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Season 2 Discussion


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I firmly believe they had an arrangement and that Mo upheld his end. I also think he is very interested in working and that sitting around the house is basically torture. I think Danielle did not uphold her end of the deal and that's why Mo is so unhappy and frustrated.


This and I also think that while Mo saw the relationship as business, Dani said that she understood and agreed to the arrangement  but inside was all googly eyes and in love with him, thinking that if he had to spend time with her, he might fall in love with her. I also think that Mo didn't understand the depth of Dani's money problems and how it wasn't just some leftover debts from a divorce, it's a pattern of financial irresponsibility that he wants no part of. 

  • Love 5

One hour of bullshit. Unadulterated bullshit.

Mo and Danielle, of course, stood out. But every couple was playing a part, obfuscating, pretending, acting. And I do include Jason and Cassia in the phony baloney category, too.

I've noticed an interesting, generalized, forum phenomenon. When a principal shows up to post/explain, all bets are off. The principal might have been skewered, roasted and legitimately criticized for, say, phoniness, ridiculousness and questionable goals. But let her/him show up on said forum, and watch out! We love her, she's great, wow, I misjudged her!

In my opinion, I can go only on what I see, when I critique a show and its principals. Damage control after the fact on forums, etc, mean nothing to me.

I do believe that Yamir and Chelsea are the real deal. Hope they find a way to make it as a couple. I do sense a genuineness from them.

The other couples? Ha.

I appreciate you keeping it real.  You're acknowledging the automatic halo effect that happened once a star of the show decided to make a presence.  I guess only time will tell if Cassia is for real.  


As for the others, you are spot on. Danny and Amy look like shining stars that have crashed and burned already. Where is the glow and the staring into each others eyes? I don't think Amy is here for a green card. She obviously comes from a fortunate situation in her country.  She was in love and didn't want to part from her puppy love experience.  I do think that she is too young to make such a life long decision but her strong Christian faith may keep her chained to him for life no matter the level of satisfaction with Danny.

  • Love 1
Next they show her commenting about the ring. If my fiance gave me a ring that had a visible flaw, I'd want to get it checked out too. Not that I thought he was trying to pull a fast one, but I would think he might have gotten ripped of, as many men know nothing of jewelry. But they edited it to make Daya seem like a demanding bitch.

I was waiting for her to say that she only had Brett's interests at heart, that she was worried he may have paid for something and been ripped off. But she didn't.



And Daya is tying to escape poverty, as so many of the women in the Phillipines do.


She is a nurse with a degree, I think. She'll be fine here or anywhere.

  • Love 1

It seems basically accepted on this forum that Danielle puts her needs above those of her children, but I am not so sure that that is true. (Of course, I am going only on what has been presented in the show and not any non-show stuff.) I feel like bringing Mo here had just as much to do with trying to better her daughters' lives as anything. It sounds like their father(s) has financial issues and is not able to help, and Dani can't find a job to support her family (whether due to educational, emotional or other deficits I can't say), so maybe in some crazy f'd up way, this whole thing is Dani trying to get another wage - earner around, a male role model around, while also securing a little companionship for herself. Yes, it's way creepy to bring a strange man, and a total asshat at that, into your home to live with your teenage girls and for many reasons this was a shit - poor decision all around, but I just really have the feeling watching her take all this abuse and unrelenting criticism, from Mo, from her family, from us, that in her mind she is doing what she has to do for her daughters, that it doesn't matter what she has to endure if it helps her daughters.

Maybe I'm being super generous here (also there were moments in the ep she looked almost pretty!), so to balance that out a bit, I think if Mo had bestowed his pickle upon her, she damn well sure would have made that known, just to shut everyone up.

Loved how Cassia got so emotional for everyone else.

  • Love 3


Dani trying to get another wage - earner around, a male role model around, while also securing a little companionship for herself.


There are a TON of men who are on online dating sites here in the states who could help Dani, provide for her and her family. But, they are men closer to her own age and background, and they are not nearly as exciting as foreigner Mo. I can see Mo sweeping her off her feet online, whereas a regular Joe here in the U.S. might not do that for her. But if she truly wanted someone as a partner/husband/mate, to provide for her.... they are out there. She just wasn't looking for that, I don't think. And I'm basing that solely on what I've seen on the show, not outside sources. Her body language, the way she'd weep at the drop of a hat when her young boyfriend looked like he might leave. She was looking for someone she could cling to, literally, and her daughters were on their own.


Add to that, she wouldn't be able to hide her money issues from someone here as easily. And someone here would put her on a budget/allowance and she'd no longer be able to spend money foolishly. With Mo, she thought she could hide all that and go on with her fairytale life.

  • Love 8

It seems basically accepted on this forum that Danielle puts her needs above those of her children, but I am not so sure that that is true. (Of course, I am going only on what has been presented in the show and not any non-show stuff.) I feel like bringing Mo here had just as much to do with trying to better her daughters' lives as anything. It sounds like their father(s) has financial issues and is not able to help, and Dani can't find a job to support her family (whether due to educational, emotional or other deficits I can't say), so maybe in some crazy f'd up way, this whole thing is Dani trying to get another wage - earner around, a male role model around, while also securing a little companionship for herself. Yes, it's way creepy to bring a strange man, and a total asshat at that, into your home to live with your teenage girls and for many reasons this was a shit - poor decision all around, but I just really have the feeling watching her take all this abuse and unrelenting criticism, from Mo, from her family, from us, that in her mind she is doing what she has to do for her daughters, that it doesn't matter what she has to endure if it helps her daughters.



She has 3 able-bodied daughters. If she needs another wage-earner, I'm not understanding why one of them can't go to the nearest convenience store or McDonald's and apply for a position if things are that dire. Instead, she spends thousands of dollars bringing a man here who is another mouth to feed. The money spent on Mo could have gone directly to her daughters. I don't believe Danielle when she says her daughters need Mo. What they need is a mother who has it decently together, who is willing to work hard for them, who will support them. They don't need Mo.

  • Love 12

There are a TON of men who are on online dating sites here in the states who could help Dani, provide for her and her family. But, they are men closer to her own age and background, and they are not nearly as exciting as foreigner Mo. I can see Mo sweeping her off her feet online, whereas a regular Joe here in the U.S. might not do that for her. But if she truly wanted someone as a partner/husband/mate, to provide for her.... they are out there. She just wasn't looking for that, I don't think. And I'm basing that solely on what I've seen on the show, not outside sources. Her body language, the way she'd weep at the drop of a hat when her young boyfriend looked like he might leave. She was looking for someone she could cling to, literally, and her daughters were on their own.

Add to that, she wouldn't be able to hide her money issues from someone here as easily. And someone here would put her on a budget/allowance and she'd no longer be able to spend money foolishly. With Mo, she thought she could hide all that and go on with her fairytale life.

I totally agree that the foreigner aspect added something more exciting to the mix, but I also get the sense that her relationships with men of similar age, background, etc. were so bad that she closed that door - nothing good was going to come through it. In this way, my view of her is like Brett's explanation for going to the Philippines to find a wife - American women just weren't cutting it for him after a painful divorce, and American dudes weren't cutting it for her. Why not go after someone younger, smarter, stronger from another country with more earning potential and a longer life expectancy, especially when you have this amazing bargaining chip: a green card?

I'm not saying she's not a weepy clingy mess, just that I think a lot of it has to do with trying to make something good happen for her kids, as well as herself.

Edited by clee39
  • Love 1

She has 3 able-bodied daughters. If she needs another wage-earner, I'm not understanding why one of them can't go to the nearest convenience store or McDonald's and apply for a position if things are that dire. Instead, she spends thousands of dollars bringing a man here who is another mouth to feed. The money spent on Mo could have gone directly to her daughters. I don't believe Danielle when she says her daughters need Mo. What they need is a mother who has it decently together, who is willing to work hard for them, who will support them. They don't need Mo.

I wouldn't be surprised if the kids did have jobs and the thousands to bring Mo here, well that's a short term expense for a long term solution. Again, I'm not saying this was a brilliant idea on her part, clearly she has issues, but just that I think in her mind she is putting her children first, no matter the real world results.


Unfortunately the US Government probably doesn't have a procedure for deporting people because of loveless marriages, or painfully one-way relationships with the sponsored migrant having his/her eyes on citizenship only.

Yes, they do. Loveless marriages are acceptable, but if the migrant is here for the green card and not the spouse, that's a sham marriage. I'm not saying that Mo is necessarily going to be caught and deported, just that if the government makes the effort to investigate in this case, they have more than enough data to send him packing. The officers use their judgment in evaluating the validity of the marriage, and I don't think this is a close call.


Totally agree that Danny should stand up to his bigot father more. That's perfectly consistent with turning the other cheek. You can say, "Dad, this is the woman I love, and we're not going to listen to hatred. Keep it to yourself."

  • Love 2


I don't think Mo ever lied to Danielle. He looked closer to tears tonight than she ever did. Why was she burrowing her face into his shoulder? We can still see you, Dani!

I don't think he was crying.. I think he was wincing because his arm hurt.


Also.. although I don't remember where I saw it, but I actually DO think the oldest daughter does some weekend hours at McDonalds... I think I saw it on one of the facebooks. But due to obvious product placement they didn't show it on the show. I think it was actually on one of the daughter's social media, and it said "works at mcdonalds" but the rest of the profile was private. Again I apologize for not having the source.. my point is that I'm sure at least the oldest daughter has some hours but considering the show was not about her, there wasn't much focus on it. 


My mom just got her new African Tarot cards in the mail.. and she said "All the characters are african american, it's so pretty" and I replied "are you sure you want to bring tarot cards of a different race into a country where it is not accepted?"

She totally grinned and got the joke.

  • Love 2

How about when Mo was defending Dani's former friend that he went to stay with ( possibly Angie?). Dani had stated that she tried to get Mo to leave her and Mo piped up "No,no that was not it...(paraphrasing here ).

What are people's thoughts on the future of this "couple"? I'm considering signing back up on fb to see the happenings on the movie characters fan page.

The show seems to recruit through K-1 discussion forums, and I wonder who in each couple first floated the idea and why. Danielle was probably encouraged by her girlfriend, Chelsea to jumpstart Yamir's American music career, Cassia? Justin? I bet there have been some unhappy couple conversations since the program aired about the wisdom of the idea.

The most depressing part of the episode reunion was the lack of interest on shock value. And by that I mean.. I saw the reunions for Breaking Amish.. and the host always shocked them like "Well let's bring your girlfriend out! Let's bring Voldemort out! Let's bring Jesus out here see what he thinks!


90df had all the potential to bring out Jason's dad, Danny's dad (or brothers), Justin's sister in law, or Danielle's daughter or son. That way we can get a little more conflict and/or resolution to things. Amish did it for TLC so I don't get why they couldn't do that. I wouldn't mind if it had to be a two parter.

  • Love 6

The makeup person for the show deserves a medal.  Finally Daya and Cassia's hair are fixed (as well as Cassia's makeup)!


I read online that Mo was hitting on Danielle's friend's teenage daughter.


I wish I had hosted the show.  I would have asked Danny, where does your father get the ridiculous idea that mixed marriages aren't accepted in this country?

  • Love 1

Jason should have hosted the tell-all reunion show.  He provided the best questions in terms of viewers interests in the couples.  Far better and more insightful than the actual host.  A couple of good questions he asked were:


1.  Asking Evelyn if she still talked with Jen (the Darth Vader sister-in-law).  Evelyn gave a good answer.


2.  Asking Mohammed if he loved Daniella.


He asked a few more which I can't think of right now.  I really like Jason.  I once dated a guy like him...and I can vouch for the fact that this type of man is a good lover, a deep thinker, has patience beyond the norm and is totally okay with living a lifestyle that's not the norm and having no shame in it.  I also see Jason as a handsome guy.  And I really enjoy his Dad's personality too.

  • Love 8

 I really like Jason.  I once dated a guy like him...and I can vouch for the fact that this type of man is a good lover, a deep thinker, has patience beyond the norm and is totally okay with living a lifestyle that's not the norm and having no shame in it.  I also see Jason as a handsome guy.  

lol.  A lid for every pot as the saying goes.

  • Love 4

I have to disagree about Mo trying to be honest. Jason asked him point-blank if he loved Danielle (a question the host should have asked, btw) and he said yes. I'm 99.67% sure that's a bald-faced lie.

The rest of his 60/40 and "it's my culture" nonsense was I think because he knew people weren't going to buy that he and Dani are madly in love. He was trying to explain the lack of passion (and his own obvious unhappiness) in a way that was believable but didn't make the union look like a total sham.

  • Love 2

That's why they can't do a hard hitting interview with these folks.   Breaking AMish, et al, there are rarely legal repercussions from the show.   This show, I am quite sure it is required viewing for ICE.   If they said anything about any of these marriages being a sham, TLC could be in trouble for aiding fraud, not to mention the couples themselves.   


I would love to see the contracts and what it says about indemnification for legal issues.

  • Love 2


And Daya is tying to escape poverty, as so many of the women in the Phillipines do.


She is a nurse with a degree, I think. She'll be fine here or anywhere.


I don't know how it is in the US but here in Canada a nursing degree is highly advantageous to those planning to immigrate, to the point that some Dr's will re-train as nurses when coming here from some countries, Phillipines being one. You still have to requalify to demonstrate that you are competent to meet professional standards and it's not a cake-walk, but the gap between arrival and finding employment in your field is significantly shorter than in many other regulated professions. If Daya just wanted the advantages of North American life, she likely could have made the move on her own merits. I think her age of 29 might be more relevant. I suspect she wanted to marry, start a family and not unlike Brett's idea that she was culturally predisposed to take commitment to marriage seriously, her perceptions of American men dovetailed with what she was looking for in her spouse. 

Edited by yuggapukka
  • Love 1

Most improved over the season:  Brett and Daya.  I thought he was a repulsive moron and Daya a mercenary bitch.  After the first couple of episodes, Brett stood up straighter, stopped giggling, his voice dropped an octave, and that resulted (for me) in an IQ jump of at least fifty points.  Daya went on to show true affection for both Brett and Cassidy, as well as a vulnerability that made me root for them. 


I FF'd most of the Jason and Cassia stuff during the episodes, but watched them during the reunion.  Cassia showed such empathy for Daya, Evelin, and Amy.  She cried every time they got upset.  It was very sweet and yes - what a difference a dye job makes.

  • Love 3

Unfortunately the US Government probably doesn't have a procedure for deporting people because of loveless marriages, or painfully one-way relationships with the sponsored migrant having his/her eyes on citizenship only.


I'm afraid the only way to catch people is if they can demonstrate that the citizen has received payment for the marriage.



The immigration system doesn't measure the amount of love, or lack of it.  It doesn't even try.

  • Love 1

Once you get a green card, don't you have to still be married for 3 or 5 years or how ever long?  That's a really long time when you are someone like Mo that can't even stand the sight of Dani. 


For those posters that were so sure that Mo's family forced him to come here, I guess he dispelled that theory last night. He is just an asshole all on his own. No help needed from family. As for him being so unhappy about sitting around all day and not being able to work, what exactly did he think was going to happen when he came here? Maybe he should have done some research on how long it takes to get a green card before coming to the U.S.


All of the women looked really pretty last night. Even Dani looked "acceptable". 

  • Love 4

Once you get a green card, don't you have to still be married for 3 or 5 years or how ever long? That's a really long time when you are someone like Mo that can't even stand the sight of Dani.

For those posters that were so sure that Mo's family forced him to come here, I guess he dispelled that theory last night. He is just an asshole all on his own. No help needed from family. As for him being so unhappy about sitting around all day and not being able to work, what exactly did he think was going to happen when he came here? Maybe he should have done some research on how long it takes to get a green card before coming to the U.S.

All of the women looked really pretty last night. Even Dani looked "acceptable".

The American definition of acceptable? Or the Tunisian definition?

I don't know how it is in the US but here in Canada a nursing degree is highly advantageous to those planning to immigrate, to the point that some Dr's will re-train as nurses when coming here from some countries, Phillipines being one. You still have to requalify to demonstrate that you are competent to meet professional standards and it's not a cake-walk, but the gap between arrival and finding employment in your field is significantly shorter than in many other regulated professions. If Daya just wanted the advantages of North American life, she likely could have made the move on her own merits. I think her age of 29 might be more relevant. She wanted to marry, start a family and not unlike Brett's idea that she was culturally predisposed to take commitment to marriage seriously, her perceptions of American men dovetailed with what she was looking for in her spouse. 

The nursing gap in the US has closed long ago. There is now about an 8 year wait for someone trying to immigrate as a nurse and potential employers are only getting experience nurses not the new grads that are still being pumped out of Filipino nursing schools for other nations which still have that great demand. I agree  about her age, locally she was reaching the age where she would get an old maid label. Yes it happens young over there

  • Love 1

I never thought I'd be speaking up for Mo but he seemed to be making an effort to be truthful (ish). he could have easily just answered with a flat out lie "yes, I love her and that's why I'm here" but instead he tried to say something more accurate, the whole 60/40 thing. I would guess that the ratio is more 99/1 but he's not a total and complete liar, he's just not.

I'll also go out on a limb and say Danielle just *might* be the type of person who hears what she wants to hear and is not the best at facing reality or at being truthful. Whatever her mental and emotional issues are (and I waver on that, sometimes I think she plays dumber than she is as a means of manipulation, sometimes I think she needs an Appropriate Adult 24/7), I think she's pretty sketchy with the truth as well. I wouldn't be at all surprised if Mo and she had actually discussed this "relationship" on a more truthful and practical level: Mo wanted to come to the US; Danielle wanted a partner to help her out (with the girls'eseses); they liked each other (not loved) and would act as a couple as needed in service of the arrangement. And then Danielle got clingy and needy and lovey. It would explain why she harped on him helping the girls and letting down the girls so much.

If forced to chose, I'd have to say Team Mo.


I'm team Mohamed.  Not ashamed to say it, I actually get him.  The most painful part for me last night was watching him want so badly to be honest, but, knowing that he could only be so honest, under the circumstances.  He's a focused and disciplined guy.  In contrast, Danielle is a chaotic disaster and there's no changing her.  Unlike many, I respect her family, her girlses, her siblings, for trying, to talk some sense into her.  I particularly applaud her sister, Sarah, for being blunt.  Dani is a woman who has no interest in reality.  She is a damsel in distress looking to her White Knight to save her.  She suffers from learned helplessness and she basks in it.  Watching her behave like a 4 year old, hiding her face, refusing to acknowledge her own reality I realized how desperately she wants to control her perception of herself and her situation by denying it.  I feel no empathy for her at all.

Edited by Virtually Me
  • Love 17

He is miserable.  I was struck by a post he started on his fan page about how Christmas day was devoid of drama, and he wished every day could be like that.  Apparently, there is lots of drama in that household.  He seems pretty stressed out,  although the payment from the show has had a slight mitigating effect.


I usually look on him with more compassion that most.  I do think he has some affection for Danielle.  My mom watched their wedding, and he lit up like a Christmas tree when he saw Danielle.  My mom found it genuine.  I guess you can say he saw a green card in a wedding dress, but I didn't sense the contempt I saw at the reunion.  Even a man madly in love with Danielle would be disgusted by her by now.  She's a clingy, infantile, liar, who uses her children and Mohamed's helplessness against him.  Her debt that is tied up with her ex is ......... her debt.  She lied about that and she knows it.   The begging and whining and crying and clinging are simply repulsive.  I actually sensed anger in Mohamed at the reunion, and that seemed new.


Did anyone notice that Mohamed was missing either for two days, or five days and that he either stayed in a hotel or with Dani's ex-friend, Angie, who was either helping him or trying to steal him or talking him into leaving Dani.




There was also the rumor that Mohamed tried to have sex with the friend.  I just don't believe that happened.  If Mohamed wasn't attracted to Danielle, I don't see him attracted to the friend.


I don't feel sorry for Danielle.  I don't see an innocent.  I see someone who has always put her needs first even though she has 4 kids.  She didn't wind up in so much debt because of Mohammed.  She's sitting there with a 'fancy' new bedroom suite while her electric gets shut off.  Zero sympathy from me.


I also feel little pity for Danielle.  Someone upthread described her as "meek" and almost fearful of Mohamed.  I don't see that at all.  A meek woman wouldn't be pawing all over him.  If the genders were reversed, people would be calling her a molester or borderline rapist.  She showed a glimpse of the true Danielle when she was away from the camera but forgot about the microphone.  Her voice dropped and she was almost sinister.  She is no different (to me) than any other woman who chases after men while her children suffer.  I just can't feel for her.  Her family and friends have attempted to talk sense into her, yet she laughs at them and denies everything they say.  She wants what she wants and it doesn't matter who suffers.


  • Love 8

I honestly don't see Mo as the big bad wolf as some see him. They both lied to each other. I doubt he told Dannielle he loved her with all his heart. If all that "love" was involved she wouldn't have felt the need to sweeten the pot by allowing him to think she was financially secure. Money and a green card to live in America how could he refuse. Not saying it's right, just saying she is as guilty of fraud as he is. Time for him to go back to his country and cut his losses and Dannielle to get back on the computer and find another non American that needs a green card because you know she will. So sad.

One more thing about the "acceptable" comment, You know someone asked him that question hopng he would say something harsh. Anyways if that spells beautiful to his wife, who are we to get indignant about it.

  • Love 4

I think Danny's father's comment about her not being a daughter was widely misinterpreted. He is a flaming bigot, but I think in that moment he was talking about his relationship with all of his sons and daughters-in-law.


It seemed to me like the way he said it in the context of the moment was trying to get around flat-out admitting that he wouldn't accept her because of her race, with the comments about how they're making their own decisions, etc, and he said something similar when talking to Amy's mother, if I recall correctly.  Even though they presumably live quite far from all of their children, with the way Danny's mom was talking, it seems like they still maintain good relationships with them, but his comments sounded like a veiled way of saying that he was about a step away from disowning Danny.  Pretty typical evasive response from someone who knows they can't just come out and say something racist, in my experience.  If he actually felt that they're adults and can make their own decisions, I doubt he'd have objected so strongly.

  • Love 2

I really like Jason.  I once dated a guy like him...and I can vouch for the fact that this type of man is a good lover, a deep thinker, has patience beyond the norm and is totally okay with living a lifestyle that's not the norm and having no shame in it.  I also see Jason as a handsome guy.  And I really enjoy his Dad's personality too.

(waves) Hi Jason...

  • Love 9

The only thing I got from Danny and Amy's body language is they didn't want to be there and they were tired of explaining their choices in regards to his father and intimacy. Justin and Evelin did seem a little off however, but again, it could have been discomfort with doing the show, not necessarily each other. 


That journalist (of a sort) was just there reading softball questions and collecting a paycheck. She seemed more engaged with her makeup than the show participants.  She was awful and really dull.

Edited by yuggapukka
  • Love 5

Just getting in for my insight.  That was a total and utter waste of an hour.  I found zero information in that interview.  The interview was totally disjointed and ridiculously all over the place.  My thoughts on most of the couples pretty much stayed the same


1. Mohammed is a damn liar.  He lied from the minute the interview started all the way until the end.  Watching Danielle hide her head, reminded me of when I take my 2 year old to the doctor and he pretends if he hides in my shoulder no one can see him.  Danielle, my 2 year old plays coy better than you.  Also, Mohamed doesn't love her, and Acceptable doesn't mean beautiful it means "I'll tolerate your ass until I get my green card".  She's a fool.  I think people defending her is ridiculous.  She made her bed and she can lie in it.  My only concern is that her poor girls have to grow up thinking this kind of life is normal.  Which clearly it is not.  


2. Chelsea and Yamir.  I cringed when he rapped.  I may have peed my pants too, I'm not totally sure.  I was totally and completely embarrassed.  I'm tired of her "I am not spoiled, I am not selfish" Last night on Twitter she said she was in the peace corps...Ok that's great.  You are still spoiled and selfish.  Moving on


3. Danny and Amy remind me a lot of the christians I live by.  Kill them with kindness I guess.  I don't buy it.  I'd be too pissed to do what they are doing.  also, I get it you are no longer virgins.  MOVING ON


4. The explanation of Brett and why he picked a wife.  Kind of made me vomit a bit.  It was almost like a Vurp.  He picked someone that would not divorce him.  Um ok.  Great logic.  Daya, she's sweet, and for those that wondered she is a pediatric RN.  I think she's misunderstood at best.


5. Jason and Cassia are most improved couple.  I didn't change my opinion about them when they showed up here.  In fact I never disliked them.  I always found her personality funny and I thought her feistiness was a good compliment for his quirks.  Loved her make up and hair.


6.  I yelled at the screen every time Justin talked.  I didn't listen.  I hate him.  He's a douche bag.  I'm confident he's probably 5.6 and suffers from short man disease.

  • Love 2

I already can't wait for the next season!  I want to see what happens when a couple decides not to get married (you know, like Danielle should have done).


There was one couple first season that didn't marry. TLC decided not to air their segment but to show them on their TLC website.  Again, it was a big age gap with the American (male) being older and the Russian female (i think she was Russian) being way younger. But from what i remember he was way better off financially as he had some sort of fitness business.


Yes, they do. Loveless marriages are acceptable, but if the migrant is here for the green card and not the spouse, that's a sham marriage. I'm not saying that Mo is necessarily going to be caught and deported, just that if the government makes the effort to investigate in this case, they have more than enough data to send him packing. The officers use their judgment in evaluating the validity of the marriage, and I don't think this is a close call.

Only problem is, it was all aired on TLC, and they can use the fact that TLC is not a documentary, they are "scripted" and they were lying for the cameras to add drama to the show for ratings. It sucks, but besides the wait game, I hate to say it, Mo is in the clear. Man I really wish they would ship him back. 


I cringed when he rapped.  I may have peed my pants too, I'm not totally sure.


Saucy I agree.. Although I'm sure some people enjoy it, and he might be good with all the effects and the team... I don't think free styling is his strength. There was an episode where he sang to Chelsea.. so I know he can sing... I just don't understand the rapping. I think rapping alone isn't big enough to hold a career for him.

A friendly reminder and bit of advice for when someone brand new shows up and starts to post things to incite you to reply in an aggressive manner.




Hit the report button (red yield sign) and let us know what the problem is and we'll take it from there. That's what trolls want you to do, they want you to argue back with them. Don't fall for the temptation. I appreciate the reports we did receive, thanks a bunch!

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