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S46 Ep 9 "Spicy Jeff"


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Hunter proved he really is an Ozzy type, there for the adventure but really bad at the strategizing in the game.  I was rooting for him and practically screaming at the TV for him to play his idol, but I knew when they showed the shot of him fumbling in his pants pocket he probably wasn't going to play it.  I am glad Tiffany felt comfortable enough not to play hers, and I really hope she manages to outsmart those who likely will be coming for her.

Q is really such a waste of space anymore.  Forget what I said about wanting him to stick around for entertainment, he clearly doesn't care because he screwed his game and everyone else's (especially Tiffany, all because she dared to make her own moves without his written permission).  So he's just taking up space because he can't control anything anymore.  I'm glad no one tried making nice with him and told him like it was.  But most likely he's getting dragged to the end because no one is going to vote for him.  

Liz is a legend in her own mind.  I don't get the logic that she wants people to know she's making these moves now and getting the credit she thinks she deserves.  Most people wait until the end to bring that stuff up, so it doesn't make them a target, and so they can argue their case in front of everyone.  What does she expect, everyone to throw her a party after TC when she thinks she's made a move?  Also, when everyone was talking about voting off Hunter I actually felt a little sorry when Venuz and Liz were so out of the loop and still thought the vote was Q.  

Speaking of moves, what is it with everyone this season and move-making and thinking their moves are getting stolen?  First it was Liz with the Soda and Tevin votes, then Maria thought Kenzie stole her blindside idea.

Anyway, this season has had it's highs but definitely more lows.  I liked 44 I think more than most, and 45 was decent, if not predictable.  But this season is more on the level of 43 for me in terms of likability.

Edited by LadyChatts
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2 minutes ago, Brown44 said:

They wouldn't be able to play me getting voted out on tv, the way the last 3 people got voted out I'd be cursing everyone out as I was leaving. 

Maybe not on CBS, but Paramount Plus?  It's possible.

Now, if the scene is outstanding, which might feature an outcome to where if you knocked someone out before you had to be restrained from throwing someone else into the fire, that's a different story

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10 minutes ago, Brown44 said:

They wouldn't be able to play me getting voted out on tv, the way the last 3 people got voted out I'd be cursing everyone out as I was leaving. 

I miss the explosive exits.  Michaela hitting a tree on her way out and Patrick (S35) looking like a real life Chucky doll come to life the way he was glaring at everyone.  When Abi-Maria told Andrew “at least you made the jury” and he showed her she was number one.  We don’t even get the fun blindside shots anymore of people who thought they were in control realizing they got played.  They really need to change this format up.  And casting.  

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Hunter, it's Survivor,  you had an idol you should  have played  it. I was yelling  play your idol! Did he listen? Nope. I know he thought as soon as he had no idol, he was gone. But he should  of taken that chance.

Charlie was excellent in the challenge  with Hunter, and he's well liked. I can see him going to the end, and maybe Maria. Venus reminds me of a yappy little puppy. She's a decent  physical  player, but she's not well liked, keep quiet Venus, you'll go further. 

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Well that's too bad, but I could tell Hunter wasn't going to go far. We just weren't seeing enough of him, especially with Q sucking all the oxygen out of the room. Editing made it pretty clear he was destined to be an also-ran. Plus he was an idiot not to play his idol. You could see it coming all through tribal with his constant polling for reassurance. 

I might be done with this season. I just cannot stand one more week of The Q Show. I can't remember the last time I was this sick of a single player. 

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Hey Teams!......again :(

Jeff eats crow (and popcorn) and somehow Q survives to wreak more chaos.

Hunter's got no one to blame but himself...if there was even a chance after his name was floated all afternoon he should have played it. Its not like the ones where people went home with an idol but had no clue they were in danger. He KNEW. 

Anyway, I'm kind of glad he's out. Watching a Superman with his own Batcave of SURVIVOR challenges dominating everything wasn't great TV.

LIz bugs as she veers headlong into GOAT territory. Liz you've been a nothing and a nobody from day one, nothing will change that. You're an empty meat sack taking up the spot of someone who might have actually played the game.

Tevin can look all high and mighty all he wants but he's still doing it from the jury booth.

I just can't understand why castaways like Kenzie (and even the beloved Gabby) think it's a good idea to turn on your ride or die. Targeting Tiff made no sense. You're going to vote out someone who is guaranteed not to throw a vote your way?

Ben  had a cocky attitude during tribal for someone who has done so little. He's just kind of there.


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I enjoyed the hell out of tonight. No unbreakable alliance, no easy boots, and they did the smart play tonight by getting the challenge beast guy, although honestly if Hunter wasn’t SO BAD at the parts of the game that did not involve challenges, Q would have been gone, because he would have been smart enough to play his idol.

Tiff threatened the same thing but was apparently savvy enough and good enough at actual tribe dynamics to know she didn’t need to use it. 
To me, there’s several people left I like, there’s no boring “This is how the next several boots will go” nonsense, so yeah. I’m easy, but really enjoying this!

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I just don't understand how so many of these people can claim to be superfans, and in Hunter's  case, have been so into Survivor that he constructed all these homemade challenges, and yet don't get the very basics.

Has there ever been a situation where a challenge monster lost immunity and wasn't immediately voted off? How wasn't his Spidey-sense tingling? Was his interview about him playing his idol edited in some way?

Why oh why did Hunter even tell people he had an idol? He at one point understood the power of keeping it secret. I could understand trying to trust maybe one other person in the hopes that the two of you would keep it a secret, You would potentially be a lightning rod for all the votes and then you and your ally could pick someone to vote off. In theory, that might make sense. But then, who can you trust? You can't or shouldn't trust Q, who literally is in hot water for telling others that his then-number one ally has an idol and who is playing a game bizarre. And yet, Q was apparently the first person he told. 

It feels so long ago since the last correct idol play.

Three of the Six have been ousted pretty much in a row, so I may still live the dream of a potential majority alliance imploding. Maybe it's weird of me considering it's a silly game, but I take some minor comfort in the fact that a fourth consecutive African-American was not sent home as it would have been if Q or Tiff ended up being booted. 

I wonder if Nami had been told that the last of their tribe standing would be Great Value Parvati and Weirdo-who-can't-eat-anything if anybody would have believed them. 

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Well, Hunter did it to himself. He knew votes were coming his way, and that Q was getting votes. Play your idol and Q goes home. It would have been better if he hadn't told anyone he had an idol in the first place. 

Can we have everyone compete in an INDIVIDUAL immunity challenge please? Enough of groups in the individual stage of the game. Complete nonsense. 

I'm so happy that Venus made it through yet another tribal council. No votes came her way tonight. Keep going, Venus.

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I was not a fan of the beginning of the season at all. There was way too much focus on the one tribe, and then there was the whole Bhanu. I was not one of the one million hearts he won.

But now I'm kind of into it. It's become one hell of a mess, and I'm actually finding these people pretty entertaining in their messiness. Is it a great season for strategy? At this point, not so much. But like I said, I'm into it. Q and Liz can go next.

I'm so glad Tiff didn't go home. That would not rock.

Speaking of which, I can see how he might be polarizing (I already saw a post of someone who isn't a fan), but I actually found Ben kind of endearing during the challenge when he was cheering everyone on.

I wonder if anyone will think to break up Charlie and Maria anytime soon.

Using his joke, it looks like Hunter did become the hunted. 

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28 minutes ago, Steph Sometimes said:

I was not a fan of the beginning of the season at all. There was way too much focus on the one tribe, and then there was the whole Bhanu. I was not one of the one million hearts he won.

But now I'm kind of into it. It's become one hell of a mess, and I'm actually finding these people pretty entertaining in their messiness. Is it a great season for strategy? At this point, not so much. But like I said, I'm into it. Q and Liz can go next.

I'm so glad Tiff didn't go home. That would not rock.

I'm glad Tiffany didn't go home, either, and that she still has her idol.  But now I'm super nervous for her.  She said tonight she was going to play it to get rid of it, but didn't, and now people might be willing to just call her bluff and write her name down.  They can split the vote if needed, but everyone but Venus, Liz, and Q were part of that plan tonight before it all changed.

This season ranks low for me as I mentioned above.  I guess in thinking about it it's better than S43 and 41, though I don't know if it surpasses 44 and 45 for me.  And I can't even say I liked those seasons that much, but they were good for the new era I guess.  So 46 will probably end up in the middle when it's all said and done.  But it is a chaotic mess that makes me wonder what's going to happen next.  I find the cast kind of meh overall, but how they all pretty much consider themselves the greatest gamers to ever game this game is low-key hilarious, since some of them lack the self-awareness of how terrible they really are (Venus, Liz), one just threw in the towel when he realized he wasn't in control anymore (Q), some are battling for resume moves (Maria, Kenzie),  Ben's just kind of there like a polite tourist, and you got Charlie and Tiffany in the middle who I actually think are playing pretty well, but I'm intrigued where they stand and what their next moves are.  I'm kind of impressed with Charlie, I think he comes across as very non-threatening, but he's managed to keep a cool head when he's in trouble, and it seems like heis a middle man for a lot of people.  Watching tonight I feel like he's got a much better grasp on the game than I thought.  And I did enjoy the little smiles he was giving Hunter during the IC when Hunter was struggling.

And I don't really want another TC dominated by Q being a sourpuss, but I am glad he didn't get his way last week of having them vote him off (Kenzie's right that if he wants to leave just leave) and that no one was taking him seriously this week and giving it right back to him when he tried changing the narrative of events.  But the past 2 TC have definitely been something I wasn't expecting, so there's that.  So I guess I can't call this season boring.

Edited by LadyChatts
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Damn, the bandwagon's getting lighter.

I guess that for all the puzzles and devices Hunter made, he didn't study for Paranoia 301. He should have played the idol. I'm disappointed in him.

Anyone else thinking Tiffany is going out with her idol in pocket? It seems to be that sort of season.

2 hours ago, AntFTW said:

It feels like Venus is squeaking by to the FTC, and possibly winning.

At this point, why the fuck not?!? After Gabler and Yam Yam, why shouldn't a would-be goat and body shield make it to Day 26 (or whenever) and win despite no one able able to stand her for episodes at a time? Who else should win? Charlie? Ben? Boring. Maybe Liz would be a longer shot, but I don't think she'd make it to the end. Also, I bet she's allergic to checks with seven figures.

I don't like Probst the fanboy with the front seat to the dramatics. The only way that would have worked with me is if the popcorn bowl was a hidden idol. Once again . . . why not? Someone looks down, sees "HII" inscribed on the bottom, and silently pockets it.

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What fresh hell was that bullshit?  Hunter, my man....you are a dope.  I mean, come on!  Why in hell would you tell anyone about your idol.  Play it at TC!  Maybe have some damn control.  You're nervous AF, teetering on paranoid; you have salvation literally in your pocket, and....you leave with it in said pocket.  GTFOH...yikes.

Bunch of morons in this cast.

I also get that one has to be a a bit narcissistic to be on one of these shows, but the delusions of grandeur!  My god!  Venus and Liz think every move is their move; Q might literally be insane; Ben assumes he'll start winning challenges when Hunter is out; zero evidence of that to date.

Speaking of him....Q remains, and he is at Bhanu levels of yuck for me, so like some others, I will struggle to consume the rest of this season.

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Oh goodie, another challenge where they see who can balance the longest on a tiny platform.  

3 hours ago, iMonrey said:

I just cannot stand one more week of The Q Show. I can't remember the last time I was this sick of a single player. 

I can remember the last time I was this sick of a single player.  It was only a few weeks ago....  Bhanu.

And before Bhanu, I was rooting for Jalinsky to go home.

This season won't make me stop watching, but there is a very good chance I will remember it as the season where I spent every tribal council actively rooting for a particular player to go home so I don't have to see them one more week.  

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14 hours ago, Brown44 said:

Is anyone keeping track of people thru out the seasons that got voted out with an idol in there pocket?

I don't remember all of them, but here are the ones that I do:

James (China, with TWO idols)
Ozzy (Micronesia; and it was actually back at camp, because he didn't even bring it!)
Colton (One World; though he was actually evacuated)
Andrea (Caramoan)
Jon (San Juan Del Sur)
Neal (Kaoh Rong; though he was actually evacuated)
Scot (Kaoh Rong; though it was actually Jason's idol first that was slipped to him!)
J.T. (Game Changers; one of the best vote-offs ever!)
Chris (Ghost Island)
Aubry (Edge of Extinction)
Brad (41)
Danny (44)
Sabiyah (45)
Jem (46)
Hunter (46)

There are likely others, but I either didn't see their seasons or simply forgot them since their seasons were that forgettable.

Edited by Rodney
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Random thoughts on episode 9 - "The Idol, Hunter":

  • People crying about credit for moves need only remember:  it's not the actual moves that matter at final tribal.  It's how well you plausibly reverse-engineer what your "plan all along" was to fit what actually happened.
  • The show keeps expanding on Probst's character.  I'd normally complain about that, but this may be the first season he's not in the top half of the most annoying characters.
  • Taking annoyance many steps further, I would love to see the challenge team of misfit toys (Liz, Venus, Q) make the final three.  Just imagine how far the levels of delusion and superiority in the final tribal speeches could get.  Delicious.
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It is also amazing that even with these longer episodes, it's not necessarily clear what the various Survivors are trying to do and how they expect to win.

Charlie and Maria are a pair and seem to be operating as such pretty openly. They seem to be the only ones who have 100 percent trust with each other, who are 100 percent working with each other. But is anybody going to think "Hey, Charlie actually has done pretty well in challenges too, and he's articulate and likeable and strategic...maybe we better get rid of him"? 

Kenzie and Tiff are a pair, and have been working together. But everyone's favorite Mermaid Dragon started orchestrating a blindside of Tiffany already Seems a clearcut case of Big Move Fever. Say she had succeeded as early as this episode. Where would that leave Kenzie in terms of future votes? She can't rely on Q, not only because he is generally unreliable but also because she would have been instrumental in ousting his No. 1 ally and to the extent he cares about it still, a member of the Six. She might sidle up to Charlie/Maria and Ben to give old Siga a 4-3-1 lead, and then hope she's not blindsided once she's no longer useful, or flit back and side with old Nami to get rid of one of her Siga allies. Venus and Liz are weirdos and had been on the outs. Anyway, does she think it won't get back to Tiff that Kenzie has made a move on her? 

What's Ben's plan besides his now-mandatory pronouncements of what does and does not rock? 

What's Liz's, other than desperately wanting to get credit for being a leader so badly that she isn't apparently thinking about a) why she wants that credit NOW NOW NOW instead of just being able to claim it at the end and b) thinking about where she's allegedly leading? How does she not realize that taking credit now for moves would make her a target and be more likely to get her booted? Hasn't she known that flying under the radar is a perfectly valid strategy?

Does Q still think he has a shot at winning this, or is he just messing around? I unfortunately see the possibility of what has happened the last two tribals repeating: Q does crazy and annoying shiznit, the other Survivors say "now's a good time to vote off X, because we can always get to Q later" and Q surviving another round, wash/rinse/repeat until he's in the F3.

Venus seems to be feverishly trying to work this, but I'm not sure what she's trying to do either. 

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It's like Survivor, the Insane Asylum Edition. I'm starting to think Hunter just hallucinated that full-ride to medical school, and the mighty Liz is probably a pan-handler. Q turning on Tiff last week, then turning on himself. Bhanu, Jelinsky, seeming like the more stable residents who graduated from the nuthouse. There's just full-blown delusions of grandeur from all these bitty Nanu members every single tribal - who cares who orchestrated some ealry game blindside (that whittled down their numbers, and rid them of an ally), or some more or less unanimous vote! Mermaid-Dragon turning on her ally. Jeff getting spicy...

Charlie and Maria seem kind of reasonable - maybe they are medical staff, blending in. But I saw a secret scene last week where Maria spoke with such contempt to Ben and badgered him, so sure he was the one with the idol, never imagining it was Jess who went home with it. So, I guess, that leaves me rooting for Charlie and Ben, who are so midrange it is hard to believe it has come to this!

This does not rock.

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Did some thinking about this over night and just a few additional thoughts come to mind.

I'm still done with this season. Not interested in watching any more of these people, even though Charlie, Maria and Ben could have been watchable, and I think I've narrowed down the source of my annoyance.

Jeff, last night, highlighted what I don't like about this group of people, with his cushion and popcorn.  If I wanted to watch Jerry Springer, I'd watch Jerry Springer.  If I wanted to watch chaos, conspiracy theories, and egotistical 'ME, ME, ME' people, I'd watch Jerry Springer. 

I used to watch Survivor for the challenges, the strategy playing and because the editing was such that I let myself become involved in these peoples' journeys.  Maybe I wasn't paying attention, but it seems to me that in previous seasons, people played their game, and THEN pitched their game to the jury. Now it seems as if people have their pitch to the jury pre-planned and then twist themselves into knots trying to fit their game play to the narrative.

People aren't playing the game.

I can't help wondering what today's casting choices would do if they were made to play old school style Survivor.  No idols, no advantages, no SITD, the only immunity is the necklace/statue.

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2 hours ago, violet and green said:

But I saw a secret scene last week where Maria spoke with such contempt to Ben and badgered him, so sure he was the one with the idol, never imagining it was Jess who went home with it.

Wow Violet, thanks for calling attention to that.  I just watched it on YouTube and it's pretty intense.  Violet  made Ben cry and was just so sure she could tell he was lying, when he wasn't. ugh. Charlie was sweet to him though, and that was worth watching, too. 

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I agree with all the comments above.  The contestants this season are delusional, attention-seeking, dimwit crybabies who are mostly legends in their own mind.

The other thing that I didn't care for last night were Peachy's antics, seemingly trying to become more likeable with the viewers.  It was out of character and (in my opinion) out of line for him to openly predict that the trio of Q, Venus, and Liz would be out first in the immunity challenge.  And the whole bit with the cushion and popcorn at tribal council was ridiculous. 

To even call this show Survivor anymore is a joke.  To compare the first seasons, where starving, bug-bitten castaways really toughed it out, to the Jerry Springer-like shit-show it has become today is laughable.   

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9 hours ago, Duke Silver said:

Venus and Liz think every move is their move

4 hours ago, GenerationX said:

People crying about credit for moves need only remember:  it's not the actual moves that matter at final tribal.  It's how well you plausibly reverse-engineer what your "plan all along" was to fit what actually happened.

This show is so old and familiar to everyone, at least they understand it's not enough to make it to the final three. I don't blame Liz for wanting to be able to take credits for votes. She knows she's the type of person nobody will vote for at the end if she can't prove she made big moves. She's seen this show before.

Unless, of course, like Gabler, you manage to stumble-fuck your way to the F3 then make the jury laugh while sitting next to two people the jury is more bitter about. 

What they haven't seemed to realize, maybe, is that the show doesn't care about who wins. They care about who's the best "character." So you can be someone like Carolyn who dominates the narrative from Day 1, makes the final three and then doesn't get a single vote, but the editors think you're the most interesting one.

Which brings us to Q. The editors' obsession with him is ruining the season for me. Every time they cut to one of his THs he just sounds dumb. He's always saying dumb, delusional things. Apparently the show thinks it's hilarious that he's so dumb. So the season is being narrative by a dummy. And when it's someone else talking, they're talking about the dummy. 

I don't think I can stomach - how many more weeks? - of Q narrating the show. I will probably keep it on series record, then FF to the end to see who is voted off. If it's not Q, it gets deleted instantly without me watching another second of it.

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Hunter was dumb not to play his idol obviously, but I think Tiffany was too. As chaotic as it's been and after three blindsides in a row AND knowing that everyone knows she has it? She doesn't know about Kenzie targeting her, but she expressed some concern early on to Q about how hard Kenzie was playing. Not sure why she's not at least a little wary of her now, but honestly if Q and Kenzie teamed back up against her, I wouldn't be surprised.

Venus continues to be awful, rubbing the blindside of Tevin in Hunter's face with her, "what now, Mr. Strategy?" Liz continues to be absurd. And both of them claiming responsibility for the Tevin vote. haha, I really kind of want these two and their desperation to take credit for everything in the F3.

14 hours ago, LadyChatts said:

Hunter proved he really is an Ozzy type, there for the adventure but really bad at the strategizing in the game.

Yes. Great at challenges, bad at the social game, could not strategize his way out of a paper bag. The real crime, to me, was that last night he became yet another of this season's players to refer to himself in the third person.

12 hours ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

Great Value Parvati


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This season is truly hilarious and chaotic. It's not only nice to see some fun being interjected instead of boring ass predictable weeks, it's fun to see this cast almost certainly HATE each other. When's the last time we had no solid alliances beyond Charlie/Maria and the cast going after each other in such an egoistical way? All of them trying to claim moves that might not be theirs, them trying to take control from other egos, players making bad mistakes because they can't predict what's going on?

It's fun to watch, something we haven't seen in a long time. There's no true dominant alliance. The closest we have right now is Charlie/Maria, that's it. For me, it's fun to not really root for anyone and watch their bad gameplay spiral. Even the good players can't wrap their heads around the bad gameplay, so it makes for a fun season for me. I fully get why others will be annoyed with this season. I just like having nobody to truly root for and getting to watch mess and chaos reign.

Q shoved Venus out of the 0 vote finalist spot quite quickly. Venus definitely has a better shot to win now than Q. But Q's issue is if he can actually GET to the end or if others will simply want him gone for continuously derailing the game. His inability to play the game and pissing people off is hilarious.

Venus still sucks at the game, she also pisses people off but not to the extent Q has. She does have good perception of the game, she just has no ability to connect with people socially so she has no way of making a move without using an advantage of some kind. 

Liz getting mad about Q was hilarious, but I do think she has a point. Q derailed the next couple of days with his antics. The immediate discussions and even next Tribal became about Q, not Tevin's blindside. Liz did make that move, so I don't blame her for being upset. But she needs to realize that she needs that to be under the radar, so she can bring it up at FTC if she can get there.

Hunter not playing his idol was ridiculous. He clearly knew something was up, was paranoid to mention his idol to make a move, and questioned people at Tribal. He should have played it. That was a massive blunder on his end. Tiffany messed up too, but she didn't toss out the playing her idol threat so last minute, so she had more time to gauge the situation AND they all knew she had it.

Jeff's really matched the energy this season. It's weird, I gotta admit.

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2 minutes ago, fishcakes said:

Hunter was dumb not to play his idol obviously, but I think Tiffany was too. As chaotic as it's been and after three blindsides in a row AND knowing that everyone knows she has it? She doesn't know about Kenzie targeting her, but she expressed some concern early on to Q about how hard Kenzie was playing. Not sure why she's not at least a little wary of her now, but honestly if Q and Kenzie teamed back up against her, I wouldn't be surprised.

I'll defend Tiffany a little.

Was it very likely that enough people would target her at this juncture to make playing her idol worth it?

There was, with the information she had available, not much reason to think that she might get a plurality of votes. 

We know that Kenzie set in motion a possible blindside of her. But Tiffany did not have not much reason to think that Kenzie would vote her at this point.

Q might have reason to vote her, but he also has reason to keep her (such as to make amends and to win her and other potential jury votes over)

Other than Big Move Fever, nothing suggests anyone but Maria has any beef with her. 

By contrast: 

Q had begged to be voted off last time and was annoying everyone by staying. So it seemed likely he was going to get some votes. 

Hunter is a challenge beast who at any time could go on an immunity run and at the very least would reduce the chances of others getting immunities. So it would make sense to try to get him out now while the getting was good.

Venus had already gotten some votes in the past and might have been drawn some in this one.

The probability of her idol being flushed if she played it versus it actually saving her like it's far better odds of it being flushed. Whereas I would put odds in Hunter's case like 50-50. And even if it is flushed, he has a pretty good chance of winning a future immunity. Whereas nothing we've yet seen from Tiff if I'm not mistaken suggests she is likely to even be in the top 2 of an immunity challenge.


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7 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

This season is truly hilarious and chaotic. It's not only nice to see some fun being interjected instead of boring ass predictable weeks, it's fun to see this cast almost certainly HATE each other. When's the last time we had no solid alliances beyond Charlie/Maria and the cast going after each other in such an egoistical way? All of them trying to claim moves that might not be theirs, them trying to take control from other egos, players making bad mistakes because they can't predict what's going on?

It's fun to watch, something we haven't seen in a long time. There's no true dominant alliance. The closest we have right now is Charlie/Maria, that's it. For me, it's fun to not really root for anyone and watch their bad gameplay spiral. Even the good players can't wrap their heads around the bad gameplay, so it makes for a fun season for me. I fully get why others will be annoyed with this season. I just like having nobody to truly root for and getting to watch mess and chaos reign.

I will say that one thing I'm enjoying about this season compared to the last two is there’s no Reba 4 or Tika 3 dominating the end game.  What was annoying about the Reba 4 was that they seemed to have every twist benefit them and they’d show up to post-merge TC where everyone but them couldn’t vote (or so it seemed but you get the point).  I think I liked the casts better overall those seasons, but it was funny how the Nami 5 should have dominated the merge but they all couldn’t stand each other.  And Venus should have been a beneficial outlier to the other sides but no one wanted to work with her.  In reality, the 3 Yanus seemed the tightest despite coming from the more dysfunctional tribe in the beginning until Q went off the rails last week.  I don’t even think Kenzie and Tiffany cared about being out first in the IC last night just because they didn’t have to work with him.  It’s definitely a different kind of Survivor season for sure.  The merge phase I feel like has been a roller coaster-started off strong, got boring, now I feel like we’re in another dimension with it.  

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On 4/25/2024 at 1:43 AM, Duke Silver said:

What fresh hell was that bullshit?  Hunter, my man....you are a dope.  I mean, come on!  Why in hell would you tell anyone about your idol.  Play it at TC!  Maybe have some damn control.  You're nervous AF, teetering on paranoid; you have salvation literally in your pocket, and....you leave with it in said pocket.  GTFOH...yikes.

I'm conflicted about it.

I understand why he would mention his idol.

1) He's extending his hand to build a relationship with people that can play the game with him after that one TC. I get that he's trying to leverage his idol to get people to play with him this one round, and if that plan turns out to be successful, maybe they'd be open to playing with him further down the line rather than just this one time.

2) Also, if he hadn't told anyone, and he received the majority of votes, and surprised everyone and played it for himself, that makes him an even bigger target. He now becomes the "white whale" that everyone needs to take down to build a resume.

HOWEVER, the reason I think he's an idiot is not necessarily because he told people he had the idol, but rather why keep it after he revealed he had it? Now that people know he has the thing, it makes him a target in a different way. Why not save himself for one more day and hope that the plan he came up with went his way?

Edited by AntFTW
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I think that in 'new era' Survivor, it's easier for people to keep annoying players around because they are there far fewer days.  In 'real' Survivor, keeping an annoyance for 39 days (or 42 days in Survivor: Australia season 2), is far more taxing and bothersome than in a game that's 26 days.  This episode was day 17, so there are only 9 more days to go.  Therefore people can still tolerate being around Q, Venus, Liz, etc., because it's really not that much longer.  I think that's why so many 'wild cards' are making it further in the seasons and why they are casting so many 'big' personalities.

I really want 'real/old school' Survivor back...

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