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S29.E01: Suck It Up And Survive

Tara Ariano

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I didn't mind the twins on TAR and I didn't mind them here.  I think they were the ones that said something about TAR during the introductions.  But people already knew who they were it seems.  Then Nadiya  got a raw deal when Jeff specifically asked her about it again.  Disappointed to see her go first, rather than some of the ones with no personality.


I don't get what the big deal about Dale breaking his reading glasses is.  In the first place, they are reading glasses.  What do they have to read out there?  It's not like there's going to be a challenge and then all of a sudden he's going to run to his bag to get his reading glasses to read a clue.  Secondly, I thought "using glasses to start a fire" was outlawed ever since BB on Classic Season 1 did it.  Thirdly, I wanted him to go home for "they can't vote me out, I'm the only one that can start a fire".  Um yeah.  Until after the vote, when they get a flint.


My favorites are Jeremy and Val.  Hate the long haired douche "models".  Is the one who bragged about being a model the same one that complained about doing all the work on the shelter?  What about John, the guy sitting next to him who was also working on the shelter?

  • Love 5

I'm so happy that one of the twinnies is gone, were so irritating on The Amazing Race. I'm happy Dale stayed, hope he hangs in there.

Josh you don't want to be the go to guy, it's OK to have in the beginning as a powerful position but as times go on it won't. Is he siding with the men because he voted for Baylor? Or he didn't like being called girlfriend? Confused on the way he voted.

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I said this exact thing to my watching-partner!  Wes is clearly not the brightest bulb in the chandelier, between this and asking John Rocker if his last name has 5 letters.  Bless his heart.  


Upon further reflection, I'm really surprised that one of the "names" of the season was the first booted.  Happy about it, but surprised  But I'm confused - she's gone-gone, not just exile-island-gone?  If that's the case, who is going to exile island?  

I thought Wes asked Rocker if his last name had 5 MORE letters, not just 5 letters.


I was so hoping that Keith? would out Rocker to Val when they were on EI!


I wonder if the winning loved one can send him/herself to EI with the loser, and if so, why Jeremy didn't do it.


Val is a cop.  I doubt she needs Jeremy or any other man to protect her on Survivor.


I'm not sure who was worse in their comments about gays, Nadiya or Brad Culpepper.  I guess at least Culpepper's "4 guys and a gay guy" comment wasn't made to Caleb's face.


I was over the surfer dude brothers the instant the word "sick" came out of one of their mouths.  I despise that word as slang.


One twinnie down, one twinnie and Rocker to go.  Thank God for no RI!


ETA:  Whichever contestant said they'd never seen the glasses/sun method of starting a fire work clearly has not watched enough previous seasons of Survivor.  I didn't remember that BB did it, but I did remember it being done in Fiji and S21 Nicaragua.  Jane earned the nickname "Survivor Mcgyver" for doing it in S21.

Edited by KnitsWithRaceCars
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  On 9/25/2014 at 1:34 AM, donnamarie said:

John Rocker's girlfriend needs to put her boobs away.


I have an idea for a theme I'd like to play out on a future season of Survivor.  I'd call it - The Implant-Free Season.  That would automatically weed out most of the airheads who immediately hook up with an alpha male as their only strategy.


  On 9/25/2014 at 1:31 AM, cooksdelight said:

Dale... you have that idol in your pocket. Do NOT tell anyone. You sacrificed your sight for this tribe, you deserve to hang in there.


I'm really confused.  I thought it looked like an idol, but Dale clearly said it wasn't.



  On 9/25/2014 at 4:21 AM, dolphincorn said:



I thought wearing a necklace spelling out her name had to be a subliminal message to vote for her.  The two twinnies together have a synergistic effect on my temper.  They are much more tolerable apart.


  On 9/25/2014 at 2:03 AM, ratherbereading said:

 John Rocker was surprisingly not as douchetastic as I thought he would be.


He's an alpha male - he'll get a great edit.  I live in the Atlanta area, and that asshole and his girlfriend are all over the news tonight.  Thanks Survivor for making him relevant again.

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I just wish Wes wasn't a Braves fan, and that he would've turned on Rocker. Hell, I'm hoping one of the boyfriends is a Mets fan and recognizes his punk ass.


Rocker so thoroughly burned his bridges with the Braves organization when he was released that I'm surprised Wes didn't automatically dislike him just for that.  I agree that Rocker trying to use 'John Wetteland' as an alias was hilarious...if anything, Wetteland might be more famous than Rocker, being that he was a former closer on a Yankees championship team.


Good opening episode, and I like the return of a seemingly vintage version of Exile Island.  It depends how they send people out there after the reward challenges....presumably the winning tribe picks one of the losers to go, and then one of the winning tribe volunteers themselves?

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I would totally watch "Seemed Like a Good Idea at the Time."


Even I, who knows nothing about baseball, recognized John Rocker's name as belonging to a colossal douchebag. (My husband: "what's his deal?" Me: "I think he said a bunch of racist things.") But I would have had to be given his name to put that together, I never would have known him on sight.


Unless a guy tells you he wants to be thought of as one of the girls, it's not flattering to tell him you consider him one.

  • Love 5
Unless a guy tells you he wants to be thought of as one of the girls, it's not flattering to tell him you consider him one.



Exactly.  And I'll go even farther and say it's a kind of bigotry to automatically consider a gay man to be "one of the girls".  Even if you're a self-proclaimed "lover of the gays!", calling a gay man a woman shows a real and ugly prejudice.  Gay men, like straight men and straight women and gay women and everyone in between, are individual humans.  I'm a woman, and I think women are great, and it's definitely not an insult to be called a woman.  But I don't want to be called a man, and I don't think men want to be called women.  Especially gay men, given the history of prejudice against them.  I was watching the show with a gay friend, and he made the exact point you made, Etta Place - it's only okay to call a guy "one of the girls" if you've spoken to him and he's cool with it.  The idea that a gay man is a woman is so offensive on so many levels, and for that alone I was glad to see her gone.  It was bad enough when she said it at camp, but when she repeated it and expanded on it at tribal, I was floored.  Goodbye, bigot.  /soapbox  Sorry for the rant.  

  • Love 15

I was dreading seeing them yet again, but I was surprised to find that the Twinnies are much more tolerable when they're not together. Nadiya was a relentless idiot about Josh, but Natalie seemed okay. She didn't shriek or call anyone a fool even once. Of course, it's just the first episode.


The conversation between Wes and John Rocker was one of the funniest things I've seen on this show. It was like watching dogs try to do calculus.


"I thought you were someone I saw on TV with 5 or 6 letters in his last name."

"No, I'm someone else."

"Because he was a cool guy."

"Aw, you got me. I'm totally him!"


The immunity idol is super creepy this season. It has holes where the eyes should be and then a matching set of holes on the chest. Thing gives me the shivers.

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Count me in as surprised that John Rocker wasn't terrible this episode. I mean, I'm sure he'll say/do something awful in a future episode, but for tonight he was mostly ignorable. I almost think they'll try for some sort of redemption arc, with him befriending Val or Josh, like "Hey you guys look I'm totally not racist or homophobic anymore, see? All that stuff I said, that's all in the past, I'm cool now". Ugh.


But dear lord, Nadiya. Why would you think that's okay to say. And how could she not pick up on how annoyed/upset/frustrated Josh was?? The look he gave her during tribal was amazing.

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About John Rocker...when he made the very public and very unacceptable statements that he's known for, I was living in a city that was all about the Braves, and so I'm very familiar with what he said.  And I hated it, and had no respect for him because of it.  That said, it's been 20 years, and by all accounts he has since owned up to the horribleness of those statements, and has not said anything like it since.  Please correct me if I'm wrong.  But I have the impression that he's acknowledged how shitty he was, and has since learned and grown, and does not harbor those feelings today.  Perhaps I'm naive, but I choose to believe that people can change their thoughts, and that people can, through education and exposure, become less bigoted, and I think (again, could be wrong) Rocker has done so.  He's spoken about those statements, and admitted he was an asshole, and hasn't said or done anything in recent years to contradict that he's changed.  Willing to give him the benefit of the doubt, until he proves otherwise.


Also, it was kind of awesome how he made himself a human ladder in the challenge - "Hey, guys, I'll just stand here and you can all climb up me."  


All that said, I'm watching him, and will turn on him in a second if he shows his old colors.  

  • Love 10


Upon further reflection, I'm really surprised that one of the "names" of the season was the first booted.  Happy about it, but surprised  But I'm confused - she's gone-gone, not just exile-island-gone?  If that's the case, who is going to exile island?


Exile Island is not the same as Redemption Island.  Exile Island started in season 12 (Panama/Exile Island) after it was a one-off twist in season 10 (Palau).  Each episode one person, or one from each team (depending on the season), is chosen to go to a remote location where they have to suffer the elements and miss out on strategy/socializing.  But as a bonus, they get a clue to an idol, hidden either on the island or back at camp.  (The original Exile Island marked the first regular appearance of the idols, after a one-off in season 11).  Exile Island also appeared in seasons 13, 14, 16, 17, and 18 before this season.  (I had to look that up!)


Originally they placed more emphasis on the suffering/punishment part--I seem to recall some people really struggling in the first exile season.  Teams chose people on the other team to be exiled in order to weaken them.  Later it became more about strategy revolving around the idols.


This season it's presumably going to play out as in this episode, with loved ones competing and the loser plus a member of the winner's team going to exile.  I'm hoping for some interesting cross-tribe alliances and teaming of pairs.


Redemption Island is totally different and much more game-changing.  That's the one where you don't get voted out for good but return to play endless "duels" for a chance to get back in the game.  It appeared in seasons 22, 23, and 27 (the original BvW).

  • Love 3

I didn't really believe it could happen, but a twinnie is gone, awesome. Now if the other one can be gone next, all will be right with the world.


Why was that guy so worried about his wife? (can't remember anybody's name) Isn't she a Boston cop? She's not some delicate little flower, how does she do her job without him having a coronary?


There's too many people still for me to separate them, I usually have to wait for a few eliminations before I start remembering people. 

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Sorry to see Nadiya gone.  Enjoyed her and her sister on TAR.  And she wasn't hateful to Josh.  Just clueless.  And he realized that and let it pass so no reason to be upset if he isn't upset.  She will learn from all of this so no harm, no foul.  Especially since she obviously liked him.  No hate = no bigotry.  End of story.


Don't like "Islands" of any type in Survivor.  And didn't like blood/water crap last season.  Doesn't look like a good season coming up.  Too bad cause the Boston couple are cool and so is the father at least from Louisiana.  Some of the usual mactor crap - the brothers and Michigan co-ed couple look the type too.  And Rocker is obviously a fame whore with the poster child for a cheap looking trophy wife.  Also he was the one with the real prejudices, not Nadiya.

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rlangmit, thanks for that, but I fear I'm still confused.  During the last Blood v. Water season, the folks on exile island were the voted-out castaways, I thought, and they competed each week to stay in the game.  Whoever won the EI comp stayed, albeit on EI, while the loser left the game for good.  That's how Monica Culpepper stayed in the game so long.  Or have I completely lost my mind?  (Totally possible.)  Didn't they eventually have an EI comp to determine who went back to one of the tribes?  Or are you saying that EI is just that they go there for a day or two, isolated from their tribe, and then just return, without any comp?  As I said...confused.

Really upset that Nadiya is gone, I'm a huge fan of them and I really dont get the hate. They are fun, hilarious, entertaining and beautiful on top of it. I'll miss their dynamic but if Natalie can go far it will make for a great storyline.

I'm curious if any actual gays here are offended by Nadiya's comments, or if it is just the oversensitive, overly paternalistic types who see offense everywhere and all the time? A quick look into their social media or past interviews shows clearly they are not bigots and are extremely well liked by past constestants on TAR such as the Beakmans and the Chippendales.

But please, dont let that stop the stream of righteous indignation.

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  On 9/25/2014 at 6:38 AM, pfk505 said:

I'm curious if any actual gays here are offended by Nadiya's comments, or if it is just the oversensitive, overly paternalistic types who see offense everywhere and all the time? A quick look into their social media or past interviews shows clearly they are not bigots and are extremely well liked by past constestants on TAR such as the Beakmans and the Chippendales.


I'm guessing you weren't reading TWoP during their original season on TAR so you don't know about all the outrage over the fact that they continually referred to the Beekman Boys as "the gays" & were the only team to do so. They didn't refer to any other team by their sexual orientation, just the Beekmans. Add that to Nadiya's comments about counting Josh as "one of the girls", and I don't think it's only "oversensitive, overly paternalistic types" who find her remarks offensive.

  • Love 17
  On 9/25/2014 at 7:13 AM, jbrecken said:

When Jeff told Jeremy to choose someone from his tribe to go to exile with his wife, I was surprised he didn't pick himself.


  On 9/25/2014 at 7:19 AM, GaT said:

That never even occurred to me, was that something he could do?


Probably.  A nice gesture - but:

  1. Kind of empty, as it would not decrease her disadvantage with her Tribe - just potentially increase his.
  2. Possibly futile, as it might contribute to both of them being alienated from their respective Tribes to the point of early ejection.
  On 9/25/2014 at 6:36 AM, Turtle said:

Thanks, I got myself all confused about the various "islands"!  I have a bit of a block about Exile Island because I think it's silly. 


Redemption Island gives you a second chance.

Exile Island only gives you separation.

Which, depending upon circumstance, may not necessarily be a bad thing - but usually is.  :)

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Contestants are told to bring clothes in a few different colors, so I think it's possible that they brought blue and orange clothes, to fit in with whichever tribe they ended up on. Pretty standard for Survivor.

They don't get to pick what they wear. They pack a suitcase, production goes through it and picks out one outfit (sometimes two, depends on where they are), one pair of underwear, a swimsuit and shoes. All of which goes into whatever type of bag they carry around their belongings in.

Looks like the bugs are really bad where they are, as I kept noticing people swatting around their heads and arms.

I'm guessing they won't let a couple go to EI together. It may be in the unspoken rules that are explained to them but never to us, on camera.

And it's entirely possible that Wes went to some games as a kid when Rocker was playing. His dad definitely recognized him right away, and probably took his son to games when he was little. Depends on how old Wes is as I cannot remember when they were doing the "how old are you" roundtable. My grandpa took me to Fulton Co. Stadium to watch Hank Aaron when I was 6 or 7 and I remember it like it was yesterday.

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I also kind of like the Twinnies, and don't get the hatred of them. They're annoying, yes, but not particularly mean to others: they're mean to each other. And although I like Dale, his horror that the Twinnies used a u-turn really rubbed me the wrong way. So the problem is that they did something to further themselves in a game at someone else's expense...like you just did Dale. Seriously, he just fell off his high horse with a tremendous thud. Nadiya's ' one of the girls' crap was undoubtedly stupid and thoughtless, but not driven by hate. I didn't like it, but then I was also not so crazy about Jeremy's desperate attempt to find a protector for his wife (she's female, not intellectually disabled, dick) and Probst's 'Come on, woman!', which would be fine if he often screamed 'Come on, man!' - but he doesn't. The lesson of this episode was - women can do just fine by themselves, thanksomuch patriarchy (except when they try a female alliance *sigh*). If Baylor and Josh think they're making any headway with the likes of Rocker and Wes, they've got another thing coming. Hope this doesn't screw Val's chances - she's terrific.


A decent opening, a good immunity challenge, some likeable contestants. Pretty happy with the start to this season.

Edited by Shock Corridor
  • Love 5

I also kind of like the Twinnies, and don't get the hatred of them. They're annoying, yes, but not particularly mean to others: they're mean to each other

They kept someone else's money. Which, to me, is stealing and wrong.

When they were yelling at each other when trying to start a fire, I thought "Oh no, here we go." Glad one of them is gone.

  • Love 8


They kept someone else's money. Which, to me, is stealing and wrong.

 Well, gee, let's just hope nobody lies and cheats in this season of Survivor. Because I think lying is wrong. These are competitive reality shows that demand less moral behaviour if you want an advantage. It's not the Noble Person's Olympics. I'm not saying the Twinnies haven't been sneaky, but Dale has been sneaky too, so this morality nonsense doesn't hold much water as far as I'm concerned.

Edited by Shock Corridor
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  On 9/25/2014 at 5:38 AM, Turtle said:

About John Rocker...when he made the very public and very unacceptable statements that he's known for, I was living in a city that was all about the Braves, and so I'm very familiar with what he said.  And I hated it, and had no respect for him because of it.  That said, it's been 20 years, and by all accounts he has since owned up to the horribleness of those statements, and has not said anything like it since.  Please correct me if I'm wrong.  But I have the impression that he's acknowledged how shitty he was, and has since learned and grown, and does not harbor those feelings today.

I'm sort of in the same boat. I lived (and still live) in Atlanta when he was a Brave and opened his fool mouth.


I don't know whether or not he's evolved on racial or LBGT issues, but he has kept is mouth shut more in the last 15 years. His thing now seems to be cashing in on being a far-right wingnut. His column on WoldNetDaily, for example, probably didn't come along because of his fastball. And his "jews with guns would have prevented the Holocaust" thing must have made Ted Nugent buy up all the old John Rocker jerseys he could find.


I kept waiting for him to go off by himself and vent away from his team while beating his head against a tree. "One of them is BLACK and one of them is GAY and one of them is of INDETERMINATE RACIAL ORIGINS and... oh, she's gone? Cool, but one of them is still GAY..."  But no, he mostly behaved himself.


As for the rest, I found them all unusually likable. I never watched TAR so I had no preconceptions about the Twinnies. Everyone else seemed pretty affable. I hope it's a fun season.

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I really like  Val and I really like Jeremy except for all the "protect my woman," mess, but that's Blood vs Water's theme and the reason I hate it.  Last time we had to listen to Rupert's slobbery speeches about his wifie and the newlyweds who couldn't stand to hear a word against their beloveds.  The concept also leads to things like a spoiled girl making her mother sacrifice her game for her -- something Mom had clearly already been doing for years -- and Jeff getting all turned on over it like it was Survivor's greatest moment.  Yes, my memory is both long and bitter.


At least we have Exile Island instead of Redemption and don't have to sit through a long talk and a challenge there at the beginning of every episode.


My early dislikes are the couple from Michigan who are out to show the world they aren't as perfect as they look -- which led my eyes straight to their noses, because nothing makes  flaws jump out at me faster than people bragging about themselves.  Similar dislike for John Rocker's Alpha-loving Beta-Female who was out to show the world she was more than boobs, minutes before showing the world all the boobage that is legally allowed on TV.


My favorite show is back!

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I heard an interview on EW radio with the Michigan couple before the season started, but after they were on the island. They were joking about how people would see the clothes and call him "That guy" but it would never be what they would wear to the jungle. They actually seemed pretty cool in the interview. She uses her platform as Ms Michigan to talk about women born without a uterus, which she was, and which I didn't know could happen.

I'm curious if any actual gays here are offended by Nadiya's comments, or if it is just the oversensitive, overly paternalistic types who see offense everywhere and all the time? A quick look into their social media or past interviews shows clearly they are not bigots and are extremely well liked by past constestants on TAR such as the Beakmans and the Chippendales.



Okay well first of all, I think it is important to keep in mind that a person can be offensive without being hateful. Those are two different things. Sometimes they go hand in hand and other times not. So I don't think many believe Nadiya was being hateful in her comments, or that she's even a hateful person but that doesn't make her comments any less offensive, in my opinion. And yes I for one am aware she is friends with the Beekmans as I noted above and it still doesn't change my mind that she and her sister were offensive to them as well with "the gays" references during the season. Great that they didn't take it personally but it doesn't make it any less offensive. 


But to me, that's what makes her behavior on Survivor even worse because the boards/social media were all up in arms that season about "the gays" reference which is why the Beekmans had to state how they loved the sisters and weren't offended, etc. So they knew many people thought that was out of line and you would think it would make them evaluate and realize what they're saying. These are not stupid women but both fairly intelligent. That kind of ignorance is just plain ridiculous and unacceptable. 


And in the case of Josh, I don't think it's "oversensitive" of us bothered by it when he stated clearly on the show he was NOT happy about it. He even went as far as saying that if you talk to his boyfriend, it's the one thing that will really annoy and anger him. So she was out of line and offending him. And then she just kept going at tribal where you could tell he was just thinking, "no really..."


As for those who say, "well he said nothing to her." In my opinion that's because of the environment they're in. Survivor is a very social game along with the physical where many people come in not wanting to make any waves too early, get into arguments, drama, etc. because sometimes the smallest thing will get people to vote you off. I think Josh just didn't think it was the place to get angry about the situation or lecture Nadiya about her behavior, probably afraid to put a target on his back. I highly doubt he would have stayed so silent if she said that to him on the streets of New York. 


And although I like Dale, his horror that the Twinnies used a u-turn really rubbed me the wrong way. So the problem is that they did something to further themselves in a game at someone else's expense...like you just did Dale.



Honestly, that didn't bother me because I didn't buy that Dale was truly scandalized or offended by the Twinnies' behavior on TAR. I think he just saw an angle to try and save himself. That's Survivor really - try to take the heat off yourself by planting it on someone else and that's the only card he had to play at the time - well they're not trustworthy because of how they played that other game. 


As for John Rocker, I'm indifferent to him in the game. Not rooting for him by any means but if he just hangs around in his ugly underwear not saying much, I don't really care.

Edited by truthaboutluv
  • Love 10


Honestly, that didn't bother me because I didn't buy that Dale was truly scandalized or offended by the Twinnies behavior on TAR. I think he just saw an angle to try and save himself. That's Survivor, try to take the heat off yourself by planting it on someone else and that's the only card he had to play at the time - well they're not trustworthy because of how they played that other game.

Yeah, fair call.

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I'm so glad that the producers extended the first episode to 90 minutes and let us see much more of the players and team dynamics.  


Interesting that Jeremy was building an alliance of women on his team and that his wife (Val) immediately did the same when she returned from Exile Island.  Obviously they wrote their "playbook" long before heading off to San Juan del Sur.  


The off'd Twinnie probably thought she was being funny when referring to Josh as one of the girls.  A lot of Twinnie humor seemed to be playing off other people's idiosyncrasies during the Amazing Race.  It'll be interesting to see Natalie's reaction next time the teams meet.  


I thought Rocker's companion is his girlfriend ... not his wife.  Did she get any of the "talking heads" segments?  I don't remember.


Looks like a good cast ... good season.

And although I like Dale, his horror that the Twinnies used a u-turn really rubbed me the wrong way. So the problem is that they did something to further themselves in a game at someone else's expense...like you just did Dale.


I didn't see his reaction as "horror," just a comment that he was aware of how ruthless the Twinnies are from watching them on TAR.  He did say that they did nothing outside the rules but also knew they could not be trusted.  (Of course no one is to be trusted on Survivor either.)  I, on the other hand, think stealing money from another team was unethical and clearly not within the spirit of the competition, even though they were never called on this, so the sooner the Twinnies are gone from my tv, the better.


My husband asked where the ousted players go and I told him the early ones go to one resort and the jury to Ponderosa.  He said "well, that wouldn't be so bad."  I told him that they cannot have any contact with family for weeks.  His reply?  "Well, that wouldn't be so bad either."  

  • Love 6

A perfect comeback when Nadiya was going on and on about the gay guy being "one of the girls" would have been for him to ask (based on different assumptions based on stereotypes), "So, what's it like working in a call center?"  She is worse than clueless.


I think we should all feel sorry for John Rocker's nameless girlfriend.  The poor woman obviously took a nasty fall right before the season started; her boobs and her lips are all swollen up from the impact.


Good season opener.  To quote someone upthread, "One twinnie down, one to go!"

  • Love 6

Thanks to all who explained the differences between RI and EI. I watched the first few seasons of this show, missed a lot of the middle, and then got back into it several years ago when I got a DVR. So I'm not as up-to-date as many of you. So far I can say I find EI significantly less annoying than RI. But not a huge fan of either. 

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