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S14.E3: Life's a Beach

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Erika can stop with the the breakup advice. She knows damn well she would still be married to that old thief if he hadn’t been caught.

Unless the Dorit/Kyle feud is really about one of them banging the others husband I DON’T CARE.

They all spend on their outfits and all look like crap. Kathy’s dress for delivering those awful hats was hideous. Boz walking around in her house in that getup was also hideous. Garcelles clothes are too big for her. Dorit does a runway walk with that stupid hat for no reason. 

I love the guy at Bravo con for shaming Kyle for thrusting the disgusting pig Teddi on us. Stop trying to make fetch happen. LMAO!

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Kyle was happy to ‘trial separate’ while she was testing out the waters with Morgan but then gets upset when Mauricio moves on and is now enjoying his bachelor life…while she does not have the happy ever after with Morgan she thought she was going to have. I think she thought she could dip her toe into a new life… test it out…but still have Mauricio there if things didn’t work out. Boo hoo. Didn’t pan out that way. I’m not a fan of messy/blurry lines with seperating and divorcing. Be clear. Make decisions. All the blurry stuff just ends up with lots of extra hurt that need not have added to the pain of breaking up.

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Forgot to mention the audacity of Erika weighing in on Garcelles choice of a husband. Seriously? The woman married an old thief and eventually used his ill gotten gains to shake her 50 year old ass on stage. Why didn’t SHE marry Sean Penn? 
Also she had one funny line last year when she was stupid drunk. Merce is in the purse. Do we have to see/hear it in every episode?

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47 minutes ago, Chatty Cake said:

Forgot to mention the audacity of Erika weighing in on Garcelle’s choice of a husband. Seriously? The woman married an old thief and eventually used his ill gotten gains to shake her 50-year-old ass on stage. Why didn’t SHE marry Sean Penn? 
Also she had one funny line last year when she was stupid drunk. Merce is in the purse. Do we have to see/hear it in every episode?

Thank YOU!!!

If I were Erika and had enough money to buy a Porsche, I would hand it over to the burn victims, widows and orphans. I don’t care if it implicates me. Just STOP. We need to start making them whole. Your parents were awful. Big deal. Do better.

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13 hours ago, Steph J said:

Erika doesn't understand why Garcelle didn't marry Sean Penn? Really? Sean Penn? I can count on no hands the number of good things I've ever heard about Sean Penn.

Sean Penn is a spokeshole.  Complete douchebag.  I'll never forget that during Covid time, CNN actually interviewed this idiot to ask him his opinion on masks and quarantines, etc.  Who cares what he thinks? What qualifies him on the subject? Nothing. 

If anything, Garcelle probably realized after ten minutes with him that he is insufferable and ran like hell.   

12 hours ago, politichick said:

Not an Erika fan but did laugh at her admitting that she is definitely "coveting thy neighbors' goods."

Also not a Kathy fan, but enjoyed watching her deliver the suitcases.

Kyle and Dorit are such Debbie Downers! Why did they have to spoil the first night dinner?

Single Mo is living his life and loving it!!!

Watching Kathy deliver those suitcases, just joyriding around town, eating a banana with her 50 pillows and crazy hat was so Kathy Hilton.  I just had to enjoy it.  

Kyle is an asshole for turning the thank you toast to Kathy into a rebuke to Dorit that they needed to talk.  Leave it alone for the moment and then take Dorit aside privately later.   Don't ruin the gorgeous beach setting and what will probably be an extravagant and tasty dinner for everyone else. 

I think Kyle thought that Mo would be desperately unhappy on his own but he's clearly not and that's not sitting well with Kyle.  Mo looks happy and great; Kyle does not.  Not sure why she has a bug up her butt about Mo only buying eight towels.  How many does he need?   Eight is more than enough for one person.  Someone who can't figure out how to turn on the tv or change the temp on your thermostat really shouldn't weigh in on the number of towels.  

Mo buying furniture for his rented condo would sound like a pretty permanent statement for us plebes, but he makes so much money that it doesn't necessarily mean anything other than he found a place he liked to rent that was unfurnished.   

12 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

I'm good with Dorit letting Kyle have it. Kyle has been rude and snappy to Dorit for so many years, and she looks for reasons to have issues with her. Not jumping to Teddi's defense after Kyle already did was a huge deal too? Come on. 

The viewers had no time for Teddi and clearly Dorit doesn't care to either.  Since when is Kyle the Friend Patrol?  

Kyle keeps wanting to have a convo with Dorit but doesn't seem to want to admit that she was at fault at least as equally as Dorit, if not more.  She said the final straw was Dorit showing everyone her text but she had been icing Dorit out long before that.  We viewers watch the show.  We remember hearing about the Umanskys and the Kemsleys celebrating Jewish holidays together, having date nights together and traveling together.  Kyle needs to stop with the revisionist history of Dorit not really being a friend.  I can buy that she may not see some of these ladies outside of filming but I do think she and Dorit were good friends at some point. 

16 minutes ago, oakville said:

Where did she get the money to buy or lease a Porsche ? Did she sell off her clothes? Her new home has lemon trees. Is she selling lemons?

This could be a great marketing deal for her with Yolanda, our former Lady of the Lemons.   Together they could be Ladies of the Lemons.  Or Squeeze the Day with Yo and EJ (or EJ and Yo).  Yolanda's amazing refrigerator could make a guest appearance.  I mean, the options could be endless.  

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3 hours ago, Chatty Cake said:

Erika can stop with the the breakup advice. She knows damn well she would still be married to that old thief if he hadn’t been caught.


Exactly! She's just as big a con artist as her thieving husband. Soon as she saw his money was gone, she ran out the door.  Now, it was 'so bad, I can't even tell you!' Bitch, please! You are Not his victim. You took all you could and didn't care about his cheating or rude comments until he was no longer of use to you, then you immediately bailed on his ass.  Bravo allowing this revisionist history and acting like Erika is just some loyal, naive housewife, who was mistreated by her mean husband makes me sick. 


Kyle and Dorit both expected their husbands to be crying at their feet, unable to function without them, begging them to come back....and, they're not.  Ouch. That stings, don't it?  Now, their men are free to play at will, and the wives are left competing with much younger, lower maintenance women.  Should've followed Erika's lead, In Beverly Hills, you don't leave until all the money is gone. 




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5 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

Watching the After Show. Boz is soooooo patient with Dorit.

I didn't even know about this After Show until this week but yes Boz was extremely patient.  She didn't get to really add one thing.  Ditto for the show where Dorito has been cornering Boz and forcing her to listen to her ENDLESS boring monologues about herself.  

I'm with Garcelle, someone needs to rescue Boz.  We would like to know more about her besides she's a good listener. 



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I haven't really warmed up to Garcelle. She seems kind of dumb and her personality lacks, but her kid is gorgeous, for sure. That's the nicest thing I can think to say about her.

Kathy is definitely aging. Also, her voice sounds like she has smoked packs of cigs for decades. It's kind of stunning how lavish her life/world is. Of all them, her wealth is the most secure.

Last season I felt embarrassed for Dorit by how hard she was trying to be friends and accepted/included by Kyle, and Kyle pretty much ignored her. I think having Kathy and Erika on her friend list and being rid of PK has helped her with her confidence. And boinking MO has also probably given her some perspective as well.

I love Jennifer Tilly. She must be raking it in with royalties from the Simpson's and all the license deals. And the bride of Chucky! You know that's going to last into infinity.



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3 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

I love Jennifer Tilly. She must be raking it in with royalties from the Simpson's and all the license deals. And the bride of Chucky! You know that's going to last into infinity.



JT didn't mention anything about license deals.  She said she was married to Sam Simon who had a piece of the Simpsons.  After the divorce, she got a piece of his piece.  It's a steady stream of income for sure, but she never said the amount.

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14 hours ago, politichick said:

Not an Erika fan but did laugh at her admitting that she is definitely "coveting thy neighbors' goods."

Also not a Kathy fan, but enjoyed watching her deliver the suitcases.

Kyle and Dorit are such Debbie Downers! Why did they have to spoil the first night dinner?

Single Mo is living his life and loving it!!!

Right?!  No fucks to give, no interest in getting back together (from what I could see) and happy as a clam he gets to sleep with whoever he wants and NOT get into trouble!  I have been wondering if any of the girls will take sides if K and M split for good.  I don't know why, but I would guess, for no real reason, Alexia would be team Mo.  They always seemed super close. 

I flashed to the scene when Kyle said no one in *her* house yelled (last season maybe?).  That Betty can sell that story somewhere else.  The way she yelled at Dorit (2 ears blah blah) seemed like something she would have said to her girls or Mo.  She has an awful lot of 'fight' in her for her home to have been serene as she tried to sell us.  

15 hours ago, Pi237 said:

Wow, Ericka still flaunting wealth like she had no hand in ripping off her husbands clients.  Whether she knew or not, she directly benefited from his thievery. Yet, still shows no sign of empathy or guilt. She's so gross.

And now Kathy's on her redemption tour as well.  Sorry, quirky isn't cute on her anymore now that we know what she's really like. 

Good for Garcelle's son. He's a good looking kid. 

Photographs really well!

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2 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

Mo looks happy and great; Kyle does not. 

That’s for sure!

Wasn’t this around the time that pictures were published of Mo spraying champaign on the boobs of scantily clad women skiing?  It’s almost too funny- Mo went full-mid-life-crisis bachelor.

Kyle was never going to actually date Morgan.  I know there is soooo much more to the breakup but they are both so tight-lipped about it.

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3 minutes ago, heatherchandler said:

That’s for sure!

Wasn’t this around the time that pictures were published of Mo spraying champaign on the boobs of scantily clad women skiing?  It’s almost too funny- Mo went full-mid-life-crisis bachelor.

Kyle was never going to actually date Morgan.  I know there is soooo much more to the breakup but they are both so tight-lipped about it.

Season 14 filmed from May to August. These photos were taken a lot earlier.

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11 hours ago, ZettaK said:

It's an act. The "I Want To Be A Hilton" was a different kind of show (not that I watched it). I also think she is not that intelligent either. Or educated. But she is intelligent enough to manipulate Rick Hilton who is not known for his intellectual abilities.

I have said it before, but none of the Richards sisters are lighting the world on fire with their intellect.  Bless Rick's heart 😂.

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7 hours ago, ZettaK said:

She is resentful because she probably wants a reconciliation, and she is not sure if it will ever happen (although she didn't deny it could in her confessional), or wishes Mauricio would miss her, and be upset, but he seems to be happy. 

That she is a narcissist?

I think she wanted him to pine for her and he isn't.  He took it as I'M FREE! and went full frat boy.  Dating girls younger than Farrah. His dad likes them super young as well. Gotta say, Mo's new chompers are horrible.

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2 hours ago, Pi237 said:

Kyle and Dorit both expected their husbands to be crying at their feet, unable to function without them, begging them to come back....and, they're not.  Ouch. That stings, don't it?  Now, their men are free to play at will, and the wives are left competing with much younger, lower maintenance women.  Should've followed Erika's lead, In Beverly Hills, you don't leave until all the money is gone. 

 A few years before I turned 50 I noticed almost an epidemic of women around me, in my age range, were leaving their husbands and asking for divorces.  They wanted to be "fixed up" on dates and seemed ready for that better life they felt they were missing.  Now we're all just a bunch of mid-western chub-chubs, but here's what happened:  the husbands were shocked and dismayed, then got over it and went and found new girlfriends/wives.  The 50 year old women had a harder time finding dates, plus had to begin working more hours to pay their bills, deal with custody issues, etc.  Meanwhile the kids accepted the new girlfriends but not any new boyfriends that could be found, because they kind of blamed mom for the whole thing.  I'm sure it's a little different on a Beverly Hills scale, but Kyle and Dorit seem to be in the same boat as those ladies.

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17 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

I think she wanted him to pine for her and he isn't.  He took it as I'M FREE! and went full frat boy.  Dating girls younger than Farrah. His dad likes them super young as well. Gotta say, Mo's new chompers are horrible.

Mo's teeth look like dentures.

Jennifer Tilly is awesome. I love her. 

All the women on this show are dim. But they love hair, clothes, make-up, and expensive things that are pretty. Or shaped like a boat. Art. LOL. 


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I know Morgan is also super young, but men date women around the same age and even younger than their kids all the time. Do I need to be a man to understand this? How is it not weird to them? 

My heart goes out to the Umansky kids having to deal not just with the separation and possible divorce but also the public antics of both their parents. Who wants to hear about their dad spraying some girl’s tits? Ew. 

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16 minutes ago, bravofan27 said:

Mo's teeth look like dentures.

Jennifer Tilly is awesome. I love her. 

All the women on this show are dim. But they love hair, clothes, make-up, and expensive things that are pretty. Or shaped like a boat. Art. LOL. 


That is so untrue. Garcelle, Sutton, Erika, and Boz are far from dim.

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I had no idea Jennifer Tilly had Simpsons money. That explains a lot.

Kyle and Dorit screaming at each other across the table after a nice toast cracked me up. I also got a laugh out of everyone's silent reactions - Sutton all exasperated, Boz looking shell shocked, Kathy confused as usual, Erika panicking that she's going to get dragged into it because she read a text, Garcelle bored. It was like a fantastic silent film.

I really want to side with Dorit because Kyle has a history of dishing it out and not wanting to take it, but Dorit is just so damn annoying. And I keep cracking up over Dorit looking so smug and satisfied after yelling at Kyle because her arguments are not as cogent as she thinks they are. She has good points but they get lost in the dramatic wording she uses. And her meltdown over freaking earrings was ridiculous. I can't imagine how exhausting it is to be around her irl (or Kyle or Kathy or a lot of the Housewives). 

Where tf is Porsche money coming from?? I thought Erika was broke? Even a Porsche rental is fairly pricy. 

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14 hours ago, dmeets said:

I wish there was a way Kyle and Dorit could just annihilate each other. If Erika goes down as collateral damage, even better!

I stopped watching (even irregularly) several years ago, but try to catch the reunion shows. NOW every season-ender has people I've never seen or heard of.  Don't know much about the "recent" Kyle and Dorit activities, but still love your comment. I'm so behind I was thinking Erika should be the first to fall and drag those two with her ... might as well rent a fan and take the pretty Asian and the blond sitting next to her.  Didn't miss Rinna at all.

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13 minutes ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

WWCL pointed out that Kyle told Mau that she and PK have been texting/exchanging silly/funny memes/videos with one another.

So Kyle’s friendship with PK somehow evolved, even though she and Dorit never hung out together much. 

Maybe because PK and Kyle are both sober?  Or maybe just to bug Dorit?  Or both.

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22 hours ago, Straycat80 said:

I guess Erika’s money woes are over. She just got a Porsche.

Kathy driving in a convertible while eating a banana and wearing that ugly bucket hat is everything. 

I doubt Erika's paying for the Porsche. My guess is that it's either a freebie from the Porsche dealer (was their name on the screen?) or whoever her new sugar daddy (well, probably more like sugar grandpa) is.


22 hours ago, FlyingEgret said:

Who was the lady in pink driving around with Kathy? Garcelle seemed more excited to see her than Kathy...

The TV screen said that was her Brand Manager but she acted more like Kathy's personal assistant.


21 hours ago, RealHousewife said:

I'm good with Dorit letting Kyle have it. Kyle has been rude and snappy to Dorit for so many years, and she looks for reasons to have issues with her. Not jumping to Teddi's defense after Kyle already did was a huge deal too? Come on. 

I just rewatched the clip from BravoCon on YT and a few things I noticed after the Kyle/audience member interaction. One, Garcelle didn't say a word in defense of Teddi either. Two, Sutton called Kyle out for not shutting Teddi down and sticking up for her when Teddi made that claim that Sutton carries vodka in her purse. Three, after Erika and Annemarie do speak up for Teddi, Dorit starts to pick up her mic to say something but the moderator doesn't notice and starts talking about something else so Dorit just put her mic back down. So maybe she was going to stick up for Teddi? So why isn't Kyle mad at Garcelle or at Sutton over the Teddi issue? And why is Dorit obligated to stick up for Teddi anyway? I don't remember Dorit and Teddi being especially great friends.

And Kyle saying that God gave Dorit two ears and one mouth for a reason is rich. Kyle literally can't let Dorit (or anyone who is disagreeing with her) finish one sentence before she interrupts. And even if she does you can tell she's not actually listening to what Dorit is saying, she's just biting her lip until she can say whatever she wants to say.


16 hours ago, Shannah Banana said:

I agree, he does.  Kyle doesn't seem too happy about it either.  She actually seems a little resentful to me. 

I think Kyle was surprised that Mo took her request for a separation so well. You'd think a husband of 28+ years would be a little angry and upset to have something like that sprung on him. I think she thought he'd suddenly see the error of his ways and beg her to come back. It boggles my mind that Kyle acts as if she wasn't the one who wanted the separation to begin with and is surprised that he's moved out into a rental, bought furniture for the rental, is going out and traveling without her (and without running the plans by her), and even managed to buy himself bedsheets without her help. I think she thought he'd suddenly realize that he'd be lost without her but he's not.

It's nice that they're getting along and all but eventually he's going to move on for good. He'll buy his own house, meet another woman and at the very least move in with her, he'll eventually want a divorce. He might even have more children with his new woman. And that new woman probably won't want to spend all holidays and vacations at Kyle's house with Kyle and their kids, no matter how well they all get along.


6 hours ago, Natalie68 said:

Right?!  No fucks to give, no interest in getting back together (from what I could see) and happy as a clam he gets to sleep with whoever he wants and NOT get into trouble!  I have been wondering if any of the girls will take sides if K and M split for good.  I don't know why, but I would guess, for no real reason, Alexia would be team Mo.  They always seemed super close. 

I flashed to the scene when Kyle said no one in *her* house yelled (last season maybe?).  That Betty can sell that story somewhere else.  The way she yelled at Dorit (2 ears blah blah) seemed like something she would have said to her girls or Mo.  She has an awful lot of 'fight' in her for her home to have been serene as she tried to sell us.  

Photographs really well!

I don't think there was yelling in Kyle's house because she just ignored everything rather than start a fight. She's still doing it with Mo. She said it was hurtful to her that he replaced her picture with his DWTS partner's but she also said she didn't say anything to Mo. She hasn't really changed her dynamic with him.

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1 hour ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

WWCL pointed out that Kyle told Mau that she and PK have been texting/exchanging silly/funny memes/videos with one another.

So Kyle’s friendship with PK somehow evolved, even though she and Dorit never hung out together much. 

The friendship with PK hasn't evolved - they were sharing memes and shit prior to the separation (she's mentioned it before) and continue to do so. It's static, just not devolving like hers and Dorit's. 

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9 hours ago, ww92 said:

Why is Dorit obligated to stick up for Teddi anyway? I don't remember Dorit and Teddi being especially great friends.

I think Kyle was surprised that Mo took her request for a separation so well. You'd think a husband of 28+ years would be a little angry and upset to have something like that sprung on him. I think she thought he'd suddenly see the error of his ways and beg her to come back. It boggles my mind that Kyle acts as if she wasn't the one who wanted the separation to begin with and is surprised that he's moved out into a rental, bought furniture for the rental, is going out and traveling without her (and without running the plans by her), and even managed to buy himself bedsheets without her help. I think she thought he'd suddenly realize that he'd be lost without her but he's not.

Dorit and Teddi are (or were) good friends off the show.

We don't know how Mauricio reacted about the separation. It was announced after filming ended last year (in the very beginning of July 2023), and the current season started filming in May of 2024, almost a year later.

Adding: So, he was probably upset for some time, but by filming next season almost a year after the separation announcement he was not anymore. 

Edited by ZettaK
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Listening to Kyle & Dorita incessantly bicker about who is the crappier friend is annoying. Ladies, you are both selfish and shitty.

Dorito doesn't need to worry about PK's apartment being suitable for the kids. He'll be too busy socializing & chasing young snatch to have them over very often.

Mo's 6 month lease is the perfect amount of time for him to find a property to buy. I don't think he'll ever need that closet space at Vyles again.

Miss Tilly, if you please! Fun & fabulous are what this show needs.

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2 hours ago, ZettaK said:

Where tf is Porsche money coming from?? I thought Erika was broke? Even a Porsche rental is fairly pricy.

Because I'm a "rarely watcher," I've wondered EVERYTHING about Erika.  Some of these scam artists,  whether "top attorneys," burlesque performers/reality "stars," lived/live a higher lifestyle than most us can believe.  And...when one gets knocked down, they seem to come back even richer.  Maybe THAT'S the American Dream we all hear about.


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15 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

This could be a great marketing deal for her with Yolanda, our former Lady of the Lemons.   Together they could be Ladies of the Lemons.  Or Squeeze the Day with Yo and EJ (or EJ and Yo).  Yolanda's amazing refrigerator could make a guest appearance.  I mean, the options could be endless.  

How about Dorit’s Carcass-Out Cocktail Stand?

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7 hours ago, nicole21290 said:

The friendship with PK hasn't evolved - they were sharing memes and shit prior to the separation (she's mentioned it before) and continue to do so. It's static, just not devolving like hers and Dorit's. 

In my opinion, Kyle’s friendship with PK is a result of Kyle, Mauricio, Dorit and PK hanging out together a lot over the years. Even between filming.

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I think Mo checked out of the marriage a long time ago. Kyle would be exhausting to live with. He stuck around to line up his financial ducks before leaving. He faced threatening lawsuits and didn't know how they would be resolved. He needed time to set up his own reality TV stuff. He played a long game, and Kyle is furious she lost control of the narrative.

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One of Kyle's real issues with Dorit is that she is upset that Dorit mentioned on WWHL that she felt replaced by Morgan. But because now Kyle is refusing to say Morgan's name, she's using other BS excuses to be mad at Dorit. 

Dorit is justified in her anger because Kyle has been trying to rewrite history that they were never actually friends.

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2 hours ago, MaggieG said:

One of Kyle's real issues with Dorit is that she is upset that Dorit mentioned on WWHL that she felt replaced by Morgan. But because now Kyle is refusing to say Morgan's name, she's using other BS excuses to be mad at Dorit. 

Dorit is justified in her anger because Kyle has been trying to rewrite history that they were never actually friends.

Portia also said Dorit is her favorite Housewife, the sweetest person ever, and always asks Portia what kind of food she’d like to have.

There are degrees of friendship, but for Kyle to suggest they were just work friends or whatever just doesn’t sound fair.



@Jel I know Lisa could be shady after there was already a rift in their friendship, but I don’t remember Lisa being anything but a kind, supportive friend to Kyle early on either. I don’t recall Lisa doing anything to deserve being compared to Bobby Fischer, the “preys on the weak” comment, none of that. I get that Lisa has flaws, but I think all she did was be a bigger hit with fans and Kyle wasn’t having it. I also get the impression Kyle cared for Dorit more when her goal was to push out Lisa and then Denise. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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