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S16.E35: HoH Comp #13

Tara Ariano

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I caught a little bit of an editing oops.  Derrick was talking to Victoria about about you never know what's gonna happen Wednesday Before they got the the live show is in 48 hours.

Yes - but they'd already figured out the countdown clock would expire around 5:35pm BBT on Wednesday, so something could be expected to go down then.

As for Donny's comment they didn't know she was booed when he made the comments. 


They tease her about it, but until she said anything I don't think they had the slightest idea how badly she came off.


I do think they were booing for things other than Cody as well.  I really think her screwing Donny over hurt her in peoples minds too.  Did she really not get that America loves him?

Remember when Donny left the House? She claimed to have not heard the cheers every other HG did. I doubt she really wants to reconcile that in her own mind.

Personally, I expect the booing was a combo of people disliking her for a number of reasons - chief among them being (a) the Cody stuff, (b) the Donny trashing, and ( c) the repeated Nicole backstabbing. Oh, and don't forget the laugh.

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I wonder if Production sits around and thinks "How can we make this awful season even MORE boring?"


I'm almost certain this meeting took place.  So many ways they went out of their way to make this "twist" really boring


• Giving the HGs two days' notice of the schedule change.  The last time there was a Wednesday show the HGs weren't prepared for (the Final Five eviction in BB 14), the show just went live when they were in the kitchen, having no idea what was coming.  Why not drop the element of surprise on them, for once?  Is it that important to make sure Frankie gets the proper amount of time to powderpuff his Botox?


• Having the clock go off before the votes were cast, much less announced.  I was expecting something like Season 9's "Ryan and Alison, your housemates have voted to evict you from the Big Brother house", where the "evictee" was headed out the door before the reprieve.  (Ryan won the subsequent vote-off against his partner, then went out and won HoH.)  Instead, if the Boringnators had been planning to backstab Cody, he'll never know.


(Of course, they weren't.  Victoria was going to Jury, and she knew it.  But imagine if this were last week, and Christine had just gotten the blindside vote-out, given everyone the cold shoulder…and then was told the week was rewound?  No, wait, that might cause drama.  Can't have that on Big Boredom.)


• The exact same competitions from last week.  Yeah, wouldn't want a chance of a Victoria HoH or anything that might upset the Four-Man Finals, nope.  (I grant you, finding a competition Vic might win could take some doing.  But where's that Hebrew Mathematics HoH when we need it?)  And, even if Cody or Caleb wins, they now have even less incentive to turn on Frankie.  ("Sure, Frankie's tough in the competitions, but he kept me safe last week, and he didn't have to.  If I turn on him, it might look really bad to the Jury…")


• Not even a new twist to the competitions, no added layer of difficulty.  The shovels aren't longer, the shovel-blades aren't smaller, there aren't more balls (er, "seeds") to transport, no extra wires to crawl under.  They're not even being pelted with plastic "hail", just the same old rain.  And while they've probably come up with six new pictures for the Morph-o-Matic (hey, it's been resting for five seasons, may as well give it a double-dose), now everyone is going to be studying the memory wall pictures, so the comp will be even easier.


So very, very, very dull.  (As Dan has said on his blog for most of the year.  But he's a good soldier in his interview, of course.)


Did Jocasta even say one word in the Jury House footage?


And if I hear any more about Victoria being the "Last Girl Standing", I'm going to vomit.  Of all the sexist garbage, like "well, you can't expect women to actually make it to the end, at least you got Top 5.  Run along now, dear."  Gee, it's too bad that Jordan wasn't in the House this week, to tell Victoria what it's like to be on a season where 5 of the Final 6 were women.  Oh, wait… (And in Ms. Lloyd's first year, the Final Four was 3/4 female, too.)


So all of Julie's The Talk co-hosts have been facing their fears this week?  Did Sara Gilbert have to go into the BB house and listen to Frankie misogynize about how women aren't born lesbians, they only turn to lesbianism when they've had bad relationships with "man after man after man", and only male homosexuality is "real"?  Because I missed that part.  Oh, well, maybe Sara punching Frankie in the face will be part of the rewind!  It's the most twisted summer yet!

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Interesting that they all know Derrick is playing the best game.  He will win if in F2, even the reluctant will succumb to the 'best game played' vote.


I loved seeing Donny relaxed.  Imitating Christine's laugh as she walked in and subsequent high five with Zach was hysterical!  Throwing his arms in the air upon hearing Christine was booed was adorable and out of the character we knew.  Of course, the crown, "do you have an attorney!"   I wish we could have seen more of his keen wit.  


Jocosta.  Jesus Christ, what is up with you?  Now you wear your hair in a beautiful style?  I don't remember what she said, if anything, about the significance of that stupid bow tie. 


More jury house, please.  

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Sure, Christine deserved what she got in the jury house, but I was a little disappointed in Donny as well. I thought he was above shit talking people. And plenty of other houseguests have back stabbed and bad mouthed other HGs in past years. I don't remember anyone get booed like that.

But I'm weird, I don't get all the Zach love either. I enjoyed him but he was a terrible player and he was plenty mean to people as well.

In conclusion, bud - on.

Using the glottal stop for the 't' in button is dialectal, not wrong. 


I Googled "glottal stop" and "button" the other day when Victoria and the others started pronouncing the word that way. It seems to cross regional dialects and may actually be the way the pronunciation is heading in the future, which was surprising to me. I had no idea so many people drop the Ts. At first I thought it sounded uneducated, but apparently it can be traced back to a Cockney accent. So, I actually learned something from Big Brother!

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Sure, Christine deserved what she got in the jury house, but I was a little disappointed in Donny as well. I thought he was above shit talking people.



Donny was being honest and witty, that isn't shit talking.  I loved seeing have him have fun with a totally reasonable target!   It is no secret, Christine over stepped the bounds of marriage and she knows it. 


And as for imitating her laugh?  Hysterical!  She drove us all nuts.  I bet when she sees herself laugh, she will cringe.

  • Love 6

Christine went around behind Donny's back and called him a disgusting pervert to anyone who would listen. If he wants to make a divorce crack to her face, based on her actual behavior, that she was warned multiple times about how it was going to come off on camera, he can do that all day long as far as I'm concerned. I like snarky Donny, and it makes him a real person and not the aww shucks I'm just fresh off the train from Mayberry stereotype. Granted, he knew that was his role on the show and played into it, and it's not wholly untrue, but I doubt that's the entirety of his personality.

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Victoria WAY oversold her part in the "Derrick betrayal" scenario. I wish they showed a DR from Frankie to say if he bought it or not.


I just assumed that they didn't show a DR from Frankie saying whether or not he was buying her act because he clearly didn't, and they didn't want to air that and spoil Derrick and Victoria's "triumph."


And I had no idea Christine was badmouthing Donny like that, Ananayel. I know there's a lot on the live feeds that CBS doesn't like to put into the show because they have to create their manufactured "arcs" and present everyone as the specific characters they predetermined at the beginning of the season. I thought Donny's crack was funny, and I don't feel like he meant it that mean-spiritedly. And yes, it would also indicate that there was a lot more going on than the editors showed us.


But aside from the Jury House, this episode was a lot of pointless filler and nonsense. It was so boring. I also thought they'd at least wait for the votes to be cast, and then say "Victoria, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house…" and then the alarm would go off and everything would reset. Because now we'll never know if they were going to boot Cody. (I doubt they were, but still…) 


And doing all the same competitions is just such a complete waste of time. They'll all know what to expect, and Frankie will probably win them both again. Ugh.

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I was super hoping that they would do a full week in one night after they announced what the button was.  But nope....gotta drag it out. 

Unfortunately we had storms that went through last night and it cut out right after Christine walked in to the Jury house.  I know what I am doing during lunch today and I can't wait.

My only hope is that when Frankie is voted out that the boos he gets are 10 times worse than what Christine got - I want him to undertand just how much his over acting, over expressing, and general personlity were loathed.

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I am one of the most cynical, sarcastic, unforgiving persons you can meet, but I didn't enjoy that.  Coming off the epic booing - and as a fan, Christine would know that's never happened before - I felt for her.  It was the tag teaming of the dinosaur comment and then the attorney comment.  It bordered on a bullying moment, in my opinion.  She looked down and her face fell and I felt for her.  Donny has every right to dislike Christine, I don't blame him for that.  But, his comment was mean spirited and that's not Donny's way, so I was a little disappointed in him.  That had nothing to do with gameplay or strategy, it was personal.  Yes, Christine was nasty in many ways, but even Aaryn wasn't treated in that manner in the jury house.  I personally believe Candice was treated much worse by Aaryn than anything Christine did to anyone.  The fact that the "jokes" both focused on Cody, tells me they are not retaliating for anything Christine said about Donny, or about Christine sabotaging Donny in the BOtB.  It especially bothers me that no one had the balls to say it while Cody was around - and I would bet they won't say it if Cody reaches the Jury house.


I agree with this, he also cheered when she said she got booed. Now that he's part of the cool clique, things sure seem to have changed, huh? That's why I thought he was playing a part and chose not to interact with the others in the house, IMO he wanted to be the underdog outcast, because everyone loves an underdog. He made a lot of comments making fun of the HG's while he was in the house, can't be a "good person" and throw shade at everyone, IMHO he's a self-righteous hypocrite and he gets away with a lot because he's "likeable".


I'm not saying Christine deserved to be embraced but she's already down and I think a truly good person wouldn't kick someone while they're down. I'm very disappointed.


Rewatching the HOH competititon, it was definitely tailored to Frankie's strengths as has been mentioned, besides him being a dancer with good balance, he is also the smallest guy there. The beam barely moved when he walked across.


I don't think Donny's divorce comment was witty, I thought it was a pretty obvious joke.

Edited by willpwr
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And doing all the same competitions is just such a complete waste of time. They'll all know what to expect, and Frankie will probably win them both again. Ugh.


They should have said that they would do all the same style of competitions, but they would be a little harder.


For example, for the HoH comp make the shovels bigger (so the 'seeds' would be prone to rolling around more and possible roll off), and make the veto comp images out of 4 people instead of 3 people (to make the guessing option more complicated).


Anything so that it wasn't EXACTLY the same.

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And doing all the same competitions is just such a complete waste of time. They'll all know what to expect, and Frankie will probably win them both again. Ugh.

I expect Derrick to win the face comp the second time. He wasn't far behind Frankie and had been taking his time thinking he had an edge as a cop with a photographic memory (he did, but the long pauses to double check his answers killed him).



Victoria: "I will do whatever I can do in my power" I know it's tough reading off cue cards but wow, I doubt they wrote it all clunky like that... but hey good on Derrick to give Vic a purpose before she leaves.

This show is much less obvious than most others in scripting contestants, so they probably just told her what they wanted and let her put it in her own words.



I caught a little bit of an editing oops.  Derrick was talking to Victoria about about you never know what's gonna happen Wednesday Before they got the the live show is in 48 hours.

It may have been unavoidable. They were jumping around in time so much already, cutting back to the clock each time, they may have just let that conversation go where it was convenient rather than add another time jump.



Is Caleb not aware that Mila Kunis is about six months pregnant with Ashton Kutcher's baby?

He's been in the BB house for half that time, so probably not.

I loved seeing the hamster's reactions to the footage of the "rat" in the house--especially since they were obviously expecting heartwarming scenes of them playing with Izzy and got hysteria and screaming and jumping and genuine wiggins.


Christine's entry into the jury house was the most awwwwwwkward ever.  They barely looked at her, and she had to beg--beg--them to watch the DVD footage with her.  And when they were all sitting on the couch watching the footage, both Jocasta and Nicole's body language was very telling--they were trying to get as far away from Christine as was possible when crammed together on the couch like that.  They didn't even want to touch her.  That's some major league hate there, folks. 

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I didn't mind Donny's snark about Christine. Was it maybe a little mean? Sure, but considering how awful Christine was about Donny all season, I won't hold it against him. He hasn't trashed anyone that didn't trash him first. Over all he still seems to be a genuinely kind human being. No one is perfect. JMO

Echo echo.

One thing was missing from Donny's comment, though.

At the very end.



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Did Amber trash him when he called her a Jezebel and said she was leading Caleb on?

I don't know.

My over all point still stands, though. Is Donny perfect? Of course not, and he's never claimed to be. Even if he IS a bit self-righteous, I'd still take him over any of the other houseguests this

season. I'm pretty sure most people have talked behind other people's backs at least a couple times in their lives.

Edited by Sara2009
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I Googled "glottal stop" and "button" the other day when Victoria and the others started pronouncing the word that way. It seems to cross regional dialects and may actually be the way the pronunciation is heading in the future, which was surprising to me. I had no idea so many people drop the Ts. At first I thought it sounded uneducated, but apparently it can be traced back to a Cockney accent. So, I actually learned something from Big Brother!

I like to watch Let's Make a Deal (What?  Wayne Brady's funny!)  Whenever a contestant says "cur-AN" instead of "cur-TAN", he mocks them.  You go, Wayne!

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I don't mind Donny's comment. I thought it was great.  Sorry, he's human after all. Zingbot pointed out how the Cody thing looked, the other house guests pointed it out....she knew how others perceived it....she also made some of the most mean spirited good-bye videos for the outed guests so she did her own "kicking while down".  Imagine how they felt sitting with Julie after just being voted out and someone says the things she did?  Don't dish it out if you can't take it.

i'm sure within a few days it will normalize there and it won't be so bad for her.

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I'm glad Christine got booed, the awkward welcome and the zingers from the other jurors. I'm hoping her time in the jury house is uncomfortable. She's needed a major reality check.

JMPO, Christine is young and needs to grow up. This experience might help her accomplish this. Her family seem like good people who will set her straight.

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I don't understand what Victoria gets out of this "I hate Derrick" sham. The satisfaction of knowing she's helping him win? She truly is an idiot. What she should have told him is "actually, that's true, Derrick. If you vote me out I will never vote for you in the Final 2 and will do everything I can to sway the jury members likewise." She's got no other leverage at this point. Her best hope of staying in the house was trying to convince Derrick and Caleb to keep her and take her to the Final 2 for an easy win.


I'm not convinced the jury members fully recognize Derrick's game play. They're still talking about Frankie calling all the shots, in addition to Derrick. And in all of their post-jury interviews, with Julie or with Jeff, they've singled out Frankie as being the one making all the decisions. I half suspect they were prompted to throw Derrick's name in there for the editors so they could maintain their "Derrick is the obvious winner" storyline. It wouldn't surprise me if there were alternate takes where they said Cody and Caleb were running the show. These aren't the brightest crayons in the box after all.


I hate to say it but both Derrick and Frankie deserve to be in the final two. Moreover, neither Caleb nor Cody deserves it as much as they do. Cody and Caleb haven't really done anything besides ride the coattails of a strong alliance and do whatever Derrick says. Granted, Frankie has done Derrick's bidding just as much, but he's had to fight harder to stay in the game and is the only one of the four who's actually ever been a target.


That said, I realize the two who most deserve to be in the Final 2 rarely get there. It's usually just one of them and a goat.

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The only things good ON people are their clothing, their hairstyle or their shoes/makeup/jewelry!!  It's good FOR them!



Unless you're Australian, mate.  Good on ya'.

Even if he IS a bit self-righteous, I'd still take him over any of the other houseguests this season.



I consider Donny to be naive rather than self-righteous.  He seems to be a truly humble person.

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Listen I don't like Christine and they could boo her all day long and Cody too and it's fine by me. But the thing with Donny annoys me no end. It's so obvious that the aw shucks stuff is a big put-on that is believable because of his accent and looks. Fine, use whatever you need to get by, you're playing a game. But it was so stomach-churning to watch him literally cry when he got booted. And whisper "I never did nothin' to them". What's that about? What you did to them was stand between them and a half million bucks. You vote each other out so you can win. That's the game. We all get it. But the whole time everybody was buying into this personality of his I found it somehow phony and so when Christine walked into the jury house and he threw his arms up in genuine unscripted glee, I knew right then he was full of it. The attorney comment adds to that. (But hey, it was funny and so I appreciated it). It just shows me that he is as in-it-to-win-it as everyone else and should stop passive aggressively demanding everyone gives him the win while he stands on top of Cornpone Mountain in moral judgment of everyone else's game.

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He's humble and morally superior at the same time, I don't know but to me these things don't go hand-in-hand. I don't think he or anyone that chooses to compete in a show such as Big Brother is morally above anyone but to each their own. i'm saying 'humble" because that's how Donny described himself, not picking on anyone. I don't agree with Christine's actions, I think I've made it pretty clear that I think most of these people are idiots and playing a role, I'm not giving anyone a pass but it really bothers me when people act like they don't "do nuthin'" and thus should get away with everything. If Frankie had made those comments, i feel like he'd be vilified and rightfully so TBH, in fact when Frankie cheered the booing about how it proved they were right to vote her out, he did get called out.

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• Not even a new twist to the competitions, no added layer of difficulty.  The shovels aren't longer, the shovel-blades aren't smaller, there aren't more balls (er, "seeds") to transport, no extra wires to crawl under.  They're not even being pelted with plastic "hail", just the same old rain.  And while they've probably come up with six new pictures for the Morph-o-Matic (hey, it's been resting for five seasons, may as well give it a double-dose), now everyone is going to be studying the memory wall pictures, so the comp will be even easier.

The Seed in the Shovel II comp had

more balls than the original one. 


I Googled "glottal stop" and "button" the other day when Victoria and the others started pronouncing the word that way. It seems to cross regional dialects and may actually be the way the pronunciation is heading in the future, which was surprising to me. I had no idea so many people drop the Ts. At first I thought it sounded uneducated, but apparently it can be traced back to a Cockney accent. So, I actually learned something from Big Brother!


And don't forget that English is Victoria's second language, with Hebrew being her first. 


What I wouldn't give for a major "game changing twist". For example, instead of the big shiny button being the "Big Brother Rewind", make it the "Big Brother House Swap", wherein all of the terrible douchebags left in the house suddenly become the jury and all of the interesting people voted into the jury are suddenly back in the running for $500k. THAT'D be good TV. (And it would teach the houseguests a valuable lesson about pressing enormous shiny buttons.)

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I agree with these posts. It doesn't make Donny a bad person or a faker or anything like that. He is a genuine person. Genuine meaning if he doesn't like someone, he doesn't have to sugar coat it. And what he said really wasn't that bad. He didn't call her a B**** or a c*** or anything like some people (Frankie) up.

Echo, echo.

Expressing something other than sweetness and light somehow transfers him into a phony?

Get a grip, people.

You don't like Donny's personality, or his beard, or his accent, or his ZIP code?

Fine. Nobody said you had to. I, for one, am not going to try to convince you otherwise.

But likewise, you're not going to convince me Donny isn't a good man.

He spent two months in a House with a group of assholes who snarked on him at every opportunity, spread malicious rumors about him, and went to the nth extreme to sabotage and backdoor him, until they succeeded. And the vast majority of the time Donny took it, with style and even HUMOR. Even in adversity, some of his one-liners were pure gold.

So am I going to begrudge Donny a few moments of getting in some good cracks when one of his chief persecutors gets her own well-deserved comeuppance? Hardly.

His name is Donny Thompson - not frikkin' Mother Teresa.

Edited by Nashville
  • Love 14

Let's all agree to disagree on Donny, I don't think anyone said he's a bad person, just not as above everything or everyone as he's portrayed. Like I said, I don't expect perfection because that's impossible but I'd like him to own his snarkiness. There's nothing wrong with snarking but I'm not going to tell people to "get a grip" because they have a differing opinion than mine.

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I agree about Donny. Don't get me wrong, I love Donny, maybe too much and that's why I was a little disappointed. Mostly when I heard him making fun of Christine's laugh because that just seemed so personal. I know people living in close quarters get on each other's nerves even when friends, it's just I thought Donny was SO humble and SO morally superior that it gave me pause to see him acting 'human' as some of you have termed it. But definitely still my fave HG of the season.

And now I learn that I'M stuck up because I pronounce button as button. :-) At least, I think I do. I'm going to oay more attention to the people around me and have them all say the word.

The glottal stop is legit (if you google this like I did, I'm not talking about the British version).  But that's not how they are pronouncing button.  Button with the glottal stop would sound like one word.  The tongue actually makes contact with the roof of the mouth.  When they are saying "button," it's almost as if they are cutting the word in half and it has become two words "Buh. Uhn." The glottal stop is exaggerated, if that makes any sense.  And when I hear people do this with other words ("mou-uhn" / "mountain," "fou-uhn" / "fountain," "Cli-uhn / "Clinton," the list goes on and on) it makes me cringe so hard.  It's such a slight difference but one is acceptable to me and the other is not!  The worst for me is when people say "suh-uhm" instead of "something."   Argh!  And yet, I could listen to Anderson Cooper say "buddon" and "middens" all day long and be perfectly content.

Edited by sadpanda
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He spent two months in a House with a group of assholes who snarked on him at every opportunity, spread malicious rumors about him, and went to the nth extreme to sabotage and backdoor him, until they succeeded. And the vast majority of the time Donny took it, with style and even HUMOR. Even in adversity, some of his one-liners were pure gold.

So am I going to begrudge Donny a few moments of getting in some good cracks when one of his chief persecutors gets her own well-deserved comeuppance? Hardly.


Seeing Donny cry out of loneliness in the BB house was so horrible and visceral for me, I wouldn't have cared if he really would have ripped into Christine for days.  Instead, he made a joke. 





Good. On. Him.

Edited by Drogo
  • Love 9
Personally, I expect the booing was a combo of people disliking her for a number of reasons - chief among them being (a) the Cody stuff, (b) the Donny trashing, and ( c) the repeated Nicole backstabbing. Oh, and don't forget the laugh.


Many house guests over the years have done much worse than Christine and still were not booed upon eviction.  Do I think it was because audiences didn't want to boo and jeer during past season evictions?  Nope.  Do I think care and diligence took place during past seasons to at least try and enforce the no booing policy?  Yes.  Now do I think CBS staff present that particular night was more lax, perhaps even going so far as to turn a deaf ear and blind eye, on the no booing rule during Christine's exit?  Yes again.  Because, along with all of the above mentioned crap Christine pulled, she (IIRC) is the only competitor to have ever uttered the words 'I hate Julie Chen' while in the Big Brother house.


If Frankie goes, the reaction might be tepid.  But I don't think we'll get the all out booing we got for Christine. 


Lesson to all future BB contestants - Don't mess with The Chen.  Ever.

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I thought Donnie making fun of Christine was rude and bullying.  She had the gall to break alliances and backstab.  What a shock in BB.  She played the game more than he did, strategized more, got deeper into the season.  He had to rely on winning competitions to get as far as he did.  Nowhere near as sound a strategy as forming alliances.  


I think it's cool to repeat the same HoH challenge: they all have some experience with it now, and know what to expect, which might make it something less of a crapshoot.  I don't think it matters to Victoria one way or another. 


I also find it hilarious that V keeps bragging that she is the last girl standing.  The guys successfully sold her on this.  Nothing to do with sexism: it's successful game play, especially by Derrick, who is by far the master of the season.  I'm definitely pulling for him to win. 

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