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Season 2 Discussion


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I have been stalking this website for some time now AND I finally share my thought about the 90 day process. I came to the US with K1 fiancee visa. Online dating it was and few short trips to visit me, were the only time we had together. FAST FORWARD. I am now a US citizen, 2 kids later, a career, and we are still happily married. The adjustments, mail-ordered-bride comments, learning English, going back to school, meeting new friends, finding work, and often cultural differences are just half of the challenges. The most challenging part is learning to "accept and love" the person you are with as if you are just knowing each other but being married already. This requires A LOT of commitment and I think its impossible to achieved when camera people are following you everyday. The foreign fiancee's on this show are stupid enough for allowing themselves to be puppets for viewers entertainment.

Back to the show. I hope Mohammed is in for the right reason because among all the fiance/e's, I think he is in the hardest situation. Daya, is a materialistic b**ch, I gag when I watch her. She isnt pretty at all and worst her I-want-to-protect-Brett-thats-why-I-want-to-check-my-diamond-ring makes her uglier.. But Brett, is a mental person for even finding Daya attractive. Yamir, yeah dude you need to study ESL Classes. Amy, I think Danny is gay.

  • Love 11

Danny, otoh, is not putting out any kind of physical attraction vibe toward his fiance. Maybe that's his coping mechanism because of their abstinence decision? But, he continues to get on my nerves for other reasons, too.


I suspect he'll overcome his repulsion with Amy by closing his eyes and imagining she's a dude.


  • Love 8

Realitytvsucker, thanks for sharing. I have known my BF for the last 8 years so I am not privvy ot her first three years in the country.


She told me that worst part of her first months was when he would go to work and she had to stay in that house by herself for hours to no end. She didn't know how to drive so she couldn't go anywhere, she thought her English was okay but then found out that idioms and slang, the fast pronounciation was a nightmare. She didn't have to work the first months of staying here so with nothing else to do she dedicated all hours of the day to learn how to drive and to improve her English, she studied as much as she could and few months down the road she was able to pass the convalidation tests and have her teaching degree revalidated here in the U.S. He told her that working was her option and she didn't have to but she wanted to so she got herself a teaching job as a Spanish teacher.


It is obvious to me that he adores her and she adores him even though they probably have had trying times. She told me once when we were at her FIL funeral that he loved her FIL and that she had forgiven him for all the crap he spoke about her, he told his son that she probably was a scammer and she definitely was not a teacher because "in those parts of the world, they probably have no teachers"  and that she was only interested in the green card, once she got the green card the FIL said that she would leave him when she became a citizen, now 11 years later they are still together. Before he died, he asked her for forgiveness and told her that she was the best tthing that had ever happened to his son and she forgave him for everything. I cried when she told me that story.


Some people do it for the right reasons and others do it because they probably couldn't find anybody else here in the US that can put up with their BS (Danielle, Brett, Jason, Danny, Justin,) but that doesn't mean that very few and in between some solid marriages are created. I am happy for you and that this worked for you. I am a romantic at heart so this makes me happy. :)

  • Love 3

Chelsea, or should I say Yoko, is annoying and selfish to me. She appears to have nothing careerwise going on in the middle of nowhere Illinois, and its not like she was bringing Yamir to some castle. Her parents live in a somewhat run down house in the middle of nowhere and want them to get jobs immediately, probably because they can't support two grown people. Which is fine, but you really expect him to go from being a pop star in Nicaragua to working at the local meat plant? Is that whats going on in her town? She has taken him from a place where he was successful and doing what he loves to the middle of nowhere where he doesn't even speak the language. And for what? So he can work in a meat packing plant? Live in her parent's basement?

And her little "open mic" suggestion, what an asshole move. If this is her attempt to manage his career he needs to get back home, because its not gonna happen with the crowd in that town. He is getting exactly what he deserves if Myla Vox replaces him. He is 28 years old, and was stupid enough to leave a successful career for a girl who doesn't appear to wash her hair.

Every religious person picks and chooses. Mo chooses wisely. He chooses to follow the rules that shield him from touching Danielle. That rule cannot be broken! Breaking this rule is like going to hell on the spot.


What is it exactly that Chelsea does? I know she was volunteering in Nicaragua, but that's not the same as having a career. Has she said anything about that yet? I could see Yamir having more opportunities if they were to move to a more metro area, like Chicago. I am sure there's more of a Latino scene there than in her small town and Yamir might have more options....even if it was just a bartender at a Latino bar. Beats a meat packing plant. That would be horrifying to me, to leave a music career in my home country to come here and work at a factory? Oh hell no!

I want to see Mohamed tear Danielle a new one about their (her) situation. She certainly deserves it. But then we all know for some reason he stuck it out and even married her in the end. He's committed, that is for sure. Committed to the green card, that is. Go hard or go home, I guess. Hehe.

Cassia is delusional about having a modeling career. She's ok looking, but meh. Kirlyam from last season had a way better shot at making it than she does. And I am not sure Kirlyam ever did anything serious beyond a photo shoot or two for a portfolio. Alan was having a fit!

I find the whole Danny/Amy thing weird. They met in Australia without their families there as supervision. I am guessing they spent alone time there, even before becoming a couple. So why is it not allowed now that they are engaged and living here in PA? What changed? I also don't agree with stashing her at his brother's house out near Malvern or wherever. That's just not fair, if he's not going to spend time with her he should at least give her the opportunity to get out and see things for herself. Hell, even access to a car would be acceptable. I am sure she can do some Googles and setup a GPS. I still don't get why she couldn't have a room at his parents' house.....oh wait.....his dad's against interracial marriage. Ugh. How old is Danny? The fact that he keeps bringing it up makes me think he's uncomfortable with it too, in some aspects. I am still getting the pings on my gaydar about him though. Anyone else?

Brett and Daya are still creepy. Well, mostly Brett, but she is going along with it too. I am surprised his bed is big enough for 4. Brett and his mother aren't exactly small people.. Their nights must be extremely uncomfortable.

My gaydar pinged on Danny when I saw his "best friends" and when I see how he constantly surrounds himself with people instead of being alone with Amy. Maybe he figures his dad will get so worked up over a black fiance, that he will be more accepting of Danny being gay.

I don't even think Cassia is pretty. She has funky teeth and her area around her eyes looks old. She doesn't look 23 IMO. Trade show model is the best she could hope for. I've seen way prettier Brazilian women.

Where does Danielle work that she can wear a PINK t-shirt?

She's nuts for spending a dime on a wedding dress. Get a nice dress or suit ensemble that can be worn again to other events. She's not a 20-something bride. Well, maybe she thinks she is.

Ahhh, but look close and you will see that it is a "PINK panther" tee shirt. If Victoria's Secret was in the mood they would have a case for trademark violation. Edited by cooksdelight
Deleted spoiler information from quoted text
  • Love 2

The scene with the football game and the bar was a set-up. I say this because it was this bar, which is, apparently, where Dani's brother(in-law?) works. So all of that malarkey with the skank trying to pick him up was completely faked for the cameras.

Also it's nice to see Mo's flexible enough about Islam to drink alcohol. 'Cos he must like pork too because in those wedding dresses Dani's arms looked like two giant hams.

Danny is very immature - this to me seems like his first relationship and emotionally he's still 14 years old with no idea of the realities of anything outside the romantic notion of love he has for Amy. I think it can work for them if they both put a lot of effort into it.

I admit I LOL'd when I saw Jason's bedroom. The only thing missing was Matt Paxton in a Hazmat suit. Those two deserve one another - Cassia because she's so obviously on the make and her disappointment was hilarious to see, and Jason because he thinks he can buy a hot woman. That girl is so high-maintenance that she'll be out of there the minute she meets someone with more to offer her than Jason (and he's set the bar pretty damn low there, for sure).

Liverlips and Daya - his cheapskaterie in buying her an industrial diamond has come back to haunt him. If he'd bought her a Moissanite or a really good CZ for the same price he paid for a crappy diamond he'd probably have got away with it, but by buying a stone with an obvious inclusion, he's shown himself to be a tightwad. But her explanation that the trip to the jeweller was so he wouldn't be embarrassed by her friends thinking less of him was bullshit.

I muted the sound when Vocal Fry girl was on. I can't stand to hear the sound of her voice, so I have no idea what's happening in her story. But to me they're the least interesting couple anyway.

Edited by essexjan
Links to social media posted
  • Love 5

I just don’t understand these people’s mentality on either side. These people have not even bothered to come over for a visit before making a drastic move like they have.  Their American counterpart didn’t explain they live Discuss logistics or future plans (such as Cassia and her bikini modelling aspirations). I think this season is not only more scripted than last, but more set up by TLC. There is no way these couples would have been able to get to where they are without TLC.


And you don't even have to visit!  Even when I was going to take a business trip for a few days, the first thing I would do is get online and google the place I was going to!  Are we the only country with the internet?

  • Love 1

I'm sorry, but the way they are portraying Norwalk, OH makes it look like the biggest dump in North America. I feel bad for the citizens if it is actually a nice town. 

They certainly aren't doing the town any big favors.  Between the giant american asses (and I get the double meaning), the vacant look of Danielle's family, and the absolutely wretched looking barfly lady its a wonder people haven't started a petition.

  • Love 4

I'm sorry, but the way they are portraying Norwalk, OH makes it look like the biggest dump in North America. I feel bad for the citizens if it is actually a nice town. 

The sad thing is that even if Norwalk is actually a nicer town we are seeing it through Danielle and family's eyes. The Mullins crew doesn't seem like they'd seek out the nicer aspects of the area even if they were readily available. They seem quite content with their fast food burgers and Applebee's considered to be fine dining lives. For someone like Mohamed who was probably exposed to a lot more culture growing up (if he were near any sort of tourist hub in Tunis) it probably shows a rather bleak and pathetic view of America. The saddest thing is I looked and Norwalk is only 51 miles from Cleveland. Not even an hour drive and I am sure Danielle has only been there a handful of times, and probably wouldn't even think to take Mohamed there.

  • Love 1

Is that considered the Paris of Ohio?  Even Cleveland might look shitty to Mohamed who was living in Doha, Qatar.


I am sure to him anything more metro is considered an upgrade to Norwalk. At least in Cleveland he could get a decent mediterranean meal, and probably would be able to stock up on halal meats/Muslim friendly fare that he hasn't been able to find in bumblefuck with Danielle.

It also seems from what I have been able to find that Norwalk is mostly a suburban area, but we are probably seeing the more "low end" residents of the town. Everywhere has its good and bad parts....Danielle's just probably has more local trailer parks. Ya know?

Mohammed's segment seemed like it was a 100% producer driven plot point complete with professional bar flies. Mo couldn't give a damn that Danielle was leaving for work. It seemed like he turned away last minute and what was meant to be a kiss on the lips turned into a kiss on the cheek. Smooth.

Out of all of the prospective newlyweds I Iike Amy the best. I will reiterate what I said last week - GIRL RUN!!! As each week passes, he just exhibits such cluelessness and obtuseness that he really isn't worth the enormity of her sacrifices. Add that with the BS piling on that his father has a problem with her race and I really think she needs to throw up the deuces and catch the next thing smoking out of that place. Tired of Danny bringing that shit up actually. If it was such an issue, than why fucking propose to begin with. He made a choice to defy daddy dearest so either dad will deal or GTFOH! He acts like he is looking for approval. Also, having actually established a relationship in a more organic way as opposed to the internet meets featured prominently on this show, these two have no on screen chemistry to me. I don't think he wants to be alone with her. My side eye for him has gone from a 2 to a 7. Daddy has a problem with IR marriage, but how does he feel about some of Danny's more 'zesty' friends? Anyone remember the dude who drove Danny to the airport to pick up Amy?

Jason and Dad are basically living in the town version of Shady Pines Retirement Home. Did Jason take Cassia to the early bird special? Cassia, the least worrisome thing about that house is the wood/tile flooring. I thought Swamp Thing was gonna raise up out of that pool. I thought Dad and Jasion were making a show of trying to clean it last week. I would also love to know what Jason was so busy with Cassia? It damn sure wasn't cleaning. How could he bring Cassia to that sty? Starting to think that is producer driven too. Seemed like that is the story for all the guys on the show. No one bothers to clean or wash dishes before the fiancee arrives. Cassie wants to be a model? She ain't ugly but there is something a bit down market about her looks.

Did Chelsea want Yamir to get killed up in that bitch?!? I don't know how she could even suggest he get up on stage and perform at that place. Seems he has more sense and can read a room better than he can. No boy band type would have done well. Also have to say, that the sample they played of his music sounded like it was highly studio manipulated i.e, I could definitely hear the autotune. That pizza looked turrible. Is Wisconsin known for having good pizza? I know they got good cheese. I hope Yamir doesn't judge American pizza based on that place. Maybe one day he and Chelsea could travel to NYC, Chicago, LA, etc., and try the American pizza that people go on about.

'zesty' friends...HA! I also noticed that they trotted out a "tan" guy at last week's dinner to ask the particularly inappropriate question about whether Amy is worried about the wedding night.


I would like more information about Amy's background because there has to be something seriously missing for her to drop her life and move to a different continent for Danny. Unlike some of the other participants, I don't see evidence that she has any other motivation to come to the US besides her desire to be with him. At first, I thought it might be lust mistaken for love, but they have no chemistry and do not really communicate well.


Their marriage will be rough because Danny doesn't appear to see Amy as a high priority and seems to lack empathy for her POV. Add to this the fact that Amy also doesn't seem very comfortable communicating what her needs are either. This is a bad combination in pretty much all aspects of marriage.

I don't get it either.  I'm pretty sure her mom said something like "what are you two going to do about jobs", so I don't think Chelsea is working either.  Why not stay in Nicaragua where at least Yamir had a career, because here they're probably both going to end up working at the meat packing plant.  Since it looks like he's been replaced in his band, he won't even have that to go back to if he returns home.  Chelsea was only thinking of herself when she talked him into coming to the U.S.

I don't blame Chelsea's mom for mentioning the meat packing plant. If these two are ready to be adults and get married, they need to independently support themselves now. That's simply the reality of what they've chosen.

  • Love 2

Somebody needs to point Mo to the bus station and buy him a ticket to Cleveland for a night on the town.

I don't know why I find this sentence so funny but I do. 


If Mo has spent any time in Qatar, which is a truly an international cosmopolitan country with some serious, serious wealth (lots of oil money), than he probably does see what a podunk area of town his fiancee lives in and how unsophisticated her and her kin folks are.  Pickings must have been slim for our valiant gigolo if Danielle was the best offer he could find.


Superficial comment ahead - Mo has a very weird figure to me. He is slim but there is something so lumpy, doughy about him. Walking definition of skinny fat.



Liverlips and Daya


Bwahh. He does have some pretty meaty lips but with some small baby teeth which doesn't make for the prettiest combo. 

  • Love 7

I don't know why I find this sentence so funny but I do. 


If Mo has spent any time in Qatar, which is a truly an international cosmopolitan country with some serious, serious wealth (lots of oil money), than he probably does see what a podunk area of town his fiancee lives in and how unsophisticated her and her kin folks are.  Pickings must have been slim for our valiant gigolo if Danielle was the best offer he could find.


Superficial comment ahead - Mo has a very weird figure to me. He is slim but there is something so lumpy, doughy about him. Walking definition of skinny fat.



Bwahh. He does have some pretty meaty lips but with some small baby teeth which doesn't make for the prettiest combo. 


He seems to be gaining weight.  I am thinking he is taking a little too well to "Danielle diet"

What on earth was the bridal store employee thinking putting Danielle in any of those dresses?  And then how could anyone rate them as a 7 or a 9?!?!  I just don't how Danielle can look in the mirror and think, yes strapless is a good look for me.  Although I say that for 98% of brides in strapless wedding dresses but Danielle is especially offensive.

  • Love 3

Danielle reminds me of June from Honey Boo Boo. I'm not sure of her past relationship history but she did make a comment that this is her first time wearing a wedding dress. I'm guessing she may have more than one baby daddy and from the looks it, there is no father figure or financial help from daddy(Ies) She seems to put her own needs first and needs to have a man without considering her children's comfort and well-being first.


Daya should be more concerned about the living arrangements and being saddled with the live-in nanny role rather than finding out if her diamond is fake or not. Brett may seem like a doofus but he seems like an opportunist too. As much as Daya is using him, he is also using her.

Brett is an ass.  It sounds like he picked her up and then the next day went to pick up his child.  And of course, he can take some time to have tea with mom and bitch about Daya because she is busy watching his child that he should be spending time with.  She probably needs to start looking into whether or not an engagement ring is considered a gift if you decide not to go through with the wedding, and then worry about the appraised value.

  • Love 3

I never really watched HBB but I feel as though comparing Danielle to June is an insult! At least June seems like she's an upbeat gal and probably the life of the party. I see Dani and all I hear is the wah-wah-waaaaah of the sad trombone.

Is anyone watching the extra clips on TLC's site? They're enlightening. [snip]

Edited by cooksdelight
Info that should be discussed in the Online Clips thread
  • Love 2

Of course these people seem like they haven't thought through the whole 90 days thing.    The sane people who planned things out, and knew each other before the K-1 wouldn't be picked for the show.   The producers want drama to keep us watching and wondering if these people will make it to the alter.    Sane, got it together couples won't provide that.


So we get pathetic Danielle, and weird Danny, and slobs, and tightwads.   

  • Love 3

Danielle is extraordinarily simple, I think, and poorly educated. She uses double negatives quite a bit. What I truly don't understand about her, and Jason, for example, is how they've concluded that a (relatively) hot, 20 years younger, person could possibly be interested in them? What is it a Danielle or a Jason think s/he is offering? Wealth? Property? Looks? Status? Prospects? Sense of humor? Evolved tastes in books, wine, food? Sports prowess? Box seats to something, anything? Yachts, cars, hot air balloons? What? Just no damn common sense.

Danny is a some weird guy. Even in the car, with a mounted camera and no camera person as third wheel, Danny barely glanced at Amy and never made eye contact. Certainly never touched her hand, or her cheek. I find myself wondering about their courtship in Australia at the bible college. Why was Amy attracted to him; what did Danny do differently; was there any physical affection at all? His coldness makes me squirm.

I think Amy is just 21? Way too young to throw her life away on a detached, immature man, his ignorant friends and brothers, and his supposedly racist father. Amy! You don't have to put up with any of that grief!

  • Love 5

What I truly don't understand about her, and Jason, for example, is how they've concluded that a (relatively) hot, 20 years younger, person could possibly be interested in them? What is it a Danielle or a Jason think s/he is offering? Wealth? Property? Looks? Status? Prospects? Sense of humor? Evolved tastes in books, wine, food? Sports prowess? Box seats to something, anything? Yachts, cars, hot air balloons?



I'm going with "static cling."

  • Love 9


Their marriage will be rough because Danny doesn't appear to see Amy as a high priority and seems to lack empathy for her POV. Add to this the fact that Amy also doesn't seem very comfortable communicating what her needs are either. This is a bad combination in pretty much all aspects of marriage.

Yes! That scene at the marriage counseling was so upsetting. The pastor's wife was explaining as simply as possible, "Amy made a giant sacrifice for you, so you need to make some little ones for her" and Danny's reaction was basically "I'm a giant baby and everything about the real world and real women scares me, so um, I don't want to be responsible for her happiness in any shape or form." What was he like when they met? How can anyone be so selfish? Run, Amy!! Run, run, run!!!  I wanted the pastor's wife to say, "Well, then you're not ready for a relationship, much less marriage, good-bye."


As for the rest of them ... well, yeah, Danielle is a looney toon, but I don't feel any pity for Mo. He's a scam artist who didn't research his mark enough. Learn to use google, Mo. I do feel bad for her kids because ... I mean, geez, unless they manage to get away from Mom, she's going to be a giant drama suck for the rest of their lives. Mo isn't very good-looking imo so maybe that's why Danielle is the best desperate American he could find.


Brett's mom looks a little like Daya to me. That's another one where I just feel so bad for that little girl with her weird pathetic dad. It's completely unacceptable to me that she has to sleep in the same bed as him and his fiancee. If I were her mother, I'd demand something be written into the visitation agreement that says she needs her own bed. Even an inflatable mattress would be better!


Chelsea and Yamir ... They will not last. Yamir seems like a sweet guy, but Chelsea is living in a fantasy world. Maybe the plan is that once he gets a Visa, they'll go move to a city where there are job opportunities for both of them, but .... it all seems like an unrealistic scheme. Sometimes love isn't enough.



  • Love 4

Danielle is extraordinarily simple, I think, and poorly educated. She uses double negatives quite a bit. What I truly don't understand about her, and Jason, for example, is how they've concluded that a (relatively) hot, 20 years younger, person could possibly be interested in them? What is it a Danielle or a Jason think s/he is offering? Wealth? Property? Looks? Status? Prospects? Sense of humor? Evolved tastes in books, wine, food? Sports prowess? Box seats to something, anything? Yachts, cars, hot air balloons? What? Just no damn common sense.

Danny is a some weird guy. Even in the car, with a mounted camera and no camera person as third wheel, Danny barely glanced at Amy and never made eye contact. Certainly never touched her hand, or her cheek. I find myself wondering about their courtship in Australia at the bible college. Why was Amy attracted to him; what did Danny do differently; was there any physical affection at all? His coldness makes me squirm.

I think Amy is just 21? Way too young to throw her life away on a detached, immature man, his ignorant friends and brothers, and his supposedly racist father. Amy! You don't have to put up with any of that grief!


Such harsh judgment!  I think you're forgetting about those sweet seats Danielle scored to the town Parade.  I'm sure Mohammed has never seen such a collection of tractors and very, very pale people in all his life.


Of course these people seem like they haven't thought through the whole 90 days thing.    The sane people who planned things out, and knew each other before the K-1 wouldn't be picked for the show.   The producers want drama to keep us watching and wondering if these people will make it to the alter.    Sane, got it together couples won't provide that.


So we get pathetic Danielle, and weird Danny, and slobs, and tightwads.   


I absolutely agree, but while I'm happy the K-1 process works out for some people, I probably wouldn't want to watch their stories.  Me likee the trainwrecks!

  • Love 5

Danielle's daughter (on the end of the wedding store couch in the dark blue shirt) is an exact replica of her mother.  I couldn't get over how much she looked like her sad sack mom.  I wonder if Danielle could only try on sleeveless dresses because she couldn't stuff them into sleeves without bursting the seems.  I would have been hesitant to let her try on anything in that store because she looks like she would leave yellow stains on the material....


Also, I love Liver Lips.  That's exactly what those bulbous puffy lips remind me of.

  • Love 6

Yes! That scene at the marriage counseling was so upsetting. The pastor's wife was explaining as simply as possible, "Amy made a giant sacrifice for you, so you need to make some little ones for her" and Danny's reaction was basically "I'm a giant baby and everything about the real world and real women scares me, so um, I don't want to be responsible for her happiness in any shape or form." What was he like when they met? How can anyone be so selfish? Run, Amy!! Run, run, run!!! I wanted the pastor's wife to say, "Well, then you're not ready for a relationship, much less marriage, good-bye."

What baffles me the most is that I've never, ever seen a young couple in love who didn't want to spend every spare second together! I've never had the type of long-distance relationship like the couples on the show have had, but I'd think finally getting to be together would exacerbate that even more. I get why Mo isn't sad to send Danielle off to work, but I can't understand Danny's hesitation and distance with Amy.

I really thought we were going to see a sweet love story between them when they were first introduced on the show and telling their story. Heck, I was counting on them to be the ONE couple that wasn't a friggin' train wreck. That was quickly dashed, obviously. I love train wrecks as much as the next reality TV fan, but is it too much to ask to have just one couple out of six be a great match? And now that I've typed that I realize I'm beyond stupid for expecting any better from TLC.

  • Love 7

What I don't understand is that if Danny doesn't want to spend time with Amy and doesn't want to sacrifice anything for her or the sake of their relationship....then why have one at all? Why is she even here? It just doesn't seem like he gives a shit about her at all, he'd be perfectly content to go about the entire 90 days not even seeing her while she's sequestered at his brothers - then he'd show up for the ceremony. I just don't get it. For a guy in his early 20's to bring a woman literally halfway around the world to be together and then act like he's fucking afraid of her company is insane.

  • Love 7

Mohammed has a body like a former fat person.


I went the K-1 visa route many years ago. I was the US citizen and he was from the UK. We did several trips back and forth and before he came here for good. Even then, 90 days just isn't enough time. 

The marriage lasted about 5 years, but should've ended after 3 years. He never seemed to accept the US as his new home and always compared things in the UK being better. 

If we were able to have dated in a more conventional way, we probably would've been together a ear or two, never married and just broke up eventually. 

Also, meeting and learning about your future spouses family is very important. Seeing their family dynamic will tell you a lot about your future spouse. it's very difficult for both parties in a K-1 visa situation to each learn about each others families. 

Edited by aurora296
  • Love 3

I don't blame Chelsea's mom for mentioning the meat packing plant. If these two are ready to be adults and get married, they need to independently support themselves now. That's simply the reality of what they've chosen.

True. The problem is that she seemed to direct the comment toward Yamir. Chelsea speaks Spanish and appears to be equally unemployed, so the plant seems to be a perfect option for her too. It's quite possible, however, that Chelsea's mom got a bad edit.


I noticed that Yamir had a wedding band on when they were at the pizza place. Maybe they got married before they came to America. 


I wondered the same thing. I looked for a ring on Chelsea, but never got a clear view. It's strange the producers would drop such an obvious hint with Yamir.


Yamir seems to be a good sport, but he was right not to get up and sing in the gloppy pizza joint. 

  • Love 1

What is with Danny's family? They act like they're from Hicksville with the whole -- you're tan and speak African nonsense -- yet they live 30 min outside of Philadelphia, which is one of the top 5 or 10 metro areas in the U.S.; there are plenty of Africans, biracial people and all kinds of other diversity in Philadelphia. How are they so unexposed? And I cannot believe the amount of references made to sex with a perfect stranger. Are you worried about the wedding night? Who the hell says that?? And then when they went to go look at that farm/barn for the wedding, there were a few references made to -- you can consummate the marriage right here. I get that Danny is the youngest in a large, overly close, over bearing family, but the interest in their little bro's sex life is kind of creepy. If Amy doesn't put a stop to this, she will have people in the hotel suite saying "no no Danny, that's not how it's done, let me help you."


As for Mohammed -- the one thing I don't get, if he is SUCH a religious Muslim -- i.e. won't eat non-halal and won't engage in any pre marital sex -- why is he ok with marrying a Christian woman? I'm Muslim myself so I am not criticizing, but Muslims who are "non religious" enough for an interfaith marriage typically aren't sticklers for things like halal rules. Has she thought about this (of course not)? Does he expect her to convert? Religiously a Muslim man can marry a woman of any faith bc he can make conversion a requirement of marriage. Has she thought about whether he intends to do that and would she be ok with that -- not saying she is going to mass 7 days a week but a small town Christian who laughs at someone's religion forbidding pork, who also has a cross tattooed on her finger, does not strike me as the type who'd be ok converting to a "foreign" religion. Shouldn't she be wondering why such a (hot) religious man is with someone like her (not hot and not of the same faith) and take a hint that maybe something is asunder and a scam is underway?

  • Love 2

What is with Danny's family? They act like they're from Hicksville with the whole -- you're tan and speak African nonsense -- yet they live 30 min outside of Philadelphia, which is one of the top 5 or 10 metro areas in the U.S.; there are plenty of Africans, biracial people and all kinds of other diversity in Philadelphia. How are they so unexposed? And I cannot believe the amount of references made to sex with a perfect stranger. Are you worried about the wedding night? Who the hell says that?? And then when they went to go look at that farm/barn for the wedding, there were a few references made to -- you can consummate the marriage right here. I get that Danny is the youngest in a large, overly close, over bearing family, but the interest in their little bro's sex life is kind of creepy. If Amy doesn't put a stop to this, she will have people in the hotel suite saying "no no Danny, that's not how it's done, let me help you."


As for Mohammed -- the one thing I don't get, if he is SUCH a religious Muslim -- i.e. won't eat non-halal and won't engage in any pre marital sex -- why is he ok with marrying a Christian woman? I'm Muslim myself so I am not criticizing, but Muslims who are "non religious" enough for an interfaith marriage typically aren't sticklers for things like halal rules. Has she thought about this (of course not)? Does he expect her to convert? Religiously a Muslim man can marry a woman of any faith bc he can make conversion a requirement of marriage. Has she thought about whether he intends to do that and would she be ok with that -- not saying she is going to mass 7 days a week but a small town Christian who laughs at someone's religion forbidding pork, who also has a cross tattooed on her finger, does not strike me as the type who'd be ok converting to a "foreign" religion. Shouldn't she be wondering why such a (hot) religious man is with someone like her (not hot and not of the same faith) and take a hint that maybe something is asunder and a scam is underway?

  • Love 6

Part of me wonders whether Danny's own brothers and sisters suspect he's gay -- I mean he pings the gaydar as do his friends. But they are also a religious family and I'm sure do not want their little bro to be gay. The constant talk re consummation, the wedding night etc. may be to get them married off quick and to make the whole thing seem "exciting" as they may be religious enough that they're hoping "once he gets it on with a woman once, he'll be hooked and any thought of dudes will be gone and that'll save him from eternal damnation."


As for the thing with his father -- WTH!? Why is he so worried about his father now? Didn't he realize his father didn't like IR marriages when he proposed and brought her over here? In homes where inter-race or inter-religious marriages are not ok, that's not a development that comes out when you hit age 22; it is put into the kids' minds since childhood that they are to end up with someone just like their family and nothing else will be approved of. If inter-racial is a problem to him, he shouldn't have gotten involved with her, let alone asked her to leave her whole life behind. If IR is not a problem for him, then he needs to man up and tell his father -- this is how it is, get used to it or you won't be seeing biracial grandkids ever.

  • Love 6

I noticed that Yamir had a wedding band on when they were at the pizza place. Maybe they got married before they came to America.

I wondered the same thing. I looked for a ring on Chelsea, but never got a clear view. It's strange the producers would drop such an obvious hint with Yamir.
For some reason I seem to remember them specifically showing Yamir wearing that ring when they discussed how to asked Chelsea to marry him. I got the impression, possibly totally made up, that it was his "engagement" ring. But what do I know? I still have a hard time believing his boy band was all that or I think they would've stayed. I think they must have a plan of some sort, but that wouldn't make for good tv. I did wonder why Mama Chelsea mentioned Yamir working. He can't for awhile can he? Chelsea needs to hoof it to the meat packing plant.
  • Love 1

In the couch scene, Mohamed looked like a foreign exchange student and Danielle looked like the lecherous middle-aged host.  I am so disgusted by her behavior, that I just can't feel pity for her.  Mohamed deserves combat pay in my opinion.


Danny basically told Amy that she was a burden to him.  He's such an airhead that he seems high at all times.


When not with Daya, Brett seems almost likeable.  Yet his voice goes up an octave and he begins braying in her presence.

  • Love 7

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