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Season 2 Discussion


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Yikes, this Jennifer chick is a real piece of work and she has totally put me on Evelin's side.  First off, what the hell is she doing so awesome in the world that she has the right to question anyone else?  What are you going to do for work?  Whatever, bitch, you're a grown ass married woman with a hag face who lives in an apartment complex, you don't have the right to condescend to anyone, ever.  In fact, how about, what is Jennifer doing for work?  I'll bet its nothing that awesome.  And there is no need to sit around making faces.  Any why is it everyone else is okay with not knowing, except her.  Why should anyone be obligated to run their life decisions by her?  And where is everyone else's balls?  Her husband is okay with her behaving this way?  On camera?  


I get what she is thinking, and frankly, I might think the same thing.  But I can't imagine, ever in life, anyone in my family being okay with that level of disrespect.  I think she is into Justin, because there is no other reason for her to care that much.  She was downright offended when his own family wasn't that upset, was she hoping she could trick him into an affair at some point?  Is she mad that she isn't the prettiest girl in the room anymore?

  • Love 7

Not Baldwin's family reacted exactly as predicted. THey were bitchy and combative and were pretty much saying Evelin only wants a green card. And WTF was that set up? It looked like they were sitting around a pool at an apartment complex. Doesn't anyone have a house? Donuts in plastic bag? Gross. 


I actually felt bad for Daya, despite her being a bitch in the last ep. So lands in Washington, only to be told that they are taking a 20 hour (10 hours each way) road to trip to pick up his kid, who will BTW, sleep in the bed with them because Brett is too stupid to think of any alternative arrangements. Ever heard of a roll away, trundle or junior bed? And where is mom sleeping?  THe kid seemed to love her grandma. Why not have her bunk with grandma instead of sleeping in a bed with 2 other people? And oh, BTW, you are to be her caregiver for a month. I assume that it's summer because that's when long custody exchanges typically happen. And Brett is not taking vacation during his summer visitation? WTF? Color me surprised that Brett's ex is so good looking. Maybe she was slumming when she hooked up with Brett. 


Mo and Danielle in that Fridays/Applebee's/Chili's was just uncomfortable.Could her family look more redneck? And to laugh at his food restrictions? 


Danny's family seemed truly welcoming, but speak African? Puleeze. If your brother said he was marrying a women from South Africa, wouldn't you spend 5 minutes on the Internet researching the country so that you don't say something ignorant. I was waiting for her to bust out with some Afrikaans, which sounds like Dutch, only to have them say it didn't sound African. 


Jason and Cassia - Spring Hill, FL is populated by people exactly like Jason's dad. Cassia is going to freak when she realizes that the night life in that area consists of the Cracker Barrel by the highway. I want to know why Jason is living with dad, who is clearly retired. That area is not really great for a younger person. That house looked like a candidate for Hoarders. Who just sits around while their pool goes green? And I laughed when they said they had been fixing up the place. I cannot imagine what it looked like before they fixed it up. I predict trainwreck. 




And why the hell was Jason taking a 5 hour bus ride to Miami? Could the Miami layover possibly be that bad?


I think it's cheaper that way. There are shuttles that travel from Orlando and Tampa to Miami daily. Flying to South America is much cheaper from Miami than Tampa. I guess Cassia will have to take the bus trip back to Tampa also. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
  • Love 4

Jason and Cassia - Spring Hill, FL is populated by people exactly like Jason's dad. Cassia is going to freak when she realizes that the night life in that area consists of the Cracker Barrel by the highway. I want to know why Jason is living with dad, who is clearly retired. That area is not really great for a younger person. That house looked like a candidate for Hoarders. Who just sits around while their pool goes green? And I laughed when they said they had been fixing up the place. I cannot imagine what it looked like before they fixed it up. I predict trainwreck. 


So true. I live in Florida and would not be caught dead anywhere near Spring Hill. That house with the green pool was disgusting. 

Before these people make a major life decision to move to a foreign country for "love", don't any of them take a trip over here first for a couple of weeks to see if they are going to like it?  If they did, maybe they wouldn't be so surprised at what they were walking into. Then again, I guess there wouldn't be a show at all if they did that. 

  • Love 2

Well, Justin and Evelin just moved up a couple notches in my estimation. It's obvious he knew exactly how his family would react. I wonder if maybe there were some racist undertones there? It seems like Darth Vader sister-in-law and other brother's girlfriend were both pretty taken aback by Evelin herself. 


Evelin is a very beautiful woman who comes across extremely kind-hearted (though that could just be her edit). I could see Darth Vader being supremely jealous upon first meeting. 

I think Justin wanted to shield Evelin from that and is just a poor communicator. Hopefully those two can work them out.


Poor Amy. She obviously had very little idea what she was getting herself into. 

  • Love 6
Before these people make a major life decision to move to a foreign country for "love", don't any of them take a trip over here first for a couple of weeks to see if they are going to like it?  If they did, maybe they wouldn't be so surprised at what they were walking into. Then again, I guess there wouldn't be a show at all if they did that.


True, so true. 


I think that just as we romanticize what other countries are like, people from other countries romanticize what the US is like. If your only info about a country comes from TV, you would probably think everyone likes in a high rise in a city or in something out of Beverly Hills. It's interesting that almost all the Americans portrayed live in BFE. Justin is probably the exception. 

  • Love 2


I absolutely REFUSE to believe that weird Brett ever had a real, true marital relationship with attractive, fit, pleasant "Chanel." They didn't even look at each other when they met up to exchange custody of Cassidy. Maybe their past friendship was a sperm donor with parental rights deal?


I think it was most likely an alcohol-related incident. Which produced a pregnancy, which produced "Do The Right Thing" Brett, with Chanel standing at the altar with mascara running down her cheeks.



Poor Amy was so overwhelmed.  You could see the fright in her eyes.


I thought this episode should have been called "Oh My God!" which was what she said under her breath. Probably more than once.




Meanwhile, the roommates are ok with two extra people living there for a month? I would not be ok with that. And was grandma staying there too?


Brett said his mother would only be there for a few days.



In fact, how about, what is Jennifer doing for work?


I'm betting she sells Mary Kay. Be on the lookout for a pink car.




Cassia is going to freak when she realizes that the night life in that area consists of the Cracker Barrel by the highway. I want to know why Jason is living with dad, who is clearly retired.


Could be any number of reasons why Dad is living there. He could be disabled. He could be on a limited income and can't afford to live by himself. When I moved back to my hometown, I lived with my Dad for about 2 years until I could find a place of my own (and until I could save enough to afford one). He certainly loved having me around for company after living alone for quite a number of years, and to have someone besides himself to cook for. 


Funny how opinions of everyone have almost done a 180° since last week's episode. Looking forward to seeing how everyone stacks up after the next episode.

  • Love 5

What a clusterfuck this group of guys turned out to be!  No matter how unlikeable any of the women are, I have to give them a pass for dealing with this bunch of morons.  There is SO much to snark on, but I’ll keep it to the most obvious points.

Justin's sister-in-law was ridiculous, but he also pissed me off with his talk of eloping, and not taking Evelin's feelings into consideration.  Yeah, lets go to a JP for a quick ceremony so you can get back to your kitchen duties.

Brett dragging Daya off on a 20 hour roundtrip to pick up his kid and then not having made arrangements for a separate place for the kid to sleep?   Then he goes off to work, leaving Daya to babysit the child on her first full day in the U.S.  Yeah, that’s the way to welcome your new fiancé.


Danny is another moron.  After dropping Amy off and leaving her alone in a house with people she’s never met, he shows up the next night thinking it’s a good idea to have a boatload of family over for dinner rather than to spend some time alone with her to help her get her bearings.  Another certifiable moron!


Jason, if you think Cassia is upset with you now, just wait until you bring her into that pig sty you’re living in.  The pool was disgusting, and he couldn’t even bother to make the bed or do anything about all the shit in the bedroom and the rest of the house. 


Even if Mo is only here for his green card, I kind of felt sorry for him that he had to deal with the redneck tribe that is Danielle’s family.  At least Mo is pleasant and you can take him out in public without being embarrassed.


I’ll be shocked if ANY of these relationships survive the 90 days.  One guy wants a babysitter, one wants a live-in maid, one is so desperate that he can’t see that the woman can barely tolerate him, and the others are just as bad.  I can’t wait to see how it all plays out!

  • Love 6


he also pissed me off with his talk of eloping, and not taking Evelin's feelings into consideration.  Yeah, lets go to a JP for a quick ceremony so you can get back to your kitchen duties.



Word. Elope? Are you nuts, man? She deserves the nicest wedding possible. Just be sure to leave your family off the invitation list.


I have to believe there's a lot of scripted set-ups this season. It wasn't nearly this bad last time around. And one couple last year said so much was left out that they declined an invitation to be on the recap show. 

  • Love 4

Danny too. He may live in the suburbs (and with his parents) but that area of Norristown seems like he's in the more affluent area. It's very close to some major highways, and only 30ish minutes outside of Philly. Traffic depending. Now as far as where he has Amy staying, it seems to be a nice house in a secluded area, but I can't tell what town really without more local shots beyond just the sister's property. I am guessing it's close to or in an area called Honeybrook, which is rural but is close to major highways too. But Norristown is not some bumfuck secluded town in the middle of nowhere, I dated a guy who lived there when I lived one town over and there's a lot going on in the area, they just aren't showing it. Especially over the summer. Nevermind all the stuff going on in Philly.


Anyway I'm gonna have to actually watch last night's episode to see this mess. I suspected Justin's family was going to be that way. The sister in law (from the commercials) didn't look like she had it all goin on, maybe she's a jellus haterz? And why does she care so much about her brother in law? Weird.


Of course Danielle's dimwit family isn't going to get the concept of halal meats. That sort of thing is completely foreign to them. But dissing Mo for being [temporoary] veggie due to his religion? Lame!

  • Love 3

Africa is not a country, you moron!   She cannot say something "African".   Ok, back to your regularly scheduled program.

That is probably one of my biggest pet peeves. I've had people say that to me and it's incredibly ignorant and disrespectful. Ugh. I feel for Amy. A potentially racist father-in-law and a brother-in-law who treats you like you're a show-and-tell act intended to entertain on demand, what joy. Also, what was up with the brother-in-law opening Amy's door before she could say it was okay? What if she were getting dressed and didn't hear someone at the door?


Was anyone else annoyed when one of Danny's friends asked if Amy had any concerns about the wedding night? How is that dinner conversation? I also have to say that something isn't right with Danny. It's odd that he would think it appropriate to have a dinner the second night Amy is there when she hadn't gotten more than 30 minutes with him in 24 hours. Like, why not have a sweet romantic dinner with the woman who was on a long ass flight to be with your ass instead of inviting a ton of people over to overwhelm her? I feel like their relationship is going to be more about his needs than hers. She seems so sweet and I hope she stands up for herself if she feels uncomfortable.


Justin's mother was adorable. You can tell she was in shock about the situation, but she was very respectful and even said that she can feel that Evelin loves her son. The sister-in-law was a bitch. Her behavior was so inappropriate. I can absolutely see why Justin didn't want to introduce Evelin to his family, but I don't agree with him eloping and keeping his mother and brothers away from the ceremony. They didn't seem to have an issue with Evelin. And to be fair to his family, they had no idea Justin was even seeing anyone and now he shows up with a woman he plans to marry in 90 days...I think they are allowed to be a little taken aback. The SIL was turd, but other than that, everyone tried to be nice.


I feel for Jason's dad. He clearly doesn't seem happy about Cassia, but wants to be there for his son. He seemed very sweet. Cassia was rude and immature. Jason will spend the rest of his life trying to bend to her needs and complaints. I don't feel that bad for Jason though. Did I hear correctly when he said Cassia was dating his friend and then she split with the friend to get with Jason? Very mature. If Cassia does show up to the airport, I think she will be on the first plane back when she realizes that Jason has a very budgeted life...and a very gross pool.


I actually felt a ltitle sympathy for Daya. She drove 20 hours with Brett to pick up a little girl she's never met and who she'd care for primarily while Brett was at work. Then, she was to share a bed with the child and Brett. I don't understand why Brett couldn't have made other arrangements for his daughter. Why not let her and grandma take the bed, and then he and Daya could sleep on the couches? Or maybe buy a blow-up mattress and put it somewhere in the living room? I know space is tight, but I personally would not want to sleep in a bed with my future step-daughter if it wasn't an emergency situation.

  • Love 4

Jason, if you think Cassia is upset with you now, just wait until you bring her into that pig sty you’re living in.  The pool was disgusting, and he couldn’t even bother to make the bed or do anything about all the shit in the bedroom and the rest of the house. 


Yes! Ugh! Come on! Make your place look nice! Jesus. I always wonder about that. If I was going to be on TV you can be damn sure that my house would be spotless enough to house the Queen of England! Christ. People are slobs. 


Danny might be immature, but at least he made that room like nice for Amy. 

  • Love 2

Yikes, this Jennifer chick is a real piece of work and she has totally put me on Evelin's side.  First off, what the hell is she doing so awesome in the world that she has the right to question anyone else?  What are you going to do for work?  Whatever, bitch, you're a grown ass married woman with a hag face who lives in an apartment complex, you don't have the right to condescend to anyone, ever.  In fact, how about, what is Jennifer doing for work?  I'll bet its nothing that awesome.  And there is no need to sit around making faces.  Any why is it everyone else is okay with not knowing, except her.  Why should anyone be obligated to run their life decisions by her?  And where is everyone else's balls?  Her husband is okay with her behaving this way?  On camera?  




My mouth dropped open when Jennifer began her third degree. What a bitch. Some people are like that, they have to live everyone else's life for them. and gods forbid if anyone opts not to do what she thinks is best for them. She takes it personally and becomes furious. Her husband (and indeed, the whole rest of the family) sitting there mute or grinning uncomfortably as she became judge and jury was just sickening. the whole bunch of them have Stockholm Syndrome, I guess. none of them dared stand up to her, or even say mildly "OK, Jen, let's let Evelin get used to us before we we overwhelm her", or offered Evelin a drink or something. Jesus.

That is probably one of my biggest pet peeves. I've had people say that to me and it's incredibly ignorant and disrespectful. Ugh. I feel for Amy. A potentially racist father-in-law and a brother-in-law who treats you like you're a show-and-tell act intended to entertain on demand, what joy. Also, what was up with the brother-in-law opening Amy's door before she could say it was okay? What if she were getting dressed and didn't hear someone at the door?


Was anyone else annoyed when one of Danny's friends asked if Amy had any concerns about the wedding night? How is that dinner conversation? I also have to say that something isn't right with Danny. It's odd that he would think it appropriate to have a dinner the second night Amy is there when she hadn't gotten more than 30 minutes with him in 24 hours. Like, why not have a sweet romantic dinner with the woman who was on a long ass flight to be with your ass instead of inviting a ton of people over to overwhelm her? I feel like their relationship is going to be more about his needs than hers. She seems so sweet and I hope she stands up for herself if she feels uncomfortable.


My heart broke for Amy. Douchebag brother in law, waking her up and demanding that she perform like a trained seal before she can even brush her teeth? And dumbass sister in law who doesn't stop him? and she's stuck with these people for three months? I can't even imagine. And that horribly awkward dinner! "say something in African!"  "So.....are you worried about the wedding night?"(leer, giggle) You can tell Danny never even told her ahead of time. The social skills of this family seem to be sadly lacking. She should run back to Cape Town as fast as her feet can carry her.


  • Love 6
Funny how opinions of everyone have almost done a 180° since last week's episode


I don't know about anyone else, but I haven't changed my opinion of any of these people. All of the Americans on last night's show were clueless in one way or another, and more focused on getting what they want then on their fiance's needs. Couldn't see a red flag if it smacked them across the face.


Danielle: Delusional and clingy

Mohamed: Obviously conning Danielle, but does a creditable acting job in the role of decent guy. Shifty eyes and all.


Danny: Nice guy. Thoughtless and inconsiderate. Makes plans based on what is convenient for him and not based on his fiance's comfort and concerns

Amy: Nice girl. Clueless about how clueless Danny is. Clearly deserves better.


Justin: Self centered. Immature. Wants to make all the decisions in the relationship. Pretends to listen to Evalin's concerns and then disregards them and does what he wants, assuming she'll just get over it.

Evalin: Genuinely good hearted person. Too good for Justin.


Brett:  Doormat. Extremely lacking in common sense. Using his American citizenship to get a mate who is otherwise completely out of his league.

Daya: Taking Brett for whatever she can get from him. May have met her Waterloo with Cassidy, who clearly doesn't like her, and has the power to torpedo the entire relationship. (Although I think it would take an all out war between Daya and Cassidy for Brett to dump Daya. Anything less and Brett will just tell himself Cassidy just hasn't warmed up to Daya yet.)

Edited by sleepyjean
  • Love 5

Was Chanel introduced as Brett's ex wife? Or just ex? Because I find it hard to believe he was anything more than her one night stand during a long night of drinking that she got pregnant from.

Rumor has it that Danny went to my high school. If his brother lives in the area that I lived (which it looks like he does), Amy is pretty much stuck in the house unless she has access to a car. Between that and the overly invasive and ignorant future in laws, I feel really bad for her.

  • Love 1

In the bonus video, it was stated that Amy missed her connection to Philadelphia and was stranded at the airport in Chicago for almost thirteen hours. I was shocked because Danny didn’t seem the least bit concerned, otherwise he would have mentioned it. He comes across as being very immature and doesn’t seem to know what he is doing half the time. Telling his family that Amy has a “tan” instead of being “multiracial” was not cool. Based on the dinner conversations, that poor girl seems to be surrounded by idiots.

I wonder why Jennifer thought she had the right to be judgmental and dismissive of Evelin, when Justin’s mother and brother didn’t seem to have a problem with her. Evelin will soon learn that some Americans aren’t as “family-oriented” and that “family” means different things to different people.

I think Mo and Daya should automatically be awarded green cards just for having to put up with Danielle and Brett. Mo should be commended for displaying so much grace and respect amid so much ignorance and stupidity.

  • Love 4

I just checked on the price of the bus that goes from  Tampa to Miami. It costs about $50 one way. But it will save potentially several hundred dollars on airfare, since many of the airlines that fly from South America go to Miami and not Tampa. And the cost of a flight from Miami to Tampa on another airline is not cheap. (FYI, I live in Tampa). 

  • Love 2

She was a child made very uncomfortable not only by the cameras but also from being grilled by a complete stranger about an event she should have had a chance to get used to. I agree she was very well behaved, considering...

ITA. She'd never met Daya before and she sees a camera (or a couple) filming her every move. i think most children would clam up under the circumstances. I'm sure the ex prepped her by telling her she'd be meeting dad's new girlfriend, but still, the average child would hear about the new girlfriend long before meeting her, and they would meet under more comfortable circumstances.

  • Love 3

That and I think most parents wouldn't just leave their kid unattended with their new girlfriend (or boyfriend) when they have no idea how the person is with kids. Or if the kid even likes them. I thought that was really irresponsible of Brett. I mean yeah I guess his mother was still around, but still. Anytime I have ever met a boyfriend's kid it hasn't been a "Hey here's my kid now you get to be her free babysitter while I go to work! Good luck!" type of situation. He couldn't even take one day off work to spend the day with Daya and his kid?

  • Love 2


Before these people make a major life decision to move to a foreign country for "love", don't any of them take a trip over here first for a couple of weeks to see if they are going to like it?  If they did, maybe they wouldn't be so surprised at what they were walking into. Then again, I guess there wouldn't be a show at all if they did that. 

Some foreign nationals have an easier time getting a visitor visa than others as the US government fears they will overstay their visas and live as illegal aliens (go TNT in Filipino slang).

Edited by Raja
  • Love 1

I like Amy.  Yeah, "Speak African", like which one of the hundred or so African languages? She needs to escape Hicksville and run back to Johannesburg.  Jason is a total stiff and is just a whim and a potential green card for Cassia.  I think Mohammed might be gay.  I get that vibe from him.  He's 26 and in love with a woman old enough to be his mom and who he is not physically attracted to.  I think he sees her as a potenial beard and green card.

  • Love 1

I finally got the scammer vibe from Mo when he started inquiring as to the monetary value of everything, expressing displeasure with the size of the apartment and style of the vehicle, and proved himself a pool shark, but I still say there's some kind of reverse scam going on.  Watch out for those grip-of-death "sausage fingers," as Honey Boo Boo would call them.

Edited by joanofarch4
  • Love 1

I think Justin's family would have handled the news ok, if Darth Vader would have kept her trap shut. I don't know if she was drunk or if she's always that rude, but I give Evelin credit for staying conposed during her interrogation. Justins mom seemed to take the news in stride and was polite at least. Off topic, but Darth's facial expressions reminded me of a Ghostface mask, so maybe they need to rethink her nickname.

As for Mohammed, he may be using Danielle for a green card but he comes across as a nice guy. I liked him better this episode.

Danielle is an emotional vampire who she clings to Mo like a barnacle on the hull of a ship. I've give Mo one thing - dude does seem socially adept and very diplomatic, especially given the fact that English is not his first language. Brother-in-law was kind of a dick but Mo handled him and himself very well so kudos to him.


The bro-in-laws lack of affection and hand holding comment was interesting. I don't for a minute believe that Mo is genuinely sexually attracted to Danielle. However, if Dani per chance went from acceptable to hot for him, I doubt he would be all over her in public either. PDA's just aren't culturally acceptable in the Muslim world.


Dya - If she is marrying for money she is about to earn it the hard way. Brett is a messy mess.

I think Justin wanted to shield Evelin from that and is just a poor communicator.


Frankly, if Justin were interested in shielding Evelin he wouldn't have put her in that situation in the first place. This reminds me of a Cosby show episode where Vanessa shows up with a 30 year old man and announces she is engaged to him and has been for 6 months and never told anyone about it.  Cliff's analogy of the engagement announcement to presenting a well cooked & expensive steak dinner with all the trimmings served on a garbage can lid was the absolute best and so right on re: Justin.  My sympathies lie solely with Evelin here. She may indeed be a wonderful, kind, caring woman madly in love with Justin but he presented her to his family on a garbage can lid.


Justin knows his family. Hell, his BFF knows his family and mentioned Darth Vader and her Death Star reaction to this situation. Justin should have told them ahead of time and spared Evelin such an awkward and humiliating situation. No doubt, they still would have had questions and suspicions about her motives but at least they would have had time to digest. Actually I thought his immediate family acted not that bad given the circumstances. It was the sister-in-law who was the pill. After Jennifer's husband initial shock, even he was like what could she possibly be getting from marrying Justin and sarcastically mentioned his  billions of dollars. LOL! Jenny from the Block probably wanted Justin but settled for the brother.


Justin was really engaging in some magical thinking because later in bed he thought that things would be different and they would at least congratulate him first. What?!?!  I would never be as rude as some of them were but if my brother showed up with a woman whom he had never mentioned and clearly gave no indication that he was dating seriously and then showed up with a bag of grocery donuts and a date and said she was from "X" country and they were getting married in 90 fucking days, you can best believe I would have some shit to say to him - off to the side. True fax.


Poor Amy. Run girl, Run. Run fast. Run deep. Run far. The operative word here is RUN! Any man whose definition of romance says it includes friends and family - GIRL RUN!!!   I think they are the very definition of young vacation love. It is all just so wondrous, magical & new when they were both in a foreign country (Australia) and they continued the romance via skype but they never really knew each other. Just loved the idea of each other. You could see the reality hit Amy square in the face this whole episode. I could almost see a thought bubble that said: "I wonder if return tickets home would be cheaper on Travelocity or expedia?" Girl, just get on the 1st thing smoking no matter the expense.


How can Danny be so damn obtuse and thoughtless? I hope he at least bothered to call her during the day. My opinion of him descends with each episode. I thought he might be one of the decent ones. 


Was that woman at the house early in the morning, Danny's brother's wife? She just seemed significantly older than him. Not that there is anything wrong with that.


Cassia seems like the type to bust the windows out your car. 

Edited by islandgal140
  • Love 10

. Then, she was to share a bed with the child and Brett. I don't understand why Brett couldn't have made other arrangements for his daughter. Why not let her and grandma take the bed, and then he and Daya could sleep on the couches? Or maybe buy a blow-up mattress and put it somewhere in the living room? I know space is tight, but I personally would not want to sleep in a bed with my future step-daughter if it wasn't an emergency situation.

Odd for America, not for the Philippines, besides the reality "eek" component there are different cultures and cultural expectations in play. Even older children than preschoolers will stay in a parents bed if the family can't afford a larger place.

"House Hunters International" makes me embarrassed to be an American, but last night's "90-Day Fiance" made me REALLY embarrassed to be an American.  Any one of these imports -- even "tell it like it is" Daya -- has more class than all of the natives combined.  And why, oh why, was Lou wearing a sweatshirt saying, "I <3 Kentucky"?  (cringe)  My sympathies now lie entirely with Daya; that kid is a brat!

  • Love 2

I was thinking about the being affectionate thing and in a lot of other cultures, PDAs are frowned upon, it's not just for certain religions (Islam).   I am from the Caribbean, and it's very rare that there are PDA's.  I can't remember seeing any type of hand-holding or anything like that growing up.  My bf is from the U.S. and I am learning to be more affectionate.    I once had a first date with a guy who was from another island (date was in NYC) and he told me straight up that he was not into PDA's.  He said people would date him thinking he would change and then would be mad when he didn't.   Of course, we only had one date.


Besides, Danielle is clingy/affectionate enough for the both of them. 

  • Love 3

I don't know if I would call it welcoming.  She didn't just drive over from Cleveland.  She flew across the Atlantic and was probably jet-lagged out of her mind to have someone she has never met ask her to speak African to him.  She nicely said it's too early to speak African now and he asked her to say something again.  I get that she seems like a strange new toy, but still.  Then he asks her at dinner to say something in African and she said something under her breath about that not being a language.  I know he wasn't talking about Afrikaans.  Danny needs to grow up a bit.  Poor Amy was so overwhelmed.  You could see the fright in her eyes. 

And "you're really tan!"  How embarrassing for the entire country.  The SIL: wasn't that the drunk mom from the last series?

  • Love 1

Odd for America, not for the Philippines, besides the reality "eek" component there are different cultures and cultural expectations in play. Even older children than preschoolers will stay in a parents bed if the family can't afford a larger place.

Sleeping in the same bed with a parent is not unusual in my culture - my family is not American. My problem is that Daya does not know her step-daughter and her step-daughter does not know her. They'd met that day, but were already having slumber parties and Daya is supposed to be her primary caregiver while Brett is gone. This is not the best way to let a child know that they are going to get a new step-mother. It's clear Brett did not think the whole situation through.


I hope he's planning on finding his own place.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 3

The running gag on this show is how provincial and dim-witted "average" Americans are. It's a stereotype, but the producers found enough people to make a show. Only Chelsea has escaped being painted with the stupid brush. 

But she has the cringe-worthy Valley Girl vocal fry which is, in itself, enough to start the whole world laughing at us.

  • Love 5


Was that woman at the house early in the morning, Danny's brother's wife? She just seemed significantly older than him.

I thought so too!  And I blame her equally for not stopping her idiot husband from barging into Amy's room!  Why wouldn't they let her graciously come downstairs when she was showered, dressed, and ready to be seen?  Ugh!  Amy seems so above this crowd.  I really can't believe she wouldn't see this for what it is, a mistake, and just go home where it sounds like she had a very full and happy life. 



I just thought it odd she didn't run over to her father and hug him. Or hug him when they got in the car.

Agreed.  Is seemed that she was hiding as much from him as she was Daya.  And I know we didn't see a ton of her, but we saw enough to leave me scratching my head over the ex-wife.  I can't come up with a single scenerio in any way shape or form that would connect her with Brett.  There isn't enough booze in the world!  Maybe Brett has a secret he's hiding that we don't know about?  Wink, wink. 


Jason and his Dad belong on another reality show, I'm not sure which one, but it isn't this.  What a couple of endearing weirdos.  I can't wait to see Cassia's reaction to the sty she's being brought to because it sounds like she deserves whatever she's got coming!  Jason is one of those men that makes me want to crawl inside of his head to see the truth:  he's plain, has a really odd, flat, affect (very little personality), doesn't look to lead a particularly exciting life.....and yet he has a model worthy, bikini clad, young woman frolicking out of the surf running towards him.  How does this make sense to him?  How does he justify this?  That this bimbo can see beneath his skin into his wonderful inner self?  That he's been wrongly misunderstood and judged by American women?  That this hottie is somehow in his league?  She doesn't seem to possess the docile, easily controlled personality that you could see for others would be the motivating factor.


Mo obviously can be nothing other than a con-artist but that didn't keep me from liking the dude.  How odd to feel worse for the con artist than the victim!  Danielle makes me want to throw things at the tv!  Idiot!  Work your magic, Mo, this fool is yours for the taking and no one is going to feel any sympathy for her once the truth is revealed.  The ones who will suffer the worst are her girls and that's so sad.  And just another reason to hate Danielle.  Like Jason, I truly wonder how Danielle justifies this in her head.  Does she think she's living a bad 80's movie where the loser girl gets the popular guy in high school?     

Edited by Kiki620
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I think the reason Mohamed seemed to handle the ignorant dinner conversation so well is because he's a practiced scammer and consummate con artist. He's got his eye on the prize so there's no way he is going to show annoyance or lose control of his temper. In fact, the previews showed a woman touching his forearm next week in a suggestive way, and I have no doubt we will see Mohamed handle that "advance" with panache! Lol. And, then, in his TH, I will wait for his wide eyed innocent reaction to the predatory American female! He's a good actor, should be nominated for an Emmy. Best Performance by a Reality Star Pretending to Be Physically Attracted to His Grams!

're Danny and Amy, OMG. Amy needs to run home to her mother. There's something off about Danny. The couple met at Bible College so they had to have hung out and gotten to know each other a little. Yet he's acting as though if he doesn't either split off the premises or surround himself with dozens of others, he's going to fall from grace -- that is, S E X. He's gonna do this for 90 days? News flash to Amy: Don't be surprised if on Day 91, Danny has a headache from all the "excitement!"

Someone posted here on an earlier episode thread -- I apologize because I cannot remember who -- asking, what's with Danny's hair? He looks like a marionette! OMG! I can't see this guy without thinking of that comment, and can't stop laughing about it, because it's true!

  • Love 7


And I know we didn't see a ton of her, but we saw enough to leave me scratching my head over the ex-wife.  I can't come up with a single scenerio in any way shape or form that would connect her with Brett.  There isn't enough booze in the world!  Maybe Brett has a secret he's hiding that we don't know about?  Wink, wink.


Edited to remove insensitive post. Sorry!

Edited by Jodio
  • Love 1

I'm Muslim and don't eat pork either. I can't count how many times people were shocked that I couldn't eat pork. They got really defensive and raised their voices.

I had dinner with a friend and ordered a hamburger without the bacon. She and the waiter kept questioning me about why I don't like pork. My friend then told the waiter that she would have my pork on the side of her dish.

I really just feel like yelling CALM THE FUCK DOWN!!!!

  • Love 3

And now I'm thinking that, like Danny, Brett has a true fear of intimacy, too. How else to explain putting his young child in the same bed he shares with his 90 day fiance? Not to mention, his MOTHER is sleeping in the room, too.

I said it in the first episode -- Brett really reminds me of the Heaven's Gate cult members who committed suicide en masse. He has that "look."

Edited by cooksdelight
Original quoted post was edited.
  • Love 3

I'm Muslim and don't eat pork either. I can't count how many times people were shocked that I couldn't eat pork. They got really defensive and raised their voices.

I had dinner with a friend and ordered a hamburger without the bacon. She and the waiter kept questioning me about why I don't like pork. My friend then told the waiter that she would have my pork on the side of her dish.

I really just feel like yelling CALM THE FUCK DOWN!!!!

Why do people care so much if you don't want to eat bacon?  LOL!  What I don't get is, if you don't want bacon on your burger then you don't order a bacon burger.  You just order a hamburger, not a bacon burger without the bacon.

  • Love 2

How ironic that they played back-to-back interviews of Amy saying that her idea of romance was spending time alone with Danny, and Danny saying that his idea of romance was spending time with family (?). I think Danny might just be inexperienced and nervous about spending too much time alone with Amy before they're married. From watching the Duggars I've learned that some conservative Christians have a lot of anxiety surrounding premarital sex and "what is going to happen" if an unmarried couple spends too much time alone together.


I didn't realize until the end of the episode that we didn't get any Chelsea/Yamir time this week and I was actually relieved to get a break.

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