.  They looked seriously worried during elimination. I noticed the googly-eyes returned. He's got to watch that mannerism.  Overscored. 28 would have been right.


Janel: You'd think TPTB would know to clear the movie production/choreography along with the song for movie night, especially since WSS is kind of known for being fussy with their  licensing. There was no excuse for that. For losing 2 days of rehearsal, she did amazing and props to Val for the choreography. (CAI "I gotta go home" - yes, please do).  She's an experienced theatrical dancer and this was right in her wheelhouse. Given the high energy, fun and performance factors, I understand the 10s but maybe just 1 10 would have been sufficient. Waaaay too soon for 4 10s.


Tommy: I don't tend to get soppy over dances, but this literally brought a tear to my eye and then again when I re-watched it. It wasn't perfect, but he was so at ease, so... ahhhh, bumbling here...just impressive. I loved seeing the pros go crazy in the skybox over it. That 10 from Kevin was ridiculous. 8s would have been right, maybe one 9.


Derek: Supposed to be Bethany but she really had nothing to do with this.  I kinda vented last night in the Grassy Knoll, so I won't repeat all that.  Derek had put massive pressure on Bethany to get it right and I think she was stressed for the whole show, so whatever faces she was caught making are forgiven. Derek picked the movie for himself, he picked the song for himself, and she knew this was about his fantasy. I think even the concept of attracting Bethany's fans got forgotten.  Definitely a muted reaction in the skybox (and no, I don't think any of them were jealous).  Also, Bethany was photographed in high wedge heels (without bandaging) going to and from rehearsals but the black bandage was (purposely?) noticeable - maybe for protection dancing on a wet plastic-covered floor? I don't know how Bethany "became a women" (per Julianne) from this dance. I saw several instances that were out of sync but Bethany held up pretty well. Derek, ya ain't no Gene Kelly.  Massively overscored. 7s/8s would have been plenty.


If we must have guest "judges", let them blabber on but please don't give them scoring paddles. Kevin added nothing.


As always, all above is JMO, YMMV.

  • Love 3
I saw several instances that were out of sync but Bethany held up pretty well.



YMMV but that's actually what impressed me about the dance.  While I felt like there should have been something more and it seemed very short and I do think it was overscored, what I thought was impressive about it was the synchronicity. I rewatched the dance and I honestly don't remember seeing anywhere that they were out of sync. From the foot movements in the beginning, frame by frame, it was perfectly timed and matched. Their arm and leg heights were the same, the timing was the same, etc. Again I do think the dance was overscored and I still feel like it was missing something and seemed too short but I give Bethany credit for how in sync and perfectly timed she was throughout the entire thing. 

  • Love 2

Sadie was seriously underscored, especially considering that Janel and Bethany got perfect 40s. Content-wise, I actually thought Sadie and Mark's dance was better than either of those.


I feel bad for Jonathan, because Allison is going to get him eliminated. She's the most unlikable female pro I've seen on this show, and she doesn't seem to know what she's doing or to understand that the focus is supposed to be on Jonathan - not her. Her choreography is not impressive and I think Jonathan is capable of a lot more than what Allison brings out in him. With a different partner, Jonathan could have made the finals, but I think he'll be going home within the next two weeks.


I cannot figure out how Michael and Emma are safe. I don't know who he is, but he can't dance.


Lea and Alphonso are both very enjoyable, and I hope they don't get lost in the shuffle. Alphonso was underscored this week.


What is Bethany's problem?? I'm tired of the Bitch Face after every competitor performs. And I don't think that's just her natural facial expression, because she's usually the only one not clapping, too. Personality-wise, she's just as bad as Lolo. I love Derek, but I won't vote for them because of Bethany's piss-poor attitude.


Betsey is trying, and seems to be really enjoying herself, and Tony is great, but I think she'll go soon.


I thought Janel was overscored. I'll be in the minority and say I thought that routine was kind of a hot mess. Way too much showboating, distractions, troupe dancers, etc. I also saw some little mistakes and sloppy arms/footwork, which is expected this early in the show, but certainly not in a dance that gets a perfect score. It would be fine for a high school production of West Side Story, but considering that it was supposed to be Janel and Val doing a jazz routine, I don't think it had the content to get the scores that it did.

  • Love 1

I'm not liking Erin as co-host either.  I thought Brooke was a bit aloof and above it all.  Erin is just so ingratiating and slouched down and eager.  It makes me uncomfortable.  She talks too fast, answers her own questions, and laughs at her own jokes.  It's like she doesn't really know how to feed off the person she's interviewing.  If she interviewed professional athletes this way, she would have never gotten the job.

  • Love 2

Somebody got called on having too much vampy stuff at the beginning and end of their dance last night...now I can't remember who it was.

It was Witney and Alfonso's Quickstep. I decided to time three dances from last night.....


Janel and Val - 1:08


Bethany and Derek - 1:10


Alfonso and Witney - 1:20


I assume the extra time spent on Witney and Alfonso's dance to "introduce" Mini Me is the reason Alfonso and Witney's choreography ran longer than the others. It seems to me that Alfonso and Witney had more dance content even though they had more "mucking about" as Len would say.

If I were to have my top four, it would be Tommy, Betsy, Alfonso and Lea.  Tommy and Betsy are proving that age is just a number.  And having seen quite a bit of Argentine Tango in Argentina, what Tommy did was much closer to the real deal than what we've ever seen.  It isn't all about those wacky lifts and flips.  It's smokey and simmering and slinky and stealthy.  He was awesome.  The only true words Julianne has managed to utter is that Betsy is flexible.  Umm, yeah.  And she is looking younger and younger.  Hell, she looks younger than Julianne. 


I've often thought that wardrobe can be courted and wardrobe can be pissed off.  Take CAI.  She, for the most part. looks pretty good.  So does Erin.  So did Brooke and Samantha.  So far from Julianne, we've seen the boobs attempting escape, a costume with her hiney hanging out and now the Granny does Little House on the Prairie ensemble.  No one person could piss a wardrobe department off that much without starting to fear for their life.


Considering that Bethany spends pretty much every waking moment in front of her webcam, one would think she's be a bit more used to "performing".  Yet, Sadie, who got on this show by what way I don't know, is proving to have more star-like qualities.  While I think Janel danced more in the first three seconds than Bethany has for the entire tenure of the show, I still find them both to be utterly forgettable.  The brunette bookends.


Hate that Randy went before Michael.  He bugs. 

  • Love 5

Here's my feeling so far on Bethany and Derek. I think there are two issues - one, she's not a performer and so far she's not really delivering on personality. And it's a bit odd considering how she made her success because clearly she had to have connected with the people who watch her videos for her to get as many followers and fans as she has. So there must be an interesting personality there. But so far, and maybe it's the being in front of a live audience, etc., it's not really coming through. And that adds to criticisms about her "bitch face" when really she seems to have that look the majority of the time. Look at her reaction to getting a perfect score. Janel was all in tears and Bethany did a little "omg..." but like two seconds later her face went right back to just nothing. It's a little weird.


Here is my thoughts on Bethany's trouble connecting - yes she's used to be in front of her camera, but the keyword there is HER camera. She edits, produces, films, presents the product she puts out into the world - so it's very heavily filtered through what she wants to put out there, and very much not spontaneous. Performing live is a whole different beast, so is being out of control of what gets shown in the clips packages, etc. She's very much not used to it. (She says as much in this little vlog with Sadie) 



(Also in this video, lolz at Sadie saying she's also used to having 10 takes to get something right. I mean, I know that's how "reality" shows work but are they supposed to be that upfront about it.) 


Back to Bethany, she seems like she's got some guards up, and she's very hard to read. I'm a pretty guarded person myself, so my instinct is to have sympathy for that, but I also could just be projecting because I agree she hasn't given us much. I also don't think her and Derek are connecting as partners in the way they need to - they come across as cordial and a bit distant. I'm interested in seeing more from her, because I'm curious if she'll open up, but if she doesn't, I'm not convinced they'll last much longer than 'round midway/top 5.

  • Love 2

One thing made me laugh in the clip where Allison and Mark were discussing Allison's choreography criticism. Mark talked about how he dealt with criticism, specifically mentioning the Harry Potter dance with Chelsea Kane. They showed a clip of it, and it was all Mark! You never saw Chelsea! Yes Mark, you get criticism for pulling focus from the celeb. He's gotten much better since, and I hope Allison (whom I adored on SYTYCD) learns that lesson quickly.


I couldn't get past the fact that Witney called Alfonso "fat ass" I thought that was extremely rude and unnecessary.


  It didn't seem to bother Alfonso that much, otherwise he wouldn't have agreed. Speaking of Alfonso, he really got screwed this week, in terms of song and scores. If they had to use a song from an Austin Powers movie, it should have been either "Beautiful Stranger" from The Spy Who Shagged Me (great for a Tango) or a slightly more speeded-up version of Beyoncé's "Work It Out" for the Quickstep. Kudos to Alfonso and Witney for trying to make lemonade out of lemons.


  Breaking out the 10s in the third week? Really? If any dance deserved it, it was Tommy and Peta's Argentine Tango. With that dance, Tommy proved that sometimes a 76-year-old man can be much sexier than a race-car driver and an ex-underwear model.


  As for Val/Janel & Bethany/Derek's perfect scores, one word: "Bullshit." They were good, with Val and Janel's being slightly better, but perfection? Please. BTW, judges, Derek Hough is not the Second Coming Of Gene Kelly, no matter what you or his widow say.

Edited by DollEyes
  • Love 2

My other issue which isn't a Val thing is I'm really over the troupe and extra dancers being in everything.  I see lots of complaints about the dances feeling short, and they are shorter earlier in the season.  But I also think dances feel short because the troupe winds up being on stage for half the dance so by the time they leave and it's just the couple remaining, it's practically over.  I also think the troupe and extra dancers are becoming far too big of a prop for some of the pros as well.  It's just yet another thing that distracts from the celebs actual dancing.  It's really only become an issue since about S17, the point where we went down to one show a night. Prior to that the couples actually had to, you know, dance.



Aren't the pros limited to the number of times they can use the troupe during the season?  At least they used to be.

Considering that Bethany spends pretty much every waking moment in front of her webcam, one would think she's be a bit more used to "performing".  Yet, Sadie, who got on this show by what way I don't know, is proving to have more star-like qualities.  While I think Janel danced more in the first three seconds than Bethany has for the entire tenure of the show, I still find them both to be utterly forgettable.  The brunette bookends.



I think that creating a video in the confines of your own bedroom is quite a different thing than performing a dance in front of a live  in-studio and television audience.  At home Bethany can do numerous takes as well as edit the video - she doesn't have the luxury on the show.  In one of her packages/interviews, Bethany stated that the idea of being stepping outside of her bedroom to perform in front of an audience and television (live television to boot) simultaneously thrilled and terrified her.  I applaud her  efforts and think she is doing well. 


I think that all of Bethany's performances have been pretty dance content filled.  Janel's jazz dance was a bit light on dance content but she made up for it in performance value (not surprising since she is a music theater kid).

Monday night's show was interesting. If they did anything with the "raise your paddle," I completely missed it.  I had thought they were going to show us how the viewers rated them. 


Randy - sorry to see him go.  He seems like a nice guy.  But his first dance was his best, and he's been going downhill from there.  I had thought the paso would be a good dance for him, but it just wasn't.


Alfonso - did good with the quickstep but not his best dance.  Loved his son - gosh was he a cutie, and it was an appropriate incorporation into the dance.  Still really enjoying Alfonso and surprisingly coming to really like Witney as a pro.


Betsy - good but not great in terms of actual dancing but very enjoyable and very surprising.  She's so flexible for someone her age and so fearless in trying new things.  I want to be her when I get to be that age.


Lea - nice job with the cha cha but definitely not her best dance.  I agree she seemed uncertain in parts, and I saw the missed hold, but overall I really enjoy watching her and hope she goes far.


Michael - he just cannot dance.  To say this was his best dance yet still isn't saying much.  I don't understand why he's still here.


Antonio - he seems to be improving week to week, so I'm okay with him staying around a bit longer.  He seems like a nice guy, too.


Sadie - still just not feeling her.  This dance was okay, but I think her first dance was actually her best, and she's another one who's been going backwards ever since.  She still seems awkward to me.  For me she's okay generally and occasionally quite good but I suspect she'll end up in the finale just because of her family's fan base, and she's likely to knock a better dancer out because of it.  She is this year's Bristol Palin for me.  A better attitude generally than Bristol and a better dancer, but still polarizing and being carried along by her family.


Jonathan - Allison did a good job of choreographing this dance.  Jonathan is a decent dancer and very likeable.  It wasn't great, but it was a good effort, and I think one of the better dances of the night.  Hated the song, though.


Janel - this was my favorite routine of the night, and I give her a lot of credit for being able to learn a new routine like that after 2 days of rehearsing a different routine.  She's a great performer, a lot of energy and personality, and I thoroughly enjoy her.  Will be interested to see her do a slower-type dance, as all of her dances have been high-energy so far.  Right now, she and Alfonso are my dream team for final 2.  Lea would be my pick for the 3rd one, but I fear that Sadie will knock her out, which will not endear Sadie to me at all.


Tommy - he continues to surprise.  He has way more personality than I expected, and like Betsy, is way more limber than we normally get in the septagenarians.  To be honest, I didn't think it was the greatest dance, but it was nicely done and hugely entertaining.


Bethany - I enjoyed the dance.  How could I not when I love that movie and I love Gene Kelly.  I knew as soon as I saw that package that, barring a serious mishap, they were going to get the same scores as Val and Janel.  Just had that feeling that no way was Derek going to get anything less than perfection with his self-promoting homage.  Because I really did feel that was all about Derek, and Bethany was an after-thought because he had to do something with her.  But I also felt the routine was far more simplistic than what Janel did (possibly because of Bethany's ankle), and had they gotten one or two 10s and a couple of 9s, I would have thought that appropriate.


Kevin Hart did absolutely nothing for me.  I didn't know who he was before he came on, and I still don't know who he is.  And I could not figure out why he kept screaming his scores.  It was funny once, and after that it was just obnoxious.  Maybe it's some bit from one of his movies, but since I've never seen them, I wasn't in on the joke, and I just wanted him to stop.  He made a few interesting/funny comments during his critiques, but mostly he was just useless.  With Julianne there now, they really didn't need a 4th judge to fill in for Len, and I felt bad that Bruno got cut off at the end.  Would honestly rather have heard from him than Kevin.


I'm hoping for Michael to go home next week.  He really is the weakest link left.  Then Antonio and Sadie can go.  The rest of them I'm really enjoying and will start to hate seeing them go.

  • Love 1

Aren't the pros limited to the number of times they can use the troupe during the season?  At least they used to be.


I have no idea, but it certainly doesn't feel that way.  Even if they are it barely matters because they just all take turns passing the troupe back and forth, so even if one pro takes a week off from using them, they will just pop up in five other numbers.  I know Val had troupe members in Janel's last two dances.  Witney had troupe members in 2/3 of Alfonso's dances so far.  I do think the pros are encouraged to use the troupe though.

Edited by spanana
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