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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

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4 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

I will bet money she was banging BOTH of these guys the whole time.

I completely agree. First thing that came to my mind. So gross to be sleeping with someone while pregnant woth someone else's child.

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1 hour ago, mrsh said:

I completely agree. First thing that came to my mind. So gross to be sleeping with someone while pregnant woth someone else's child.

Eh, It's not something I'd want to do, but  expectant parents don't always stay together and some were never together in the first place. A pregnant woman does have sexual needs, especially considering all the hormone changes pregnancy brings. I don't fault a pregnant woman seeking sexual gratification from someone other then the baby's father if he isn't an option, as long as it is protected, safe sex-which is doubtful with Kail, I will admit. That's the only part that grosses me out, she probably barebacked with poor Lux in the oven with who knows what collection of losers. The things that poor boy probably experienced in utero...

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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14 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

Eh, It's not something I'd want to do, but  expectant parents don't always stay together and some were never together in the first place. A pregnant woman does have sexual needs, especially considering all the hormone changes pregnancy brings. I don't fault a pregnant woman seeking sexual gratification from someone other then the baby's father if he isn't an option, as long as it is protected, safe sex-which is doubtful with Kail, I will admit. That's the only part that grosses me out, she probably barebacked with poor Lux in the oven with who knows what collection of losers. The things that poor boy probably experienced in utero...

True.  No one would condemn anyone who was committed to having a healthy sex life. Kail definitely doesn't fall under the category of a woman being in a healthy sexual relationship. @mrsh was just agreeing with my belief that Kail was possibly having sexual relations with Chris and this other guy at the same time. 

Kail is a known cheater. She'd love to spin the story that she and Chris mutually broke it off rather than admit he dumped her Mother Russia ass because he found out she cheated. If he found out she was with this other guy, he might have questioned paternity. That would likely explain the whole "I don't have a name for Baby Lo" drama. 

Whatever the reason may be, I feel Chris did the right thing by cutting her loose. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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17 hours ago, MissMel said:

And he's already sold a story to Radaronline.  She sure knows how to pick 'em.

Jeezuz Christ Garbage Pail! Put the dick down!!  take a break for god's sake!

Get ready to lose those dreds dude!

Edited by BabyDaddy
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Jo is so good with babies. A real nature and they all go to him.


 LUX! FUCKING LUX! I hope the kid can fight. I thought it was short for luxury ! Totally forgot about the soap. Thanks for the memories! I've been 7 and in my Grandmothers kitchen all morning. LOL.  

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19 hours ago, MissMel said:

She chose Lux over Christian?  Dumbass.  Isaac, Lincoln, and Christian actually flow together better.  Isaac, Lincoln, and Lux just sounds awful.  

I agree. What the hell??? Christian fits really well with those names and would go a lot better with Russel. Where can we send a pie to smash in the face of the nurse who picked the wrong name??? And a semi truck for Kail's face for coming up with such a dumb way to picks names in the first place. 


13 hours ago, HeySandyStrange said:

Eh, It's not something I'd want to do, but  expectant parents don't always stay together and some were never together in the first place. A pregnant woman does have sexual needs, especially considering all the hormone changes pregnancy brings. I don't fault a pregnant woman seeking sexual gratification from someone other then the baby's father if he isn't an option, as long as it is protected, safe sex-which is doubtful with Kail, I will admit. That's the only part that grosses me out, she probably barebacked with poor Lux in the oven with who knows what collection of losers. The things that poor boy probably experienced in utero...

To me it's not so much about the SEX itself - yes, as long as your safe - I get having needs. But it's about where her priorities lie. She is not putting her kids first. Or even second, really. Look at how she behaved when Javi came home. She knew (or should have known) that was going to be a turbulent time for the boys, what with the divorce following his return. But she's shipping the boys off to whomever will take them so she can sneak Chris into the house. Not the time. Now she's just had THIRD baby by a THIRD dad, and things have to be confusing once again for her sons. And she's off to other states, finding time to "romance" other dudes. It just shows a real lack of empathy. Jo has already mentioned several times that Isaac is having a hard time with all the "chaos" around him. So what does she do? Makes it MORE chaotic. 

I think she needs to invest in a good vibrator and make some damn time for her SONS. But that's just me. 

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51 minutes ago, ghoulina said:


To me it's not so much about the SEX itself - yes, as long as your safe - I get having needs. But it's about where her priorities lie. She is not putting her kids first. Or even second, really. Look at how she behaved when Javi came home. She knew (or should have known) that was going to be a turbulent time for the boys, what with the divorce following his return. But she's shipping the boys off to whomever will take them so she can sneak Chris into the house. Not the time. Now she's just had THIRD baby by a THIRD dad, and things have to be confusing once again for her sons. And she's off to other states, finding time to "romance" other dudes. It just shows a real lack of empathy. Jo has already mentioned several times that Isaac is having a hard time with all the "chaos" around him. So what does she do? Makes it MORE chaotic. 

I think she needs to invest in a good vibrator and make some damn time for her SONS. But that's just me. 

I think Kail is tired of her vibrator. Remember when she mentioned having it during her Puerto Rican vacation and how it started vibrating in her luggage? lol 

I 100 percent agree, ghoulina. Isaac is telling Jo how he feels about his life being pretty much unstable with not even knowing where he is going to be sleeping on any particular day. No child should be thinking about where they are going to be sleeping on a daily basis. He comes off sounding like a kid who is couch-surfing. If your kid has no clue where he is sleeping on any given day, it is time to wake the fuck up and look at what you are doing to create that situation. 

It just skeeves me out that she was "friends" with these two guys when she was married to Javi and now, one of them is presumed to be the father of her newborn and the other one is now her bed warmer. What the hell was happening at her love shack while Isaac and Lincoln were there? How many times did they see these two guys come into their home? My heart breaks for those boys because when they grow up and they begin to do the math, no matter how much Kail tries to paint her version of the events, those boys will figure out their dad (Javi) was working his ass off while their mother was the town tramp.  

Edited by GreatKazu
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4 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

I think Kail is tired of her vibrator. Remember when she mentioned having it during her Puerto Rican vacation and how it started vibrating in her luggage? lol 

I 100 percent agree, ghoulina. Isaac is telling Jo how he feels about his life being pretty much unstable with not even knowing where he is going to be sleeping on any particular day. No child should be thinking about where they are going to be sleeping on a daily basis. He comes off sounding like a kid who is couch-surfing. If your kid has no clue where he is sleeping on any given day, it is time to wake the fuck up and look at what you are doing to create that situation. 

It just skeeves me out that she was "friends" with these two guys when she was married to Javi and now, one of them is presumed to be the father of her newborn and the other one is now her bed warmer. 

I also don't think it's safe or wise for Kailyn to have men she hardly knows around her young children. Like @ghoulina said above, it's not the sex itself (so long as you're being safe which she is not), it's all the distruption or turmoil. Kailyn isn't a single Mom who socializes 1-2 nights a week when her boys are with their Dad, or dates/hooks up etc when she has free time. This woman lets these choices effect the stability of her sons upbringing and that's not right. 

It does scare me how quickly these women introduce men to their kids. I (luckily) don't have any personal experience with abuse or anything like that but children are very vulnerable and you don't know these guys AT ALL. 

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58 minutes ago, ghoulina said:

To me it's not so much about the SEX itself - yes, as long as your safe - I get having needs. But it's about where her priorities lie. She is not putting her kids first. Or even second, really. Look at how she behaved when Javi came home. She knew (or should have known) that was going to be a turbulent time for the boys, what with the divorce following his return. But she's shipping the boys off to whomever will take them so she can sneak Chris into the house. Not the time. Now she's just had THIRD baby by a THIRD dad, and things have to be confusing once again for her sons. And she's off to other states, finding time to "romance" other dudes. It just shows a real lack of empathy. Jo has already mentioned several times that Isaac is having a hard time with all the "chaos" around him. So what does she do? Makes it MORE chaotic. 

I think she needs to invest in a good vibrator and make some damn time for her SONS. But that's just me. 

Oh I completely agree about Kail and her dysfunctional relationship to sex. When I was talking about pregnant women having causal sex, I was talking in general about normal, responsible people having safe, healthy sex-certainly not Kail. She (like Leah and Jenelle) has a very unhealthy pattern in sex and relationships. She and the other two fools chase dick, putting it before their families, children and self-respect. If Kail had a discreet fuck buddy who she was safe with and kept in their place, away from her children, I wouldn't have a problem either. But she is a controlling bitch who wants what she wants, regardless of anyone else's feelings.


It does scare me how quickly these women introduce men to their kids. I (luckily) don't have any personal experience with abuse or anything like that but children are very vulnerable and you don't know these guys AT ALL. 

That has always skeeved me out. What is worse is that I wouldn't be shocked if any of the girls, sans Chelsea, had experiences with creepy past boyfriends of their mothers', yet they don't have a care in the world about introducing randos a minute after meeting and screwing. It is sickening imo.

Edited by HeySandyStrange
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1 minute ago, Scarlett45 said:

I also don't think it's safe or wise for Kailyn to have men she hardly knows around her young children. Like @ghoulina said above, it's not the sex itself (so long as you're being safe which she is not), it's all the distruption or turmoil. Kailyn isn't a single Mom who socializes 1-2 nights a week when her boys are with their Dad, or dates/hooks up etc when she has free time. This woman lets these choices effect the stability of her sons upbringing and that's not right. 

It does scare me how quickly these women introduce men to their kids. I (luckily) don't have any personal experience with abuse or anything like that but children are very vulnerable and you don't know these guys AT ALL. 

It can't be said enough. Exactly. The children on this series have total strangers invading their privacy and having easy access to their sanctuary. Their home should be the one place where they can feel safe. Kail is doing the exact thing to her boys that she complained her mother did to her which was she put the boyfriends first. We also know Kail is an abuser. Have the boys witnessed her abuse with the boyfriends? The cutting off of the dreds? How many times must they be exposed to abuse? Isn't it enough she went as far as to obtain a PFA against Javi for his supposed harassment of her? Those boys have been worried about the police being called. WTF? It sounds like Jenelle's house.  Kail can put all the Pinterest shit she wants in her house, but it sure as hell ain't no home. 

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I think she gave the baby her last name because she knows he's not really Chris's. Also, unless i read the Ashley wrong, Lux was a name she loved, and gave it to him, after they broke up. I think if Chris really was his father, she might have still gone with Christian, since they both liked it. JMO.

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As I read this thread today, what came to mind is the parallel between Karl and Suzie's behavior as mothers.

We know from the show that Karl felt put aside by her mother's focus on men.

Karl has been repeating that pattern, albeit in a slightly more subtle form.

She would never admit it, of course, and is not conscious on her part.... but in ten or fifteen years, it will be interesting to see how her kids feel about their childhood. I do think she loves them, and in general she is an emotionally nurturing mother. But there is a selfishness that pervades her life despite any good parenting skills she has.

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Lux - WTF name is that? Rhymes with Tux, Sux etc...Luxsy Charms...

I initially thought maybe to her it symbolizes her "luxury" brand combined with her current "black" phase? Was she gifting him an awesome future rapper name?

So I group texted my coterie of homegrown black DC, age dissonant friends (see 20+ yrs Capitol Hill). New to them too. 

Then I looked it up. I assume Kail knows how to use Google too? It's the feminine form of "light" in Latin. 

Then I giggled. For several reasons.

Lucious is the masculine. Know a bunch of those. Guess too common for her.

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The logistics of Kail's future attorney bills and proceedings are blowing my mind. Every time she has to adjust custody with regard to those three kids are going to be 3 separate court/ mediation proceedings. Possibly in front of different judges? I can't even imagine the legal fees she's going to rack over the next 20 years. 

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1 hour ago, ChristmasJones said:

Would she be able to move out of state for a job now that she has two kids with fathers who want to be in their lives?

I seriously hope not. I hope the dad's were smart enough to havebit added in that she could not move them out of state. 

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8 hours ago, evilmindatwork said:

The logistics of Kail's future attorney bills and proceedings are blowing my mind. Every time she has to adjust custody with regard to those three kids are going to be 3 separate court/ mediation proceedings. Possibly in front of different judges? I can't even imagine the legal fees she's going to rack over the next 20 years. 

It would be a huge mess. Potentially, she could receive permission to move Lux and then the two others — with solid, established relationships with their fathers — are denied by the court. 

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I bet this so-called break up was more of Chris refusing to give up his other women and freedom to play house  with Kail.  She can proclaim all she wants how little Aeon Flux is the result of her testing her fertility and how she is ready to  parent alone  but deep down, she knows she got pregnant to try to trap Chris. She wanted to be his only one and not number 1 or 2 or 4 or whatever number she is in his supposed stable of "hoes".

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16 hours ago, ChristmasJones said:

As I read this thread today, what came to mind is the parallel between Karl and Suzie's behavior as mothers.

We know from the show that Karl felt put aside by her mother's focus on men.

Karl has been repeating that pattern, albeit in a slightly more subtle form.

She would never admit it, of course, and is not conscious on her part.... but in ten or fifteen years, it will be interesting to see how her kids feel about their childhood. I do think she loves them, and in general she is an emotionally nurturing mother. But there is a selfishness that pervades her life despite any good parenting skills she has.

This is interesting. Especially since Kail has demanded compliments for being a good mother (Javi in counseling). If we're operating on the idea that one desires to be validated in the thing we are most insecure about, she's not at all secure in her role as "good mother."

For me, I worry less about being a good mom (because I'm confident that I am. I had a great model in my mom and I worry about the standard mom things), than about work. The best compliment I could get and the one I desire most is for people too tell me that I'm awesome at my work and to be recognized with accolades and promotions and compensation. 

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19 hours ago, druzy said:

Kail is over it



LOL, I'm going to bed. 

13 hours ago, Mkay said:

She zoomed in really fast (on Snapchat) when she realized dude to the left could be seen in the shot. 


Sorry Issac, Lincoln, and little baby big Bux - don't get too attached to this dude. He'll be replaced before the new year. 

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4 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I bet this so-called break up was more of Chris refusing to give up his other women and freedom to play house  with Kail.  She can proclaim all she wants how little Aeon Flux is the result of her testing her fertility and how she is ready to  parent alone  but deep down, she knows she got pregnant to try to trap Chris. She wanted to be his only one and not number 1 or 2 or 4 or whatever number she is in his supposed stable of "hoes".

She is stupid. She should have known from his past that he isn't going to give up his hoes and that she was one of them and the side piece. Dude is too young and is still acting like he isn't over 20. She knew him for however long but decided to have a kid with him. Instead of learning from her first pregnancy (not Isaac) and her second one (Isaac) and her third one (Lincoln), she should have waited to get pregnant after marriage. And what I mean is this, if you want the guy to stick around, don't be acting the way she does. She lucked out with Jo and Javi,  one decided to marry her while pregnant and both are good fathers. She should not be jumping from guy to guy and focusing on her kids and not another guy. Women can be women without a male around. She is afraid to be alone but the way she is headed that is exactly what is going to happen.

And I am in no way saying that you have to be married to have a child. I was not married and had my daughter. She is almost 21 and has never seen her dad. Instead of jumping from guy to guy, I focused on raising my daughter because I am both mom and dad. I did not go looking for any kind of relationship because I had a daughter to raise and did not want her to get attached in case something happened or to introduce her to loads of dudes that could hurt her. That is the sacrifice I made and the realization of how I did it the wrong way. But I didn't get pregnant on purpose,  it was a oh shit, I messed up but turned my life around and refocused on being a better person.

Edited by toodywoody
my story
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On 10/5/2017 at 9:58 PM, BitterApple said:

Maybe I'm a bitch, but I wouldn't make regular babysitting of my husband's ex's new baby a habit. Inviting the kid to birthdays and special events? Absolutely. Helping out in an emergency? Sure. But I just feel like it's one of those situations where you give an inch and the other person will eventually take a mile. There's just too much room for boundaries to be overstepped, especially in a situation like this one where the baby doesn't have an active father. 

100% agree. To do this is just asking for trouble. Kail likes to brag about how much money she has, she can pay a babysitter.

Bitch is the most unprofessional person I've ever seen. I know it is in fashion now to take your child to college classes as we see these viral posts. But I think most of those cases were where the parents were desperate - last minute changes, etc.  Kail has much more resources at her disposal thanks to TM money.  Hell....the PA can watch the kids while you're in class if MTV is there to film. 

Plus the way she shows up for some kind of media production class - straight from the trailer park clothes - too tight and short and looks - no make-up, hair looking raggedy. This is someone who wants a job in TV? Laughable.

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40 minutes ago, DangerousMinds said:

It's now in fashion? Wtf is going on?

Sadly, yes. Every day there's some post going viral of a professor holding a toddler so some beleaguered single mom can beat the odds and get her degree. The first couple of times it was charming, but now it seems like everyone's doing it to fish for likes and compliments. One of the bazillion reasons why I'm starting to loathe social media. 

Edited by BitterApple
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11 minutes ago, GreatKazu said:

Kail wants you to tap her photo for fashion details: 


kail jeans.jpg

Why the fuck would I tap the picture for a hat, pulled back hair, too tight jeans and a tank top. And once again she has to pull up the back of her shirt to show off her ass. pull it down. And the phone and Starbucks always in her gross ass palms. 

I have my own style Karl, yours sucks,  I would never wear the shit she does and even if I did, I could find all that shit at any store  

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7 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I bet this so-called break up was more of Chris refusing to give up his other women and freedom to play house  with Kail.  She can proclaim all she wants how little Aeon Flux is the result of her testing her fertility and how she is ready to  parent alone  but deep down, she knows she got pregnant to try to trap Chris. She wanted to be his only one and not number 1 or 2 or 4 or whatever number she is in his supposed stable of "hoes".

Given what I know of human nature and Kailyn the lying liar who lies, Chris probably never promised or even INSINUATED he was going to be monogamous with her. But like a lot of women she thought having his baby would make her "woman number 1"(if not the only woman). Not making excuses for Chris (if you want to sleep around wrap it up) but Kailyn thought a baby would raise her esteem in the eyes of this guy and it totally backfired (unlike dumbass Luis who went along with the idea of having a relationship he really didn't want with a woman he barely knew). 

Kailyn knows she was just a piece of ass to Chris and it's burning her up inside. Any man that has any respect for a woman on a simple "friendship" level, wouldn't have her pregnant with his child looking abandoned. A simple statement of "we are not together but continue to remain friends for the well being of our baby on the way. I have the utmost respect for her." wouldve gotten the point across- he wouldn't even do that. 


Edited to add- WHY is this guy around Lincoln?!!!!! Lincoln does not need to know this man exists (or Issac). Not every guy is a Javi or a Jo- an upstanding guy who's actually good with kids. Wait Kailyn just hold your horses. 

Edited by Scarlett45
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It is extremely shocking to see this guy IN LINCOLN AND ISAAC'S home. I won't mention Suds because for all I know, he could be the father of the child. Still, just because a guy helps to create a baby, that doesn't mean he is immune from being a predator or pervert. My mind just goes to those places. 

Might as well just put a "Come on In" sign at the front of the house and don't even bother having a regular door. A revolving door will do just fine. 

Kail won't have Javi breathe in her house, but she lets all these dudes just lounge around like it is a fucking hotel suite. 

19 minutes ago, toodywoody said:

Why the fuck would I tap the picture for a hat, pulled back hair, too tight jeans and a tank top. And once again she has to pull up the back of her shirt to show off her ass. pull it down. And the phone and Starbucks always in her gross ass palms. 

I have my own style Karl, yours sucks,  I would never wear the shit she does and even if I did, I could find all that shit at any store  

I decided to tap on the photo to see what comes up: 


kail instagram.jpg

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@GreatKazu The guy might not be a predator or a pervert but a simple asshole. Why would you want such a person around your children without time to determine their character?!!


Also from what I know of young men (not super young but early 20s) is if they are good guys who were raised right they WONT insinuate themselves into a child's life until it's appropriate because they know they aren't the Dad or relative. They also wouldn't want the kid to get attached unless they intended to stick around. If they just wanted a fuck buddy they wouldn't be comfortable around the woman's child because that sends the wrong message....ummmhmmm. 

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6 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

@GreatKazu The guy might not be a predator or a pervert but a simple asshole. Why would you want such a person around your children without time to determine their character?!!


Also from what I know of young men (not super young but early 20s) is if they are good guys who were raised right they WONT insinuate themselves into a child's life until it's appropriate because they know they aren't the Dad or relative. They also wouldn't want the kid to get attached unless they intended to stick around. If they just wanted a fuck buddy they wouldn't be comfortable around the woman's child because that sends the wrong message....ummmhmmm. 

I am sure it is the $$$ she is providing him that keeps him around. She must be buying him some nifty gifts. 

I think the boundaries of having guys and girls around children were broken so long ago that it has become the norm for single parents to just bring around any fuck buddy to be around their kids. Aubree has mentioned seeing various girlfriends over the years. Isaac and Lincoln are certainly being exposed to these guys. That is not at all healthy. Aside from these guys being possible assholes, as you mentioned, and hoping they are not predators, there are so many other things they are being exposed to such as these unhealthy relationships their mother gets involved in and how their mother doesn't set any healthy boundaries for herself. 

Now that I think of it, if Kail was going to name her baby after soap, she should have named her baby "Lather" since her pattern is lather, rinse, and repeat. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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When I was in my late teens/ early twenties I probably had fun casual chats with the few parents in my classes but I certainly wasn't hanging around their houses or hanging with their kids. I went to class, work, the library, the beach, parties, and concerts/ plays. I don't really think I'd have been open to dating a parent just because I don't think someone with parental responsibilities would have fit into my lifestyle. Also, my friends and I would have given severe side eye to absentee dads trying to live it up. Don't understand how and where Karl finds all these hanger ons. Even now, at 30, most of parent friends barely have time to go on a walk with me, I  DO visit them in their homes but it's certainly never a prolonged party. Their lifestyles are so weird to me. 

Edited by evilmindatwork
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42 minutes ago, druzy said:

I'm sure he gave you more than 5 cool reasons, you just ignored it.

Let me guess. He doesn't want to play daddy? You realized he only wants to see you from behind? You are pretty much paying for an escort? He is seeing other girls? He won't have sex with you without a condom? 

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I agree Chris never led Kail to believe they were in a relationship or had any hopes of being exclusive in the future. Like the dummy she is, Kail figured a trap baby would get the player to settle down. After all, it worked to her advantage twice before, so why would this time be any different? 

I don't know who that is in the picture with Lincoln, but I don't think it's Chris. The mystery guy seems thicker and more muscular than what I remember Chris being. Maybe Kail's holding auditions for baby daddy #4?

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21 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I agree Chris never led Kail to believe they were in a relationship or had any hopes of being exclusive in the future. Like the dummy she is, Kail figured a trap baby would get the player to settle down. After all, it worked to her advantage twice before, so why would this time be any different? 

I don't know who that is in the picture with Lincoln, but I don't think it's Chris. The mystery guy seems thicker and more muscular than what I remember Chris being. Maybe Kail's holding auditions for baby daddy #4?

That is the guy that Kail was friends with at the same time she was friends with Chris (fucking both guys at the same time IMO). He went with her to Los Angeles for the reunion show when she was pregnant. The info and photos are on the previous page. 

I think Kail became pregnant with Lincoln after she and Javi got married. So, technically not a trap baby. 

Edited by GreatKazu
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2 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

Kail wants you to tap her photo for fashion details: 


kail jeans.jpg


2 hours ago, toodywoody said:

Why the fuck would I tap the picture for a hat, pulled back hair, too tight jeans and a tank top. And once again she has to pull up the back of her shirt to show off her ass. pull it down. And the phone and Starbucks always in her gross ass palms. 

I have my own style Karl, yours sucks,  I would never wear the shit she does and even if I did, I could find all that shit at any store  

you said what I was about to write. WTF. Why would I want to replicate ugly ripped jeggings, basic tank top, shitty tattoos or ratty extensions? nope.

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2 hours ago, GreatKazu said:

It is extremely shocking to see this guy IN LINCOLN AND ISAAC'S home. I won't mention Suds because for all I know, he could be the father of the child. Still, just because a guy helps to create a baby, that doesn't mean he is immune from being a predator or pervert. My mind just goes to those places. 

Might as well just put a "Come on In" sign at the front of the house and don't even bother having a regular door. A revolving door will do just fine. 

Kail won't have Javi breathe in her house, but she lets all these dudes just lounge around like it is a fucking hotel suite. 

I decided to tap on the photo to see what comes up: 


kail instagram.jpg

How come ‘Dow Corning’ tag doesn’t pop up on her ass implants?

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On October 7, 2017 at 5:26 PM, ChristmasJones said:

As I read this thread today, what came to mind is the parallel between Karl and Suzie's behavior as mothers.

We know from the show that Karl felt put aside by her mother's focus on men.

Karl has been repeating that pattern, albeit in a slightly more subtle form.

She would never admit it, of course, and is not conscious on her part.... but in ten or fifteen years, it will be interesting to see how her kids feel about their childhood. I do think she loves them, and in general she is an emotionally nurturing mother. But there is a selfishness that pervades her life despite any good parenting skills she has.

Absolutely this. Kail is NO different from Suzi. She's just Suzi with more money & less alcohol. But even Suzi (I'm pretty sure) only had ONE child, not several by several men. Even with her addiction, I may give Suzi a few more points than Kail because at least she wasn't continually brininging more and more kids with several different fathers in the mix. 

Kail, you have become your mother. I know that's not what you want for yourself or your boys. Stop now. Get control of yourself...and get yourself sterilized or on a long-term birth control.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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