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Kailyn: Kail Smash!

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I've seen a LOT of pictures of babies/toddlers in those pigtails so she's not alone in that. Not sure why any of their parents find it so cute. But then I hate bows, ribbons, and baby headbands even more.

Edited by DangerousMinds
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1 minute ago, monicageller said:

Oh I'm not snarking on you @Mkay! Just on Kail because she's a known liar. I could tell it was a screenshot of a video. I just wouldn't put it past Kail to fake a degree.

I understand. I don’t think she got it when she graduated either.  Ahe would have showed it off before now.  She may have just now gotten it.  Wonder whatever happened to her going back to become a nurse? ?

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6 minutes ago, MaddyMaeboxerbabe said:

@McKay I hope you didn’t think I was complaining about the picture!  I appreciate everything you share here.  I figured it is my bad aging eyes looking on a small screen :)

No biggie.  Kail is a liar.  I don’t believe she actually got it when she graduated either.  

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21 minutes ago, druzy said:

Ok- I'll say it. I am convinced that Kanal's diploma is fake! Yes fake. Faker than a 3 dollar bill. She uploaded a diploma and altered it. 

I'll believe it when she posts actual proof, but until then I am on Team Fake.

Edited by monicageller
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Real or fake,  until she earns a real job utilizing it, it’s just a piece of paper.  No offense to anyone who has actually earned a degree and did not pursue their major, my comments are punted directly towards Kail and Kail alone.  She brags it up and does jack all with it.  Slow clap.

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1 hour ago, Mkay said:

That’s sad.  But I also don’t put it past Kail to be a drama queen about this for her podcast.  My opinion of her is so low that while I should have more compassion towards her on this topic, I truly don’t.  

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6 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

That’s sad.  But I also don’t put it past Kail to be a drama queen about this for her podcast.  My opinion of her is so low that while I should have more compassion towards her on this topic, I truly don’t.  

Right? I mean, I get what she's saying. Every day when I leave for work and am gone for a couple hours, I technically don't know if my husband is "still alive" until he texts me or something.

Nor does he know if I am "still alive" until I text him. 

She clearly hasn't heard from her mom for a while, but saying that is pretty dramatic. It doesn't seem like she thinks her mom is no longer alive. 

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31 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

That’s sad.  But I also don’t put it past Kail to be a drama queen about this for her podcast.  My opinion of her is so low that while I should have more compassion towards her on this topic, I truly don’t.

I agree that it's sad situation, but please. It's just a ploy for sympathy...even if Suzie HAD dropped dead in a gutter somewhere, she would have been found & next of kin would be notified. Even addicts usually have SOMEONE in their day-to-day lives who would notice if they've gone missing. 

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If Suzi wanted to see Kail she could find her. It wouldn’t be that hard.  She visited Kails old house in Dover. Look at Public records. She can find her. She just doesn’t want anything to do with Kail.  

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With all this sudden mention of Suzi, I’m gonna go ahead and guess Kail is trying to “build” her story line for next season.  If Chris won’t film (I think that’s the case, but who knows now that he is homeless maybe he changed his tune), then she really doesn’t have much.   No one wants to see her on her daily Starbucks run in her leased vehicle of the week.

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4 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

With all this sudden mention of Suzi, I’m gonna go ahead and guess Kail is trying to “build” her story line for next season.  If Chris won’t film (I think that’s the case, but who knows now that he is homeless maybe he changed his tune), then she really doesn’t have much.   No one wants to see her on her daily Starbucks run in her leased vehicle of the week.

I can see Kail pitching a Seeking Suzie Special

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5 hours ago, CaliforniaLove said:

She already is!! And the Baltierras are trying to parlay it into episode 2 of their stupid special!...and I bet MTV does it!!

If anyone can find Suzie it's Tyler. After all, he is a Superhero.


Who is taking these polls?

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So Isaac and Linc have clean cut hair and always have and Tattoo's hair is a fucking mess. This chick is just like Jenelle into whatever her flavor of the month is into. She was into fitness eith Javi and now she is into fitting this into her mouth and looking like trash outfits and always has to advertise she is a mom. Girl, we aren't stupid, we know you're a mom, we don't need the fucking shirts.  I just find it funny how her first two have their hair clean cut like their dads and Tattoo looks like he just got out of bed to go to an 8 o'clock class. 

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Welp, that was a quick turnabout.  Not even 24 hours? She really needs to stop bringing people from her past up in her pod casts.  Last week it was Janet and now Suzi.  Neither of which have been relevant to her for the past few years (well, maybe Janet is, tangentially at best). Who next?  That guy she dated briefly after Jo?  I can’t think of his name.  She worked with him, I think?  

MTV is making these girls dig deep.  They scrounged up Jace’s non existent sperm donor.  

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12 minutes ago, geauxaway said:

hat guy she dated briefly after Jo?  I can’t think of his name.  She worked with him, I think?  

I can't remember my half the kids I went to school with but his name (Jordan) popped up straight away in my memory bank.  This f'n show.....

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2 hours ago, Mkay said:

Oh, Kail. Thanks so much for tagging shirt we can't read and reusable straws you can buy at Wal-Mart. I feel for the boys' teachers. She must be so obnoxious, especially if the kids ever got into trouble. 

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I’m 99.999% sure Suzi was never missing and that one can find her pretty easily if one knows her last name (it isn’t Lowry) and googles her name and Bethlehem, PA. (Note - I am NOT advocating anyone find and contact her; just saying it ain’t hard to see she’s around with stuff that’s easily publicly available for free online.) So whatever, Kail. (And Tyler.) 

5 hours ago, Brooklynista said:

Me thinks Suzi reached out first and told Kail to keep her trash ass away.


Or Kail/MTV reached out to Suzi about rebuilding her relationship with Kail & Suzi said yes, but Suzi didn’t want it to be on camera. Then all of a sudden there was no interest in “finding Suzi” anymore.

Edited by MyPeopleAreNordic
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The funny thing is, if I could stomach watching her anymore, a special "Finding" or "Reunited with Suzie" episode would be more interesting to me than a "Kail's Biggest Blowups!" episode...well, as long as it did NOT involve the Baltierras. I don't want to see Kail anymore PERIOD though, let alone on any kind of "very special" Kail episode. 

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6 hours ago, FlowerofCarnage said:

I think MTV is trolling Kail with that biggest blow up special but hey, she gets a check so I guess she doesn't  care.

Yup!  Mom University / BOY MOM / whatever.  She don’t care.  Those poor boys.  At least they will be good at math.  1 mom, 3 dads, 4, 5, 6 randoms.  Equals?  Yes!  Isaac you get a gold star!

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9 hours ago, Mkay said:

Does this conflict with what was said before or is this a comment on the size of her bump?


I think people should leave pregnant women alone. Women are different sizes- height, torso length, size pre pregnancy can make a bump look bigger or smaller! If you cannot say a pregnant woman looks pretty then just be quiet!

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2 hours ago, Scarlett45 said:

Does this conflict with what was said before or is this a comment on the size of her bump?


I think people should leave pregnant women alone. Women are different sizes- height, torso length, size pre pregnancy can make a bump look bigger or smaller! If you cannot say a pregnant woman looks pretty then just be quiet!

I think the question is when Javi stopped sleeping with 3 women and finally settled on Lauren.  The timing is awful close. 

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I’m always in Kailyn’s corner on the Suzi situation.  Suzi sucks.  An addict is an addict is an addict.  

Kail will always wish for a healthy reconciliation.  Until Suzi is in real recovery she will always pull bullshit. Always.

Hate Kail or love her, being the child of an addict BLOWS and you never know which end is up.  I don’t blame her for being resistant and cautious while also being hopeful.  

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7 hours ago, Mkay said:

I think the question is when Javi stopped sleeping with 3 women and finally settled on Lauren.  The timing is awful close. 

Oh!! I see. Javi was sleeping with all 3 women within 6 weeks of each other I’m sure. 


3 minutes ago, Emmierose said:

I’m always in Kailyn’s corner on the Suzi situation.  Suzi sucks.  An addict is an addict is an addict.  

Kail will always wish for a healthy reconciliation.  Until Suzi is in real recovery she will always pull bullshit. Always.

Hate Kail or love her, being the child of an addict BLOWS and you never know which end is up.  I don’t blame her for being resistant and cautious while also being hopeful.  

When it comes to Suzi I am on Kailyn’s side as well. Kailyn never got that unconditional love from anyone (not a Dad, grandparent, aunt/uncle) and that’s awful. I can understand her still hoping one day her mom will be a MOM to her. 

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12 hours ago, Emmierose said:

I’m always in Kailyn’s corner on the Suzi situation.  Suzi sucks.  An addict is an addict is an addict.  

Kail will always wish for a healthy reconciliation.  Until Suzi is in real recovery she will always pull bullshit. Always.

Hate Kail or love her, being the child of an addict BLOWS and you never know which end is up.  I don’t blame her for being resistant and cautious while also being hopeful.  

I can understand this point of view, but there comes a time when you become an adult and stop using what happened to you as as kid as an excuse for disgusting behavior. The fact that Kail is wealthy, spends time with her kids when she's not on vaycay, and has no fear of being unable to care for her children from a financial perspective is something she needs to appreciate. Instead, she reaps the spoils of her current station in life and when she has nothing else going on, she drags up some old "tragedy" and spews it all over social media to get attention. She has had the funds to seek therapy to come to terms with whatever deep rooted sadness she feels because she had a lousy childhood and an addict mother. That she chose not to avail herself of professional help is on her. She chooses instead to blame the universe and is a nasty person with little appreciation for the way things are now. She thinks she deserves everything she wants due to her past and the world does not work that way. Even people with wonderful childhoods and intact families that made fudge, and sang Happy Birthday and holiday songs and what have you do not get everything that they want in life. 

Again, I'm not saying that it doesn't suck to grow up with an addict for a parent. If Kail was an addict today, living in in trailer somewhere and scamming to make money, or if she spent every penny she earned on cars, bling and frivolous things because she was unable to handle it because she did not know any better, I could get on board with the fact that that is the only life she knows from her mother bringing her up in horrible conditions. But that is not it at all. Kail remained clean, sober, and became a financial success due to this show and even during the times when she had a support system (Janet), it didn't matter to her, she treated that as an entitlement and those providing it as servants that needed to serve her every whim. Once the show became really successful, she began to see "how the other half lives" so to speak and joined the ranks of people who do not have to steal televisions and lie about their situation to obtain social services. Still, the user in her brings up some sad event from yesteryear any time she wants a pity party or if it seems that attention on her is fading. That's crap. 

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I agree. I have no love for Suzi. I remember watching her on the show and feeling so badly for Kail. Suzi always chose substances and men over her daughter. That fucking sucks. 

But I'm of the philosophy that you can only blame your childhood for so long. At some point you have to leave that shit behind and start owning your own behavior. Get help if you need help, but don't just make yourself an eternal victim of your parents' decisions. 

Kail is a user. She'll use the Suzi situation if it can benefit her. Even if that meant exposing her kids to the same off-on behavior SHE had to endure. 

My feeling is she wanted to do some spin-off or special and when no one went for it, she played it off like it was no big deal. LMAO ???

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I agree about Javi and Lauren. Considering he was banging Kail, Lauren and Briana at the same time, I highly doubt he has any special love or feelings towards her, she was just the only one stupid enough to get knocked up. When even Briana comes out of this looking like she has more smarts and sense than you, that's an epic failure at life. 

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49 minutes ago, BitterApple said:

I agree about Javi and Lauren. Considering he was banging Kail, Lauren and Briana at the same time, I highly doubt he has any special love or feelings towards her, she was just the only one stupid enough to get knocked up. When even Briana comes out of this looking like she has more smarts and sense than you, that's an epic failure at life. 

Like the millions of women before her she probably thought she could trap him with the baby after his talk of “I just want a family.”

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