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S19.E01: A House Divided Cannot Stand

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12 hours ago, Denize said:

Robyn seems to dress like some 80 year old women dressed in the 1980s (my grandmother's vintage, but my gma did not go for hoards of florals and preferred a few timeless & well-made clothes that fit in her 3'x3' closet.  I actually wear and love her midnight blue suit jacket with 3/4 sleeves from the 1940s.

I JUST came here to say this.  When I say 80 year old, I am thinking back to my grandmother 30 years ago.  Robyn dresses in the rubber looking with questionable colors/prints clothing typical of that time.  If she breaks out mauve...

Ladies today look so much younger than they used to.  Clothing isn't horrid (maternity clothes of the 80's anyone??) for anyone not 20 and thin. 

That vintage blazer sounds awesome!  

Edited by Natalie68
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1 hour ago, Natalie68 said:

I JUST came here to say this.  When I say 80 year old, I am thinking back to my grandmother 30 years ago.  Robyn dresses in the rubber looking with questionable colors/prints clothing typical of that time.  If she breaks out mauve...

Ladies today look so much younger than they used to.  Clothing isn't horrid (maternity clothes of the 80's anyone??) for anyone not 20 and thin. 

That vintage blazer sounds awesome!  

Full disclosure - I’m not watching. But my mom is 85 years old and does most of her shopping at Talbots. She wears everything well but sticks mostly to pastels that set off her silvery hair. No brown florals anywhere.

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51 minutes ago, Elizzikra said:

Full disclosure - I’m not watching. But my mom is 85 years old and does most of her shopping at Talbots. She wears everything well but sticks mostly to pastels that set off her silvery hair. No brown florals anywhere.

The clothing is MILES better now.  I look back at photos from past generations and WOW, people looked OLD!  It was like you hit 60 and it was a law you had to wear ugly polyester.

12 minutes ago, Absolom said:

I've never known any 80ish year olds who dress as Robyn does.  They've all had more sense.

You are lucky!

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1 hour ago, Elizzikra said:

Full disclosure - I’m not watching. But my mom is 85 years old and does most of her shopping at Talbots. She wears everything well but sticks mostly to pastels that set off her silvery hair. No brown florals anywhere.

You may have described me, but I am going on 81, and a "winter" with silver hair, so wear bold colors.  I love talbots and there is also good stuff to be had at Target on occasion, TJMAXX, etc.  I can still walk "upright" and don't want to look like the old Grandma I am, in the clothing department.  

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Robyn's questionable wardrobe just adds to the fact that she seems to be aging several years with every passing season, while the OG 3 appear to be aging in reverse.  Huh, I wonder why?

I keep expecting Kody to burst into flames whenever he rhapsodizes on his beautiful family, wondering how it all could've gone so very wrong, and how he's being purposefully excluded, and why don't my kids call me, etc.  He cannot possibly be that delusional, but he's also not that good of an actor.

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I had a good chuckle during the sprinkle party scenes when I saw Robyn standing outside, peeking around the door frame, while everyone else was in the kitchen or living room happily chatting.

There she stood, wearing her patented sour expression, monitoring Kody as usual. Was she waiting for a special invitation to join the festivities? She's so tiresome.

Kody saying that he was exiled from the family is such a crock. He and Robyn gleefully exiled themselves. They are both such dramatic cows. 

laurakaye, I noticed Robyn's cold sore immediately and thought "wow, we haven't seen that in a while. Kody, Ari, and her own choices, must really be stressing her out. Good!"


I enjoyed Meri's snark and openness this episode. She seemed more animated and less mulish like she used to, when she'd act as if the producers questions were dumb or an imposition, or answer in an annoyingly vague way. They should all have to answer (appropriate) questions that go with the filmed material. That's what they get paid for. (Looking at you, Kody)

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I have a theory that Maddie had told kootie head off.  And she didn’t let him Blame any other wife.  Not even Robyn.  And he didn’t want to talk about because it hurt.  Not because she was wrong.  Not because he learned anything from it.  Cause she called him out.   And she would 

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Re Evie's surgery, far be it from me to defend Kody, but I never had any grandparent present during any medical procedure, even when we all lived in the same city. Cross-country flights during Covid for a grandchild's operation...no.

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13 minutes ago, IvySpice said:

Re Evie's surgery, far be it from me to defend Kody, but I never had any grandparent present during any medical procedure, even when we all lived in the same city. Cross-country flights during Covid for a grandchild's operation...no.

It may have been a combination of never calling her, calling her only to complain about her siblings and looking for sympathy for himself/Robyn, bragging about being a loving grandfather on tv while not taking any interest when the cameras aren't around, etc.  Sometimes you just grow up and realize who a parent really is, vs who you hoped they were deep down.

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I would imagine the children would feel slighted if they got to know Kody and then never heard from him again (or only infrequently).  Maddie has saved them from this hurt by cutting Kody out of their lives. By contrast, Janelle is a reliable, loving presence in their lives. Inconsistency can make children - or anyone - feel "less than." Madison seems to be a great mom.

On the clothing subject, I used to have a floral blouse from Loft that I really liked. It was low-cut without being what I consider immodest. A very funny guy I worked with at that time, once described it as "your sofa-colored shirt" LOL. I still wore it but always with that in mind. He made a lot of digs at everybody, that was sort of his thing, and it was so funny (and apt) that I didn't resent him for it. 

However it was not polyester. I try to avoid that stuff. I even have an all-cotton fleece hoodie now, which is so much more comfortable than synthetic "fleece." Better for the environment too! 

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10 hours ago, laurakaye said:

Whichever TLC intern put that intro together deserves a raise.  Here's Meri looking practically reborn in cream and white (with nary a LLR pattern to be seen), Janelle in pure white looking like a boss, Christine in her red lipstick era.....and here comes Robyn in some dark blue patterned blouse that came from the Secretaries 'R Us Catalog circa 1977, and Kody - arms crossed, smirky punchable faced - proudly wearing black.  Take a bow, intern.


I can't get over her wardrobe.  It was truly one of her uglier outfit combos.  Has she never heard of Old Navy?  TJ Maxx?  Surely it's much harder to purchase those drab blouses and mismatching cardigans than it would be to put a denim shirt over a tank top or something.  But I do enjoy watching her wardrobe circle the drain just like her hopes and dreams.

Anyway, welcome back, everyone, to season 5 14 29 64? 19 of Sister Wives!  And a special Welcome Back to Robyn's cold sore!  It's been awhile!  So glad to see it's still part of the cast!

I have many questions about this episode but I guess Number One would be, if Kody and Christine haven't seen each other in a year, does that mean they aren't sharing custody of Truely?  Or does Christine just drop her off a block away from where Kody picks her up and makes her walk?  One would think that Kody might want to keep up a relationship with Truely if only to keep tabs on the FOMO events that he has been "excluded" from (excuse me while I choke on my coffee).  It's also great to see that Kody's delusion is intact and better than ever.

Looking forward to the snark. :)


I pointed out her cold sore to my husband.  Now Kody gets to be the recipient of all of them, and the OG 3 are safe, at last!  

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Google Maps says it's more than 8 hours to drive from Flagstaff to SLC; Christine said it took them 3 days when they were moving Ysabel. So you know Kody is not driving to share custody of Truly. I think it's clear that production flew R&K to SLC to film at the shower. It would have been more entertaining if they had invited Meri.

I think it's very clear that Kody is driven  by the biological imperative that underlies the survival of the species.  Men's instinct is to lose interest in women beyond childbearing ages. Most people also apply societal norms and financial common sense to limit their family size. Obviously someone who has 15 or 18 children breaks this mold.

His interest in Meri died when she couldn't have more than one child. Janelle and Christine were both done at 6. In his perfect world he'd go on adding new wives, except when the children grew up he lost his autocracy and his world disintegrated. A house built on sand...

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6 hours ago, kassa said:

It may have been a combination of never calling her, calling her only to complain about her siblings and looking for sympathy for himself/Robyn, bragging about being a loving grandfather on tv while not taking any interest when the cameras aren't around, etc.  Sometimes you just grow up and realize who a parent really is, vs who you hoped they were deep down.

Also, after you become a parent and fill that role with your significant other you can more clearly understand how your parents were lacking when you were the kid and what you missed out on because your parents are who they are.  

2 hours ago, OlderThanDirt said:

Google Maps says it's more than 8 hours to drive from Flagstaff to SLC; Christine said it took them 3 days when they were moving Ysabel. So you know Kody is not driving to share custody of Truly.

The three day trip with Ysabel was driving her from Maddie's house in North Carolina to Utah.

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16 hours ago, kassa said:

Sometimes you just grow up and realize who a parent really is, vs who you hoped they were deep down.

I also assume that Maddie was aware of how Kody was treating her younger brothers.  If, as I suspect, Kody wanted a relationship with Maddie only because he feels some type of weird kinship with Caleb, then Maddie was right to cut him out of her life - especially if Kody can't even call Gabe on his birthday except to ask him about his Covid symptoms so Kody could make sure his were worse.

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how did it take this long to put together this season? I mean it said this was filmed then end of 2022. So, almost 2 years????? 

I have watched off and on over the years.....I am LOVING the Kody meltdowns. He is such a narcissistic dickhead and in so many ways his reactions to Christine leaving and then Janelle mirror exactly how my ex husband reacted when I told him we were done. Robyn is non stop crying because now she is stuck with him full time and has probably come to realize over the years what a man baby he really is to deal with. 

I feel the most sorry for Meri (ok, apart from the kids because you can't pick your parents and they have a complete douchebag of a dad and the world knows it now thanks to this show). I think she needs a lot of therapy and time to heal after 30 plus years of his mind fuckery. She seems to accept that it is done one minute and then almost seem hopeful the next. When she was talking with her friend and the term mid life crisis started getting thrown around and how it isn't the Cody that anyone would say they know. I took that as a sign that if he were to apologize and tell her he made a mistake, he loves her, etc, she WOULD go running back. Anything to not admit she spent all those years with a cold hearted snake. 

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On 9/15/2024 at 11:14 PM, albarino said:

I think Christine should have greeted Kody and Robin...

I agree.  Christine is really very childish - that's nothing new - and spiteful and, if she's happy with her new man, she shouldn't waste time trying to rub Kody's face in it (both on the show and in her SM).

She looked like a junior high kid giving her boyfriend the silent treatment in that sprinkle scene.  Grow up; you're freakin' fifty years old!

Disclaimer: not a member of the Christine fan club.

Edited by Dibs
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I finally survived it (watched it).  Since I hadn't seen any promos, it was 2/3 to 3/4 of episode material they hadn't shown in a previous season.  It was still boring.  The sprinkle with the emphasis on Christine and Kody was deathly dull and unnecessary anguish.  Moving we've seen done to death also.  Meri and her friend was more Meri waffling.  

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Nothing will ever change unless Kody finally admits he's the common denominator in every bad relationship in the family, apologizes to his exes and all of his kids, and begs for forgiveness.  But narcissistic sociopaths have a really hard time with that.

And nothing will ever change Sobbin's angry eyebrows.

Edited by Dobian
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Christine has arrested development. It is who she is and maybe she will catch up to her age one day. 

I know I have said it, but I am really fine with her not approaching K and R (not bringing their problems up at a party was respectful to M and T). She didn't start a fight, wasn't snarky, just gave herself some space. Part of why I feel this way is women have always had expectations on how they react to situations, always need to be the bigger person, make others feel better while putting their own feelings aside while it isn't the same for men. KODY could have come up to her. ROBYN could have come to her. Any interaction they had would have taken attention away from the parties intent. I think that is partly why Gwen is so pissed at TLC. The Grody/David interaction was the focus of her engagement party. I think it is high time we stop expecting women to be the bigger person in all situations. He didn't get a frying pan to the head. That is a win!

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Just one thing I don't understand... why is Kody all of a sudden acting like he never wanted to marry Meri? That was never the vibe I got it from the early seasons at all, nor do I remember him ever saying that in the past? I knew he never was attracted to Christine and married her just because, but it always seemed to me like he was attracted to Meri and Janelle and wanted to marry them. 


I think he currently regrets his marriage to Meri and is very disillusioned with polygamy, but to act like never loved her at all is just cruel. 

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Casino is an odd theme for a baby shower. Christine should have said Hello to Kody and Robyn, but Kody and all the wives tend to be childish and feed the drama. I noticed that none of Robyn's kids attended the baby shower even though Mykelti was still involved in that family.  

I'm happy Meri got out. She seems to be getting the best edit this season so far. Janelle is too. 

Christine's unnecessary worrying over Janelle is insulting to Janelle's intelligence and maturity. Christine looks good compared to Kody/Robyn, but I doubt I would want to be Christine's friend. I think some of Kody's comments on Christine's past behavior are true. 

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14 minutes ago, Kellyee said:

I noticed that none of Robyn's kids attended the baby shower even though Mykelti was still involved in that family.

My theory is, if they attended they may have had the realization that their mother lied to them about how others in the family feel about them. I don’t think Robyn would have given them a choice to attend, it wouldn’t be safe, if they were invited, that is.

Edited by ginger90
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14 hours ago, Dobian said:

And nothing will ever change Sobbin's angry eyebrows.

They showed us several good closeups where you can see the simple arch of hairs and where the over-stenciling covers bare skin. It looks like the boxy sperm-heads are tilted up toward the middle of her brow so she looks worried, to attract more sympathy.  Sorry dearie, but it ain't working on me!

Edited by Denize
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1 hour ago, Kellyee said:

Casino is an odd theme for a baby shower. 

I don't recall for certain, but didn't they say the theme was "Las Vegas"?  Maybe not. But to me it seemed like a shout out to a better time in their lives. 

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2 hours ago, Kellyee said:

Christine should have said Hello to Kody and Robyn, but Kody and all the wives tend to be childish and feed the drama. I noticed that none of Robyn's kids attended the baby shower even though Mykelti was still involved in that family.

Even before the triple separation it was pretty obvious that Robyn "shielded" her kids from the rest of the family. By now, those five kids are probably so far alienated from the rest that they see no reason to join in any of the "family" celebrations at all. 

As for Christine not saying "hi": My parents have a long and painful history and divorced. They now "respectfully ignore" each other the odd occasion they meet at a family celebration.  I prefer it over any awkward, tense and nervous mini chit-chat any time. So, I give Christine a pass on this one. I know how she feels.

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