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I will say this about Chelsea's parents - I liked the way they both immediately embraced Yamir upon meeting him. I wished more families would have done that. But oh how I laughed and laughed at the meat packaging comment. Yes, Yamir do that. Practice your boy band dance moves while sliding on a factory floor slick with animal parts. Why on earth would Chelsea drag him to her crappy town? He needs to leave.

Which brings me to Amy. That conversation with the pastor was illuminating, was it not? Danny whining about how he had to be her family and the friends and how it was such a burden made me want to punch him in the face. Amy should have begged to borrow airfare home from the pastor's wife.

I'm still laughing at the daughters shrek comment when Danielle was in her wedding dress. So mean. So true, but so mean. Lol I'd be so pissed if she was my mom and she was spending $800 on a shitty wedding dress. There go your new school clothes girls... Mom had to look like a pretty princess on her Special Day.

Next week is going to be goooooood.

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There are to be NO more links to social media pages or links to anything outside that may show spoiler information in the main episode threads. Final warning. Anyone linking info that should be in the Social Media & Spoiler thread from this point on will be sitting on the sidelines for a while.

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And Jason couldn't be bothered to clean his room and the pool before hot girl came home! For godsake! I guess he thought that just his animal-magnetic personality and sex appeal would blind Cassia to the filth and pestilence.


I rather suspect the show wanted it that way, to create more drama.



Danielle' s arms need sleeves at all times.


I'm more wondering why she needs a traditional white wedding gown when she could be wearing a much more flattering dress.  Again, I'm suspecting the show.


I am glad she didn't hide her disgust with the alligator pool, the bedroom Jason was too lazy to tidy up even for a super hot Brazilian model that flew 6000 miles just to get there, the lame salad bar, and the old people in the small town.


I'm with you there, except for one thing:  where's the super hot Brazilian model?  ;)

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Spoiler information has been edited out, but I don't always catch it right away as I cannot monitor conversations 24/7. If you see something that should not be in a general episode thread, please report it and any mod who happens to be in the report center can handle it.

This is the rare type of show where spoilers can ruin the viewing experience for people who don't want to know what happens. That's why there is a special thread for social media links and spoiler information. I appreciate everyone posting their thoughts in the appropriate area.

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What I don't understand is that if Danny doesn't want to spend time with Amy and doesn't want to sacrifice anything for her or the sake of their relationship....then why have one at all? Why is she even here? It just doesn't seem like he gives a shit about her at all, he'd be perfectly content to go about the entire 90 days not even seeing her while she's sequestered at his brothers - then he'd show up for the ceremony. I just don't get it. For a guy in his early 20's to bring a woman literally halfway around the world to be together and then act like he's fucking afraid of her company is insane.


I don't get it either. Amy is always reaching to touch him and he looks 'eh' about her presence and existence. It's like he hasn't warmed up to her despite the fact that he mentioned previously that he traveled to South Africa to see her and spent a decent amount of time with her. Like, he knew she didn't know any one in the state and that she was going to be lonely living in a house that's 20-30 minutes away from anything worth doing in his city. He's just dumb and selfish. Both he and Chelsea are two peas in a pod.

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Yeah, but at least Chelsea actually wants to spend time with Yamir and they come off like a real couple. They do seem to genuinely like and love each other, even if it's that puppy love of a first serious relationship. She's just selfish in the way that she brought him to smalltown IL, where there's literally nothing for him opportunity-wise. But that could change, maybe they are job hunting in Chicago, or some other larger city in the midwest. Maybe living in the USA was Yamir's idea and Chelsea just went with it and didn't explain fully what her hometown was like. We don't know.

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Re Danny: I think one of several things is going on. Either he went on a trip and met a girl and got caught up in the romance of the moment and proposed and now the harsh reality of a foreign fiancee/wife living with him, interacting with his family and the prospect of spending all his time wit her is cooling his feelings, OR Danny is gay and the whole romance was forced by him, hoping to get rid of those unholy (in his family's eyes) feelings. Or maybe he is one of those guys who hasn't figured out his own sexuality yet, so he's casting about for something that makes him feel those feelings. 


I do think that the fact that he began a relationship with a woman of another race, knowing full well that this father would not approve is perhaps a bit of a rebellion on his part. But again, now the reality has set in and it's amazing, you can almost see him backing away from Amy. 

Edited by poeticlicensed
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I don't think Mohammed is particularly hot.

Hotness is relative, thus the he is playing outside his league prejudice normally put on the man and is now applied to Mohammed's fiance

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I know we don't know whose idea it was to come here, but I am just commenting in general on what I've seen on the show of Yamir and Chelsea. Whether she suggested Yamir come to the US or he did, I do think it is selfish to bring someone to a city where you don't even have a job or career prospects. The fact that she thought Yamir could perform on that stage and be well-received was incredibly naive.

Edited by trimthatfat
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I am thinking that Chelsea's mom was directing the meat packing comment to her daughter to show her how limited his options were compared to in Nicaragua. Maybe I'm reading too much into it. Chelsea definitely bugs as to how selfish she is.

On a side note, she went to the same college as my sil. Anderson is a small private Christian school. She said lots of students got married in school or right after implying it was to not commit sexual sin. What this has to do with Chelsea-probably nothing.

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I noticed that Yamir had a wedding band on when they were at the pizza place. Maybe they got married before they came to America. 



Chelsea & Yamir: I remember him showing off that ring to his buddies saying that he & Chelsea were in engaged now. I found it funny that a male was wearing an engagement ring. That is just me. To me, Chelsea gives off this impression that she is so use to getting whatever she wants. She set her eyes on the sexy singer and thought "I must have him. No matter what it takes, he will be mine. All mine!" (Insert evil laugh)Yamir is possibly in a sex coma and that is why he is following her to another Country instead of staying were he could make more money.


Danny & Amy: I get this strong feeling he is a gay man trying his hardest to hide Amy far away from his nightly activities until the wedding day. There are many American women that fall in love with gay men for all the wrong reasons too.  What is in it for Amy? A broken heart when it finally hits her, that her husband has been gay through out their entire friendship/marriage.

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I know we don't know whose idea it was to come here, but I am just commenting in general on what I've seen on the show of Yamir and Chelsea. Whether she suggested Yamir come to the US or he did, I do think it is selfish to bring someone to a city where you don't even have a job or career prospects. The fact that she thought Yamir could perform on that stage and be well-received was incredibly naive.

This brings up an issue I had not otherwise thought about. When bringing someone into the country on a K-1 visa doesn't the sponsor have to show that they will be able to financially support the person entering the US? Chelsea apparently has no job and no job prospects so I take it that Chelsea's parents are sponsoring Yamir? 


I admit to being pretty taken aback by Chelsea's mom meat packing comment but the more I think about the unsaid circumstances, the less troublesome I find it. Chelsea essentially found love but brought home an extra financial burden that they have agreed to be responsible for. So not only do the parents get the joy of paying for her wedding but they also have to support the young newlyweds (food, shelter, clothing, entertainment) until they can support themselves which will probably be a ways off because the groom can't speak English, which is pretty much a prerequisite for the vast majority of work in the US. Oh joy! Mom probably could've left off the extra info about how most Hispanics work there, but maybe she thought it might be easier for him being around Spanish speaking people of similar culture since that was a big concern for the band manager, although I am pretty sure hauling around sides of beef with fellow Spanish speakers wasn't what the manager had in mind. 


Ever since someone mentioned Chelsea's vocal fry voice it is now all I can hear. 

Edited by islandgal140
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Chelsea was able to volunteer for some time. For all we know, she may have funds of her own. A trust fund, money saved, inheritance, etc... I would not assume she is not self-supporting yet.

I think the meat packing comment was producer driven.

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Someone else mentioned that Chelsea's mother directed her 'what will you do for work?' question to both Chelsea and Yamir (I missed this), so I assume that the parents cannot afford to provide financially for two additional adults. Her parents look like they live very modestly and they looked like they were near retirement age, too, so I wouldn't blame them for not wanting to support them at this point in their lives.

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I just wonder if reality will hit Yamir next week when he sees he has been replaced at a Myla Vox concert.  I sure hope it does, because I don't blame anyone but he and Chelsea for that happening.  What did they think was going to happen?  Gabriel was going to sit at home at night crying and just call Myla Vox a lost cause because Yamir fell for the slightly more annoying version of Yoko Ono?  Uh, no.  Gabriel tried everything to get Yamir to reconsider his decision to move, he decided he wanted to do it anyways, Myla Vox moved on, why wouldn't they?  Myla Vox just released an album, wouldn't you expect them to go on tour to support the album?  But you somehow thought they were just going to fold or wait to promote until you figured things out?

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I don't see why people think the meat packing plant comment was offensive.  He speaks very very VERY little english, presumably no college degree so his options are limited until they can get on their feet.  He could probably start working there right away.

Or maybe it was a kick to their daughter's behind like "hey, you better find a job that can support both of you - or it's to the meat packing plant for you both"

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Yeah. I'm not sure why parents would be expected to support grown kids--who are not kids at all anymore but are adults. Like, the kind who make their own money, pay for their own homes, and buy their own food.


I could support my grown son, but why would I? These are not children, nor are they disabled adults who need special care. Grow up already!

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The scene with the football game and the bar was a set-up. I say this because it was this bar, which is, apparently, where Dani's brother(in-law?) works. So all of that malarkey with the skank trying to pick him up was completely faked for the cameras.




That bar looks like it smells of cigarettes, chew, and bad decisions.  HOLY SHIT.  It's like the bar from "The Accused". 


Those bar-flies were more like bar-maggots. 

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There is no way that my parents would support me and some man that I brought over from another country. NO way in hell. Chelsea literally brought a stranger to live with her in her parents' basement and now her parents (seemingly) have to support both of them. That is insane to me. If you want to finance a man you should do that on your own dime... not your parents.


Also, I have to give a grown man the side eye, for willingly moving into his girlfriend's parents' home knowing that they would have to support him. Someone upthread mentioned that he is 28... thought he was younger. Would have expected this foolishness from a younger guy.  

Edited by Bandolero
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That bar looks like it smells of cigarettes, chew, and bad decisions.  HOLY SHIT.  It's like the bar from "The Accused". 


Those bar-flies were more like bar-maggots. 

I love this post, but only take exception because maggots implies some sort of youth.  Those chicks were bar maggots like 20 years ago :)

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I am thinking that Chelsea's mom was directing the meat packing comment to her daughter to show her how limited his options were compared to in Nicaragua. Maybe I'm reading too much into it. Chelsea definitely bugs as to how selfish she is.


I think the meat packing comment was producer driven.


I'm inclined to think most things that we see of Chelsea and Yamir are producer driven. I think they are strictly on the show to get any kind of media exposure for Yamir while he gets his visa and hopes for attention from the Latin music market in the US. I'm not sure if Gabriels verbal smackdowns, etc are what he would have done with Yamir and Chelsea regardless of the cameras, but they all have a very staged feel in terms of his demeanor and actions.   I didn't have an issue with Chelsea's mom's comments about the meatpacking plant. Even if Yamir does have any kind of degree, his limited English skills and the smallness of the locale limit his job prospects. Unless he gets very lucky, he's looking at entry-level, low income work to start and a great deal of that can involve jobs that deal with the public which he can't very well do until his ability to communicate improves. The meatpacking plant option is gross, but at least they'll have no problem hiring him and he'll have an income while he and Chelsea figure out life beyond her parent's basement. I think they are telling a very specific, pre-determined narrative with these two. And yeah, Chelsea needs to pull her head out of her butt, put on her big-girl pants and earn a living too, instead of everyone else making sacrifices so she can be happy. 


I like this couple, but both of them seem immature, However they both seem more grownup than Danielle and she's a woman well into her forties with nearly grown children. Personally, I think Dani's as much of a scam artist as  Mo. They are both very dishonest about what they have to offer each other and rather stupid for not doing more homework.

Edited by yuggapukka
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In the first episode, I think Danielle made some passing reference to having a man to take care of her financially -- maybe she thinks getting a young stud is good because he'll be able to do hard physical work and provide a sizeable income beyond what she can earn in retail. I know there are people like Danielle in the U.S. but being in an east coast big city, it always kind of shocks me that such people still exist given how "connected" everyone is through the internet. I mean she and her family seem like the types who never even considered that someone could believe something different than them and those beliefs could come with different requirements; they strike me like a few small town people I grew up with you were in utter SHOCK that I didn't celebrate Christmas. They couldn't conceive of the fact that there were people in the world who didn't put up a tree, believe in Santa, go to mass etc.


As for Yamir -- he's in a small town that probably has a few factories and/or retail options where everyone works unless they are in a skilled trade (like contractors) or are trained in healthcare/medicine (as I'm sure there are dr's office and hospitals). Given his lack of English skills, I'm guessing retail is out unless he can get someone to give him a job in the back -- unloading trucks and stocking shelves. That leave factories and again a foreman may not love the lack of English skills; the parents were right his first shot is a place that already employs a lot of Spanish speaking employees because you know that kind of workplace doesn't care as much that you didn't graduate from the local high school and don't speak English -- I'm betting many/most of the foreman there speak Spanish themselves.

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I assume Yamir has some savings to fall back on. Plus, there may be some cash coming from album sales (although I am pretty sure performers make the bulk of their money from tours). Chelsea's parents probably felt better about things since Yamir isn't flat broke.

I am shocked that they aren't heading to Miami ASAP since Gabriel has a lot of professional contacts there.

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I'm disturbed by the fact that Mohamed's English and grammar are far superior to Danielle's and her family's.


I noticed that too and was also bothered by their poor command of the only language they (presumably) speak.  The problem is more than just poor grammer, which I could overlook, they seem quite inarticulate.

Edited by yuggapukka
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Danielle is looking for a guy to take care of her financially?   Here's an idea, take care of yourself financially.   That means not spending money on bringing  guy over from Tunisia who just wants a green card.   She would have had some savings when she lost her job if she hadn't spent it on Gigolo.   And the money she spent on that wedding dress could have been put in savings instead too.   


Again her problem is her own bad choices.   But she keeps looking for solutions outsider herself.



Lauging that Chelsea seemed more mature than Danielle with her almost grown kids.   She does have one adult son.   Who seems more grown up than his mother.

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Danielle... She does have one adult son.   Who seems more grown up than his mother.


He's not that smart, in the additional clips on the TLC website, he speaks with his sisters and evaluates the chances of Mo taking off as a mere 25%.


Here are my odds:


Odds that Mo will go through with the charade until he gets the green card, 0.99

Odds that Mo will make Danielle's life worse than hell to stop the ridiculous clinging, 0.99

Odds that Mo will consummate the marriage if it occurs, 0.000001

Odds that Mo will part with anything more than chump change to support Danielle and her daughters if he gets a job, 0.00000001

Odds that Mo considers this a real marriage, 0.0000000000001

Odds of a divorce if this abomination goes through, 1


Edited by Toaster Strudel
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I know I'm supposed to be sympathetic for Danielle and think Mohamed is the bad guy, but I can't.  If Danielle looked like Angelina Jolie and was a multi-millionaire, she would drive Mohamed away - even if he loved her.  She has no self-awareness, doesn't she watch her show?  I know he comes from a country that is known for using American women to get green cards, but perhaps she knows it too.  Why else does she search for a very attractive Muslim man, half her age, half her weight, and who lives far away from her?  Just like I cheered on Anna Nicole Smith when she fought that old billionaires' family for money - she'd earned every penny of it just by kissing him - I'm cheering on Mohamed.  Even if he is 100% using her because he knows she looks at him as a trophy, it's nothing that young women haven't been doing to older men since the dawn of time.  And if she has lied to him about her job, I'm sorry, but in what universe does she think she's even in the same league as Mohamed?  And now he's expected to support her and her three daughters?  Love and attraction go beyond physical looks, but in the real world they would be a very unlikely couple - regardless of circumstance.

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I don't get it either. Amy is always reaching to touch him and he looks 'eh' about her presence and existence. It's like he hasn't warmed up to her despite the fact that he mentioned previously that he traveled to South Africa to see her and spent a decent amount of time with her. Like, he knew she didn't know any one in the state and that she was going to be lonely living in a house that's 20-30 minutes away from anything worth doing in his city. He's just dumb and selfish. Both he and Chelsea are two peas in a pod.


I'm really confused about this couple.  When Danny was in the shower, it sure sounded to me that Amy says she would have sex with him right this moment, which is not something your average virgin shares with strangers and the rest of the world.  Even at the dinner table with his family, she kind of laughed and says "do you mean is it going to hurt" when asked about the wedding night.  Again, your average virgin doesn't share this with the future in-laws she just met and the rest of the world. Yes they asked about the wedding night, but she's the one who took it there. She said it in a way that told me they have been sexually active already.  Perhaps in Australia they became quickly sexual, and once they realized they wanted the relationship to continue, they recalled that they were Mormon and can't have premarital sex.  It would make a little more sense if that's the story. 


I've known American Mormons and they take their chastity seriously.  It could be that Amy is just a lot more relaxed about the chastity part (I think South Africa is less puritanical than the US) and it's Danny enforcing the rule - especially when around his family and on camera.  That makes a lot more sense to me than a horny Amy talking about sex with Danny and attempting to reach for his hand, and a closeted Danny fearful of girl germs, while Amy misreads his cues.  To me, the rules changed a little too quickly and it's difficult for her to avoid intimacy when he's the only person she can seek comfort from.


Now my Mormon friends shared that they did "everything but" prior to marriage.  If that happened with these two, Danny could be self-conscious about not revealing too much, and therefore pulls away and looks uncomfortable, particularly in front of his minister.

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I had to re-watch this episode because of some the comments here. It was worth it and I see what the stir is about. I had totally missed Danny's whining about being there for Amy. She looked so distressed when he said he couldn't do that. 


And I love the outdoors a lot but really wonder what they plan on using the barn for? It's not as if the animal and hay smells are going anywhere even if the wedding was years away.

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I had to re-watch this episode because of some the comments here. It was worth it and I see what the stir is about. I had totally missed Danny's whining about being there for Amy. She looked so distressed when he said he couldn't do that. 


And I love the outdoors a lot but really wonder what they plan on using the barn for? It's not as if the animal and hay smells are going anywhere even if the wedding was years away.

I'm confused as to why they have to have it in the barn.  The grounds seem huge, why not just plan to have it outside, the weather in the area looks beautiful.  Its not like they are going to have a ton of people.  Rent a few folding chairs and that thing that people get married under and call it a day.

I'm really confused about this couple.  When Danny was in the shower, it sure sounded to me that Amy says she would have sex with him right this moment, which is not something your average virgin shares with strangers and the rest of the world.  Even at the dinner table with his family, she kind of laughed and says "do you mean is it going to hurt" when asked about the wedding night.  Again, your average virgin doesn't share this with the future in-laws she just met and the rest of the world. Yes they asked about the wedding night, but she's the one who took it there. She said it in a way that told me they have been sexually active already.  Perhaps in Australia they became quickly sexual, and once they realized they wanted the relationship to continue, they recalled that they were Mormon and can't have premarital sex.  It would make a little more sense if that's the story. 


I've known American Mormons and they take their chastity seriously.  It could be that Amy is just a lot more relaxed about the chastity part (I think South Africa is less puritanical than the US) and it's Danny enforcing the rule - especially when around his family and on camera.  That makes a lot more sense to me than a horny Amy talking about sex with Danny and attempting to reach for his hand, and a closeted Danny fearful of girl germs, while Amy misreads his cues.  To me, the rules changed a little too quickly and it's difficult for her to avoid intimacy when he's the only person she can seek comfort from.


Now my Mormon friends shared that they did "everything but" prior to marriage.  If that happened with these two, Danny could be self-conscious about not revealing too much, and therefore pulls away and looks uncomfortable, particularly in front of his minister.

I didn't think average religious people would even ask about whether or not the bride was worried about it hurting on her wedding night.


To me, that was super strange, what was she supposed to say after that?  I find his entire crew super strange, especially his brother.


I'm on the fence, but coming down more on the side of Danny being gay and closeted.  Maybe he figures he can admit being gay to his parents when the alternative is interracial marriage, which they may find much worse.

Edited by RealityGal
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Cassia argues with Jason about trust issues; Danny's date night with Amy is ruined by his brother; Danielle's family doubts that Mohamed will stick around; Justin finally sees his family after revealing his secret; Yamir's move comes with shocking news.

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I want to smack Danielle when she talks and keeps her eyes closed. She probably does it because she's cross eyed. Ugh.

I feel like when she talks sometimes she really needs to focus on getting all the words out in the correct order and in the right way, so maybe she closes her eyes so she isn't distracted.

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I guess by now Yamir is thinking time and time again about what his manager told him. I thought it was kind of harsh at the beginning but now that reality sets in and that Yamir is living in a place where his artistic abilities are non-existant and he is just another immigrant who doesn't speak English.


The manager called Chelsea a liar and manipulative, he emphasized the part where she hadn't been clear with him about where this little town oin the middle of nowhere was and that there would not be any latin market for his music and she decided to play the poor pity me card and here they are in a very difficult situation. The best they both can do is to return to Nicaragua once they marry, she can work in any place as an English instructor and Yamir can work with his music for as long as it goes, once that train is done then they can come back to the US. 


Right now Yamir loves her to pieces and that is all that matters to him right now but few years from now he will regret this, there is nothing worse than to have your dreams at the tip of your fingers and to let it go, the regret, the guilt and the many "what ifs" will haunt him and her for a long time and will poison their relationship.

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Re Danny: I think one of several things is going on. Either he went on a trip and met a girl and got caught up in the romance of the moment and proposed and now the harsh reality of a foreign fiancee/wife living with him, interacting with his family and the prospect of spending all his time wit her is cooling his feelings, OR Danny is gay and the whole romance was forced by him, hoping to get rid of those unholy (in his family's eyes) feelings. Or maybe he is one of those guys who hasn't figured out his own sexuality yet, so he's casting about for something that makes him feel those feelings. 


I do think that the fact that he began a relationship with a woman of another race, knowing full well that this father would not approve is perhaps a bit of a rebellion on his part. But again, now the reality has set in and it's amazing, you can almost see him backing away from Amy. 


I think Danny is gay as an Easter bonnet and when he tells his racist dad that he's not going through with his marriage to a mixed race girl from South Africa to move in to a downtown loft and open a coffee shop with his friend Tad from school, racist dad will be so relieved that his son's been saved from perdition he won't even mind about the gay part.


I spend every episode yelling "RUN AMY RUN!" Its exhausting.


And I think that the "open mic night" was as much a TLC producer setup as the "impromptu" football game and bar skanks.

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I'm really confused about this couple.  When Danny was in the shower, it sure sounded to me that Amy says she would have sex with him right this moment, which is not something your average virgin shares with strangers and the rest of the world.  Even at the dinner table with his family, she kind of laughed and says "do you mean is it going to hurt" when asked about the wedding night.  Again, your average virgin doesn't share this with the future in-laws she just met and the rest of the world. Yes they asked about the wedding night, but she's the one who took it there. She said it in a way that told me they have been sexually active already.  Perhaps in Australia they became quickly sexual, and once they realized they wanted the relationship to continue, they recalled that they were Mormon and can't have premarital sex.  It would make a little more sense if that's the story. 


I've known American Mormons and they take their chastity seriously.  It could be that Amy is just a lot more relaxed about the chastity part (I think South Africa is less puritanical than the US) and it's Danny enforcing the rule - especially when around his family and on camera.  That makes a lot more sense to me than a horny Amy talking about sex with Danny and attempting to reach for his hand, and a closeted Danny fearful of girl germs, while Amy misreads his cues.  To me, the rules changed a little too quickly and it's difficult for her to avoid intimacy when he's the only person she can seek comfort from.


Now my Mormon friends shared that they did "everything but" prior to marriage.  If that happened with these two, Danny could be self-conscious about not revealing too much, and therefore pulls away and looks uncomfortable, particularly in front of his minister.

I'm confused. I don't recall it ever being said that they were Mormon. My impression was that they were some denomination of evangelical Christians.

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Is Danny family have the same beliefs as him? Because they seem pretty liberal to me and only saying "waiting for marriage" for the camera sake.  .




Chelsea and Yamir are just boring to me..Compare to all the other couples on here when they come on it is just wasted space to fill. :/

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I don't get it either.  I'm pretty sure her mom said something like "what are you two going to do about jobs", so I don't think Chelsea is working either.  Why not stay in Nicaragua where at least Yamir had a career, because here they're probably both going to end up working at the meat packing plant.  Since it looks like he's been replaced in his band, he won't even have that to go back to if he returns home.  Chelsea was only thinking of herself when she talked him into coming to the U.S. 

My guess is that she wasn't too keen on her pop star boyfriend being constantly hit upon by more attractive female groupies.  That won't be a problem in Nowheresville, IL.  Selfish much?  Also incredibly annoying.  Plus, I think she gets off on the whole "he loved me enough to give up everything for me" thing.  She's vocalized, in that irritating vocal fry, some version of this line on every episode.

Edited by joanofarch4
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Chelsea and Yamir are also living in a small town where there's a college, so I assume a lot of customer service and entry-level jobs are probably being filled by students.  Her family didn't look particularly well off.  Galesburg has some nicer neighborhoods, but it looked like they lived outside town and really are perhaps a farm family.  I think she was in in Nicarauga due to the Peace Corps, maybe?  I think her mom also thought that it would be nice for Yamir to meet other Spanish-speaking locals, and that working on a meat packing plant would put him in touch with some?  I'll assume, for now, she had good intentions.

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I have a feeling, if...and that's a big IF Mohamed and Dani actually got married it will have just been a court house wedding.  I can see him saying that he will not consider himself truly married until she converts to Islam and they have a more traditional Islamic wedding, thus buying him more time before he has to actually consummate the marriage.  Which then got me thinking, did she even ask him what type of wedding he wanted being that he has a different religious belief than her, what if she is not suppose to wear sleeveless dresses due to modesty reasons (and many other).  Did she think to figure out if there is any special services that he will want at the wedding, or even what type of food to serve so that he could possible be able to eat at his own wedding....

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Just had a thought. Polygamy is permitted in Islam. How long will it be before Mohammed tells Dani she's getting a sister wife? It is his religion after all! I mean what other explanation could there be why he wants another woman. LOL

Edited by Katjoy26
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Mohammed is probably not interested in the particular of the "wedding" - he must be disgusted with the whole charade.  My gut tells me that if he goes through with it, he will be very harsh, aloof, strict, even mean with her.  She'll be in the dog house the whole time.  Then he will break free, she will be grateful, if considerably impoverished by the ordeal, and on to the next stupid decision.  I hope her daughters will have moved on the other side of the continent by then.

Just had a thought. Polygamy is permitted in Islam. How long will it be before Mohammed tells Dani she's getting a sister wife? It is his re after all! LOL


Oh yeah, it's not uncommon in the "bezness" for a the man to say he wants to bring in his "sister" in America, which turns out to be his real girlfriend.

Edited by Toaster Strudel
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I have a feeling, if...and that's a big IF Mohamed and Dani actually got married it will have just been a court house wedding.  I can see him saying that he will not consider himself truly married until she converts to Islam and they have a more traditional Islamic wedding, thus buying him more time before he has to actually consummate the marriage.  Which then got me thinking, did she even ask him what type of wedding he wanted being that he has a different religious belief than her, what if she is not suppose to wear sleeveless dresses due to modesty reasons (and many other).  Did she think to figure out if there is any special services that he will want at the wedding, or even what type of food to serve so that he could possible be able to eat at his own wedding....

Oh but the wedding is all about Danielle and HER day!!!!! She's a pretty pretty princess, or some shit. I bet she won't consider Mohamed's dietary needs whatsoever, or his religious differences of an Islamic wedding versus a Christian one. I doubt he really wants to be married in a church over a mosque. But I don't think Danielle will give him a choice, or even consult him.

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