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S13.E12: Bitter Pill to Swallow

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I wonder if Kyle's disappointed her costars aren't That interested in her love triangle anymore.  At first, they took the bait, giving her a chance to play her favorite role: victim. Afterwards, they seem to have moved on. So, she's having to keep bringing it up herself. But no one really cares that much.

"Sutton, I'm not going to let you continue with that narrative" ugh tell me you watched Every season of Every Housewives show without telling me....She can save a baby from a burning building and it won't be enough of a redemption story to get me to like this person. Bravo is shoving these try-hards on us and they're Not fun or interesting.

Loved the color of Garcelle's purple dress! And Erika also looked stunning. 

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Oy vey- where to even begin…

AnnAmaria- GTFOMTV! I truly cannot stand her BUT I also think that Diana was worse, somehow more evil if that makes sense. 

I was prescribed Gabapentin for nerve issues in my foot (probably from the plantar fasciitis that I have). I feel like I should take it in secret so that people don’t judge what I eat or drink with it. 

Taylor Dwayne sounded awful but Erika seemed to like her so what do I know. 

GO CRYSTAL! Give me her, Sutton and Garcelle every day all day. Even Erika is not that bad when she is with them **ducks**.

I am sure that I will find more to hate as the day goes on. 

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3 hours ago, Mar said:

If Sutton truly has an eating disorder, and I’m beginning to think it might be true considering the size of her arms and legs, it is no one else’s business, and it is dangerous to her recovery for Kyle to be promoting this as a storyline. Kyle really will throw anyone under the bus in her quest to be Queen Bee on the show. It reminds me of the first season when she cruelly outed Kim as an alcoholic to the world, putting Kim’s mental health and recovery at risk. And when she promoted the storyline of Denise sleeping with Brandi, putting Denise’s new marriage at risk.

When she visited Sutton at her house, that was a deliberate move when in front of the camera she opened the refrigerator and then commented on how empty it was.

Sutton's refrigerator is a pretty large one, especially to hold food, etc., for just one person, when her kids aren't home.  There's just my husband and myself, our fridge is a little smaller than Sutton's, and unless I've just done a big shopping trip, it looks pretty empty, too.  Especially compared to Kyle's home fridge, where she is feeding herself, Mauricio (sometimes, I guess) and at least two or three of her daughters.

1 hour ago, Slakkie said:

She even said that none of the kids were home so maybe she was eating out.  I don't cook much when the family is gone - Its a pain to cook just for me.

I agree - cooking for one is really no fun.

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16 hours ago, SemiCharmedLife said:

Yes!  Kyle played the innocent in her talking head.  We ALL saw you instigate the whole thing, Kyle.  Sutton was unaware of Kyle's role in it, but I wonder how she feels watching all this now.  

Yay for Crystal!  She stood up to Annemarie and called her on all of her inconsistencies. It's terrible that AM accused Crystal of saying that Sutton had an eating disorder.  And it looks like next week, she is going to accuse Crystal of saying more things about other HWs.  I hope Crystal stays strong and defends herself.

She not only said that in the preview, but another quick clip of her saying “Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness”. HaHaHaHa! 

Crystal shoots back- “When have you been kind?” I am wondering the same thing. 

She really doesn’t know how to use words correctly. She just throws out anything that pops into her head which she seems to think is oh so witty and will clear her of her complete wrongness.

I did like the way she called Sutton and apologized outright and smoothed the future vacation road, hopefully for a fresh start. Then again, that may have only happened because Kyle encouraged her to… because she didn’t want her own vacation in Spain with these ladies to be a bummer. 

I would HATE to be taking a trip to Spain with this .85 Rinna substitute Andy thought would be cute to slip in on the viewers. 

She gave me a Rinna headache with her shouting loud mouth. Can you imagine trying to enjoy beautiful Spain with this one in the group? I would be absolutely dreading sharing a trip with her. 

Andy is making them work hard for their $$ this season! 

Sutton is right when saying (off phone) that AnneMaries part in it, WAS the whole part, and no one elses. No blame to put on anyone else but herself.. and Kyle of course who planted the seed that Kyle is now pretending she had no “part” in. 

Annemarie is loud, obnoxious, and frantic with her defensiveness. She turns up the blather and voice volume while she butts in and becomes aggressively rude while overtalking people in this ridiculous esophagus topic. Like she is some renowned serious Professional Expert in the medical world. 

Loudly pronouncing it at those who dare’st question her superiority in medical knowledge as she lords above all the stupid, medically ignorant know-nothings, standing before her. 

Forcefully demanding they acknowledge her Superior God-like All Knowing unquestionable correctness. She has a name tag and lanyard at home, proving her bought and paid for, school certified, never-wrong knowledge. Don’t you know this??

Even the toothy homeless within earshot of this spectacle know she is wrong. She is horrible and Cheers to Crystal for calling it like it is. She IS a bitch.  

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Kathy Hilton could never get the name straight either, but when she said “I’ve worked with the homeless and I’ve worked with the toothless” it just cracks me up every time I think about it.  Toothless is no joke, tho.   Look after your teeth and gums people…. And those of your pets.

Sometimes I think Kyle’s heart is as mean and as cold as Erica’s.  Do they forget it’s all caught on film?  


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I am seeing some on social media actually start to miss Diana and Rinna...and wish they were there instead of Try Hard Marie.

Only upside is people still dislike Teddi more....a low bar, but still proves Try Hard hasnt reached the depths of unlikability.

It's funny Kyle always accused LVP of being Bobby Fischer when she's being that way now.  It's too bad LVP didnt teach her how to have likable moments to balance it out.

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10 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

What do you all think of Mauricio stepping away and telling Kyle that she should let the photographers shoot her on her own?

I think they were following the plan they set before they left the house. Like they do every time. Because this is their “story”. I know I know, I’m a broken record because I’ll say it again, it’s all bullshit. I will say watching her carry on complaining about him traveling and working so much is getting annoying. She does this while she runs about town with a different color Birkin, one for every day of the week, talking of how she dreams of living in her Aspen house to be with nature. Yea Kyle, you can only do that if Mo keeps working his ass off. The more offices he opens, the more Birkins you get to buy. Cuz your documentary on your dream girl Morgan ain’t gonna buy you a Coach bag. So shut up already. 

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On 1/18/2024 at 1:38 PM, tvfanatic13 said:

Oy vey- where to even begin…

AnnAmaria- GTFOMTV! I truly cannot stand her BUT I also think that Diana was worse, somehow more evil if that makes sense. 

I was prescribed Gabapentin for nerve issues in my foot (probably from the plantar fasciitis that I have). I feel like I should take it in secret so that people don’t judge what I eat or drink with it. 

Taylor Dwayne sounded awful but Erika seemed to like her so what do I know. 

GO CRYSTAL! Give me her, Sutton and Garcelle every day all day. Even Erika is not that bad when she is with them **ducks**.

I am sure that I will find more to hate as the day goes on. 

I've seen several comments saying worse than Diana, but I also got more of a meanness from Diana. Both ladies make Carlton look warm. Say what you want about Carlton, but she was never aggressive with the harmless Housewives. She was rough on Kyle.

Yes, I have always liked Garcelle and Sutton. Crystal has grown on me and has become a favorite. Erika can be fun and likable. 

On 1/18/2024 at 2:16 PM, MaggieG said:

I'm convinced Kyle actually hates Sutton. She shows up at her house and immediately starts making fun of her outfit, then goes in her fridge and comments on the fact that there is barely any food in there, then implies again in her interview that Sutton may have an ED. There's is teasing between friends where is doesn't feel malicious, I see that with Sutton and Garcelle but with Kyle I don't see that. It's almost like she's negging her. Now she's upset she has to mediate when she started the whole esophagus thing with AM. And she is just begging people to ask her about her relationship with Mo so she can play the victim.

AM is a gaslighter. She fully lied when she said Crystal said Sutton has an ED. How is Sutton continuing a narrative? Does AM not realize all of this is on camera? Crystal also never said her career was fake. 

I still don't like Erika. But. She is a better without Rinna around.

Kyle is giving Sutton the same treatment she gave LVP, never having her back, but constantly pointing out negativity. I don't think friends need to be phony and blindly defend one another, but Kyle sucks defending her friends when they truly deserve some support. 

Exactly. AM put words into Crystal's mouth. 

Erika isn't my favorite, but she has qualities I like. For one, I appreciate that she doesn't seem to do the phony friend business like Kyle. 

On 1/18/2024 at 2:28 PM, dmeets said:

That's been clear ever since Garcelle's birthay party last season when Kyle "jumped ship," took Diana's side going so far as to suggest Sutton was making up a story about her miscarriage, and aggressively grabbed her arm.

Kyle's playing the same game she did the year of the Brandi/Denise debacle. She's the one who arranged for Kim and Brandi to bring it up on camera, in front of Teddi, and then later have Rinna find out, so those two would bear the brunt of the blowback, while Kyle pretended to support Denise in her time of need. Flash forward to now, and Denise holds a massive grudge against Erika, but is completely friendly towards Kyle, who is the main reason Brandi's story was made public. Now here she is again trying to play like the esophagus and eating issues is all a huge misunderstanding and brokering peace between AM (the new Teddi) and Sutton. And casting shade on Crystal for having the audacity to yell the word bitch. I guess Crystal should have screamed "You're such a fucking liar AnneMarie" instead.

YES!!! Erika was wrong for the comment she made about the kids, but she wasn't the one on a mission to bully Denise off the show. It was more Rinna, Kyle, and Teddi who wanted to expose her as a cheater and humiliate her. 

For all her flaws, Erika generally leaves people alone and only "comes for you" if  she feels threatened. 

On 1/18/2024 at 4:37 PM, JAYJAY1979 said:

I am seeing some on social media actually start to miss Diana and Rinna...and wish they were there instead of Try Hard Marie.

Only upside is people still dislike Teddi more....a low bar, but still proves Try Hard hasnt reached the depths of unlikability.

It's funny Kyle always accused LVP of being Bobby Fischer when she's being that way now.  It's too bad LVP didnt teach her how to have likable moments to balance it out.

Maybe Diana got a REALLY bad edit, but ehh, I'd still take AM over her. 

Judge me, but I started out a Rinna fan. I hate what she turned into, but she could be quite funny. 

YES! Kyle is every bit the chess player LVP was, but she's not as likable as LVP. Kyle is charismatic, but there aren't enough charming moments to balance out the messiness. 

Also, I thought there was a little overreaction to the arguing at the event.

No one slapped anybody. No one flipped a table. No one broke a wine glass. No one threw a leg. Maybe it's sad to say, but for Housewife standards, it was just a regular day. 

Edited by RealHousewife
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2 hours ago, SassyCat said:

She not only said that in the preview, but another quick clip of her saying “Don’t mistake my kindness for weakness”. HaHaHaHa! 

Crystal shoots back- “When have you been kind?” I am wondering the same thing. 

She really doesn’t know how to use words correctly. She just throws out anything that pops into her head which she seems to think is oh so witty and will clear her of her complete wrongness.

I did like the way she called Sutton and apologized outright and smoothed the future vacation road, hopefully for a fresh start. Then again, that may have only happened because Kyle encouraged her to… because she didn’t want her own vacation in Spain with these ladies to be a bummer. 

I would HATE to be taking a trip to Spain with this .85 Rinna substitute Andy thought would be cute to slip in on the viewers. 

She gave me a Rinna headache with her shouting loud mouth. Can you imagine trying to enjoy beautiful Spain with this one in the group? I would be absolutely dreading sharing a trip with her. 

Andy is making them work hard for their $$ this season! 

Sutton is right when saying (off phone) that AnneMaries part in it, WAS the whole part, and no one elses. No blame to put on anyone else but herself.. and Kyle of course who planted the seed that Kyle is now pretending she had no “part” in. 

Annemarie is loud, obnoxious, and frantic with her defensiveness. She turns up the blather and voice volume while she butts in and becomes aggressively rude while overtalking people in this ridiculous esophagus topic. Like she is some renowned serious Professional Expert in the medical world. 

Loudly pronouncing it at those who dare’st question her superiority in medical knowledge as she lords above all the stupid, medically ignorant know-nothings, standing before her. 

Forcefully demanding they acknowledge her Superior God-like All Knowing unquestionable correctness. She has a name tag and lanyard at home, proving her bought and paid for, school certified, never-wrong knowledge. Don’t you know this??

Even the toothy homeless within earshot of this spectacle know she is wrong. She is horrible and Cheers to Crystal for calling it like it is. She IS a bitch.  

I think the only one jealous they're not a doctor is Annemarie. Her know it all  attitude and her gaslighting and rudeness aside, the true tell was when she declared that her (as a CRNA) and an anesthesiologist (an MD) have the "exact same scope of practice", they just got to it from two different paths. With all due respect to nurses and CRNA's (my primary care is a Nurse Practitioner and I love her), nurses and doctors do not have the same "scope of practice" and are not equal in the eyes of the law. I imagine that every MD and RN who are watching this are rolling their eyes and grinding their teeth the entire time. I  really wish Sutton would just start firing off questions - are you a doctor? Have you examined me? Have you read my medical records? Have you consulted with my doctor? Are you licensed to diagnose? Did I ever ask for your opinion? These are yes/no questions BTW, that's the only thing I want to hear. I really think she went  into anesthesia so she wouldn't have to deal with patients who are awake and who could complain about her. Every time I've had any surgery that required anesthesia I never knew who the anesthesiologist would be until they walked into my room when I  was in the gown,  had the IV and was 20 minutes away from the procedure starting. Can you imagine being an RHOBH watcher, going into a surgery center for something, seeing Annemarie walk in and going nope, get her out of here!

I wish when Crystal was arguing with Annemarie about who brought up the eating disorder Garcelle had chimed in and said she was there and backed up Crystal.

I cracked up when Erika didn't recognize her own dentist. And when she finally realized who he was she told him she'd lost her bleaching tray LMAO!

Taylor Dane was meh. Dorit needs to get her implants replaced with smaller ones.

Kyle is beyond done with Mo. Maybe she's a better actress than we thought because up until this season you  would have thought those two were happy and connected and in it for the long haul.

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18 minutes ago, Juneau Gal said:

The Beverly Hilton event rooms looked worn out and tacky as hell. That’s all I’ve got to add because you all have covered the horror that is AnneMarie, bitch, just fine. 

I wonder if Dorit got ready for the event in the Presidential Suite because you know, otherwise she would be triggered.  Did she use her Beverly Bronzer, (not available in stores or anywhere).


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I hope that this is not too off topic. I also hope that I am not breaking any rules.

So I have been trying to understand Kyle’s dysfunction. I have also been watching Paris in Love. Kathy, Kim and Kyle are still in so much pain.

All roads lead back to The House of Hilton book. I listened to one superb podcast discussion. The man points out Big Kathy’s pattern of murderous rage when she faces conflict or resistance. He believes that there must have been some trauma that shook her to the core.

Also, Big Kathy desperately wanted to pursue a career in the entertainment industry, but suffered from intense stage fright.

She coped with these two issues by trying to control every other aspect of her life. Hence, she completely messed up Kathy, Kim and Kyle by pitting them against one another, withholding love, dictating their choices.

Spoiling because it may be upsetting to anyone who has experienced abuse.


So I have a theory. I think that someone molested Big Kathy for years. Perhaps her father. Her mother failed to intervene or felt powerless. Thus, Big Kathy had no use for men, other than for their money.

Big Kathy’s relationship with women was more complicated. She had a love/hate relationship with them. I think that she also enjoyed competing with them for men. It gave her the feeling of power she craved. I think Big Kathy subconsciously thought of her mother as the competition. [I know someone whose father molested her. She has never considered a man in a committed relationship as “off limits.”]

I apologize if my theory is too simplistic or completely off. But I have been thinking about this for several weeks. Of course, no one has come forward to verify anything in the book, but a lot of the behavior I see on these shows aligns with what the book alleges.

And I really, really hope that I didn’t offend anyone.

I think that this is one reason Kyle repeatedly guides her minions in ganging up on one woman. Kyle is never more delighted than when other women are battling one another. Big Kathy rewarded this dynamic. Kyle disappointed Big Kathy, compared to child star Kim and Hilton wife Kathy, so this is the only way she can prove herself. 

All just me speculating, and talking out of my elbow.

Edited by hoodooznoodooz
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15 hours ago, Maximona said:

AnneMarie is just...off.  I wanted to like her—us RNs gotta stick together, and yes, if she's got a DNP degree (Doctor of Nursing Practice), then technically she is a "Doctor" (the same way a PhD is technically a "Doctor"—

After watching this show there would be no way in hell I would trust this shrew to put me to sleep for any operation.  Hell, I wouldn't even trust her to put my dog under.  She's heinous!!!

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7 hours ago, hoodooznoodooz said:

I hope that this is not too off topic. I also hope that I am not breaking any rules.

So I have been trying to understand Kyle’s dysfunction. I have also been watching Paris in Love. Kathy, Kim and Kyle are still in so much pain.

All roads lead back to The House of Hilton book. I listened to one superb podcast discussion. The man points out Big Kathy’s pattern of murderous rage when she faces conflict or resistance. He believes that there must have been some trauma that shook her to the core.

Also, Big Kathy desperately wanted to pursue a career in the entertainment industry, but suffered from intense stage fright.

She coped with these two issues by trying to control every other aspect of her life. Hence, she completely messed up Kathy, Kim and Kyle by pitting them against one another, withholding love, dictating their choices.

Spoiling because it may be upsetting to anyone who has experienced abuse.

  Hide contents

So I have a theory. I think that someone molested Big Kathy for years. Perhaps her father. Her mother failed to intervene or felt powerless. Thus, Big Kathy had no use for men, other than for their money.

Big Kathy’s relationship with women was more complicated. She had a love/hate relationship with them. I think that she also enjoyed competing with them for men. It gave her the feeling of power she craved. I think Big Kathy subconsciously thought of her mother as the competition. [I know someone whose father molested her. She has never considered a man in a committed relationship as “off limits.”]

I apologize if my theory is too simplistic or completely off. But I have been thinking about this for several weeks. Of course, no one has come forward to verify anything in the book, but a lot of the behavior I see on these shows aligns with what the book alleges.

And I really, really hope that I didn’t offend anyone.

I think that this is one reason Kyle repeatedly guides her minions in ganging up on one woman. Kyle is never more delighted than when other women are battling one another. Big Kathy rewarded this dynamic. Kyle disappointed Big Kathy, compared to child star Kim and Hilton wife Kathy, so this is the only way she can prove herself. 

All just me speculating, and talking out of my elbow.

I think you have a sound theory! 👏

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8 hours ago, ivygirl said:

And it appears to be a pretty large fridge. How much does one person need in a fridge at a time, really?

It is part of the look of the kitchen, like those expensive Vulcan stoves that get dusted off and the built in high tech coffee/espresso makers yet they go out for Starbucks...Sutton and all of the HW's have high end kitchens because they have high end homes. Kyle has at least three kids and Mo so her fridge will actually get used for real food, Sutton lives alone and goes out a lot so Kyle can shut her mouth trying to push Sutton having an ED story line.

Look to the Kardashian's with their take out salads they are always shaking and eating out of the containers and their matcha shakes, why do they even have kitchens, lol.

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23 hours ago, byrd said:

Yes I saw that , but I hope Crystal does not cave. Just say "yea I said it now what's your point."  when you own your shyt it throws her game completely off. 

Problem with Crystal is that I'm not sure she owns her shit too well. The reason that first season got hella cringy was because she too tried to get on the Sutton hate train and tried to create over the top narrative surrounding her interactions with Sutton. Of course Suttons awkwardness gave Crystal plenty to play with but when Crystal overshot and mishandled her accusations she tried to walk it back with a bunch of vagueness, my truth, "I won't say what she said" antics. 

I continued to wait for her to just say she hadn't expected her claims to come across so dark and did not want to suggest that Sutton was some terrible person but she continued to paint an even gloomier picture in an attempt to cover up her misstep. Crystal assessed the situation and thought the mean girls would quickly and easily pick up the slack and run with it and all she had to do was throw out the ember of detail that would get hounds snarling at Sutton. She read the assignment wrong cause they expected her to start AND finish the beef with Sutton from beginning to end with them MAYBE being in her cheering section but definitely not moving the baton forward for her. 

When Crystal realized, that in this group,  she was expected to carry the burden of the feud SHE CREATED with Sutton all the way to the finish line she realized she fucked up and many episodes in you see her twist and turn and try to untangle the mess she made cause not only was she on her own with the Sutton mess now she was facing some backlash for where she had decided to take it from the very people she was trying to impress. 

Yeah, hopefully these last few seasons of Crystal hanging back and observing has prepped her for what AnneMarie is gonna try and dish out but I'm not gonna hold my breath. The only thing Crystal got going for her is that AnneMarie is an idiot however next week we see it isn't about intelligence and it's just about straight up bitchiness and we all definitely know AnneMarie is a bitch. Not sure how that is going to go down. Add the fact that I have no idea what sort of appetite the other women have regarding taking a bite out of Crystal and it can go either way. For the most part the women are all good with Crystal so they may not want to take the morsel AnneMarie is trying to give them but who knows. 

It would be hella interesting if AnneMarie succeeds in putting Crystal in the hot seat where she was not successful in putting Sutton there. That's why I say that I'm not sure anything will come out of AM's bomb next week cause Sutton was (and always seems to be) the intended target not Crystal and honestly I don't think anyone cares enough about Crystal to be all the bothered. But of course there's a trip on the horizon and they need some meat to sink their teeth into in order to TRY and ruin another group trip. sigh. 

Edited by Yours Truly
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Are the "newbies" brought on just to s**t stir? AnneMarie is like Salt Lake's Monica-lite. Because there was absolutely no reason for her to go on & on & on about Sutton's esophagus issue. Regardless of her medical background, it was over the top, and she wouldn't let it go. She globbed onto Sutton and was determined to make Sutton look bad. And now that she's done with that, she's moving on to Crystal, who called her out. Just like Diana, there is nothing interesting about her without her being a snot to someone. It's not remotely fun to watch, and she can't leave fast enough. 

And I don't buy her "alleged" friendship with Kyle. Nope doesn't pass the smell test. 🤷‍♀️ 

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Outside of the HW world, screaming at each other at a black tie charity event would be mortifying  but of course this is SOP in HW land so, yay Crystal. 


The main thing I noticed about Taylor Dane was she had a wind fan on her while performing, something I don't think I've ever seen  before in a hotel ballroom performance.  Weird.  Also, Erica singing along.  Didn't she do that at Diana's party too or somewhere?

And since I'm freezing up here in the PNW  the B-roll shots of L.A./ Beverly Hills have me wondering what it would be like to live in nice "vacation weather" every single day - and not for the first time, lol. 


Edited by Cosmocrush
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22 hours ago, Mar said:

Kyle really will throw anyone under the bus in her quest to be Queen Bee on the show. It reminds me of the first season when she cruelly outed Kim as an alcoholic to the world, putting Kim’s mental health and recovery at risk.

Just sayin'

People like to put all the responsibility on Kim (no one else is responsible for Kim's recovery or relapse but Kim) but as a sister WHY would you WANT to take this route against your sister? Why can't a person count on the people close to them to at least NOT sabotage them? I never understood why giving Kyle a pass while crucifying Kim because she had the nerve to have an addiction was completely acceptable to the masses. It never computed in my mind.

Kyle takes unnecessary low blows and she really goes in for the kill. Not just catty retaliation but some seriously damaging antics. Like she truly wants to destroy the other person just cause she's fed up. That's never been lost on me and that's a truly dark and ugly place to live. She really will try to cause disruption in their world if she doesn't get her way. Kyle is mad that Sutton didn't join her cause to ruin her sister Kathy publicly (that in itself has always been so questionable to me.) Kyle really truly wants to shine a bright light on her sisters and desperately wants to contribute to their downfall. Not to say they haven't done their own damage to themselves but I've always been so completely taken aback on how impassioned Kyle is in this endeavor.  I mean damn, does she really HAVE TO participate <cough> create <cough> the narrative? 

She did it to LVP too and used the timing of LVP's grief in her favor. It's just alarming to me how far Kyle goes when she's unhappy about someone or something. The fact that she feels so entitled to her sob stories at the expense of any and everyone else is what I find so troublesome about her. As well as the antics she implements during these fits of self absorption. 

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17 hours ago, JAYJAY1979 said:


It's funny Kyle always accused LVP of being Bobby Fischer when she's being that way now.  It's too bad LVP didnt teach her how to have likable moments to balance it out.

I don't know where I fall percentage wise in the LVP like meter but I never thought LVP was such a mastermind. I think she's liked to play around. I think she liked to tease and poke. I think she liked to drop tidbits and earn her paycheck but I never thought she ever completely orchestrated or completely formulate take downs. I think on occasion she addressed or casually brought up sensitive stuff but then left it to the rest of them to mishandle it how they chose. Not that she expected them to take off running with it but that she never thought beyond the moment and what the others wanted to turn it into hand nothing to do with what her intentions were when she initially brought it up. Simple as that. I don't think she ever had an absolute outcome in mind when she would speak on or comment on some of the more dodgy shit floating around the group.

To be honest I think KYLE is the one that pushes an agenda when dropping comments and innuendos and implies shit in her conversations about the other women. Her intentions are absolutely obvious when she goes down that path. "I've seen you push your food around the plate claiming a small esophagus as your reason for not eating". Then later seeing AM's reaction to that and how AM is diving right into that narrative Kyle DOES NOT try to shut it down at all. 

To me LVP was a jokester and on occasion used inappropriate material. Other than that I never thought that any of the accusations against her had any merit.  


Edited by Yours Truly
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For hoodooznoodooz:

Here is a page, an interesting one, I found years ago about abnormal personalities. I remembered there was one particular type who always seemed to have things around them fall apart while they calmly walked away from the hoopla. This personality type is called “The Church Mouse”. Here is the intro to that type: 

 “There was once a sweet young thing who projected the image of the innocent and struggling, quiet, brilliant and pleasant person. However, in reality, she was an "eye of a storm" everywhere she went. Things continuously happened around her that were often nightmarishly terrible. Yet she always seemed to be warm, insightful and integritous, with absolutely no connection to what was happening around her.”

Yep! Sounds like A Kyle type to me! 

It’s pretty long and detailed and it includes how they got to be that way, and the types of people (Mother Kathy) who create the personality in a child in their charge. Kyle certainly does sound like. Church Mouse type. Many other types there too. The world is filled with a lot of broken people. 


Abnormal Personality Types, Parenting and Other Issues



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55 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

Erica singing along

OMG! YES, last season tshe sang along with Diana's boyfriend's Christmas song and the camera man was here for this year! 


57 minutes ago, Cosmocrush said:

And since I'm freezing up here in the PNW 

I am in Baltimore and we are having the second snow storm in a week (no snow for years and now this!), seeing the palm trees and sunshine of BH looks inviting but I am not willing to do the work it would take to live in BH, meaning the lipo, botox, lip plumping, etc...lol.

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On 1/17/2024 at 5:46 PM, RoseAllDay said:

Crystal is jealous of HER? GTFO, poseur. She’s giving Diana a run for her money with the vileness.

Crystal, the one who seems like she has a happy life with oodles of $$?  The one married to a Hollywood BIG DEAL who doesn't allegedly rape anyone??  The one that has a huge coconut water business?  Sure Annemarie.  

On 1/17/2024 at 6:06 PM, Keywestclubkid said:

Why is Kyle buying her shoes? 

It is what a sugar momma does doncha know

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On 1/17/2024 at 6:27 PM, BusyOctober said:

Dorit and her concern over security at her Homeless Not Toothless event…if she is so easily triggered, then STAY HOME.  Someone who has PTSD about strangers and unfamiliar places wouldn’t purposely put themselves in those situations.  Dorit does these “GOLL-uhs”  (no one , in any country, in any language pronounces ‘gala’ that way, you pretentious twat) first and foremost to bring attention to herself.  It’s all about her and her phucking photo shoots, her borrowed labeled designer clothes and jewelry.

Annemarie looked and walked like a linebacker getting out at the GOLL-uh.  She is so unlikeable, just like Diana.  Don’t let the door hit you on the way out of the Reunion.

Since it is HER event, she presumably could have hired security.  As much as her ass could afford.  They are spendy so there you go.  I am going to say it one more time.  NO MORE OF HER KIDS! 

If Annemarie had come on the show and NOT been Kyle's obvious mouthpiece maybe she wouldn't bug every single person.  Nah, who am I kidding.

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1 hour ago, Cosmocrush said:

Outside of the HW world, screaming at each other at a black tie charity event would be mortifying  but of course this is SOP in HW land so, yay Crystal. 


The main thing I noticed about Taylor Dane was she had a wind fan on her while performing, something I don't think I've ever seen  before in a hotel ballroom performance.  Weird.  Also, Erica singing along.  Didn't she do that at Diana's party too or somewhere?

And since I'm freezing up here in the PNW  the B-roll shots of L.A./ Beverly Hills have me wondering what it would be like to live in nice "vacation weather" every single day - and not for the first time, lol. 


Aussie here: What/where is the PNW?!

Should I tell you we are heading into a 33C/91F day where I live today?! Livin’ the dream! 🏖️

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On 1/18/2024 at 5:00 AM, hoodooznoodooz said:

Kyle discussing how the paparazzi/journalists seem to scrutinize her body language when she poses on a S&R with Mauricio. 

The entire time giving them heaps to work with. She’s grimacing and trying to hide her pain.

What do you all think of Mauricio stepping away and telling Kyle that she should let the photographers shoot her on her own?

They are probably saying her hair looks like shit and she is sucking in her stomach too hard. 

He is trying to get away from her?

On 1/18/2024 at 5:36 AM, Slakkie said:

I mean she was saying people are staring and her BFF Teddi says why don't people go to her and ask and when Sutton asked nicely Kyle got all bent out of shape about it and sht it down.

Goodbye Kyle and take your esophagus, eating disorder non doctor giving medical advice to randoms with you.

My dog also takes Garbaprentin and I have told him he has an eating disorder and is an alcoholic.  I have yet to check his esophagus

And Teddi.  PLEASE take Teddi.  Far and away.


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42 minutes ago, Natalie68 said:

They are probably saying her hair looks like shit and she is sucking in her stomach too hard. 

He is trying to get away from her?



Yes Kyle seems to be extra self conscious about her look/lips lately, more so than regular.

I noticed she is having a bit of a quandary about what she should be doing with that mouth/lips of hers while the camera is aimed at her.

She seems to be thinking should I purse my lips this way,, or that way, or this new way I have been practicing….maybe the lower lip/jaw would look best if I jutted it out just a bit further than its natural angle and I will achieve the look I want like this. Or maybe,,, while sitting at Suttons with my green ostrich skin Birken bag on perfect display I shall apply lip gloss and practice which lip pose would look best in this scene. Maybe the slightly parted open lips would look best while I sit here pretending to listen to what you are saying …etc etc.

Just watching her trying to figure out how to hold her lips at any one moment is a whole nother show in itself! 

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