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Season 2 Discussion


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I thought what Danny said about why they wanted to be celibate before marriage was interesting. It was all about being emotionally intimate before becoming physically intimate. But I wonder when they had an opportunity to develop that emotional intimacy. In my mind, emotional intimacy comes from experiencing a lot of things together and having lots of long talks about what you think, how you see the world, what experiences you've had, what you'd like to do and be in the future. But it doesn't seem like they had much time for that during the 90 days. It seems like they didn't have tons of time together, and almost none with just the two of them.


I'd be in favor of making that 90 day requirement longer, maybe 6 months instead.  Why rush people?


Also, there may be a lot of things I'd blame Mohamed for, but I'll give him a pass on "acceptable".  It sounded like production set him up by asking him if Danielle's appearance was acceptable to him, and he answered in kind not completely understanding how it would sound to American ears.

  • Love 2

I'd be in favor of making that 90 day requirement longer, maybe 6 months instead.  Why rush people?


Also, there may be a lot of things I'd blame Mohamed for, but I'll give him a pass on "acceptable".  It sounded like production set him up by asking him if Danielle's appearance was acceptable to him, and he answered in kind not completely understanding how it would sound to American ears.


The K1 visa isn't intended for people to use to get to know each other.  It's intended for people who already know each other, have decided to marry, and for the foreign party to enter the US to help make plans for a life together.  The show makes it look as if it's like Married At First Sight.  That's the wrong impression.


Notice how Mohamed said nothing about "acceptable" being "beautiful" last night.  It was up to Dani to make that save.

  • Love 4

Practically speaking, though, unless someone is independently wealthy and can spend an unlimited amount of time in another country getting to know someone, the average person is going to be hampered by job and money constraints.  It's kind of a wonder how anyone has the time to nurture a relationship with a foreigner.  Of course, I know it's not the job of the U.S. Government to worry about people's love lives.

  • Love 2

I appreciate you keeping it real.  You're acknowledging the automatic halo effect that happened once a star of the show decided to make a presence.  I guess only time will tell if Cassia is for real.  


As for the others, you are spot on. Danny and Amy look like shining stars that have crashed and burned already. Where is the glow and the staring into each others eyes? I don't think Amy is here for a green card. She obviously comes from a fortunate situation in her country.  She was in love and didn't want to part from her puppy love experience.  I do think that she is too young to make such a life long decision but her strong Christian faith may keep her chained to him for life no matter the level of satisfaction with Danny.

Thank you, sookisooki, for getting me. I appreciate it. Xo
  • Love 1

Mohamed thinks he can use religion and culture as a sort of "get out of jail free" card  for anything he doesn't want to do. He thinks he's being clever. We don't know anything about Tunisia, so if he says it's this way or that way, we just have to believe him, right? But the fact is, if he was truly in love with Danielle, or even just liked her a lot, he would know that physical affection is very important to her. He would know that it hurts her feelings that he doesn't reciprocate, and he would try to unbend a little, FOR HER. Hug her back, hold her hand, put your arm around her now and then, because you know it makes HER feel good. That's what a man in love would do. He would make the effort. The fact that he never does these things tells us more loudly than anything that Danielle and her happiness mean nothing to him. Culture could explain why he doesn't initiate affection. It doesn't explain why he doesn't reciprocate it. This is America, Jack. If you're going to be living here, try learning and adapting to the culture here.

  • Love 5

Bearing in mind these people are still living under the INS guidelines to get that brass ring known as The Green Card, I took almost every proclamation of love with a grain of salt.  Kind of hard to prove it's a "real" marriage and fulfill the green card requirements when you go on a television show and say something contradictory for all of the world to see and hear.  


That statement by good old fast-talkin' Mo was a direct contradiction of what we heard him say during his last-minute phone call to some esoteric individual..."I didn't even want to come to America."


The dude's just trying to make it look like he came here for a real relationship with Danielle and not a business deal.


And, damn, the way he talked and talked but never actually said anything that would be an actual answer was impressive.  


At least he admitted he wasn't happy.  Of course, he then tried to cover that up with a layer of fresh manure but...Yeah, thanks for admitting the obvious, Mo!

Absolutely, positively, bull's-eye, right on target.

That's why the government doesn't concern itself with whether the couple is in love or not.

Movies and TV make it appear that the government really drills the couple and goes after scams big time all based on if its a love match. So I guess there's really no K1 Visa police peering into the couple's bedroom window or showing up at dinner time with a pop quiz silliness. So Mo's probably safe if he closes down his on-line presence.

Dani and Mo are, frankly, the norm in imported Arab Muslim male/American non-Muslim female relationships.  That goes across age ranges and social status.  Unfortunately, the chances of them making it work is about 8-10%.  Most of these couplings either crash and burn miserably or they linger on in misery.  

Movies and TV make it appear that the government really drills the couple and goes after scams big time all based on if its a love match. So I guess there's really no K1 Visa police peering into the couple's bedroom window or showing up at dinner time with a pop quiz silliness. So Mo's probably safe if he closes down his on-line presence.


If they get into the country and there's no evidence of payment for marriage, it's not likely that they'll be deported.  Before they get here is where the digging up dirt on the import is intense. 

  • Love 3

Thank you!! I was totally thinking that! If I met a guy and texted him for a month and then went on 2 dates and then slept with him it would be so different compared to Danny and Amy only talking online and then she coming over, prepping for a wedding, never actually dating without someone else present.. and finally when they DO have alone time.. they watch a movie and DON'T TALK. Like I'm sure they "talked" but considering Danny worked and shit.. Their "night of intimacy" is equal to any other average person's night of intimacy. I have trouble believing they knew more about each other than I did about my imaginary texting boyfriend.


Danny and Amy said they met in Australia in school.  They aren't an online match.

  • Love 4

In the style of James Blunt:

"You're acceptable, you're acceptable, you're acceptable it's true"

But seriously, the opinion that he doesn't know English that well is very generous in my opinion. He made no attempt to clarify when it was brought up, just Danielle chimed in. I also didn't buy in the lawyer convo when he said "how do you say... Green card" riiiiiiight of all the words in English you seem to know, that one slips your mind.

  • Love 7

Oh, I totally forgot about Danny's response to the question about the wedding night. I'm no prude and I think an open dialogue about sex is very healthy, but yeah. It's interesting because I grew up with very conservative Christians and sex was such a taboo topic in my circle, so I'm surprised to see it such an open topic for Danny and his family.

Some conservative Christians favor the "boys will be boys" argument complete with double standards.  Other Christians think sex is healthy part of marriage and can be discussed once the marriage is taken place or is about to taken place, depending on the couples and families etc. I think Danny and Amy are more the latter themselves, but his family seems more the former to me. 

Among other questions I would have asked I would have liked to know why Amy is so religious, is this common in South Africa,etc. I don't much about the culture so it would have been interesting. I wish they had asked better questions or actually taken a few from the internet. 

Edited by Temperance
  • Love 1

**Did anyone notice the huuuge hairy tumor in the back of Mo's right shoulder? I hope he gets it checked**

Oh, Toaster Strudel, how I love your posts!!! Always you have me with the gut laugh, banging on the desk with my fist. I can't wait till the next season - I hope the same posters all come back!

Cassia: the genuine empathy she shows when the others are speaking kicks her up several notches, doesn't it? And she's got spunk. Who doesn't love some spunk in the underdog?

I wanted to slap Justin when he said the honeymoon was over. I love Evelin, I think she has (almost) as much class as Amy. He's just a jerk, and he never weighs what he says against the reaction. BLOP it out there, Justin. She's going to be humiliated more than once with that mouth of his.

When the couples were separated for that brief segment (what was the point in THAT??), I thought Mo was actually tearing up a little. When he was trying to justify himself. But what the heck, Mo? 60/40? And acceptable is beautiful???? Oh my gosh. I would never get over the public scrutiny. I mean, I'VE lost relationships I thought I would never recover from - but I didn't do it on TV (and FB and Twitter and blogs, etc.). I just don't even know what to think or say about that. I'm horrified for a person who clearly keeps going back for another bitch slap, and another and another and another.

I wish Amy had been given a little more opportunity to articulate.

And who thought Jason would have shown himself to be a good moderator? Daya cries a whole lot. Nerves maybe.

Someone commented upthread about Chelsea's pseudo hippyism not working for her. It really doesn't work. I think she'd technically be considered more bohemian than hippie - but I swear, it just looks nasty on her. She always looks like she needs a bath.

Aside from Daya's (still) 2-tone hair, the hair ad makeup team did a FANTASTIC job on the girls last night. Cassia and Chelsea both looked amazing compared to the actual episodes. Chelsea's hair had been straightened. I was impressed (right up until she started the protest that it was a mutual decision that found them living in... you know... Kansas). What a loser. Someone also commented upthread that Dani looked almost pretty. No, she didn't. She looked certainly more presentable than in the episode shows, but still. There's the whole old saying about putting lipstick on a pig thing...

  • Love 8

Really?? That's some BS of a contract. Who would sign something like that? Are all the reality show peeps under similar contracts, Cooksdelight?

The ones I have seen are pretty thick. And scary enough that my friends won't discuss all the details for fear of a million dollar fine. I'll finish answering this in Small Talk since it doesn't concern this episode.


Danny and Amy ... both tried to gloss things over by claiming to take the higher road and spending thanksgiving with the father, but their facade came crumbling down once the host asked that final question. No he doesn't see or treat Amy like a daughter and their relationship will continue to be strained until Danny realizes that he doesn't have to be an angry a--- to stand up to his father, but he does have to stand up to him or move away. He can't keep subjecting his wife to that.



Danny and Amy live in Pennsylvania and his parents live in Texas. So they probably will only see his parents during the holidays in any event.

  • Love 1

Some conservative Christians favor the "boys will be boys" argument complete with double standards.  Other Christians think sex is healthy part of marriage and can be discussed once the marriage is taken place or is about to taken place, depending on the couples and families etc. I think Danny and Amy are more the latter themselves, but his family seems more the former to me. 

Among other questions I would have asked I would have liked to know why Amy is so religious, is this common in South Africa,etc. I don't much about the culture so it would have been interesting. I wish they had asked better questions or actually taken a few from the internet. 

There are pockets all over the world but for sometime there has been talk of Africa re-evangelizing Europe. People were thinking the possibility of a Black African Pope was growing with the last two elections.Of course Africans going to the first world to build hospitals and dig wells doesn't make sense. So it is more straight evangelism and not traditional missionary type work. Thus Amy and Danny found themselves in a Hillsong Bible and music ministry courses in Australia.


In any case something like 80% of South Africans claim some form of Christianity and no specific denomination is over 10%,. Compared to around 80% American Christians being  roughly 25% Catholic and a large mix of Protestants as a reference. However they stopped asking religious preference in the census.

  • Love 2

The work thing interests me.


Mohamed is the only one who has indicated an interest in working. I would like to know what his educational background is and what kind of work he plans to pursue. Did he go to University? Does he have a trade? It doesn't seem like he'd be so gung-ho about working if he was looking at flipping burgers for a living. Then again, maybe he's enthusiastic about it simply because it would get him out of the house. He's got to be bored out of his skull. If he's smart, once he gets his authorization, he'll start working night shift like Aziza from last season. That would remove him from a lot of the day to day drama. Do we know if Danielle has a job yet?


I don't recall any of the other immigrants talking about work. I would like to know what Yamir's plans are, if any. He talked about his music, but performing like he did with Myla Vox seems an unlikely career path at this point. I wonder if he's pursuing any employment at all, music related or not. Chelsea is working for a non-profit in Galesburg. Maybe he could do something like that. (On a side note, it was really too bad of Yamir not to have something prepared to perform for the show. The fact that he didn't tells me they didn't do this show as part of some master plan to launch his US music career, as some here have suggested. In any case, he's now had three chances to demonstrate his talent for an audience of millions, and none of them did him any favors.)


As for the others, I think Amy get involved in church, start popping out babies right away and be a SAHM. Evelin, who knows? I can see Justin wanting her to work. Daya has a profession, but for some reason, I think she plans to be a full time homemaker. I think Cassia could benefit from a job, so she won't be so bored. But I get the impression she expects to be supported and not have to work. She has mentioned modeling, but she doesn't seem serious about it. She's got a good body and a good face, but she's not crazy photogenic, and not the type of amazing that would send a modeling agency to Florida to pluck her out of obscurity. She'd have to hustle (and probably relocate) to make modeling work as a career (as opposed to a sometime gig) and I don't see her putting forth that kind of effort. She seems like someone who will go to her grave bragging that she "could have been a model" without ever having pursued it. Ironically, out of everyone, she has the husband who could easily relocate to support her career goals, but I think Jason is very set in his ways and would be majorly resistant to the idea of moving to NYC, LA, or even Miami. 

  • Love 1

I bet Yamir was smacking himself in the head all the next day, thinking of what he could have rapped. Gotta be prepared to improv or have something you can spit out on demand.

YES! You must be ready to self-promote! Has Myla Vox taught him nothing? I hope he hasn't picked up Chelsea's teen-like lethargic disposition.  Got to have mix-tapes (or whatever you call them now)- BAM! ready to pull out of your pocket too!

  • Love 6

I bet Yamir was smacking himself in the head all the next day, thinking of what he could have rapped. Gotta be prepared to improv or have something you can spit out on demand.

What's weird is he was on the talk show, The Real, before the reunion and he was asked to freestyle for the hosts. He did not do well. So it's not like this is the first time he's been put on the spot. I think he should have something memorized as a general rule.

Edited by trimthatfat
  • Love 2

If it's a chicken factory it'll be Myla Clucks.

Much better than mine !      Do you think that Mo could possibly open a fast food chicken restaurant ?    Mojangles       chicken served with tiny pickles

  Ok, I know I'm going to be sent to Ellis Island for this, but at Mojangles along with the chicken and pickles, one of the side dishes will be cross-eyed peas.

Edited by Cherrio
  • Love 6

Clearly, it must just be me but I just cant get past Dani & her big overgrown baby behavior, broke ass at 40+ & bringing some stranger into her home with teenagers. 

And the "I was afraid you wouldn't want me" BS? Just no. 


And before I see myself out...puhleeze...beautiful? Her? C'mon. 

Edited by BostonBlonde
  • Love 7

You have to keep in mind that love has not much to do with marriage and immigration.  If Mo can stay on that couch, memorize a series of answers about the placement of items in her bedroom, use that show money in the bank to write checks for the rent, and collect enough movie theater tickets and restaurant receipts to prove that they spend time out together, he should be fine.


True though that may be, it has little to do with the fact that it would not have been in Mo's best interests to sit on that couch being interviewed and said, "Oh, hell, no, I came over here on a business arrangement, I only care about Dani because I'm tied to her for 2 years."  Pretty sure that would not have gone over well.  


These people (whether it's Mo or Cassia or Daya or any of them) can't afford to take the risk of letting it look like they're sitting beside their American sponsor for any reason other than love and marriage.  What goes on behind their closed doors is their business, but I'm referring to what was going during that half-assed reunion.  


It was widely reported that a Teen Mom was arrested for domestic violence because viewers of the show turned her in to her local law enforcement agency.  I can totally see some random TLC viewer turning in one of the 90-Day Fiance participants who they felt was being disingenuous to the INS or whatever agency would be involved in fraudulent activities.  And I can totally see the INS checking it out and, based on whatever they felt, doing a more thorough investigation.  


I expect to hear nothing but amazing declarations of love from all of these participants (okay, except Mo, who has mastered the art of speaking without providing an answer) until the green card process is officially over.  I can totally see quiet divorce proceedings occurring after that.  


Maybe some of these couples do love each other.  Maybe some of them don't.  In fact, I'd bet a pretty hefty amount that Mo has zero love for Dani.  There are a couple of other couples I'm skeptical about as well.  


But it would have been (and would still be) completely counterproductive for any of them to admit they've come over for any less than a real marriage with their American love.  


Not that I blame any of the immigrants.  If I were living in poverty, I'd pretty much beg, borrow, or steal to get my ass to better circumstances, too.  Even if I had to suck up to some milquetoast like Jason or Brett for a couple of years.  It would be a small price to pay for the eventual benefits.  

Edited by Persnickety1
  • Love 3

It's just as ridiculous as saying that Mohammed as a Muslim would never marry a foreign woman twice his age of a Christian denomination and be married by a non-Muslim cleric.

His options at this point are very limited... he's going to have to suck it up and do whatever he can as he has very few doors open to him at the moment.

You left out the most important attribute of Danielle, she can and did get him into a western country and out of Tunisia. Her second most important attribute is that she is easily manipulated by him and will put up with whatever he does or asks.

He will divorce Danny and marry a Moslem wife. This marriage is just a means to a better future.

Expecting him to volunteer at a church, doing what exactly, is ridiculous. I doubt the church would want him.

Edited by rose711
  • Love 2

Dani and Mo are, frankly, the norm in imported Arab Muslim male/American non-Muslim female relationships.  That goes across age ranges and social status.  Unfortunately, the chances of them making it work is about 8-10%.  Most of these couplings either crash and burn miserably or they linger on in misery.  


If they get into the country and there's no evidence of payment for marriage, it's not likely that they'll be deported.  Before they get here is where the digging up dirt on the import is intense.

This isn't completely true. If a couple doesn't pass an interview they will be very closely examined, but mostly for proof that they do live together and have a relationship. In new york, they might ask couples for keys to see if they match, ask questions about relatives, how many closest in the house, etc.

But they aren't looking for love as much as proof that the couple live together. They used to ask questions about a couples sex life, but I've heard they stopped that.

It is an intimidating process and no walk in the park if they have any doubt. They do go to houses, etc.

  • Love 3

MoDan- The "hiding" behind Mo was so weirdo it is beyond the pale. Seriously? She just dived over there to not answer questions and GOT AWAY WITH IT? Why didn't the Hostess ask her "Why are you diving? What is your answer?" Mo, while being a buzzinessman, got his comeuppance with Dani. She is exactly what he deserves. Believing the he was "trying to be factual" while at the reunion does not mean that he is not also a horrid person. Dani is not being taken advantage of -- she holds the cards in terms of holding him "hostage" until the papers are all drawn up, but his meanness came out immediately when he took off and then told the cameras to Go Away that he was DUN with this! Really? Because I think NOT. He still had some contractual obligations and he needed to cool his jets.

I have zero sympathy for either of them only to point to them as a Cautionary Tale of What Not To Do To Get a Mate. Ever.

AmyDanny- He needs to Man Up in a big way. She is a lovely person, and their attitude of Moving On where his Dad is concerned is right. Nevertheless, it will be a LONG LIFE if he doesn't ever stand up for her.

Daya - -I had no issue with her bringing up the ring or the flowers. She was disappointed and expressed that. He knew what he was getting into. He's a big boy. He should not, and did not, let his mother continue to diss her. Good for them.

Cassia-Jason -- Liked her look. She looked very nice. Jason looked CALM. Now that he's been married a bit of time, he seems to have calmed down and gotten more comfortable in his skin. Which is always a Good Thing. Cassia is good for him. She said that even though he is older than she is, he is "her age" which is about right. He never appeared to be the most mature person in the world, so they are bridging the gap. Again, good luck to those two. Glad to see them on the reunion because it made me feel better about their relationship.

Justin - He's a bit strange and should stop being so self-absorbed and realize that his wife is a HUGE STEP UP for him. Get with the program and realize she is good for you buddy!

Yamir-Chelsea -- he is allowing her to lead him around, and he needs to figure things out Quickly because being a "rock star" is going to slip through his fingers quicker than you can say "myla" if he continues to sit around. Once he gets his papers, he need to MOVE TO CHICAGO on his OWN (since Chelsea can't nip the parents apron strings) and get a contract going. He can try to hook up with some people from his country who might sponsor him to live with them while he gets his recording stuff going. Chelsea most likely does NOT speak any English with him, so he will never learn from her. Interesting that she might be going into the PC%u2026.another place where she can hide from getting a permanent job for a couple of years. She is not very attractive and I put his love for her down to the fact that they were in Nicaragua and she was a Blonde who showed interest in him and Yoko was re-born. Ho Hum.

  • Love 6

So finally created account after being long time lurker here and TVP.

re Chelsea and Yamir: the fact that Chelsea speaks Spanish is a hindrance to Yamir learning English, I bet every time he seems struggling with finding the right word she jumps in and helps. She would have to completely stop using Spanish for him to learn. He probably doesn't leave the house without her so there is always Chelsea either to translate English to Spanish or Spanish to English for him. The only way would be for him to go out without her. I came to America as an au-pair after learning English in my country for only a year and the first 8 months barely learned any English since the kid was 14 months old baby barely speaking and parents out at work all day, weekend spent with other au-pairs from my country. Only started to improve after I began to date American as I was forced to use English only. Yamir should watch lot of TV, movies and read magazines - that was huge help to me. At first you barely know every 8-10 word or sentence but just keep going, you will later figure out meaning of words from context. The moment I realized that I'm taking to myself in my head in English was huge. Even started to dream in English. Now 17 years later I read 40-50 books a year in my "new" language. And am still together with the same American :) still not married since I was lucky enough to win green card in diversity lottery (I applied with other au-pairs just for fun before I even started to date my bf, imagine my shock when I got letter that I was chosen). He was then sponsoring me as your chances to actually get it are better with sponsor and yes he needed to make 125 percent of the minimum wage to be able to do it.

Re Mo and Dani: I think they both knew what they wanted from each other since beginning. Mo wanted to come to America to get green card and to work legally to better himself and possibly his family. Dani wanted man to take care of her and her kids financially (frequent mentioning of letting down her girls by Mo would support this). I don't think Mo thought she was rich American to take advantage of her in that sense (he wasn't that surprised by her rather shabby living quarters plus the fact that was mentioned in the Norwalk newspapers about him offering to buy shoes for her kid points to it) but he didn't know how bad her financial situation is since she lied and continued to lie about it. From the beginning Mo expressed his desire to get the paperwork done so he could get working permit and start working. Also Dani mentioned that few times which just confirms for me that get help financially from Mo was her main goal. Getting a man she could parade on her arm around town was just a bonus. So I don't feel sorry for her at all, if I feel bad for someone it would be Mo - Dani concealed the full status of her financial problems which then caused problems with her being able to sponsor him. This was a transaction for both of them and she didn't fulfill her end of the bargain. Now he is trapped and deeply unhappy. It wasn't love that brought them together so Mo saying Dani is acceptable to him is fine as he didn't see her as lover, just means to the end but that was their transaction they agreed on. Unfortunately seems like Dani fell for him little and holds the power now and she could use that against him. I think Mo was as truthful as he could thru this show and reunion not to sabotage the green card. Like somebody mentioned he is focused and disciplined. Dani is manipulating.

  • Love 6

I've only made it through half the reunion and I've kinda got a different take on all this--except for Mo and Dani. Those two are on another planet all together. 


The common denominator I see with these couples is that the men are "unique" and pretty beta. I'm not sure about Justin but he's not screaming alpha male to me. The women are much stronger in personality and presence. Amy, with her quiet grace, has a different strength but it's there. Some women like a beta male, especially if they are the stronger presence. It's actually very complimentary--the woman can light a fire under the man and the man can calm down the woman when she's wound up. This can sometimes come across as the man being a wimp and the woman being overbearing, unfortunately. I'm actually surprised that they all seemed to be very comfortable with each other and not forcing things--again, not speaking about Dani and Mo. I expected there to be more tension with the couples but they seemed to show genuine affection and comfort with each other. 


I also think that Danny and Amy realize his father is a complete weirdo douchebag, and probably can't be reasoned with. The whole killing him with kindness thing is probably the right route to go with him. I can actually see Amy suggesting this and Danny going along with it. From what I can tell, he wants to make her happy. I think all the guys do, but they don't have the skills or knowledge to do it yet, despite how old or young they are. Hopefully being married to women who will speak their minds will help. And as for the women--they want to be treated well. I do think at this point they believe they will be. 


Dani and Mo--sigh. I can't even figure this out. I've seen them, read all these posts, and nothing about them makes a lick of sense. A very small part of me is starting to believe he actually loves her on some kind of level because she takes a lot of effort and that's noticeable within five minutes of seeing/hearing her. There are plenty, plenty, PLENTY other gullible fish in the sea, so why he went through with the marriage for a reason other than some kind of "feeling" is beyond me. I don't think they'll stay together or that they should stay together. I do think he'll find another gullible fish asap. It's all so very strange--I don't like them, I don't trust them, I think they're both shady, but I can't hate them, either. Ugh, it's irritating.


Yamir-- there was a king who gave up his crown for a woman, but he didn't want that crown anyway. Maybe that's Yamir--he doesn't want the music career bad enough. If he did he wouldn't be living in Kansas and Chelsea would take the compromise of being back in America but living in Nashville or Austin. Deep down he might just want to be a regular guy with a wife and family. 

  • Love 4

I wish the interviewer had asked more about Daya's ring. That whole situation is shady. Yeah, yeah it was a real diamond, but it was crappy quality. And why didn't they go back to the "store" where he bought the ring? They danced around that issue in the episode where they went to a jewelry store (not THE jewelry store)  to get it checked out. Did he get it at a pawn shop? Off of EBAY? Did he steal it? Was it his mom's? That is the type of question I was hoping the reunion show would include!

  • Love 2

This isn't completely true. If a couple doesn't pass an interview they will be very closely examined, but mostly for proof that they do live together and have a relationship. In new york, they might ask couples for keys to see if they match, ask questions about relatives, how many closest in the house, etc.

But they aren't looking for love as much as proof that the couple live together. They used to ask questions about a couples sex life, but I've heard they stopped that.

It is an intimidating process and no walk in the park if they have any doubt. They do go to houses, etc.


I've covered all that in other posts.  The procedure varies from couple to couple.  There's no one way that it happens for all.  Some never interview.  Some have a Stokes interview.  Some are asked for more evidence, some give a little and are fine.  My stepfather is from Morocco, a high fraud country.  He was asked one question and given his papers the next day.  They complimented my mom for having submitted the best paperwork they'd ever seen, but she knew what she was doing and just what they were expecting.  It's not intimidating if you do it well.

I've covered all that in other posts.  The procedure varies from couple to couple.  There's no one way that it happens for all.  Some never interview.  Some have a Stokes interview.  Some are asked for more evidence, some give a little and are fine.  My stepfather is from Morocco, a high fraud country.  He was asked one question and given his papers the next day.  They complimented my mom for having submitted the best paperwork they'd ever seen, but she knew what she was doing and just what they were expecting.  It's not intimidating if you do it well.

We were lucky and didn't have to have one, either.  My husband is from Algeria, but our paperwork was as close to perfect as we could get, and I think that had a lot to do with how easy and fast our approvals were.  I somehow doubt that Dani is going to have the same ease.  Look at how she reacted to the softball questions asked on the reunion show- can you imagine how she would react to tough questions from an ICE official?


I was so disappointed in the amount of filler this episode.  I expected it to be a fluff piece, but I guess I thought it would have a little more substance or behind the scenes info, not just re-hashing of old clips that had already been aired.  Hopefully they have a "where are they now" episode before the next season airs.

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